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December 15, 1944 - Image 1

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Snow Flurries and


VOL. LV, No. 38



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Policy of,
Allies To
Be Cleared
Prime Minister May
Take Greece Action
Defense to People

"on behalf of the Washtenaw
county Red Cross Committee, I
want to thank the students for
their fine cooperation in so enthu-
siastically exceeding their quota,"
a committee spokesman said.
The Mobile Blood bank will be
here today from 12:45 to 4:15 P. m.
at WAB. Students are urged to
keep their appointments.
Musical Society
Sings 'Messiah,
For 64-th Tyne
Handel's Composition
To Be Played Sunday
The 64th annual performance, of
Handel's monumental oratorio, "The
Messiah," by the University Musical
Society will be presented at 3 p. m.
Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
When the society organized the
Choral Union chorus in 1879, it was
known as the "Messiah Club," and its

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 14-A mounting
clamor for a clearcut enunciation of
British-American-Russian policy in
Europe developed today as Prime
Minister Churchill told his critics in
Parliament that he might carry to
the people his defense of Britain's
intervention in Greece.
Still under fire in sections of the
British press as well as in legislat-
ive halls, the Prime Minister stood
firm on his policy in both Greece
and Italy, but his intimation of a
"further account" on those affairs
offered a clue to the extent of the
still-prevalent protests.
'Military Necessity' Bases
In dealing with the Italian situa-
tion under persistent Labor Party
cross-questioning, he emphasized that
Britain's policy was based on mili-
tary necessity.
Churchill acknowledged that he
had approved continuance of King
Vittorio Emanuele's regime "until the
military situation had got into a bet-
ter condition," and added that the
results were "not unsatisfactory as
far as our armies are concerned."
Italian Cabinet Endorsed
The Foreign Office incidentally an-
nounced that the British and Ameri-
can governments, "whose views are
in agreement,", had endorsed the
newly-formed cabinet of Premier
Ivanoe Bonomi in Italy.
Meanwhile, an implication by Er-
nest Bevin, British Minister of Labor,
that some international agreement
already had been reached on spheres
of influence in the Balkans stirred
controversy on both sides of the At-
'Churchill Must
Go' - H G. Wells
LONDON, Dec. 14.-()-Asserting
that Prime Minister Churchill is a
"would-be British fuehrer" who has
"lost his head completely" in the
Greek crisis, novelist H. G. Wells said
that "it is high time he retired upon
his laurels before we forget the debt
we owe him" as a British fighting
In an article entitled "Churchill
Must Go," published in the Weekly
Tribune, Wells said the Prime Min-
ister's intervention in Greece was a
"discredit" to the nation and resulted
from Churchill's "pro-royalism," his
"snobbishness" and "limited range
of ideas."
Wells conceded that Churchill had
served Britain as a fighting symbol
but contended he had "outlived that
"When the British people were
blistered with humiliation by the
currish policy of the old conservative
gang in power the pugnacity of Win-
ston brought him to the fore," Wells
wrote. "The country meant fighting,
and he delighted in fighting. For
want of a better, he became our
national will for conflict, a role he
has now outlived."
Saying that "if we do not end
Winston, Winston will end us," the
British author declared that "since
those early days world events have
moved with a swiftness this earth has
never known before.

