rfTE MICHIGAN DAILY________ r s e Layton To Play For Week-End Union Dances 'Her Tears Flowed Like Wine,' 'Trolley Song' To Be Featured; Tickets Will Be Sold at Desk Kerchoo! Is Least Popular Word of 95 Providing a variety of hit tunes as well as popular favorites, Bill Layton and his orchestra will be on hand tonight from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Union Ballroom to furnish music for week-end dance enthusiasts. Among those to be featured tonight will be Judy Ward, the orchestra's vocalist, and Tommy Turk, up and coming trombonist. Dwight Daily, the orchestra's popular first alto sax- ophone player and composer of the theme song will also be in the spot- light when new and old arrange- ments are played. Two new songs, "Her Tears Flowed Like Wine," and "The Trolley Song," which are gain- ing much attention will be presented. Layton has promised that new tunes will be introduced each week. and that those numbers requested by dance-goers will also be played. Union dances are held weekly, both Friday and Saturday nights and have come to occupy a prominent place in week-end campus activities. At- tendance has been high, but it has never reached the place where dan- cing is obstructed by too big a crowd. Tickets to the week-end dances may be purchased by Union mem- bers at the Travel Desk. Union cards must be presented before the sale of a ticket can be made, and each member may purchase one ticket. American women suffer approxi- mately 95,000,000 colds annually. That means 95,000,000 sessions of red-nosed, choked up, I'm-not-fit-to- be-seen anguish, all too familiar to all of us. But even in the midst of a cold, according to an article in SHE Mag- azine, which has just come out, you can look better than you feel. The read troublemaker, it says, is the nose. Use an opaque foun- dation and a powder of matching shade to conceal the redness. Use a brilliant red lipstick and more do. And change your make-up cheek rouge than you ordiarily oftener. Carry a bottle of eye-wash with you for frequent freshening during the day. Use mascara sparingly on the upper lids to dress up your "Weddngs CN and /n Cngagements Mrs. Fred P. Cory of Ann Arbor recently announced the engagement of her daughter, Nancy Jean, to Marvin E. Olson, son of Mrs. T. Ra- jala of Saline, Michigan, and Lt.- Com. Rolfa Olson of Long Beach, California. Miss Cory is enrolled as a sopho- more in the University and is a mem- ber of the Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Olson served 11 months as an Air Corps Cadet, receiving his train- ing at, Wooster College, Ohio; Spo- kane, Washington; and St. Mary's College, California, from which he graduated. Due to the reduction in the Naval Aviation programme he has returned to . Ann Arbor where he is employed in the circulation de- partment of the Ann Arbor News. Dr. Lavinia MacKaye of Ann Ar- bor announced the engagement of her daughter, Jean Brewster MacKaye, to Starr J. Colby of Montclair, New Jersey. Miss MacKaye is a junior at the University. She is a member of Kap- pa Delta sorority, the Merit Commit- tee, and has served as accounts man- ager of the Ensian and the Student Directory. 'r. Colby graduated last October, receiving a degree in aeronautical engineering. He was a member of the Wolverirle Club, the Institute of Aaeroautical Sciences, and the Var- sity Glee Club. There will be a compulsory meet- ing of all JGP dormitory repre- sentatives at 5 p.m. Monday in the League, according to Claire Mac- aulay, JGP dormitory chairman. MOSELEY TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLY CO. 114 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Phone 5888 Complete Typewriter Service VU' Professo' Has Interesting Squirrel Hobby By MARGIE HARRINGTON "Look, Dr. McCartney, there's a squirrel scratching at your window!" exclaimed a recent visitor to Dr. Eugene S. McCartney's office on the' fourth floor of Angell Hall. "Yes, I know," said the editor of Scholarly Publications, University of Michigan Press. "They have been coming here since 1934." Ten years ago Dr. McCartney gave his first "hand-out" to a for- aging fox squirrel. Since that day the good word of "free eats for all" must have spread among the squir- rel community, for squirrels in a never-ending stream have been nibbling away at the bushels of Dr. McCartney gathers every fall. One time one of the bushy-tailed creatures refused a bad nut that was handed to him. It seems that squirrels can tell when a nut is bad by its weight or smell. The nut shells left by the squirrels are piled so high outside on the roof by the coming of spring that the custodians have to shovel them up. Not all the squirrels are content to stay outside the window and scamper away with their booty. One squirrel jumps down to the table con-, taining Dr. McCartney's copy of Web- ster and looks inquisitively around. He seems to be trying to find nuts in the dictionary. A squirrel's mood is shown by his tail. It is always easy to recognize anger in a squirrel because he shakes his tail back and forth like a flashing whip. Dr. McCartney has written arti- cles concerning squirrels and their habits for Nature and the Michigan Alumnus. The shelves of his office contain about two hundred squirrel figurines. A tiny squirrel with a peanut body and a wisp of fur for a tail stands next to a petite squirrel carved of bone. One immediately recognizes Walt Disney's squirrel creations in two figurines with wide grins and large, sweeping tails. Some of the figures are utilitarian. There are salt and pepper shakers, napkin hold- ers, flowerpots, silver bookends, and numerous other articles all in the form of squirrels. Dr. McCartney was recently given a "liqueur Mab" from Cuba, a hollow china squirrel with a stopped on top. He even has a bottle of squirrel liquor. He has compiled twelve scrap- books. They include a great many articles taken from newspapers and magazines about squirrels. Sketches of squirrels are used a great deal in advertising children's clothing. While traveling across the United States, Dr. McCartney collected many pic- tures which make up one of his scrapbooks. illion Women lashes but keep it off the lower lids, Use freely a rich emollient on the skin and nails as colds tend toward dryness. And for the lack-luster of your .hair, brush as much as you areE able. Shampoos, o: course, areI out. But here's a good way to' strip your hair of oil and dirt. Pack your brush with cotton or spike it with layers of gauze. Or if you can use the beaten whites of eggs on the hair, brushing it off after it