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December 14, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-14

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T'T DAY- DEC. 14, 1944


Cunningham Could Have Run Four-Minute Mile, Says


NEW YORK-(P)-Bill Hargiss says he never knew just how fast Glenn Cun-
ningham could run the mile, although the record books show just how fast he did
run it.
Hargiss, who was Cunningham's tutor at the University of Kansas and guided
the keg-chested athlete in his later assaults on records, explains that when Cun-
ningham was at his peak, and on the days he felt like running, he never was forced
to go all out.
"Glenn could have bettered a 4-minute mile right here on the Garden boards
the night he ran a 4:07.4 race, the fastest indoor time up to that time," Hargiss
says. "Glenn was full of run that night, and I think the calling out of the
times for the quarters was what spoiled his chance.
"He ran the first quarter in :58, and the half in 1:57. Of course he ' heard
the times called out, and I thought he might think he was running too fast and

slow up, so I called to him as he started the third quarter to hurry up, as he was
behind time.
"Well, Glenn misunderstood me. He thought I said to slow up, so he did, and
how! His time for the third quarter was :68. Well, Glenn was a good judge of
pace, but on a track that size it is hard to tell just how much you have slowed up.
and the slowing up took more out of him than if he had continued at the pace he
had been going. I am positive he could have hit the four-minute mile or better
that night."
We mentioned that it was too bad that Cunningham wasn't at his Peak now,
so he would have Gunder Haegg for competition. Hargiss' eyes glistened at the
"Between them they would have wrecked the mile record," he exclaimed.
Hargiss never has seen Haegg run, but said he understood the lanky Swede
ran with a light, feathery tread, sort of floating along.

"That's the way I always tried to teach my boys to run," he said. "Cun-
ningham was more of a pounder, but that was due to circumstances. You know
how his legs had been burned as a child. Well, he had no spring in his toes
and had to come down hard and drive along. Even so, he improved, and was
running much lighter at the end of his career."
It was suggested that Cunningham could give the boys who are running now
a pretty good race yet, and Hargiss was quite serious as he replied:
"He could, at that. He's taken wonderful care of himself, running every day
when he could. I think he's at sea somewhere now, though."
They would have made a great pair, at that. Cunningham, stocky, well-
muscled, a picture of sheer driving power, and the long-geared, slender, feather-
footed Swede, both masters of pace and each determined to stick with the other
come what may. It might be one of those Joe Louis vs. John L. Sullivan de-
bates, but it is interesting to speculate on such a meeting.





Oosterbaan Sees Close
Game Against Broncos,


Daily AlI-American

Track Squad To Receive First Test
In Intra-Squad Contest Friday Night


Victory of Western Squad in ew York Is
Sign of Improvement Since Meeting Heret
Michigan's basketball team, victors in five straight contests, plays'
Western Michigan, a team it has already beaten once this season, Saturday
night at Kalamazoo; and the Wolverine coaches are not taking the game
"Western will be up fox this one," commented Head Coach Beunie
Oosterbaan in discussing his squad's chances. "Any team which beats a
pretty good Eastern outfit in Madison - ---------

Phil Tinsley, Georgia Tech
Joe Stanowicz, Army
Van Warrington, Auburn
Hub Bechtol, Texas
Don Whitmire, Navy
Barney Poole, Army
Les Horvath, Ohio State
Glenn Davis, Army
Bob Fenimore, Okla. A. & M.
Boris Dimancheff, Purdue


Jack Dugger, Ohio State
John Ferraro, U. S. C.
Ben Chase, Navy
Bill Prewitt, Tulsa
John Green, Army
Bill Willis, Ohio State
Paul Walker, Yale
Doug Kenna, Army
Buddy Young, Illinois
Bob Jenkins, Navy
Doe Blanchard, Army

Squad Will Be Slced
On Basps ofResuh ts
It will be the old timers against
the newcomers at 7:30 p. m. Friday
at Yost Field House, when the first
track meet, a servicemen versus civil-


ing to the public. With the results
of this intra-squad contest in mind,
Coach Ken Doherty will then begin
the arduous task of cutting the squad
from the present unwieldy group of
approximately 8.
Theime are several events that will
be of special interest to the spectat-
ors. In the half mile race they will
see, for the first time this year, the
best Maize and Blue distance men
pitted against each other. In the
quarter mile event Dick Forestal is
the only old timer who will be enter-
ed. However, there will be an inter-
esting experiment taking place in
this contest, as Dick Barnard, a half-
miler and miler last year, enters this
race in the hope that he will prove
himself a good quarter miler and fill
this breach in the squad.

