A, 'a7
Appointments- ..
Continued from Page 1)
ing all University business, finance,
accounting, and investment activity.
A native of Michigan Prof. Briggs
was born in yIonroe in 1903 and took
his A. B. here in 1925 and his M. B. A.
in 1928. He will return to take his
new assignment July 1, 1945 and
will have the rank of professor of
accounting in the business school.
Vice-president Shirley Smith, who
now holds this position, will retire
in June, 1945.
Watkins From '12 Class
Watkins has been associated with
the University since he stepped into
a staff job in the business office in
1926. While an undergrad here,
1908-12, he was a member of Sphinx,
Michigamua, and Trigon.
As the new assistant vice-president
and secretary, he will serve as secre-
tary to be on the Board of Regents
and University and will assist Vice-
President Briggs in University busi-
ness matters.
I Dr. Adams, will be a Michigan man
coming back to serve his alma mater
at the height of his career. He will
be leaving his position as vice-presi-
dent at Brown University which he
has held since 1931 to assume his du-
ties as Provost at the first of the
Prominent in Economics
Born in Monroe in 1895, Dr. Adams
took his A. B. here in 1919 and his
M. A. in 1931. He was granted the
degree of LL.B from Brown in 1937
and has been a prominent figure in
the field of economics.
In discussing all four new appoint-
merits, Dr. Ruthven drew attention
to the success each has made in
their fields and "yet all are compar-
atively young men," he stated.
Dr Adams is 48, Prof. Niehuss is
41 Prof. Briggs, 41 and Watkins is
Under this reorganization, the
basic administrative plan for the Uni-
versity which has been copied by
many universities has not been
changed, while the duties and re-
spon4ibilities of the various offices
have been modified and simplified so
that each has a definite segment of
University activity to supervise.
'Dean Clarence C. Yoakum of the
Graduate School who held the posi-
tion of Vice-President in charge of
Educational Investigations and E.
Blythe Stason, dean of the Law
School, who held the position of Pro-
vost requested that they be relieved
of these jobs to devote full time to
their respective schools.
Tapping Will
Attend Alumi
T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association,
during his month's vacation which
begins Sunday will attend three
meetings of the association 'in Chi-
cago, Ill. and Louisville, Ky.
The first meeting scheduled is of
the University of Michigan Club of
Chicago to be held Monday, at which
time Tapping will show the techni-
color film, "Michigan on the March."
Tuesday and Wednesday the an-
nual conference of the fifth district
of the American Alumni Council will
be held at the Stevens Hotel in Chi-
cago. Robert O. Morgan, assistant
general secretary of the Alumni As-
'sociation will speak at the meeting on
"Class Reunions and Class Organ-
Mrs. Lucile B. Conger, executive
secretary of the Alumnae Council of
the Alumni Association, Mrs. Lunette
Hadley, director of the Alumni Cata-
log Office and Mr. Tapping will also
attend the conference.
The University of Michigan Club
of Louisville will hold a rally Dec. 16
which representatives from southern
Indiana ands Kentucky will attend.
After this meeting Tapping plans to
spend the rest of his vacation in
Washington, D. C. and New York
Bahai Study Group
To Present Musical
Italian and Brahms selections will
be featured at the musical of the Ba-
hai Study Group at 8 p. m. tomor-
row in the auditorium of Lane Hall.
Included on the program will be
three Italian arias, a flute and piano
sonate by Loeillet and three Brahms
intermezzi. Helen Synder, flutist,
and Erma Hayden, pianist, are the
soloists. The concert is open to the
Revelli Improving
Prof. William D. Revelli, con-
ductor of the University Bands,
who has been ill for several weeks,
underwent a spinal operation Sat-
urday morning at University Hos-
pital and is coming along "quite
well," according to Mrs. Revelli.
In his absence from band re-j
hearsals, the concer band is be-
ing conducted by Leonard V.
Meretta, professor of wind instru-1
ments, while Assistant Conductor
Harry Busche is directing the
band for performances at theI
basketball games.
Two weeks ago after the Wis-
consin game, the 100-piece Mar-
ching Band paid tribute to their
leader, Prof. Revelli, by march-
ing, to his home at 906 Granger
and serenading him with the "Vic-
tors" and "Varsity."
