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December 12, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-12

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Fifty-Fifth Year

British Policies in Greece


Edited and managed by students of the University
of Mechigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . .sCity Editor
Ray Dixon * . . . . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . * . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is excsively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
A Free Press
It has been most encouraging in recent weeks
to see the battle joined to establish freedom of
the press in a very real sense after the war.
Most American agencies led by some of the
ablest journalists in the world have been press-
ing for a definite statement on the position of
the world press in the postwar world. Kent
Cooper, head of Associated Press, has made re-
peated pleas in the last few months for an under-
standing of "what freedom of the press means.
It means a free interchange of ideas in an open
and competitive market."
Hugh Baillie, head of United Press has
lined up with Cooper on the issue and both
have received support from the Congress.
Perhaps, the most outstanding development
in this controversy between the free competition
advocated by the United States and the cartel
arrangements espoused by Britain was the di-
vorce of Reuter, British agency, from the gov-
Reuter has declared its allegiance to free in-
terchange and has left behind it the government
subsidy that gave Whitehall claim to direction.
In Paris, too, there is a move among the old
guard Parisian editors to cast off the tradition of
the past and look to the future wherein compe-
tition will govern news gathering and distribu-
We can go off into lengthy discussions as to
the freedoms of a free people or of any people.
We can ask upon what are they based, what
principle? But if any generality can be made
we can say that free interchange of ideas
within the entire world can be one of the most
wholesome circumstances in which to create a
freedom loving people.
When the people feel a confidence in their
source of news facts, when they know that no
government or group of people is dictating what
will be said and what won't, they can feel assured
that their freedom is real and not something
written in books.
To carry this proposition of a free world press,
we naturally think of the Russian problem, where
at present, all news is subject to rigid govern-
ment censorship and is channeled through only

one agency, Tass.
Even in this regard there is hope that freedom
will triumph. Proponents of freedom found a
ray of hope in the Russian report of a free press
in Italy only this fall.
At any event, these events look heartening
andt it is to be hoped that a definite statement
of policy will be forthcoming from the United
Nations Conference in January.
-Stan Wallace
DETROIT radio station WWJ is our choice as
Number One Public Benefactor of 1944.
Last week station officials announced that
starting February 1, WWJ will ban singing com-
mercials-in the public interest.
Elimination of the most asinine form of adver-

WASHINGTON, Dec., 12-When Secretary of
State Stettinius issued his statement divorc-
ing the U. S. A. from British mddling in Euro-
pean governments, he had just received a sum-
mary of Prime Minister Churchill's orders to
British General Ronald M. Scobie in Athens
"to act as if he were in a conquered city."
Churchill's orders have been seen by only a
few high-ranking U. S. officials, but those who
have read them consider them harsh, almost
brutal in tone. The British Prime Minister or-
dered General Scobie to "keep and dominate
Athens," told him not to "hesitate to open fire
on any armed male in the Greek capital who
assails the authority of the British."
The orders were summarized by U. S. Am-
bassador to Italy Alexander Kirk in a cable-
gram on December 5 from Caserta, Italy, Al-
lied headquarters for all of the Near East. On
that day, Stettinius issued his statement that
A Serviceman Writes
NEW YORK, Dec. 12-Another service man
writes to me, and this one has the thought
that skill-less or trade-less men ought to be let
out of the Army last. He feels that skill is the
quality most respected by the American people.
It is his conception that men without specific
training for skilled jobs should be kept in the
Army longest, and taught trades in special
schools before being demobilized. He thinks the
diction and speech of those who are somewhat
imperfect in these departments should be brush-
ed up. "Grammar is no harder than Morse
I have now had two approaches to this prob-
lem, an earlier soldier-correspondent having sug-
gested that men with secure incomes awaiting
them, or good businesses, or college careers, or
civil service jobs, or pensions, be kept in the
Army longest, thereby giving those who have
none of these advantages the first crack at
civilian jobs.
The two approaches are not so very differ-
ent. The first would help those who have
the fewest assets by giving them training; the
second would help pretty much the same group
by giving it first place in line in the coming
competition for civilian jobs. This last is a
kind of priorities idea; priority in answering
the want-ads.
It will be seen that neither correspondent
really believes there, will automatically be jobs
for all. The fear that there will not be jobs
for all is the great fear now besetting and afflict-
ing American life. Fear gives birth to strange
ideas. Both soldiers are advocating nothing less
than forced detention as a partial solution for
employment. They could not come closer to say-
ing that it is better not to be free than to be
That idea is charged with some peril for dem-
ocracy. In saying that I do not at all impugn
the democratic sentiments or the sincerity of
my soldier-correspondents; they are merely do-
ing the best they can with a hard problem.
As for war-workers who are drifting away
from their war jobs, between days, going back
to the security of farm and counter, the maxim
of their acts is that it is better to lose the
war than to be jobless. These (comparatively
few) deserters have weighed the two fears, and
they fear joblessness more.
I sometimes wonder whether our fear of job-
lessness, which is the consuming fear in modern
American life, does not underlie our strange
failure to celebrate major Allied military victo-
ries; whether that could not be the unconscious
reason why we do not set off firecrackers and
cannon, and make the drums roar, when our
troops have raced across France, or torn into
Congress, in its own way, shows fear of un-
employment, too. It reveals its fear by re-
fusing to adopt any kind of adequate unem-
ployment insurance measure. Congress seems
to feel that there is going to be unemployment;

