Tim MIIIHIGAN DAILY xt u :7 AT, WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ItOUND: And Who Is Francis Biddle? The Pendulum By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-Along Philadelphia's swank Main Line, they tell how the former Prince of Wales, while dining among Quaker City bluebloods, was asked: "Would you like to meet Biddle?" To which the Prince replied: "What's a Aiddle?" Ever since the Biddle-Littell row broke the Justice Department wide open, a lot of people are asking the same question: "What, who and how is Francis Biddle?" If you talk to his old friends on the Phila- delphia Main- Line, they will tell you he is a traitor to his class. If you talk to Norman Lit- ell, his former Assistant Attorney General, he will tell you Biddle is merely the stooge and pup- pet of Tommy Corcoran. If you talk to some of the newspaper publishers against whom Biddle is bringing suit in the Associated Press case, their remarks are almost unprintable. But if you talk to the men who work with him day in and day out in the Justice Department, 90 percent will tell you he is a shy, hesitant person, who sometimes waits before making up his mind but, once he is sure he is right, will fight harder for the right and for the underdog than any other Attorney General in recent years. Almost Too Liberal... Shortly after Biddle came to Washington in 1934, FDR had occasion to wish his new man weren't so liberal. The San Francisco Call- Bulletin had fired a newspaperman, Dean S. Jennings, in violation of the NRA labor code. The President wasn't looking for a scrap with the newspapers at that early date in his Admin- tration, but Biddle, as chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, one of the most thankless obs in the country, ordered Jennings reinstated. Biddle probably gets his instinct of battling for ;he underdog partly from the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose secretary he was; partly from Mrs. Biddle. Biddle has written a book on Holmes, soon to be filmed in Hollywood. Mrs. Biddle, a well-known poetess, writes under the name of Katherine Garrison Chapin, one of her poems having been set to music for the Phila- ielphia Philharmonic Orchestra. A Attorney General, Biddle has done a lot of things that made his blueblood friends in Phila- delphia writhe in anguish - prosecuting the in- surance companies, seizing Montgomery-Ward, bringing more anti-trust cases than any 'other Attorney General in History. ' But there is one thing about which not many of them know, with which they pi-obably would agree. Though little publicized, Biddle's greatest achievement has been in preserving civil liberties in wartime. In the last war, the Justice Department prose- cuted 1,956 cases for seditious utterances. Some newspapers were shut down. All sorts of people were thrown into jail. In the Civil War, Abra- ham Lincoln threw 200,000 people into jail with- out trial or hearing. But in this war, Biddle has prosecuted only 18 cases for sedition. And no one has been held in jail without trial or hear- ing. The War and Navy Departments at one time wanted Congress to pass a "Dora" or Defense of the Realm Act similar to England's, under which two members of Parliament have been jailed without trial. But Biddle has blocked such an act here. He also buckey the Army regarding martial law in Hawaii. And there you run up against the fact that his young Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, Norman Littell, now quarreling with him so bitterly, did exactly the same thing. In fact, Littell took the lead in the fight for civil law in Hawaii, with Biddle's support. Clash of Personalities The inside of this violent clash of personali- ties is that both men stand for the same things, but Biddle is slower, more cautious, believes in winning over his fellow Cabinet members in the War and Navy Departments by persuasion if possible. But Littell, brilliant, impatient, belli- gerent, scorns persuasion, is never happier than when publicly rowing with the Army or Navy. For instance, the late Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, as honest as the day is long, nearly fainted when Littell told Congressmen that the Navy had perpetrated another Teapot Dome ;candal in leasing Elk Hills to Standard Oil of California. Littell was right about the lease not being good policy but it was an honest lease, and there was no "little black bag" connected with it, as in Harding's day. Frank Knox never got over this reflection on his honesty. Hitler's Ears The London Daily Express thinks it has "in- contestable proof" that a ringer has been run in for Adolf Hitler. Photographs since the assassination attempt in July, the Express ex- plains, shows an increase of nearly a half-inch in the ears, and "the ear stops developing at the age of 21." Maybe so. The Express may overlook, however, that Adolf Hitler is a Superman, whose aural morphology cannot be expected to follow the norm of mere men. And if ever there was a man, mere or super, whose ears should have un- dergone elongation, it is that intuitive prophet who thought the decadent democracies and mad Russians would softly carpet the polished boots of a certain Master Race. