Tfitl- 1-4-icHiCAN D-,Aij-Lt- SNONDT, nC, Z 1944 ... ... .......... .... . ......... . .. . ..................... WASHINGTON MERRY.GO-ROUND: Nelson Reassured by Stalin Lee Amer . . . Business Manager Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press Th- Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $525. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FARMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Think Now! LILLIAN GISH, in her lecture at Hill Audito- rium Wednesday night, stated that after the last war, the people of this country refused to hear or gee anything about the war. She further stated that she feared the same situation would occur after this war. In an interview after the lecture, she declared that she felt such a situation would be unfortunate for this country and for the world, but regretted that she had no solution for avoiding this. It is only normal for the peoples of the world to want to return to normalcy after the war, and to forget the hardships they have endured. However, the people of America and the people of the world must realize now, be- fore it is too late, that they cannot forget the war after hostiities cease. For it is after the shooting is over that the real problems arise. The rebuilding of the post war world * be and must be the thought upper- most in the minds of the peoples of the world. The people of Russia who saw their homes uprooted and their civilians killed unmercifully; the citizens of London who endured blitzkreigs and robot bombings without flinching; and those Americans who have seen and still will see their loved ones go off to war and never come back, can not forget the war. It will be those who did not endure any more hardships than ration- ing or the inability to obtain cigarettes, who must decide immediately that they will not for- get the war either. We must start to think about the postwar world now, and begin to formulate our own opinions on 'what the post war world will be like. The economic, political, and social con- ditions that starte this war must be ironed out. They cannot be unless everyone is will- ing to think and do something constructive fow., We cannot revert back to our traditional policy of isolationism after this war. So let's get used to the idea right now. The American people must shake off their apathy and get down to brass tacks. If you have any ideas about the world after the war let others know about it, and above all let Congress know. Members of the Congress are representatives of the people, but they cannot do their jobs well unless they know what the people want. Do you know what type of postwar world you want, and what you are going to do to make that ideal a reality? Too many Univer- sity students and citizens of this couhtry do not know. They must. They can only accom- plish this end by studying the problems of prewar days and post war, and start to think about the situation now. It isn't too late yet. -Aggie Miller England's Losses FNGLAND'S war effort and losses were strik- ingly illustrated by the White Paper released by the British government this week. The ship- ping losses and bomb damage figures that have been announced for the first time are most re- vealing in their extent and amount of suffering. The fact that one out of every three homes in Britain has been destroyed or damaged by air raids and robot bombs points out more than any- thing else ache active and "battlefield" partici- pation of civilians in this war. In no other con- flicts have persons other than the actual fight- ers had the war thrust upon them so forcefully. As one of the rulers of the seas, Britain was By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, DEC. 2-When Donald Nelson conferred with Stalin at the Kremlin during his first trip to China, he questioned Stalin at length about the Chinese Communists. He espe- cially wanted to be able to assure Chiang Kai- shek that the Chinese Communists would not try to impose a Soviet government on the rest of the country if Chiang permitted them to join his Government. Stalin assured Nelson that, to the best of his knowledge, Chinese Reds had no intention of communizing the country as Chiang Kai-shek feared. Quipped Stalin: "They're not real Com- munists, they're just margarine Communists." Millionaires in State Department If newly appointed Secretary of State Ed Stettinius goes through with some of the plans discussed for new Assistant Secretaries, the State Department will really be a mil- lionaires' club. Here are some of the men on the list for probable appointment: Nelson Rockefeller, now head of the Latin American cultural office, may be Assistant See- retary in charge of Latin American affairs. Rockefeller, son of one of the richest men in America, did a good job in improving war-time Pan American relations until (1) he began to close down his work, and (2) the whole Argen- tine mess caused such resentment. Will Clayton, millionaire cotton broker and chief aide to Jesse Jones, may