Reds Gain
In Drive on
German Defense
Ring Narrowed by
Constant Shelling
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 14.-Russian troops
in a six-mile advance closed in today
on Szendro, Hungary's rich iron and
coal center 95 miles northeast of
Budapest, as other units aided by
great concentrations of Soviet artil-
lery hammered the narrowing Ger-
man defense ring around the capital.
Although Moscow's communique
did not mention the battle for Buda-
pest, an enemy broadcast said, "The
next few days will decide whether
concentrated German and Hungarian
forces will be able to stop the Rus-
Two Armies Attack
Berlin said two Soviet armies total-
ling 100 divisions, or more than 1,-
000,000 men, were attacking on a 250-
mile front from the Slovakian fron-
tier northeast of Budapest to the
Yugoslav frontier southwest of the
Soviet siege guns were pounding to
rubble the big Budapest suburbs of
Ujpest and Rakospalota, adjoining
the capital on the north, and Kispest
on the eastern side, Moscow dis-
patches said.
Russian shells also arched into
Budapest proper in a night and day
cannonading which fed fires already
set by previous bursts of shells and
bombs. Some of the air battles over
the capital rivaled those fought dur-
ing the reconquest of Sevastopol in
the Crimea, front reports said.
Although Russian infantrymen
were fighting within seven miles of
Budapest's city limits on the north,
within five on the south and less
than ten on the east, the Germans
were well dug in behind broad belts
of minefields, pillboxes, anti-tank
ditches and other fortifications.
The Soviet communique announced
progress in one sector of the front
only, above Miskolc in the fight
through the mountains toward the
central Slovakian frontier.
Menace Resource Centers
Attacking on a curving 50-mile
front east, north, and northwest of
Miskolc, 85 miles northeast of Buda-
pest, the Russians captured more
than a score of localities in gains
ranging from two to six miles.
Twenty-one miles north of Miskolc
one column captured Galvacs, two
miles northeast of Szendro, thereby
outflanking that coal, iron and man-
ganese center already menaced by
units less than three miles to the
southeast and south.
ELAS Guns'
Pound British

India Based Superfortresses
After Smash at Burma, Thai





Advance on


land Outposts;
Western Front

U.S. Seventh
Rolls Toward
Nazi Border


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Enemy Airplane Production
. Hit in Saipan Follow-Up Raid
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-Superfortresses from India smashed today
at Japanese outposts of conquest in Thailand and Burma in a followup to
yesterday's major strike from Saipan against airplane production in the
enemy homeland.
A communique from 20th Air Force headquarters here reported large
fires left burning after "many bomb hits" on military and industrial
targets at Nagoya, Japan, yesterday. The list included direct hits on the
giant Mitsubishi aircraft plant. Returning members of the striking
force brought back to their base information that indicated terrific damage.

Ward Officials Absent From WLB Hearin


Ninth Armies
to Roer River

. . . "Messiah" soloist.
principal purpose was to sing chor-
uses from that oratorio. Its member-
ship was composed of members of
several Ann Arbor churches and Uni-
versity students.
First Year Saw One Concert
The first year of its organization
the group planned to give four con-
certs, but the shortness of time re-
sulted in only one concert was given
by the end of the season. The fol-
lowing year the group changed its
name to that of Choral Union and
gave benefit performance, the first
of which was given at the Methodist
Calvin B. Caddy was the first con-
ductor, and held his position until
1888. Many public concerts were
given during those years and artists
from Detroit and New York sang the
solo roles.
Stanley Conducted
Albert A. Stanley, succeeded Caddy,
and in the three decades that he con-
ducted the chorus, the group g.Mw
in number and its repertoire was in-
Until 1913, Choral Union made its
home in University Hall, but when
Hill Auditorium was built, the groups
offices were moved there. This cre-
ated wide interests in the chorus.
Since then Choral Union has given
a Christmas performance of the Mes-
siah every year; in addition to parti-
cipating in the May Festival program.
Today the groups membership consist
of students and singers from Ann
Arbor and other communities.
Metropolitan Star To Sing
This years performance once again
includes the united services of ,dis-
tinguished soloists. Mary Van Kirk,
contralto, is a member of the Metro-
politan Opera Association.
Other artists include Desi Hal-
ban, young Viennese soprano; Har-
desty Johnson, Tenor, and Gean
Greenwell, young American baritone.'

