TUE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 1944 r~ ir44an ai j WASHINGTON MERRY.GO-RO1UND: Overestimation Easy in War By DREW PEARSON ~_ :4ir IU ' w '? ZS:C r I irrw Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Business . Managing Editor City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Women's Editor Staff Lee Amer. Barbara Chadwick June Pomering Telephone Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 IgPR9S5NT5D FOR NATIONAL ADVBRTIOING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represetatiive 420 MADISON Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *BosTON * Los ANORLIS * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily saff and represent the views of the writers only. American Values FOR THE PAST two weeks, a new and distinct- ive type of advertisement for war bonds has been appearing in newspapers throughout the country. The caption is usually something on the order of "Some of the Many Things America Has More of Now and Will Have More of Than Any Other Country in the World After the War." The body of the ad is an alpha- beltical list of some three hundred items which WASHINGTON, Nov. 25-One thing puzzling the American public is the fact that, despite the widely announced great naval victory of the Philippines, the Japs still are able to land troops on Leyte-in fact, landed them even while the great naval battle was in progress. Inside explanation for the mystery goes to the doorsteps of three gentlemen so high-up that nobody can do much about them - Franklin Roosevelt, General MacArthur and Admiral Halsey. In the opinion of a good many naval, experts, the Battle of the Philippines, although a very definite victory, was not as big and overwhelm- ing as the three above-named gentlemen made it out to be. In fact, when Admiral Halsey sent his first dramatic communication to the Navy Depart- ment telling how he had decimated the Jap fleet, the Department cabled back that they didn't be- lieve his victory was a great as he claimed and they advised him to put the lid on news releases. However, the Halsey dispatch was set as a matter of routine to the White House, where it went first of all to Roosevelt's Chief of Staff, Admiral Leahy. Ever-cautious Leahy also was troubled about it, advised that the news be played down rather than up. But even while he held the dispatch in his hand and was discussing it with others in the White House, news came over the ticker that General MacArthur had announced a great naval victory. As the top commander in the Philippine theatre, MacArthur has the right to issue any communique-even regarding naval victories, though the Navy doesn't and, in this case, certainly didn't like it. Following the MacArthur announcement, the President went out whole hog. Calling a special press conference, he announced the greatest naval victory of the war. Although a real victory, the chief of Navy press relations probably was more accurate when, last week, he expressed the cold opinion that the Battle of the Philippines had not materially shortened the war in the Pacific. Easy To Overestimate . . The first enthusiastic announcements from the Philippines are understandable. It is easy to overestimate damage to the enemy. During the first stage of the battle, for in- stance, a U. S. plane reported that it had struck the giant Jap battleship Yamamoto, named for the late Jap admiral, and that a great burst of flame and smoke had spurted forth, convincing the aviator that the battle-wagon had been seri- ously, perhaps mortally injured. Later, Admiral Halsey reported that the sare battleship Yamamoto was engaging in combat with him. Apparently what happened was that the Yamamoto was struck on the deck, setting off some ammunition. But it takes more than deck hits to sink a modern battleship. Probably the most interesting phase of the Navy's communiques on the Battle of the Philippines was its alibi on why Admiral Hal- sey "diverted part of his force southward." This gave away the hitherto unpublished fact that Halsey had chased a wing of the Jap fleet south and was not near Leyte to help Admiral Kincaid make the final kill. Admiral Kincaid had in his fleet the old battle- ships West Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Cali- fornia and Pennsylvania, badly damaged at Pearl Harbor but repaired. Admiral Halsey's fleet con- sisted of bigger, more modern, more powerful vessels. Part of the strategy was to lure the Japs in to attack Kincaid's older vessels; then Halsey, with his more modern fleet, would come in for the kill. But Halsey got lured away. An admiral with fewer victories to his credit might have been dis- ciplined, though any officer in the heat of battle makes mistakes. Result, however, was that the naval victory could have been greater and that many U. S. ships were damaged, now have to be repaired. Also, there has been no announcement of U. S. transports lost, Anti-Trust Suits ... Big business lobbyists have found a neat way to get around the Justice Department in regard to anti-trust suits. They get their friends in the Army-Navy Departments to tip them off as to what monopoly suits are in the works and, if possible, they get their Army-Navy friends to stop the suits. This is possible because, under a wartime order, all trust-busting suits have to be referred by the Justice Department to the Army and Navy to see whether prosecution would interfere with war orders. Recently, the Army and Navy have received a flood of anti-trust cases, and it looks as if Attorney General Biddle was starting the big- gest crack-down on monopolies in history. He is even going to out-Thurman Thurman Arnold. One case the Army-Navy have reviewed is a projected giant smash-up of the electrical indus- try. This will affect both American and foreign. companies which have carved up the markets of the world among them to see electrical goods. Another crack-down will be against the dia- mond cartel. This will especially