be Assistant Sec- retary in charge of economic matters. Clayton, who buys and sells more cotton than any man in the world, conceived the idea of boosting cotton production in Brazil, making her this country's greatest competitor. He succeeded. Adolf Berle, whose wife recently inherited $3,000,000 in New York real estate, would remain as Assistant Secretary. Lew Douglas, former Director of the Budget and former deputy War Shipping Administrator, may become Undersecretary. Popular with the President, Douglas was slated to become Under- secretary when Sumner Welles resigned, but FDR suddenly switched to Stettinius. Douglas is now head of Mutual' Life Insurance of New York, his family own large copper mines in Arizona, and he has been close to the J. P. Morgan firm, from which Stettinius also springs. Jimmy Dunn, closest friend to Mr. Hull in the Department, may now be elevated to Assistant Secretary. Dunn married into the Armour millions. He supplied the croquet field on which Mr. Hull played his favorite game when he was well. Capital Chaff .. . It was Harry Hopkins who carried the prom- ise to ex-Justice Byrnes that he could be Sec- retary of State if he stayed on as War Mobilizer. .This is the second time in three years that South Carolina has had a newspaper publisher in the U. S. Senate. When Jimmy Byrnes step- ped from the Senate up to the Supreme Court in 1941, Greenville News-Piedmont publisher Roger Peace was appointed interim Senator to take his place. Now Governor Olin Johnston has appointed Anderson Mail and Independent- Tribune publisher Wilton E. Hall to replace the late "Cotton Ed" Smith until Johnston himself takes office in the Senate in January. . . When and if FDR looks around for a new Secretary of Labor, he ought to scan the unique record of buff, ruddy-faced Congressman "Gus" Kelly of Pennsylvania, who owns several mines outside of Pittsburgh, has two sons who carry union cards, and always gets a solid vote from the United Mine Workers . . . De Gaulle's new Ambassador to Washington, Henri Bonnet, should not be confused with appeasing Ambassador Georges Bonnet who served here before Munich . . .The new Bonnet has been here many times, but never as Ambassador. His wife ran a hat shop in New York after the fall of France to keep the family in funds. Her refugee husband taught and wrote for a living. He will be a breath of life to the diplomatic corps. Relations with Latin America.. Some time before Secretary of State Hull went to the hospital, plump, popular, placid BrazilianI Ambassador Carlos Martins went down to the State Department to see him. Usually Ambassador Martins is the height of charm and suave geniality. No one would ever expect him to be tough. But he can be. And in talking to Secretary Hull, Ambassador Martins politely but coldly laid it on the line that Brazil could not live in close juxta-posi- tion with her chief neighbor, Argentina, with- out exchanging ambassadors and being on speaking terms. The situation would be simi- lar to the United States and Canada breaking diplomatic relations and refusing to speak to each other, Martins hinted. While Brazil does not at all concur with Ar- gentipa's various domestic policies, the Ambas- sador mace it clear that the Pan American na- tions should at least hold a meeting to recon- sider their previous policy of refusing Argentina recognition. Secretary Hull, thumping mad, turned Am- bassador, Martins down cold. Since then, it has developed that other Good Neighbors want to recognize Argentina, or at least discuss the question of recognition-includ- ing Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia. This deadlock has now become the most ser- ious diplomatic problem facing new Secretary of State Stettinius. It was also a primary factor in the President's decision to appoint a new Secretary of State. Our situation in regard to Latin America today is similar to that faced by Calvin Coolidge in 1927. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg had landed Marines in Nicaragua, had blasted Mexico with a series of notes putting her "on trial before the world." As a result, all of Latin America was sympathetic with those two countries and seething against us. Secretary Kellogg could not reverse his poli- cies without serious loss of prestige. Therefore, Coolidge shrewdly sent Henry L. Stimson to Nicaragua and Dwight Morrow to Mexico. They virtually took things out of Kellogg's hands, re- vamped our entire policy. Roosevelt figured that a similar clean-cut new start would have to be made in our whole Pan American relations as far as Argentina was concerned. It could not have been done under hull; it can now be done under Stet- tinius-though it will still be difficult. (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Tnc.) War Bond Drive By WILLIAM HAZLETT UPSON Realizing that I am com- pletely ignorant of high finance, the Treasury De- partment has asked me to I do a piece giving the argu- ments for buying War Bonds and Stamps. They