PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY UISDAY,- NOV. 28, 1944 PAGE TWO T1L1~SJ)AX~ NQi& 28, 1044 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Kung Ousted in China's Politics' .1 I - I if 7Te Pen datum MUICJl Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Editorial Staff . . . Managing Editor .. . City Editor . ..Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Women's Editor Business Staff Lee Amer Barbara Chadwick June Pomering . . s Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. * . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to ,the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other mEtters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4,50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194344 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY ROTH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Bond Drive THE POSTERS, editorials, and pep talks we are receiving on the war, are the University and the country's way of serving notice that the Sixth War Loan campaign is underway, and that it is everybody's business to help raise Washtenaw County's $8,164,000 quota. The United States has had many wars. In 1776 the 3,000 ragged and outnumbered Con- tinental volunteers, hard-pressed by the British waged a bitter battle under the leadership of their general, George-Washington. Washington need not have taken the leadership of that ill- equipped, seldom paid Continental Army. He was the wealthiest planter in Virginia and one of the richest men in the colonies. The United States of America is fighting another war today. This time with an army of millions of American boys, and not a handful. The present war cost more in arms and machines than the Revolutionary War. We are today spending 250 million dollars a day in a war to rid the world of oppression and suffering, just as the colonist fought to rid this country of the tyrannical rule of the British Crown. This is a war in which warships, merchant- men, armed men and machines, and great air- crafts are engaged. The war must be paid if we win or lose. If we lose we will pay in national enslavement; if we win we will pay for world freedom. We must pay for world freedom. We must pay the cost by putting what we can spare of our earnings and savings into the safest investment in the world-interest bearing United States War Bonds. We must all put our money and faith behind the government of this country, and of the other countries, who are fighting for world freedom. Investing in bonds will safeguard our world against enslavement by the oppres- -Aggie Miller Awareness Needed URGING a greater awareness of the world around us, Edgar Ansel Mowrer, speaking at Hill Auditorium on "The War and the Road to Peace," made recommendations directly ap- plicable to every student in the University. Peace demands, he said, an international viewpoint, an understanding of world happen- ings; so that never again will we be unaware that events in Germany or Japan or Italy or Spain or even Ethiopia are of sufficient im- portance to cause a global war. This awareness is the responsibility of every individual who sincerely wants to prevent future wars. Mowrer suggested courses in international af- fairs. The University offers such courses, but all too often they constitute primarily an out- line of governments that have existed. They must be revitalized in such a way to enable students to intelligently analyze current hap- penings. In addition he emphasized the function of the press, now wholly inadequate to the task of keeping international affairs before the public eye. In a Midwestern city, he pointed out, he found a newspaper with more space devoted to football than to world affairs. Said Mowrer, "I can tell you from my experi- ence as a foreign correspondent, war is by far a superior sport to football." War and potential war in the form of imper- ialism, with all its resultant abuses, is more excitingr than football It means bombs and By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, NOV. 27-Bitter Brothers-in- Law. The ousting of Dr. H. H. Kung as Chinese Minister of Finance was a victory for Foreign Minister T V. Scong. Both are broth- ers-in-law of Chiang Kai-Shek, both for a time were stationed in the U. S. A., but scarcely spoke to each other. Even Madame Chiang, when she came here last year, saw her brother, T. V. Soong, only briefly. But smart T. V. Soong returned to China, got back in the good graces of brother-in-law Chiang, while his sister, the Generalissimo's wife, now not in her husband's good graces, departed . .. Such is Chinese poli- tics. Lieut. General Mark Clark's daughter Ann sent a letter to her papa in Italy the other day addressed in a unique way. She merely drew her father's profile on the envelope under the word "To." Under the picture of her Dad, she wrote the word "At" and then drew the Fifth Army shield. There was no name or address, but the letter reached Gen- eral Clark pronto . . . Bete noir Sidney Hill- man, who sent shivers down Hannegan's spine but got out the vote, will leave for London shortly to help set up the world labor confer- ence. R. J. Thomas of the CIO auto workers, and Emil Rieve of the CIO textile union, will go with him. That's why the AFL is playing aloof from London. Fiery Fiohella La