hit the -British, who, through the de Beer interests in South Africa, have a complete control of diamonds. It is one of the tightest monopolies in the world. The Justice Department is also planning suits against the motion-picture equipment industry, a case which will affect the Eastman Kodak Company; also against the SKF ball-bearing interests; also the machine-tool industry; also non-ferrour metal producers, including Interna- tional Nickel. One of the most interesting cases, however will be a crack-down on the farm-machinery in- dustry, by which it is hoped that the price of farm implements will be reduced. These are only the cases which the Army and Navy have received from the Justice De- partment and have okayed for trial. What else Attorney General Biddle has up his sleeve is not known. (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Dominic Says "L EADERSHIP? When the followers demand it, they get it; never else, in State and Church." Thus Canon Iddings Bell closes a fine chapter in his little book "The Church in Dis- repute." Does the University desire men of God in its ministry and teachers of religion, then such will come forth in those offices. One won- ders if that can be true. Does the State citizenry demand real leaders in its statehouse, then those it shall have.-That is to say the need produces the leader. And pack of the need must be a spiritual hunger on the part of the religious and a civic hunger on the part of the citizens, before a need is recorded. Values have in them a phase of human desire. Here, then is a problem, good for our guests from Jewish Foundations in the Universities of the midwest. Do the native values held by the Hillel students call forth saintly Rabbis or do wise leaders, appointed to this edu- cational center and that, bring forth religious devotion in the students? Perhaps by listing some of the elements into which the problem can be broken will make it possible for laymen as well as specialists to move toward a solution. First: How deep is re- ligion? Is it a surface expression, by means of which man can escape his personality prob- lems, delude himself, leave social maladjust- ment to the side and shun the stern engage- ments of integrity? Or is religion that reality in which casual unity of origin and its event are seen at a glance, and all the perspective of right bought by duty, privilege joined with obligation, and the end having an adequate means stand revealed? Second: Can any stored and disciplined mind when embodied in a consecrated personality be accepted by youth as leader without a character result? If we answer in the negative then ap- pointed spiritual leaders will get converts and enrich those in affiliation. If our decision is af- firmative and we hold the consecrated person who has a well disciplined mind to be ineffective in our decade, then one more question must be entertained. Third: Is the reconstruction through which our world is passing so cataclysmic that nef wine is bursting every old bottle and at best those who can boast of discipline partake so genuinely of the passing forms of a dying age that, in the nature of the case, traditional lead- ers cannot lead. Jesus said, (quoting from the eight Psalm) "We thank Thee Lord that Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and pru- dent and revealed them unto babes." Whatever you conclude the presence of these leaders among us has been a blessing and has reminded us of that gem from Ecclesiastics "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole mat- ter. Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of men. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing. Whether it be good or whether it be evil" (Eccl. 12:13-14). Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education University of Michigan Science for Peace IF SCIENTIFIC Research can be mobilized to win the war, why can't the same co-ordina- tion be continued in peacetime, to assure its benefits to the people? Obviously, it can be and it should be, as President Roosevelt has just recommended. The War Department has seconded the motion. The Office of Scientific Research and Devel- opment has given great help to the armed for- ces by organizing the solution of problems and perfection of needed devices by Government, university and industrial laboratories. Much of its work is still in the classification of mili- tary secrets, but it is plain that it has elimi- nated overlapping and wasteful research so far as the war effort is concerned. Modern technology holds the key to plenty for all in the peacetime world. Mr. Roosevelt's recommendation, if adopted, will speed scien- tific development in new products, new pro-. cesses and health, for the greater good of every American. -St. Louis Post Dispatch TREAD with interest the editorial on conscription written by Aggie Miller in the Wednesday, November 22, 1944, issue. I would say that, in part, I tend to agree with the state- ment recently issued by the Educa- tional Policies Commission of the Na- tional Education Association, etc. The thought comes to my mind as to why it should be necessary for the people of the United States to com- mit ourselves to a change in the fundamental pattern of our demo- cratic way of life-during the ten- sions and pressure incident to the prosecution of a multi-front war. It appears reasonable to assume that nations committed to militarism are more likely to look at problems with a philosophy to which Germany under Hitler was committed, i.e., "Might is right." The editorial writer stated, "If they are defeated (meaning our enemies) one can be certain that the frictions and hatreds which have produced this war will not be removed by the defeat of the en- emies, but instead will become in- tensified." To this statement we can agree, because war creates tensions instead of removing them. However, it would seem wiser for us to search for the causes of war, rather than to develop another cure. The