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December 09, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-12-09

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Three of a Kind Is Too Many


Tn % a fta w r * W-- .
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy

Editorial Staff
. . . * . Managing Editor
. . . . . City Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. .' . . Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Business Staff

Lee Amer . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering , . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Negro Veteran
THE PROBLEM of post-war readjustments has
begun. The war is by no means over, but
already more than 1,000 returning veterans have
enrolled in Michigan's colleges and secondary
schools-more than 320 in this University.
To aid in their readjustment to civilian life
the G. I. Bill of Rights has been enacted and
veteran counselling services established.
Among these veterans is one who returned
to Ann Arbor this week. We'll call him Edward
Smith had completed two years of college
work when his education was interrupted by
service in the army. He was in the army
for two years and has just been discharged.
He's looking for a job prior to enrolling in the
University, and has registered with the veteran
counselling service and yesterday went to the
United States Employment agency.
He filled out the application with the infor-
mation requested-including the fact that he
is a Negro.
At the employment agency, he was asked,
"Can you cook? We placed another Negro
student as a cook and he made $250 a month."
Smith hadn't been trained to cook.
The counsellor searched for another sug-
gestion,-but cooking was the only possibility.
At length he said, "Well, to be frank with you,
none of the plants in Ann Arbor hire negroes."
Smith still doesn't have a job. There's not
much he can do about it. There isn't very
much the employment service can do about it.
But something can be done about it.
Fair Employment Practices can and should
be set up and made effective.. Unions can and
should demand the elimination of racial dis-
crimination in personnel policy.
In Ann Arbor the Veteran's Organization
which constitutes a powerful pressure group,
can and must exert its pressure to insure
veterans, irrespective of race or religion, their
basic rights as Americans.
-Betty Roth
Soa Evils Do Exist
IN OUR only previous contact through the
editorial page of The Daily I was somehow
encouraged by Miss Ryan's sober and logical
letter on peactime conscription.
I do take issue with her on the substance
of yesterday's letter criticizing what apparently
-seems to her a leftist policy. The Daily has no
policy. Some students are radical, some reac-
tionary; most of us are somewhere between these
extremes in our social, political and economic
philosophies. When Miss Ryan criticizes a pol-
icy, she criticizes nothing. What appears on the
editorial page of this newspaper reflects only
the opinion of the individual writer.
Bernard Rosenberg, the Daily columnist, is
pretty generally misunderstood. He has repeat-
edly denied sympathy to the communist ideology
or any of its derivative by-products-(viz: a
column published November 23, in which he pan-
ned leftist dogma; another November 28, in
which he criticized Russia.) That he is a
liberal is indisputable but he does not echo, as
she suggests, the Moscow line.
I am rather amazed at the shallowness of the
thought on which Miss Ryan bases her final
statements-". . . let's start printing all the

material from the more informed columnists
rather than boring your readers with idle dis-
sertations on the evils of our social structure."
What kind of. responsible citizen is Miss
]Ryan that s~he considers the evils of our social
structure too boring to talk about? We have
not progressed quite as far in the social sphere
as she thinks we have. Economists, through
research, estimate that between fifty and
. m a