want a fresh approach. All right, let's see what we can do. To make a good argument, UPSON we have to have objections. So we are going to suppose that you are a man with the name, let us say, of Lemuel W. Logan- berry, and you have at least ten cents-the price of one stamp-or maybe you have a lot of dough. But you are tough. You say, "I will not buy any Bonds or Stamps." This gets us off to a good start. I say, "Why not?" You say, "How do I know they are a good investment? How do I know the money I get back from these things in the future will buy as much as what I put in today?" I say, "You don't. Nobody can be sure about the future. In ten years your money may 'be worth less. It is also possible--and don't forget this-that it may be worth more, so you will make a handsome profit. But that is not the point You say, "Why not? What is an investment for except -to make money?" So then I start asking questions. And I start with one of the more insulting ones: "Don't you know there's a war on?" With justified resentment, you say, "Yes." "Do you read the papers or listen to the radio?" "Yes." "Do you claim to know what is going on?" "Yes." "Very good, Mr. Loganberry," I say. "Then you already know the answers. You don't have to take my word for anything. You know you have a 'stake in this war-unless we win it, this will not be a nice place for you and Mrs. Logan- berry ,and the children to live. You know the war is not yet won-after Germany comes a long tough job with Japan. You know this war costs plenty-the papers give figures like $600,000 for just one B-29 plane. And the cost of buy- ing and transporting thousands of miles all the food, supplies, weapons, and ammunition for millions of fighting men runs to so many billions of dollars that maybe you don't like to think about it. But you had better think about it. This is your war, and if you are not risking your life at the front, the least you can do is shell out a little of your old mazuma. So what are you going to do about it?" This ends my part of the argument. And if Mr. Loganberry is a normal being-which he probably is-I have a feeling he will most cer- tainly do something about it. Pronunciation THE FRENCH, cheering the British Prime Minister, hailes him as "Shush-heel." This is perhaps as close to the original English as a tongue used to Gallic pronunciation should be expected to approach, but the French could learn a thing or two from the way we pronounce over here in the good old U. S. A. In our country, of course, our President is re- ferred to simply as Ruse-velt, Posy-velt, Ruzy- velt, Rusy-velt, Ruzy-felt, etc. "Shush-heel" might he pronounced all the way from Choich- hill in Brooklyn to Chuh-chill in Georgia. From which it may be gathered that the French not only speak French better than we do, but sometimes do the same for English. Behind Ball. The Republican organization in the Senate is reported unlikely to punish Ball. The burning question, however, is whether it intends to play Ball. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch Dear Sir: RECENTLY, I have been following the editorial page of the Daily rather closely with a profound inter- est in the various articles written pro and con on Conpulsory Military Training for males in the post war world. The latest effort, I noticed, came from Arthur J. Kraft in the SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 27 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. ni. Notices Wednesday edition of your paper. '.To the Members of the Faculty College of Literature, Science, and In many respects I agree with the Arts: The December meeting of Mr. Kraft, but I am afraid that the Faculty of the College of Litera- his comments as to why such train- ture, Science, and the Arts for the ing is necessary do not parallel my academic year 1944-45 will be held own. He is perfectly correct in on Monday, Dec. 4, 1944, at 4:10 p.m. saying that some fundamental in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. solution must be obtained if we The reports of the various commit- are toprevent future world wide tees have been prepared in advance conflicts. However, to me at least, and are included with this call to the compulsory training is not the meeting. They should be retained in answer to our problems. your files as part of the minutes of the December meeting. The promising young columnist I Edward H. Kraus mnAe the stateicments-ndl T summa-1- rize-that this training is a neces- sity on our part for protection against another Pearl Harbor. Of course, as far as a sneak attack is concerned,; this would never have happened if the United States garrison and the: United States Naval Forces stationed on the Hawaiian Islands had been alert. No matter what program we, devise for the future protection of the U. S. A. we must be cautious. Alertness is the price of freedom. This proposed training In my own opinion would not sufice as a protective element. More than one years training is necessary for