Y an aU& WEATHER Partly cloudy and continued cold. VOL. LV, No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS NNNNizm- Pearl * * Yanks Harbor Probe Clears War Heads * * * * * * * * * * * * Take 9-Mile Sector in Saar alley Alies Drive Against Roe River Defense Nazis Strike Back by Land and Air; Regain Linnicl and Julich is Push By The Associated Press SHAEF, PARIS, DEC. 1-U. S. Armies fighting inside Germany seized a nine-mile sector of the industrial Saar valley today and drove two new wedges into the enemy's Roer River line in a furious battle before the Cologne plain. As Gen. Eisenhower increased the pressure of Allied armies battering at the Roer River barrier, the Germans struck back by land and air and pushed the Americans from two towns between Linnich and Julich. Friday's Sale Best to Date In Bond Drive University Hits New High, Selling $5681 The best day's sale of bonds in the University since the inception of the Sixth War -Loan Drive Nov. 20- $5,681-was reported yesterday by Frances Goldberg, head of the Junior Girls' Project war loan committee. The sales increased the total Uni- versity bond purchases to $26,745, Miss Goldberg said. County purchases jumped one mil- lion dollars to $3,345,088 as corpora- BOND BOX We have... County ............$3,345,088 University .......... $ 26,745 We Need . County ...........$4,818,912 University ..........$ 73,255 tions began purchase of large denom- ination bonds the first day the bonds were placed on sale to them. The county goal is $8,164,000. Yesterday also marked the first day of intensified participation by the service groups on campus. Army bond subscriptions increased Thurs- day, Army pay-day, while the Navy has begun its drive for bond pur- chases to be culminated Thursday, Pearl Harbor Day. Newa Members Added to Adult education Staff Dr. Fred G. Stevenson of the Uni- versity Extension Service and Bonner M. Crawford, adult education con- sultant, have been added to the staff of the Extension Service's new ex- perimental program in adult educa- tion, it was annotinced yesterday. Dr. Stevenson is consultant in the new program, while Mr. Crawford, who is research associate in the Bu- reau of Educational Reference and Research, will serve as special lec- turer. Additional lecturers named to par- ticipate in the Workers' Educational Service include: Victor Bucknell, Kalamazoo attorney; Walter Terp- ening, Albion College; Louis Golczyn- ski of Michigan State Normal Col- lege; E. W. Waugh of Ypsilanti State Normal; and David Wieterson of the Barbour Intermediate school, De- troit. Services for Baird To-Be Held Monday Funeral services for Charles A. Baird, Baird Carillon donor who died Thursday in Kansas City, Mo., will be held there Monday, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the president, revealed. One of Michigan's most prominent alumni, Baird was first athletic di- rector of the University. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Union formal 9 p. m. to midniht in Union ball- Plant New Bridgeheads Far to the southwest, the Allies smashed an attempt by the Germans to plant a new bridgehead on the west bank of the Rhine near Stras- bourg behind a smokescreen 1,000 yards long: No details were available here of this unexplained operation. The U. S. Third Army fought up to the Saar in a storm of fire from the Siegfried line around Merzig, Ger- man city guarding the Moselle and Nahe Valley invasion routes to the inner Reich, as the Germans blew i the Merzig bridge. Allied planes dumped 250 tons of explosives on enemy fortifications. New Attack The U. S. First Army broadened the scope of its assault before Duren with new attacks that moved Ameri- can lines forward 400 yards to within 1,000 yards of Gey and Branden- berg-the latter little more than a mile from the Roer seven miles southwest of Duren. Lt. Courtney H. Hodges' troops fought house to house to drive the last enemy from Inden, six miles northwest of Duren, as fighter-bomb- ers swept low over the front in the heavy weather, attacking German guns and troops-some of them in the act of firing on American lines. Luftwaffe Attacks The German air force swarmed in to the attack in daylight and in force for the first time in two months, and the enemy loosed a barrage of flying bombs on rear areas in Belgium and Holland that represented an increase of almost 