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November 29, 1944 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-29

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Professor Slosson Will Lead Discussion
In Interpreting Dumbarton Oaks Parley

Deait Edmonson Will Discuss
Ililitary Training in Peacetime


Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will speak on
Compulsory Military Training in

Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, author, lecturer,
and recognized authority on inter-
national organizations will keynote
the first in a series of five meetingsj
centered around Dumbarton Oaks!
at 7:45 p. in. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored by the Postwar Coun-
cil-an all student organization de-
signed to study post war problems-,
this meeting will be devoted to the
meaning of recent conferences at
Washington. It will be followed by a
question period.
This public meeting will be the ini-
tial program on the Council's agenda
for the coming year. Big and little
nations, military observations, world
rehabilitation, political sway in Eu-
rope, and latest current developments
on the international scene will be
taken up at subsequent panels which
will run through the fall term.
Professor Slosson, who conducts a
radio program three times each week
from the campus, has a long experi-
ence and background in international
affairs. He was a member of the
American Peace Commission at Ver-
sailles in 1919 and has taken an act-
ive role in peace developments during
this war.
He is chairman of the Ann Arbor
chapter of the University Committee
on Postwar Problems which repre-
sents almost every major college in
the nation. As a member of the
Manley Hudson group for an inter-
national organiation, Slosson aided
SRA To Present
Mahler's Music
Second Symphony Will
Be Featured in Concert
The Student Religious Association
music hour led by Robert Taylor will
present Gustav Mahler's "Symphony
No. 2 in C minor" at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Lane Hall library in the fourth
of a series of weekly record concerts.
Mahler's second symphony is com-
monly known as the "Resurrection"
because the fifth movement is a set-
ting for the orchestra, chorus and
soloists of Klopstock's "Ode on the
Resurrection" with additional verses
by Mahler. St. Anthony's "Sermon
to the Fishers" is said to be depicted
by the third movement while the
fourth' movement is a setting for the
orclestraand contralto solo of the
German folk poem, "Primal Light."
Copies of the vocal portion of the
symphony will be provided.
Bruchner's "Symphony No. 7" will
be presented Wednesday, Dec. 6, at
Lane Hall.

in publishing its charter for world
Pvt. Berton Bernard, Co. C winner
of the 1943 American Legion oratory
contest, will introduce Professor Slos-
son and moderate the forum follow-
Elbert NIcholson
Will Be Feted
Sturgis Club To Honor
Former Classmates
Elbert Nicholson, '93, secretary-
treasurer of theUniversity of Mi-
chigan Club of Sturgis will be hon-
ored Thursday at a dinner which
Profs. Neil H. Williams and Harrison
M. Randall of the Department of
Physics and Herbert Gouldin of the
Department of Mechanism and En-
gineering Drawing, all former class-
mates of Nicholson's will attend.
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
also be present at the dinner.
The alumni group of Detroit will
hold its annual football bust in the
form of a smoker at the Hotel Stat-
ler Friday. Varsity squad coaches
and the team will be guests. Lt.
Coi. Edward F. Scott, Lt. Col. Reg-
inald Miller, and Maj. John T. Wil-
bern will alsobe present. - j
(Continued from Page 1)
(storesthey can get cigarettes only if
they purchase something else at the
same time. One merchant has re-
vealed a similar practice existing
between jobber and dealer:
The jobber offers the merchant
a reasonable supply of "stoops"
(under-the-counter sellers) if he
will also buy fruits and flavors for
the soda fountain. This merchant
has been dealing with the jobber
for seven years, yet he now gets
less than four per cent as many
cigarettes from him as he used to,
mainly because he refuses to buy
on the "something else too" prin-
He maintains, however, that an-
other merchant who has just recently
begun to trade with this jobber is
able to get a very adequate supply of
cigarettes because at the same time
he does buy fruits and flavors at
'"fancy prices."
But no matter who's got the cigar-
ettes or how they get them, students
are beginning to revive a ,song hit of
1938, which began, "Here we are---
Out of cigarettes-"

Peace at a meeting of the Michigan
Council on Education to be held at
State Normal College in Ypsilanti to-
At the meeting he will try to deter-
mine the opinion of those present on
the following questions: Is it possible
at this time to determine whether
compulsory military service is or is
not a postwar necessity for the Unit-
ed States? Does the proposal to
create a new federal. educational
agency to serve youth constitute
a serious threat to our state and
community control of education? and
Should the defense goals of com-
pulsory military training be sep-
arated completely from the social
anc eiucational goals?
The Michigan Council on Educa-
tion is made up of all organizations
of teachers and representaitives of
colleges and school systems.
Editor's Note: The following article was
written for The Daily by Philip Modlin,
a member of the Union staff-.

