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October 30, 1944 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-10-30

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MONDAY, OCT. 30, 1944




Earning Expenses Assumes j
Patriotic Cast During Wartime

'"Everybody's doing it!" say Uni-
versity students, many of whom are
now earning all or part of their col-
lege expenses by doing various jobs
which pay from .48 to about :65 per
Time was when the tired-looking
individual who was always hurrying
off to work was viewed with awe by
the rest of the student body. "He's
putting himself through school!"
marvelled coeds and their Joe Col-
leges, busy with coke dates and
bridge games.
Jobs Become Duty
Then came the war and the ac-
companying manpower shortage and
the part-time job became a patriotic
duty as well as a financial necessity.
Personnel administratorswere ap-
pointed by the League and Union
staffs. Daily editorials and feature
stories started a campaign to recruit
workers. A War Manpower Com-
mission was established by the Un-
ion. Billboards bore posters exclaim-
ing, "We Need You!"
Everyone went to work. They're
still at it. Book stores, drug stores,
grocery stores and dress shops now
employ more student workers than
ever before. Waitresses in dormi-
tories, and in cafeterias in the
League, Union and Quadrangles work
from two to three hours each day at
the all-important work of feeding
the campus.
Hospital Work
Ward helpers and orderlies at Uni-
versity Hospital do their part to re-
lieve busy, short handed professional
staffs. Receptionists at desks and
switchboard operators hold forth in
dormitories, while energetic workers
brave the warmth of the under-
staffed University Laundry. Emer-
gencies such as a ripe cherry or
sugar-beet crop with no one to har-
vest them necessitate the issuing of
urgent pleas for special workers.

Specially trained students work for
University departments as secretaries
and stenographers, or in chemistry,
store rooms, or in libraries. The main
library and its branches employ
many students at desks or in the
Anyone who wants to work can
find a job. And an interesting one
at that.
Frosh Project
Helps U' .Beat
Man Shortage
The freshman class project has
had a long, varied history and has
been known as the Buildings and
Groups Crew, and the '47 Corps.
The project was originated to aid
the University in combating the
manpower shortage by supplying
coed workers to keep the campus
clean. During the summer of '43
coeds were paid an hourly rate of
$.60 to work a minimum of four
hours each week. One of the major
projects of the summer was cleaning
out the weeds from between the ties
of the University owned railroad.
Onother undertaking was the re-
moval of shrubs from the West Quad-
rangle so that V-12 trainees could
have room for morning exercises.
In the fall of '43 the Ground Crew
was turned over to women of the
freshman class and was re-christened
the '47 Corps. Leaves were raked and
burned and rubbish cleared from
lawns and sidewalks. Spring brought
muddy paths marring campus grass
plots and the '47 Corps came to the
rescue with a public address system
which blared at trespassers with a
severe scolding.

Suggestions for.
Your Wardrobe
Good-Looking Suit, at Least
One lack Dress, Lots of
Sweaters All Needed by Coeds
Here is a check list to iielp you re-
member all of the necessities which
must be in your college-bound trunk
before it is locked and sent down to
the train station,
Now, do you have your tweed or
gray flannel suit? Your good old
knockabout pal that is just right for
football, dances afterwards, classes,
and just about any campus activity
that you will attend. Then for con-
trast there is your dressmaker suit
in red or black or maybe gold.
That should take care of the suit
situation, but of course any extra
jackets will always come in handy.
When it's cold in Ann Arbor you
wear skirts and sweaters, when it's
colder than that you wear a jacket
over your sweater.
Once in a while, seldom oftener
than once a- week, you shed your
knitted cashmeres and shetlands and
slip into a bit of crepe or soft, soft
wool. The DRESS that no trunk is
complete without is black. This fall
will see more and more of the super-
sleek sequined style (the alliteration
is for smooth). A good black can
be varied with gold bracelets, pins,
lockets or earrings. A rhinestone clip
with matching earrings is another
way of adding glamour to glamour.
Wear Your Wool
Pastel wools with fly fronts or
those that button all the way up are
just right for ordinary weekend
dances. Baby blue, red, gold, winter
white, and deep purple are the most
popular colors with Michigan women
and, what's more important, with
Michigan men. Plaids with dutch
girl pockets and peter pan collars are
cute and colorful for a dark winter's
Speaking of blouses, be sure they
are tailored with turn down collars.
White is best and long sleeves are
the most graceful. Dickies must be
in your trunk, down there by your
Rainhat Required
The general list is nearly complete
now. You can fill in the details ac-
cording to your taste and purse. No
more than two hats are necessary.
One of them should be the kind that
originated in the seafaring world-
the kind that keeps your hair dry and
your head warm. This brings up the
subject of raincoats. The style does-
n't matter, but be sure it's complete-
ly waterproof and all set for a good
work out.
You can close the lid on your
trunk now and feel assured that your
first appearances will be good ones.
Don't forget your brightest acces-
sory, however, your smile will win
you many more friends than that
new coral sweater. And remember
that war bonds must head every
shopping list.
Home makers are expected to,
"warmup" to a recent WPB an-
nouncement that additional wool will,
be available for home blankets after1
V-E day. It seems that we won't
need them against the Japs. Things1
are not so cold in the Pacific.

