E 7 ( TilE MICHICAN DAILY Fifty.Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Saipan Proves Effective Base KEEP MEOVING ANN FAGAN GINGER I I. 1 p"' Yom. t Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Stin Wallace Ray Dixon hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy . Managing Editor * * City Editor . Associate Editor S .Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor SWomen's Editor 'SS staff Busine Lee Amer Barbara Chadwick June Pomering Telephone Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. 23-24-I Menber of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or Otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter., Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 FtPRESENTE PO NATIONAL AOVRTa"O National Advertising Service, Inc., College Pblishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CKICAGO . BOSTON * LOS ANGELeS * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR J. KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Academic Freedom PRESIDENT RAINEY of the University of Texas has, in the recent dispute culminating in his dismissal, done something few men have the courage to do-take a positive stand irrespective of possible repercussions. The dispute centered on an issue which concerns the personnel of all universities- academic freedom vs. arbitrary control. Pushed too far by a reactionary board of regents, Rainey, a consistently liberal president, publicly denounced them for their curtailment of academic freedom. The breach is the result of a number of inci- dents which involve more than an intangible concept of academic freedom. The regents have taken a position to the Right, the :far Right, on every issue. The regents banned Dos Passos "U. S. A." from use in English. classes as a 'radical' book. In this University's Modern Novel course, the book is used as an example of better English prose, however, not as a stimulus to revolution. More serious was the firing of three economics instructors, labelled "radical' by the regents, for attempting to correct the erroneous impression created by. a Dallas News full-page advertise- ment for a "We Want Action" mass meeting in 1942. It stated that "while our boys are dying on Bataan" we have a law which says that workers in defense industries should not work more than forty hours a week." The instructors pointed out that the Wages and Hours Act did not limit workers to a forty hour week, but rather required employers to pay time-and-a-half for hours worked beyond that limit. The truth was contrary to the interests of the regents, who take their cues from the 'big men' of Texas, and the three 'radicals' were discharged. President Rainey fought both these moves, supported by students, faculty and alumni, to no avail. Students took action during the disputes and at the time of his dismissal. They called mass meetings. They paraded. They refused to go to classes in protest. They are still pressing his reinstatement. President Rainey has not been reinstated, but the outcome of the dispute is never- theless a victory for academic freedom. The board of regents is unmasked, unity achieved over the issue among the students, faculty and alumni, and the sympathy of the entire country gained. -Betty Roth Leningrad Message THE CABLEGRAM sent to the Daily by the students and faculty of the Leningrad Uni- versity is an indication that a bond of friend- ship can be established between the .Soviet Union and the United States. Although the system of the Russian Universi- ties is different from ours, we are both striv- ing for the same goal, the education of the people of the world and the abolishment of slav- ery and oppression throughout the world. Throughout the siege of the city of Leningrad, the students and faculty members did not stop their unceasing efforts to help better the world. Instead they went underground to continue their scientific researches that will eventually be revealed to the world, and also continued their By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON, DEC. 4-The plan of contin- uously bombing Japan from Saipan promises to be one of the most important strategies of the war. But like all difficult innovations, it already has-evolved some serious kinks which must be ironed out. They include: crew fatigue, maintenance prob- lems, weather conditions and home-front pro- duction of planes to replace those lost in action. Upon these factors depend the frequency with which. we can keep up the rain of bombs on Japan. The bombing of Japan from Saipan represents a gruelling experience for the crews involved, and allowances must be made to provide neces- sary rest periods. If any of the crews partici- pating in the Thanksgiving Day raid tried it again three days later, it would be only natural to expect that their operational ability would be proved reduced because of the wearing effect of the earlier 3,000-mile flight. Reconnaissance photos taken after the first two raids did show severe damage to a major aircraft plant outside of Tokyo, also effective shattering of several waterfront areas which are jampacked with Tokyo traffic. Other Obstacles to Raids ... OFFICIALS have also learned that the B-29 still has certain defects which may require modification in future production. These pri- marily concern the safety of air crews and should be remedied before bombing of Japan can be carried out on a day-to-day basis. One