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December 09, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-09

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Government Operated -
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P A C I F I C N E T S H O W-Col. Roy M. GUlick. JUSMC, of
Doyle'town, Pa., thanks Bobby Riggs, tennis star noW a navy
specialist 2nd class, for giving an exhibition before leatherneck
tennis fans at Pearl Harbor Marine barracks.

MARINES ON S A I PAN -These three Marines:'from
Connecticut are serving together on Saipan Island-left to right,
Sgt. Bernard C. Lusis of Bristol, Pfc. D. J. Flores of New Britain
and Pfc. Robert E. Polley of East Norwalk.

Speech Difficulties Treated
With New Improved Methods

Overcoming speech difficulties re-
culting from auditory impediments
by the use of new and improved edu-
cational methods has been announc-
ed by the University Speech Clinic.
According to Dr. Ollie L. Backus
of the speech department, acting Di-
rector of the Clinic, very little has
been developed here that is basically
new. "What is new is the combina-
tion, the emphasis and the methods
used," she said.
Attitude Important
The attitude and outlook of an
Howell Admits
Graft Charges
Senator Will Confess
Legislature Scandal
LANSING, Dec. 8.-(A)-State Sen-
ator Chester M. Howell, Saginaw
Republican, made open court con-
fession today that he had accepted
graft, and offered to give State's tes-
timony against 12 co - defendants
named in a legislative graft conspir-
acy warrant.
Dramatically, in a day of fast
moving developments in the Carr
Grand Jury investigating charges of
corruption in state government, How-
ell surrendered to the warrant, elec-
ted to "go to bat" and fight the case,
then two hours later changed his
mind and pleaded guilty.
Special Prosecutor Kim Sigler ac-
Wompanied him into the court as
Howell, a respected legislative figure
and leader among his colleagues for
16 years, slowly read into the court
record this prepared statement:
"I realize I have made mistakes, as
have others in the Legislature-past,
and present, too.
"I know that the finest contribu-
tion I can make for good government
after all my legislative experience is
to frankly admit my mistakes and
help clean up graft in our state
"I know I owe this to my family,
of which three of our four children
are in the service of our country.
"juRWatch for

individual who starts the six weeks
intensive program of rehabilitation at
the Clinic, Dr. Backus explained, are
regarded with as much importance
as the training of the voice. "More
mental. hygiene is needed by these
folks who have to live in and adjust
to a hearing world. The hard of
hearing have lost many of the things
which are so commonplace that we
take them for granted."
Young and old pupils alike come
to the Clinic with a pessimistic at-
titude, but they soon gain a new faith
in themselves partly because rehabil-
itation includes actual demonstra-
tions of living itself. The Clinic has
a club in which officers are elected
every week, and there is plenty of
committee work calling for reports.
Skating parties are organized and a
social program is held every week.
Trainees in the University Clinic
are taught to use both lip reading
and the mechanical hearing aid.
Greater flexibility is obtained and
more normal speech results from the
use of this combination.
Poor Hearing Utilized
Often an individual can under-
stand voice melody or get the di-
rection of the speaker, although there
is not enough hearing ability to un-
derstand speech. "If a person has
only 10, 15, or 25% of normal hear-
ing, there is no sense in allowing
that fraction to remain dormant and
unused. Common sense alone sug-
gests that these people even more
than the normal individual, needs
have. The mere purchase of a hear-
ing aid will not hip them. They
to make efficient use of what they
must have training in amplification
of speech before they are ready even
to consider the use of a hearing aid.
Only after such instruction will an
individual hearing aid be useful."
Johnson To Conduct
Warrant Officer Thor Johnson,
conductor of the University Musical
be the guest conductor of the Phila-
Society, now on leave of absence, will
delphia Orchestra for two concerts
Dec. 22 and 23 at the Academy of
Music in Philadelphia, Charles Sink,
president of the Musical Society an-
nounced yesterday.
Johnson has been conducting the
Army orchestra and band at Fort
Monmouth, N. J. for three years.

FDR Stresses
Needs of War
Letter to NAM Tells
Of Reconversion Plans
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-President
Roosevelt said today the government
is prepared to release manufacturers
for. reconversion "at the earliest pos-
sible moment" but emphasized that
war needs come first.
In a letter to the War and Recon-
version Congress of American Indus-
try, the 49th annual meeting of the
ers, addressed to NAM's president,
National Association of Manufactur-
Robert M. Gaylord, the President
Cannot Relax War Effort
"Our national responsibility today
is to bring the war to a victorious
conclusion, We hope the end is nea
but because of that fact the effort
must be all the greater. We cannot
relax for if we do it gives our enemie
an opportunity to recover from th
staggering blows they are receiving
"We have our foes down. Let us bc
sure that no act of ours permits them
to rise.
"The manufacturers of the United
States, together with their workers.
have provided the tools with which
great successes have been won. They
must continue to do so. No machine
or person needed for work can be
spared as long as our armed forces
have a need that has not been met.
When this has been done our mills.
our factories and our shops may turn
to the pursuits of peace.
Reconversion as Soon as Possible
"Government is prepared to release
you for reconversion at the earliest
possible moment. Its plans to this
end have been made.
"I am confident that your members
will continue to support the war
effort in the superb fashion that
they have been doing.
"I am equally confident that they
will cooperate as fully after this war
in maintaining high levels of pro-
duction and employment so that all
Americans may enjoy the economic
benefits of peace."
Lt. Walsh To
Speak on WJR
Lt. John Walsh, veteran of the bat-
tle of the Solomons and a former stu-
dent of the University, will be heard
on the Free Press Program "In Our
Opinion," at 12:30 p. m. Sunday over
station WJR.
Lt. Walsh suffered a broken neck
and knee injury in the battle two
years ago. He is now stationed at
Cincinnati, O., as a public relations
Lt. Comdr. D. H. E. McCowen, a
British officer born in Dublin, Ire-
land, who recently commanded a
motor torpedo boat that served as
protection to troops in the invasions
will also be heard on the program.
Lt. Walsh is a former student of
the University of Detroit and the
. ; - M i ff2 2- T - ... I

AIR CONFERENCE DOCUMENT SIGNED-Lord Swinton (second from left; first row), chairman of.the
United Kingdom delegation, looks at his signatur e after he signed the "final act" document of- the
International Civil Air Conference in Chicago, Ill. Seated (leftto right) : Kia-ngau Chang, China's
delegate; Lord Swinti, Adolf A. Berle, Jr., U. S. delegation chairman; If. J. Symington, Canada's dele-
gate and Max ilymans, France's delegate. Advis ors (standing, left to right) are; Ray. Hare, A. 0.
Pieirot, Lyle Schinitter, Paul Meyer, F. H. LaGuardia, C. L. Willard, Dr. Warren Kelehner, U. S.; Claude
Lebel, France; Ri. W. Bradbury, U. S.; Andre Garna ult and Jaques Tupinier, France.

S L-A C K S - Actress Barbara
Britton models a slack suit
of wine red gabardine. Collar,
sleeves, and coat back are grey
cashmere wool with red and
white plaid,



B A R B E R S H O P QUARTET- Lauritz Melchior, Metro-
'politan tenor (left), and Edgar Bergen, join Bergen's dummies,
Mortimer Snerd and Charlie McCarthy in a barbarshop quartet.


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