that if we have a large-scale unemployment
insurance scheme, benefits will actually have
to be paid out; and that this will cost a great
deal of money. But if Congress were sure
that there is not going to be major unem-
ployment, it would not be afraid of an unem-
ployment insurance plan. If there is no un-
employment, there are no benefits to be paid
out, and there is no cost to thq treasury. A
legislature which was actively confident of
full employment would not hesitate to pass
the most generous unemployment insurance
bill, for it would mean nothing; who- cares
how high, benefits are which are not going
to be paid? It might be said that Congress,
also, acts according to its fears, but, so far,
has responded to its fears in an unconstruct-
ive direction.
The Pre'sident's call for a minimum program
of 60,000,0000 jobs may seem startling; but it
does not approach the queerness of some politi-
cal developments likely to come along in Ameri-
can life, if these particular fears and tensions
are not relieved.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

the United States did not believe in meddling
with European governments.
Kirk's message follows in full:
"General Scobie at Athens has been informed
in a message from Churchill that SAC (Supreme
Allied Command) has been ordered to leave all
British troops in Greece and to reinforce them as
fully as possible. The PM (Prime Minister)
states that he holds Scobie responsible for de-
stroying or neutralizing all Eam-Elas groups
(National Liberation Front which opposes the
King) who approach Athens, and authorizes
Scobie to intern any desired number of persons
and to issue all regulations necessary for com-
plete control of the streets.
"When the shooting begins, said Churchill,
it can be expected that Elas will put women
and children in the first line. Scobie is in-
structed to be 'clever' about coping with this
and to avoid errors.
Ordered To Open Fire ...
"SCOBIE is also instructed that he should
not hesitate to open fire on any armed
male in the Greek capital who assails the auth-
ority of the British or of the Greeks who are
collaborating with the British. It would be a
good thing, said Churchill, if Scobie's forces
could be augmented by the forces of the home
Greek Government. The British Ambassador,
according to the message, is advising Papan-
dreou (Greek Premier supporting the King) not
to hesitate.
"Scobie should not hesitate, say Churchill's
orders, to act as if he were in a conquered
city, confronted by local rebellion. With the
forces under Scobe's command, says Chur-
chill, Scobie should be able to hand Elas a
lesson that would make it most improbable
that others will behave in the same way.
"Churchill closes by saying that he will back
up Scobie in whatever action Scobie takes along
these lines, and that the British must keep
and dominate Athens. It would be a splendid
thing if Scobie could accomplish this without
shedding blood but he should not hesitate to do
whatever he has to, Churchill declares.
(signed) "Kirk."
Meanwhile, it has also leaked out that Prime
Minister Churchill refused to accept a coalition
Cabinet headed by 85-year-old Themistocles
Sophoulis which would have contained repre-
sentatives of all Greek political parties. This
might have avoided civil war. Not only the
Royalists, but Eam-Elas and even the Com-
munists were willing to serve under Sophoulis,
but Churchill said no.
British Ambassador Rex Leeper informed the
Greeks that Churchill had wired instructions
that Papandreou must remain as Premier.
British Interests in Greece ...
financial difficulties in 1912, he was help-
ed out from three sources:--the late Lord
Moyne, recently assassinated while in Cairo;
Maj. General Sir Edward Louis Spears, now
British Commander and high commissioner in
Syria; and the Hambro family, owners of
Hambro's Bank in London.
Hambro's Bank has floated heavy loans to
Greece. These loans financed the Athens water
works, the Boeotian irrigation project, the Pa-
tras railway, and most of the Greek light and
power companies.
Through an English mission sitting in Ath-
ens, interest on these loans was paid in gold
right up until April, 1941, when Greece was
invaded by the Germans. It was one of the few
countries where payments were made in gold.
The interest rate is high, varying from 7.75
percent to around 16. percent. One of the bones
of contention between the British Government
and the left-wing groups in Greece is the fu-
ture of these loans. The Eam-Elas group pro-
poses scaling the interest rate to around 5 per-
cent, plus other concessions at the expense of
Hambro's Bank.
Some diplomats in Washington think that
basically this is what part of the Athens
shooting is all about.
(Copyright, 1944 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

