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December 18, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-18

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Nazi Drive Cracks

. .


Yank Advance
Carries Inland
On Mindoro
Six Miles Gained in
Push Past San Jose
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Philippines, Dec. 18-
Monday-United States forces who
landed against weak opposition Fri-
day on Mindoro Island are pressing
inland, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's
Headquarters announced today, and
have shoved their outer defense six
miles beyond the town of San Jose.
The Americans on Saturday seized
command of strategic high ground.
and have established an arc of de-
fence reaching at the farthest point
11 miles from the, beachhead where
the dawn landings were made.
Scant Resistance
In the advance to' secure airfield
positions, only scant resistance was
encountered, the communique re-
MacArthur said the southern end
of Mindoro Island, which lies less
than 155 miles from Manila, is "now
The enemy's Yamashita line on
Leyte island has been outflanked from
the south, the communique said, as
hard-driving Yank troops pressed on.
The 77th American Division on
Leyte Island has advanced seven
miles northward in a heavy struggle,
the communique said. The 77th- is
the division which captured Ormoc,
principal port of western Leyte.'
Ormoc Is Bloodiest
Gen. MacArthur previously had re-
ported that the most sanguinary
fighting in the Philippines had oc-
curred north of Ormoc.
The First American Cavalry Divi-
sion has slashed through a Japanese
line north of Valencia, about eight
miles north of Ormoc.
New Zealanders'
Take Po Valley

President Ruthven pictured buying first Goodfellow Daily back in 1935.

Jap Exclusion
Order Revoked
By Government
..WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- .
The War Department today revoked
its order excluding all persons of
Japanese ancestry from the west
An announcement by the Army
said that the revocation order was
issued by Maj.-Gen. Henry C. Pratt,
chief of the Western Defense Com-
nand, with the approval of the War
"Favorable progress of the war
in the Pacific, as well as other
developments," was given as the
reason for the revacation.-
The revocation order provides that
any person of Japanese ancestry
about "whom information is avail-
able indicating a pro-Japanese atti-
tude" will continue to be barred from
strategic areas on the west coast, the
states of California, Washington and
Oregon. The majority of them even-
tually were transferred to relocation
centers located chiefly in the moun-
tain states including Arizona. Utah,
Wyoming and Colorado.
More than 115,000 persons of Jap-
anese ancestry were evacuated from
the coast states.
In its announcement the Army
"Those persons of Japanese ances-
try whose records have stood the test
of Army scrutiny during the past two
years will be permitted the same
freedom of movement throughout the
United States."

Greek Intervention
Assailed by British
LONDON, Dec. 17-(A)-Twen-
ty thousand persons jammed in
Trafalgar Square at the foot of
Nelson's monument condemned
Britain's armed intervention in
Greece today and approved a reso-
lution calling o nthe government
"to stop using troops against the
democratic resistance forces in
The resolution termed the gov-
ernment's policy in Greece "disas-
The Red flag of Russia and the
British Union Jack flew side by
side above the platform from
which spokesmen from the Labor,
Commonwealth and Communist
parties cried out their bitterness
against the British policy, de-
nounced Prime Minister Chur-
chill's stand and demanded the
recall of Tommies on duty in
first major counter-offensive since
D-Day,'aim drive at Malmedy near
Aachen, pound Allies from air with
450 planes.
ture Fot, 51! miles from Budapest,
and Putnok, four miles from Slovak
ITALY-New Zealand troops take
GREECE-RAF planes hit ELAS
targets; English reject ELAS peace

Santa To Attend'
Student, Faculty
pa-t Th'rd ay
Members of the Union Executive
Council received word yesterday that
Santa Claus will be in Ann Arbor at
8 p.m. Thursday to attend the stu-
dent, faculty Christmas Party in
Hill Auditorium.
Enroute from the North Pole,

