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December 20, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-20

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Valencia on Leyte


Captured by Yanks
Troops Capture Island Headquarters;
Japanese Airfield Taken Undamaged

By The Associated Press


TERS, Dec. 20, Wednesday- The
Japanese headquarters of Valencia
on Leyte Island has been captured
by American troops, today's commu-
nique reported, and an airfield taken
intact by the doughboys.
The airfield is now in use, Gen.
Douglas MacArthur said. It will pro-
vide another base for American
planes which have been pressing a
war of attrition against the enemy.
Headquarters also announced that
the first American cavalry has taken
Loloy, six miles north of Valencia in
Ormoc corridor.
Valencia had been the headquar-
ters of Gen. Sosaki Suzuki, comman-
de of the Japanese 35th Army.
Armies Approach Meeting
The advance beyond Valencia ap-
parently placed the 77th Infantry
Division within striking distance of
a junction with the 32nd Yankee Di-
vision which is driving down the
corridor from the north.
The American First (dismounted)
Cavaly division is converging on the
corridor highway northeast of Valen-
The 77th was reported rolling up
the remnants of the Yamashita Line
along the corridor.
Japanese Dead Abandoned
A total of 1,484 more Japanese
dead were found abandoned on Leyte
Island Monday, the communique said.
In the Mindoro phases of the cam-
paign to liberate the Philippines,
Tokyo Admits
Shanghai Raid
By The Associated Press
Tokyo radio acknowledged last
night a B-29 raid reported earlier
by the 20th Air Force headquarters
at Washington on Shanghai,
China, saying it was made Tues-
day at mid-day (Chinese Time) by
more than ten Superfortresses over
a four hour period.
The enemy broadcast, recorded
Cammission,. contained no reort
by the Federal Communications
on the damage. Headquarters of
the 20th said the raid, which also
took in Nanking, hit docks and
engineering works.
A B-29 BASE, Szechwan Province,
China, Dec. 18-(Delayed)-Huge
fires were left blazing along almost
the entire length of Hankow's 3-
mile-long Yangtze riverfront area to-
day following a perfectly coordinated
assault by virtually every type of
operational airplane in the China
The combined power of Maj. Gen.
Curtis E. Lemay's 20th Bomber Com-
mand, Maj. Claire L. Chennault's
14th Air Force and the Chinese-Am-
erican composite wing made the
Ward's Firms
May Be Seized
By Government
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-(R)--
Montgomery Ward's refusal to com-
ply with War Labor Board directives
apparently was turned over to the
White House tonight. Early seizure
of some of the big mail order firm's
properties appeared possible.
Chairman William H. Davis of the
WLB, and Lloyd Garrison, public
member, conferred with Economic
Stabilizer Fred Vinson late in the
day. .
While there was no announcement
as to the reason, there appeared lit-
tle doubt the conference concerned
the Ward case.
Earlier, the WLB repo'ted that it
was continuing with the Ward case

in the customary manner . . . That
of preparing papers for Vinson's con-
Meanwhile, eventual seizure of

American planes shot down 13 Jap-
anese aircraft Sunday and Monday..
No ground opposition has yet been
encountered in the remarkably easy
American occupation of this island,
which lies less than 150 miles south
of Manila.
Second IFC
Ball Planned
For January
Attempt To Re-Engage
Henderson for Party
Any apprehensio nthat adjustment
would not be made regarding last
band was discounted yesterday when
it was learned that plans are being
made to stage another dance "some-
time in January."
Bliss Bowman, president of IFC
and chairman of the committee and
Assistant Dean of Students W. B.
Rea indicated that "negotiations are
now in progress to obtain Fletcher
Henderson to play the -dance."
After Saturday's "disappearing
act" on the part of his band, Hen-
derson declared a strong conviction
to come back to Michigan "to do the
Early statements that the new
dance would, be held Jan. 6 now hinge
upon Henderson's booking arrange-
ments, Dean Rea stated, "but we are
confident that the party can be held
one Saturday in January." One thing
certain is that the dance will not be
Because of the safety precaution of
retaining stubs from the tickets was
used,. Bowman said that "equitable
arrangements will be made for all
those who purchased tickets."

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WESTERN FRONT--Shown above is a detailed view of the region
surrounding Aachen and the '70-)mile front along thee Belgian border,
where Nazi troops have launched their "Christmas O-ffensive."
Associated.. Press War Map

By The Associated Press
Christmas counter-offensive as-
sumes proportions of major break-
through. News blackout conceals
First Army.
quarters on Valencia captured by
American troops on Leyte. Super-
fortresses bomb Hankow's water-
front in China.

