-~ ~ ~ ~ C AN- D.. L . . Z T LU.Y~. PAG +' _,a ., ""r. IMs1V l 4T . .1e.AN f1XATTV P1. .. . - A~%4.~ ~ V i Mrs. Jane McConell Will Speak To Coeds Interested in Nursing I 1 S Y Mrs. Jane Foster McConnell, a member of the college counseling staff of the National Nursing Coun- cil, will be at the League tomorrow .and Friday to speak to women inter- ested in entering any phase of the nursing profession. Those coeds, regardless of class, who wish information regarding nursing are urged to make an ap- pointment to see Mrs. McConnell at the Office of the Dean of Women. She will have facts about all schools of nursing connected with colleges and universities offering a degree, as well as information on the U. S. Ca- det Nurse Corps. On Thursday evening, she will speak to the Washtenaw County Chapter of the National Nursing Council, of which Dean Lloyd is chairman. Openings now and after the war in nursing offer unprecedented opportu- nities for young women with advanc- ed preparation, according to Mrs. McConnell. As evidence that college women are responding to the chal- lenge, she points to the fact that they form twice as large a percentage Of new student nurses today as ten years ago. Mrs. McConnell received her pro- fessional training at Yale University School of Nursing, and has served as director of the Red Cross Volun- teer Nurse's Aide Program. Swim Tryouts To Be Saturday In Union Pool Because of numerous requests, the Swimming Club, which has just, re- opened this semester, has found it necessary to form a second, more ad- vanced group, according to Rita Auer, '46, manager of the club. Tryouts, which will take place at 10:15 a. m. Saturday in the Union Pool, and will continue until 11:30 a.m., are necessary for placement in the club. Women entering will be judged on their strokes, speed, and general form. Requirements for the advanced section are: one length of the pool at a crawl, one length of the pool at a sidestroke, and one other length at-any stroke the coed wishes. In addition she must also be able to do a straight forward dive off the edge of the pool. "While some women are bound to be more advanced than others, we still have room for anyone interest- ed in swimming to come out for the sport. Every woman applicant will be placed in one of the two groups, either the intermediate or advanced," Miss Auer continued. Plans for the coming year include practice in strokes and diving as well as some beginning ballet work for the intermediate group. The ad- vanced section will concentrate more on ballet work, with some speed rac- ing added. This year is the first season that the swimming club has had the use of the Union Pool, and will give many of the women on campus a chance to engage in this sport dur- ing the winter months. Towels and bathing suits may be either rented at the Pool or the swimmers may bring their own. . ,. .will speak Friday Original SongI Wins Acclaim Wolkowski, Fisher Copyright New Ballad for Publication I A new ballad entitled, "Too Late," written by University students, made its debut at the Union Formal last Saturday night. The tune was composed by Ruth Wolkowski, '45SM, two years ago. One night last spring, Miss Wol- kowski was pounding out the tune on a dilapidated, piano in one of the women's league houses for her friend Marjory Fisher, '46L. As seldom hap- pens to most of us. the catchy: tuneI suggested lyrics to Miss Fisher and the music became a ballad. When the lyrics and music hed gotten together, "Too Late" was sprung on the girls in the league house who adopted it as their theme song. This term, "Too Late" was sung at an open house at the Hillel Founda- tion where it again struck a respon- sive chord. This convinced the girls that they had "something on the ball" and the song was "married" with a copyright. Miss ,Fisher and Miss Wolkowski are interested in getting "Too Late" published to show just what students can do.. They conceived the idea of getting Billy Layton to feature the ballad at the Union dances, and if the song was really a hit, they would like to get it petitioned by University students to be played by:Fred Waring or some other nationally known or- chestra that features college songs. Candidates for the positions of Personnel Administrator and two War Activities Chairmen on the Assembly Council may bring their petitions to interviews no later than 5 p. m. today in the Kalama- zoo Room of the League. These candidates will become permanent members of Assembly Council and will