THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Investigation of Lend-Lease . II ' f -, 1-, u~uw~~P -- Edited and managed by students of the University Mchigan under the authority of the Board in Control " Student Publications. velyn Phillips an Wallace ay Dixon , ank Mantho ave Loewenberg avis Kennedy e Amer arbara Chadwick mne Pomering Editorial Stafff -* . . . Managing Editor . . . . . City Editor . . . . .Asociatb Editor Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff . . . . .Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. * Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. MAember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIING 9Y- National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO ."BOSTON . Los ANGeS * SAN FRANCiSCO NIGHT EDITOR: AGGIE MILLER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Campus Veterans THE AFTERMATH of war has created a new type of collegian-the veteran. In certain respects, he is set apart from the rest of the stu- dents and feels out of key, because his experi- ences in the service have altered his outlook on life. The majority of these "has been G. .'s are here at college with a hope of erradicating the unpleasant memories of their lives in the ser- vice. Often, these veterans shock us with em- bittered philosophies, tempered with undue pes- simism. Consequently, students, fortunate enough to avoid sharing their unpleasant experiences, take an attitude toward them of pity or disgust. In any case, they segregate them as a special group, rather than treat them as individuals. To be sure, veterans often iook down upon their colleagues as "inexperienced kids" with a superior air of savior faire. But we must real- ize, that we bring this situation upon ourselves. Many of us cherish a pseudo belief that veterans look down upon us because they feel that we college students are slackers, if not. obstruction- ist to the war effort. But we must do away with this attitude because the fact is, the majority of veterans look up to us for preserving a way of life for them to come home to. Without the existence of the foregoing sit- uation, life is tough enough for the veteran. Often he is negativistic to constructive criti- cism and finds it difficult to discipline him- self to the comparative quietude of concen- trated study. Consequently, his lessons come hard. However, the tragedies of their mili- tary experiences have given them an idea of what they don't want and they are more purposeful and sincere in their attitude towards higher education. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 9-Administration lead- ers aren't shouting about it, but they are not at all happy over Congressional rumblings of an investigation of Lend-Lease. There has been under-cover talk of such an investigation for some time, but now it seems likely to come to a definite head sometime during the next Congress. One thing which has renewed talk of a probe is the British proposal to use some Lend-Lease goods for re-export in order to build up British trade. This was discussed by Lord Keynes when he was in Washington to renew the Lend-Lease agreement. Another factor disturbing Congress is the re- ported misuse of Lend-Lease goods in various areas. Authentic reports have come back re- garding Italian work battalions employed by the British to remove American trademarks from goods and apply British trademarks before they are distributed in Italy. Still another report reaching the State De- partment involves a request from the Iraq Government for 100 trucks and tractors. Be- cause of American military shortages, the re- quest was refused. Whereupon U. S. officials were amazed to find that Iraq got the trucks and tractors from the British. The British had lend-leased them from the United States, then magnanimously turned them over to the Iraq Government at our expense and for their own diplomatic benefit. The U. S. official who has written the most scathing reports on British misuse of Lend- Lease is Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Hurley, newly ap- pointed Ambassador to China. Strongly second- ing him is James Landis, U. S. economic mini- ster to the Near East. Something in Return ..+ THERE IS A growing feeling that, with the American Army now bearing the brunt of the fighting, the pressing need for Lend-Lease to both England and Russia is diminishing and that, before we turn over Lend-Lease goods for British re-export we should get something in return-such as a pledge that Britain will re- vise its policies in Greece, Italy, Belgium and Ethiopia, where British imperialism has kept those countries in a political ferment. While the United States is not directly in- terested in the politics of Greece, Italy and Belgium, it is an unfortunate fact that we are getting part of the blame for British policy-because U. S. arms and Lend-Lease munitions are used by the British in these areas. NOTE-Congressional investigators want espe- cially to probe certain letters written by Secre- tary of State Ed Stettinius when he was Lend- Lease Administrator, reportedly taking his plati- num hair down and