ig 4kr t r a tt. 44*kr m tz- WEATHER Cloudy with snow, little change in temperature VOL. LV, No. 30 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS _______________________________________ Campus Election To Be Held Today Three Union Vice-Presidents, Senior Engineering Officers Will Be Chosen Voting for the three vice-presidents for the Men's Union from the. Medical, Literary and Dental Schools and for the officers of the class of 1945, College of Engineering will be held today. Ballot boxes for the vice-presidential candidates will be opened from 9 a. m. to 12 noon and from 1 p. m.,'to 3 p. m. at the inside door of the Engineering Arch, on the main floor of University Hall, in the lobby of the East Medical Building and in the lobby of the old Dental building. Only male students may vote for the officers from their own school. House Blocks Increase in Old Age Insurance Legislation Pegs Levy at One Per+ Tax Cent By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, DEC. 5-Defying Administration wishes, the House to day passed legislation to block an in- crease in old age insurance taxes. It sent to the Senate by a vote of 263 to 72 a bill pegging the tax at one per cent on employes and one per cent on employers. Under present law, the levy is due to go up to 2 per cent each on Jan. 1. Early Senate approval of the "freeze" is predicted by house backers of the measure, but President Roosevelt is expected to veto it. Expect To Over-ride Veto Today's lineup indicated sufficient votes in the House to override a veto. A two-thirds majority is necessary to over-ride. That the President promptly would return the bill if it reached him was predicted by Representative Dingell (D.-Mich.), one of the seven Ways and Means Committee members who fqught the measure. Dingell and his dissenting colleag- ues argued that a doubling of the present tax was necessary to pay the benefits contemplated when the So- cial Security Act was written, Cooper Warns of Danger If the rate is not allowed to risei next year, warned Representative Cooper (D.-Tenn.), it "is a mathema- tical certainty" that future rates must be upped sharply, else the gov- ernment must subsidize old age in- surance fund. More than half a million people now employed are eligible for bene- fits Cooper told the House, and when the war is over they not only will start contributing to the fund but will- start drawing from it. KEEP 'EM ROLLING : Tire Shortage Tie-Up Feared PARIS, Dec. 5.-(/P)- American armies fighting along the German border face a tire shortage so serious it threatens to tie up ten per cent of all Army vehicles by early Febru- ary, Gen. Eisenhower declared today. "I am not exaggerating when I say that the war will be needlessly ex- tended unless we can extract every possible mile from our tires and use them only as we find it necessary to do so," Eisenhower advised his offi- cers and men in a letter. The reason for the impending shortage, Eisenhower said, was that tire wear in the theatre has exceeded all pre-combat estimates. The rout of the Germans in France and the lowlands, plus their long stand at the entrances to Antwerp, combined to place a tremendous burden on Army supply forces. For months the armies which had raced to eastern France and up to Belgium and Holland had to be sup- lied by trucks shuttling hundreds of miles from Cherbourg and the beaches of western France. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Prof. Carl Becker of Cor- nell speaks on third Cook Lecture series at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Today Veterans Organization meets at 7:00 p. m., in Union. Today Post War Council discus- ses the United Nations at 7:30 p. m., League. Today Dr. Y. G. Chen speaks at 8 p.m. at Rackham on a Chinese professor's Candidates who will be on the ballots include James Galles, Mich- ael L. Cancilla and Kenneth P. Jones of the Medical School; Fred Foust and David Striffler of the College of Dental Surgery; and Joe Ponsetto and Hank Mantho of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. No campaigning will be allowed within 50 feet of the ballot boxes nor will any student be allowed to vote without their identification cards which will be punched at the time ballots are cast. Voting for the officers of the Col- lege of Engineering will take place in the Engine Arch. Voters have been asked to list first, second and third choices for their class officers, rath- r than vote separately for each of fice. The man receiving the highest vote will be named president and so on down the list. Richard Barnard, Robert Cham- pion, William Culligan, Donald Da- vie, Nicholas Krusko, Francis Nut- to, Robert Precious, James Wallis and Richard Seitz will be listed on the ballot. Two of these three-Charles Hel- mick, Richard Mixer and George Spaulding-will be chosen at the same time by members of the sopho- mores to fill positions on the Engi- neering Council until their gradua- tion. All 1945 graduates, including Na- val personnel that ordinarily would graduate next year, will be eligible to vote if they present their identifica- tion cards to be punched as they in- dicate their choices. Elas Co tfine Fierce Fighting In Greek Captal Group Dispersed After Besieging Barracks ATHENS, Dec. 5.