Z.... ........,...-.

Take Good Notes,
~- Attend Every Class

Be a Phi Bete, Have Your Fun By Getting Off to Right Start

r _ ____________________.____________________ - '__'.__---'.----- _______' '. ...'--

Don't let the byline scare you!
This little treatise is designed to give
you neophytes some hints on how
you can roll up an impressive aver-
age, and still have a bang-up good
time at Michigan.
That may sound like burning the
candle at both ends to some of you,
but it is really quite simple when you
get the hang of it. Before I pursue
the subject farther, let me state
emphatically that I disagree heartily
with those who say that college is a
place for work and not play; it is the
place for both.
The experiences and friendships to
be gained from extra-curricular ac-
tivities and other recreation stack up
pretty well alongside the more intel-
lectual pursuits in their value to the
individual. Either one alone, how-
ever, seems to create a rather shal-
low personality.
The most important thing is to get
off to a good start. You'll probably
get a few assignments your first day
in class, so instead of spending fif-
teen minutes hanging out your win-
dow watching the B-24's, spend the
time getting your assignment out of
the way. Most of the early assign-
ments are short, and if you nibble
away at them as they come along,
you won't have the whole cheese to
eat the night before an exam.
Use Those Free Hours
You may find yourself with a
schedule with free hours here and
there between classes. These provide
excellent opportunities to go to the
library and get a little work out of
the way, preferably work for the
class you just got out of, not the one
you go to the next hour!
Eventually you may be able to
discipline yourself so you can go
alone to a local drug store and drink
a coke while you study during the
hour. Utilizing your odd hours dur-
ing the day has the advantage of
leaving your late afternoons and
your evenings free for chats with
your friends, activities or an occa-
sional movie.
Cutting classes is a matter for the
individual to settle for himself, but
I wouldn't recommend it except in
cases of dire necessity. Attending
class has many benefits other than
the assimilation of the professor's
words of wisdom. It creates a good
impression and may get you the B
instead of the C if you're on the bor-
der line. It also helps in getting a
makeup if you really are sick some
time during an exam.
Notes Important
You'll find it a Tremendous advan-
tage if you know how to take good
notes. If you take Slosson's History
11 or 12, you'll be off to a fine start,
but here are a few suggestions which
have proven helpful to many, for
those of you who aren't interested in
Use an outline-essay form, getting
the main points and sub-points down
and filling in whatever details you
have time for. Usually you will have
no trouble keeping up with a lec-
turer and can get almost everything,
but get what's important and fill in
the details during a lull. You'll find
they'll come in handy on an exam
so don't neglect them.
By all means, look interested in
class, even if it means writing letters
to stay awake. And, if possible, talk
to your instructor sometime before
or after class. If there is something
you're not quite clear on, or wish to
have elaborated further, don't hesi-
tate to ask him, but be sure the
answer isn't in the book first!
A good way to let your instructor
know you are reading his optional
assignments is to ask him a question
about it, perhaps some point that
differs with the text. Talking to a
professor before or after class gives'

him a personal impression of you,
whether it is good or bad will depend
on the questions you ask. That im-
pression may prove valuable in a
recommendation some day.
Find Old Exams
When blue-book time comes a-
round, you should experience little
difficulty, if you've gotten off to a
good start. The professor will usually
give you a pretty good idea of what
he thinks is important and the type
of questions he'll ask. If not, you
can always make use of the exam
files at the main library lower study
Hoping that this will help you a
little, let me wish the best of luck to
you new freshmen in your studies.
But let me also urge you to go out
for some extra-curricular activity
for its many benefits and I hope
you'll have as much fun as I have.
Coeds Act As
'Proxy' Parents
Recreation work at Willow Run,
"Proxy Parents," and providing Girl
Scout and Girl Reserve leaders will
continue as projects of the Child
Care Committee, headed by Naomi
Further announcement will be
made concerning recruitment of per-
sonnel, who will be needed to work
on the projects and on publicity.
Further plans include a proposed
training 'course, in conjunction with
the local Office of Civilian Defense,
in recreational leadership training,
according to Miss Miller, who an-
nounced that work will also be done
in the line of recreation for 'teen-age
groups in both Ann Arbor and Wil-
low Run. *
Three Projects Planned
Description of the projects fol-
lows: ,
Willow Run: Each afternoon dur-
ing the week and Saturday mornings
and afternoons the Red Cross Motor
Corps takes a group of University
coeds to Willow Run village, where
they assist in the nursery, act as
playground supervisors and recrea-
tion leaders in the gymnasium and
in the craft shop, and assist in
sociological surveys.
Experience is not necessary for
persons participating in the project,
but coeds with previous training in
recreational leadership is especially
valuable, according to Miss Miller.
"Valuable and interesting experi-
ence is to be gained by contact with
the people in charge of the Willow
Run project, as well as with the
children," Miss Miller said. "The
need for workers is great, and I
believe that the girls who volunteered
last year felt well-rewarded and
those in charge at the Village cer-
tainly appreciated their efforts."
Experience Valuable
Girl Scouts and Girl Reserves: The
Child Care Committee also recruits
leaders for Girl Scout and Girl Re-
serve groups. Girl Scout leaders must
have had experienceMas Scouts, but
experience is unnecessary for Girl
Reserve advisers. Hours for this work
are arranged later, and any hobbies
or talents in the line of music, sports,
or handicraft are valuable.
Proxy Parents: This committee
sends University coeds to private
homes to care for children. Women
may use any of their free hours in
this project, and they may usually
study when the children are sleeping.
Evenings are the busiest hours of the
"Proxy Parents," who ate paid 5c
an hour.
The Child Care Central Committee
includes Jean Pines, Willow Run vol-
unteers; Lois Kivi, Girl Reserves;
Sue Polowe, Girl Scouts; Dona Gui-
maraes, publicity; and Barbara Os-

