ThE MiCuICAr~ DAiLY ThtTR~DAY~. 0; ~, 44 a I I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: More on Doolittle's Raid -4- KEEP MOVING By- ANN FAGAN GINGER The Associated Press is exclusively entitled' to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Eantered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Micigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDiTOR: PAUL SISLIN Lditorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by member's of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Intervention ALLIED intervention in the politics of freed European countries continues-a sequel to the mistakes of North Africa. British tanks stand guard outside the Belgian Chamber of Deputies, ready to shoot demon- strators, as patriots march on Brussels and prepare for a national protest strike. Uprisings in Belgium are not isolated events, the product of a few malcontents. It is agreed by 110,000 of the Belgian people that they do not like the Pierlot government and that they will have democratic government if they have to fight all the way. The people know what they want and they do not want Pierlot. British Ambassador Sir Charles Noel calls Count Sarlo Sforza "politically unreliable" and refuses to admit him as Premier or eign Minister. Three members of the Bonomi cabi- net, which resigned three days ago, wanted Sforza, but they have been overridden. The British disapprove of Sforza; therefore the Italian people do not really want him, they reason. Allied intervention of this variety can hard- ly be expetted to encourage any Underground resistance in German, rather it is indicative of the treatment liberal elements may expect. Allied intervention, as Browning once said, "Grrr." -Betty Roth Military Service MUCH HAS been said about compulsory mili- tary service for the youth of the nation, the fact that it will help us to be a little more prepared to fight if attacked again is true but why not find out what it will do for the young men whose life it will affect? Employment is not difficult to secure today because of the enormous increase in our pro- duction, but after the war when factories close andpeople are again without jobs what will become of the young men? To do away with the time that men have to spend after they leave school until they reach the proper age for employment, what would be a more ideal solution than military training. Compulsory military service would provide a partial solu- tion to this problem which is becoming larger as time goes on. Not only would it occupy these men but it .could serve double duty in that it would provide yaluable experience for man and society and would tend to better the welfare of our youth and the nation. Answers to questionnaires sent out to col- lege professors throughout the United States show a definitely favorable attitude towards the project. Many said that it would offer a chance for greater maturation before entering college or going out to the business world and would make the people more appreciative of their college work. The training, others said, would bring youth from all over the nation together in camps and would broaden the out- look of these men and also aid in breaking down social barriers. It was also pointed out by these professors that youth would tend to develop consideration for others; they would realize the value of working together; and they would develop a respect for orders. Not all replys to the questionnaire represented a favorable attitude to the policy suggested for they said it would tend to develop a mili- taristic nation and others thought better of ex- tending the training on a ROTC basis or through summer camps. The fact that there were disagreements on the issue is encouraging for it shows definitely By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, NOV. 30-Now that Stalin has put the Japanese on notice for war, calling them an aggressor nation, another chapter regarding Jimmy Doolittle's raid on Tokyo can be told. After- dropping its bomb load on Tokyo, one of the planes developed a leak in its gas line. Aware that he could not make friendly Chinese territory, the pilot set his course for Soviet Siberia, figuring he might barely be able to reach dry land. Internment, he figured, was better than execution. When the fuel gave out, he had no idea where he was, but landed on the best fiat stretch he could find. As the crew of the plane piled out, a column of tanks appeared over a nearby hill. o'he air- men climbed back into their plane and pre- pared to make a fight for it, but finally saw the Soviet red star on the leading tank and got out of the plane again. The pilot walked forward to talk with the Soviet major who jumped out of the leading tank. Using English, gestures, and one or two words of Russian, the pilot tried to explain how he happened to be there. Finally, the Russian officer stopped him. In fairly good English, he said: "Yes, we know all about the bombing of Tokyo. And we knew one plane was in trouble and might be heading this way. We came out to see if we could find you." The bomber crew started to climb into the tanks when suddenly another column of tanks appeared from the opposite