Fifty-Fifth Year
Inside Facts on China
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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Evelyn Phillips
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*Ray Dixon
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
TFreaty Power
A LITTLE Washington item came over the
wires Tuesday, received little notice, was
perhaps immediately forgotten, but whose
fundamental importance is of such great weight
that it merits discussion.
Washington-A Judiciary Subcommittee of
the House approved a constitutional amend-
ment which, if adopted, would end for all time
the Senate's traditional and exclusive voice in
ratifying treaties.
The resolution provides that future treaties
be.ratified by simple majority vote in both houses
of Congress.
This is not the first time in our history that
a movement has been started to broaden the
treaty powers and no doubt this amendment
will be killed if and when it gets to the Sen-
ate. Even since the constitution has been
in force, the Senate power of treaty ratifica-
tion has been a constant source of friction in
our national life.
It can not be denied that our government is
one based upon majority rule but this mode of
action stops when treaties come into considera-
tion. The framers of the constitution were
aware that they were departing from the rule
that would govern all other parts of government
but were forced by compromise to facilitate the
Farrand in his records of the convention tells
us that a majority coalition believed that they
were setting up an "immovable barrier against
possible sacrifice of the States'or the people in
treaties made by faithless or foolish officials
subject to foreign influence."
So it was. The minority who held out for
complete Congressional participation warned
that trouble would arise but the proponents
of the restricted scope of the power hastened
to add that amendment procedure was always
In brief outline that is the background of
what will prove to be an important controversy
both in th nation and on capitol hill in coming
The provision as it now stands was written
into the constitution in 1787 under a special
set of circumstances which, without detailed ob-
servation, we ,can see have changed.
There is no complaint that our constitution is
not a supreme instrument of government. It
may be asked haven't other seemingly rigid
provisions changed under judicial and historical
Yes, Marshall, Story, Taney, Holmes and
all our great jurists lent their hand in forming
our adaptation of the constitution but in
each instance they dealt with clauses that
lent themselves to flexible interpretation.
The ratifying power in Article II is clear and
distinct, and it seems unlikely that a new inter-
pretation can include the House into a clause
calling for concurrance of "two thirds of the
senators present."
Our national life has changed immeasurably
from what it was in 1787. Conditions of liv-
ing, economic and social, have changed our
conception of government and its function. It
doesn't seem wise that a yardstick of 1787 should
measure our activities in 1944.
We hear the great leaders of the United
Nations calling this the .peoples war, .the
"era of the common man" but if this amend-
(Lt. Col. Robert S. Allen now on active service
with the Army.)
WASHINGTON, NOV. 28-More inside facts
in the tangled skein of Chinese politics lead-
ing to the recent shake-up of Chiang Kai-Shek's
Cabinet and the ousting of General Stilwell
from his Far East command can now be re-
A show-down with China as to whether she
was really going to fight Japan has been in the
cards for a long time. Last July, this column
reported that many Chinese war lords around
Chiang would rather fight Britain and the U.
S. A. than Japan. Since then, a comprehensive
report has reached the White House giving de-
tails regarding the whole Chinese picture and
certain suspicious relationships between the Ja-
panese and some of those around the General-
For example, Wu Te-chen, Secretary General
of the Koumintang (a position similar to that
of Bob Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic
National Committee), still owns a large home on
Avenue Hague in Shanghai, still collects rent
for it through his own agent in the Jap-oc-
cupied areas, while his wife lives openly under
the Japanese in Shanghai.
Also, the wife of Chu Chia-hua, Kuomin-
tang Minister of Organization, has travelled
freely between Jap-occupied and unoccupied
China, apparently with the consent and co-
operation of the Japs. Finally, her goings
and comings attracted so much attention that
she was asked not to return to Chungking
any more.
Meanwhile, Madame Sun Yat-sen, widow of
China's great liberator and first president, has
been rebelling privately at some policies of
Chiang Kai-shek, her brother-in-law. As a
result, Madame Sun is kept out of contact
with other Chinese in Chungking.
Where Madame Sun especially disagrees with
the Generalissimo is in his failure to cooper-
Now is the time for us to take sides on the
issue of compulsory military training for young
men after the war because within the next few
months, the Congress will be faced with Senator
Gurney's bill, a plan for such training.
