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December 15, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-15

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rRii!Al, DEC. 15, 1944

Fifty-Fifth Year

Show-Down on Cattle Prices Due

Letters .to the Editor


.; I.





Edited and managed by students of the University
of Mchigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . { *Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor
Day Dixon . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of. The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Peae PFlans
AT LONG last the United Nations are going to
get down to brass tacks and discuss a tough
Allied plan to suppress Germany's aggressive
powers forever.
According to an Associated Press dispatch,
an American proposal for "complete and ruth-
less" abolition of German.,war industries and
strict control of the country's future econ-
omy was submitted to the European advisory
commission by U. S. Ambassador John G. Wi-
In addition it was reported that Great Britain
has presented her plans on the same subject.
France and Russia have not submitted any pro-
posals as yet, but it is believed that France is
waiting until Gen. De Gaulle has finished "di-
gesting" his talks with Marshall Stalin, before
submitting any plan.
This marks the first time that the big powers
have formally put forward any plans for German
economy. Previous proposals came from gov-
ernment officials, but did not represent the opin-
ion of their government.
The American plan, although not much is
known about it, proposes that Germany's war
industries be abolished, and that her economy
be strictly controlled in the future.
The abolition of Germany's industries would
surely prevent her re-armament for a future
war. However, if these industries are abolished,
what will become of the people that worked in
them? Would Germany then, as Henry Mor-
genthau suggested, be converted to an agri-
cultural country?
The re-conversion of Germany to an agri-
cultural country would definitely prevent fu-
ture re-armament for war. However, certain
aspects must be considered.
First,. the country of Germany is not large
enough to give each family a tract of land for
itself. Therefore, Germany, if this plan were
accepted, would have to be reorganized on an en-
tirely different political and social plan, one of
booperativeness. Several families would have to
till tie tracts of land and divide the harvest
Secondly, not of all German soil is fertile
enough to produce sufficient food and grain for
the entire population. Therefore, produce would
have to be imported from the other countries of
the world, who after the war, will be facing an
economic crisis of their own.
Nevertheless, Germany must be suppressed
once and for all, and a harsh peace is the only
way to accomplish that end. However, a con-
structive peace must be formulated.

Now that the war in Europe seems to be draw-
ing to a close, and victory for the Allies is in
sight, formulations for the peace treaty must be
made immediately. Proposals have been sub-
mitted, and now the commission must get to
work and submit peace proposals for the world
to see, that will forever abolish the possibilities
of Germany's aggression.
......-. -Aggie Miller
Exclusive Yuletide
THE SPIRIT of "peace on earth and good will
toward men" is being cut short this year.
Allied soldiers spending the holidays in Germany
will have to be careful to whom they say "Merry
Christmas" for an order has come from head-
quarters which forbids the soldiers from issuing
the greeting to citizens of that country.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-The controversial
question of ceiling prices on cattle on the
hoof was postponed before election, but is now
due for a real showdown. Behind this are
strikes by small meat packers in New York and
New Jersey, plus increasing strikes by meat deal-
ers. If the question is not settled, the entire
meat price structure is faced with complete
Bringing the question to a head, OPA Ad-
ministrator Chester Bowles sent economic sta-
bilizer Vinson and war food administrator Jones
emphatic demands for setting of ceiling prices on
live cattle. He told them bluntly that if this
is turned down the price control of meat will
no longer be possible.
Difficulty is that there is strict price control
on slaughtered meat, from the slaughterer
through 'the retailer. But there is no ceiling
on live cattle. Meat packers claim that they
have to pay so much for live cattle that there
is no margin of profit if they sell within the
ceiling price.
Selling at a Loss...
Most meat packers claim they are selling at a
loss. What they don't admit, however, is that
some of them sell the meat which they don't sell
to the Army to civilians in the black market.
About 60 per cent of their choice cuts go to
the Army and about 40 per cent of their choice
cuts are left over for civilians.
Meanwhile, the small butchers, forced to stick
to ceiling prices, cannot afford to buy black
market meat and are up against it.
This is the knotty problem which OPA boss
Chester Bowles has dropped in the lap of Food
Administrator Jones and Price Stabilizer Vin-
U.S. Boss of Near East...
r ENERAL Benjamin Franklin Giles, the U. S.
S Army'sgift to the Near East, has issued an
order banning State Department, UNRRA, FEA,
and other U. S. civilian officials from coming
in through the front door of his Cairo head-
quarters. All U. S. civilian officials were ordered
to use the back entrance.
When State Department officials squawked the
order was finally rescinded.
General Giles also banned civilians as patients
in the Army hospital for a while, forced UNRRA
to set up its own clinic in Cairo to take care
of American government employees who became
ill. Most distressing single-morale-breaker im-
posed on civilians by Giles Was an order prevent-
ing them from using the Army Postal Service
to send and receive mail. This meant Americans
in Cairo had to wait for the painfully slow
regular mail service to hear from home. After
enough protests came into Washington, civilian
agencies put pressure on the Army, finally got
the order revoked.
Democrats Look Ahead to '46.. ..
DEMOCRATIC leaders have been telling Demo-
cratic chairman Bob Hannegan that he will
occupy one of the toughest spots in public life
for the next two years. While their tone is semi-
joking when they say this, actually they are in
dead earnest. Hannegan's job will be to prevent
the backsliding of 1938 and 1942 when the
Congressional elections come up two years hence.
He will have a good deal more help in the job
than his predecessors, just as he had a good
deal more help in the recent presidential elec-
tion. Democratic politices, no matter how they
feel personally about Sidney Hillman, admit
privately that, without the aid of the PAC and
other strong independent committees, including
Leon Henderson's Independent Progressive Com-
mittee, a Republican Congress would have been
elected and perhaps a Republican president.
Party machinery, they admit, did not func-
tion well throughout the campaign; they were
constantly dissatisfied with the operation of the
national committee; and meetings of the Senate
and House campaign groups were the scene of
constant crabbing about poor publicity. But
now that the election is over, the bitterness is
disappearing, with veteran Solons willing to
charge it off to inexperience.