direction. A Jap officer came running toward the Russians, shouting, "This is Japanese territory. We de- mand the surrender of the Americans." The Russian major immediately dug out his maps, insisting he was on Soviet soil. The or- gument raged in German for several minutes, until finally the Jap angrily stalked off, order- . ing his tanks to fire. This was answered by a volley from the Russian tanks, both aiming at the sky. The Russian tanks then drove on, leaving the airplane behind. They had been going at a fast clip for about. half an hour, when the Russian major turned to the American pilot and said: "I now welcome, you to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." The border had just been crossed. - FDR and Henry Kaiser . . President Roosevelt had a revealing conver- sation with shipbuilder Henry Kaiser at the White House recently and got some real low- down on the prospects of a sharp increase in unemployment next year unless prompt meas- ures are taken to prevent it. Kaiser, who is enthusiastic about Roosevelt's hopes of 60,000,000 jobs after the war," rushed into the White House with a post-war job program of his own. He told FDR he could swing it if he got a governmental go-ahead on reconversion. Roosevelt told Kaiser he was delighted to hear of his plans, but asked if Kaiser wasn't getting a little too far out in front, with the war still in progress. . "No, Mr. President," said Kaiser. We've got to go to work on this right away. I may have half my shipyards closed down by June; so unless I and other war producers can guar- antee our workers jobs, our manpower is going to leave us. In fact, we've lost too many men already. Our workers are trying to get into peacetime work even though the war is a long way from being over. They don't want to be left holding the bag." "But Henry," said the President, "your con- tracts run all through next year, don't they?" "Oh, no," said Kaiser. "Most of them are scheduled now to wind up in June or July. Besides, they all have cancellation clauses and we don't want to be caught short." Sixth War Loan By NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER THE SIXTH War Loan drive should make di- rect appeal to every American. By taking part in this drive, whether the amount be large or small, we, to the extent of our ability, join the armed for- ces in the defense of our country and in the safeguard- ing of the fundamental prin- ciples upon which our form of government rests. Participation in making this Sixth War Loan successful is BUTLER the way open to all of us to show tne men in service that we are taking part with them in the great contest in which we are engaged throughout the world. Our gov- ernment is being called upon for quite un- precedented expenditures in order to carry on this stupendous struggle. It is our privilege as well as our duty to take part in this contest for freedom. We have. learned that wars are fought not alone with armies, navies and airplanes, but also with intelligent and unbroken participation in the support of those who bear the burden and incur the terrifying dangers of the mili- tary struggle. Let the Sixth War Loan make appeal to you as evidence that you appreciate the magnificent work and stupendous sacrifice of our armed forces and that you propose to aid them in achieving victory. Time for Reconversion .. . Kaiser then explained how thousands of other coptracts may collapse nextyear on short notice, putting millions of workers on the street. In reply, Roosevelt quoted War Mobilizer Jim- my Byrnes to the effect that there was plenty of time to plan for reconversion. To this Kaiser declared that Byrnes was over-optimistic, and probably hadn't been able to study the picture carefully enough. Kaiser also pointed out that a good business man tapers off his work several months before a contract ends, so that even when contracts last until July, lay-offs start in March. The upshot of all this was twofold. First, Roosevelt authorized Kaiser to make an ap- peal to war workers to stay on the job, assure them that adequate consideration would be given to keeping them at work in the post- war period. Second, Roosevelt promised he would review the reconversion picture him- self and take prompt action to see that indu- stry is given greater opportunity to plan for speedy reconversion. Big fly in the reconversion ointment is that Byrnes is overloaded with work, plans to quit after the defeat of Germany, can't get his heart or his teeth into the post-war side of his job. Until recently, Byrnes hoped to retire at once as "Assistant President," didn't feel he would have anything at all to do with reconversion. (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate., Inc,) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Belgian Situation By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, NOV. 29-The purpose of the current disorder in Belgium is order. We are quite accustomed to this explanation. When- ever some narrow and unrepresentative exile government returns to the homeland and pro- vokes a quarrel, it invariably does so for the sake of order. It insults and condemns the resistance movement. Why? To promote