Square Garden before 16,000 people
after getting off to a bad start is
bound to be in good shape mentally."
Oosterbaan was referring to West-
ern's victory over Brooklyn College
last weekend in which the under-dog
Broncos displayed a lot of form.
Western led all the way to turn in a
very convincing triumph over the
highly-rated Brooklyn quintet.
"Coach Buck Read has shuf-
fled his lineup and seems to have
found a winning combination,"
Oosterbaan continued. "And win-
ning a game like that one means a
Major Leagoes
Plan IUlimited
Nilt Baseball
NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-(/P)-Un-
limited night baseball in 1945 was
approved but renting of parks for
football before the end of the dia-
mond season was prohibited today as
the major leagues met in joint ses-
sion under Leslie M. O'Connor, chair-
man of the advisory council to con-
clude a three-day confab.
Washington and the two St. Louis
clubs expect to play 35 or 40 owl
games, dependent only on favorable
weather and the consent of the oppo-
sition. Most of the others will retain
the 14-game plan. The two Phila-
delphia teams each will play 15 and
tentative plans call for 14 each at
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Brooklyn, Chi-
cago White Sox, New York Giants
and Pittsburgh. There are no lights
on the other five parks.
Washington will be most vitally
affected by the football legislation
which applies to college as well as
pro ball. Philadelphia has an annual
charity game that will conflict. A
readjustment of the pro grid sched-
ules will solve the problem.
GIFTS that lire the
whole year through i

lot to any team. They will be
tough to beat."
Reminded thgt his own charges
had racked up a convincing record
themselves, the Wolverine mentor
remarked that Michigan has yet to
meet a really first class team. He
does think, however, {that the Bron-
cos may furnish the necessary bap-
tism of fire if they continue to play
the same kind of ball they did*
against Brooklyn.
.Remarking further on the perform-
ance of his squad so far this season,
Oosterbaan observed that the bal-
ance of this year's outfit is prob-
ably superior to that of the previous
winter's aggregation. "We have
more potentially good ball players
than we had last year," he com-
But lhe was quick to add that it
was too early to tell for certain
just what the Wolverines will do
when they come up against first-
rate opposition. Such opposition,
if it does not come Saturday against
Western, will undoubtedly develop
shortly when Michigan takes on
the University of Wyoming and
Ohio State in successive weekends.
Oosterbaan attributes a large
measure of the team's early season
success to the innovation of summer
practice, inaugurated for the first
time at Michigan. "It has done a lot
of good," he said, "and has undoubt.-
edly helped us along a great deal in
getting off to a good start."
Reserve Stquad
Hard atWork
Fifteen men, constituting what may
eventually result in a reserve basket-
ball team, are working out five days
a week in the I-M building under the
watchful eye of Ray Fisher, normally
freshman basketball mentor until the
var brought on relaxed rules which
allow freshmen to compete on var-
sity squads.
After the process of organization
has been completed, it is possible that
a schedule of local teams will be ar-
ranged to give the reserves some
competitive experience. As yet, how-
ever, no games have been carded.
Cagers showing varsity ability will
be moved up to the regular squad,
working in the Field House. The{
primary purpose of the group, how-
ever, is to develop potential prospects
for next year's varsity.

Lack of AlI-Anierica Material
This Year Strikes Sour Note

This season marks the first year in
the seven in which H. O. (Fritz)
Crisler has been head football coach
at Michigan in which no member of
the grid squad was placed on theI
All-American team, and thus breaks
the long string of football greats who3
have gained national recognition for
the Maize and Blue.
A record of 9 selections, including 3
double selections ias finally been
shattered in a season which saw
Army, Navy, and Ohio State reign
supreme in the national ratings.
In 1938, Crisler's first year as ath-
letic director and coach at Michigan,
guard Ralph Heikkenen placed in,
the All-America selections. Tom
Harmon, rated by many as of equal
ability with such stars of bygone
days as Red Grange, and winner of
the Heisman trophy to the most out-

verines, might easily have placed
tackle Milan Lazetich, a freshman
from Wyoming whose savage block-
ing and tackling impressed Michigan
fans, in ordinary years. But this
season also saw Army and Navy
powerhouses which boasted mam-
moth linesmen. Lazetich was nomi-
nated for a few of the second strings
and merited notice in practically all
of the honorable mention 'categories.
Hopes for an All-American received
the worst blow of all, however, when
halfback speedster Bob Nussbaumer
and captain Bob Wiese, who was
continuing the fullback tradition,
were transferred by the Navy.

