SirF 64 *br 4:Dattij WEATHER Cleiady and colder, moderate ,rds, 5na flurries VOL. LV, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 9, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS mommommoul" Y -K/lbk T -,-OAKc c s Reach Outskirts of Ormoc Becker Ends Cook Series At Rackham Complex Soheety Needs Collectivism "We must correct the manifest evils of free competition by achieving a social democratic system which will maintain maximum and fair compe- tition," Prof. Carl L. Becker, dis- tinguished historian of Cornell Uni- versity said yesterday in the last of a series of lectures under the William W. Cook Foundation. Explaining that the complexity of modern life which was ushered in by the industrial revolution has neces- sitated a trend toward government regulation, Prof. Becker said that we must choose some form of collectiv- ism. Must Choose Collectivism Speaking on "Private Economic Euiterprise," Prof. Becker pointed out that the discord between physical power at our disposal and our capac- ity to make good use of it has resulted in economic and social contradiction. "We must choose a form of collectiv- ism within the framework of a free enterprise system," he said, "or the discord will leadus sinto a socialist, communist or fascist economy."~ Government meddling, which has taken the form of tariff laws, free land to railways and the federal postal system, is an indication that the laissez-faire philosophy, Prof. Becker asserted, .is unworkable in the present social situation. Government Aid Necessary "Meddling," Prof. Becker said, "has been our policy ever since the indus- trial society began to cause the para- dox of simultaneous progress and poverty." He said that the New Deal is merely a revival and extension of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal and Wilson's New Freedom. Prof. Becker's talk was the last in a series on "Freedom and Responsi- bility in th&Aihetlan Way of Life;" given this week *in the Rackham building. Previous lectures dealt with political tradition, freedom of speech and press, freedom of learning and teaching and constitutional govern- ment. Former Dean Is 80 Today Prof. Novy Headed 'U' Medical School Today is the eightieth birthday anniversary of Prof. Frederick George Novy, dean emeritus of the Medical School and a pupil of the great Ger- man scientist, Robert Koch. Prof. Novy. who assumed emeritus status in 1935, became a professor of bacteriology in the Medical School in 1902 and served in that capacity 33 years. He served as dean two years, receiving the appointment in 1933. Born Dec. 9, 1864, in Chicago, Dr. Novy was graduated from the Uni- versity with a B.S. degree in 1886, and received an M.S. degree a year later. Other degrees Dr. Novy re- ceived at the University were Sc.D. and M.D. In 1888 he worked in the labora- tory of Robert Koch, who did re- search in tuberculosis. Nine years later he went to the Pasteur Institute of Paris. Dr. Novy first became a member of the University faculty in 1886, as an assistant in organic chemistry. Among his many honors are in- cluded the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in Paris, award of the gold medal of the American Medical Asso- ciation, and a testimonial by the Michigan Legislature. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Galens Tagk:DaySale. Today Basketball game with Kellogg Field starting at 7:30 p. m. in Yost Field House. Today SRA luncheon at noon in Lane Hall. Dec. 10 Navy Choir will sing at 7:30 p. m. in Rm. 3167, the Michigan Union. Dec. 10 David Holland will give organ recital at 4:15 p. m. in Hill Auditorium. Dec. 10 Albert Cohen, Hillel lec- ChurchillForeign Policy Approved by Commons u - - r c> _. By The Assoeiated Press LONDON, Dec. 8-Prime Minister Churchill won an overwhelming vote of confidence in the House of Com- mons today for a foreign policy of in- tervention against "mob rule by mur- der gangs" in liberated Europe after a vigorous defense in which he clear- ly suggested that the United States could not wash its hands of the prob- lem. A tense, often turbulent, House supported him 279 to 30 when the premier, in a back-me-or-sack-me stand, forced the issue to meet ai clamor of criticism at home and abroad. British Troops Pr'voke Crisis The crisis was provoked by the uase of British troops to crbat frate nal strife in Greece, by British refusal WAR AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press PACIFIC FRONT-U.S. troops slash through Jap defenders of Ormoc three years to day anni- versary Pearl Harbor: advances in first 24 hours exceed two mles. Nimitz announces heavy strike against Iwo Jima. WESTERN FRONT-Third and Seventh Armies hammer at Sieg- fried Line, from Saarbrucken to Rhine. RUSSIAN FROIT-Reds rum- ored to have craslh'e through to Danube, half encirlinjg Budapest. GREEE-ELAS troops continue resistance. $1 200 Netted by Ga lens in First Day of Drive Braving chill winds and flurries of snow, the Galens, members of the honorary medical society, stood, buckets in hand, from 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. today selling tags to raise funds to maintain the children's workshop in University hospital. Result: Over $1,200 