major hope is that General MacArthur's forces will be able to secure several bases in the Philippines so that the B-29s can operate from there, thus smashing at the south of Japan almost at will. Because of the B-29s' vast size, it is almost impossible to conceal them under camouflage, with the result that Japanese planes still operating from scores of fields in the Philippines could bomb B-29s at will if they were based on Leyte now. Sf orza and the British... THERE is a significant background story be- hind the banning of Count Carlo Sforza from the Italian Cabinet by the British. It goes back to private conversations the Italian Re- publican leader had in Washington with Brit- ish Ambassador Lord Halifax and Secretary Hull, at which time he expressed himself as vigorously opposed to the Italian royal family. That is the real reason he has now been banned. The issue boils down to whether the Allies are going to champion kings or republics in Europe under the Atlantic Charter. Here is the inside story of Count Sforza's talks in the U. S. A." When he first arrived in Washington, an exile from Mussolini's Italy, Sforza made friends with several merbers of the U. S. Cabinet, and talked with Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles. A former Foreign Minister in pre-Fascist Italy, he had no money except what little he could make giving lectures and teaching in American univer- sities. His property in Italy had been seized after he fled. 'Finally, when Mussolini was overthrown, Count Sforza asked Secretary Hull for permission to re- turn to Italy. Hull had no objection but suggest- ed that Sforza have a talk first with the British Ambassador. This was done. Conversation with Halifax ... LORD HALIFAX was most cordial but was con- cerned over the fact that Count Sforza be- lieved in an Italian republic. He urged that the Italian people continue to pay allegiance to the King. Sforza said he had no objection to the House of Savoy if the Italian peoplehwanted it on the throne, but contended that there should be a plebiscite to ascertain whether they really want- ed a king. When he later reported the conversation to his friends in the Roosevelt Cabinet, one remark by Ialifax which especially impressed them was: "The British people have enjoyed a very happy relationship with the House of Windsor. Why can't the Italian people enjoy the same kind of relationship with the House of Savoy?" To this Sforza replied: "But you chopped off the head of one of your kings before you came to enjoy that happy relationship." Sforza also pointed out that the Italian royal family was degenerate and not respected, that King Victor Emmanuel had bowed supinely be- fore Mussolini and that -Crown Prince Humbert was a weakling. To this the British Ambassador countered with the suggestipn that the Austrian branch of the House of Savoy assume the throne. "They are even less respected," Sforza replied. Sforza argued that the Italian monarchy was decrepit and, if it was thrust down the throats of a rebellious people, this would hurt the pres- tige of all monarchies, including the British throne. On Second Thought.. . Patton's forces Roer on and no one is saari but the Germans. In his coming trial we can't necessarily expec't that McKay will be Frank. "Bullet" Bob Westfall threw so many passes for the Lions on Sunday that we can start calling him "Robot-Bomb" Bobby. He was evidently impressed by all this talk about free air that eminated from the Chicago conference. -Ray Dixon Kept Waiting for Passport THIS SEEMED to impress Halifax, who said he would telephone Churchill that night. Sforza, however, never heard the result of the phone call. All he knew was that he was kept waiting by the State Department for a passport. He suspected State Department-British coopera- tion, since there has been a strong clique among U. S. career diplomats who bow before Italian royalty. Secretary Hull, however, had a high opinion of Sforza,. and finally the Count got his passport. Reaction in Washington was not good. Even LordHalifax seemed unhappy. But most vigorous reaction of all was that of Italo-American leaders. They were boiling mad at Britain's insistence on the Italian monarchy. Some Italo-American labor leaders even whis- pered about a sit-down strike against Churchill on his next visit to the U. S. A. (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate. Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Isolation Line By SAMUEL GRAFTON VEW YORK, DEC. 4-The New Isolationist Line: Have America's isolationists read the election returns and given up? Not at all. They are in process of evolving a "new line." A care- ful reading of American newspapers most close- ly associated with isolationism, and its little brother, nationalism, shows that American isola- tionism is now taking the following directions: 1. Isolation today is toying with demagogic leftism. It is beginning to attack "big busi- ness." In the Middle West, it is sending up an outcry against "domination of the Republican party" by the bankers of the east. Colonel McCormick's Chicago Tribune is making a major editorial campaign of this theme. The Colonel is against the "dudes" and the "aristo- crats," the "reactionaries," who, he feels, have misled the G. O.TP. The attack by Senator Langer, Republican, of North Dakota, against confirmation of Mr. Stet- tinius' appointment as Secretary of State, is an- other example. Mr. Langer, who has a long isolationist background, did not attack Mr. Stet- tinius as an internationalist. He attacked Stet- tinius, and, alone among the Senators, voted against him, as "a Morgan man." During the election campaign isolation bitterly fought the C. I. O. Now it has turned itself neatly around, and is fighting big business. This mixture of red and black, of rightist and leftist demagogy, all stirred together in the same pot, is a familiar one to any student of world poli- tics. American isolation, today, is following a well-charted course. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, it finds that the country is in the grip of the Communists. On Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays it reports that the bankers and money-men have much too much power. AMERICAN ISOLATIONISM is trying, there- fore, to build a "front" of anti-labor die- hards, of unorganized workers, of hard-pressed members of the middle-class and of the white- collar groups. It has made itself the leader of those sections of business which are most bitterly hostile to organized labor, and it is also at- tempting, by a sudden spurt of synthetic left- ism, to lead confused and bewildered sections of the plain people into the same parlor. It has set up a table with bargain offers on it for everybody. It is against Sidney Hillman, but it is also against Eastern bankers; bargains for everybody are on that table, and whichever one you reach for, you lose your hand. 2. Isolationism, stung by our growing na- tional unity on foreign policy, is trying to counter the trend by raking up tired and ancient sectional issues in American life. It is against the "bankers," not only because they are bankers, but because they are "eastern." It sets up the doctrine that the Middle West s the only really American position of America. However, it glances at the election returns, and fnds that Middle Western states such as Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota have voted for Roose- velt and for internationalism. Well, that must I be due to the city vote; so isolationism ever since election day, has been bitterly opposed to what it calls "city slickers." It is also against the South, because the South is Solid; and it is against California, because California makes movies, some of which have helped awaken the people to the need for international action. It is against New York, because that is where the bankers are, and also because that is where the Communists are. Isolation stirs mid-West against East, farm- er against city slicker; in fact, it whirls like a dervish in its effort to find somebody who is against somebody, no matter how or what, so that it can stop the march toward national agreement on the key issue of our day. It has made the discovery, shocking to it, that almost all of labor, and much of business, agree that the issue of a sound foreign policy transcends their quarrel with each other, and isolation is desperately trying to find some leverage for disunity on this point. But our unity on foreign policy must indeed be substantial, if it can only be fought by tactics such as these. There have been further developments in isolationist thinking, however, and these will be taken up in another article. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) OUR first niece was born in Sep-c tember, a blue-eyed, snub-nosed Rebecca. We suddenly found our-1 selves with a new outlook: here is The New Generation which is be- ing born in the United States, in Russia, England. France, Yugoslavia; even in Belgium, Greece, India, Chi- na children are being born. And with new urgency we need the answers: what are the best methods of child psychology? What are the best educational techniques? Most important of all-How can we be sure that these new citizens of the world are going to live to maturity with good strong bodies and sound minds and normal emotional reactions? When min and women decide to bear children, or decide not to let them die at birth (as some ancient civilizations did), they are actually saying: We believe that there can be a place in the world where this child can live and grow. Slaves and serfs and war-brides and re- liefers are declaring that there is another way for people to live, and that their children will find that way, even though they, the par- ents, have little room for hope or proof of progress The Long View we have been hold- ing onto during our own youth sud- denly seems much too long. The Fu- ture is somehow right here, to be dealt with now, by all of us. First we must find out what Becky needs that we didn't have. And then we must discover how to shorten that Long View until it can fit into her life, starting now. Put shortly, just four things: Peace, .Plenty, Freedom and Inde- pendence. These are things which Becky wouldn't have if she were our age, even in America. And that she wouldn't have if she lived anywhere else in the world. Since we are Americans, we'll put the problem in its narrow sense, which doesn't mean that the rest of the world's children can be neglected. But that we can do more about Becky than we can about the young- sters of other nations, although their futures and hers are bound together. She needs Peace, a thing this gen- eration was brought up on, but lost, through no fault of its own, to face War emotionally unprepared, intel- lectually, idealistically, materially unready. And the