Guardia is balking about going to Italy because Brass Hats in the War Department won't give him authority. Says the Little Flower: "Either you're allowed to do something or you're not. And I'm not going to Italy and sit on my fanny." . . . One off the- record remark of Winston. Churchill's never be- fore published can now see the light of cold print. In 1940, as France fell and Britain's back was to the wall, he told Parliament how, if the Nazi hordes stormed English beaches, the Brit- ish army would beat them off to the last man. During subsequent applause, Churchill leaned over to Anthony Eden and said sotto voce: "But I don't know what in hell we're going to do it with. We're going to have to hit the buggers over the head with bottles." . . . Although the world didn't know it, Roosevelt jumped in, emptied U. S. arsenals, sent everything to Eng- land. . . . Another Churchill off-the-record re- mark which Presidential aides are still chuckling over was when FDR went into Churchill's room in the White House one morning and found him walking up and down the room, dictating to a secretary-cigar in mouth, but not a stitch of clothing on except' bedroom slippers. Chur- chill, unabashed, remarked: "I have nothing to conceal, Mr. President." Western War Notes. Decision for the pres- ent big push against Germany was made by General ln arshall when he conferred with Es- enhower in France, 31'arshall made th, final decision, figured we had one last chance to break Germany before January 1. After that date, the fighting will be more dificult.. . Also, by spring, when the ground thaws, Hitler .will have had time to train a million fresh troops. They are not high-quality manpower, but they could help prolong the war. At present, Hitler is just about out of reserves . . . When the U. S. Third Army takes the Saar basin with its rich coal mines, a partial load will be taken off U. S. industry. WPB experts figure that Saar coal going to French factories will mean we won't have to export so much to France. Navy-MacArthur Feuding has broken out all over again. It was bad during the early stages of the war two years ago, but was patched up by Admiral Nimitz and MacArthur personally . Now MacArthur blames the Navy for letting Jap troops sneak ashore on Leyte, while the Navy blames "Dug-out Doug" for jumping the gun with far too optomistic communiques . . Also, they point out that the Japs have built about 100 air bases on nearby islands and it's tough for carrier-based planes to compete with land-based planes ..If Doug had built as many air bases as the Japs when he commanded the Philippines before Pearl Harbor, the Navy claims it might not now be necessary to retake the Philippines . . . With MacArthur the boss man in the Philippine theatre, the Navy has coined a new twist to the GOP's "Sidney" cam- paign slogan. In the Pacific, they say it's "Clear everything with Doug." France's Demand that Spain sit at the peace table is not going to get very far despite the frantic appeals of U. S. Ambassador Carlton Hayes. Roosevelt is thumbs down on the Franco proposal. Needless to say, Stalin, who wouldn't send air delegates to Chicago because the Span- iards were there, will not let Franco anywhere near the main ring of the Peace Conference. . Meanwhile, Ambassador Hayes is constant- ly dinning the State Department to get more oil, textiles, other strategic materials for Franco. . . Ira Nelson Morris' best-selling "Liberty Hurricane A DISPATCH from China reports that Super- fortresses carried out an attack in spite of a hurricane. In view of the known strength of the Superfort, perhaps some few words need be said as to how the hurricane made out. -St. Louis Post Dispatch Street" is being rewritten for Broadway . . . President Osmena is making arrangements to return the body of the late President Quezon to the Philippines ... Osmena left his personal aide here to look after Mrs. Quezon and her family . . . The AFL is about the only outfit which wants the lame-duck Dies Committee con- tinued. Reason is disclosed in the AFL annual report, as follows: "At present, it (the Dies Committee) is engaged in investigating the Poli- tical Action Committee of the CIO." (Copyright, 1944, by United Featur tSyndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Detroit Plans By SAMUEL GRAFTON ETROIT, MICHIGAN, NOV. 27-The city of Detroit is planning four dream palaces as welfare buildings, and four dream swimming pools, a dream public library, several dream po- lice stations, and a dream sewage pumping plant. Most of the plans call for buildings in the standard modern style of architecture, with great concrete eyebrows overhanging blank glass faces, Postwar planning here is as necessary as water. There are 750,000 .employed in heavy war industry now in the Detroit area. It has been figured that, even at the 1940 level of civilian production, 300,000 would lose their jobs. If the best Detroit can do is get back to the 1940 level, the 300,000 would lose their new jobs just as the soldiers come home for their old jobs. The problem is too big for the city govern- ment to swing, and it knows it. The city has plans for $270,000,000 worth of projects, all told, but it has only $22,000,000 in sight to pay the bill. That's about equal to one week's payroll in this territory. The city is