Editor's Note-Drew Pearson's column today
takes the form of a letter to his daughter,
Miss Ellen Pearson, at Bernardsville, N. J.,
about diplomats, wars and the problem of
improving her school marks in current events,
(The Pearsons are Quakers and use the
"thee" form of address within the family in-
stead of "you").
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8-My dear daughter:
Well, the fall report came and it was not
as bad as thee anticipated. Of course, I would
have felt happier if thee had had a better mark
in current events. I suppose I am ambitious
to have the daughter of an elleged commentator
lead the class when it comes to knowing what
is going on in the world.
I wonder if thy teacher has been telling the
class about the very important shake-up which
is now taking place among the men who run
our foreign affairs-the State Department. I
wonder also if she is teaching the class about
what is happening in Italy and Belgium and
Greece, where the British are trying to tell the
peoples of those countries what kind of gov-
ernments they should have.
We have just re-elected President Roosevelt
for an epoch-making number of years-largely,
I think, because a great many people felt he
could build permanent peace. So he has a
great obligation to fulfill, and he has now
put some new men in the State Department
to conduct our foreign relations. These men,
perhaps even more than President Roosevelt,
are going to shape the future peace of the
Three of a Kindnd...
I was wondering the other evening what would
happen if the son of John L. Lewis were appoint-
ed Assistant Secretary of State. Young John
went to a fine private school in Virginia and
later to Princeton. He has an excellent edu-
cational background and stood at the top of
his class. But I know what a hue and cry
would go up from the Senate and the country if
he were to be given a key job in running our
foreign relations.
I wondered also what would happen if, in addi-
tion to young John L. Lewis, Jr., the son of
Phil Murray, head of the CIO, plus son of Matt
Woll, vice president of the AFL, were appointed
to high positions in the State Department.
There would be more yelling in the Senate
than at a hockey game at Miss Gill's School-
and rightly so.
Yet President Rooseelvt has just appointed
the grandson of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.,
plus the son of a J. P. Morgan partner, plus
a relative of J. P. Morgan, to run that branch
of the Government upon which depends
whether or not we will have to fight another
If old John D. Rockefeller, Sr., were alive to-!
day, I would trust him more than his grand-
children to run our foreign affairs. He was
tough, shrewd, and would never have let any
foreign diplomats take away our shirt.
Or I would even trust John L. Lewis more than
his son to handle our international negotia-
tions. Lewis is a real negotiator. He has built
up his union with the same hard-boiled, selfish
tactics of John D. Rockefeller. He gets what he
But actually, I don't believe that we have to
call upon predatory old birds like the elderj
Rockefeller or Lewis, or their inexperienced chil-
dren, to run our foreign affairs. And especially
I don't think that, out of 130,000,000 people, it
is wise to pick two offsprings of the House of
Morgan and one offspring of the House of Rocke-
feller to be Secretary of State, Undersecretary
and Assistant Secretary-any more than it would
be wise to put three sons of labor leaders in the
State Department.
Joe Grew's Background . ,.
Take, for instance, the new Undersecretary
Joseph C. Grew. I knew him quite well when he
was Undersecretary of State under Frank B.
Kellogg. Mr. Grew is blessed with infinite
charm, lovely children and a great deal of
money from his relatives, the J. P. Morgans.
His daughters have married diplomats, one of
them a very able diplomat who was also a Mor-
gan relative. It's like the principle followed by
John L. Lewis-a closed shop.

The chief thing I remember about Joe Grew,
however, is that he followed the old school of
American diplomacy which believed in being
the tail on the British kite. Whatever the Brit-
ish Foreign Office did, Grew and those trained
with him did likewise. They took the stand
that British diplomats knew more than we, that
the British fleet was bigger, that British invest-
ments were more widespread. Therefore, we
had to follow the British.
But today that isn't the case. Our fleet is
the biggest in the world. Our investments
even before the war were as far-flung as those
of the British. Our current indirect invest-
ments through Lend-Lease are beyond imagi-
nation. Likewise our diplomacy should be
bold and strong and vigorous-not selfish ex-
cept for one thing.
That one thing is that, in return for our
Lend-Lease, in return for sending our boys
abroad, in return for the ships we have given
the British, we want one dividend-an orderly
world after this war.
Unfortunately, we are not making much pro-
gress toward getting it. And we are not going