Objectors to the editorial appearing in the
Daily last Wednesday are undoubtedly correct
in claiming that compulsory military training
will not prevent war or materially better the
health standard of the nation. It can scarcely
be claimed as a solution to postwar economic
Certainly, only superficial reflection could
lead anyone to these conclusions. We need
only recall that certain European nations have
had programs of compulsory military training
for many years to realize the folly of such a
As for improving our people's health, not com-
pulsory military training, but adequate diet
and a program especially designed to maintain a
high standard of physical health, such as Can-
ada is on her way to adopting, can cope with the
poor health standards (about one-third of the
men examined by selective service were rejected)
that are present in America today.
* More fundamental solutions, and solutions
requiring more than the mere passage of a bill
by the United States requiring compulsory
military training, must be sought to prevent
The answers to our economic ills too, must be
sought through more fundamental reflection.
What then is the value of compulsory mili-
tary training? While not preventing war,
compulsory military training for young men
will find us at least partially prepared to put
an army on the field if we are once again
attacked as we were at Pearl Harbor, three
years ago. There is no guarantee that wars
will end with this one and we have nothing
to lose by preparing now for action that we
may have to take. I do not think that we can
safely assume that if war again comes to the
world that we will be able to prepare ade-
quately at the last minute as it creeps up on
us as it did during the decade before Pearl
Japan's sneak attack, men of science tell us,
is only a preview of the forms future aggression
will take. In his talk last week at Hill Audi--
torium, Edgar Ansel Mowrer reported that a
prominent French scientist told him that he
could make a projectile that can be fired with
reasonable accuracy at New York City from
western Europe. Such a weapon would make
V-2 look like a baby. Planes larger than the
Superfortress may some day take off from bases
thousands *of miles away and before we are
fully aware of what bit us a great industrial
city like Detroit will lie in shambles. Such are
the forms that warfare of the future will take.
That is only one reason why we should more
earnestly than ever before tackle the job of
bringing an end to all wars.
If we fail, however, compulsory military
training will at least partially insure our abil-
ity to retaliate and even if it does reduce us
to impotence we can at least vainly boast that
the United States is still on the map.
-Arthur J. Kraft
ate with the so-called "Communist" or "Agrar-
ian" armies in the north. The White House re-
port on China tells in detail about the steady
resistance these northern peasant armies are
putting up against the Japs compared with the
wavering, sometimes non-existent fighting of
Chiang's own war lords.
All of this came to a head when General
Patrick J. Hurley (Hoover's ex-Secretary of
War) and Donald Nelson asked Chiang to
cooperate with the Communist armies under
an over-all U. S. commander instead of fight-
ing them. It was at this time that General
Stilwell was ousted. Chiang, who had never
liked Stilwell, made it clear that he would
never accept an American over-all command-
er if Stilwell were in the picture. Since then,
Chiang has cleaned up his Cabinet and is
more cooperative.
Report on Chinese Communists ...
U. S. concern regarding the long-smouldering
Chinese situation came to a head as a result
of two developments:
1. It became apparent that the Japs could not
be licked merely by island-to-island operations
in the Pacific. This type of warfare might
destroy even the Japanese main islands, but be-
cause the Japs have been moving their war indu-
stries to China, a major campaign on the Chi-
nese mainland is going to be necessary.
2. The United States was able to send an
official mission to visit the Chinese Communists
or Agrarians for the first time in five years.
This was arranged as a result of Vice President
Wallace's trip. The mission's subsequent report,
recently reaching the President's desk, convinced
him that somehow or other the two divergent
factions inside China must be coordinated.
Here are some of the highlights of the
American mission's report:
1. The best- equipped armies of Chiang Kai-
Shek'sbKoumintang are used, not to fight the
Japs, but to fight the guerrilla Communists.
Some of their equipment was sent to China on
lend-lease. This is one reason why we haven't
sent more.
2. The Eighth Route Army of the Communist
Guerrillas is more efficient; better disciplined,
has better military strategists in command than
Chiang Kai-shek's forces.
3. The Communists have excellent military in-
telligence, know more than any other Allied
army about what is going on inside Japan.
4. The economic situation of the guerrillas is
better than that of the Chungking forces. Both
are pretty much cut off from the outside world,
though Chungking has been receiving a trickle of
supplies from the U. S. A. by plane.
How Guerrillas Operate ...
The American mission's report to the White
House is a very human document. It tells a
vivid story of the lengths to which free people
will go to fight an aggressor. With no ammuni-
tion to speak of-perhaps averaging 20 rounds
to a man-Chinese guerrillas will attack a
much stronger Jap force in order to take away
their supplies..
One of their most effective weapons is home-
made dynamite, manufactured from saltpetre,
and sometimes mixed with odds and ends of
metal to make hand grenades. Dynamite has
been too precious to use in blowing up rail-
roads, so the guerrillas rip up railroad ties
and rails by hand. To thwart them, the Japs
now rivet their rails together.