turning, twisting, looking for money. It thought it was going to get $11,000,000 by putting an ex- cise tax on the excess profits of local utilities, but rate reductions were put into effect, in- stead, which makes sense, too, and this source was cut to $2,500,000. You probably can't base a postwar future on utility overcharges in any case, But this gives some idea of the desperate intentness with which city officials are scraping every resource, fearful of the day ahead. Nobody knows what th current population total in Detroit is. But the street cars and bus lines, which used to take in about $19,000,000 a year before the war, will collect more than $36,000,000 this year, at the same fares. The question is whether the new passengers are riding a bubble. The question is in the air. Almost every want ad for labor promises "a se- cure postwar job." The advertisers know that is what working people want to hear. Money doesn't impress them, but security is peaches and cream. When you look at Mayor Jeffries' local gov- ernment, writhing, striving, straining to meet the problem, you realize how impotent local government really is in our day, and what an empty tootle on a tin horn is the cry for a "return to local self-rule." One corporation here alone, General Motors, has a $500,000,000 reconversion and expansion plan, and that rep- resents almost fifty times the cash resources which the whole city of Detroit is able to bring to bear on the problem. But reconversion and expansion depend on high national economic policy, and not on town meetings. The answer is in the factories and on the farms, or else there isn't going to be an answer. In Detroit, just looking at the lines outside the restaurants, you understand what was in the mind of Charles E. Wilson, head of General Electric, when he came out sud- denly for keeping peace time wages as close to war-time wages as possible, while holding the prices of civilian goods down to prewar levels. In Iowa, the same; I heard farm people talking about the need for keeping wage rates up. Both Charles E. Wilson and the farm leaders I talked to were thinking of high wages because they were placing their bets on volume. In Detroit you reaize a we can't go back. Going back to 1939 means a reduction of $30,- 000,000,000 in national income. It's not recon- version we need, but a second conversion, to a permanently higher level of output. We need to pour some reinforced concrete around the bubble, while the bubble's still there to give shape and form to the future. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) On Second Thought. By RAY DIXON N OW THAT our big bombers have clipped the Nip at their home base of operations for the second time in as many years, let's hope that the Tokyokayo is not far behind. This is one form of capital punishment that will not meet with any Allied objections. As Canada finally opens the fighting window long enough to let the draft in, Prime Mini- ster King totters on his throne. Knowing his far-famed ability to straddle controversial is- sues, however, we don't believe his Zombies will turn out to be Mickey Finns. By BERNARD ROSENBERG T HE U. S. A., the U. S. S. A., and ill ! Great Britain have agreed to act "big name," even though he may be collectively in scotching future ag- in the last lap of his career. seems gression. This is the significance of tocaptivate the Ann Arbor intelli- Dumbarton Oaks. But no preflgu- gentsia more than one whose repu- tation may not be so well known to ration of tomorrow's world can be this select group. Despite the dull made on the basis of it. For therei was a nebulous quality about thet proceedings and an undercurrent ofc dissension within them that are om- inous. Fear that a tripartite hegemony of the world is in the offing has been7 strengthened rather than lessened in the past few months. The crucial is- sue relative to one nation's veto pow- er in a projected United Nations ' Council has not been resolved. Rus- sia favors the principle of unanimity. Under it, if Russia, or Britain, or the U. S. A. embarks on an imperial- istic campaign and does not call it "aggression," no retaliatory steps can be taken. If America casts covet- ous eyes on her southern neighbors in the name of manifest destiny, a monkey wrench will be thrown into. the machinery of peace. If England decides to expand a little, say by permanently stationing troops in Abyssinia, all is lost.-I One is baffled by Russian diplo-I macy on this score. Certainly it acts as much to her detriment as to ours. The gradual admission of other countries into a world organization has been understood as imperative in any post-war plan. Some day Guatemala may enter a new league of nations. What happens in case it declares war on Peru and refuses to consider its act aggressive? Will Guatemala go untouched? We hope the principle of unanimity never. reaches such absurd limits. But in the meantime the Three Great Powers seem indisposed to worry unduly about the fate of little nations. They are engaged in erecting spheres of influence which can but be viewed with alarm, Great Britain is destined to domi- nate the Mediterranean area while Russia plays father object to ,the Balkans. An Iranian deal has been brewing for some time to divide oil concessions in the Middle East between the Al- lies. Of