giving his shirt away to the British. Rockefeller and the French . . FRENCH officials have been smoldering over the fact that Nelson Rockefeller's Office of the CIAA has been subsidizing Genevieve Ta- bopis' paper, "Pour La Victoire," by sending thousands of copies to Latin America. Until recently, Madame Tabouis consistently opposed de Gaulle and, according to the Free French, supported any and every French group except that of de Gaulle. Despite that, Mme. Tabouis two years ago concluded an arrange- ment with Nelson Rockefeller, naive newly ap- pointed Assistant Secretary of State, for the weekly purchase of thousands of copies of her paper, to be distributed among French-speaking people in Latin America. Because of the Rockefeller subsidy, thou- sands of Frenchmen got the impression that what Tabouis wrote represented the official view of the U. S. on the French situation and this has led to confusion and mystery below the Rio Grande. Some Congressmen who have heard of the Tabouis-Rockefeller arrangement wonder how we were able to spare newsprint for anti-de- Gaullist propaganda in Latin America while ra- tioning newsprint to publishers in the U. S. A. Financial Aid for Congress . .. THE DEFICIENCY bill before the House of Representatives carries an innocent-looking provision for increasing the Congressional al- lowance for clerk hile from $6,500 per year to $9,500. This is an indirect method of giving a slight salary-expense lift to Congressmen. Actually, Government experts outside of Con- gress long have recognized that Congressional salaries are too low. With the cost of living up, with campaign expenses increased, and with other wages throughout the country upped, Con- gressional salaries remain stationary. Few Con- gressmen can live and support a family on what they get from Uncle Sam alone. But you can hardly find one scared legislator willing to whisper about a salary boost, in view of the furore which broke forth throughout the country several years ago when a pension for Congressmen was voted. That is the reason for the increased approp- riation for clerk hire. Actually, though the boost is deserved, it will probably mean more nepotism or more salary kick-backs from clerks. (Kick- backs were what defeated Congressman Kleberg of Texas, owner of America's largest ranch, when this columnist disclosed that two 12-year- old page boys and one Capitol usher were re- quired to kick back part of their salaries to Kleberg's office. The new appropriation also permits the payment of $5,000 a year to one clerk, whereas the present salary limit for one individual is $3,900. This may increase nepotism. Many Congressmen put their wives or relatives on. the payroll-sometimes with the wife more than earning her salary, but frequently with the wife or relative absent from the office most of the time. Mrs. Martin Dies, for instance, wife of the Congressman from Texas, is draw- ing $3,900 a year but has not been in Washing- ton for perhaps half of the Congressional term. Under the new provision, she could get $5,000 -only Martin won't be back here any more. However, with Congressional salaries low and living expenses up, this sort of nepotism some- times is almost essential if a Congressman does not have an outside income. NOTE-Economy-minded Congressman Jack Cochran, chairman of the House Accounts Com- mittee, is supporting this new provision for in- creasing the allowance for Congressional clerk hire. It is also being supported by the leaders of both parties. Cochran planned his strategy in consultation with Speaker Sam Rayburn and Republican leader Joe Martin after the provision had been proposed by Rep. Leo Allen of Illinois, ranking Republican on the Accounts Committee. War Bonds By ELMER RICE Every time I buy a War Bond, I think of my grand- father. Born in Germany, in 1829, he took part in the 1848uprising against the despotic Bavarian govern- Sment. The fight was lost, he was taken prisoner and, upon his release, he emi- grated to America. A penni- RICE less boy of twenty-one, knowing no word of English, he settled in a small town in Pennsylvania, and, before long, became a respected member of his community. He never grew rich, but he managed to pro- vide comfortably, for his family and for his old age. He lived to be ninety-three and to see his children, his grandchildren and his great- grandchildren grow up in peace and in security. Always, he blessed the day he set foot on Ameri- can soil, and, from my earliest childhood, he in- stilled in me a deep love of America and vivid sense ofnthe contrast between the harsh tyranny of his native Germany and the free institutions of his adopted land. I have often wondered what would have be- come of us, his descendants, if he had not felt that urge to seek freedom here. How many would have been ground ruthlessly to death, in the ser- vice of the German war-machine? How many tortured to death in German concentration camps? And would the fate of the survivors have been much better: enslaved, terrorized, robbed of their rights and liberties, afraid to call their souls their own? I am grateful to my grandfather for