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November 26, 1944 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-26

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Mrs. Sarah Maycock, newly-elected '""" " "" "i ""1r"I"JWI* ""UI' I" Them youth choir of the Ann Arbor
president of Le Cercle Francais, will Inhe Arillio-Pirst Methodist eburch will sing the
spea ata metig o th Clb t bebine to present a music festival at
peak at a meeting of the Club to be 7:30 p.m. today in the First Metho- "British Children's Prayer," and the
held at 8 p.m. Tuesday, in the Michi- dist Church. combined youth-junior chorus will
fan League. Under the general direction of be heard in Kremser's "Prayer of
Mrs. Maycock will give an informal Prof. Hardin Van Deursen of the Thanksgiving." Worth Mallory of
alk on her experiences in France, School of Music, the massed choir is Ypsilanti will direct this number.
where she studied for one year, imme- expected to number approximately The adult choirs will sing "Jubilate
liately before the outbreak of war. 300 voices. Five choirs, from Belle- Deo" by Sowerby, "Go to Dark Death,
An informal get-together, featuring ville, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Tren- Gethsemane" by Noble, five Russian
Troup singing of French songs, will ton, and Wayne, will sing their own Christmas carols arranged by Kings-
,onclude the program. special selections. ley, "Greater Love Hath No Man"
1* -1

Large Tryout
Group Named to
Union Co aci
Thirty-Four Men Fill
Positions on Executive
Staff for Fall Tern.
Thirty-four men have been ap-
pointed tryouts with the Union Ex-
ecutive Council for the fall term, it
was announced yesterday by Presi-
dent Thomas Bliska, '45, and Secre-
tary George Darrow, NROTC
"Our tryout staff this year is the
largest it has been since the war,"
Bliska declared. "I feel that these
tryouts together with our regular
staff can make this the most active
semester in three years, and keep up
the revived spirit that has responded
so well to the Homecoming, Kampus
Kapers and the weekend dances at
the Union," he said.
Eight on Social Committee
Tryouts chosen for the social com-
mittee include Byron Webb, Gilbert
Iser, Richard Solcum, Melvin Brody,
S. J. Sorice, Julien Schrenk, Robert!
Pollock and Morton Scholnick.
On the war activities committee!
will be Art Shufro, Sheldon Seles-'
nick, Wayne Bartlett, Charles Han-
sen, Sam. G. Goodwin, Robert Maier,
Joseph Robbins and Howard Joyce.'
Joe Milillo, Lindon Bissell, Fred See-
gert, Kenneth Allen, John Johnson
and Allan Albert have been appoint-
ed to the administrative committee.
Appointed For Publicity Work
Chosen for the publicity committee
have been Burton Agata, Peter Gibbs,
Harold Walters, Philip Modlin, Rob-
ert McDonald and Dick Hurd. Those
on the house committee include
Charles Helmick, Allan C. Boyd, Wil-
liam Theisner, Tad Jaski and Jack
Margolis. Paul Harrison has been
appointed to the orientation com-
All tryouts are requested to report
between 3-5 p. m. either tomorrow or
Tuesday in the Union student offices
to receive further assignments.
Russian Movie
To Be Shown
"They Met in Moscow," a Russian-
produced movie sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Council for American-
Soviet Friendship, will be shown at
8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
The movie is a musical romance,
the story of a girl from Siberia and
boy from the Caucasus who meet at
the Agricultural Exposition in Mos-
cow. Their adventures and love story
are far removed from the present
Russian scene, and the recent war
The Ann Arbor Council is a branch
of te National Council, whose pur-
pose is to acquaint the American
peope with the different phases of
Soviet culture in order to affect a
better understanding between the
two allies.
Tickets may be obtained this week
at Wahr's bookstores.