to get it with British troops now occupying
Ethiopia, where the germs of this war were
planted by Mussolini; or with British tanks
lined up around the Belgian House of Par-
liament while a vote is taken; or with the
British Ambassador telling the Italians that
Count Sforza cannot serve in their Cabinet be-
cause he is against the King.
Those actions are not in accord with the
principles of the Atlantic Charter, and they
are not what we entered the war for. But I
wonder whether the new men in the State
Department, some like Mr. Grew, trained to
follow British diplomacy, others like Ed. Stei-
tinius, trained to speed Lend-Lease to the
British, will be able to change their tactics
and do some hard-fisted bartering for the
only thing in which we are interested-per-
manent peace.
This is rather a large mouthful, and I didn't
mean to get so steamed up. But anyway, study
hard on current events. Love, Daddy.
(Copyright, 1944 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
'Tough' Policy
NEW YORK, Dec. 8-We are being "tough"
with Britain, and Britain is being "tough"
with Italy, Greece and Belgium. We told the
British off at the Chicago Air Conference, when
we insisted on our right to grow mighty on the
commercial airways of the world, almost without
let or hindrance. The British have told Count
Sforza off in Italy. and they are supporting un-
popular governments in Belgium and in Greece;
it is understood that they intend to acquire
bases in both countries.
Is there any connection between our attitude
toward Britain, and Britain's attitude toward
Italy, Belgium and Greece? There might well
be. It would not be the first case in which he
who gets slapped, turns around and slaps some-
one else.
Our attitude at the air conference must, to a
certain extent, have made the British feel shaky
about their futures. We refused to agree to an
international organization with real power to
control commercial air traffic. The air confer-
ence was a peculiar conference, in that it was an
international meeting, summoned, by us, to
agree on the principle of no international control
We have refused to give the British any
fixed quota of the world's air traffic. The air
conference is now over. Certain basic princi-
ples have been accepted, such as the right to
fly civil aircraft over foreign territory, to land
in case of need, etc.; progress has been made
in setting up technical and safety standards.
But an uncontrolled scramble for air routes
will now begin. That is the way we want it.
It.is not the way the British want it. For in
this game we have the aces, the heavy planes,
the facilities for building more heavy planes,
and friendly contacts in Latin America. One
can hardly blame the British for experienc-
ing a shivver or two about their futures, and
for wanting a fixed quota of the air trade.
Britain has always needed the carrying trade,
in order to secure enough foreign exchange
with which to buy food.
And so, bewildered and shaken by Chicago,
{ Britain reaches out for the bases she needs, and
supports with arms the governments she be-
lieves will be friendly to her, in Italy, Greece
and Belgium.
(F BRITAIN'S support of Pierlot in Belgium
and of Papandreous in Greece, is discredit-
able, it is not so very different, in kind, from our
own action of last week in concluding an avia-
tion treaty with France in Spain. All these
stories are alike, in that use is being mrade of
undemocratic regimes, in order to secure com-
mercial and other advantages.
The way to halt these incidents is not to
sign new Years resolutions faithfully promising
to be good, but to find some way to steer around
the underlying British-American economic rival-
ry, which shows up in these particular forms.
It is riot by scolding Britain that we will make
her behave, for scolding her only increases her
sense of isolation, throws her more desperately
on her own resources, and makes it seem even
more necessary for her to use whatever powers
she has to fend for herself.

Mr. Stettinius' admirable statement of Tues-
day was a fine theoretical contribution to the
problem. He completely dissociated the United
States from Britain's opposition to letting Count
Sforza enter the Italian government. He made
it clear, without naming them, that Belgium and
Greece are even more entitled to the right to
choose their own governing officials. But the
imperative reaction to this statement is that a
major meeting between Britain and the United
States is necessary.
It is only from her closeness to us that Britain
can draw the strength she needs to let her cease
her dependence on Pierlot and Papandreou.
While it is true that one cannot live by bread
alone, it is also true that one cannot live by
principles alone. Mr. Stettinius has contrib-
uted the principles. But only a major economic
settlement between the United States and
Britain can supply the bread. We are treat-
ing the symptoms. We must plot out, on
paper, the means whereby our two countries
can avoid the disaster of unchecked rivalry,
and thus cure the disease.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

mL; 7
Navy war Bond Cartoon Service
"When you gonna make some War Bonds, Pop?"