work conjunc- tively with them throughout the remainder of the current fall and spring semesters. Interfraternity Ball To Be Held December 16 Nathan Jones To Lead Mass Singing During Intermission Of All Time Favorite Songs Final plans for Interfraternity Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Dec. 16 in the League ballroom were announced yesterday by Bliss Bow- man, president of Interfraternity # Council. Fletcher Henderson's popular Ne- gro band will be in Ann Arbor to furnish music for the dance. Hen- derson comes from Chicago, and isl well known in every city in the United States where he has twice been acknowledged as the King of 1 All Arrangers." Community Singing Mass singing led by Nathan Jones,# Phi'Delta Theta, a music school stu- dent in the University, will be heldI during intermission. Some of the songs already selected are "College' Days," "The Friars' Song," "When Night Falls," "White Christmas," "Jingle Bells," "Song of Colleges" and "Silent Night." Words of the songs will be distributed on mimeo- graphed sheets. War stamp corsages of white car- nations and either ten of fifteen cent stamps will be sold for IFC Ball through the Junior Girls' Project. A JGP booth will be open from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Wednesday and Thursday where orders may be plac- ed for the corsages. Betty Vaughn of JGP's central committee urged the activities chairman of all dormitor- ies, sororities and League houses to bring in orders from their houses. The prices for the corsages are fifty cents for a carnation and 25 cent stamp and thirty-five cents for a carnation and a ten cent stamp. Dance of the Year Bowman also announced that a reporter and a photographer from the Chicago Tribune will be on hand to get a story and pictures as IFC Ball has been chosen by their paper as the representative University dance of the year. Decorations for the dance will include the customary crests from all fraternities. V L;;;;> <;;;s; o n Weccl yja G Girl Reserves Bond Belles Se To Meet Todayl To Aid Sixth V At City YWCAI We are the Bond Belles three! The second meeting of the advisor Ding! Dong ! (and then the cracked training program for Girl Reserve bell, Liberty!) These are the snappy Assistants is at 7:30 p. m. today at punch lines of the song and dance the YWCA, corner of Fourth Street being presented this week in all the and Williams Avenue. dormitories. league houses, and sor- The program will include three orities. brief talks concerning the YWCA fol- The Bond Belle trio consists of lowed by a short get-acquainted Jean Arbogast, Lou Wilson, and meeting for theradvisors.n g Jayne Gorley who composed both the The main purpose of bringing at- song and the dance. The trio' with tention to this second meeting is that its claim "that although you may not five associate leaders are needed who be exotic, you can still be patriotic" will share the responsibility of the is trying to increase the sale of war Girl Reserve Troops, and carry on the stamps in women's residences during regular program. They will be work- the Sixth War Loan Drive. ing with girls in junior and senior Although the most colorful part high school. This type of work will Aofthe number is the catchy tune, afford good experience for those in- the trio itself is brightly gabed itn terested in sociology and physical red, white, and blue sweaters and education. League honors will be skirts with banners of "BusWard given to those participating. Girls Bonds" draped across them.By who are interested in becoming asso-B s The trio composed the.skit on their ciate leaders are requested to call: tativeoasd Frask'todber Barbara Osborne, Chairman of the own initiative and Fran Goldberg, Girl Reserves, 2-3225, and come to chairman of the Bond Belles, discov- the meeting tonight. ered it. Miss Goldberg persuaded Coeds, with special ability are also them to give the skit on campus. needed, especially those who can The houses visited so far this week play the piano; lead group singing are Cheever, Mosher, Martha Cook, or recreational activities; or have Barbour, and Newberry. Before the ability in craftmaking. Attendance drive is over, all the rest of the at the meeting tonight is not neces- houses will be visited, either during sary for those with these qualifica- dinner or during a house meeting. tions because it will only be on special Although this Bond Belle trio is occasions such as parties and recrea- the latest addition to the campus tional meetings