in- ternal harmony, naturally. It pardons collabo- rationists, making sure that there will be a large pro-fascist sigment of public opinion. Why? To encourage national unity, of course. It is not always that we reach the final ga-ga stage of fighting in the streets in the name of order, but in Belgium even this stage has been reached. Citizens are being shot down to prove to the world that Belgium is enjoying order. So it is always order yesterday, and order tomorrow, but never order today. Today there must be a quarrel; today the resistance move- ment must be disarmed and tamed, and denied a rightful representation in the government, so that there may be order at some future time. But why not order now? Why not a broad- ening of the Belgian government to a point at which it will be sufficiently representative to do away with armed clashes, such as the disgrace- ful struggle of last Saturday? This is the demo- cratic road to order; not subjugation, but repre- sentation. There is always a failure to ex- plain, in these situations, wy the majority has to be put down as the only means whereby the country can reach a stable stage of democracy at which the majority can hope to rule. So we have minority rule in Belgium today, and we have disorder in Belgium today, under the government of M. Pierlot. Why? In order to lead the countr-y to majority rule and order, naturally. So go the explanations which do not explain. The only way in which the will of the people can triumph is for it not to triumph. That is the weird maxim of the Pierlot regime. IT NEVER seems to cross our innocent minds in these promises that a government can be a source of disorder. It could perhaps be ar- gued, that the Belgian people were making quite satisfactory progress toward national unity until their government came home. They had agreed, by and large, that they were opposed to fascism. They had set up a thriving resistance movement. The majority was united against the collabora- tionists. The great political quarrel has devel- oped since the Pierlot government returned to Brussels. In these circumstances, why should we assume that it is those who stayed at home and suffered for four years who are at fault, and not those who went away and came back? One of M. Pierlot's first declarations con- cerned the Belgian collaborationists. He said, with the air of a man thoughtfully chewing a lump of butter: "The government refuses to pronounce itself on the attitude of the indu- strialists who directed the national produc- tion during the occupation." In effect, he forgives Belgians who made weapons for the Nazis, and is terrified of Belgians who carried weapons against them. His statement could not have. been made by any Belgian who had remained in Belgium and fought the Nazis. M. Pierlot brought this attitude with him to Brussels. After that there was disorder. And the question is whether to blame disorder on those who were in Brussels all along, or those who have just arrived. Ah, order! It has so many forms. In Bel- gium it takes the form of disorder. To a Bel- gian collaborationist, shaking in his shoes, and looking out of the window at the suppression of popular movements, it may indeed seem that order has at last come to Brussels. Others may take a different view. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) WE HAD INTENDED starting out softly, and, as someone suggest- ed, humbly. Waiting a little before digging around in the dirty spots in odd corners of the world: Belgium, the Deep South,. China, University Hall. We weren't going to try to fool anyone into thinking we didn't care what happened; we just thought it would be best to prepare people for what we had to say: About the way the world has been run for genera- tions; about the way it is being run today; and the way we all can build it for tomorrow together. Calm, cool and collected, we were going to be. Rational. Not impartial, but not pushing our point to the exclusion of all other points. But some things happened to- day. We reada hook called "Free- dom Road" and we watched a news story come in over the teletype with a Brussels dateline. And we are boiling mad. Not mad at any one person. But mad at an order of things which makes the novel a true account of a part of American history. And which makes clear that it is not enough that men risked their lives through five years of Nazi terror to work for freedom-they must stand in the streets, call a general strike, get shot down by guns of the United Nations. for wanting to run the government instead of turning it over to those 'patriots' who ran away to London to become the Belgian Government-in- exile when the fighting started and who scurried safely back across the channel when the "All Clear" sound- ed. And who sit in the Belgian cham- ber of deputies, protected by British tanks in the streets, giving a vote of confidence to a Premier who deserted the people when trouble appeared. Maybe you can't see the con- nection. If you read Howard Fast's book and the A.P. news report, it isn't difficult to find. In each case a group of people, common people, unaccustomed to dealing in affairs of state, unaccustomed to settling disputes