T~lEMICHIGAN DAILY MGNIAYr, OCT. Freshman Women Soon Discover Hats, Purses Are Unnecessary Army, Navy, Marine Trainees Ex-Daily Editor Heads Council Keep Campus Social Affairs Of Outstanding Activities-Women War Conscious Coeds Provide What to wear on campus has long been the problem of the newly-ar- rived coed, and this year will be no exception, although the rules are few and simple. . No costume, no matter how strik- ing it may be, is complete without perfect grooming, that detail, being the primary rule in the path to social success. Neatness .at every corner is an absolute necessity, and the obser- vance of it makes or breaks every outfit. For classroom wear sweaters and skirts take precedence over every other costume. Heels and fancy dres- ses are out in this department, al- though they are perfectly appropri- ate for teas, dates, rushing and simi- lar functions. Seldom Wear Hats Blouses, not too dressy, jerkins and suits about complete the rost of styles for classroom wear, and date dresses come into their own for most types of social functions. Coeds have an alarming aversion to hats, and they are found few and far between. Church and teas pro- vide the only places where hats are musts, and that custom is a blessing to the average coed who wouldn't be caught dead in a hat unless there .was no other way out. Contrary to expectation, it is not a disgrace to be found lugging an um- brella on rainy days, and boots (if anyone can find them) come in han- dy when Fluvius opens up . . and he does quite often in Ann Arbor. Purses Out Freshman women carry purses the first week of school, and then some- how they seem to disappear as the coeds discover that carrying purses went out with high school. Billfolds are definitely what the well-dressed coed is never found withou, and purses collect dust on top shelves to be dug out and dusted only when hats come out of their boxes. Simplicity and informality are the keynotes to good styling. Frills are out. And costumes of increasing number these days are of the nurse's aide and the surgical dressing work- er. To wear such costumes is an honor bestowed upon many conscien- tious students. Trunks and trunks full of clothes don't mean a thing these days when housing (and closet space) is limit- ed, but coeds should be certain that whatever they do . wear is neatly pressed, that skirts hang straight, and that accessories are appropriate both to the costume and the times. in -u l zwing During season The Army, Navy, and Marine - -__ Corps have kept the Michigan cam- pus a comparatively bright spot as far as dating and social- affairs are concerned and, although the big- name bands and weekly fraternity parties have vanished with the war, the entering freshman women may expect to have almost as good a time as she would have found in the be- moaned pre-war days. The coed is given a start during orientation week with coke dates, in- dividual and collective, with fresh- man men, so she may meet at the very beginning members of her own class. Although she mustn't expect to "meet her future husband," the coed may look forward to possible future friendships from the coke dates. If this statement proves false, there is no cause for deep disap- In Brazil owners of 15,000 auto- mobiles run their vehicles on char- coal gas and this turn of events wasn't caused by the war. Brazil made this change some years ago to cut down the importation of gaso- line. Today Brazilians are not both- ered much with gas rationing, they say. ..> Keeping time with crowd- ed schedules will be easy if you choose comfortable shoes from our selection of nationally advertised: ~---- pointment because, even with that inevitable wartime m anp ower shortage, there are still men on the University campus, and there are still many ways of meeting them. The Ruthven teas and the week- ly parties at the International Cen- ter are obvious spots to form new friendships. If you are in an organized Uni- versity house, especially one of the larger ones, there will be the inevit- able parties for servicemen. Also instrumental in the open season on servicemen is the USG. Registration will be held at Harris Hall, the USO's clubhouse, and you will be assigned to a "Regiment," which will hold meetings and give parties. Further information on the USO may be found elsewhere in this section. Classrooms are also instrumental as meeting places. There are few classes at the University with no men at all, and often out-of-class discussions about the subject lead to lasting friendships. Church groups are still, as they always have been, one of the best meeting-places. Here persons have at least one interest in common, and it is easy to talk with strang- ers when eating supper in a church basement or picnicking with the group on the church lawn. Although local extra-curricular ac- tivities are to a certain extent segre- gated, there is a possibility in them of making new acquaintances with the perennial popular subject, men. Dance committees are legion for making friends, and there are mixed groups in the Post-War Council, the Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac- tion, the Inter-Racial Association, and the Daily. However, don't let it be said we're encouraging you to join the above for social purposes. How- ever, there's nothing against side- lines. Working in stores, University cafeterias, and soda bars is anoth- er popular acquaintance-method. Who can remain inside a shell while struggling .with the dishes behind a soda fountain? In summary, this is not a com- pletely dateless campus. Men are still where youyfind them, although the quantity may be somewhat de- creased, and they may be wearing different camouflage . . khaki, green, and blue. They're still men, and they want to have a good time as much as you do. An informal poll conducted through last year by a couple of enterprising reports in Omaha reveal the GIs love to see gals dressed to the hilt while the dwindling number of civilian men still preferred the plain attire. "Down to home," they called it. If this is a true trend, quite a prob- lem is posed for the campus this year as both the supply of military and civilian men decreases by the day. As the proverbial birds of a feath- er, the campus' outstanding coed personalities have flocked together to comprise the Women's War Council. Marge Hall, the president, is a typical case of University Activities Woman . . . a bundle of dynamite packed into 5'1". Marge's original hangout was The Daily, where she worked up to become Associate Wo- men's