Hannegan will work now to develop a net-
work of local Democratic groups which will
see to it that registration for voting is built
up in 1946 and that the vote aims for another
Democratic house. There are even hopes that
the Senate majority will be increased, with
tough fights looming for Republicans Butler
of Nebraska, Johnson of California, Shipstead
On Second Thou gh ...
W E KNOW a fellah Who has to write a paper
on Hawthorne's "House of Seven Gables"
for next week but hasn't finished the first gable
The Yanks are following the scent of Cologne
trying to eradicate a bunch of stinkers.
They are keeping that Biddle-Corcoran-Littell
affair so quiet lately that you can almost hear the
charges dropped.
Advice to a theatre-goer: Don't miss Junior
Miss, junior.

of Minnesota, Vandenberg of Michigan, Willis
of Indiana, and Progressive Bob La Follette
of Wisconsin. x
Unless the Democratic National Committee can
do this job itself, it will have to rely again upon
the non-party groups which won the election for
it last month. Meanwhile, the southern wing
of the party and the middle-of-the-roaders are
preparing to fight against dependence upon non-
party elements. They fear that the party will
become too definitely the Liberal party.
That's why, in many towns and cities-and
even in rural districts-where the Democratic
party usually shows its head only every two years,
it will have to continue active. A giant financing
drive is getting under way now to back this
activity-with liberals approached on the basis
of keeping the Republicans out of control in
1946, and old-line Democrats approached bn the
basis of keeping Sidney Hillman out of the driv-
er's seat.
(Copyright, 1944, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc)
Greece's Problem
NEW YORK, Dec. 14-It's such a bore. Every-
body knows what the answer to the Greek
situation is going to be. It is going to be a broad-
er government, one big enough to include the
Greeks now being fired upon. Some way or
other, that is the solution we are going to
reach. The British, in their hearts, must know
it; Papandreou must know it. And it's a bore
for all of them, to pretend that it isn't so.
How many times do we have to go through
this? We ought to know by now that the answer
to disunity is unity. We've seen it so often; in
Yugoslavia, which was a mess, until a majority
of the people came together, and then it ceased
to be a mess; in France, which was a great
problem, until we let the French form ranks
around de Gaulle, and then it ceased to be a
problem. How can we pretend that Greece is
any different, or that Belgium is any different?
We are like idiot doctors, who have treated
smallpox a dozen times, but who obstinately
insist on regarding it as a brand-new disease
each time it comes up. Here's another fellow
with spots. Wonder what can possibly be the
matter with him?
These protestations of ignorance are un-
convincing: We know perfectly well what's-the
matter. Mr. Churchill knows what's the mat-
ter. How many times must we go through
this business of shooting at people just before
we make them cabinet ministers?
In each case, we find wonderful, special, brand-
new reasons for not recognizing the disease of
national disunity, and for not taking steps to
cure it by a broadening of government. In
Greece, the British are infuriated by the refusal
-of the E.L.A.S. to lay down its arms. The British
consider it an absurdity to have two Greek ar-
mies, one official and one unofficial.
It is an absurdity, but the British answer is
an even greater absurdity, for the British answer
to the problem of having two armies is to have
two wars, one against the fascists, and one
against Greeks who have for years fought the
1 fascists.
It would be hard for the most learned doctor
to defend the thesis that the proper response to
the danger of Greek factionalism is to have the
two factions fire machine guns at each other.
Somehow it doesn't seem like the right answer.
IT HAS been held monstrously impudent of the
E.L.A.S. to refuse to lay down its arms, except
under certain reassuring conditions, including
the disarming of all potentially rival groups.
Well, maybe it was impudent. But there have
been even clearer instances of impudence in
recent politics; the collaborationists in French
North Africa were fairly impudent, and our re-
cent sworn enemy, the royal house of Italy, has
been more than a little pert about its rights
and privileges. In both these cases it was con-
sidered necessary to go easy, to soothe inflamed
feelings, not to make sudden - noises, for fear