On Second Thought.. .
Having reached the point where they can hang
their clothes on the Siegfried Line, the Yanks
are now making plans to wash them in the Saar
This points to their determination to make
Hitler come clean.
Ja*. :t :Y
More than 1,600 planes pound Frankfurt and
we Americans yell "hot dog."
That's almost as many planes as there were
comments about the weather yesterday.
Pete the Pessimist is saying that this snow
arrived just in time for a thaw over Christmas.
* * * *
Women have been told by Uncle Sammy that
they can't buy feathers under four inches
long to wear in their hats and thousands of
females don't like their hattitude.
The government says it needs these feathers
for pillows in military hospitals, which, it seems,
are all down and none to go.

Pend idui
Publication of a new White Paper
has served to remind us once again
of Great Britain's sterling qualities.
That island fortress, which withstood
a full-scale blitzkrieg for years, is
still suffering all the hardships of
modern war-from undernourish-
ment to robot bombing. Americans,
on the home front at least, have not
had to endure discomforts of this
sort. So we commisserate with our
English Allies as they tighten their
belts and prepare for the final blow
against Germany.
But one simply cannot, because
of this White Paper, forget anoth-
er White paper issued by the same
government - though Neville
Chamberlain was the head of it-
one that is as wicked a document
as has ever emanated from White- 4
Put into effect but a few months
ago, this White Paper was an offshoot
of the Munich Conference. Appease-
ment acted at that time as the nar-
cotic with which European democ-
racy deadened itself into an almost
fatal lethargy. Nobody was going to
war for Danzig! Hitler could seize
Memel, the Sudetenland, and all of
Czechoslovakia after a while for what
he called "lebensraum" and in the
name of what we called appeasement.
The policy never worked, and it
cannot in the nature of things fas-
cistic ever work, except to feed the
insatiate monster, aggression. Win-
ston Churchill, his eyesight better
when outside a cabinet that consid-.
ered him obstructionist, saw the stu-
pidity of it. He did not want to
propitiate Hitler but to crush him.
He condemned the White Paper of
1939 as soon as the Chamberlain ad-
ministration, its Machiavellian face
still aglow from the "peace in our
times" the prime minister thought
he had bought with Czechoslovakian
blood, promulgated the infamy.
Appeasement turned its ugly
visage eastward and, by some geo-
graphic high jinks found one Mec-
ca in Arabia and another in Pal-
estine. So successful was this tac-
tic that before long the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem was broadcast-
ing over the Rome-Berlin radio,
actively pledging pan-Arabian re-
action to the war against man-
Under the pretext of wooing Ara-
bian sentiment-when they were only
wooing Arabian overlords-all fu-
ture Jewish immigration to Palestine
was to be halted after March 1,
1944. When the Struma, a rotten
tanker laden with refugees out of
Istanbul was refused admission in one.
port after another, Tel Aviv included,
it finally collided with a German tor-
pedo, and every one of the seven
hundred souls aboard perished. These
are the putrescent fruits of appease-
Palestine, once a haven of refuge
for the broken remnants of persecu-
tion is now just another inaccessible
The United States will not itself
admit these people even temporarily
-now that the President has thrown
them a few crumbs off the diplo-
matic table by establishing an in-
ternment camp that houses one thou-
sand grateful refugees. But, it seems
the more sadistic Nazism becomes in
this respect with its gas chambers
and lime cellers, with its death camps
and crematoria, the less we do about
it. Little Switzerland-may the bless-