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Again, Littell wanted to condemn the Savan- nah Shipyards and claims that "Tommy the Cork" Corcoran lobbied with Biddle against con- demnation. But the real fact is that Littell lost money for the Government in that case. Corcoran had proposed a settlement whereby the government would pay the shipyard owners $1,000,000 for their property. Littell opposed. And in a joint conference, Biddle sided with Littell, as he nearly always did. He told him to go ahead and try the case. Whereupon Littell lost. A Savannah jury made the Government pay not $1,000,000 but $1,378,368.6. The Gov- ernment was out over $378,000. Those are some of the facts which Littell, brilliant but emotional, did not make clear in his public blasts at his chief, the Attorney Gen- eral. (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Order in Belyihrni By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Dec. 6-I always enjoy those edi- torials in the New York Times, and other newspapers, which explain that the purpose of British policy in Belgium and Greece is to keep order. The result of British policy in both coun- tries has been disorder, which reduces these editorials to whimsies. It is always on the day after a fatal conflict, on the streets of Brussells or Athens, that these editorials pop up in certain sections of the Amer- ican press, explaining with straight faces that the British must continue as they are doing, be- cause, after all, they must k'eep order. The gentlemen cry peace, peace. They explain that while the government of Pierlot in Belgium and Papendreou in Greece may not be completely democratic, still we had better put up with them, because they serve the function of preventing chaos, and letting us get on with the war. It is a good, practical explanation. One finds himself nodding his head in agreement. Very good argument. But what, is that red stuff on the cobble- stones? Twenty-one unarmed demonstrators were killed Sunday in Athens, and a general strike followed. Let's stop discussing never- never land, and let us really look at Belgium and at Greece. The plain truth is that in Bel- gium and in Greece we have both unrepresent- ative governments and disorder. We are get- ting nothing for our penny. One could oppose the regimes of Pierlot and Papandreou on high, idealistic, democratic grounds. But it makes an even stronger, more immediate argument to oppose them on their own grounds. Their one excuse for being is that they can keep order. All right, captain, where's your order? Why should we keep them in business when they can't deliver the only thing they're supposed to be good for? If the British continue to support these two governments, then it will become clear that they don't mind disorder, so long as they have Pierlot and Papandreou. It will be clear that they don't really want order; they want P. and P. As the story unwinds, the original moral argument for support of P. and P. disappears; the British are left without an argument; and all they have is P. and P. IT WILL BE remembered that, in the case of France, both the British and ourselves were quivery for a long time about recognizing Gen- ral de Gaulle, because, we said, there was a possibility that a number of Frenchmen were against him. In that case, we not only respected minority opinion in an occupied country; we ven invented a minority opinion that didn't exist; we were oh, so cautious, about finding a government for France of which absolutely every Frenchman would approve. It should be noted that in Belgium and in Greece we have taken exactly the opposite position. In both these countries we are not only ignoring a strong minority (or, more likely, majority) opinion; we are making a kind of virtue of ignoring it; we are rising above all that; we are being very Roman and rugged about disregarding local opinion, although the doubtful state of local opinion is exactly the excuse we used for so long a time to deny recognition to de Gaulle. Some of the newspapers which are being so strict about putting down Belgian and Greek dis- sent, are the same newspapers which had their doubts about recognizing de Gaulle, because they didn't know whether all Frenchmen were for him. Shall we whisper it? 'There is a great fear of popular movements in some sections of western thought. Where we have overcome that fear, as in France, observe, there is order!' Where we have not overcome our fear, as in Belgium and Greece, where we turn to P. and P. for our answers, there is shooting in the streets; and we find ourselves precipitating revolutionary situations which no one wants, not even the revolutionaries. We seem to take a strange delight in fostering the social turbulence that we hate; we cannot seem to hold back from forcing the showdown which we fear; and if a man from Mars were to mur- mur that there seemed to be a kind of hysteri- cal compulsion in our conduct, he might not be so very wrong. (Copyright, 1944, N. Y. Post Syndicate) By BERNARD ROSENBERG A neat and not too deceptive par- allel may be drawn between the Articles of Confederation and the League of Nations. Under the Art- icles our national government could levy taxes without being able to col- lect them, pass laws and not be able to enforce them. Likewise, the League which could favor economic sanc- tions and demur when boundaries were violated, had no power of en- forcement behind it. What the Con- stitution was in the way of providing a backbone for the United States, an international army can be for the new league. Before it was reduced to skeletal proportions, the League of Na- tions made some feeble efforts to prevent war. But, this country, conspicuous by its absence, had done as much to sabotage Geneva as England and France, not to say Germany and Italy-the former by playing power politics, the lat- ter by withdrawal after aggression. This time, unless the people's sen- timents are totally disregarded, our membership in a world organ- ization will be insured. It is in fact mandatory to the success of any co-operative undertaking. England and