(Continued from Page 2)
Dec. 11,at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The agenda is as
Report of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs-
A. D. Moore, Chairman.
Election of Three Members of the
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs.
Report on Contracts with the
Armed Forces - Professor M. L.
Statement by President Alexander
G. Ruthven.
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than
Engineers and Supply Corps) are
due today. Department offices will
I be provided with special cards and
the Office of the Academic Counsel-
ors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive
these reports and transmit them to
the proper officers.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due today in the Office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Choral Union Members whose at-
tendance records are clear, will please
call for courtesy tickets admitting to
the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert Monday, Dec. 11, between
the hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1
and 4, at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will
be issued.
Notice Relative to Keys and Locks:
The Bylaws, Section 3.24, provide:
Keys and Locks for University Build-
ings. No person shall own or posses
a key to any University building
ercept under regulations made and
promulgated by the Vice-President
and Secretary. The removal of locks
or the substitution therefor of special
or private locks or doors of rooms in
University buildings is prohibited.
Every "authorized" key has been
issued by the Key Clerk, whose office
is in the office of the Department
of Buildings and Grounds, North
University Ave. "Authorized" keys
are identifiable and any dean, pro-
fessor, official, watchman, custodian.
or other proper representative of the
University has the right to inspect
keys believed to open University buil-
dings at any reasonable time or place.
No person holding an authorized key
may order, have made, or permit tc
be ordered or made any duplicate of
his or her University key otherwise
than through tre Key Clerk's office,
nor may he lend his authorized key.
Complete compliance wtih the regu-
lations would undoubtedly have sav-
ed the University and individuals
numerous losses from theft in the
past. In the present war emergency
compliance is especially desirable and
requested. Violations of these regu-
lations, when found, will be referred
to the dean or other proper head of
the University division concerned for
his action in accordance with the
{ principles here set forth.I
The Key Office at the Buildings
and Grounds department is open
from 1-4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday and 8-12 a.m., Saturday.
Shirley W. Smith
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for Institution Bak-
er, A2, Al, B, and Cl. Salary range
from $132.25 to $180, for State Hos-
pitals, Sanatoriums and Michigan
Soldiers' Home, have been received
in our office. For further informa-
tion stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bur-
eau of Appointments.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements for Head City Planner,
Salary range from $5,750 to $6,470,
and Assistant Director of City Plan-
By Crockett Johnson

Cushlamochree! It's Orion!
I lllv .. Cf

ning, Salary range from $6,990 to
$7,710, have been received in our
office. For further information stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
University Lecture: Dr. Anna
Jacobson, Associate Professor of Ger-
man, Hunter College, will lecture on
the subject, "Thomas Mann as a
Cultural Mediator" at 4:15 p.m.,
Wednesday, Dec. 13, in the Rackham
Amphitheater under the auspices of
the Department of Germanic Lan-
guagesland Literatures. The public is
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
School of Education Students,
Other than Freshmen: Courses drop-
ped after Wednesday, Dec. 13, will
be recorded with the grade of E 'ex-
cept under extraordinary circum-
stances. No course is considered offi-
cially dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Rm. 4, University Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Prize Competi-
tion in German: Students interested
in competing for the Bronson-Thom-
as prize should call at the depart-
mental office, 204 University Hall,
immediately, where they may obtain
further information and register for
the competition.
Choral Union Concert: The Bostor
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky.,Conductor, will give the sixth
concert in the Choral Union Series
Monday evyning, Dec. 11, at 8:30 ir
i-l Auditorium. The following pro-
gram will be heard: Symphony No. 3
Beethoven; Praye in Time of War.
William SchumwA; and Rimsky-Kor-
sakov's Suite from "Tsar of Saltan.'
A limited number of standing roor
tickets are still available at the offi-
ces of the University Musical Society
Burton Memorial Tower.
Architecture Building, main corri-
dor cases, through Dec. 9, "How an
Advertisement Is Designed." An ex-
hibit furnished by courtesy of Youni
& Rubicam, Inc., New York.
Events Today
The Weelkly Lane Hall Luncheor.
will be held at 12:30. An informa
discussion period will follow. Reser-
vations can be made by calling 4121
Extension 2148.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Michigan Christian Fellowship wil
have a skating party tonight, Dec. 9
All members who are planning te
attend should be at the skating rinl
at least by 7:30. There will be
social hc4r following the skating,
Come to 726 Oakland, the home o
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith, wheneve
you re weary of skating. We'll b
looking for all of you. Come out and
bring your friends.
Wesley Foundation: Party tonight
in the -Student Lounge in the First
Methodist Church beginning at 8:30
U.S.O. Saturday Night Dance:.
There will be a dance at the USO
club from 8 to midnight. There will
be refreshments. All servicemen and
USO Junior Hostesses are invited.
Coming Events
Student Recital: David Holland,
organist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree at
4:15 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10. His pro-
gram will include compositions by

de Chambionnieres, Handel, Bach,
Karg-Elert, Benoit and Purvis, and
will be open to the public.
Sunday Morning Breakfast: All,