borne and Martha Lovette, "Proxy

'M' Room
realty looks
Lie Home"

/ j j"+
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Necessary accessories for your college room are our
dresser scarfs, shoe bags, laundry bags, and towels.
They really make your room "homey" looking and
Always Reasonably Priced

THIS COED thinks she must choose between fun and good grades. A
Phi Bete can tell you how to have both.
field of Journalism Offers
.Excellent Opportunity to Women
"Women have always proved themselves capable, competent and able
to compete in the field of journalism, "Prof. J. L. Brumm, head of the
journalism department said, and the majority of those now in training
for journalism are women.
Men Replaced
Women are taking the places of newspaper men who are in the armed
services, and many editors, who. formerly were reluctant to hire them, are
forced to recognize the value of women in the newspaper field.
The University of Michigan De-


___________________________ __ _____ I

-i - -_ _



partment of Journalism prepares
students for much more than news-
paper positions, for its policy is to
employ the social, as well as the
technical approach to the subject.
This approach has for its background
the social sciences-sociology, econ-
omics, philosophy, history, and poli-
tical science.
Basic Courses Taught
Reporting, copy reading and edit-
ing, feature writing, and editorial
writing, the basic courses in the
professional study, teach students to
evaluate news and opinion from the
social point of view. In using the
professional approach, rather than
either trade school or literary tech-
niques as taught in many other uni-
versities; the department prepares
the student to serve as a public edu-
cator-one who can analyze social
and economic problems and one who
also has the understanding of na-
tional and world affairs. "A journal-
st, able to analyze and understand,
does a real service for the modern
community," Prof. Brumm pointed
Journalism is on its way to pro-
fessional determination, as in the

case of law and medicine, which fos-
ter their own standards of practice,
he said.
Women Must Prepare
"Women must equip themselves to
perform a modern service to their
readers," emphasized Prof. Brumm,
whether it be on a large metropolitan
journal or on a small community
weekly. Both are equally important
tasks, for both represent a responsi-
bility to the people for whom those
newspapers are written.
The prime requisite for a woman
who desires to enter journalism is a
"professional interest" in it In other
words, the woman journalist of today
-and tomorrow-must be able to
understand and to cope with the
many problems confronting her read-
ers. She must be "an educator for
a vast invisible public."



The most amazing
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Quickly smooths an
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forms a glorious foun-
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own interpretation of
cake-form Make-Up.
Almost a miracle,' say
her clients. Your skin
transformed to instant,
breath-taking beauty.
In six blended shades

Distinetive Je weiry

Campus Loses
Noted Leader
The Sociology department suffered
a great loss early this month when
Professor Richard C. Fuller, on leave
as a lieutenant (j.g.) in the Navy,
died suddenly in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Lt. Fuller had been associated with
the University for the past 15 years
and specialized in family law and
connected social problems. He is
survived by his wife and dauhter,
Nancy Jean, 12.
He was 37 and has been on mili-
tary leave from the University for
the past two years doing special
assignment work in the Navy.
Born in Friendship, N.Y., Juie 11,

We fake pride in displaying our line of
beautiful diamond rings. For the girl who is
engaged we have exq#isite diamond rings in
platinum and yellow gold.

Asa student, it helps a great deal to
know just where to shop for your per-.
sonal and gift needs in the line of fine
jewelry. We have been serving Ann
Arbor for over forty years, and are
proud to offer you our experience and
prestige in jewelry buying.


i . _ . _ __ -lll

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