Front Extends 70 Miles;
Yanks Try to Stabilize Line

* * *


throws arc around Slovak
munications hub. Advances
on Hungarian front.
Prof. Bonner


Furious German Assault Drives First
Army Baek 20 Miles at One Point
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Paris, Dec. 19-The German Christmas counter-offensive on
the Western Front assumed the proportions of an attempted major break-
through tonight as the first frontline dispatches trickling through a news
blackout disclosed that the U. S. First Army was massing infantry and
armor in an effort to stabilize the front.
Despite the Americans' desperate holding fight, the enemy's tank-led
battering ram continued probing into Belgium and Luxembourg on a
front of approximately 70 miles extending from above Monschau in the
north to the vicinity of Schternach in the south.
The Germans apparently were hammering with the same fury that in
the first three days of the assault rolled back the First Army at least 20
miles at one point.
4>Supreme Headquarters maintained
its own strict news censorship, but
Sete O K s omised tonight that a full and
trutfulaccount of the reverse on
the First Army front would be given
- p p "the public at the earliest moment
tees consistent with military security.
A front dispatch from Associated
Press Correspondent William F. Boni
Six A proved For said Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges was
throwing all available forces into the
State Department effort to stem the "most serious set.
back to American arms on this side


All Campus' Invited to Affair
At Hill Auditorium Tomorrow

Issuing a general invitation to all
students and faculty members, the
Union Council has asked that every-
one attend the All-Campus Christ-
mas party at 8 p. m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven will greet the guests and de-
liver his Christmas message to the
Also appearing on tiie program will
be a quartet from the International
Center. The Navy Chorus and lhe
Woman's Glee Club will present sev-
eral selections prepared by their
separate organizations and will com-
bine on the singing of "Deck the
The Navy Chorus will sing a spe-
cial arrangement of "Silent Night."

IRA Conducting Campus Poll,
Petitioning for FEPC Today

Distribution of postal cards urg-
ing the establishment of a perma-
nent Fair Employment Practices
Committee (FEPC) to be mailed to
Congressmen, the signing of peti-
tions as well as the taking of a cam-
pus-wide poll on the FEPC will take
place today in a drive conducted by
the Inter-Racial Association.
Tables have been set up in the
lobby of the library and the lobby
Reds Besieg"PeI/
Czech Center
LONDON, Dec. 19-(P)-The Red
Army threw a fiery siege arc around
the Czechoslovak communications
hub of Kassa today, pressing within
nine miles of that hinge position of
the German defenses and cutting the
highway and railroad to the south-
east in a day of general advances on
a front of more than 80 miles in
southern Slovakia and northern Hun-1
In gains of as much as eight miles
from previously-announced positions,
the Russians crossed into Slovakia at
many new points, it was disclosed in
the Soviet communique broadcast
from Moscow tonight.

of Angell Hall, from which postal
cards will be distributed to passers-
by. The students have merely to
address the cards to their respect-
ive Congressmen and mail them.
At both tables IRA will have a list
of names of all Senators on hand
to inform those unacquainted with
the names of their Congressmen.
With the assistance of Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action (MY-
DA), members of the organization are
conducting a campus-wide poll, the
results of which will be published in
the Daily. The questions to be asked
1. Are you in favor of the estab-
lishment of a permanent organiza-
tion to do away with racial dis-
crimination in industry?
2. Do you favor coercive meas,
ures on the part of the government
to enforce racial equality in pri-
vate industry?
"Every student and faculty mem-
ber interested in the preservation
and concrete establishment of dem-
ocracy," stated Herbert Otto, presi-
dent of IRA and chairman of the
campaign, "should take an active
interest in seeing that instances of
racial discrimination as well as un-
democratic practices are eliminated
from the American way of life."