100 percent in 24 hours, a front dispatch said. The U. S. Ninth Army was pushed from its Roer footholds at Roerdorf and Flossdorf, northwest of Julich, but was fighting back into the out- skirts of both towns in an effort to regain its positions. Fierce fighting continued in nearby Beeck, but the doughboys were firmly across the highways to Lindern and Linnich to the east. Battlefront Dispatches Battlefront dispatches said the U. S. Seventh Army along the Rhine broke through the main enemy de- fenses and fought into the western edges of Haguenau, strategic supply center 15 miles north of Strasbourg, after overrunning several towns. The concerted drive at the northern end of the front has yet to produce a hint of a break in the lines, but the Germans now are digging into mobile reserves, which might mean that they 1 would be unable to halt a sweep to the Rhine when the break comes. Weeze ' GE M N -Glenkirchen Geldern ESSN ee rr t Mors - DUISBURGw Versen DUSSELDORF mn Roerfmond M .Gldacu--K fMGladbach' RheydtHiden .rkelenz Dilsen Hoven Lndr eck Linnch COLOGNE Geienk irchen j JULICH Berghem Maast cht DUREN Hur h *Indenrurhi Ri l Eschwe ir ruh AACHerode Liblar A r *G ssha s!4AHuren \xurJ Euskirchen 'ege EVPen ,tgen ForesI _ ___ . BELGIUM "Monschau STATUT s ALLIED DRIVES TOWARD COLOGNE AND DUSSELDORF . . . Arrows indicate Allied drives on the northern part of the Western Front (heavy line). Newest development is a U. S. Third Army drive to the Saar River, where Americans attacked Siegfried Line defenses around Merzig, German outpost city guarding the Moselle and Nahe Valley invasion routes to the inner Reich. SECRETARY OF STATE: Stettinius Faces GFreat Task Durinig First Day in Off ice By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, DEC. 1-Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., 44-year-old indu- strialist and diplomat, was sworn in as Secretary of State today amid potentially revolutionary develop-1 ments in American foreign policy. He faces, as his first great task as successor to Cordell Hull, completion of the Dumbarton Oaks plan for world security and arrangements for a United Nations conference, whichI officials hope will be held in this country within three months, to put th'e plan into effect. The brief ceremony took place in the Secretary's office at the State Department. The oath to "support and defend the constitution of the United States" was administered to the nation's 47th Secretary of State by Associate Justice Robert H. Jack-I son of the Supreme Court. Immediately afterward Stettin ius held a news conference at which he issued a statement declaring that "I shall do my utmost to carry out the high principles for which Mr. Hull has always stood in the conduct of our foreign policy." Subsequently Stettinius released a letter he had sent to Hull, who is recuperating at the Naval hospital near here from a throat ailment and general exhaustion. Expressing hope for Hull's speedy recovery, Stetti- nius said he was looking forward to the time when "it will be possible for me again to have the benefit of your wise advice and judgment." Reconversion Curtailed by Drastic Order War Production Deficit Cause for New Move By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-The gov- ernment, in a drastic new order, to- night slowed up the program for putting segments of industry back into civilian production. In a measure designed to bolster lagging war production, the Army, Navy, War Production Board and War Manpower Commission directed: New Authorization That in areas of acute labor short- age no new civilian production shall be authorized under the "spot recon- version" plan for a period of 90 days. That only in localities where war production is on schedule, where labor is adequate 'to meet military needs, or where labor not qualified for war work is available, "can any1 request for civilian production" un- der the spot program be approved. Under the "spot" plan regional boards had been empowered to per- mit civilian production in areas where manpower and facilities were deemed available for such purposes. like' Reports Tonight's action came upon the heels of recent reports from General Eisenhower that a shortage of some categories of ammunition, especially heavy shells, had delayed his offen- sive. Yanks Stop Jap Drive Near Ormoc .Heavy Casualties Suffered