Law School, Quad Rank First iin Nation


"The first unit completely organ-
ized. and equipped for the training of
lawyers and for research in legal sci-
ence" were the words used by Chief
Justice (then an associate justice)
of the U. S. Supreme Court, Harlan
F. Stone, in speaking at the dedica-
tory exercises of the William Wilson
Cook Law Quadrangle, June 15, 1934.
As yet unmarred by thick
growths of ivy, the sandstone Law
quadrangle buildings of a late Jac

ties. The John P. Cook Building,
named in honor of the father of Wil-
liam Cook, '82L, was completed six
years later and also serves as a dor-
The William W. Cook Legal Re-
search Library, containing close to
250,000 books and whose spacious
reading room alone can accomo-
date 500 people, was opened the
following year.
In 1933, Hutchins hall, admini-

to be used for the promotion of ad-
vanced legal research, the mainten-
ance of the library and to attract
the best available men to the Law
School faculty.
In addition to training students
to practice law, the Michigan Law
School, founded in 1859, offers ad-
vanced graduate work to train
teachers of law, scholars and writ-
ers on jiirispriudence. The peace-
time enrollmient of the Law School
reached an annual high of close to
Following the general wartime ac-
celeration of the other schools of the
University, the Law School, whose
fall and spring semesters normally
consisted of approximately 15 weeks
with an additional two week exam
period and of a ten and one-half
week semester session, has adopted
the three semester year, thus allow-
ing its students to receive the Bach-
elor of Law degree in less than three
years. Other degrees now conferred
by the law school are juris doctor,
master of laws and doctor of science
of laws.
A testimony to the high esteem
in which the Michigan Law School
is nationally, if not internationally,
held, came in September, 1942,
when the War Department trans-
ferred the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's School from Washington, D.
C., to the Law Quadrangle.
Staffed by members of the JAG
Department of the Army, this school
is engaged in training Army judge
advocates in military law. Members
of the bar as well as possessors of
officer commissions the JAGs, as
they are known about campus, num-
ber roughly 140 and are housed dur-
ing their training in one wing of the
Law Quadrangle dormitory.


CENTER OF THE QUAD-Looking from the center of the hall of the
Law Quadrangle, the William W. Cook Legal Research Library is on
the left, Hutchins Hall in the middle background and the dining hall
of the Lawyers Club Building on the right.

For "HER"Gift
Collins Shoppe offers you unlimited possibilities in ideas. selection,
and personalized appeal.
Men like to shop for feminine names on their gift lists here
because we have not only dozens of lovely gift items but helpful under-
standing sales people to give sound advice on styles, color combinations,
and suitability. (We suggest you know your sizes.)
Here are a few suggestions waiting to be applied to your personal

obean type of Gothic architecture
enclose on all sides a ten-acre tract
of beautiful lawns and stand as
marked contrast to the unharmoni-
ous agglomeration of other campus
The first of its impressive build-
ings, built twenty years ago, is the
Lawyers Club Building, containing
dormitory accommodations, dining
hall, lounges and recreational facili-
Mni mum Wage
Rules Modified
By W LB Order
Modification of the regulations
under which Michigan establish-,
ments are required to pay their full-
time employees not less thanthe
WLB minimum wage of 50 cents an
hour, was announced yesterday by
Edward L. Cushman, state director
of the War MantpowerCommission.
"Heretofore, if even one per cent
of the personnel of an establishment
received less than the 50 cent mini-
mum, it could not have the special
'locally ,needed' designation," Cush-
man explained. "If it is in the inter-
est of the war effort, and with the
unanimous accord of the Area Labor
Management Committee, the Area
Director may make exceptions to that
regulation, but only under special
circumstances or conditions."
"This authority granted the Area
Directors will enable them to extend
the protection of the Stabilization
Program to those establishments
necessary to the maintenance of
proper civilian economy," he pointed
Businesses listed by Cushman fall-
ing into the above category include
dry cleaning, laundry and numerous


Nyiray Anklets
50% Nylon - 50% Rayon
Strong and durable. Nylon for
the economical. Soft and heauti-
ful Spun Rayon for the luxury
loving. You can wear NYLRAYS
every day for every occasion.
Sizes 9-11

strative unit of the Quadrangle,
containing lecture and seminar
rooms, professorial offices, prac-
tice courtroom, study hall, library
for faculty and the offices of two
student law publications, was
opened completing the construc-
tion of the Law Quadrangle.
Aside from his gift of the Quad-
rangle as a new home for the Michi-
gan Law School, William W. Cook,
established a large endowment fund'

x,. :
' ;

gift problems.