of startling these poor fellows, who, after all,
hadn't quite recovered from fighting us, and were
therefore, a little jumpy.
It is only popular movements which are not
considered to have any nerves. Nobody cares
if they're jumpy. It is only in these instances
that shooting off big guns is prescribed as a
soothing procedure, the shortest road to for-
giveness, understanding, amity and love. I don't
know why anti-fascists shouldn't be considered
to have feelings, too.
The cure for Greece's ailment, like Bel-
gium's, is a broader government, one which is
willing to consider the doubts of patriots con-
cerning its intentions as a problem to be solved,
patiently and candidly. Instead, in both coun-
tries, the governments involved have met these
doubts by actions which seem to prove them to
be well-founded. It is, as I say, a bore. We
have been through it before.
We know what's wrong in Greece, and the
British are not going to be able to persuade us
that they have just found a remarkable new
disease, requiring the most extraordinary and
unusual treatment.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

HAVING the good fortune of being
one of the "has been G.I.'s" men-
tioned in Miss Berman's editorial of
Dec. 10, would like to enlighten the
readers of The Daily on the subject
of these "has beens." I was surprised
at Miss Berman's revelation of her
disgust for this group.
Her expression, "has beens,"
should entitle Miss Berman to a
horse-whipping from the various
G.Y. Joes and the patriotically-
minded citizens o' this U.S. She
also states that we have a great
stock of unpleasant memories of
our life in the service. This, from
one who knows nothing about the
service life, verges on the ludicrous.
I have spent three enjoyable years
as a serial-numbered Marine. Two
of these were spent outside the
limits of the United States-in the
combat zone. Granted we go
through a great deal of hardship-
so Miss Berman can write her
satirical articles-but we live with
real democracy-loving men, and
the respect of true Americans could
hardly be entitled "unpleasant."
Miss Berman writes, "to be sure,
veterans often look down upon their
colleagues as inexperienced kids with
a superior air of savoir faire." Should
we be purged for this philosophy?
Especially as Miss Berman has so
admirably set herself un as a shining
example of one of the "inexperienced
kids." It is this type of person we
consider in this manner, not the
majority of patriotic college stu-
dents. May I add that I did not at-
tend college to rid myself of these
"unpleasant memories," but to pre-
pare myself for a place in the post-
war world. I have enclosed Miss Ber-
man's editorial in a letter to one of
my buddies in my old outfit, still
overseas, with explicit instructions to
post it on the main bulletin board.
No doubt this editorial will go down
in history as an excellent example
of "war humor." Miss Berman can
expect a surprise visit from these
"negativistic veterans," armed with
a carbine and trench knife, to explain
some of their "embittered philoso-
phies." True, we are bitter-bitter
toward Miss Berman and her col-
Our "embittered philosophies,
tempered with undue pessimism"
incorporate Miss Berman, Matthew
Smith, and their colleagues only.
Our esteemed editorialist is shock-
ed by these philosophies-perhaps
she would be even more shocked if
she realized that they were directed
toward herself.
Also, encompassed in her article
are these words: "Many of us cherish
a pseudo-belief that veterans look
down upon us because they feel that
we college students are slackers, if
not obstructionists to the war effort."
If Miss Berman would replace the
pronoun, us, with a more fitting one,
me,-her statement would be abso-
lutely correct. She says: "The major-
ity of veterans look up to us for
preserving a way of life for them to
come home to." Here again we must
exchange the pronoun, us, for one
that does not include Miss Berman.
Miss Berman is correct when she
states: "The tragedies of their mili-
tary experiences have given them an
idea of what they don't want." The
validity of her phrasing amazes me.
We know what we don't want, in fact
I have a list of this type. Adolph
Hitler heads it, and Miss Berman
and Matthew Smith are tied for sec-
ond place. The remainder is taken
up by the various other isolationists
and strike promoters.
In closing let me say that, as we
all know, the power of the press is
based on the policy of "freedom of
speech." Sometimes, however, I'm
not so sure that this freedom
should not be restricted.
-Bill Otto
Editors Note: "Miss" Berman is a vet-
eran of six months service with the in-
fantry of the United States Army.)
Idle Dissertations . .

