THlE MI1011GAN DAILY Im Earligan Zat Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Trouble in Greece Is Basic I II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Editorial Staff " *. . . Managing Editor . . t. . . Cty Editor .. . Associate Editor * Sorts Editor * . * Associate Sports Editor * . .. Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer.. . Barbara Chadwick June PomeringT Telep) . . . Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. S Associate Business Mgr. hone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College PaNisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON * LOS ANGELIS * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY ROTH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Drive Continues PATRIOTISM is a good basis for buying bonds. Patriotism plus an understanding of the elements of war finance is a better basis. Inform- ed bond owners aren't fooled by Axis-inspired rumors-and they are much more likely to hold their bonds, both now and during reconversion. So says the War Finance Division of the Treas- ury Depavtment in a pamphlet devoted to a non-technical discussion of how the purchase of war bonds checks rising prices and helps to in- sure post-war prosperity. The pamphlet points out that expenditures of approximately 99 billion dollars are contemplated for the 1945 fiscal year. Taxes bring in some 46 billions, leaving a deficit which must be met by borrowing. The government can borrow from commer- cial banks, and it can borrow from individuals and corporations. Borrowing from commercial banks means that Uncle Sam spends money which would not otherwise have been created -"new" money, inflationary money. Borrow- ing from individuals means that Uncle Sam spends money which the individual or corpora- tion might otherwise have spent. At the present time the federal government is purchasing about one half the total volume of goods and services being produced, while the other half is being purchased for private use. The discrepancy means that there is more money with which to buy ties and bracelets and butter and beef than there are ties and bracelets and butter and beef to buy. The attempted ex- penditures of the excess funds threatens ceiling prices and pushes upward the prices which are not pegged, resulting ultimately' in inflation.-. Inflation means that dollars-dollars in pockets, dollars invested in insurance policies, dollars in bank accounts, buy increasing less.. - Money safely and patriotically invested in bonds is not pushing prices upward. It is warding off inflation. It is helping to keep. the United States post-war economy on an even keel. -Margaret Farmer I By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 11-Inside fact about the troubles in Greece is that they date back to an understanding between Roosevelt and Churchill that the American Army would play second fiddle to the British Army in all matters affecting not only Greece but Jugoslavia. Chur- chill sold Roosevelt on the idea that this was a British sphere of influence, that all decisions, all military and diplomatic operations should be under the British. This has been carried out to the last T- in fact, so much so that it was a cause of con- siderable embarrassment to U. S. military lead- ers in the Near East. When, for instance, U. S. Army officers wanted to send instructions to U. S. Army men inside Greece, they had to send them through the British in British code. They never could tell whether the messages were delivered. It is now no secret that both British and American troops infiltrated back and forth inside Greece and Jugoslavia during the Ger- man occupation. Supplies were sent to the guerrillas in both countries, and so were U. S. troops. Usually the troops were American citizens of Greek or Jugoslav descent who spoke the language and could work with the rebel armies fighting the German occupation. But everything had to be done under the British, and when the British found an Am- erican too friendly to the non-Royalists in Greece, he was quietly transferred elsewhere. Movie Stars in Politics . THE ACTIVITY of Orson Welles, Frank Sina- tra, Ann Sheridan and a lot of other movie and radio stars in the recent campaign has caused repercussions among the movie-going public. One irate movie-goer recently wrote to Harry Warner of Warner Brothers, demanding that movie stars be suppressed when it came to ex- pressing their political opinions. To this Harry Warner replied: "Dear Madam: In reply to your letter of the 8th, I am very much surprised that anyone would refuse to go to see a picture because the star in it had publicly'expressed his political point of view. "I think your letter would be fitting in any Nazi or Japanese country, but Thank God there is an America where people can express their opinions publicly, no matter what their political affiliation may be. "We advised all of our people that they certainly had a right to express their views, no matter what political party they favored. If you have a right to go and see whatever picture you want to see and express your views as to what you think about it, then a movie star certainly has the right to go to any political gathering and express his opin- ionrs." Snowplows in Tropics. F~OR WEEKS the Alaskan army has been yell- ing for a dozen high-powered snowplows to clear airfields in Alaska. Orders were sent for them nearly a year ago but, although the plows were shipped out in good time, they still have not reached Alaska. Instead, guess where