collected on the first day of the society's two-day drive. Galens will be out again this morn- ing in time to meet those going to eight o'clock classes, or to early- morning businesses. By noon, most of the members will have moved downtown, to reach more of the townspeople in an effort to meet their goal of $3,000. Money collected yesterday and to- day will help to furnish materials and equipment for the workshop throughout the coming year. The shop is maintained to provide after- noons of constructive recreation through woodworking for children seven to 14 year old who are confined in the hospital. "I wish to express my appreciation for the many contributions to our campaign, and for the fine spirit in which they were given," Robert Ide- son, Med '45, chairman of the drive, declared yesterday evening. "My special thanks to the sororities, dor- mitories and other institutions tha contributed as single units," he added. Chinese Retake Rail-rboad Town CHUNGKING, Dec. 8.-(P)-Coun- terattacking Chinese troops have re- captured the important railroad town of Tuhshan, 75 miles southeast o Kweiyang on the old Burma Road, and are pursuing battered Japanese invasion forces toward the border of Kwangsi province, the Chinese high command announced today. Electrifying this capital with its first good news in many weeks, the announcement said a crack Chinese division hit the Japanese at dawn today and sent the enemy "fleeing south in disorder with our victorious troops hot on their heels." Several Chungking newspapers is- sued extras telling of the yictory and predicting that the Japanese would be driven from Kweichow province. British Start New fensive in Blrma NEW DELHI, India, Dec. 8.-(A). to approve Count Carlo Sorza as Italian foreign minister, by violent demonstrations in Belgium, and by rumblings of unrest in Holland 'Refusingto retreat an inch from his position, which Ile epitomized in the sentence, "Democracy is not a harlot to be picked up in the street by a man with -a tommy gun," Chur- chill made it evident that he regarded the responsibility as America's as well as Britain's. Hands-Off' Is U. S. Polcy ThesUnited States State Depart- ment has publicly avowed a hands off policy regarding the internal af- fairs of other countries, with Italy and Greece specifically mentioned, but Churchill made repeated refer- ences to Americans sharing of the authority for what has happened. Of the whole European problem he said, "If there is a democracy and its various defenders believe they ex- press the wishes of the majority, why can't thy wait until the general elec- tion-a free vote of the people, which is our sol policy in every country into which British and American armies are marching?" Churchill's Stand Churchill took this stand: "I have no fear at all that the most searching inquiry into the policy which we have pursued in Belgium, Holland, Italy and Greece will en- title any man in whose breast fair- ness and fair play reside to accuse us of pursuing reactionary policies or hampering the free expression of the national will." Labor and liberal M. P.'s who kept up a caustic attack were told-"Make no mistake about it"-that Britain "will persist in the policy of clearing Athens and the Athens regions of all those who are rebels to the constitut- ed authority of Greece." In one of the liveliest and most fiery of his addresses, which he said he was "enjoying," Churchill de- nounced "planned, coups d'etats by murder gangs and by the iron rule of ruffians seeking to climb into the seats of power without a vote ever having been cast in their favor." WMC Bidding For Power To Controol Labor By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 8-(P)- Speed is essential in solving the man- power problem; the War Manpower Commission said today as it pre- pared to steer "straying" workers back into war production. Charles M. Hay, Deputy Manpower Chairman, told the Senate War In- vestigating Committee that if Con- gress acts swiftly to put more "teeth" in manpower controls, all well and good. But if it does not, he added, WMC will proceed to use "volun- tary" methods in tackling the short- age of 300,000 workers. He opposed a labor draft, but said the WMC would like statutory auth- ority to enforce "employment ceil- ings" on civilian industry. But even that legislation, he said, will not be helpful if it isn't passed quickly. The "voluntary methods" the WMC has in mind, it was learned, include tracking down workers who leave war plants without a "certificate of avail- ability" and leading them back. Ex- perience has shown, WMC sources said, that one or two such instances will deter other workers in a plant from leaving. r -lo'Trier 0 10 LUXEMBOURG - KSTATUtt MILES Birkenfeld aaib urgGERMANY Luen ug.Nederz Kessingen Rem iec Saar R Namborn Perl Huibringen MERZIG Wend el Th onvrlle D®ilingenyiebach Zoden t $AonvUle NL , Fraulautern SAARLAUTERN' St. I ngbest ® sW h en FRANCEN SyForbh SAARBRUCKEN ®METZ S SARREGUEMINES9 Avoid} Renally Sarralb Sarre Union iMorhange at n mornenY Chateau n SalinDieuze aor R. Phalsbou,9 VeSurTarqu mnpol _- iSel cLSarrpbourg NANCY ph ne.Marne Qn®/ Infantry Slashes Japanese Fighters Guain Veterans Stage Surprise Attack