Germans Open
Reinvasion on
60-Mile Front
Luftwafle Reappears,
Loses 143 Airplanes
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 18, Monday- The
German army reinvaded Belgium and
Luxembourg in an all-out offensive
yesterday, denting U.S. First Army
lines with thousands of troops and
scores of tanks attacking on a 60-
mile front.
This first major counter-offensive
since Normany was gaining in in-
At some points along a front be-
tween Monschau, 16 miles southeast
of Aachen, on southward to the Ger-
man fortress of Trier the enemy had
advanced some miles while other
thrusts were being held by the Amer-
(The depths of the German pene-
trations were not given. Kennedy
reported that some of his dispatches
were altered by censorship.)
Rundstedt Gives Order
Seizing the initiative for the first
time since D-Day, the Germans
swept back along the paths of their
1940 conquests, spurred by an order
from Field Marshal Karl Rudolf
Gerd Von Rundstedt that "your hour
has struck."
What appeared to be the main
blow carried to within ten miles of
the Belgian city of Malmedy, 23 miles
south of Aachen.
The long-hidden German air force
roared out at least 450 strong and
by nightfall had lost 143 planes in
terrific air battles that cost the
Americans 33 fighters. It was the
enemy's greatest show of air power
since the Allied stormed the French
Nazis Break Through
The battle flared along a 60-mile
front from Rotgen, 10 miles southeast
of Aachen, on south into Luxem-
bourg, where at least two small pen-
etrations were made before the Amer-
icans held.
Information at Supreme Headquar-
ters was that the Germans made
three major advances toward the
American lines, and had attempted
others which were sealed off.
The enemy quit the villages to
clear the approaches to the Siegfried
Line for the battle of the Palatinate,
but his withdrawal put American
vanguards within 33 miles of the
arsenal cities of Ludwigshafen and
Mannheim on the Rhine.
LSU Coed To
Stick Around'
BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 17.-
(P)-Pretty Gloria Jeanne Heller,
author of a leaflet on sex and campus
kissing, continued a coed without a
college today but said she intended
"to stick around" Louisiana State
University until school officials ruled
on student petitions urging her rein-
Miss Heller, 18, daughter of a
Havana, Cuba, hotel manager, an-
nounced yesterday she had resigned
from the school "at the request of
President Hatcher" who reported to
the LSU Board of Supervisors during
the day that she advocate "promis-
cuous kissing and free love."
The coed denied Hatcher's charges
and said she had tried "only to point
out that the university officials were
over-emphasizing sex" in their policy
toward campus dating.
FLASH - - Congress

Admits Own Mistake
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.- (T)-
Congress, its face more than a little
red, has asked President Roosevelt to
send back a meaningless bill.
It is meaningless because the legis-,

Here's looking at you, Goodfellow

Student Army Sells
Go'odfellow Dailies
Campus-Wide Drive Will Contribute
Proceeds to Three Charity Agencies
In an effort to meet the $1,500 goal set by the Goodfellow cor-
mittee, a student army took to the street corners early this morning,
armed with special Goodfellow editions of the Daily.
Money from the all campus charity drive will be apportioned among
three agencies; the Family and Children's Bureau, the Textbook Lend-
ing Library, and the Student Goodwill Fund.
Started at the University in 1935, the Student Goodwill Fund is operated
through the Dean of Students. When word of a particularly needy
student reaches the Dean's office, steps are taken to give him financial
assistance and no record is kept of the gift.
The student may, if he wishes, pay back the money at some future
date, but it is given to him with the understanding that it need not be
The Textbook Lending Library is a service available to all students
on campus who need assistance in purchasing texts.
In a collection of 1,206 volumes, the student is almost certain to find
the book he wants, but if his particular need cannot be filled by the
books on hand, the library staff, directed by Mrs. Lillian Rickel, will see
that the text is purchased and put on the shelves for him.
Textbooks may be borrowed for the entire semester and when
returned in good condition at the end of the term, make the borrower
eligible to use the library again.
A social service agency designed to help families meet special prob-
lems, The Family and Children's Bureau will receive the largest part of
the proceeds from this year's drive. The bureau maintains a staff of four
social workers to give aid either through counselling or through actual
financial assistance in extreme cases.
NeedyLocal Famiires
Todtay everyone makes 'good money,' why does the Daily bother with
a charity edition?'
The story of the Jones family, who recently made an appeal to the
Family and Children's Bureau, the agency to. receive a portion of the
proceeds from this edition, may serve by way of explanation.
Mr. Jones works at one of the local war plants and earns 'good money!'
Merely providing the bare essentials for his family, however, takes all of
the 'good money' he is able to earn, because before the war boom they were
unable to buy any of the things which the average college student con-
siders 'absolute necessities.'
Mrs. Jones is a hard working >_______-- _..
jolly woman with a wonderful I ing' induction into the Army Mean

Santa notified the
will not pull a
Fletcher Hender -
son and will defi-
nitely be in Ann
Arbor at the a-
greed time
President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven

Council that he

Fortress Town
ROME, Dec. 17.-(R)-New Zea-
land troops in a foot-by-foot slug-
ging match today captured Faenza,I
Po Valley fortress city on the broad
highway arrowing to Bologna 29
miles away, ending a long siege and
decisively defeating the 90th panzer
grenadier division.
Lt.-Gen. Sir Bernard C. Freyberg's
troops toppled the city on the solo-
gna-Rimini highway with simultan-
eous punches into the town from the
southwest and east, and then speared
three miles up highway 9 toward
Bologna to the SenioRiver, reaching
a bridge blown by the Germans.
Faenza had been squeezed for
weeks by British Eighth Army
flanking operations.
Freyberg's men captured the hill-
top town of Celle southwest of Faen-
za after a day-long battle, taking 200
prisoners, and then broke over high-
way 9. Some units drove up to the
Senio River on a wide front. Others
turned down the road into Faenza.
British and Indian troops also inched
their way over a ridge west of the
city, which other Eighth Army units
forced in from the east across the
Lamone River.
Faenza fell only after a bitter
street battle.
The hard-fighting German 90th
Armored Division was a successor to
the German 90th Light Division
which surrendered to General Frey-
berg in Tunisia May 12, 1943, and
which the New Zealanders engaged
several times in the western desert
in 1941 and 1943.
In 24 hours the Eighth Army in
this Adriatic sector took 550 prison-
, .r. -a -o--t-- 1'Y''' F /^

Greeks Left Up Proverbial
Creek at Saturday Formal
Fraternity men who groaned when they slipped into their formal
dress Saturday evening groaned a bit louder when they found their annual
nterfraternity Ball was held without the aid or support of an orchestra.
Couples, rosy with expectation

will be on hand to welcome all guests
and to wish them a merry Christmas.
Every member of the faculty has
been sent a special invitation to
attend the affair. Part of the center
section of Hill Auditorium will be!
reserved for them. Invitations are
also being sent to all officer training
groups on campus. Members of every
men's and women's civilian residence
're also invited.
Mass singing of favorite Christmas
carols will be led by members of the
Women's Glee Club, directed by Miss
Marguerite Hood of the School of
Music and the Navy Choir, directed
by Prof. Leonard Meretta, also of the
School of Music.
Officers of the Glee Club include
Jean Gilman, president; Rhea Chris-
tian, vice-president; Ruth McNeil,
secretary; and Virginia Weadock,
treasurer. Among the special num-
bers prepared by the Club are "A
Joyous Christmas Song" by Gebaert,
"Chepherd Christmas Song," "Three
See UNION, Page 5
U .S Airmen Are
Goodfellows Too
Dec. 17-(/P)-Flying Fortresses will
"bomb" Nantes with tons of pres-
ents during a Christmas party for
some 3,000 French children.
Gifts including candy, toys, and
soap will come from rations of the
personnel of the 384th Bombardment
Group, a veteran U. S. Eighth Air
Force Fortress unit in England, and
from parcels requested from home.


awaiting the music of Fletcher Hen-
derson and his band stayed only long
enough at the League to have their
pictures snapped when they found
that Henderson's men had been de-
layed by icy and snow blocked roads
during their journey from Spencer,
Records Substituted
The dance continued on records
and some disgruntled Greek brothers
left early for the Union and other
places in town.

Dean Rea pointed out that this is
the first time in nine engagements
with Henderson that anything of
this nature has occurred and that
"nothing really serious in this re-
gard has happened here in more than
ten years."
Similar Cases Recalled
In '1936, Charley Agnew and hisl
orchestra were scheduled to play
Assembly Ball and an accident on
the road made them an hour late for

sense of humor..
Without this ability to laugh at
the world even when the going was
hard, she might easily have given
way to discouragement in her con-
tinuous task of trying to make the
money stretch, taking care of her
eight children and running her
Because she herself came from a
large, rather poor home, she wants
her children to have the nice things
which were denied her. Occasionally
she takes in washing in order to
earn a little extra spending money
for them, but doing the family laun-
dry puts a g;reat enough strain on
her already poor health.
Clothing is a particularly import-
ant item to this family because dur-
ing the depression years, none of
them were able to buy as much as a

while he works at a gas station, earn-
ing enough to buy his clothes and
contribute for his room and board.
Sixteen year old Sarah left high
school in order to get a job. School
was only an unpleasant experience
for her with school mates making fun
of her shabby clothing and mismated
Jane, who is 15, has, with diffi-
culty, been persuaded to remain
in school. She too wants to go
out and work so that she can have
some of the things which her older
sister is able to buy.
Peter, aged 13, tried a 'newspaper
route, but his clothing was insuffi-
cient to keep him warm and he was
constantly getting sick.
The younger children; Paul, 11,
Susan, 10, and Betty, 8, each have
special needs of clothing and play-

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