dries. For chapped, sore lips you can use an old-time home remedy--granuiat- ed sugar. Rub it on the blisters. Sugar allays itching and burning and hastens the drying process. Ap- ply a rich emollient when the scab forms. And use a colorless pomade as a base before applying lip stick. Bright Letters From Home, Cheer Soldiers In nearly every daily newspaper's "Letters to the Editor" column a let- ter from a soldier, asking for more letters to his buddies runs at least once a month. These anonymous soldiers, sailors, coast-guardsmen, etc. plead with the! girl friends and families of soldiers abroad and in their camps to write more often. They give heartening examples of men who weep them- selves to sleep for lack of mail. It must be a serious situation for strong men would not admit such feelings so publicly. Surely the women with husbands and fiancees are doing their part-the 'trouble must be with the unattached men who are looking for the usual friend- ly greetings they would get walking down to the corner drug. All are not looking for love letters. They just want a bit of home, or in the case of men overseas, they just want a piece of Americana to dream about. The art of letter writing has long been disguised with horrible and hid- This Yule Qive 'From the Heart To the Heart' Old Aunt Jennie is a darling. Our whole family adores her. When her eightieth birthday was close at hand, I wanted to make her gift something extra special. So I asked her what she really wanted, and her answer gave me a jolt. "Don't insult me with another pair of felt slippers!" she warned. "I'm sick and tired of being reminded I'm as old as Methuselah. Give me some- thing you'd like-say a pair of satin mules like you wear. I want feather trimmings. and make them shocking- pink, too." Don't Be Sensible "Miss Pruitt was my prim, digni- fied, conscientious nurse during a hospital stay. When I left there I didn't give her the expected book or serviceable white stockings. I gave her a filmy nightie, all lace and bows. I'll never forget her expression of joy. I had guessed it. She had always been given 'something sensi- ble.' "Mrs. Haddington has been a scrub woman in the building where my husband words ior many years and he thought I was out of my mind when I gave her a bottle of my favorite perfume for Christmas. Think Before Giving But Mrs. Haddington didn't. 'Bless you, Ma'am.' she choked. 'This is the kind of present one lady gives to another lady. That does something to a body like me, I can tell you!'" The right gift subtly informs the recipient that you see something in her which others may have over- looked. When you make out this year's Christmas list, don't give the, "appropriate" gift. Give from the heart to the heart! WACs Needed By Hospitals Twenty-two thousand WAC's are needed at once to serve in Army Hospitals. Women who are fully qualified to serve as laboratory technicians, den- tal technicians, X-ray technicians, medical and surgical technicians, psychiatric social workers and psy- chiatric assistants, educational re- den rules which has forbidden the conditioning teachers, medical sten- majority of the people from relaxing cgraphers, or occupational thera- and permitting themselves to put pists have been requested to volun- their own personality on paper. teer immediately for service in the But don't let the old bugaboo do Woman's Army Corps, and after a it tonight. 'I just can't write letters' basic training course they - will be scare you off. Sit down tonight and assigned to an Army hospital. write the everyday things you've Inexperienced women whose inter- been doing, the everyday gossip you ests lie in these fields, can take hear from your home town-write it required tests, upon completion of down and send it to that private who their basic training, and if they suc- showed you such a good time when he cessfully pass these tests, they will be was still in civvies. Or send it to given free technical training in cer- the sailor who helped make your Lain selected jobs. high school life more fun, even A shortage of nurses has intensified though you haven't seen each other the need for WAC's to serve as medi- for years. cal technicians. PIN-UP PLEA: Doughboys Request Dream Girl Pictures from U' Coeds By FRANCES POPKINS Wanted: More candidates for pin- whom other residents agree would up girls. Lack of response to Pvt. make the best pin-up girl. Candi- Andrew F. Jacobson's plea for a Uni- dates' pictures may be sent to the versity of Michigan coed who could Women's Editor at The Daily offi- be the pin-up girl of his "small but ces in the Student Publications aggressive" company, now serving Building. They should be wrapped overseas. has shown that campus for overseas mailing and provided women either are modest about their with sufficient postage. All pic- glamorous potentialities or are hav- tures will be forwarded to Pvt. ing too hard a time deciding who Jacobson, and the anxious soldiers shall represent them. . have promised that "each letter will be answered promptly." Since The Daily printed a story The picture of the coed who is of the doughboys' plight a week selected by the men as the "typical ago, only one picture, which will be college girl" for whom they are forwarded to the loyal company, searching, will be printed in The has been received. The Alpha Chi Daily. Repsrts will be made of all Omega candidate's picture was giv- correspondence received from Pvt. en to The Daily already wrapped Jacobson. who promises that the pic- for overseas mailing, and a letter l tures will help them go straight front the sorority was included in through to Berlin. the package. I This opportunity to refute the In his letter addressed to the slanderous quotation that "four out University, Pvt. Jacobson, who de--I of five women are beautiful and the scribed his company as "just a few fifth one goes to Michigan" is one fellows in Germany doing our part of which every house should take to end this war," explained that a advantage, and it is one more chance former Michigan man in his com- to show these men that we want to pany persuaded them to write to the "do our part." home of the "best-looking girls in the - _-- States"-the University of Michigan. Whether his ideal of a perfect pin-up The girl they're girl, a typical American coed from Ann Arbor, wi1 be fulfilled ha b n''i left to the coeds themselves.. "JUNIOR MuSe" Every house on campus is asked to submit a picture of the girl i I I The Departnment of Speech presents Play Production in Broadway's Great Comedy Hit! o 7NIIII a I I 11111 1t