At Rear of Yamashita Line's Defenses By The Associated Press MACARTHUR'S HEADQUARTERS, Philippines, Dec. 9-Three years from the day the Japanese first struck at the Philippines, U. S. 77th Division troops slashed through the Nipponese defenders of Ormoc to reach the outskirts of that enemy stronghold. Gen. Douglas MacArthur AMERICANS DRIVE FOR SAARBRUCKEN-Arrows show American drives on the Saar River front (heavy line). Third Army tanks reach- ed the edge of Fombach in a push toward Saarbrucken, and there was continued street fighting in Saarlautern and Sarreguemines. The Official Communique revealed that Americans were battling in Dillin- gen, north of Saarlautern, after crossing the Saar. SIXTH CONCERT MONDAY: Serge Koiissevitzky To Direct~f Boston SyMphony Orchestra The Boston Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Serge Koussev- itzky, will be heard at the sixth Chor- al Union concert at 8:30 p. m. Mon- day in Hill Auditorium. The orchestra visits the colleges of the East and Middle West as a regu- lAr part of its yearly itinerary. Many annual concerts are given under the auspices of educational institutions, sometimes in their own auditoriums. Center Established Last summer the Boston Symphony established its estate in Lenox, Mass., the Berkshire Music Center. This school, the realization of the fond- est dream of Dr. Koussevitzky, pos- sesses its own student orchestra, its chorus which sings in the Berk- shire Symphonic Festival and depart-f Norway Asks ./ Aid of Allies o Expel Nazis LONDON, Dec. 8.- Terje Wold, Norwegian Minister of Justice, sug- gested today an Allied seaborne oper- ation against the west coast of Nor- way was "imperative and essential" to prevent the Germans from wreck- ing the country completely. Wold, who recently toured liberat- ed Norway, hinted that Russian land operations against the Germans in northern Norway had been brought to a standstill because of bad weather and communications. Wold asserted that the people of Finnmark "will demand, when hos- tilities have ceased, that the Germans replace every house they have de- stroyed, every article they have stol- en." ments for conduction, musical compo- sition and operatic interpretation. The faculty is drawn not only from the members of the Orchestra, but from colleges and schools of music. Dr. Koussevitzky, who has been conducting the Orchestra since 1924, began his musical career at the Phil- harmonic School in Moscow as a student of the double bass. Soon as- piring to lead an orchestra, he estab- lished his own orchestra in Moscow, and gave a series of concerts there and in St. Petersburg. Active in Paris After the revolution, Koussevitzky conducted under government subsidy, but, fleeing restriction, he establish- ed his famous "Concerts Koussevit- zky" with his own orchestra in Paris. He gave concerts in Paris and Lon- don before coming to America to di- rect the Boston Symphony Orchestra. His span of years covers more than a quarter of the Orchestra's history, and far exceeds that of any previous conductor. Nazis Charge Allies .L I Violate Rules of War LONDON, Dec. 8-(M-Germany has sent notes to the American and British governments protesting "re- cent violations of international law, including attacks on German hospi- tal ships in Italian waters and Ger- man field hospitals in Italy," the of- ficial German news agency DNB an- nounced tonight. The German high command cited the alleged sinking of a hospital ship in its recent threat to abandon the rules of international war. announced today. The advance by the veterans their surprise landing in the rear miles. icip,1Industry Hard Hit By Earthquake By The Associated Press Tokyo acknowledged last (Fri.) night that factories in Osaka and other war industry sections of the main Japanese island were damag- ed by the Thursday earthquake, so severe it caused a tidal wave. A Domei Agency dispatch, pick- fd up by the Federal Communica- tions Commission, said factories and homes is Osaka, Hamamatsu and Shimuzu areas were damaged, but claimed that "on the whole" the destruction was light. Osaka, 240 miles southwest of Tokyo, has a population of 3,252,- 000. It is an important rail and shipping hub and manufactures textiles, machines, metals and chemicals. Tommies Dig Out Leftists In ELAS Group Paratroop Units Cover British Army Advance By The Associated Press ATHENS, Dec. 8-Gunfire resound ed anew in the battle of Athens to day. British troops and tanks du, out snipers and moved to intercept new force of militant leftists of th ELAS group who were reported adc vancing on the city. Clear weather this afternoo brought a renewal of the general con flict after a night of comparativ quiet in which a drizzling rain damp ened the ELAS ardor. British Patrol on March British patrols went outside th city on the northeast to intercept th new force of 700 ELAS who were re ported approaching Athens with a: armored car of their own. British riflemen were busy in th wooded park east of the royal pal ace, digging out ELAS forces tha had infiltrated during the night an taken up strong positions, notab around a concrete stadium in th park. c Patratroopers Land Parachute troopers gave the Brit ish