com- ing to America; and grateful to the America that welcomed him and gave him a long life and a happy old age. I like to think that each War Bond I buy discharges a tiny fraction of that debt of gratitude. Every American can discover, in his own family record, someone who came to this land,- twenty years ago or two hundred years-to find freedom and opportunity. No true American can afford to neglect that debt of gratitude. To Latin America THERE IS something attractive in the report ,that Henry Wallace may be sent to Latin America "to work on sore-spots." The j'ob is surpassingly important. Wallace is popular throughout the hemisphere. His intention is friendly and most of the time, his instincts are sound. He knows agriculture, the main South American occupation, inside out. Wallace is a true democrat; Latin America needs to see breathing examples of true democ- racy from this country. And, philosopher though he undoubtedly is, he has often been right when the political materialists were wrong. In short, he would be a good man for this big job. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch On Second Thought . . By RAY DIXON CIGARETTES may now be wrapped with alum- inum foil and cellophane. Both the pack- ages and customers are foiled again. And then there is the smoker who is tired of looking for cigarettes. In fact, he's all fagged out. Stettinius reorganizes the State Department and Crisler is planning to do the same with the Ohio State department. So many millionaires are being appointed to posts in the State Department that it is begin- ning to look like a renewal of dollar diplomacy. The Siegfried Line is penetrated at so many points, that it seems as though the Allies are going to use it as a sample for the dotted line Hitler will be expected to sign. The Pendlum By BERNARD ROSENBERG MUCH of the savagery Carl Van1 Dorn claims is implicit in "Gulli-l ver's Travels" may be detected upon reading Book I-A Voyage To Lilli- put. In it Jonathan Swift lampoons the court life and manners of Britain with biting satire. If there is a top layer in this book of straight narra- tive and a substratum devoted to England, there is something beneath both of these and it expresses what may be called an anti-mankind at-, titude. By creating a literary vacuum and pouring into it the worst character- istics of that civilization which he despised, Swift succeeded in accen- tuating his social criticism to a sharp and incisive point. When an emperor of Lilliput wishes to fill the office left vacant by a minister's death, he has the candi- dates entertain him with rope danc- ing and high jumping. Swift himself, never the type who truckled to au- thority, did not, presumably, dance or jump with sufficient dexterity to attain the status of bishop, though it was this he desired all his life. The pygmy emperor, whose domain is twelve miles in circumference, re- fers to himself in the manner of all kings as "taller than the sons of men; whose feet press down to the center of the earth and whose head strikes against the sun, etc." In Lilliput the great cause of internal strife is: should eggs be broken on the smaller or the larger end? One emperor, Gul- liver learns, issued an edict com- manding all his subjects to break the smaller ends of their eggs. This caused six rebellions-there being many unregenerate Big-Enders in the Empire. This is Swift's way of symbolizing the pettiness of human affairs, the ridiculous unimportance of their disputes. When the Queen's castle is on fire, Gulliver saves it in the most expedient manner imaginable-but, by so doing, violates a law of the realm. Translated, this means that when a man has performed some "eminent piece of service" and is thus invulnerable on that score, his enemies will attack the method he used rather than the praise- worthy end he achieved. Swift was also probably alluding to Queen Ann who, it seems was responsible for blocking his admission to high ecclesiastical office. There is of course much subjectivity in Swift's outlook upon life. SOMETIMES the dour Dean takes a direct polk at British woman- hood. He explains the uniqueness of Lilliputian handwriting. It goes, he says, neither from the right to the left nor from the left to the right; it reads neither from up to down nor from down to up; but "aslant from one corner of the paper like (the style of) ladies in England." The intrigue against Gulliver (could Swift have had persecutory delusions), the jealousy of imperial favorites, the connivance and chic- anery that pile up, the chauvinism of little men with no vision: these are commentaries on society and the de- praved species that created it. One is inclined to believe that Swift speaks for himself when he takes notice of the Lilliputian belief, "that men and women are joined to- gether like other animals, by the mo- tives of concupiscence "-that there- fore "a child is under no obligation to his father for begetting him or his mother for bringing him into the world." From this it is concluded that the state, not the family, should raise children, an interestingly Platonic opinion though it stems from alto- gether