So many telegraph poles have been sawed off
by the Communists that the Japs now have
to go to the trouble of making concrete poles.
The American mission also reported that
the Communist armies had never heard of a
sulfa pill, neverknown what a blood bank was.
When their men are wounded, they usually die.
The Chinese Agrarian leaders made no de-
mands on the American mission, impressed U. S.
officials with their independence and pride.
When asked what the United States could send
to help them, their requests were simple. First
on the list were radio sending and receiving
sets. They also wanted some modern high-
powered dynamite, some easily carried bazooka
guns, some trench mortars and medical sup-
One thing emphasized in the White House
report was that the energetic operations of the
guerrillas make it impossible for the Japs to
control the cities they' capture. For as soon
as the Japs capture a sity, the guerrillas move
in behind and make occupation a nightmare.
The situation in China is similar to that
which the United States found between Tito
and General Mikhailovitch in Jugoslavia. Only,
instead of siding with one faction or the other,
President Roosevelt is doing his best to get
the two Chinese groups to work together.
(Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate. Inc.)
On Second Thought...
The WPB asks the country to double the arms
output which echoes the cry of lonely American
* * *
There's a freshman we know who didn't know
what the word 'fallacy' meant. The helpful
junior explained it is the President's dog's sister.
-Ray Dixon
T rend Spotted
NEW YORK, N. Y., NOV. 28-I
should like to close the ledger on
my recent tour of five middle-West-
ern cities by spotting a trend. In
all these places, Akron, Chicago, St.
Paul, Des Moines and Detroit, the
election fever has subsided with re-
markable speed. This is not merely
something which I, as an imperti-
nent outsider, discovered by sniffing
hotel lobbies. In each town I was
told by local people that they, them-
selves, had been struck bf the quick
subsidence of election fury.
I do not know whether this is na-
tional unity, or emotional exhaustion.
But I found nobody jumping up and
down on his hat, moaning that civil-
ization as we have known it is fin-
ished. Almost everybody was talking
about the future, almost nobody was
talking about the past.
There are new alliances in the
making, between groups of the Amer-
ican people which have had little
enough to do with each other in the
past. The old League of Nations
crowd, for example, and the labor
movement worked together in this
election in a remarkable way. In
St. Paul you could see the process
clearly. It was at a meeting of an
association devoted to furthering the
unity of the United Nations that
Representative Maas shocked local
opinion by his defense of his isola-
tionist voting record. St. Paul in-
ternationalists, some of whom have
been internationalists since Woodrow
Wilson's day, turned to a labor can-
didate, Starkey, one of Tobin's Team-
Many of these internationalists are
economic conservatives. They pre-
ferred a labor man and his interna-
tionalism, to a conservative and his
isolationism. This does not mean
that every conservative precinct in
St. Paul voted solidly for Starkey.
But precincts which used to sup-
port Maas by votes of 7-to-1 gave
him only 8-to-5 this time, and that
was enough to beat him in the dis-
trict as a whole.
Senator Joe Ball was the most spec-
tacular case of party-jumping. But
there were less conspicuous examples
in other places. Dr. John Nollin,
President-emeritus of famous Grin-
nell College, near Des Moines, shook
the Iowa intelligentsia a few weeks
before election day, by coming out
for Roosevelt on grounds of world
policy. Dr. Nollin was denounced for
lining up with Sidney Hillman, but he
didn't seem to mind. Dr. Nollin's
action dramatized the thoughtful-
ness with which the people, every-
where, read their newspapers and
clung to their radios during the elec-
tion campaign. All observers agree
that there was an unprecedented
public hunger for information and
discussion. And the Middle West
preferred Roosevelt's "dull" reviews
of the war to his snappy Fala speech.
Thoughtfulness has continued into
the post-election period. You hard-
ly hear anywhere, any more, that
labor ought to be sent to its room.
The people seem to be taking a three-
dimensional view.
This showed up during the cam-
paign proper, when Bricker almost
lost Iowa by a flip speech at Des
Moines, attacking the Triple-A. They
had to rush him to Ottumwa, to do
another speech taking most of it
back. Bricker had heard that Iowa
was irritated by some aspects of the
farm relief program. And he was
right. Iowa was irritated. But it
was also able to rise above its irri-
tation to an understanding of the
value of the farm program.
In the same way, farm leaders,
though irritated at some of labor's
activities, are beginning to talk about
the need for keeping wages high after
the war, to give the farms a market.