The Navy Choir will sing for the
International Center on Sunday at
7:30 p.m. in Rm. 316 in the Michigan
Hillel Foundation will feature Mr.
Albert Cohen of the Jewish Voca-
tional Service of Detroit, Sunday,
Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. Mr. Cohen will
discuss "Occupational Trends Today
and After the War." Illustrating the
lecture will be a technicolor film,
"Michigan on the March."
There will be a meeting of the
Prescott Club at 7 p.m., on Tuesday,
Dec. 12, in the East Lecture Room in
the Rackham Building. Dr. F. F.
Blicke will lecture on "The Intro-
duction of General Anesthetics into
Medicine." All who are interested
are cordially invited to attend.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"God the Preserver of Man." Sunday
school at 11:45 a.m. A convenient
reading room is maintained by this
church at 106 E. Washington St.
wherehthe Bible,Ealso the Christian
Science Textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church: 1432
Washtenaw. 10:45 aim., Morning
worship. Topic of Advent sermon by
Dr. Lemon-"God Is Where You
Find Him." 5 p.m., Westminster
Guild Panel and discussion by Dr.
William Frankena, Department of
Philosophy, and Dr. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky, Professor of Educational Psy-
chology, on "What I Believe About
Man." Supper will follow.
Unity: The second talk in the
Christmas Series, "Claiming Our
Own" will be given by Mrs. Greta
Slimmon, at the Michigan League
Chapel, at 11 o'clock Sunday morn-
ing. Young people's group will meet
at 7:30 in the Unity Reading Rooms,
310 S. State, Rm. 31.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its service for Luth-
eran students and servicemen Sun-
days at 11. This Sunday the Rev.
Alfred Scheips will preach on the
subject, "God's Covenant with Us."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its Sunday Supper
Meeting at the usual time of 5, at
the Student Center.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student class at 9:30
a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, leader.
Morning worship service at 10:40
o'clock. Dr. James Brett Kenna will
preach on the subject, "The Everlast-
ing Fellowship-the Church." This
is in the series of sermons on "The
Everlasting Gospel in a World of
Change." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
5 p.m. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance will
be the speaker. Supper and fellow-
ship hour following the meeting.
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister. Satur-
day, Dec. 9, 1944: 7:10, Choir rehear-
sal in the church; 8:30, Taffy' pull
for Roger Williams Guild in the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron. Sunday:
10, Study class in the Guild House;
11, Worship service in the church
"God's Word;" 5, Roger Williams
Guild will meet in the Guild House;
6, Cost supper.
First Unitarian Church: State and
Huron Sts. Edward H. Redman, Min-
ister. Miss Janet Wilson, Organist.
10 a.m., Church school. Adult study
group, Ross L. Allen, Chairman. Miss
Cynthia Jones, "Are Movies Bad for
Children?" 11 a.m.. Service of wor-

ship. Sermon by Rev. Edward H.
Redman on the topic: "Scriptures of
Other Faiths." Unitarian Student
Group meets fortnightly. Next meet-
ing Dec. 17. Church dinner at 12:15.
Business session at 1:30 p.m. Discus-
sion following.
First Congregational Church: State
ind William. Minister, Rev. Leonard
A. Parr. 10:45 a.m., Morning wor-
ship. Dr. Parr will speak on "The
Seas of God: the Fairy Tale and the
Truth." 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The church
will hold its annual Open House and
Christmas Festival. Organ music by
Howard R. Chase, choir directed by
Leonard V. Meretta. 5 p.m., Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild will discuss
"Personal Religious Living." The
guild will meet in the Christian
Church (Disciples) at Hill and Tap-
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this Sunday afternoon at
5 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Miss
Ruth Nordquist will lead a panel dis-
cussion on "Nations." Supper will be
served at 6.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Corner
of E. William St. and S. Fifth Ave.
will have regular Sunday morning
worship services at 10:30 with the
.:ev. Henry O. Yoder, delivering the
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash-
ington St. at S. Fifth Ave. will cele-
brate its 50th dedication anniversary
at the regular 10:30 service. The
Rev. E. C. Fendt, D.D., of Columbus,
0., will preach the anniversary ser-




Maybe the animal your friend was
chasing fell nta pit we dug-
11 m:n .A.,.m ta

More likely he's pursuing a sabre-toothed
tiger through the forest, like the wind-
R t


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