- (P)- Fierce fighting continued in Athens today as the Elas, fighting force ofthe left- wing EAM, National Liberation Front Party, laid siege to various police barracks and were dispersed, by Brit- ish tanks and Green Mountain Bri- gade troops. Meanwhile, Themistokles Sophou- lis, 85-year-old dean of the Greek liberal party, charged the Prime Min- ister Churchill, through, instructions to British diplomats here, had vetoed replacing Premier George Papan- dreou in a change of government which might have solved the nation's crisis. He said Churchill had sent word that replacing Papandreou was "im- possible." Among Elas prisoners taken in today's fighting were some Germans, but it was not proved whether they were political agents or merely de- serters from the Nazis. Elas units reportedly are assem- bling in various outlying parts of the country and preparing to march on the capital. It still seems touch and go whether an attempted Elas coup d'etat will succeed. The British may enforce the Papandreou government's control of Athens, but the provinces present a formidable problem. U.S. FTells Allies To Let European Politics Alone Wide Application Given To State Department Notice Applying to Italy By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. - The United States today pointedly told Britain-and indirectlyRussia-that European peoples should be allowed to work out their own governments without interference. The notice, 'given in a statement issued by the State Department, was interpreted to mean that this gov- ernment is sticking one foot tenta- tively in the door of European poli- tics. The declaration applied specifically to Italy. It was given the widest possible application, however, by the concluding sentence which said that while we oppose "outside" interfer- ence in Italy "this policy would apply to an even more pronounced degree with regard to governments of the United Nations in their liberated territories." First Statement by Stettinius It was the first declaration of for- eign policy issued since Secretary Stettinius took charge. Stettinius told a news conference that he had worked hard on the statement.! Diplomats studied it with a view to its possible application to Greece, Belgium, Poland and other countries whose governments have recently been involved in political upheavals. There is an increasing tendency here to interpret these conflicts as a kind of contest for power between Britain and Russia, with these big nations seeking to promote developments in the smaller countries which woud favor their own interests. Situation Complicated In the case of Italy the situation is complicated by the fact that the country is still subject to the con- trols imposed on a defeated' foe though it has attained full diplo- matic recognition and the technical status of "co-belligerency." One of the spectacular figures in Italian politics is Count Carlo Sforza. Sforza is identified with the Italian liberal movement and American dip- lomats regard him as a kind of sym- bol of political democracy to the Italian people. At the same time they strongly criticize some of his personal activities. Sforza Proposed for Post Last week when the Italian govern- ment was being reorganized Sforza was proposed for the foreign minis- ter's portfolio. British officials in Italy vetoed the proposal and subse- quently foreign secretary Eden told Commons that Sforza had worked against two previous Italian regimes to which he belonged. CIO May Aid in Gaarding Peace LONDON, Dec. 5.-(/P)- Sidney Hillman, CIO labor leader, took his organization's Political Action Com- mittee into the field of international affairs today. He hinted that it might become the pattern and a part of a similar, world-wide labor group to guard the future peace. "We must have an organization to express ourselves" on world affairs, he told a press conference. Here for a preliminary meeting with British trade union officials to arrange the agenda for an Inter- national Labor Conference in Febru- ary, Hillman declared that American labor was solidly behind the idea of post-war international cooperation. All the Trimmings! WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-(IP)-Cigar- ettes (Remember?) once more may be packages with a combination of aluminum foil and cellophane, under a WPB ruling today. ,R., . m.. s +m s e' Se* hAir w°. ." P" °?1,wee' Ti. T w Airways to Commercial Carriers Plan Is Merger Of All Views FRENCH TROOPS AT THE RHINE-Machine gunners and riflemen of the French first army lie in the street under enemy fire and return fire at German p ositions on the French side of the Rhine river, ac- cording to the caption received with this Signal Corps radiophoto. Directly across the river i; Switzer- Program Approved Air Transport Serv To s ices: Op ens Provide land, marked by Swiss flags. Beyond is Germany. S1. Bill Is Called 'Strictly SNAFU' LANSING, DEC. 5-(A)-Michi- gan bankers attending a winter study conference today were told by Earl J. Failor, vice president of the National Bank of Detroit, that