a sudden Harold Ickes, who used to make the big oil magnets wrathy, has become their friend and benefactor. Otherwise liberal, sec- retary of the Interior, Mr. Ickes fav- ors building pipelines through Saudi- Arabia in connivance with the war lords on one hand and Standard Oil on the other. All of which is being done quite amicably; this is recipro- city at long last-only with a differ- ence. And this is a good chance of preserving the peace-but at what a price! Heretofore great feats have been expressed as to whether an inter- national police force would not be put to use for questionable ends. It migt be deployed to curb an In- dian insurrection or a Porto Rican riot. The worse possibility envisioned has been that an international army could put a precarious lid on the status quo by quashing unrest every- where. Worse luck, we have no guarantee that democratic governments will forever remain intact. Dictatorships couhld use an international army for maintenance of peace by suppress- ing democracy. Or so called democ- racies, bent on extending their mar- kets to new fields of exploitation, may ensure, by force, the kind of prefer- ential peace they want. This discussion is of course a trifle premature. President Roosevelt was said at least once that he opposes a world police force., However, any swing in national sentiment here might alter that view. From the progressive standpoint if a majority vote is enough to de- cide if acts of aggression have been committed, F.D.R. should back the idea; if a unanimous vote is required he should continue to oppose it. America will not have fought this war to gain and divide booty. If we loved peace more than pustice there would be no war at all. For justice to prevail, it must first exist as it surely does not now. Preparatory steps must be taken to create a just economic order which, once done, can't then be preserved. It is singu- lar as Samuel Grafton has observed that many isolationists who are against every other internationalist proposal, still like the idea of an international police force. And why not--so long as they reap their pro- fits in a world undisturbed by violent erruptions? Now is the time for all good men to ask as they have Since time im- memorial, "Who will guard the guardians?" and more topically, "A police force to what end?" By Crockett Johnson response of the latter and especially the obvious indifference of the boy on the reviewer's right who was so engrossed in the Saturday Evening Post, this writer heartily enjoyed the carefully selected and well balanced program. Entirely unhampered by his tem- perature rate of 102 degrees, Mr. Barere displayed a technique that consisted of perfect control and dynamic power. Unlike most performers who need a few warming up exercises Mr. Barere began a recital that did not falter for the slightest interval. From the beginning of the serene Pastorale to the tremendous climax of Loeilly's extremely vital Gigue, a continuously good presentation was maintained. The big moment of the concert was the Carnaval. This grandiose and M.E. 35 Closs will be held at 9 a.m. very difficult suite has as many in- Wednesday as usual. This corrects terpretations as there are pianists. the announcement made last Fri- Consequently, a preferred one is a day. matter for the listener to decide. A Charles B. Gordy convincing performance that had as its source a vivitd imagination was presented. However Mr. Barere has a habit of exaggerating fast tempi. Unfortunately he sometimes sacri- fices clarity for this cause. This was manifested in some of the more bril- liant passages of the work. But the quality of the tone and dynamic intensity overshadowed by far these defects, The high standard of Mr. Barere's talents was preserved throughout the remainder of the program. The Liszt and Chopinsencores should be in- cluded in this category. -Kay Engel -29 Attack MORE THAN two years ago, a lit- tle force of 16 medium bombers from an American carrier dropped their loads on and near Tokyo. Now a mighty force of B-29 Superfort- resses pays a visit from Saipan in the Marianas. Unlike the 1942 raid, the 1944 one is the beginning of methodical destruction. Our strength has grown; we have come far and fast in those two years. As Gen. Arnold's report makes clear, we will come faster aerial-wise from now on. Tokyo begins to feel the same kind of retribution that has fallen so long on Berlin. Defeating Japan is still a colossal job. The ability to bomb Jap home industry will not lessen the total burden of that task, but it does and will mean a large-scale substitution of 'explosives, steel and gasoline for the lives of fighting men. Use of heavy bombing means that many good American lives will be saved later on the Asiatic mainland. If any such thing is needed, it is also reas- surance that the lives given in the laborious island campaign were de- voted to a thoroughly ration purpose -that they will save other lives ten- fold. -St. Louis Post Dispatch DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 1944 VOL. LV. No. 23 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. n. Notices Make-up final examination in Phy- sics 25 and 45 Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 29, at 2 o'clocx in West Lecture Room. - There will be a new course in Cera- mics added to