by Enemy By The Associated Press GENERAL MACARTHUR'S HEAD- QUARTERS, PHILIPPINES, SAT- URDAY, DEC. 2-The U. S. 7th In- fantry Division has repulsed suicidal charges made by the Japanese south of Ormoc, strategic port held by the enemy on western Leyte island, head- quarters announced today. The 7th Division has been advanc- ing slowly northward on the coast below Ormoc and last was reported holding the Palanas River line, 13 miles south of the port, Numerous night counterattacks had been re- pulsed in that area by the division, which includes veterans of the Aleu- tians campaign.' ,Jap Losses Heavy Today's announcement said the latest .attack was hurled back with heavy enemy losses. Elsewhere on Leyte ground activi- ties were restricted by continuing raids. The 32nd Division, which re- cently captured Limon, was slowly converging on the enemy forces in the Ormoc corridor to the south, Leyte based fighter planes bombed Japanese supply dumps in the Ormoc bay area. Enemy air activitiy was negligible. Japanese casualties in desperate fighting on Leyte and in daring but vain attempts to prop the battered garrison there approached 100,000 to- day, stressing the importance the Imperial High Command places on clinging to that Philippine Island. Artillery Hits Hard Enemy ground casualties passed 15,000 more than ten days ago, Gen. Douglas MacArthur has announced. Since then he has reported"terrific" enemy losses because of heavy Am- erican artillery and infantry fire- power and the "practical destruc- tion" of the Japanese First Division. Added to this toll are 26,000 Nip- ponese troops which headquarters estimated, were lost at sea, west of Ormoc, in the destruction of. seven inbound convoys by American planes based on Leyte. 'Scare' BuyingY Causes Cu rrent ag Sortwvc WASHINGTON, DEC. 1-(P)- OPA asserted today that cigaret manufacturers had nothing to do with the current shortage. The statement, reinforcing earlier comments in the same vein, was is- sued in denial of widespread man- in-the-street rumors that manufac- turers are holding back some of their stocks. Rumor had it that this with- * holding, and a contention on the part of manufacturers that raw tobacco prices are too high for the present ceilings on smokes, might bring about an increase in the wholesale ceiling price. OPA flatly denied this. It said that not since March, 1942, have manufacturers of popular brands or the tobacco industry as a whole sought a ceiling boost. On Capitol Holl today, Senator Wheeler (D.-Mont.) called on the Federal Trade Commission to investi- gate the shortage, saying service men and civilians are "entitled to know the facts." *,' '4~ 'p By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, DEC. 1-Army and Navy boards of inquiry found that errors of judgment in both Washington and Hawaii had had a part in the Pearl Harbor disaster but discovered no grounds for any court martial proceedings, it was announced tonight. War Secretary Stimson and Navy Secretary Forrestal !issued state- ments simultaneously summing up conclusions of the two boards, but said the reports themselves could not, for reasons of military security, be released until after the war. Each said, too, that he intended to ,4t continue a personal investigation, gathering the stories of witnesses not available now because they are en- gaged in combat, and when all the evidence was in would review the present tentative decisions against disciplinary action. Demands in Congress With release of the statements, there were immediate demands in Congress, chiefly from Republicans, for a Congressional investigation of why the Japanese achieved complete surprise with their Dec. 7, 1941, at- tack on the Hawaiian naval base and sank or disabled eight battleships. Many Democrats said, however, that the statements from Stimson and Forrestal should end the matter. On the point of fault, the Navy's statement said: "The Secretary in his findings upon the evidence be- fore the court of inquiry and all the other proceedings in the matter to date, has found that there were er- rors of judgment on the part of cer- tain officers in the naval service, both at Pearl Harbor and at Wash- ington." Stimson's Statement Stimson said: "The Army Pearl Harbor Board, although it recom- mended no disciplinary or other ac- tion, concluded that there were sev- eral officers in