8 Nickels Arcade

COLtLxIS. . . £erl, atMaynaerd






SUNDAY, NOV. 26, 1944

the University Naval pro-
gram have received promo-
tions Navy Headquarters
announced Wednesday. Lt.,
Cameron Smith has been
promoted to lieutenant-
commander; Lts. (j.g.)
Lawrence C. Cleary and R.
A. Smith have been made
full lieutenants; and En-
sign Thomas Fitzpatrick
has been promoted to lieu-
tenant junior grade. Lts.
J. T. Pierce and F. H. Ford
of the Civil Affairs Train-
ing School have been nam-
ed lieutenant-command-
ers. Lt. E. S. Meany of
the V-12 unit has been
promoted to the rank of
full lieutenant.
* *, *
IN THE GAME last week
with Wisconsin which Mi-
chigan won 14-0 there was
ferocious blocking and
tackling which character-
ized the tilt but there were
remarkably few injuries.
Severnl of the boys were
shaken up considerably on
both sides but none of the
bumps are likely to prove
crippling. Clem Bauman,
Michigan's right tackle,
left the game in the fourth
quarter with a sprained
anl a nnd quatrhack Joe

ed by a host of excellent
newcomers promise to
make a team too powerful
for its competitors to suc-
cessfully resist. Charlie
Fries, Mert Church, Heinie
Kessler, Gordon Pulford
and Bill Kogan comprise
the quintet of returning
"M" men. This line up
will be added to by 14
civilian men and 14 Navy
a second Big Ten football
championship in as many
years were sent spinning
yesterday by a powerful
Ohio State juggernaut
which rounded out its un-
defeated and untied seas-
on by tripping the Wolver-
ines, 18-14, in a thrill-
packed encounter at Col-
umbus. The Buckeyes were
forced to come from be-
hind twice to edge past the
hard-fighting Wolverines
who also made two come-
backs during the see-saw
battle. Les Horvath, bril-
liant Ohio State halfback,
led his team to victory, do-
ing most of the ball carry-
ing and all of the passing,
while scoring two touch-
downs. Bill Culligan, sub-
.tnl~na far the iniured

basketball team, composed
entirely of newcomers,
came through with two
victories over the week-
end, trouncing Romulus
Air Base, 52-27, Friday
night in a game played at
the Air Base and coming
back last night to hand
Central Michigan a 39-27
setback. Guard Don Lind-
quist led the scoring
against Romulus with 12
points. Forward Ted Ber-
ce racked up the same
number in the Chippewa
* * *
THIRTY-SIX men com-
prise the wrestling squad
and Coach Wally Weber
stated this past week that
conditioning has played an
important part in the plans
and will continue to play
such a part for the next
three or four weeks. There
are only two returning let-
termen and they will have
to work long and hard to
approach the goal set by
last years champions, who
won every dual competi-
tion and then defeated
Purdue and the other Big
ten teams to gain the con-
ference chamninnshin for

:/ "/GR EEN
There is no nicer Christmas gift than a pair of DANIEL
GREEN SLIPPERS. They're practical! They're good-
looking. And when you give Daniel Greens you know that
your thoughtfulness in selecting the best is bound to be

Take advantage of the low prices featured
"After-Thanksgiving Sale" to fill in some
items on your gift list.

in our
of the

COATS,. .. $25.00
many with removable linings.
original values $29.95 to $59.95. . . sizes 10 to 40
I group of REVERSIBLE COATS . .. Shetlands and Cavalry
twills with cotton gabardine linings at $14.95 . .. original
values to $19.95. Su~es 10 to 20.
1 special group of cotton gabardine RAINCOATS at $7.00
1 group of water-repellent JACKETS, an ideal gift for the
outdoor girl at $7.00. Sizes 10 to 20.
2 groups of TWEEDS and SHETLANDS in brown, black, blue,
red and natural sizes 9 to 40 . . . at $19.95 and $25.00.
Also 1 group of companion SUITS and matching TOPCOATS
at $25.00 each, original values to $29.95 to $39.95
DRESSES ... $5.00, $10.00, $15.00
3 groups of CREPES and WOOLS... 1- and 2-piece styles,
tailored or dressy, sizes 9 to 15 . . 10 to 40 . . . original
values $8.95 to $25.00
Skirts and Jumpers ... $5.00
2 splendid groups of Plaids and Solids. Sizes 9 to 18.
SCARFS ... 39c, 69c, $1.49
3 groups of SCARFS - squares and triangles.




Jane Powell, 15-year-old
singing and dancing film
player, models white

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