through force of arms-in each case the common people found that it wasn't enough to work and build a new life. They had to fight and die at the hands of the old, decayed, filthy rotten- ness of what used to be. IT WASN'T enough that 200,000 Negroes fought with the Union armies in the Civil War to free them- selves from the bondage of the slave- owning, land-owning, government- owning Bourbon whites. Nor was it sufficient that they fought hard in their state conventions in the Recon- struction Years-in the "black legis- latures"-for schools, compulsory ed- ucation for black children and white children. For division of land lying fallow, ownerless, put up for auction. No, they finally had to fight for life itself . . . against the political chi- canery of the Tilden-Hayes election, the withdrawal of federal troops from the South in 1877, the rising of the fiery cross: which still graces the south, and whose spirit rose again last Friday to lynch a 17-year-old Negro boy in Pikeville, Tenn. (Where is the Anti-Lynch bill which has been reintroduced into Congress and defeated session after session?) No. And it isn't enough that the people of Belgium, the men and women and children, fought and died fighting against the yoke of foreign oppres- sion. That they killed and sabotaged the Nazis with few weapons, little help from the outside. No. Now they have won that battle, and must rise again and fight, if they are not to be again ground down, this time under a Belgian yoke, almost as tight and merciless as that they just threw off. It is hard to comprehend. Ann Arbor is a quiet town. The textbooks we study, printed on fine paper in clear type, are easier to read than newspaper accounts, from sou- thern papers in the 1860's and '70's, or from a news dispatch from Bel- gium. But can you see it at all? It is as if 2nd Lt. Snyder or Ensign Jim Conant, USNR,nor anyrof them, came back home, came here to school, returning heroes, and we set up guns against them. We called out the police and the ROTC to shoot them down for . . for what? Why, for believing that this was a just war. That they had been fighting for democracy. That it was time for all men to live clean and decent lives with their wives and families. That they shouldn't have to worry about wages that will stop when depression hits; which can't be stretched to pay for food and rent. And that they fought for a govern- ment that is their own. That repre- sents them. That stands for the things all men desire. We no longer feel calm. Or cool. And if we can't do anything about the Reconstruction period now; if we can't do anything about what is happening in Brussels ... Then at least we can know what is happening. We can understand the way the world moves. And we can see that the same thing doesn't "happen here. Not again. Not ever. -Ann Fagan Ginger DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1944 VOL. LV No. 25 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. in. Notices To All Faculty Members and Oth- ers Interested: 1. Old Age Annuities. Since 1918 it has been a condition of employment as a Faculty member of the University of Michigan, except for instructors of less than three years' standing for whom the provi- sion issoptional, that such Faculty member shall purchase an old-age annuity from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. The object of this annuity is provision for the teacher after he shall have passed the retirement age. The annuity premium payment required from each Faculty member is 5% of any annual salary not exceeding $5,000, or thus a maximum premium of $250. Faculty members may devote as much more of their salaries to annu- ity premiums as they desire. The University matches the annuity pre- mium up to an annual sum not in excess of $250, thus within the 5% limit doubling the amount of the annuity purchased. 2. Life Insurance. Any person in the employ of the University, either as a Faculty member or otherwise, unless debarred by his medical exam- ination, may, at his own option and expense, purchase life insurance from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association at its published rates. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself. The University makes no contribu- tion toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature except that it will if desired by the insured, deduct premiums monthly and remit the same to the Association. 3. Monthly Premium Payments. The University accounting offices will as a matter of accommodation to faculty members or employees of the University, who desire to pay either annuity premiums or insur- ance premiums monthly, deduct such premiums from the payroll in month- ly installments. In .the case of the so-called "academic rolls" premiums for the months of July, August, Sep- tember, and October will be accum- ulated by the Payroll Department by deductions from the salary of the preceding eight months of 50% more each month than the premium due for each of those months. 4. The University has no arrange- ments with any life insurance or annuity organization except the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America and contribu- tions will not be made by the Uni- versity nor can premium payments be deducted except in the case of annuity or insurance policies of this Association. 