The Chorus is directed by Prof.
Leonard Maretta of the School of
Music and features Eugene Malitz
A-S USNR as soloist and Eric Beu,
A-S USNR, as accompanist.
The Navy will also be represented
a part of the V-12 Swing Band.
Members of the band will be seated
on the stage and will do- several num-
The Women's Glee Club, directed
by Miss Margurite, Hood, also of the
School of Music, will sing "A Shep-
herd Christmas Song," arranged by
Dickinson, with Marilyn Watt as
soloist. Ruth MacNeal, Jean Gil-
man, and Arlene Peugot wil be feat-
ured as soloists in the Glee Club's
rendition of "Glory to God in the
Highest" by Pergolesi. The Choir
and the Glee Club will also lead a
Campus Christmas party guests in
mass singing of favorite carols.
Special guest of the evening will
be a distinguished personage from
the North Pole. Santa Claus has
promised to be in Ann Arbor prom-
ptly at 8 n. m. despite his current
24 hour workday program.
Union Council members announced
yesterday that responses to the invi-
tations sent to every faculty member
and to all student residences, have
been extremely good. "We feel that
people are really anxious to reminisce
about the good old days when grade
school Christmas festivities meant
a celebration by students and faculty
ELAS Fortify
Averoff Prison
ATHENS, Dec. 19 - (A) - ELAS
troops fortified the Averoff prison to-
night after a strong mortar and gre-
nade attack by the leftwing militia
had forced the British garrison and
Greek gendarmes and wardens to
evacuate the institution.
A widespread hunt was launched
by the British, Greek and undoubted-
ly by the ELAS-Militia of the left-
wing EAM political party-for Jean
Rallis, quisling premier of Greece
during the German occupation, who
escaped during the fighting for the

Named speaker
For Graduation
Prof. Campbell Bonner, member
and former chairman of the Univer-
sity Greek department, will deliver'
the Midwinter Graduation Exercises
address Feb. 24, Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the president, an-
nounced yesterday.
Prof. Bonner, who will begin his
retirement furlough at the close of
the current term, was chairman of
the Greek department from 1912 to
this year when he was succeeded by
Prof. Warren E. Blake. First be-
coming a member of the faculty in
1907, he was made professor and
chairman of the deartment at the
'same time.
President of the American Philolo-
gical Association in 1933, Professor
Bonner is a fellow-of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences and is
one of the managing committee of
the American School of Classical
Studies at Athens.
He was born Jan. 30, 1876 at
Nashville, Tenn. and received his
AB degree at Vanderbilt University
in 1896, his MA one year later.
Professor Bonner received his Ph.D.
at Harvard in 1900.
Petitions Due
After Holiday
Board of Publications,
V-Ball Positions Open
Petitions for those desiring com-
mittee positions for the third an-
nual V-Ball or for persons wishing
to fill the vacancy on the Board of
Student Publications should be turn-
ed in to the student offices of the
Union before Saturday, Dec. 30, the
Men's Judiciary Council has an-
Committee members of V-Ball will
help in the selection of orchestras,
decorations, ballroom, favors, and
will generally supervise the dance
This between-semester dance was
initiated as a wartime measure early
in 1943 combining the annual J-Hop
and Senior Prom. Juniors and sen-
iors who can present eligibility cards
may petition for the various com-
mittee posts involved in planning the
dance this season. Such petitions
should consist of one sheet and must
contain at least 15 signatures sup-
porting the candidate.
Schools of Literature, Engineering,
Business Administration, Forestry,
Architecture, and Pharmacy will be
represented on the committees.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.- The
Senate put a belated stamp of ap-
proval tonight on the six appointees
to the reorganized State Department,
but not until after President Roose-
velt personally intervened.
Rolling roughshod over a noisy but
sparse-voted opposition, the admin-
istration won overwhelming approval
of the nominations of Joseph C.
Grew as undersecretary of State and
four assistants.
MacLeish Vote Close
Republicans made it closer, how-
ever, for Archibald MacLeish, poetry
writing Librarian of Congress, who
came through with 43 to 25 approval
in what proved to be largely a pair-
tisan test.
MacLeish thus becomes assistant
secretary of State in charge of cul-
tural and public relations. Some
senators described the , latter as
"propaganda" activities.
Here's how the others ran in the
voting to confirm :
Grew, former ambassador to Ja-
pan, to be undersecretary of State,
66 to 7.
Nelson Rockefeller, formerly co-
ordinator of inter-American affairs,
to be assistant secretary in charge of
Latin-American- relations, 62 to 10.
Will L. Clayton, formerly Surplus
Property administrator, to be assis-
tant secretary in charge of economic
affairs, 52 to 19.
James C. Dunn, State Department
career, man, to be assistant secretary
in charge of European affairs, 62 to
Brig.-Gen. Julius C. Holmes, for-
merly attached to Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's staff abroad, as an
assistant secretary to be the principal
administrative officer in charge of
organization and personnel, 62 to 9.
The 1944-45 Student Directory
will go on sale today on campus, in
the book stores, and at the Student
Publications Building.