(Continued from Page 2)
'ing will lecture on the subject "To
Win the Peace, as Chinese Professor
Sees It," under the auspices of the
[nternational Center and Committee
)n Intercultural Relations, Wednes-
iay, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 347: Seminar in Spe-.
cial Functions meets today at 3:00
in room 317 West Engineering. Pro-
fessor Rainville will speak on "La-
;uerre and Legendre Polynomials.'
Physical Education for Women-
Riding Classes: For those students
who have missed riding classes there
will be opportunity for make-ups on
the following days:
Thursday, Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m. j
Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 14 at 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 4:30 p.m.
The group will meet at the
Women's Athletic Building.
Writings, Pictures of Former
Dean Are Now on Display
Personal papers, books, photo-
graphs, and diaries of Dr. Wilbert B.
Hinsdale, former Dean of the Home-
opathic Medical School at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, are being exhi-
bited in Rackham building, Rm. 160
this month, by the Michigan Histori-
cal Association.
Dr. Hinsdale,; who died recently,'
came to the University in 1895 to
become Dean of the Homeopathic
Medical School, and there is a, l ter
in the collection informing him of
this appointment. At the time of
his arrival as dean, the Homeopathic
Medical School had fought for
months to maintain itself against the
almost universal criticism of physi-
cians and laymen'.
BELGIAN CIVILIANS KILLED BY ROCKET BOMB-Bodies of Belgian civilians, killed by the explosion
-0. r,,.,... .-,+i ; I -A .-~t ~k-£a mnin c t t. i tPm irt.~ in .M B nl 'rt
of a German rocket bomb, lie an
SRA Council M
f J
Genuine student government, of
the type campus leaders have been
urging for the whole campus, oper-
ates at Lane Hall in the form of
the Student Religious Association
George Herman, Grad.; Lois Shar-
bach, Grad.; Joyce Siegan, '45; Mar-
tha Taylor, '45; Robert Taylor, '46;
John Muehl, '45 are members of the
Council. Mr. Franklin H. Littell,
newly appointed Lane Hall director.
and Doris Muehl, Grad., assistant
to the director, are members ex-of-
Varied Program Planned
The Council meets on alternate$
weeks to determine policy and plan
fn4' SIofRA A ~kly m-I
to wreckage at a amain street intersection in a ueigan city.
In 1895 an unsuccessful attempt
was made to amalgamate the two
University Medical Schools. Legis-
lature also tried to move the Homeo-
[alis Pl ns pathic Medical School to Detroit, but
Ik Pans f(or Year's Progra~m teRget eise"uc oe
1IO ~ t1I1 During this period Regent Hack-
ley of Muskegon resigned, and many
newspapers and cartoonists accused
place at 7:30 p. in., Thursday; Friday lowing the week's work. Students are him of "being unduly influenced by
afternoon coffee hours; Saturday invited here to familiarize themselves his personal homeopathic physician."
luncheon; and a Monday evening with the program of the SRA and to In the exhibit is a personal scrap-
poster group form the basic program meet and know other students inter- book belonging to Dr. Hinsdale with
for this year. ested in the Association. many newspaper clippings on this
The religious music seminar, led Luncheon Discussion Groups incident.
by Robert Taylor, presents excerpts Students attending the Saturday Dr. Hinsdale retired as dean in
from the world's foremost religious luncheon have the opportunity to get 1922 when the Homeopathic Medical
music played on recordings. Analyses acquainted in a more informal set- School was made a part of the Uni-
and comments by Taylor are also a ting. A simple lunch is followed by versity Medical School. He then
regular part of the program. Ex- discussion which arises from the entered the field of archeology and
cerpts from Mahler's "Second Sym- group. The current upheaval in did research on the Indians of Wash-
phony," Wagner's "Die Walkure" and Spain and the American Common- tenaw County and the Upper Lake
Mahler's "Parsifal" have been pres- wealth Federation are among the Region. He published many manu-
ented this fall. These programs are topics that have been informally dis- scripts and pamphlets on his findings
designed primarily, not for music cussed following Saturday luncheon. which are also on exhibit
majors, but for students with a lay- Students interested in attending Sat- The Hinsdale Collection is one of
man's interest in music. urday lunch are requested to tele- -
Current Social Problems phone 4121, ext. 2148 for a reserva- -_
the few that are being studied by coca
Michigan Historical Association. This
society deals mainly with the history
of the state of Michigan and of 'it
The former includes the history of
counties, cities, towns, and old set-
tlements, collections of personal di-
aries of pioneers, correspondence of
state residents, accounts books, rec-
ords and material relating to organ-
izations such as political parties, Ma-
sons, women's clubs, and others.