the field and in the War Department who did not per- form their duties with the necessary skill or exercise the judgment which was required under the circumstan- ces. On the recorded evidence, I agree with some but not all of the board's conclusions." Foremen Will Meet Here Sooni First meeting of the Extension Service-sponsored annual foremen's conference, to be divided into several one-day sessions, will be held Feb. 16 at the Rackham Educational Mein-, orial in Detroit. Co-sponsored by the National As- sociation of Foremen and the Michi- gan and Ohio Foremen's Club, the Detroit meeting will serve as a prel- ude to the planned May conference to be held in Ann Arbor. Attendance at the conferences will be limited to 1,000 "since it has been found that a larger group cannot be handled successfully," Extension Ser- vice officials pointed out. Strikes Keep 11,000 Detroit Workers Idle WLB Moves To End Engine Plant Dispute By The Associated Press DETROIT; Dec. .--Strikes con- tinued tonight to keep two Detroit war plants and part of a third closed, making more than 11,00 workers idle. The regional War Labor Board moved to end a dispute that halted production of parts for Superfortress engines in the aircraft engine divi- sion of Chrysler Corporation's main Dodge plant. Some 1,300 employes were involved in this dispute over transfer of an employe from one job to another. Mass Meeting Tomorrow Officers of Local 3, United Auto- mobile Workers (CIO), called the strikers to attend a mass meeting tomorrow morning (8 a.m.), and- the WLB notified the Union that unless the men voted to return to work immediately a "show cause" hearing would be conducted three hours later. Welders Suspended a ,Some 3,800 employes of the Gra- ham-Paige Motors Corp. continued on strike supporting the stand of 23 welders who walked out Tuesday protesting what they said was a vio- lation of seniority rules, and were suspended for a week when they returned to work Wednesday. Annual Union Forma IWill Be Held Today The 15th Annual Union Formal will be presented by the Union Exec- utive Council from 9 p. m. to mid- night today in the Rainbow Room of the Union. The first formal of the season will be highlighted by the music of Bill Layton and his orchestra. Featured with the orchestra will be vocalist Judy Ward and Dwight Daily, first- alto saxophone player. During the evening the orchestra gave the first public performance of "Too Late," written by Ruth Wolkowsky, '45 SM. Gardenia corsages will be given each woman. All other corsages will be forbidden. The dance will be at- tended only by Union members- and their guests. n- 'p '# Dance To Feature A rmy-Na'uy Game All Army-Navy rooters will have the opportunity of following the War, Navy Chiefs Issue Summaries No Grounds For Kimmel and Short Court Martial Found by Committee WAR NEWS AT A GLANCE By The Associated Press WESTERN FRONT-U. S. Armies in western Germany seize 9-mile 'sector of Saar Valley and drive two new wedges into Roer River Line. PACIFIC FRONT-Liberators make two more attacks against Iwo Jima air strips. 7th Infantry repulses Jap attacks south of Ormoc on Leyte; fighter planes active. RUSSIAN FRONT-Germans say Budapest being evacuated. Reds, striking along west bank of Danube, within 77 miles of city. ,,. . . ,'- NECESSARY CHANGES: Olson Commends Proposed State Tax Allocation Plans Approving Michigan Tax Study Commission proposals to send a much larger share of the annual $450,000,00 state and local revenue into urban areas, Herbert A. Olson, director of the Michigan Municipal League said yesterday, "Changes in the tax allocation set-up have been necessary for years-I am very much pleased with the Committee's action." Although the Study Commission proposed no new big taxes, the group emphasized local responsibility for local spending. A new formula for highway tax al- per cent of the total highway tax re- ceipts. In addition, the Study Commission recommendations extend to auto- motive taxes, sales, property and in- tangible taxes. REVENGE ON FRENCH THREATENED: Nazis Consider Break With Rules o Warfre By he Associated Press LONDON-A German High Com- Alsace for Franc-Tireur (guerilla) mand statement distributed by the acts. A statement issued at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary French Second Armored Division, had announced that sniping in the