IN REGARDS to the letter of De-
cember 8, contained in this col-
umn and complaining about the
Daily's "idle dissertations on the evils
of our social structure," I would like
to thank the writer, Pat Ryan, for her
valuable observations. I feel greatly
enlightened. From now on, all com-
ments on the falling short of truly
democratic procedure in our coun-
try, will be met with a loud procla-
mation of "a plague on your house,'
and if I want to become violent, I
may even shriek "Red!"
No longer shall I pay any heed
to editorials complaining of racial
discrimination or other violations
of the spirit of our Constitution.
Why, pshaw, we all know they ex-
ist, but (as Miss Ryan pointed out),'
there is no country with as high a
standard of living as that of the
United States.
Drew Pearson may have access tc
a vast amount of valuable informa-
tion, but out with him, because a
Miss Ryan has commented, Pearson',

column is present approximately at
the time The Pendulum is resting;
we must have a few days from all
these idle dissertations especially
since we have such a high standard
of living. What we need is a daily
column by Westbrook Pegler, for ex-
ample. (Huzzah for Westbrook Peg-
Bernard Rosenberg must surely be
from Moscow (or did Miss Ryan say
Omsk?), else how could he pay tri-
bute to the brilliant service the Rus-
sians have done us by their fight
against the Germans. Why the very
fact that Rosenberg isn't afraid of'
the Communists, in effect, shows his
true colors. Any sensible person is
aware of the fact that if the Daily
continues printing these liberal writ-
ings, the way will be paved for the
Cossacks to ride through Ann Arbor
and gallop off with the City Hall
and all fair-haired maidens-maybe
brunettes, too.
-Sonya Heller '45
War Bonds
How do you do,
ladies and gentle-
men, this is Bob
4 "Sixth War Loan"
Hope, saying that
once we put Hitler
into a permanent
trance, it won't be
long before we
kick Tojo right in
HOPE his Japants
Here comes the
Sixth War Loan, folks . . . monoto-
nous, isn't it? . . . But not half as
monotonous as the life those boys
out there in those jungles are living.
. I guess nobody can tell us any-
thing new about War Bonds. We've
heard all the selling points . . . we
know a $25 Bond buys seventeen
steel helmets, or three gas masks, or
ninety-eight first aid kits. .. . That a
Garand rifle shoots an extra one-
thousand rounds every time we pop
for the $100 job. . . . That it takes
half-a-million bucks in gasoline to
put one thousand flying fortresses
over Germany. And don't think the
U. S. A. is the only country where
they sell War Bonds. They sell Bonds
in Japan, too. Of course, their sales
policy is a little different. If you're
a Jap and don't buy a bond, Tojo
hisses at you through his front teeth.
The only trouble is, there's only one
hiss. . . The next thing you know
you're a near Miss. But it's different
in Germany. In Germany a Storm
Trooper comes around and says, "Do
you want to buy a Bond?" And you
say, "No, I don't." And he says, "Oh
yes you do" and you say "Oh no I
don't." And he says, "Quit talking,
you're dead!" But no kidding, folks
we can have a little fun at the ex-
pense of the Japs and the Nazis, yet
they're a tough proposition. .
Well, that Father and Mother
across the street who have a son
down there in the South Pacific
know there's a war on! And they're
taking a hitch in the family budget
... and buying more Bonds! Sure,
we know it's tough to make the extra
effort to buy another Bond, but it's
tough to crawl up-hill under ma-
chinegun fire and then make those
extra few feet to an enemy pillbox.
.tAnd those boys didn't get paid
extra for that, either. You don't
have to be at the front to be fighting
this war the Amer4can way. The
Sixth War Loan helps our own at
home, and our own who are overseas
fighting for our home. It helps our
Allies who are bearing their share
of the struggle . .. and who in many
cases are bearing more tharl their
share of destruction and suffering.,
The Sixth War Loan is a "Must" .. ,

the "Must" our boys are fighting for.
And brother, if they're willing to give
their lives, the rest of us ought to be
willing to lend our money. Let's all
get a part of that lease on peace by
doing our Sixth War Loan shopping