5. The general administration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of the Secretary of the University by the Regents., Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not arranged for subscription to the annuity con- tract required under your appoint- ment. Herbert G. Watkins Students possessing deposit re- ceipts for tickets to the Michigan- Purdue football game are reminded that these receipts become void after Friday, Dec. 1, and no refunds will be made after that date. H. O. Crisler Director of Athletics Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports' will be due Dec. 9 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. U.S. Civil Service has announced the following: Chief, Regional Medi- cal Division, $6,228 a year in Chicago, for the states of Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. For further informa- tion, call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. .January 1, 1945. These certificates must be filed in the Payroll Depart- ment of the Business Office, Room 9, University Hall. Blank certificates may be obtained either at Room 1 or Room 9, University Hall. If exempt- ion certificate is not filed, tax deduc- tion will have to be made without al- lowance for exemptions in accord- ance with legal rights. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation in Rm. 2039 Nat- ural Science Building at 10 a.m. Fri- day, Dec. 1. All Students in the School are expected to attend, and classes in the School will be dismissed f or this pur- pose. The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engineers and Supply Corps) will be due Dec. 9. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports on standings of all civilian Engineering freshmen and all Marine and Navy students in Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescribed Curriculum are due Dec. 9. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports below C of all Navy and Marine students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum: also for those in Term 5 in the Prescribed Curriculum are to be turn- ed in to Dean Emmons' Office, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than Dec. 9. Report cards may be ob- tained from your departmental of- fice about Dec. 3. Notice: Miss Gertrude Bruns, Field Adviser for Girl Scouts, will be at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Fri- day, Dec. 1. Any girs who are inter- ested in being interviewed for a posi- tion with the Girl Scouts, should call the Bureau to make an appointment for an interview. Lectures French Lecture: The series of French lectures for 1944-1945, spon- sored by the Cercle Francais will open today at 4:10 p.m., in Kellogg Auditorium. A group of five short French films on the fighting French will be shown. Tickets for the series of lectures and films may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Ro- mance Languages (Rm. 112, Ro- mance Language Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled to admission. to all lec- tures, a small additional charge being made for the annual play. These lec- tures and films are open to the general public. Lillian Gish, famous star of stage and screen, will speak tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the third attraction on the Oratorical Associa- tion Lecture Course. Miss Gish's subject will be "From Hollywood to Broadway." Tickets may be pur- chased at the auditorium box office today from 10-1 and 2-8:30 p.m. Acad emic lNtices Geometry Seminar: The next meet- ing of the Geometry seminar will take place at 4:15 today in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. Erdos will speak on Euclidean Inequalities. Tea at 4 o'clock. Seminar: Friday, Dec. 1, 10:30 a.m., Rm. 1564 East Medical Build- ing. Subject: Factors Controlling the Production of Antibiotic Subin Fluid Culture Media. All interested are invited. Social Ethics Seminar: Will meet this evening at 7:30 in the Lane Hall Library. John Muehl will dis- cuss Niebuhr's "Neo-Orthodoxy." All those interested are cordially invited. Botany 1 Make-up Final Exam- ination will be given Friday Dec. 1 in room 2033NS from 4:00-6:00 p. m. Examination, Physics: Today, 10 o'clock. Courses 1, Ni and 45-Rm. 348, West Engineering Bldg. Course 25-Lecture Room, West Physics. Concerts Percival Price, University Caril- lonneur, will play his composition, Sonata for 43 Bells, at 7 o'clock tonight. The program will open with five selections from the repertoire of DeGruytters, carillonneur of Ant- werp in 1740, and will close with Tschaikowsky's Waltz of the Flowers. Exhibitions Architecture Building, main corri- dor cases, through Dec. 9, "How an Advertisement Is Designed." An ex- hibit furnished by courtesy of Young & Rubicam, Inc., New York. I I a A 1 i . . 7 .4 if 1 F I. F BARNABY Mr O'Malley. Mom wants an ermine wrapi for Christmas. . . Pop says as long as it's a By Crockett Johnson copyright 14 -4 Fmld pseltltio" Can you get Mom an ermine wrap? E , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Co Let's repair to the forest