ings of God be on it-has snatched
more would-be victims of this mod-
ern barbarism from torture and death
than the whole Western hemisphere!
Very well, we are not willing to help
the helpless. This is no more than
passive criminality. But, to shut the
Palestinian door where a local popu-
lace waits with open arms to greet
whoever needs rehabilitation-not in-
cluding several thousand Polish Ca-
tholics (among the recent emigrees)
is so fantastically brutal as to com-
pete with Nazism itself.
The truth-and the whole truth
-is that England has not the right
to place such restrictions on Pales-
tine, nor even a single vestige of
legal justification for it. This ter-
ritory was mandated to England by
the League of Nations. A mandate
is nothing more than a trusteeship.
Yet, Britain, ever since she acquir-
ed Palestine, has treated it like a
crown colony taken by means of
military conquest.
This is a usurpation; it is illegal
beyond the shadow of a judicial
doubt-and continuation of it can
only mean more strife, more terror-
ism, and a growing restiveness that
may prove contagious.

AT THE meeting Monday after-
noon, Dec. 11, of the University
Senate in which, when I presented
a certain resolution concerning a
proposed investigation of the Univer-
sity hospital, the charge was made
by Professor Clarence D. Thorpe
against me. that my remarks were
based on "hearsay evidence." The
professor has evidently just learned
this term since in another case re-
cently under investigation by this
professornhe was gullible enough to
accept "hearsay evidence" against
two men whose academic lives were
at stake. Unfortunately while the
professor uses the term he does not'
know its meaning. In his evident de-
sire to be a "good boy" Professor
Thorpe confuses facts with "hear-
say evidence."
In the resolution in the first
item, the fact that the University
hospital took in a professor's son
for an operation and treated him
as a private patient concerns the
son of a professor of physics, who
supposed his son was a University
patient. Thefee charged was $200.
I can furnish the name of the
physics professor and I was in the
hospital when the boy was being
operated upon. Dr. Furstenberg
can give the name; my son, then
a student, who was there at the
same time as a "refer" patient
from the University, paid medical
service, and the physician attempt-
ed illegally to extract a fifty dollar
fee from me. He didn't get it; ask
Dr. Furstenberg.
What the normal "bedside fee" is
cannot be considered a matter of
hearsay, it is a matter of fact and
of record. I refer to facts that the
fee, formerly was $3.00 and was
changed under the new administra-
tion ten years ago to $10.00 for each
bedside or office visit( to one of the
clique-possibly also for the assist-
ant, but I believe the pay goes to the
professor in charge.)
This change from $3.00 to $10.00
is exploitation; this is a fact, not
The fact further that the younger
men and older men not in the clique
are not adequately paid is not a
matter of hearsay; the younger men
have told what they receive. The
Regents can easily establish their at-
The fact that fees paid by "pri-
vate" patients in the University
hospital are not a matter of writ-
ten record cannot be controverted.
I believe the Regents should see to
it that these charges should be re-
corded and should be standardiz-
ed. The fact that one operation
has cost $5,000 is paralleled by the
charge made in the hospital against
a. professor for a comparatively
slight operation, one hour, of $500.
I am not free to tell the professor's
name, but I will reveal it confi-
dentially to any Regent who re-
quests it. As a teacher of English,
Mr. Thorpe, you should be able to
distinguish between facts and hear-
-Louis C. Karpinski
(Continued from Page 2)


cially dropped unless it 'has been
reported in the office-of the Regis-
trar, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Academic Notices
School of ' Education Students:
Other than Freshmen: Courses drop-
ped after today will be recorded with
the grade of E except under extra-
ordinary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering Seminar: At the regular
Seminar meeting of the Department
of Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering on Thursday, Dec. 14, Mr. C.
Karkalits will speak on the subject,
"Oscilloscope; Its Use in Coloromet-
ric Determinations."
The meeting will be held at 4 p.m.
in Rm. 3201, East Engineering build-
ing. All persons interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.