they are! They are reposing under thatched roofs in the tropical heat of one of the Mariana Islands. Here is the story of what happened. The dozen plows were loaded last summer on the decks of two ships whose holds were full of powder and shells. The ships sailed for Alaska from a port on our Pacific Coast. Shortly after they set sail, a frantic request came from the Pacific theater for ammunition of the type these ships were carrying-the Saipan battle was in progress at that time. The ships were radioed to change their course and make for the Marianas. Unfortu- nately, there were no port facilities at the island to which they were directed, and the Marines and Seabees assigned to unload the ships had a major engineering job on their hands. They had to remove the heavy dual- motored plows on small lighters before they could unload the ammunition. The plows were then to be reloaded on the ships and sent to Alaska. But the sun was too hot, and the men too busy. The ships sailed without the plows. The sun has remained too hot, and the men too busy. The plows are still lined up near the shore of a tropical island while our men at the Alaskan airfields battle the snow without them. Burning War Bonds . . TREASURY Department war bond salesmen are pleased with the show of patriotism made by those who burn their war bonds, but they fear it will snarl Government bookkeeping in years to come. The Treasury has a microfilm record of every war bond purchaser, and officials point out that a person'.s equity in a war bond cannot be destroyed,'that the sales arcwmarked as a debt on the Federal ledger. Thus, burned war bonds will remain a debt on the books unless you write to the Treasury and notify them to the contrary. (Copyright, 1944 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) ED RA THER BE RIGHT: Deep-Seated Split By SAMUEL GRAFTON EW YORK, Dec. 11-The remedy for cool- ness between Britain and the United States is warmth. Everybody knows this; both sides to the current controversy know it; the chil- dren in the streets know it; the butcher's boy knows it, Mr. Eden and Mr. Stettinius know it. The two countries must come together. And they want to come together. There is a lively desire in both countries for an end to the current semi-crisis, for an embrace, amid sobs and loud smacking noises. Why then does the crisis exist, and why don't Britain and America come together? One reason is that the two countries are not facing up to the real issue. Let us not be confused by the form which the near- crisis in British-American affairs has taken. In form, a quarrel over the right of the people of Italy, Belgium and Geece to pick their own governments. In form, it is a quarrel over whether there is to be order or disorder in these lands. In form, it is a quarrel over whether Count Sforza can be trusted to support Bonomi, when and if he enters a Bonomi government. But these are only the forms. These surface appearances are de- ceptive. The substance of this quarrel is quite different from its form. The British tell us it is a quarrel over whether there is to be "order" in Belgium and Greece. Let us not delude ourselves. If the Pierlot gov- ernment in Belgium and the Papandreou gov- ernment in Greece were anti-British, Mr. Chur- chill would be against them, and he would not care two whoops in a rain barrel whether they were keeping order or not. As a matter of fact, they are not keeping order, and so Mr. Chur- chill's slogan is visibly empty of content. A similar situation obtains in Italy, where the British oppose the gentle Count Sforza, on the ground that he is hostile to Premier Bonomi. But Bonomi doesn't seem to mind. He has testified to Sforza's friendship. The British are not concerned about Sforza's opposition to Bon- omi, but about his opposition to themselves, and to their plans concerning control over Italy's former colonies in North Africa. The British have no objections to letting Sforza take a domestic role in the Italian gov- ernment; it is only when he is proposed for the foreign office, the one office with which they would have to deal, that they become alarmed about the degree of his loyalty to Bonomi. But I am not shocked by this. For the British will have their livings to earn after the war. They are in a tight spot. They are working for self-preservation. It is their drive for self-preservation which takes the respectable form of slogans about "order" and about Sforza's betrayal. BUT WE ARE answering with slogans, too; with slogans about freedom. Our slogans are much better. Our slogans do array us on the same side as the people of Belgium and Greece and Italy. But our slogans have a bit of extra, added meaning, too, in addition to their surface meaning; there is a spill-over; by "freedom" we sincerely mean freedom of self- rule for liberated peoples, but we also mean free- dom to land our commercial airplanes where we like, freedom to set up shipping lines as we like, freedom to scramble for the carrying trade of the world. Let us remember that a good part of this trade will be air trade; and the com- mercial air traffic is peculiar in that it combines strategic considerations with commercial con- siderations in an extraordinary degree. We showed at the Chicago Air Conference that we mean to give the British no quarter on the question of obtaining exclusive commercial air rights anywhere, or even a fixed, protected quota of the air business. This, while the air is filled with slogans of "Order!" "Freedom!", etc., the content of the near-crisis between British and America is Britain's fear of unchecked economic rivalry, and our desire for it. Our position regarding the peoples of Italy, Belgium and Greece, is superior to the British. But it is also true that we can afford to have it so. The trouble is deep-seated, and though we may wipe away a particular symptom, say in Italy, the disorder will show itself somewhere else, unless we meet with Britain, and plan how both of us are to make our livings. Brit- ain must have something on which she can rely, or she will grab. The cry of "Shame!" will not solve it. Nations must live. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) Letters to the Editor On Dr. Becker's Lectures . . THROUGHOUT the past week, as we all know, we have had the oppor- tunity to hear the eminent historian, Dr. Carl R. Becker, lecture on "Freedom and Responsibility in the American Way of Life." These talks have, indeed, been highly instructive and provocative, for both the lecturer is a profound scholar and the subject matter is most pertinent. In these lectures, however, especially those of last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- day, Dr. Becker, it seems to me, has been guilty of that one-sided reason- ing quite common in contemporary pseudo-political and pseudo-economic thought: private business attempts vigorously to effect the abridgement,j if not the destruction, .of our personal>' liberties; through its wealth and in- social problems of the day, but who fluence it, to say the least, curtails the themselves would miserably fail in freedom of the press and of commu- life if they could not hide under the nication through radio; it artfully guise of a scholar; who, being excep- deludes many individuals in its "ly- tionally incapable of facing the diffi- ing for private profit"; it unceasingly culties of life, gloating in their con- assails complete freedom of teaching;cetiesor ayi el ves ain the un- and learning because it believes that ceit, portray themselves as the un- increased knowledge in sociologied fortunate victims of an evil social and economic problems might prove order. In his one-sided approach, detrimental to its continued success, if Dr. Becker, in his lecture on "Free- not to the perpetuity of the entire dom of Learning and Teaching," has, system; fundamentally, private busi- indeed, adequately informed us how ness, thoroughly selfish in its motives, freedom of teaching has often been both in theory and in practice, cares abridged or even destroyed by vested little about the general welfare of interests in various educational in- the nation,-in fact, it would inde- stitutions. Teachers have been ex- fatigably oppose the common good pelled, books have been burned by if it believed this course of action to those who fear what a most complete be profitable to itself. education might to do their status in History and our own experiences society. This may be true. But have unequivocally shown us that what about freedom of learning? much of this is true. Powerful busi- From the student's point of view? ness enterprises have, indeed, often proved harmful to the general wel- Only this semester, on this campus. fare, especially in the short run, was a student (a graduate student before economic and social adjust- working for his doctorate) viciously ments could b made. Private busi- ordered out of the classroom, never ness has certainly taken full advan- to return, because he humbly told tage of its Constitutional rights of the instructor that his views on some freedom of speech and the press, uti- f religious matter mentioned by the lizinesed minfgsyeevhe pssleure-instructor were different from those lizing seemingly every poseible re- o h atr n l u nvriy source of the English language and of the latter. And all our University every other conceivable means'to de- said it could do for this student was ceive the public for its own gain. to remove m fom the courseewinh Truly a plethora of examples of this out a grade. Freedom of learning ntreyane hreiteapesAndhasand teaching? It is a farce unless nature can be reiterated. And. as- it works both ways. ically, is not the very philosophy ofi My objective in this letter has the free enterprise system, that phil- ; by no means been to give a com. osophy which instructs each indivi- no means be to gies o- dual to act so as to maximize his plete picture of the practices of private profit, diametrically opposed labor organizations and of the be- to he dels f scil .deopraose havior of a certain group of col- to the ideals of social .democr acy, lege professors, for obviously I which emphasizes the common good? hlee oer s leor ebviosl - Apparently so. have deliberately selected exam- nlnr frn~~wa 4hair c ln tra k t f I MU S IC ._.._ 7 But is such a sordid history pe- culiar to the business enterprise? Has private business alone been guilty of these vicious atrocities? Are the reactionary entrepreneur and capitalist the only ones who have been hostile to the truly dem- ocratic way of life? On inspection it is quite obvious that the busi- ness interests are no more evil, that is, anti-democratic, than any other influential group of indivi- dualĀ§, including, for example, the labor unions and many of the self- styles "liberal" college professors. I shall discuss each of these two groups presently. A reflection on the "methods" often employed by the labor unions makes one think that his mind is in a state of ghastly fantasy, for frequently so inconceivable is their behavior. To call these methods