mu-j tual defense of this country. What{ we need is a well trained and disci- plined standing army-vigilant at all times. A small fighting force about the size of the present Ma- rine Corps of 500,000 men would more than adequately comply with our needs. If the Dumbarton Oaks plan is used as a fundamental plank for a world organization, a fighting element one-half this size will fill the need. Each nation in the world would be contributing an army to insure peace; so a small standing army of profes- sional soldiers would be more ap- propriate than a continually changing drafted fighting force.f What we should do is make the life of a soldier a more "attractive job." Increase the pay and insti-E tute a respectfulness from the civil- ian towards the soldier. With this accomplished, there would be enough "enlistees" to satisfy any wants we may posses for an army. I also do not agree with said Kraft that this conscription would not hurt the nation. I have two basic reas- ons for believing it would. First, compulsory military training is un- democratic. In my philosophy of a republican form of government there is no place for regimentation of the youth. I am not of the school of thought that confesses that the "people exists for the state and not the state existing by the will of the people." This conscription breeds an element of militarism in a na- tion, which is proven by the German Nation of today and twenty-five years ago. Maybe if a peace loving province had organized Gerirmany instead of the "Iron Sword" of the Junker - Class of Prussia, history might have been different. Of course that is wishful thinking and is not a solution to our problem, but it is a lesson to all the world . . . if you care to face reality. Secondly, I con- sider the strong hand of the home, the academic touch of the educators, and the saintly guidance of the church more apropos than the bark of a sergeant in the development of my son as a worthy citizen of the United States. What we need in this world is a slower and more nor- mal existence. Our children have plenty of time to be enlightened with the hardship of life . .. if youj are a capitalistic republican . . . so let's take our time. Let them grow gradually with nature. Let them not make the mistakes that our youths have made in these last few helter- skelter war years. Mr. Kraft, to- gether let us strive for a demilitarized world with freedom loving people, and not a world "conceived in the proposition" that might makes right. -Pat Ryan On Second Thought THE CAMPUS debate squad met the other day for their organiza- tional meeting with the idea of forc- ing the opposing squads to swallow de-bate, book, line and clincher. Novelist Pearl Buck dropped in to Ann Arbor Tuesday in spite of what the Buckeyes did to us on Saturday. -By Ray Dixon By Crockett Johnson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Phillips Scholarships: Freshman students who presented four units of Latin, with or without Greek, for admission to the University, and who are continuing the study of either language, are invited to compete for the Phillips Classical Scholarships. Two scholarships, of fifty dollars each, will be awarded on the basis of a satisfactory written examination covering the preparatory work in Latin or in both Latin and Greek, as described in the bulletin on scholar- ships, a copy of which may be ob- tained in Rm. 1, University Hall. The examination will be held this year in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4 p.m. Inter- ested students are requested to sub- mit their names to Professor Copley, 2026 A.H., or to Dr. Rayment, 2030 A.H. Identification Cards are now ready for distribution in Rm. 2. University Hall. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncement for Park Maintenance Man, Salary $1.10 to $1.15 per hour, has been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. State of Michigan Civil Service Announcements for Tabulating Clerk A2' Salary $140 to $160 per month, Tabulating Clerk Al, salary $160 to $181.50 per month, Tabulating Ma- chines Supervisor 1, Salary $180 to $220 per month, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 20 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. United States Civil Service an- nuncement for Elevator Operator, salary $1,500 a year including over- time, has been received in our office. The closing date for'Motor Truck Driver (Light Duty Trucks), and Mo- tor Truck Driver (Heavy Duty Trucks), salary $1,620 a year includ- ing overtime, has been extended in- definitely. The original closing date was Nov. 30. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. World War H Veterans: Dr. Bruce M. Raymond of the U. S. Veterans Administration, Dearborn, Mich., will be available for consultation in the office of the Veterans Service Bur- eau, 1514 Rackham Building, Wed- nesday. Dec. 6. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Y.G. Chen, President of the University of Nan- king will lecture on the subject "To Win the Peace, as Chinese Professor Sees It," under the auspices of the International Center and Committee on Intercultural Relations, Wednes- day, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. i Concerts Carroll Glenn, violinist, with San- ford Schlussel at the piano, will give the fifth program in the Choral Union Concert Series, Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The program is as follows: Bach Sonata No. 1; Brahms Sonata No. 3; Poeme, Chausson, Sonatina, Chavez; Prel- ude, Gershwin-Heifetz; Improvisa- tion, Kabalewsky; and Ravel's Tzi- gane. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Murray Malcolm Lipton, Bacteriology; the- sis: "The Assay of Pneumococcus Polysaccharide by the Falling Drop Technique and Its Further Applica- tion for the Determination of Anti- body Nitrogen," this morning at 9 o'clock, at 1564 East Medical Build- ing. Chairman, M. H. Soule. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral wheel, glazing and firing. The non- credit course will be given in 12 two- and-one-half hour weekly periods, from 7 to 9:30. Fee is $10. Those wishing to enroll should come to the first meeting of the class. C. A. Fisher Exhibitions Architecture Building, main corri- dor cases, through Dec. 9, "How an Advertisement Is Designed." An ex- hibit furnished by courtesy of Young & Rubicam, Inc., New York. Events Today Society of Women Engineers:There will be a meeting of all members at the League at 1:15 p.m. Wesley Foundation: At 7:30 p.m. a group will leave the church .'to go ice skating. Another group will leave for bowling at 8 p.m. For other groups there will be games and music at the church. The Roger Williams Guild invites all Baptist students and their friends to come and enjoy their evening of music. Beginning at 8:30 at the Guild House, g52 E. Huron the fol- lowing numbers will be presented: Ballade in A Flat, Chopin-Miss Marie Turner. Play Fiddle, Play, Deutsch; Serenade Espanol, Claz- inoue---Miss Mary Kanno. The Sun- beam, Clokey; The Catbird, Clokey- Miss Lorna Storgaard. Romance, Schumann-Miss Barbara Storgaard. Goddess of the Inland Sea, Peters- Miss Ann van Leeuwen Bouree Bach; Homage to Kouch, Forst; Chanson dans la Nuit, Salzedo--Miss Mary Masters. Coming Events The Lutheran Student Association will have its regular Sunday evening meeting at 5 in Zin Parish Hall. Dr. C. P. Harry, Secretary of the Board of Education of the United Lutheran Church, will be the speaker. The Area Conference begins Satur- day afternoon at 2:30. At 3 the group wll go to the University Library to study the Biblical Papyri; supper at 5:30 in the Parish Hall; evening ses- sion 7 to 10:45. Sunday morning Bible hour in Lane Hall at 9; dinner at 12:30 and afternoon session from 2-3:30. Students and servicemen wel- come to all of these sessions. Avukah, Student Zionist Organi- zation, "Why Zionism?" is the sub- ject of a discussion by Elmer Swack, M.S. pol. sci. Sunday, Dec. 3 at the Hillel Foundation at 8:15 p.m. An { organizational meeting for all those interested will be held at 7:15 p.m. Refreshments and a social hour will follow. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m., in the Went Lecture Room of Rackham Building. Dr. Aileen Traver Kitchin will talk on "Applied Linguistic Sci- ence." Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will meet on Monday, Dec. 4 at 8:30 p.m. in the Union, Rm. 308. Topic for discussion will be on Post- War Military Training. Everyone is cordially invited, Veterans' Organization: There will be a regular meeting of the Veterans' Organization at 7 on Wednesday, Dec. 6, in Rm. 304 of the Michigan Union. Nominees for offices please bring their eligibility cards. Junor Research Club: The Decem- ber Meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5; in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studes, at 7:30 p.m. Electon of mem- bers. Program: The Use of Sodium- hexametaphosphate as an Aid in the Treatment of Peridontal Disease. Donald A. Kerr, School of Dentistry and Dept. of Pathology. The Mexican Volcano Paricutin: Color Motion Pic- tures. Norman E. Hartweg, Museum of Zoology. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Sermon by. Dr. Lemon to be the first in the Ad- vent Series, "Reasons for Living." 5, Westminster Student Guild talk by Dr. Leroy Waterman, Chairman of Oriental Languages who talks on "What I Believe--About the Bible." Supper will follow. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "God the Only Cause and Creator." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A con- venient reading room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington St. where the Bible, also the Christ- ian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur- chased. Open daily except Sundays and Holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m. A Y , . e,~ BARNABY S'mt getting tired, Mr. O'alley. Isn't this We need on enormous excavation. An ermine - he And how h o flies when the House of