France must accept the principle of majority rule-in which case their power politics can be no more effective than sectional blocs in a national legislature. As for withdrawal, it should be con- sidered as illegal as secession of a state from the union. That com- parison is a fruitful one, by the way, in talking to the self-appointed cus- todians of our sovereignty. Every state in the United States is sov- ereign, yet it pays allegiance to the federal government This can be done on a world scale. The word, "sovereignty" should certainly be banished since it is pro- ductive of nothing more than verbal and surface argument. As Stuart Chase and Professor Hayakawa have pointed out in popularizing the sci- ence of semantics, no word has an intrinsic meaning and very few words mean the same thing to any two peo- ple. If we only thought in terms of the common good, words like sov- ereignty would not lie athwart the path of progress. The Mackinac Conference, at which Republican Big Wigs en- dorsed internationalism and then injected a clause insisting upon continued national sovereignty il- lustrates the point. Senator Van- denberg and his colleagues were very proud of -the tongue-in- cheek document they drew up for American consumption. But, one can see the lines of a future Sen- atorial fight hardening around, this misty concept. If a mere quorum exists, seventeen men can vote down the peace treaty by some such technique as Henry Ca- bot Lodge used last time. I do not be- lieve this will occur to the extent that America is made to stay entire- ly out of the international sphere. However, debate concerning the de- gree ofsovereignty we shall retain can lead us straight to the dark room of isolationism. It can, for instance, stop short of committing this country to inclusion in a world police force. It can choose to retain the international Articles of Con- federation under which, though its representatives protested: 1) Japan invaded Manchuria; 2) Italy invad- ed Ethiopia; 3) Franco upset Span- ish republicanism with Axis aid; and 4) Hitler caused all hell to break loose. The notion of adjudicating in- ternational disputes fell apart. The machinery of co-oporation went to pieces-and the world came out at its seams while the grisliness of war stamped itself ineradicably upon us. But for the presence of individuals like Jefferson and Madison and Franklin the United States would have struggled impotently to attain its present stature. Surely there ought to be enough men of good will in the world today who could meet in a Constitutional Convention, pool their mental resources, and come up with something better than the ster- ility that has charactedized our times.* As I write these words they seem to come back and mock me. When hostilities broke out in the autumn of 1939 everyone used to talk in a sim- ilarly idealistic vein-and there was another spurt of hopefulness upon our tardy entrance into the war. But as it drags on-with the worst yet to come-honesty causes the ob- servor to express his scepticism. Mortimer J. Adler analyses the polit- ical situation and concludes that only with nationalism abolished can we have peace. But he does not expect this to happen for five hundred years or so. Five hundred years! In the meantime what has be- come of the democratic world our leaders profess to desire? Are we fighting a Pacific war only for the restoration of English, Dutch, and French empires or a European war only for the ressurrection of mon- archical government? Did you feel the same nauseous premon- itions of the future I experienced when the news came in of the Athens massacre?-Athens, ' the cradle of Western civilization. But this threatens to get too far afield. Our thought for the day is Carl Becker's, "How new will the better world be?" o~~~~tte 2 i-de dor IT IS indeed necessary for a stu- dent to question a professor's be- liefs and not to be led into false reasoning by him just because he happens to be an intellectual super- ior. But Mavis Kennedy, in her edi- torial of December 1st, did not prove herself worthy of this position for two reasons: one, that she based her opinions on a few introductory lec- tures; and two, that she was guilty of misrepresenting a professor's views. Moreover, the two arguments expounded by her were entirely un- correlated. Professor White specifically stat- ed, in fact pleaded, that the stu- dents in Anthropology 157 do not question him so early in the seme- ster, or be too hasty in forming opinions of his theories which are founded on historical facts and statistics. These facts and statistics are an integral force in our cul- tural evolution. Miss Kennedy places Professor White one step above advocates of such ramblings-on as, "Why should a lousy German be left alive when American boys are dead?" After White's lectures it is perfectly ob- listening to only one of Professor vious that this practical and straight-thinking man' (and I don't use these adjectives derogatorily) maintains a far more enlightened attitude. It is not necessary to go into the rest of the distortions and irrele- vancies that Miss Kennedy pre- sented. That she finds it difficult' to comprehend these stimulating lectures is apparent. Instead, her warped conception proves what Professor White repeatedly re- marks, namely, that the steps are so simple and logical to grasp that bewilderment often results. Cer- tainly, let us cling to our dreams, but let us build them on the rock of realism instead of on the shift- ing sands of sentimentality. -Kay Engel, Grad. IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 31 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding Its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices To All Members of the University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the current school year will be held on Monday, Dec. 11, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The agenda is as follows: Report of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs- A. D. Moore, Chairman. Election of Three Members of the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni- versity Affairs. Report on Contracts with the Armed Forces - Professor M. L. Niehuss. Statement by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Notice in re University Property Removed from the City or off Uni- versity Property: Any University rep- resentative having charge of Uni- versity property should give notice in advance to the Inventory Clerk, Business Office, University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City of Ann Arbor or off University. property for use in any University project. A loss recently occurred on which the University had no insurance because of the fact that no notice had been given to the Inventory Clerk that such property had been taken to the location where it was in use and the property was and Marine trainees (other than Engineers and Supply Corps) will be due Dec. 9. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Amended Notice for World War II Veterans: Dr. Bruce M. Raymond of the U.S. Veterans Administration, Dearborn, Mich., will be available for consultation in the office of the Vet- erans Service Bureau, 1514 Rackham Building, Friday, Dec. 8 instead of Wednesday, Dec. 6 as previously announced. To all men with Scouting experi- ence who want to serve the campus and community: Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity is still accepting members. Membership is open to all men who have had experience in Scouting. The final meeting pre- liminary to formal initiation is this evening at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. All those who are eligible and interested in membership in Alpha Phi Omega are cordially in- vited to this meeting. Academic Notices At the regular Seminar meeting of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4:30 in Rm. 3201, East Engineering building, Mr. William Akers will speak on the subject "Extractive Dis- tillation." Anyone interested is cor- dially invited to attend. Physical Education for Women- Riding Classes: For those students who have missed riding classes there will be opportunity for make-ups on the following days: Thursday, Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14 at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 p.m. The group will meet at the Women's Athletic Building. Geometry Seminar: This afternoon at 4:15 in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall, Mr. E. H. Spanier will speak on Postu- lates of Inversive Geometry. Tea at 4. Bacteriology Seminar will meet Friday, Dec. 8 at 8:30 a.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: General Problems in Coordinating Research. All interested are invited. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will be heard in another of his current series of recitals at 7 tonight.rHis program will include the Andante Movement From the "Surprise" symphony by Haydn, five British folk songs, and Mendelssohn's War March of the Priests. Exhibitions Architecture Building, main corri- dor cases, through Dec. 9, "Howan Advertisement Is Designed." An ex- hibit furnished by courtesy of Young & Rubicam, Inc., New York. Events Today Varsity Debate: There will be a meeting at 4 p.m. in Rm. 4203 Angell -Hall. Social Ethics Seminar will meet this evening at 7:30 in the Lane Hall Library. Mr. Franklin H. Littell, director of Lane Hall, will discuss "The Use of Force in Achieving Social Ends." All those interested are cordially invited. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Conrert will be held in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build- ing at 7:45. The program will fea- ture Beethoven's Leonora Overture No. 2; Beethoven's Concerto in G Major for violin and orchestra; and Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. Coming Events The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, Natural Science Bldg., at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8. Mr. C. N. Swinney will discuss "Nor- thern California quicksilver deposits" and Mr. S. N. Davies "The areal geology of the manganese deposits of Guisa-Los Negros, Oriente, Cuba." All interested are cordially welcome. Inter-Racial Association: There will be a meeting of the executive board of the Inter-Racial Association on Friday, Dec. 8, at 4 o'clock in the Union. Members of the board should bring their eligibility cards at this time. Dancing Lessons: The USO dan- cing class will be held Friday evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. U.S.O. Friday Night Dance: There will be a dance at the USO club this Friday night from 8 to midnight. There will be refreshments. All ser- vicemen and USO Junior Hostesses are invited. The Weekly Lane Hall Luncheon will be held Saturday at 12:30. An informal discussion period will fol- low.nReservationscan be4made by calling 4121, Extension 2148. I BARNABY M'boy. I've solved the cigarette problem! . The shortage is caused by adverfising writers! You see, they never write about By Crockett Johnson So, at present, ninety-nine percent of the tobacco grown is utterly wasted! ... Now, my plan is to force copywriters to describe The O'Malley plan is drastic. Yes. But it will double production! And, while we may hear a scream or two from the J. e t f I - -- . .6I I f I ii I I