undemocratic would be amusing if they were not so tragic. Union big-shots going into unorganized towns and firms; de- manding the laborers of a firm to join this union (and pay the fees) whether they desire to do so or not; picketing the firm and forcibly stop- ping all business transactions if the laborers desire to remain unaffiliated with that particular union; "inform- ing" all those who have business re- lations with the management that those "had better" cease immediate- ly until the laborers join the union- to mention one type of case. And how, at the labor meeting, (with par- ticular reference to one at a war plant with which I am well acquaint- ed), the individual member dare say nothing contravening the vociferous declamations of the boss, but must follow in a "Heil Hitler" fashion throughout the course of the evening, (the compulsion not being contrac- tual or technical, of course). But enough of these examples. Conser- vative newspapers and politicians have, as is to be expected, portray- ed incidents of this type exuberant- ly before the public mind. My point is simply that the policy and meth- ods of labor union are often remote from a democratic spirit, probably as remote as those of business enter- prise.. THE SECOND group which I have mentioned consists of those col- lege professors who unendingly boast of their great liberalism and of their democratic and social spirit but who, after the course of a semester, know the names of practically none of their students, and care still less; who never cease talking about how ef- fectively Russian democracy devel- ops the personality of the individual, but who are constantly feared as to be going to "flunk" some student who might accidentally express his indi- viduality in the classroom; who claim mgreat wisdom in understanding the pies rom their ack pnases. My point is that business enter- prise is not the only activitiy which has black pages in its history, as Dr. Becker seemingly implied by constantly choosing his examples of undemocratic policy from its history, and as much of the cur- rent literature on social and ec- onomic problems connotes; other groups are in practice just as un- democratic and anti-social. And, to make a second point, I believe that business enterprise has per- haps done as much for the common good of our society as any other group, either deliberately or un- knowingly. Especially now, for ex- ample, when we consider how many enterprisers, faithfully and even, mtay I say, at times very conscientiously, trying to continue servicig their communities, have to put up with the intermediate O. P. A. employees who with their snippy and assuming mannerisms and their biting tongues, exhibit a personality most repulsive to deal with,-when we consider this, we must be aware that courage and civility are not completely lacking in the business world.' Business enterprise, too, has its white pages. But I shall not enter into a discussion of that here. -Harry Daum DAILY OFFICIAL BULLErTIN (Continued from Page 2) Phi Omega, Am. Inst. of Architects. Am. Inst. of Elec. Engineers, Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, Am. Soc. of3 Mechanical Engineers, ,Armenian Student Association, Cercle Francais,, Christian Science Organization, Del- ta Omega, Delta Sigma Theta, Engi- neering Council, Forestry Club, Inter- Cooperative Council, Interfraternity Council, Inter - Racial Association, Christian Fellowship (Michigan), Kappa Phi. Lester Cooperative, Men's Judiciary Council, Michigan Cooperative, Mi- chigan League, Michigan Union, Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac- tion, Mortar Board, Mu Phi Epsilon. Newman Club, Palmer Cooperative, Panhellenic Association, Phi Delta Epsilon, Philippine Michigan Club, Pi Lambda Theta, Post-War Council, Prescott Club, Quarterdeck Society, Rho Chi, Robert Owen House, Roch- dale Cooperative, Sailing Club (Mich- igan). Scroll, Senior Society, Sigma Alpha Iota, Sigma Xi, Sociedad Hispanica, Society of Women Engineers, Sphinx, Stevens Cooperative, Student Relig- ious Association, Triangles, Veterans Organization, Vulcans, Women's Ath- letic Association, Women's Glee Club, Wyvern, World Student Service Fund Com., Zeta Phi Eta. Lectures Osa Johnson, famous explorer, will be presented by the Oratorical Asso- ciation this evening in a motion pic- THE BOSTON Symphony Orchestra presented. its twentieth concert last evening for the music lovers of Ann Arbor. Needless to say, these very able musicians already are the proud possessors of a reputation thst places them above all major orches- tras in this country. Few would question their merit. Precision, vol- ume, expert intonation are taken in their stride without the slightest effort. At times, a conductor seems superfluous. But Serge Koussevitzky, their brilliant conductor, is not to be overlooked. Without him unity, ab- solute control of dynamics, and sub- tle interpretation would not be what it is. As far as performance was con- cerned all compositions were execut- ed with equal expertness. Because of the majestic beauty of the Eroica. it, is fitting to credit it with being the most poetic work of the evening. Since the peak of artistry made its appearance so early in the program, the remaining Schuman and Rimsky- Korsakov numbers trailed behind as afterthoughts. A question of tempo may be a com- ment raised by some authorities on Beethoven. A retarded speed was especially noticed in the last move- ment of the Beethoven Symphony. However, it's all a matter of quib- bling over a detail that did not tarnish the effect produced by Mr. Koussevitzky's infallible workman- ship. A break in a concert of serious literature was the spirited Sousa march, The Stars and Stripes For- ever. -Kay Enge the subject, "Thomas Mann as a Cultural Mediator" at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 13, in the Rackham Amphitheater under the auspices of the Department of Germanic Lan- guages and Literatures. The public is cordially invited. French Lecture: Professor Palmer A. Throop of the Department of His- t.ory, will -give the first of the French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memor- ial Hall. The title of his lecture is: "La Predication de la Croisade." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the.Department of Romance Lane- uages (Rm. 112, Romance Language Building or at the door at the time of the lecture. These lectures are open to the gen- eral public. All serviceme are ad- mitted free of charge to all lectures. Events Today There will be a meeting of the Prescott Club at 7 p.m. today in the East Lecture Room in the Rackham Building. Dr. F. F. Blicke will lec- ture on "The Introduction of General Anesthetics into Medicine." All who are interested are cordially invited to attend. Post-War Council meets at Lane Hall today at 4:30. All those inter- ested in the Council are invited to attend. Please bring eligibility cards. Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rms. 319-323 in the Michigan Union. Future possibilities of jet propulsion will be discussed by an inter-circle conference. Commit- tee reports on the & pm. dinner with after-dinner speeches for Dec. 19will be considered. The Christian Science Students' Organization meets tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. All are welcome to attend. Assembly Board Meetings will be held today at 5 p.m. Dormitory house presidents meet in the Kalamazoo Room. League House Presidents con- sult League Bulletin Board for place of meeting. If you cannot attend, , please send a substitute. Comuig Events "Junior Miss," recent successful Broadway comedy, will open tomor- row evening at 8:30 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for four per- formances only, tomorrow through Saturday evenings. "Junior Miss" will be presented by Play Production of the Department of Speech. Tick- ets are on sale daily at the theatre box office. Zoology Seminar: There will be a meeting of the Zoology Club on Thursday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Mr. Louis Krumholtz will speak on "The pro- ductivity, northward acclimatization and use of the mosquito fish Gam- busia affinis in mosquito control." Botanical Seminar: Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 4 p.m. Rm. 1139 N.S. Pro- fessor W. C. Steere will speak on the subject "Quinine-producing plants of South America" (illustrated with col- ored slides). Anyone interested may E attend. La Sociedad liispanica has been invited by the Newman Club to at- tend a Latin-American program on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 8 in the base- ment of Saint Mary's Chapel, corner of Thompson and William Sts. This I v 4 Wards Halt War Production "MONTGOMERY WARD'S refusal to abide by the National War Labor Board order after it has exhausted every legal avenue amounts to anarchy. It is the company and not the workers who are on strike." That was the statement of August Scholle, CIO regional director for Michigan, and it is a clear statement of a clear case of management halting production at a time when it is vitally needed on the war fronts. Wards' owns factories which produce carbu- retors, propellors and gun mounts for military aircraft as well as paints, varnish, fencing ma--y terial and farm equipment and supplies. Montgomery Ward, even after being taken over by the army in April of this year as a result of its refusal to comply with an WLB directive, is not yet convinced of the authority of our legal and constitutional government. The CIO, unable to otherwise combat Mont- gomery Ward's flouting of the WLB's two-year old directive providing wage increases and other benefits, has seen fit in this instance to life, for the first time since Pearl Harbor, its "no- strike pledge." Labor cannot be charged with a lack of -sviam awve_ heo n-strike iledee disputes would be established, and the WLB was subsequently set up. In the dispute between the United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employees (CIO) and Montgomery Ward, the board ruled that wages should be increased from $2 to $5 a week and further provided for union mainten- ance of membership, the check-off and arbitra- tion of grievances. The Board's rulings have been blandly ignored by the Company, constituting a violation of management's own "no-strike pledge." Management shares the responsibility for strikes (which amount to one-tenth of one percent (.001) of all man hours lost) and it is necessary that we, as citizens, know both sides of the story. --Betty Roth 1 BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I've hunted lions, and dragons, bears, multi-headed serpentine monsters, and squirrels ... But I've never run across the animals you describe, O'Malley .., Wily beasts, aren't they? Keeping out of sight like I have it! .e..Orion,old pal, we'll lure an ermine out of hiding!.. . With a Yes. I think I definitely DECOY!... We'll build a likeness of can predict it. It snows one of the huge white beasts. Out every winter, doesn't it- nf SN("nWI nn; nfan i ;-yi; w I