University Lecture: Dr. Anna
Jacobson, Associate Professor of Ger-
man, Hunter College, will lecture on
the subject, "Thomas Mann as a
Cultural . Mediator" at , 4:15 p.m.,
Wednesday, Dec. 13, in the Rackham
Amphitheater under the auspices of
the Department of Germanic Lan-
guages and Literatures. The public is
cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Palmer
A. Throop of the Department of His-
tory, will give the first of the French
lectures sponsored by the Cercle
Francais on Thursday, Dec. 14, at
4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall. The title of his lecture is:
"La Predication de la Croisade."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Rm. 112, Romance Language
Building or at the door at the time
of the lecture.
These lectures are open to the gen-
eral public. All servicemen are ad-
mitted free of charge to all lectures.
Events Today
"Junior Miss," hilarious comedy by
Chodorov and Fields, opens tonight
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Presented by Play Production of the
Department of Speech, the play will
be given for four performances, to-
night through Saturday evening at
3:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased
at the theatre box office, phone 6300.
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. for Christ-
mas Carol Sing on campus next Sun-
day evening. No Sunday afternoon
rehearsal this week.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The weekly prayer meeting and Bible
study will be held tonight in Lane
Hall at 7:30 p.m.
La Sociedad Hispanica has been
invited by the Newman Club to at-
tend a Latin-American program on
Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 8 in the base-
ment of Saint Mary's Chapel; corner
of Thompson and William Sts. This
program will take the place of the
regular Wednesday meeting of La
Botanical Seminar: Wednesday,
Dec. 13 at 4 p.m. Rm. 1139 N.S. Pro-
fessor W. C. Steere will speak on the
subject "Quinine-producing plants of
South America" (illustrated with col-
ored slides). Anyone interested may
The Inter-Racial Association will
meet at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec.
13 in Rm. 316, Michigan Union.
Claudia Jones, former editor of "The
Spotlight;" will speak on "The Negro
and the War."
Biological Chemistry Seminar: Dr.
William D. Robinson, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Internal Medicine and in
charge of the work of the Arthritis
Research Unit of the University Hos-
pital, will discuss "The Methods of
Assaying the Nutritive Status of a
Human Population," at 4:15 p.m., on
Wednesday, Dec. 13, in Room 319
West Medical Building. All interested
are invited.
Coming Events
Zoology Seminar: There willbe a
meeting of the Zoology Club on
Thursday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Mr. Louis
Krumholtz will speak on "The pro-
ductivity, northward acclimatization
and use of the mosquito fish Gam-
busia affinis in mosquito control."
Physical Education for Women:
Registration for the second season of
physical education classes will be
held in Barbour Gymnasium on Fri-

day, Dec. 15 from 8:30 to 12:30, 1:30
to 5:30, and Saturday, Dec. 16 from
8:30 to 12:00. All students planning
to take physical education courses
should register at this time.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will be held in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing at. 7:45 p.m. Beethoven's Missa
Solemnis will be featured. All grad-
uate students and servicemen are
invited to attend.

hours when they are on duty or when
persons with keys to buildings un-
lock doors and leavethem unlocked.
It is desirable that department heads
make a careful check two or three
times a year of all keys to quarters
under their charge, to make sure that
keys have not been lost and are not
in theahands of persons no longer
requiring their use. It is strictly
contrary to University rules to have
duplicate keys made or to lend keys
issued for personal use.
A reward.of $50 is offered to any
person for information that directly
or indirectly leads to the apprehen-
sion of a thief or thieves on Univer-
sity premises.
-Shirley W. Smith
Health Service Clinic Hours: There
is a tendency for students to over-
crowd the general clinic during late
afternoon hours. Early hours in the
forenoon are much freer and stu-
dents are advised to use them when
possible to insure prompt and satis-'
factory attention.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
- Director, Health Service
Students, Fall Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Dec.
16, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of
"E." Upon the recommendation of
their Academic Counselors, freshmen,
(students with less than 24 hours
credit) may be granted the extra-
ordinary privilege of droppinghcour-
ses without penalty through the
eighth week.
L.S.&A. Civilian Freshman Five-
waa~.1. R .Pn rfc illhP nivn out' i~in the



By Crockett Johnson

Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
says it's going to snow, Pop. And-

How can you tell it won't snow?1

Orion? But Orion also said
it will snow, Pop ... He's an

p tPY7 1944 Fid Publications
Those three bright ones
a re his belt. And-Pay I


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