"Anything pertaining to the growth
and development of the state is of
interest and value to the associa-
tions," said Mrs. Betty Leslie of :he
Historical Association.
Old University of Michigan cata-
logs, newspapers, personal papers of
the members of the faculty, minutes
of various meetings, Regents proceed-
ings, pictures of buildings, and oth-
er items pertaining to the Univer-
sity are also collected by the Asso-
Dr. Y. G. Chen
Will Lecture
Dr. Y. G. Chen, president of Nan-
king University, will lecture at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at Rackham Amphitheatre
on "To Win the Peace as a Chinese
Professor Sees It."
Dr. Chen, who is in this country
as a guest of the Department of
State, has been a member of the
People's Political Council since 1938
and is vice-chairman of the Interna-
tional Committee of Chinese Indu-
strial Cooperatives.
the program of . wee ty see The seminars in social ethics have'
inar on religious music, which meets dealt thus far with Bertrand Rus-
at 7:30 p. m., Wed.; a weekly semi- sell's "What I Believe" and Reinhold
nar in social ethics, which takes Niebuhr's neo-orthodoxy. Justifica-
tion of the use of force in the social
cnW lsense will be the topic of this week's
Ci seminar. Current social problems
ill be viewed and judged in the so-
iljial sense in coming seminars. The
P e nrunderlying problem of the seminars
is to establish a basis for a social
The coffee hour provides opportu-
.-.i . ofn
History of Printing, extension
course. This class will meet this weeki
an Thursday night, Dec. 7, instead of
Tuesday night.
N -
tion before 9 a. m. of the day they
expect to attend.
Plans for the annual Christmas
Carol Sing sponsored by Lane Hall
to be held before Christmas vacation
are being made now. All students in-
terested are invited to participate
in this event, as well as in any of the
other Lane Hall activities.
Olive iintorh To Speak
Student service projects, includ-
ing work camps and the international
student service in Mexico and Puerto
Choral Union Series
Monday, Dec. 11, 8:30 P.M.
Sunday, Dec. 17, 3:00 P.M.
Tickets at
Carroll Glenn, violinist, with San-
ord Schlussel at the piano, will give
he fifth program in the Choral Union
Concert Series, this evening, Dec.
i, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The
)rogram is as follows: Bach Sonata
4To. 1; Brahms Sonata No. 3; Poeme,
,hausson, Sonatina, Chavez; Prel-
ide, Gershwin-Heifetz; Improvisa-
ion, Kabalewsky; and Ravel's Tzi-
A limited number of tickets are
tvailable at the offices of the Uni-
rersity Musical Society, in Burton
iemorial Tower.
Events Today
Junior Research Club: The Decem-
>er Meeting of the Junior Research
'lub will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5,
n the Amphitheatre of the Horace
H. Rackham Bldg.
- Interested students and faculty are
invited to meet Miss Louise Fleming,
of the National Student Council-
Y.W.C.A., at an informal tea to be
held this afternoon, at five o'clock
in Lane Hall. Miss Fleming has been
visiting university campuses around
the country and is interested in meet-
ing and helping the members of our
student Christian groups.
Assembly Board Meetings will be
held today at 5 p. m. Dormintory
presidents meet in the League Kala-
mazoo Room with Jane Richardson.
League House presidents meet with
Florene Wilkins. Room will be post-
ed on the League Bulletin Board.