of the worid since Kasserine Pass in
Late today an emergency call
brought a big force of U. S. Flying
Fortresses and British Lancaster$
from British fields to spread 2,000
tons of fragmentation and high ex-
plosive bombs on rail and road junc-
tions immediately abehind the at-
tacking Nazi forces.
As Field Marshal Karl Gerd Van
Rundstedt's battering ram smashed
into the deeply-dented American line
south of Aachen, Allied Headquarters
imparted only the terse information
(See OFFENSIVE, Page 6)
R TC Posts
To Be Filled
Of ficers To Be Named
By Lt.-Col. Smith Today
Ratings and certificates for Uni-
versity cadet officers and non-com-
missioned officers will be presented
by Lt.-Colonel Ridgway P. Smith at
4:15 p.m. today at the formal inspec-
tion of the unit at the ROTC rifle
Cadet officers for the current sem-
ester will be: company commander,
Capt. William Goldberg; executive
officer, First Lt. Bennett Housman;
platoon leaders, Second Lt. Donald
Colletti, and Second Lt. Roger Goelz.
The non-commissioned officers will
be headed by First Sgt. Byron Mays.
Platoon sergeants will be J. Under-
wood, D. Saslow, and C. Cuthbert.
As squad leaders Staff Sgt. Larry
Bauer, R. Bernard, C. Culbertson, B.
Englehart, H. Hildebrandt, J. Kub-
isch, R. Harvey, B. Milbourn, J. Paul,
E. Perrin, T. Richter, and T. Tyvand
have been appointed while G. Cross-
man, J. Chandler, R. Dunlap, T.
Dickenson, G. Haas, R. Parkinson,
R. Saulen, J. Tramantana, and b.
Wyant will be presented with ser-
geants' ratings.

Army Fliers Develop New Way
To Take On Passengers in Flight,

Education Professor Condemns Proposed Training Plans

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-(A)-Ar-
my airplanes in full flight can now
pick human passengers off the ground
with scarcely a jolt.
The method, announced today by
the Army Air Forces, is based on a
pickup idea first used by a rural air
mail service in West Virginia.
As a result of experiments con-
ducted by the Air Technical Service
Command at Wright Field, project
engineers of the ATSC said the prac-
tice had been developed to a point
where AAF standardization can be
seriously considered.
First Attempt Last Year
The first human pickup was para-
trooper First Lieut. Alexis Dister of
Washington. On Sept. 5, 1943, he
demonstrated the practical us of the
new equipment which may make pos-
sible a revolutionary means of rescue
.C- .- . -4 4 A A T e.. .,.. ..w.,.

reel inside the plane cabin with 185
feet of half-inch nylon rope. At the
free end of the rope is a hook held
by a release mechanism. A ten-foot
wooden polethanging below the plane
guides the tow rope hook into, the
pickup loop. Automatic delayed ac-
tion brakes and an electric reeling
motor weighing a total of 200 pounds,
complete the airborne mechanism.
Ground equipment includes a spe-
cial harness fastened to a nylon loop
hung above the ground between two
Today IRA distributes post cards
urging continued exist-
ence of FEPC.
Today Veterans Organization
meets at 7 p. m. in Un-

Condemning 'patent medicine post-
war militaryp lans, Prof. W.' Clark
Trow of the education school said
yesterday, "If the House and Senate
bills for compulsory peacetime mili-
tary training are passed on any other
grounds than strict military neces-
+ eits American reamocracv could

educators have failed to "perceive
their sinister significance."
"They have failed to realize that
military and educational programs
are separate problems and that 'in
passing the ,buck to the military,'
they make a confession of bank-
"It is time," Prof. Trow pointed
out, "for the many who have convic-
.- . -1r -- - - - - -- n in i

(2) Military necessity is the only
valid reason for any plan of com-
pulsory post-war military training-
only if it is necessary to the security
of our country should it be provided
and then be made as "educational"
as possible.
(3) The case for military necessity
must be made much clearer than it
has yet been made-even on military
-o-n rIQ ha Yan + notnnnn.hl

military programs has been in a large
measure due to the efforts of those
who are responsible for our educa-
tional system-teachers, principals,
professors and research workers, in
and out of uniform, have organized
the courses of study and trained the
teacher officers.
(6) It is now the responsibility of
educational leaders of the country to

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