By The Associated Press
rolls across Rhine plain to point
near Germany's border. Reported
shelling Karlsruhe.
mer narrowing German defense
ring around Budapest.
PACIFIC FRONT-Jap losses in
Leyte campaign exceed 80,000. U.
S. 77th advances north of Ormoc.
GREECE-Strife continues in
Athens, after peace plan fails.
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, PARIS, Friday, Dec. 15-
The U. S. Seventh Army rolled seven
miles across the Rhine Plain through
nearly a dozen eastern French towns
almost to Germany's border today,
turned its heavy artillery on the
Siegfried Line and reportedly was
shelling the big enemy city of Karls-
ruhe across the Rhine.
. The U. S. First and Ninth Armies
drove to the Roer along a solid 15-
mile front at the edge of the Co-
logne Plain and the retreating Ger-
mans blew up the last three bridges
over the river around their key cita-
del of Duren, including one on the
superhighway to Cologne.
Third Army Makes New Crossing
The U. S. Third Army forced a new
crossing into the Saar Basin east of
Sarreguemines, captured strongly-
fortified Habkirchen near where it
made its first invasion of the region
from the south, and pushed a mile
As the four American armies ham-
mered at the gates of the Reich, Al-
lied warplanes swarmed out in clear-
ing weather, pounding Duren, the
French frontier city of Wissembourg
in the path of the Seventh Army, and
Siegfried fortifications east of the
Saar River.
The U. S. Seventh Army was bear-
ing down on Germany all along its
35-mile front and in its spectacular
dash up the Rhine Plain hurtled
streams along which the Germans
offered only the flimsiest defense.
Germans Fall Back Around Duren
The Germans facing the U. S. First
Army around Duren likewise were
falling back fast. The 83rd Division
seized the suburban village of Gur-
,enich, just to the west of Duren,
and pressed on toward the demol-
ished Duren.
A front dispatch said Lt. Gen. Alex-
ander Patch's Seventh Army made
its lightning advance to the Palati-
nate Border in the areas of Scheiben-
hard and Lauterbourg, north of Seltz,
which fell Tuesday.
The German radio said shells were
falling in Karlsruhe, capital of Ba-
den Province, across the Rhine 10
miles northeast of Lauterbourg.

The announcement reported one of
the B-29's missing over the target at
Rangoon from the big force which
Brig. Gen. Haywood Hansell, Jr.,
sent off from Saipan, his island base
in the Marianas.
Japs Claim Losses
Japanese broadcasts had claimed
that two of the raiders were downed
in Japan, and also reported five were
shot out of the formations that
swooped down on important military
targets in Bangkok, Thailand, and
The force, which Maj. Gen. Curtis
Lemay's 20th Bomber Command dis-
patched from Irfii\ was described by
the communique as substantial. No
definite figures have been given on
the size of the new 21st Bomber
Command's force from Saipan, but
authorized statements indicated there
may have been upwards of 100 planes
in the groups that poured explosives
on the most important aircraft pro-
duction target in the Japanese
24 Direct Hits Shown
It was the third B-29 blow at
Bangkok. That city was the target
of a strike by the big bombers June
5, and it was hit again Nov. 27.
Rangoon got a working-over Nov. 3.
Flying back into Saipan in one of
the first Superfortresses over the
Nagoya targets, Capt. Thomas Kuen-
ning of New Bremen, Ohio, brought
photographs showing 24 hits on the
rambling Hatsudoki aircraft plant.
Other photographs showed at least
47 direct hits, wiifn machine shops
and assembly departments especially
County Tops
Bond, Quota for
Sixth Campaign
Washtenaw County surpassed its
$8,164,000 quota in the Sixth War
Loan Drive yesterday when a jump
in bond buying pushed the county
We have .. .
County (Over the top) $8,672,033
University...........$ 97,250
We need .. .
University ........... $ 2,750
total to $8,672,033, Fred Schmid,
County War Bond auditor, revealed.
The University was just below its
quota mark , yesterday with sales
totalling approximately $97,250. The
University quota is $100,000 and the
new total means a sales of at least
$2,750 is necessary to top the mark.