answer is not to teach her from the beginning that War is the way of the world, that militarism, obeying orders -egardiess of your opinion, revereing men for- their rank and not for their ninrin- sic worth, is the best way of living. Or that loneliness and emotionalisa and living with people whose ruined bodies and minds make personal peace impossible . . . that this is the only way mankind can manage. Nor can she be sure of Peace if our State Department is run by busi- ness men alone (as now appears likely.) If international cartels and private ownership of munitions plants are continued. If this coun- try is going to supply the world with goods: but only enough for the same Economy of Scarcity now e'stent here (where it is estimated that in normal times 275,000 Americans die annually of starvation.) SHE NEEDS Plenty. If we are to achieve this for her, we must re- member the thirteen million unem- ployed in this country only ten years ago. We cannot let our economy be planned by men who think there is nothing wrong with such large-scale starvation, with bringing Becky up on beans and water, (till perhaps anoth- er Boom appears, along with another War.) We can't continue this shortage of medical care, lack of low-priced, 'high-quality goods, of the sales tax on necessities. Of low wages, thou- sands of industrial accidents yearly, no job security or assurance of seni- ority. She needs Freedom. Personal, ec- onomic, educational, intellectual. She must be secure in her home from unlawful searches and seizures (as her grandparents were not in the Palmer raids after World War I). She must be assured fair trial by jury in case of arrest. (As too many Americans in our times have not been: the list is too long to quote, but it includes Sacco and Vanzetti, the Scottsboro boys, the Sleepy La- goon seventeen-year olds, the Negro boy who was lynched last week.) She must be permitted to believe what she wishes, without fear of losing her job or her chance for advancement, as long as those beliefs do not con- tradict democratic ideals. (Something college professors, union organizers. newspaper men, members of all mi- nority groups have never felt.) She must be given a chance to vote and to voice her opinions. (Which South- ern Negroes and 'poor whites cannot do, and which the Ku Klux. Kland and the Black Legion in our own1 time in Michigan, did not permit.)C She needs Independence. Aa chance to read and study the phil-i osophies Wvich sometimes go outp of fashion: Jefferson's, Jackson's,a A. Lincoln's, 0. W. holmes'. Av chance for a good education, whichv she wouldn't get if she were of school age now, in many rural com-a munities, here in Michigan as wellL as in the South. And a collegea education, which she might have i' trouble getting if she were Jewishd and the present restrictions con-i tinue. Part of Independence is the right to organize with others who think asn you do. By the time she grows upr the state amendments just passed int Arkansas and Florida prohibitingt closed shops must be erased. Andr the pressure of vigilante groups inc California and other states againstr Okies, people just trying to earn an1 adequate living, must be wiped out. And the peonage, and tenant farm-.. ing and virtual slavery of much mod-t ern industrial and agricultural pro-t duction must cease.c Four things for this blue-eyedr Becky, which she, as a product of citizens who believe in a democratic future, has a right to. And which we had a right to, but didn't get. 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, DEC. 5, 1944 l VOL. LV., No. 29 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the, Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m'. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 6, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To All Members of the University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the current school year will be held on Monday, Dec. 11, at 4:15 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Protection of University Property Against Theft: Whenever it becomes known that property has been stolen or is missing, notice should be given with utmost promptness at the Busi- ness Pffice, Room 1, University Hall. This applies to articles owned by the institution or owned privately. For the protection of property it is important that doors and windows' he locked, inside doors as well as out- side doors, when rooms are to be left unoccupied even for a brief period. The building custodians cannot be responsible for conditions after the hours when they are on duty or when persons with keys to buildings un- lock doors and leave them unlocked. It is desirable that department heads make a careful check two or three times a year of all keys to quarters under their charge, to make sure that keys have not been lost and are not in the hands of persons no longer requiring their use. It is strictly contrary to University rules to have duplicate keys made or to lend keys issued for personal use. A reward of $50 is offered to any person 'for information that directly or indirectly leads to the apprehen- sion of a thief or thieves on Univer- sity premises. -Shirley W. Smith cholarships, in which the University >f Michigan heartily concurs, are to promote and strengthen the cultural relations between China and the United States and to encourage Chi- nese studies in this country. The eneral conditions under which these cholarships will be administered are as follows: 1. Eligibility. As a minimum con- dition, applicants must have shown merit in at least one yea's study of Chinese language, history, literature, art, geography, or the social sciences in relation to China. Authorship of published writin'gs, on any of the above subjects, if judged to be of value by the committee in charge, will be taken into consideration. Candidates may be either persons already registered as students in the University of Michigan or eligible for admission to the University of Mich- igan as graduate students or as un- dergraduates with upperclass stand- ing in one of the other units of the University. 