Iwic aftte
Contributions to this column should be
addressed to the Military Desk, The Mi-
chigan Daily, Student Publications
Second Lieutenant RICHARD D.
WIRTH, '43, who received his B. S.
degree in Mechanical Engineering,
recently graduated from the AAF
Training Command Navigational
School, San Marcos, Army Air Field,
former student at the University,
is now assigned as group engineer-
ing officer at the Tinker Field,
Oklahoma City, Air Service Com-
mand for the maintenance and re-
pair of aircraft and the training
of air depot groups.

State Shortage
Of Christmas
Trees Feared
Director Contradicts
Federal Yule Reports
LANSING, NOV. 28-0P)-The
state may not have enough Christ-
mas trees this year because Michi-
gan Christmas tree handlers who
were faced with a flooded market last
year fear a similar experience this
season, C. A. Boyer, director of or-
chard and nursery inspection for
the state agricultural department,
said stoday.
Boyer, differing sharply from fed-
eral reports of a plentiful tree sup-
ply, said fewer than one-tenth the
usual number of yule trees have pass-
ed through permit checking sta-
tions to date. He estimated the state
usually used between 750,000 and
1,000,000 Christmas trees, while cur-
rent operations indicate a 250,000
tree shortage this year. Last year,
1,500,000 were cut.
Boyer said he didn't "want to start
another rush into the woods like
last year when more than 250,000
surplus trees were cut and had to be
burned, but if the tree trade con-
tinues as it has for another week we
won't have enough trees for the
Christmas season."
Normally trees for urban markets
would have been cut by this time,
Boyer said, but spot checks inicated
few had been. He attributed the in-
dicated shortage ' to lack of labor
and fear of financial loss.



One of the first WACs to serve in
STER, holder of an M. S. at Michi-
gan, last week was commissioned a
second lieutenant in the U. S. Army
upon graduation from OCS at the
Third WAC Training Center, Ft.
Oglethorpe, Ga.
At the time she was notified to re-
port to Ft. Oglethorpe, she was sta-
tioned at Southeast Asia Command
Headquarters, Kandy, Ceylon.- as
chief clerk in the Adjutant General's
office. She was one of the first eight
WACs to arrive in India, and was
stationed at New Delhi before head-
quarters were moved to Kandy.
Before entering service, Lt. Brew-1
ster served for three years with the
Red Cross as a First Aid instructor.

HELEN KELLER VISITS IOWAN-Helen Keller, famed deaf and
blind woman, visits Sgt. Jasper Pennington, of Solon, Iowa, at Mc-
Clusky General hospital, Temple, Texas, where he is recovering from
war wounds. Miss Keller's companion, Miss Polly Thompson, (center),
is listening attentively.
U' Alumna Who Served as Red
Cross Aide in New Guinea Dies
Alice Slingluff, '36, of the American vice of the United States, took her
Red Cross Service, died Oct. 23 in training in Washington, was sent to
the Michael Reese Hospital in Chi- Port Moresby as a canteen worker
cago. and from there traveled to advanced
Miss Slingluff, one of 500 Univer- bases of the fifth air force at New
sity of Michigan women in the ser- Guinea.,
She administered to the wounded,
" " e - went on special canteen missions
L ~l" G "Y il ' l Lli' ,.M.+.. a...+ ;... .t . .. ,.a,,

Contest Begins
All students of German interested
in competing for the Bronson-Thom-
as prize should register now and ob-
tain further information at the Office
of the German Department, 204 Uni-
versity Hall, announced Dr. H. W.
Nordmeyer yesterday.
The award, amounting to about
$35 is presented annually to the
undergraduate writing the best essay
in English or German dealing with
some phase of German literature
from 1750 to 1900.

into the front lines, and served coffee
and doughnuts to the men- at their
bases and in the fields. While in New
Guinea she became ill and was
Gary Sheahan, Tribune war artist
said of Miss Slingluff, "When I first
saw her, she was fighting dirty cups
and making sandwiches for the boys.
She had been up since 2 a.m. and
was still cheerful and carrying on."