Please see that your house is repre-
The staff and concentration stu-
dents of the Fine Arts Department
invite all students interested in any
phase of the arts to an informal tea
on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 6,
from 4 to 6 o'clock in Rm. B, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
Xi Chapter of Pi 'Lambda Theta,
National Honorary Society for
;Women in Education, will hold its
first meeting of the semester Dec. 6
at 7:30 in the East Council Room of
Rackham. All members, affiliated
and non-affiliated, are urged to at-
Students in the University from nity for a purely socil1afternoon1 Ji-
foreign countries will voice their opin-
ions on world peace at a panel entitl- T Pt
ed "The Big Five or the Little Fifty" U'Pedestrans
to be presented by the Post-War
Council at 7:30 p. in. tomorrow atG ven W a n i
the League.
The panel is the first in a seriesj
to be sponsored by the Post-War Students Cautioned onI
Council on the issues of the Dumbar- 1 OCivy Streets
ton Oaks Conference.
Foreign students on campus have All University students yesterday
been sent special invitations to at- were coutioned by police chief Sher-
tend the meeting and form a mini- man H. Mortenson to be doubly care-
ature, United Nations Council. They I ful in crossing Ann Arbor streets as
have been urged to take part in the Washtenaw County's Pedestrian Pro-
discussion on the problems of in- tection Campaign swings into its last
cluding large and small nations in lap.
the post-war organization. Since the drive started, Oct. 15,
Before the open discussion period, there have been three pedestrian ac-
Prof. William Willcox of the history cidents reported from campus.
department will present a historical "These could have been avoided,"
Chief Mortenson stated. "if even the
i t n e i r g e a n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rico, will be discussed at a meet
of the Student Religious, Associati
at 4 p. m. today in the Firepl
Room at Lane Hall.
Miss'Olive Bainton, a Youth Si
retary of the American Friends S
vice Committee, will lead the d
All students and faculty memb
are invited to attend the meeting.
background. Cases o
small nations will be
Harold Dorr of the]
department and Geo
geography departmen
All students and f
are cordially invited
meeting. Pvt. Berto
C., will act as mediat
"Una Noche Mexic
planned for the mee
ciedad Hispanica Wed
at 8:00 p. m. in Roon
Union. Talks, music
are on the program f
All servicemen, stude
interested in Spanis
invited. Prospectiver
club are especially r
Varsity Debate: T
meeting on Thursday
p. m. in room 4203 A
A meeting of the
Michigan Section of
Chemical Society will
8, at 4:00 p. m. in RF
Chemistry Building.1
of the Department<
will speak on "A Surv
Agents". The public
top-after an ant
that in the Silver
Old South Marisi
)f the large and AAA1AV AVAl VVu ,.-. -
given by Prof. minimum caution had been exercis-
political science ed.
rge Kiss of the Army and Navy commanders on
t. campus have agreed to participate in
aculty members the campaign and have issued spe-
to attend the cial marching orders to all campus
n Bernard, Co. personnel.
or. Navy orders affect all men going to
or. - classes at 8 a. in., and Army regula-
tions have been extended to all en-
ana" has been listed men marching or otherwise.
ting of La So- Chief Mortenson pointed out that
dnesday evening it is the police department's prime
mo 316 Michigan task to save everyone from injury,
, and snapshots students and townspeople alike.
for the evening. The Pedestrian Protection cam-
ents, and those paign, co-sponsored by the Auto-
h are cordially mobile Club of Michigan and the
members of the Ann Arbor Police Department, will
requested to be extend through January 1, he added.
Aunt Ruth Thanks Friends
here will be a
y, Dec. 7, at 4 Who Contribute Dalies
ngell Hall. In a short note directed to all her
friends on campus, "Aunt" Ruth ,
University of Buchanan, expressed her "heartfelt
the American thanks and appreciation to all those
be held on Dec, who contribute Dailies to me" yester-
oom 151 of the day.
Dr. J. E. Kempf Aunt Ruth who writes to more
of Bacteriology than 1,500 former Michigan men in
ey of Antibiotic service reports that all her Christmas
is cordially in- cards are in the mails and the "boys
will receive them on time."
. t
of glass with plastic
ique silver piece like
Service of a palatial T
on. Silky soft talc- ':N3
Anyone interested in a personal :". :-IUniversity Musical Society
conference with Miss Bainton is ask- CAROL GENNButo Musial Tower
ed to contact Mr. F. H. Littell, Lane.CARROLL GLENN Burton Memorial Tower j
Hall director. --
4 .(~W
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