One of the things that has come out
of the election is, maybe, an aban-
donment of that snazzy kind of poli-
tics which tries to solve the national
problem at the expense of a particu-
lar group, say by tying down the labor
movement, or by ending farm relief.
The election seems to have left the
people with a feeling that we must
find a solution that has room for ev-
ery grouping, business, farm, labor.
We've stopped trying to send each
other to an economic Siberia, and we
seem a little more inclined to try to
set a table for all.
(Copyright, 1944, N. Y. Post Syndicate)'
Franco's Dilemma ...
Franco is not to be allowed to sit
at the peace table. It is hoped that
by then he will have received so much,
of the right treatment that he will
be reluctant to sit anywhere.
The former WPB chairman has'
'been appointed personal represent-
ative of the President. Mr. Roosevelt
plans to take hold of the situation
with a full Nelson.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(Continued from Page 2)
at least eight days before the next
ensuing meeting at the Office of Miss
Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to
the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif-
teen copies of each commnikation
should be prepared and left with
Miss Srith. A uniform type of paper
is used for communications to the
Board of Regents, a supply of which
may be procured at the Office of the
Vice-President and Secretary.
-Shirley W. Smith
Notice to All Faculty and Staff
Members: December 1, 1944 is the
final date for filing new withholding
tax exemption certificates effective
January 1, 1945. These certificates
must be filed in the Payroll Depart-
ment of the Business Office, Room
9, University Hall. Blank certificates
may be obtained either at Room 1 or
Room 9, University Hall. If exempt-
ion certificate is not filed, tax deduc-
tion will have to be made without al-
lowance for exemptions in accord-
ance with legal rights.
Sixth War Loan Drive:
I 1. During this Drive, War Bonds
may be purchased from students of
the Junior Girls' Project, called
"Bond Belles," who will canvas; all
parts of the University. You will re-
ceive an official receipt from these
canvassers for the order and pay-
ment. If requested, arrangements
can be made to deliver the bond
,o your offce.
2. You can call for a "Bond Belle"
to take your order by phoning 2-3251.
extension 7. Bonds will be o sale
at the cashier's office, University
Hall. Orders by campus mail can be
sent to Investment Office, 100 S.
ng,niversity Hall. This latter
office will be glad to answer ques-
tions about the various bonds avai-
able during the drive or the proced-
ure for purchasing them (Univesity
Extension 81).
3. Checks should be made payable
to the University of Michigan. Pleise
print or type names and addresses
-University War Bond Committee.
Special Payroll Deduction for War
Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan
Drive arrangements can be made
with the payroll department to make
a special single deduction for the
purchase of War Bonds from salary
checks due on Dec. 29 only. This
would be over and above the regular
deductions under the payroll savings
plan. Those wishing to use this
method should send written instruc-
tions to the Payroll Departmet re-
garding the amount of the bond and
names and addresses in whicn it
should be registered. Deductions can
be made only in the amount of $1.75
or multiples thereof. Instructions
must reach the Payroll Department
not later than Dec. 15. War Bon
purchases made by this method wil
be counted in the drive.-Universiy
War Bond Committee.
Faculty Directory: To date com-
paratively few members of the Uni-
versity staff have called at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice for Faculty Directories. These
are for general distribution to all
qualified persons for use at home
and should have general circulation.
Heretofore the University has de-
livered /them by mail, but to save
postage, if you desire one will you
please call at the Information Desk
in the Business Office for your copy?
Herbert G. Watkins
Students possessing deposit re-
ceipts for tickets to the Michigan-
Purdue football game are reminded
that these receipts become void after
Friday, Dec. 1, and no refuids will
be made after that date.
H. O. Crisler
Director of Athletics
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports on standings of
all civilian Engineering freshmen and
all Marine and Navy students in
Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescribed
Curriculum are due Dec. 9. Report
blanks will be furnished by campus
mail and are to be returned to Dean
Crawford's Office. Room 255, W.
Eng. Bldg.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Term 5 in the,
Prescribed Curriculum are to be turn-
ed in to Dean Emmons' Office, Room
259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than
Dec. 9. , Report cards may be ob-
tained from your departmental of-'
fice about Dec. 3.
Notice: Miss Gertrude Bruns, Field
Adviser for Girl Scouts, will be at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, Fri-
day, Dec. 1. Any girls who are inter-
ested in being interviewed for a posi-
tion with the Girl Scouts, should call
the Bureau to make an appointment
for an interview.