The Michigan Union is a com-c
mon meeting ground for the alumni,
students, and members on campus.N
It is the outgrowth of years of carefuls
planning and thoughtful discussiong
by leaders who were interested in
the welfare of the University. Thes
growth of the Union has not stoppedI
with its construction. Its many ser-
vices meet the needs of our chang-
ing world.
Proposed in 1903 the plan for a
central organization for Michigan
men was not adopted until Novem-
ber, 1904. Following a colorful ear-
ly history, the construction of the
present home of the Union was start-
ed in June, 1916. Additions made
to the building in 1930 and 1937
have greatly increased its capacity.
Provides Recreation
What does the Union provide for
its members? Besides being a meet-
ing place, it has recreational facili-
ties. Among these are the bowling
alley, billiard rooms, swimming pool,
and ball room for dancing. The
Pendelton Library is for the use and
convenience of members. The Exec-
utive Council of the Student Office is
the aspiration of the more energetic.
Yet, the Union does more than to
serve us during our few years at col-
lege; it also includes in its organiza-
tion a plan covering life membership.
In 1926 the present plan of includ-
ing Union dues in the tuition of the
student was inaugurated. The dues
are ten dollars per year.
Life Membership
This amount -is applied toward a
life membership. The completion of
four years in the University entitles
a student to the gold emblem and
life-membership card. Should the
student leave the University before
graduation, it is still possible for him
to become a life member. He must
supplement within one year what-
ever is necessary to make the total of
$40. Students not completing the
payment within one year are assessed:
$10 extra. An increasing number of'
students come to the Union after
leaving school expecting membership
privileges. They find that their mem-
bership is no longer effective. They
knew nothing about the life member-
ship plan. As a benefit to these
people, Mr. Kuenzel and his staff
have contemplated sending out let-
ters. These letters will unfold the
life plan, giving the former students
a chance to receive these rights.
At present, approximately 50,000
men have paid their Union dues. This
figure shows enlargement over the
7,000 that there were shortly after
24,400 Life Members
In the Union offices are records of
24,400 life members. The staff is
hoping to increase this number after,
the letters are mailed to the men who
dropped out of Michigan before they





ls Loccd CtwGust
Pearl S. Buck. Nobel Prize win-
ging novelist, was a guest of the
University at a luncheon given at
the Union yesterday in her honor.
Miss Buck, accompanied by her
husband, Richard J. Walsh, New
York publisher, Mrs. Welthy H.
Fisher, of Detroit, and Everett J.
Soop, director of the Rackham Edu-
cational Memorial in Detroit, dis-
cussed the East-West Association,
which she heads.
Arriving shortly after noon yes-
terday, Miss Buck told a small group
of faculty members, that the associa-
tion was formed to "create human
understanding among all peoples."
She stressed that the Association
was not restricted in scope to prob-
lems that arose from East-West re-
A new course in ceramics has been'
added to the list of courses being
offered by the University Extension
Service, it was announced yesterday.
The course, which will be taught by
William Moore, will be given without
credit. It will be given from 7 to
9:30 p. in. on Mondays in Room 125
of the College of Architecture and
Design, and will continue for twelve
U. of M. Club H onors
High School Athletes
The University of Michigan Club
of Ann Arbor held its annual high
school football banquet last night
at the Union honoring more than
250 high school athletes from Ann
Arbor, St. Thomas, Ypsilanti, Miland,
Chelesa and Manchester.
Dick Wakefield was master of cere-
monies and among the other guests
were Frank Sinkwich, Johnny Green,
varsity coaches and members of the
varsity team.
'Dear Sir: Please Remit'
FORT CUSTER, Nov. 28.-(IP)-
The Fort Custer Public Relations
Office says it happened Monday
To a company commander came

yourfu r coat 11
B rin g yO U r fu rs in n ow . W e n r c n i i n t e e o e'
cold weather sets in.
A Corplete cleaning and
yofur furacoa
Brng yur urs in now.O We gI
can recondtion tem bfre
cold weatherd sets in.
A cmleteicleigan
516 East Libers t .Phonen2t-2a-1



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...or offering a soldier the comforts of home
4A I~?1 ac e like it . Ad2nhd;kow tterthn



EL _ _ . /Y


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