different premises. Propaga- tion is in itself, at any rate, no bene- fit "considering the miseries of hu- man life." At times the author uses his char- acters as a mouthpiece for himself and at other times merely as a story- telling device. Both reveal the pro- foundest misanthropy in English literature. Shall we then read Gulliver's Travels" simply for its ingenious narrative qualities as Mr. Van Doren conjures us to do and as generations of children have done? To do so if we are at all hard minded is to deny ourselves one of the richest, if one of the most devastating, experiences cultured individuals can have-as we don our intellectual blinkers and refuse to observe the bestiality of man. The President is to be commend- ed of this designation of Donald M. Nelson as his "personal envoy" with Cabinet rank. Such a designation, corresponding to the British one of Minister without Portfolio, is novel to our experience, the service of Nor- man H. Davis as "Ambassador-at- large" under Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt being perhaps the nearest approach. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Ilrwlrrrrlllrrr III nil rl Irr rM r IIIr1 III YYrIrMBw l1 r 1 _ ..'i DOMINIE SAYS(... i BISHOP Soderblom, a rare ecclesi- astical statesman of Sweden long-advocated the necessity oi knitting together great bands of un- derstanding among all Protestants Catholic and Orthodox in the hope of an active - federation. Dr. Alber; Sweitzer of Africa, theologian, physi- cian, musician, missionary, in hi: "Contemporary English Theology,' said that we moderns must "take the ethical religion of Jesus out of the setting of his world view and put ii in our own" and thus "make the Kingdom of God a reality in thi: world by works of love." These the- ologians detect the imperfections of liberalism. They are inclined tc charge our chaos as much to the lack of faith and man's reliance on hu- manism as to the political uncer- tainty which leaves us with a basket- ful of definitions of democracy but nc genuine will to serve the Christiar purpose and produce a democratic society. The rejoinder by the great libera{ such as the late William Temple of Britain and W. E. Hocking of the United States, would be that "sci- ence itself does not start merely b3 trying to get what we want. Science has its high origin \in devotion to something greater than itself, the disinterested love of truth, from which, as from an overflowing foun- tam, come all its practical results." (Living Under Tensions, Fosdick, p. 148.) They would insist first that all has come from the universe, and that somehow some of the driving forces of human nature are pres- ent in the very pursuit of knowl- edge. However high the individual climbs, he finds that he has farther to go and must go farther. All this is true with regard to the develop- ment of personality. "He is forced to the conclusion that it is so in cdnection withthe physical and spiritual universes which have somehow converged in order to bring forth his being." (W. Tudor Jones, Reality of the Idea of God, p. 119.) This proposes three phases of one question: first, whether scientific, po. itical and psychological contribu- ;ions are to be feared and renounced is corroding egoism shown in exhi- bitions of power, or, secondly, all this is entirely neutral or, thirdly, wvhether scientific values are to be ac- ;epted frankly as spiritual attain- :nent and used by all men and insti- tutions as new revelations of the In- finite. Such are the old and new step- ping stones by which man may climb above every evil, to new heights of the soul. And collectively attained the noblest social good. Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education University df Michigan t. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN z ;; SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 1944 VOL. LV, NO. 34 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Faculty Tea: Pres. and Mrs. Ruth- ven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople Sunday, Dec. 10, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m.. To All Members of the University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the current school year will be held on Monday, Dec. 11, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The agenda is as follows: Report of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs- A. D. Moore, Chairman. Election of Three Members of the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs. Report on Contracts with the Armed Forces - Professor M. L. Niehuss. Statement by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Health Service Clinic Hours: There is a tendency for students to over- crowd the general clinic during late afternoon hours. Early hours in the forenoon are much freer and stu- dents are advised to use them when possible to insure prompt and satis- factory attention. Warren E. Forsythe, M.D. Director, Health Service Choral Union Members whose at- tendance records are clear, will please call for courtesy tickets admitting to the Boston Symphony Orchestra concert Monday, Dec. 11, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be issued. Lectures Osa Johnson, famous explorer, will be presented by the Oratorical As- sociation Tuesday evening in a mo- tion picture lecture "African Para- dise and the Solomons." Miss John- son will speak in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the auditorium box office tomor- row from 10-1 and.2-5; Tuesday from 10-1, 2-8:30. French Lecture: Professor Palmer A. Throop of the Department of His- tory, will give the first of the French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Mem- orial Hall. The title of his lecture is: "La Predication de la Croisade." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture. These lectures are open to the gen- eral public. All servicemen are ad- mitted free of charge to all lectures. Charles E. Koella. Wednesday, Dec. 13, in Room 319 West Medical Building. All interested are invited. Physical Education for Women: Registration for the second season of physical education classes will be held in Barbour Gymnasium on Fri- day, Dec. 15 from 8:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 5:30, and Saturday, Dec. 16 from 8:30 to 12:00. All students planning to take physical education courses should register at this time. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse- vitzky, Conductor, will give the sixth concert in the Choral Union Series, Monday evening, Dec. 11., at 8:30 in HiAU Auditorium. The following pro- gram will be heard: Symphony No. 3, Beethoven; Prayer in Time of War, William Schuman; and Rimsky-Kor- sakov's Suite from "Tsar of Saltan. A limited number of standing room tickets are still available at the offi- ces of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Events Today Student Recital: David Holland, organist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 4:15 p.m. His program will include compositions by de Chambionnieres, Handel, Bach, Karg-Elert, Benoit and Purvis, and will be open to the public. Michigan Christian Fellowship: The regular Sunday meeting will be hfld at 4:30 in Lane Hall. Christmas carols will be sung to prepare for the carolling party of next week. There will be refreshments and a social hour following the meeting. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance will be the speaker. Supper and fellowship hour following the meeting. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at 5:00 p.m. at the Disciples Church, Hill and Tappan, for a dis- cussion of PERSONAL RELIGIOUS LIVING. Miss Rachel Shileds will lead the closing worship service. The Navy Choir will sing for the International Center at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 316 in the Michigan Union. Hillel Foundation will feature Mr. Albert Cohen of the Jewish Voca- tional Service f Detroit, tonight, at 8. Mr. Cohen will discuss "Occupa- tional Trends Today and After the War." Illustrating the lecture will be a technicolor film, "Michigan on the March." ComingEvents Students in Education: Honorable Eugene B. Elliott, State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, will speak on "The School Plant and Financial Support of the Schools" in the UHS Auditorium on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 1 o'clock. At 2 o'clock students of A10 will provide an assembly pro- gram. All students of Education are invited. There will be a meeting of the Prescott Club at 7 p.m., on Tuesday, Dec. 12, in the East Lecture Room in the Rackham Building. Dr. F. F. Blicke will lecture on "The Intro- duction of General Anesthetics into Al... .. I 1 -Sylvan M Foreign Policy . Berman I OUR STATE Department has taken a stand on foreign policy! The United States is no longer only a nation apathetically looking on as Churchill smothers all liberal and democratic elements trying to arise in the governments in liberated Europe. "We expect the Italians to work out their problems of government along democratic lines without influence from the outside," Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius stated in his first declaration on foreign policy in his new office. The statement was a straightforward rebuke of the British "veto" of Count Carlo Sforza, sym- bol of anti-Fascism in Italy, as Foreign Mini-j ster of Italy. The United States' position applies "to an even more pronounced degree with regard to 'governments of the United Nations in their liberated territories."j Perhaps Churchill will hear our State De- partment's declaration more clearly than he has heard the cries against his Metternichian policy from members of his Parliament and other people of his own country. -N'yra Sacks Germans Protest WE DON'T know whether to chuckle or become angry at the dispatch telling of Gernan nnte ent to England and the U. S. protesting ,f BARNABY Haw did this pitfall get here? It's a menace to life and limb! We started to dig a pit to trap an ermine. But now that you're here, Orion, you'll get it for us- I haven't done much hunting recently, O'Malley. Not since the East Olympus Field and StreanmCl iua edu. nSo- By Crockett Johnson Orion's old prowess will all come back, m'boy. A refresher course, under my futelage- i 4