French Lecture: The series of
French lectures for 1944-1945, spon-
soredi b the rerlea Franais will
are entitled to admission to all lec-
tures, a small additional charge being
made for the annual play. These lec-
tures and films arve open to the
general public,
Lillian Gish, famous star of stage
and screen, will speak tomorrow eve-
ning at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as
the third attraction on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Course. Miss
Gish's subject will be "From Holly-
wood to Broadway." Tickets may be
purchased at the auditorium box
office today from 10-1, 2-5 and to-
morrow from 10-1, 2-8:30 p.m.
Geometry Seminar: The next meet-
ing of the Geometry seminar will
take place at 4:15 Thursday in-Rm.
3001 Angell Hall. Dr. Erdos will
speak on Euclidean Inequalities. Tea
at 4 o'clock.
Social Ethics Seminar: Will meet
Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Lane
Hall Library. John Muehl will dis-
cuss Niebuhr's "Neo-Orthodoxy." All
those interested are cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm.
319 West Medical Building. "Some
Food Toxicants, Favism and Lathyr-
ism" will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
I Make-up final examination in Phys-
ics 25 and 45 this afternoon, at 2
o'clock in West Lecture Room.
Botany 1 Make-up Final Exam-
ination will be given Friday Dec. 1 in
room 2033NS from 4:00-6:00 p. m.
Examination Physics: Thursday,
Nov. 30, 10 o'cldek. Courses 1, N1 and
45-Rm. 348, West Engineering Bldg.
Course 25- Lecture Room, West
There will be a new course in Cera-
mics added to the list of courses be-
ing given b'y the Extension Service,
in Ann Arbor. William Moore will
teach the course, which begins Mon-
day, Dec. 4, at 7 o'clock in Rm. 125
of the College of Architecture and
Design. This is a basic work in clay
modelling, throwing on the potter's
wheel, glazing and firing. The non-
credit course will be given in 12 two-
and-one-half hour weekly periods,
from 7 to 9:30. Fee is $10. Those
wishing to enroll should come to the
first meeting of the class.
C. A. Fisher
Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur, will play his composition,
Sonata for 43 Bells, at 7 p.m., Thurs-
day, Nov. 30. The program will open
with five selections from the reper-
toire of DeGruytters, carillonneur of
Antwerp in 1740, and will close with
Tschaikowsky's Waltz of the Flowers.
Architecture Building, main corri-
dor cases, through Dec. 9, "How an
Advertisement Is Designed." An ex-
hibit furnished by courtesy of Young
& Rubicam, Inc., New York.
Events Today
The organizational committee of
OCRATIC ACTION will meet today
at 5 p.m. in the League (Room num-
ber will be posted). All others inter-
ested are invited to attend.
Mortar Board will meet at 7:15
tonight in the League. All members
must attend.
The Association Music Hour led by
Robert Taylor will present Gustav
Mahler's Second Symphony this eve-
ning at 7:30 in the Lane Hall Library.
All students, servicemen, and faculty
members are cordially invited.
Alpha Kappa Delta: There will be
a meeting of members at the home
of Professor Arthur E. Wood, 3
Harvard Place at 7:30 p.m.
The Inter-Racial Association will
have election of officers and gen-
eral business meeting this evening,
7:30, in Rm. 304 at the Union. Every-
one is urged to attend.
A.S.M.E.: There will be a meeting
of the student branch tonight at
7:30 at the Michigan Union. Mr.
L. A. Walsh of General Motors Cor-
poration will speak on "Post-War
Engineering Possibilities." All engi-
neers invited.
Sigma Xi: The first meeting of the
year will be held at the Rackham
Amphitheatre tonight at 8.
Professor William C. Steere will
speak on "Exploring for Quinine-
producing Plants in South America."
Kodachrome illustrations.
Doctor Steere has been serving for
nearly two years as Senior Botanist
for the Board of Economic Warfare
in Colombia and Ecuador.
Varsity Glee Club: Full Rehearsal
tonight and election of officers. New
music rehearsal.
Coming Events
Varsity Debate Squad, Min and
Women: There will be an organiza-
tion meeting Thursday, Nov. 30, at
_ ..
Look at this Christmas Gift
Suggestion ... The Fur Shoppe
has a white ermine wrap .,.
By Crockett Johnson
What do you want for Christmas?
Or should Mr. O'Malley just give
you something as a surprise?...
If it's a gift from Barnaby's
wonderful Fairy Godfather,
ask for that ermine wrap..
Coih 44 ii ubian -CROCKED
An ermine wrap?
You'd raoher get that