Julian Witherspoon, who was run-
ner up to Claude "Buddy" Young,
the Illini football star in the Western
Conference 60-yard dash event last
year, has shown much improvement
and it is hoped that he will nose the
champion out-of the title this year.
Two boys from Detroit will also
bear watching. They are Ted Balogh
and William Marcoux who were first
and second respectively, in the high
school high and low hurdle events.
Charles Lauetson, who pole vaulted
for Northwestern University last
year, will try to top his 12 foot rec-
Ross Hume, this year's captain, of.
the team, reported back to practice
last Tuesday after several weeks ab-
sence from practice because of a

... begins new season

ian affair, opens the 1944-1945 cin-
der season.
The squad has been practicing for
the past two months and this meet
will show the results of this practic-

standing collegiate player in 1940,
made the grade the following fall. a
H~armon Again--16
Harmon was picked for the big- WANTED
time team again in '40 also, and was
joined in the selection by his Wol- WANTED: Ride to Flint, Saginaw,
verine teammate, end Ed Frutig. In or Bay City Friday afternoon, Dec.
1941, Bob Westfall, one of the great 22nd. Share expense. Call Rose-
fullbacks at Michigan in recent years, mary Klein. 2-2569.
was selected by coaches and sports- __ _- _
writers in the All-America lineup. FOR SALE
1942 and '43 found four men nomi-
nated for the honor. Julius Franks,G
topnotch guard, and Al Wistert, a GIRLS-Want two good meals ev- i I L L AUiiIiI TF10111 11-11M
topntchguad, nd A Witer, a ery day? Apply at 825 Tappan.
tackle, were chosen in the earlier cryday?_ Applyat_825_Tappan.______
year, and Merv Pregulman and Bill FOR SALE: New shoes-no stamp
Daley were elected from a '43 team necessary. Brown gabardine dress,
which was stocked with the Navy 5 AAA and brown suede dress, 3P M
personnel sent here by the war. 5S~AAadbonseedes UNDY EC47 3 PM
One an hr5AAA. Tan leather army tan. size
One h5Many512 A. 1 pr. Spaulding white ox-
Thleslcino rgumnadifrssz .Poe3-258. ' Ik UA. M RKR ,
Daley was particularly unusual in fords, size 4 A. P. DESI H AL AN, Soprano MARY VAN KIRK, Contralto
that these two players were trans- .
ferred from here in mid-season. LOST AND FOUND HARDESTY JOHNSON, Tenor GEAN GREENWELL, Bass
Pregulman played at the tackle post, LOST IN NOVEMBER.FWouldRap- F I'ERDA 'P'TT Arganist GRNarrator
after switching from the center job, preciate return of green striped
which he had held down the previous Shaeffer pen. Gold clip extends & SPECIAL MESSI A H ORC H ESTRA CHORAL UNION
in a backfield which boasted such over top end. Please call 6710 orC n c
stars as kEld Hich, captai Pul return to Room 1, University Hall. ARDIN VAN DEURSENConductor
stars as Elroy Hirsch, captain Paul
White, and Bob Wiese.
This year's squad, which amazed GOLD PEN LOST MONDAY BE- -
the experts who had predicted a. TWEEN ANGELL HALL AND°'xRd
rather disastrous season for the Wol-( STOCK WELL. REWARD ON
IWELL.4{F.,C '
Baseball Ranks as {<-.adsivr:ak
ILST-Cedar-blue adsle ak
,Oldest Sport fl{Ie er 51 pen Monday night between
library and Martha Cook. Re
Baseball ranks as Michigan's old- i ward. Call Rm. 304, Martha Cook.
est sport. the first game being played - ---- - I
back in 1866 and resulting in an LOST: Kappa Kappa Gamma key
astounding 33-11 Wolverine victory. Tuesday evening. Inscribed MTar-
I A 61-41 victory over Jackson is also garet J. Allen Phone 2-4143.
included in the record books for that ' -- - _--- - Y_{
season. M I A
Hockey, swimming, golf, and wrest- M ICA I G"A 4
ling are the most recent additions. -
1v M. Barrack Caps & Equipment OF WARTIME
Frames Made of Strong Cane, Hand I.I V I
Sewn Sweat Bands, Leather Visors:F
and Regulation Buttons.
Dull Cordovan Visor............40
Frame for Dress Blues....... 2.25
Khaki Covers...............%.20
White Covers .......... ....40
Blue Covers ......... ...... 2J5
Green Covers,............,....2.15
Strong Leather Belts..$75 each
,lCevrans strikers, Basic Medals,
Bars, Dress Bascuedas
Order Now or Write for 1924
Price List
Snecial Aat offices of

Continuous from 1 P.M.





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