2. Stipend and term of appoint- ment. The scholarships carry a sti- pend of $1,500 per year of two semes- ters or terms). Appointments will be made on the annual basis, and may be renewed upon expiration, ex- cept that no individual will be per- mitted to hold the scholarship for more than three consecutive years. 3. Selection of scholars. A com- mittee appointed by the President of the University will receive applica- tions and select the most suitable candidates. Applications should be made to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assist- ant to the President, 1021 Angell Mall. It is desirable that candidates should arrange for a personal inter- view with the committee. 4. Other requirements. In order to carry out the purposes of the scholar- ships, holders will be required to pursue under faculty supervision a program of study centering upon the Chinese language, literature, and culture generally, or the social sci- ences as they relate to China. The holders of scholarships must carry on their studies in residence at the Uni- versity of Michigan, except that on recommendation of their faculty ad- viser and with the approval of the committee in charge arrangements may be made to do a portion of the work elsewhere. If suitable candidates appear, ap- pointments will be made at the be- ginning of the Spring term. 1944- 45, and thereafter. Phillips Scholarships: Freshman students who presented four units of Latin, with or without Greek, for admission to the University, and who are continuing the study of either language, are invited to compete for the Phillips Classical Scholarships. Two scholarships, of fifty dollars each, will be awarded on the basis of a satisfactory written examination covering the preparatory work in Latin or in both Latin and Greek, as described in the bulletin on scholar- ships, a copy of which may be ob- tained in Rm. 1, University Hall. The examination will be held this year in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4 p.m. Inter- ested students are requested to sub- mit their names to Professor Copley, 2026 A.H., or to Dr. Rayment, 2030 A.H. Choral Union Members whose at- tendance records are clear, will please call for courtesy tickets admitting to the Carroll Glenn concert today, Dec. 5, between 9:30 and 11:30 and 1:00-4:00 at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be issued. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and' the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due Dec. 9 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Identification Cards are now ready for distribution in Rm. 2, University Hall. World War II Veterans: Dr. Bruce M. Raymond of the U. S. Veterans Administration, Dearborn, Mich., will be available for consultation in the office of the Veterans Service Bur- eau, 1514 Rackham Building, Wed- nesday, Dec. 6. The five-weeks' grades for Navy a nd Marine trainees (other than Engineers and Supply Corps) will be due Dec. 9. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to I the proper officers. I 4 * I 4' f' Approved organizations. The fol- lowing organizations have been ap- proved for the academic year 1944- 45. Those which have not been regis- tered with the Dean of Students this fall are presumed to be inactive for the year. Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Phi Omega Am. Inst. of Electrical Engineers Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers Christian Science Organization Delta Omega Engineering Council Forestry Club Interfraternity Council Kappa Phi Michigan Union Michigan Youth for Democratic Action Mu Phi Epsilon Newman Club Phi Delta Epsilon Philippine-Michigan Club Pi LambdauTheta Post-War Council Robert Owen Housea Sailing Club Sigma Xi Society of Women Engineers Triangles Veterans Organization Vulcans Women's Athletic Association Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all ( students and faculty members. Petitions for Assembly War Activi- ties Chairmen and Personnel Admini- strator must be submitted by 5 p. m. today in the League Undergraduate Office. Interviewing will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week from two to five p. m. Sign up for an interview on the appoint- ments sheet posted on the door of the Kalamazoo Room. Any eligible independent woman is welcome to petition. All War Activities Sheets for Nov- ember must be turned in today by 5 p. m. League House presidents ,t BARNABY Shouldn't we ask Mom if we can take this stuff? I [it would be like asking her to She'll never miss that small sack of flour, m'boy. Or that little bolt of unprinted calico. Or- By Crockett Johnson Yes. I'll strike some sharp .j bargains when the trappers UN and hunters trek in from IFUR ,RA INGPOST . lo InrrJI CVhMlleY