that they will be call- drive for that $100,000 goal, the ed upon. All women who are inter- -- --- __-- ested should call Barbara Osborne 2-3225. League honors will be given' defc t n for this type of work. Sterling Is Latest ';Cards Distress Trend in Jewelry A lasting gift has special appeal C this Christmas . .. and jewelry takes its rightful place as an enduring For days now people have been remembrance with an heirloom fu- slinking out of Rm. 4, U Hall as if ture. they had something to hide-and "Junk" jewelry is a thing of the most of us have. The greatest desire past . . . the new trend is toward the is to get out of that vicinity before ageless, authentic adornment mark- someone discovers what you have ed, "sterling." The selection of this been up to. And so you shove the type is now almost unlimited in the little card into your pocket and hurry line of bracelets, earrings, lapel pins, off to gaze at it in some small dark and barettes, but they are going fast! corner. It would be wise to shop now and Every year when you call for your have a large variety to choose from. Ident card there is a faint glimmer of hope that this time it will be different. But it never is. As soon' as you ask for it, you somehow -detect by the look on the clerk's face-for ; a moment there is doubt and then a &nm smile. And as you stumble away 01apologetically you know that again this year you have a face that will = -oe==>o<"">o<">o<=--"">0<---o> launch a thousand laughs. gagement of their daughter, Helen Of course the camera doesn't lie Winifred, to Officer Candidate Jay and the only comfort can be that W. Reeve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- when you registered you weren't real- mayne O. Reeve of Winston, Cali- ly in very good shape. Probably you fornia. were up all night on the train-or Miss Ramsdell attended Albion Col-!' just up all night. Or more likely you lege for a year and is now a sopho- had ten hours' sleep and felt swell- more at the University. until you got to that camera. And Officer Candidate Reeve studied then somebody laughed or you hic- law at Stanford University and is a coughed-and that did it. member of Alpha Kappa Lambda. He But whatever the outcome that was in Company A at the Univer- card is yours and will get you more sity for a year prior to June of this laughs than last year's newest joke. year and is now stationed at Fort There is nothing like an Ident card Snelling, Minnesota. to liven up a party. And it's an *- =* inspiration too-for you make up The engagement of Mary Ander- your mind that next year will be son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl different. Next year you will take a J. Anderson of Grand Rapids, to good pictue. Next year I will cross Russell Youngeahl, son of Mr. and my eyes. Mrs- Carl H Yuna eahl of Mrann renade Houses War Loan Drive regular Bond Belles, who sell war bonds to administration and faculty members, are still on the job and will be until the close of the drive, De-, cember 16. DormsRaise rSale o Stamps Dormitories are doing their share in the Sixth War Loan Drive too, ac- cording to Claire Macaulay, JGP dor- mitory chairman. Many of the houses are making special efforts to increase their sales. Jordan Hall, under the chairmanship of Betty Etter, has a stamp booth set up in the lobby. during the drive. In Stockwell a contest is being held between corridors as to which one will sell the most stamps and bonds. June Gummerson, who is in charge of the sales, says that the winning corridor will be given a party. At Betsy Barbour the war loan drive means a stamp-bridge tourna- ment and dinner every week, under the chairmanship of Georgia Anne Kessler. Many houses have been selling bonds too. Pat Clark of Mosher has sold five bonds with maturity value of $525, while Miss Gummerson of Stockwell has sold four bonds with maturity value of $100. Other houses with -bond sales to their credit include Jordan, Bar- bour, Newberry under Joyce Copper- smith, Madison under Ruth Kowal- sry, and Chi Psi Lodge under Thel- ma Ulrich. INVEST IN V ICTORY Coeds Learn Mechanics By STASIA ZAVLARIS "Hey, toss me a wrench," might easily have been one of the feminine cries heard between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tuesday from the workshop of the Ann Arbor High School, where coeds interest'ed in becoming members of the Red Cross Motor Corps will be attending a six week course in mechanics. The mechanics course, plus stan- dard and advancedufirst