Editor before ditching the newspaper business to become head of all- campus women. Marge spent her early life in China, where, so the tale goes, she was frightened by a chimpanzee. The shock checked the growth of her hair, and consequently she has sported a crewcut ever since. An- other story has it that Marge has been so busy running campus war fund drives she never has time to comb her hair; so she just cuts it down to the scalp every Sunday morning. Speaking of war fund drives, Marge ran three of them last spring . . Red Cross, Infantile Paralysis and Fresh Air Camp . . . and all three were outstanding successes. Another Hall accomplishment is two years' service on the Women's Athletic Board. Mexico's Gain Marge spent the summer in Mexico dodging typhoid germs and studying at the University of Mexico. Rumors that she is studying revolutionary techniques for use on the League are unfounded, as are parallel rumors that she plans to add burros to the WAA riding club schedule. In addition to journalistic abil- ity, Marge made herself invaluable on The Daily by keeping a file of nickels for use in the coke ma- chine. In protest, the machine went on the blink soon after "Scoop" Hall departed. Viewing Marge from the heights is Pat Coulter, the War Council's tow- er-of-strength personnel director and vice-president. Pat is known to campus women as the Dr.S. of Junior Girls Play fame, a characterization which, Pat says, has frightened her away from Health Service for all time. To 'Doctor' the Help Shortage Instead of new kinds of tumors, Pat will concern herself with the ills caused by the local labor shortage. During the summer Pat pitched in herself by dishing hash in the West Quadrangle chow line. Therefore, the local Navy unit regards Miss Coulter with pleasant associations- with the only meat and butter on campus, when things got tough. But Pat's first love is horses . Coulter and the colts is a bad but oft-used pun. Pat's earliest campus days were occupied with Crop and .ifli PAT COULTER Saddle riding club, of which she subsequently became president. The "house bunny rabbit," who is supposed to look like a rabbit, is Natalie Mattern. Nat adds the spice of red hair to the organiza- tion; besides efficiency and able work as head of Judiciary Council. Although her sorority sisters insist "she's a very normal person," Nata- lie has had more than a normal indi- vidual's share of campus positions, starting out as "a sophomore with the presidency of Wyvern and chairman- ship of Soph Project. Maybe She'll Clean the League Jean Loree is glad to resume her place as secretary of the War Coun- cil, after spending the summer play- ing maids in Repertory Players' dra- matic productions. Although she once played a Roman centurion, Loree was first, last and almost always the maid. The rumor is that Jean's sorority house was untouched by the help shortage. Jean merely rehearsed her roles at strategic moments. Debbie Parry is the creator of Thumper," the little rabbit whose sayings have become law about the League and the USO buildings. Be- sides drawing bunnies, Deb found time to head Junior Girls Project and become a member of Phi Beta Kappa during the past year. Marge, Pat, Natalie, Jean and Deb- bie are your executive board of the War Council for the coming year. It should be a most interesting one. INVEST IN VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS & STAMPS Replacements Many Girls Have Been Trained To Fill Essential Vacancies as The Need for More Increases The pressing need for women to release men for combat duty and to replace other men in almost every field has ledt the University to divert much of its energy to this purpose. For the first time in the history of the School of Engineering, there has been a major invasion of those hal- lowed halls by members of the fairer seix. Twelve w'omen are already enrolled for fall engineering pro- grams, and more are expected by the Office of the Registrar. In the literary college there are also courses in work related to the war effort. The Army, Navy and other agencies have a need for wo- men who can read, speak and trans- late modern languages. Courses in Japanese, Chinese, Russian, French, German, Spanish and Portgugese are being offered on campus to train students to meet this need. Journalists Needed Journalism and newspaper work will 'provide some of the necessary training for students who aspire to be government informational spe- cialists. Clinical psychologists and person- nel workers are also invaluable, and training in tests and measurements, which is offered in the Department of Psychology, can be put to good use. There are now many opening for women trained in the physical sci- ences. Women trained in astronomy are needed to make computations, to care for instruments and to prepare material for publication. All bran- ches of chemistry are being opened to women. There are other openings- for mineral technologists. Mathematics, as a prerequisite: to chemistry, physics, engineering, as- tronomy, advanced statistics and specialized government training pro- grams, can prove most beneficial. Women in Geology The women have already invaded the field of geology. Those who have studied deposit and ground water, mapping and economic geology are in line for, civil service positions. Women are admitted to study petrol- eum at the geology field station at Camp Davis in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Map-making and knowledge of foreigp lands are also important for government service, and many posi- tions in these fields are now being filled by women. The geography de- partment offers excellent training along these lines. Economists to work on commodities and to do ac- counting are also in great demand. A --. Ile Liso Debs ... Naturalizers Foot Savers'... or Pied Pipers $6.95 to 9.95 BIIOKINS' Smart -Shoci 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 _. _,1 ,, ri i Sportswear Headliners! COATS.. SUITS.. SKIRTS DRESSES... SWEATERS for every occasion bean RCT IVITIES Get into the swing of college life this Fall! Join the ADVERTISING STAFF of FIRSTn TRYOUT MEETINGt TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 4:00 P. M. ( AT POPULAR PRICES There's a change of scene for co-eds in one or two purchases from KESSEL'S CAMPUS SHOP. We cater to the needs and tastes of the University , . w4 .. s } . r. r °> is students. We have a new and complete line of the lastest fall and winter fashions. Be sure to stop in and see us during your first week on campus. k<1 fto_-o a - III