patrols protective fire with heav machine guns mounted on the roo of the palace and the former com munist headquarters building in con stitution square. Sniper bullets sti sung across the square. Other parachutists were holdin the acropolis heights and were.mak ing a house-to-house cleanup c ELAS snipers in residential district The British and Greek governmer forces now have taken prisoner nea ly 1,000 of the ELAS fighters, it w reported reliably. British amb lances are bringing in the wounde from both sides. of Guam in the first 24 hours after of the Yamashita line exceeded two At the same time the 7th Division to the south pushed up the coast to narrow the gap between it and the 77th to five miles, and MacArthur re- ported "substantial enemy forces" caught in the squeeze play were fac- ing annihilation. All along the wide front, over the mountains, in the valleys and along the coast the Americans observed the third anniversary of the war in the Philippines-It was December 8 when the Japanese struck-by moving for- ward. Most eyes, however, were on the 77th Division. Reports from this force were frag- mentary because while it cut off the Japanese to the south it was at the same time faced on the north and south by strong Japanese forces. There was no report on the intensity of its opposition, but it had pushed to the former U. S. Army Base of Camp Downs on Ormoc's outskirts. The ground situation substantially was this: From the north, where the fighting had been intense.for weeks, the U. S. 32nd Division was advancing slowly southward along the road to Ormoc. To the southeast of Ormoc other troops were pushing over the moun- tains toward the Japanese stronghold and had reached a point only six miles from the coast. Farther to the south of Ormoc, the U. S. 7th Division was pushing north- ward and had seized Balogo, where earlier in the week a daring surprise - landing by Amtracs had punished the Japanese. Naval Trainees Surpass Bond Quota in rive Total bond sales among bluejackets and Naval officers stationed on cam- pus was announced yesterday at the conclusion of the week-long war loan drive sponsored by the Navy to com- memorate Pearl Harbor Day. Lt. Paul Blansett, in charge of bond sales, revealed that $11,306 in bonds, all outright purchases, were BOND BOX We have .. . County ....... $7,081,760 University.. $ 43,227 We need .. . County .$1,082,240 University..........$ 56,773 sold from Dec. 1 to Pearl Harbor Day. Officers of the Civil Affairs Train- ing School led in the purchases, buy- ing 320 per cent above their quota. The over-all average was 69 per cent of quota, Lt. Blansett said. Sales in the county yesterday were slightly more than one million dol- lars short of the county quota of $8,164,000- Total sales as of yesterday were $7,081,760. Flindings in e w Drugs Revealed WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-OA)-New research employing the drug prostig- mine in hitherto untried fields. of humandistress-including paralytic "stroke" and persistent muscle dis- abilities following injury-has pro- duced "encouraging results." This was reported today by Dr. Herman Kabat of the United States public health service. Dr. Kabat said the substance-de- signed to act on the nervous control weakness-had been employed by of muscles to relieve stiffness or U.S.P.H.S. in a series of 200 cases. They included sufferers from "stro- PROF. SLOSSON LOOKS AT FUTURE: Predicts .Peacetime Daft Will Be Unnecessary By ART KRAFT Unless Dumbarton Oaks fails and danger of aggression, compulsory this country finds itself in imminent military conscription in the United States will be unnecessary, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history de- partment declared in an interview yesterday. Otherwise, he said, we must have an efficient volunteer army, a fleet and an air force second to none and tary service, and ever since the Span- ish-American war, we have shown an anti-imperialist trend, most re- cently taking steps toward relin- quishing the Philippine Islands. However, he said, there is nothing wrong with the principle of peace- time conscription, as the government has the right to the services of all citizens in times of emergency. Ex- amples of this governmental power mentioned by Prof. Slosson are the danger, then, he said, "I would hear- tily favor conscription." Decision Impossible Now In any case, a decision on peace- time conscription for men and wvo- men cannot be made now, he stated. We must wait and see what the situ- ation is at the end of the war. Even considering the expansion of aerial warfare, military preparedness must be equated with the conditions of the period and of the geographical nosition of the nation. Thus a coun- son. The advantages of such a plan as outlined by Prof. Slosson would be two-fold. Class distinctions would be broken and the problem of conscien- tious objectors would be circumvent- ed, as no religion prohibits working for one's country. The disadvantage of this plan would be in the large amount of money necessary to carry it out, he stated. In summarizing his views on the course of action that should be taken, Prof. Slosson laid down two condi- fnrl nn wich fei ,,ria+ a s v~r