the "G. I." Bill was a "masterpiece of ambiguity." He declared it a compromise be- tween politicians and represent- atives of interests seeking to with- hold any financial aid from dis- charged servicemen. For all practice purposes, he said, the "G. I, part of it might as well be changed to G. U., or gummed up." War Bonds To Commemora te Pearl Harbor Week-End Purchases To Be Dated Dec. 7 To commemorate the Pearl Har- bor sneak attack of 1941, war bonds sold in the University Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday will be dated Dec. 7, R. Gordon Griffith, chairman of the University drive, announced yes- terday. All purchasers who request that date will have it inscribed on their bonds by the University bond sales- BOND BOX We have . . . County .. . ..... .$5,358,54t) University .......... $ 34,339 We need. County ............$2,05,460 University..........$ 65,661 CARL L. BECKER:. Failure To Cure Social Evils Will eed Radicals Fascists "The real danger is not that communists and fascists will destroy our democratic government, but that our government through its own failure to cure social evils will destroy itself by breeding communists and fascists," Prof. Carl L. Becker, leading American historian, said yestegday in the second of a series of William W. Cook Lectures on American Institutions in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Urging that we tolerate all political theories, is arrived at in the open market of free competition1 "Democracy is a stupendous gam-< Prof. Becker sa.id truth between ideas. ble for the highest stakes. It offered long odds on the integrity of the human mind. It wagered all it had on the proposition that only by the freest exercise of human reason could a just society be created," he said, pointing out that freedom of the mind, and its corollaries, freedom of speech and press, are indispensable to democracy. Speaking on "Freedom of Speech and the Press," Prof. Becker warned that those freedoms were not to be accorded to those who once in power would destroy it. Freedom of speech, he said, is really "only for those who are for it." Self-government can be undermin- ed if freedom of speech and the press do not fulfill their functions of in- formation. If these freedoms and self-government are to be maintain- ed in fact, the people must exer- cise intelligence and integrity, he warned, for free speech and a free press can be maintained by law only in a formal sense. The talk was the second of a pro- gram of five in the first annual Wil- liam W. Cook Lectures series. The succeeding talks are "Freedom of Learning and Teaching," today; "Constitutional Government," Thurs- day; and lastly "Private Economic Enterprise," Friday. All talks will be given 4:15 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Reds Capture MarcaltitnDrive Into Hungary LONDON, DEC. 6-(IP)-Red Army troops lunged through sagging Ger- man resistance in western Hungary yesterday to within 50 miles of the Austrian frontier with the capture of Marcali, eight miles below the southern tip of Lake Balaton. Other Soviet forces seized the Hun- garian rail junction of Szigetvar, 22 miles south of Kaposvar and 90 miles northeast of Zagreb, while Russian troops aided by Marshal Tito's parti- sans captured Ilok on the Danube River in Yugoslavia 95 miles south- east of Szigetvar. These last two operations imper- iled lines of communication for 100,000 German troops seeking to retreat front western Yugoslavia into Austria. Marshal Feodor L Tolbukhin's I So me Liberty Mast Be Lhost, Becker Says How much freedom of enterprise we must sacrifice to insure continued intellectual and political freedom is the problem which faces contempo- rary American government, Prof. Carl L. Becker, of Cornell Univer- sity, said yesterday in an interview here. } Sacrifice Necessary We may have to sacrifice freedom of enterprise in some degree as long as 10 to 15 million workers face un- employment every year, Prof. Becker said. Every trend in government to- day is toward greater control of so- cial welfare and the United States is the most conservative nation in that respect, he added. Government participation in social welfare in the United States has been growing since 1870, Prof. Becker stat- ed, and is not an exclusive product of President Roosevelt's New Deal. Gov- ernment legislation for public wel- fare began in one respect when cer- tain western states passed laws for- bidding discriminatory railroad freight rates 70 years ago. Trend Grows Since then, Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal" administration and Woodrow Wilson's "New Freedom" program carried on the growing trend. :Prof. Becker said we must ac- cept some loss of freedom of en- terprise so long as the all-import- ant freedoms of the mind and of political belief are unhampered. He revealed than he had recently completed with a group of historians a study of documents coming out of IGermany during the war for General H. H. Arnold, chief of the Air Corps. The study concentrated on the mor- Tle, military power and the effects of continued military pressure against the nation. Revolt Is Unlikely