the list of courses be- ing given by the Extension Service, in Ann Arbor. William Moore will teach the course, which begins Mon- day, December 4, at 7 o'clock in Room 125 of the College of Architecture and Design. This is a basic work in clay modelling, throwing on the potter's wheel, glazing and firing. The non- credit course will be given in 12 two- and-one-half hour weekly periods, from 7 to 9:30. Fee is $10. Those wishing to enroll should come to the first meeting of the class, --C. A, Fisher Communications to the Regents: Those who wish to present communi- cations for consideration by the Re- gents are requested to present them at least eight days before the next ensuing meeting at the Office of Miss Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif- Botany I Make-up Final Exam- ination will be given Friday Dec. 1 in room 2033NS from 4:00-6:00 p. m. Events Today The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet this afternoon at 4:15 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Hayward Keniston will speak on "Argentine Acquaintances." Assembly Board Meetings 'Will be Hield Today 'at 5:00 p. mn. in the League. Dormitorypresidents meet with Jane Richardson in the Kala- mazoo Room. League House presi- dents meet with Florene Wilkins. The room will be posted on the League Bulletin Board. These meet- ings are compulsory and a fine will be imposed for those house presidents who fail to attend or to send a rep- resentative to the meeting. Ensian Art Staff: Meeting at 7:00 ing. Varsity Glee Club report tonight at 7:30 at Glee Club Rooms. The Club will sing for the University of Mi- chigan Club Banquet, 7:45 to 8:00. All Choral Union members are ex- cused for this appearance. American Legion Meeting: There will be a meeting of the Geo. "Ham" Cannon Post No. 394 today at 7:30 p. m. at the American Legion Home on State St. behind the Stadium. Le Cerele Francais will meet to- night at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Mrs. Sarah Maycock, President of the Club, will talk on her experiences as a student in France. French songs and a social hour. All students with one year of college French or the equivalent are eligible to mem- bership. Sigma Rho Tau-Featured tonight will be Col. Henry W. Miller's speech on "Self-propelled Projectiles, at 8:00 in Room 318 of the Michigan Union. This speech, as well as the mixer with refreshments which fol- lows, will be open to all 'interested engineers, architects, and technolo- gists. Members of the Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight as training units at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 318-320 of the Union. The question for discussion will be: "Should the X Aircraft Corporation develop a jet-propelled plane for commercial use?" Coining Events Mortar Board will meet at 7:15 Wednesday night in the League. All members must attend. The Inter-Racial Association will have election of officers and gen- eralebusiness meeting Wednesday eve- ning, 7:30, in Room 304 at the Union. Everyone is urged to attend. A.S.M.E.-There will be a meet- ing of the student branch on Wed- nesday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 p. m. at the Michigan Union. Mr. L. A. Walsh of General Motors Corporation will speak on "Post-War Engineering Possibilities." All engineers invited. Engineering Council: There will be an important meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. in Room 244, West Engi- neering. Representatives from elas- ses and from all active Engineering Societies should plan to attend. Con- tact Charles Walton, 24551, or Rob- ert Dolph, 305. Michigan House, for any further information. Alpha Kappa Delta: There will be L AST NIGHT an unreceptive audi- ence failed to appreciate the artistic attempts of Simon Barere, the third performer in the Choral Union series. A concert star with a all Marine and Navy students in Terms 1, 2 3, and 4 of the Prescribed Curriculum are due Dec. 9. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail and are to be returned to Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255, W. Eng. Bldg. Attention Engineering Faculty: Five-week reports below C of all. Navyand Marine students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum; also for those in Term 5 in the Prescribed Curriculum are to be turn- ed into Dean Emmons' Office, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not later than Dec. 9. Report cards may be ob- tained from your departmental of- fice about Dec. 3. Notice to All Faculty and Staff Members: December 1, 1944 is the final date for filing new withholding tax exemption certificates effective January 1, 1945. These certificates must be filed in the Payroll Depart- ment of the Business Office, Room 9, University Hall. Blank certificates may be obtained either at Room 1 or Room 9, University Hall. If exempt- ion certificate is not filed, tax deduc- tion will have to be made without al- lowance for exemptions in accord- ance with legal rights. Academic Notices r °f .. I BARNABY - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----- I I'm planning to give each- and every member of this 'I r First on my list, of course, is your mother. . I daresay A gift for the home, but in keeping with the spiri Or a neon yule log?.. . I've several other suggestions- II I