Carrier Planes
Strike at Luzon
Air .installations
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.- (A)-
Striking harbor and airfield installa-
tions on Luzon in the Philippine
IslandsnAmerican carrier-based air-
craft destroyed 91 Japanese air-
planes Wednesday, the Navy an-
nounced tonight.
Of the enemy planes destroyed, 14
were shot down in aerial combat as
WASHINGTON. Dec. 14--- (p
The White House took action tonight
toto check a threatened strike on the
Seaboard Air Line Railway.
President Roosevelt named ant
emergency mediation board to in-
quire into the strike, which had been
called by the Brotherhood of Loco-
motive Firemen and Enginemen:for,
noon, Eastern War Time, tomorrow.
Effect of the Presidential action is
to halt the strike pending a deter-
mination of the issues.
they tried unsuccessfully to halt the
American attack on the major island
in the Philippines.
Seventy - seven other Japanese
planes were destroyed on the ground
by American bombs and strafing
The Navy reported also continued
bombing of enemy airstrips on Iwo
Jima in the Volcano Islands whence
the Japanese have been sending
bombers to attend the Superfortress
base on Saipan.
Intense anti-aircraft fire, the Navy
said, was encountered Tuesday by
Planes striking the Iwo Jima field.
Enemy fighter planes also were seen
in the air but made no serious
attempt to attack the American
bombers and fighters.
Lupe Velez, 'Mexican
Spitfire,' Is Suicide
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Dec. 14.-
(R)-Lupe Velez, temperamental film
actress, took her own life today and
in one of two notes found on the bed
beside her body disclosed that she
was expecting a baby.
Also beside her pajama-clad body
was found a partially filled bottle of
tablets used to induce sleep but fatal
if taken in quantities.

Collision with
'Uncle Sam'
Is Predicted
Government Seizure
Of Plants Is Imminent
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14-Mont-
gomery Ward and the government
appeared headed tonight for a new
collision over labor policies such as
led last spring to seizure of the mail
order firm's Chicago properties.
Officials of the company failed to
appear at a War Labor Board hear-
ing to which they were summoned to
show cause why they had npt com-
plied with WLB directives concern-
ing four Detroit stores.
WLB Chairman William H. Davis
then announced that unless the com-
pany complies with "all terms and
conditions of our orders" by night-
fall Monday, the defiance would be
referred to economic stabilizer Fred
M. Vinson.
Possible Government Seizure
This could lead to government seiz-
ure of the Ward plants involved, if
not all of its properties. Hearings
similar to the one called for today
are scheduled for tomorrow on cases
involving Ward stores in six otlr
The WLB received a telegram sign-
ed by John A. Barr, Labor Relations
Manager for Ward's, which said the
company's position on comliance
"remains the same." Barr added
that the company's "reason for be-
lieving the Board's orders are illegal
and unenforceable has been fre-
quently and fully stated to you."
Country-wide Strike Threatened
In the present case, the CIO Union
has raised the threat of a strike in
all Ward Stores throughout the
country unless the government forces
the company to comply quickly With
the WLB directives. A strike has
been underway at tle Detroit stores
since Saturday.
Called to explain the Detroit strike,
Samuel Wolchak, Union President,
said the Union was "ready for an
economic showdown" with Montgom-
ery Ward.
Then, he asserted flatly that if the
Board and President Roosevelt were
unable to secure compliance with the
Board's directives, the Union wa pre-
pared to strike at the company's
properties everywhere in the country.
He said his Union had a majority
among the 60,000 to 65,000 Ward
The WLB directives as to the De-
troit stores call for a contract pro-
viding maintenance of Union mem-
bership, checkoff of union dues and
certain minimum wage scales.
The stores and plants involved in
other pending cases are in Chicago,
Denver, St. Paul, Portland, Ore., San
Rafael, Calif., and Jamaica, N. Y.
Sewell Avery Burned in
Effigy in Front of Store
DETROIT, Dec. 14-(-A dum-
my, dressed in a business suit and
bearing a placard labeled "Avery,"
was carried from the front entrance
of the Grand River Montgomery Ward
store tonight and later "hanged"
from a nearby tree while a huge bon-
fire burned in the background.
Two former employes, now mem-
bers of the Merchant Marine home
on leave, carried the effigy from the
store while onlookers and pickets
booed and cheered. The dummy was
then taken across the street, strikers
slipped a noose about its neck and
pulled it up to dangle in the wind.