A conclusion of the historians, Prof. Becker said, was that so long as the German army continued the struggle, there would be no internal revolt because of Gestapo domina- tion. Research revealed that al- though the battered Nazi Luftwaffe is growing steadily in size, it has not equalled German expectations. Represented By The Associated Press CHICAGO, DEC. 5-A program for international cooperation in provid- ing air transport services and open- ing the way to free skies for com- mercial aircraft received quick ap- proval tonight at the World Aviation Conference. The representatives of 54 nations first met on Nov. 1 to hear the lead- ing air transport nations outline their hopes for the meeting, then expected to last but three weeks. The documents which they accept- ed tonight represented a merging of those views, with concessions and accommodations of all sides. The British yielded their hope for an economically powerful world air au- thority; the Canadians gave up plans for having such a body to allocate air routes; the Australians and New Zealanders failed with their plan for a world air line owned and operated by all nations, and the United States did not get the full freedom of the skies it asked. Great strides were made, how- ever, particularly in the "freedoms" documents which the United States succeeded in having related to-the main agreement. A highly placed official called it a "victory for ev- eryone." Here is a thumbnail summary of the standard form agreement for pro- visional air routes adopted at the World Air Conference: 1. The contracting states grant rights which are to be set out sepa- rately for each agreement. 2. The air services involved in the contract will start immediately if possible for the contracting states to do so. 3. Previously granted operating rights are not affected by the new contracts. 4. Assurances are given of non- discrimination in the matters of charges for use of airports and other facilities and for fuel, oil and Spare parts; freedom from customs is granted for such items used in oper- ating the aircraft; recognition of cer- tificates and licenses for aircraft and personnel is exchanged; national laws and regulations re to apply to all contracting parties without distinc- tion. Siegfried Line Hammered 'at Saarlautern SHAEF, Paris, Dec. 5.-(P)-Break- ing across the Saar River at a new point south of Saarlautern, Lt.-Gen. George S. Patton's American Third Army hammered a second wedge into the Siegfried Line today as the battle for Germany, six months after the Allied invasion, raged unabated. It was estimated tonight that seven Allied armies-five of them fighting on German soil and two others drawn up along the Reich's Rhine River boundary in the south-were elim- nating Germans at the rate of 9,000 daily, a loss of about five Nazi divi- sions every week, Heavy fighting, costly to the Allies as well as to the Germans, slowed the advance on much of the Western Front, but the Third Army, now holding a stretch of Germany 4 miles long, made gains of up to three miles during the day, grinding within six miles of the bomb-battered indus- trial city of Saarbrucken and within three miles of Sarreguemines. The exact location of the new. bridgehead across the Saar was not disclosed, but Associated Press Cor- respondent Lewis Hawkins said the 95th division, which made the cross- ing, had driven a mile beyond the river and penetrated into the outer defenses of the Siegfried Line. , Other elements of the same divi- sion widened the original bridgehead across the Saar to 2%/2 miles at the base and stabbed beyond the arsenal city of Saarlautern, although fierce fighting continued inside the city men, Griffith said. The inscriptionI is designed to stimulate sales in the Sixth War Loan Drive. The latest announced total for University sales is $34,339, the Uni- versity goal $100,000. * Griffith said bond purchases to date have so far exceeded all esti- mates that delivery of bonds has been delayed another day because the; staff has its hands full. CARROLL GLENN ASKS FOR TOLERANCE: Southern Negro Lacks Opportunity By AGGIE MILLER "Unfortunately the Negroes in the South are not permitted to attend concerts, nor do any talented Negroes have a chance to get ahead in the South," Carroll Glenn, young American violinist, stated in an 'interview after the concert last night. "The Whites as well as the Negroes do not have a chance either, she continued. This is partly due to the lack of education in the South and to the climate, which is not very conducive to work. "Even my eighty year old grand- v mother has said to me that "Cotton" Miss Glenn predicted a decided Ed Smith is disgusting. If a woman change in the South in their attitude, of her age, bred in the age old tradi- toward the Negroes. She based her the North. That would account in part for the attitude that most Southerners have toward the Ne- groes, she stated. The South is much poorer than the North. The mere fact that labor is being transported to the South, is indicative of the fact that labor is cheaper there, and that the South has less money. There Is Hope "There is hope for the eventual i