aid courses, is a prerequisite for Motor Corps duties and will be taught by Mrs. Harriet Batterson and Miss Virginia Schumacher, both skilled in motor mechanics work. Arrangements for the first aid courses will be made after the mechanics course has been completed, so that preparation for work in Motor Corps will not inter- fere too much at one time with any woman's academic obligations. Michigan Driver's License After successful completion of these three courses, a coed may se- cure permission for driving from Assistant Dean of Students Walter B. Rea, and after presenting a health certificate, showing that she is physi- cally capable of the work, passing a sheriff's driving test, and giving proof of citizenship, she may become a Probationary member of Motor Corps, provided that she holds a current Michigan driver's license. A woman serving as a Probationary member is asked to volunteer as much time as possible to become familiar with the routine of work. As soon as she has completed 50 hours of Corps work she is admitted as a regular member, and permitted 'to wear the regulation Motor Corps uniform and pin. Office in North Hall Regulars must sign up for at least %f day a week, during which they remain at the office in North Hall and fulfill any calls for service which come in while they are on duty. The engagement of Ann Christene Matheny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Matheny of Highland Park, to Midshipman Robert Field Ze- mer, son of Mrs. Nile H. Zemer and the late Mr. Zemer also of Highland Park, was announced by her par- ents. Miss Matheny is a junior in the1 School of Architecture and a mem- ber of Alpha Phi sorority. Midship- man Zemer is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He at- tended Duke University and is now in Midshipmen's School at Cornell University. *I * * Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Herman of South Bend, Indiana announce the recent marriage of their daughter Geraldine Delores, to Herbert Gal- lant of Lawrence, Long Island, on October 27, in Washingtson, D. C. Mrs. Gallant is a senior in the Uni- versity and is. a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Pvt. Gallant received his degree from Harvard and is now stationed in Virginia. * * * s 1',n 9eetihf for the yuletide can be best expressed with a pre-war quality sweater. Choose your gift from the all-wool cardigans and slip-overs, nubbies and kitten-soft cashmeres . . . all in breath-taking 1N '/Jrcolors. t fi1 FROM THE SWEATER CENTER The C~snpa £h~' i 7 Ell ---- i *VSrZ'. l *A. gA. oTJSL.LtUC4J x tl .V ganl Park, Illinois, was announced recent- ly. Miss Anderson is a junior at the University. Mr. Youngeahl is a Sen- ior in engineering in the V-12 at the University. He is affiliated with Sig- ma Phi Epsilon fraternity. j DREAM SUITS for the HOLIDAY . ~; 100% Wool throughout # ^ ,,. " ;; ,; Announcement was made of the Announcement is being made of the I marriage of Ann Mary Hauser, engagement of Doreen Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Hauser of Detroit to Ensign Lowell Armstrong of Detroit, to Dr. Don- Vernon Apeseche, son of Mr. and Mrs. ald Edward Van Hock, son of Mr. Apeseche of Dearborn. and Mrs. Edward W. Van Hock of Miss Hauser is a junior at the Uni- Ann Arbor. versity and is a member of Alpha Phi Miss Armstrong is a senior at the sorority. Ensign Apesche attended University. She is a member of Al- the University and has just returned pha Phi sorority and Crop and Sad- from the South Pacific. dle. Dr. Van Hock is a graduate * * * of the University Medical College. He Prof. and Mrs. Lewis S. Ramsdell is a member of Alpha Kappa Kappa, of Ann Arbor have announced the en- Galens and Phi Beta Kappa. AN0ORIGINAL FROM WANT A PURSE that will last? You will find that lasting quality in this genuine alligator, suede- lined bag from Argentina. Comes in many colors-deep red. black, brown, and tan. Price: $29 to $65 Just Arrived! - Special Genuine Leather i "i ,, speeds your long distance call! With long distance telephone lines crowded to capacity these days, anything that can be done to speed the handling of calls is helpful. That's why we urge you to give the long distance operator the number of the distant telephone you are calling, if you know it. If you don't know the number, please jot it down for future use when the operator repeats it. XMAS Gift Suggestions SWEATERS BLOUSES x 5 i .. ' ' : t }{jF" '.ti fv :: ,a Cigarette Cases .. ...... Price: 1 I lill Ill 'i