Series E-Bonds Purchase
40 Per Cent Under Quota
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.- (P)-
With two days left in the Sixth War
Loan Drive, sales of series E-Bonds
reached $1,535,000,000 today-60 per
cent of the $2,500,000,000 E-Borid

ATHENS, Dec. 14-(IP)-Fighting
broke out in Omonia Square, north-
ern fringe of the British defensive
position today, and ELAS-manned
75-millimeter guns pounded the area
of British headquarters in the Grande
Bretagne hotel, ending the "unde-
clared truce" which had brought
quiet to this strife-ridden city until
early afternoon.
Amid rumors of an impending set-
tlement of the struggle with the
Greek leftists, shells burst in the
center of the capital, and ELAS
troops kept up intermittent small-
arms crossfire in the side streets off
University street.

Today Students are urged to
keep Blood Bank appoint-
ments at WAB.
Today Play Production presents
"Junior Miss" at 8:30
p.m. in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Today Intra-Squad track meet
at 7:30 p. m. at Yost Field
Dec. 16 Michigan AAU Final,
Swim Gala, 7:30 p. m.,
Varsity Pool.
Dec. 16 Movies on the Position of
the American Negro given
by Post-War Council,
7:30 p. m., Rackham Am-
Dec. 16 Hanukkah mixer, with
popular dancing and en-
tertainment program,
from 9 p. m. to mid,-ight
at Hillel Foundation.
Dec. 17 University Musical Soci-
etv nresnts Handel's

'U' Textbook Library To Receive Part of Goodfellow Proceeds

The University Textbook Lending
Library will receive a substantial
portion of the proceeds from Mon-
day's Goodfellow Drive, headed by
Ray Dixon, associate editor of The
Daily and chairman of the Good-
fellow committee.
Started in 1938 with a collection
of 200 volumes, the library, under
the direction of Mrs. Lillian Rickel,
now consists of 1,206 texts, avail-
able to students who are unable to
purchase their own books. The
University catalogue quotes $25 as
the minimum textbook allowance
per semester.
For many students this compara-
tively small amount is the proverbial

books means to many individuals the
difference between electing and not
electing a necessary course.
The idea of a lending library to
benefit students financially unable
to bear the cost of so many texts,
books for technical courses often
running as high as ten or 15 dollars,
was started at Yale University in
1882. The collection here is patterned
after the Loring W. Andrews Library
at Yale, which was established with
a gift of $1,000 in honor of the found-
er's son. Yale students must have
the approval of the Board of Ap-
pointments in order to make use of
the books, while at the University all
that is necessary is a recommenda-
tion by one of the deans or academic
counselors. The Yale collection is

200 books donated by students and
was later supplemented by texts
bought with two alumni gifts total-
ing $1,051. In the succeeding years,
students and alumni have contin-
ued to make gifts of used books
and of money so that the library
is now able to accommodate an
average of 160 borrowers a semes-
Although located in the Angell Hall
Study hall, the library is a campus
institution and its use is not limited
to literary school students. Slide
rules, usually donated by the Lost
and Found Department, are available
at the library for loan.
If the collection does not happen
to contain the particular text which

the past. About four weeks ago
Assistant Dean E. A. Walter of the
Literary College, instigator of the
project, received a check from an
ensign in the Navy, a man formerly
helped by the library.
"Returning veterans are finding
it difficult to make ends meet. I
feel that next year especially the
library will be of great help to
these people," Dean Walter stated.
The Family and Childrens Service
is the other organization which will
benefit from the drive. The aim of
the Family and Childrens Service,
as stated by Mary Hester, executive
secretary, is "to provide people with



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