Jan. 15. Application blanks available
in Rm. 108. Tappan Hall.
Percy Jones Christmas Boxes Due
Todayi Miss MacCormick's Office.
They may be brought to the League
any time between nine and six.
State of New York Civil Service
Announcement for Fire Driver in
Chautauqua County, Salary $32.50
per week, has been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Ambulance Opera-
tor, Salary $1.03%/ to $1.081/2 per
hour and Occupational Therapist,
Salary $2,216 to $2,553, have been
received in our office. For further
details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall,.
Bureau of Appointments.
Academic Notices
Students, Fall Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec.
16, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of
"E." Upon the recommendation of
their Academic Counselors, freshmen,
(students with less thal 24 hours
credit) may be granted the extra-
ordinary privilege of dropping cour-
ses without penalty through the
eighth week.
L.S.&A. Civilian Freshman Five-
Week Reports will be given out in the
Academic Counselors Office, 108 Ma-
son Hall in the following order: Dec.
13, Wednesday, A through H; Dec.
14. Thursday, I through 0; Dec. 15,
Friday, P through Z.
Bacteriology Seminar will meet
Saturday morning, Dec. 16, at 9 a.m.
in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building.
Subject: Bacterial Nitrogen Fixation.
All interested are invited.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
Please return all examination papers
to the boxes for a necessary change
of grade.
The Messiah will be presented by
the University Musical Society Sun-
day afternoon, Dec. 17, at 3 o'clock,
with the following performers: Desi
Halban, soprano; . Mary Van Kirk,
contralto; Hardesty Johnson, tenor;
Gean Greenwell, bass; Hugh Norton,
narrator; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan,
organist; a special "Messiah" orches-
tra; the Choral Union, and Hardin
Van Deursen, Conductor.
The box office will be open until
noon Saturday at the office of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower, and on Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 3 p.m.. in Hill




Events Today
inter-Racial Association: Execu-
tive Board meeting, today, 4 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
Hillel Foundation: Sabbath Eve
services will be held at the B'nai
Brith Hillel Foundation, 730 Haven
St., this evening, Dec. 15, at 7:45
p.m. Dr. Max Dresden, of the Uni-
versity Physics Department, will de-
liver the sermon on "The Meaning
of Chanukah to a Modern Jew."
Refreshments and a social hour will
follow services.
U.S.O. Dancing Class: There will
not be a meeting of the dancing class
this week.
U.SO.: There will be portrait
sketching by Mrs. John Bradfield at
the U.S.O. this afternoon from 2 to
5 o'clock.
Coming _YEvents
The Weekly Lane Hall Luncheon
will be held at 12:30 on Saturday.
An informal discussion period will
follow. Reservations can be made by
calling 4121, extension 2148.
Society of Women Engineers: There
will be a meeting to welcome all new
women in Engineering on Saturday,
Dec. 16 at 2 in th e Lounge at the
W.A.B. Refreshments will be served.
Outing Club-Women Students:
The Outing Club will meet on Satur-
day, Dec. 16 at the Women's Athletic
Building at 2 o'clock. There will be
tobogganing and instruction in ski-
ing. Dress warmly. For further in-
formation, call Lee Weilman, 3018.
A Chanukah Mixer will be held at
the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation on
'Saturday evening, Dec. 16. There
will be games, popular dancing, en-
tertainment, a 7 ief ,esh.ments in the
form of potato iot ' The public
is cordially invited.
U.S.O.: The usl Saturday night
dance will be held a the club. The
University Women's Glee Club will
present a group of Christmas songs.
All servicemen and J nior Hostesses
are invited. Refresliments will be
U.S.O. Sunday Morning Breakfast:
Breakfast willbe served Sunday from
10:30 to 12 noon.
The Christian Science Students'
OrEanization announces a lecture on

DOB GAL. 1 Ml Garand
FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 38
All notices for The Daily OfficIal Bul-
letin are to be sent to the office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hal, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
To the Members of the Faculty,
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: A special meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts will be held onI


By Crockett Johnson

And now your midnight



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