editorial writer also stated that all nations' industries are being affected by the war, and there will probably be discontent and uprisings due to a consequent lower standard of living and a re- duced production of civilian goods. Unquestionably, the transition from war-time economy to peace-time economy will be difficult. But we wonder if a program of universal conscription will tend to alleviate the tensions or draw them tighter? Will a strong international police force, e.g., suffice if the "causes" are still there? Furthermore, it seems reasonable to assume that the so-called advant- ages of compulsory military training listed by the editorial writer may not all be real advantages. The writer believed that conscription would (1) preserve peace, (2) improve the na- tion's health, (3) provide needed vo- cational training, (4) ease unemploy- ment. To preserve peace, we will need trust, faith and cooperation of all the nations of the world. Faith and trust are intangibles which are developed through friendly relations and equit- able dealings. One reason why we entered the way against Germany was because 7ge as a nation historic- ally have not been committed to a militaristic policy, i.e., the use of force as Germany has been for many years. Are we to cast aside our demo- cratic policy of the "use of reason" to a commitment that in effect sanc- tions the "use of force" evidenced by the proposed program of compulsory military training? The problem of improving the nation's health could, perhaps be better administered by a public agency similar to the United States Public Health Service rather than by the Army. Moreover, (1) one year's service would probably be insufficient to correct and guaran- tee a youth's health; (2) if the health of the nation's youth is poor, then both men and women should be considered: (3) health consists of more than physical training - food, clothing, housing are all important; (4) a person's health status would probably be established by the time a person reached the age of eighteen-per- haps, we should really start on this problem at an earlier age, Perhaps, one reason why the edu- cators oppose the compulsory mili- tary training plan is because they be- lieve that our educational system can provide better vocational training at a lower cost to the nation's taxpayers than through a system of Army Spe- cialized Training. If we are not giv- ing our youth adequate vocational training (here again, both men and women should be considered) then we should attempt to answer the spe- cific problem and not veil it with a cloak of military necessity. Finally, the problem of easing un- employment was discussed by Gov- ernor Dewey in the recent presiden- campaign wherein he cited General Hershey's statement that it might be cheaper to keep men in the Army than to place them on relief. Whether we agree with these statements or not, the fact remains that forced labor and conscription will not get at the "causes" of unemployment. The editors of The Michigan Daily are to be congratulated in their ef- forts to bring this important issue before the student body at this time. George F. Liechty Class of '40, BAd a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN America has more of than any other country, starting with Ability, Advertising, Airplanes, Airports, Aluminum Amusements, Apple Pies and Automobiles and going on down to Yachts, Yams, Yankees, Yokels, Youth, Zanies, Zeniths and Zing. The advertisements have appeared on or shortly before Thanksgiving Day; the implica- tion that here were the things for which Ameri- cans should give thanks was unmistakable. The advertisements promoted the Sixth War Loan; it was equally clear that these were supposed to be some of the reasons why we, as civilians in a nation at war, should support the war finan- cially. Written by advertising men who know best how to capture the imagination, and ap- pearing at the time and for the purpose which they did, the ads reflect the American sense of values. The ads had wide popular appeal. They -are possibly some of the best ads, from the point of view of selling bonds, that have been published. The unfortunate aspect of the situation is that the American sense of values is such that advertisements of this type are most successful. The values reflected are primarily material- istic. Bath tubs, battleships, beauty shops and bobby socks far out-number ability, hope, in- dependence and immagination. "Having things" would appear to be the American standard of what is good. The advertisements would further suggest that Americans axe conceited, self-centered people. The theme of the advertisements was that Am- erica has More and Will Always have More of These things. Having more things than any- body else was something for which to be thank- ful. The lists invariably included more Beauty, More Decency, More Genius, More Sacrifice, More Valor. More Beauty than all the rest of the world. More sacrifice than the people of Poland and Czechoslovakia. More Valor than the Russians. The reflection is not complimentary. -Margaret Farmer Veteran Education ANNOUNCEMENT that returned veterans may take University extension courses in several Michigan cities under the G.I. Bill of Rights is an encouraging step in the direction of adult education for both the state and the University. For many, personal or family ties may make it necessary for the ex-serviceman to remain in his own community; for others, age may be a hindrance in coming to college. Also, present jobs may also prevent them from leaving. In the latter case it would be very much to their ad- (Continued from Page 2) reimburse him therefor. Ticket agents selling tax exempt tickets will require of the purchaser a tax ex- emption certificate. These certifi- cates may be had at the Business Of- fice, Room 1, University Hall, from Dr. F. E. Robbins in the President's Office when approval of travel requi- sitions is secured, or at the office of Deans or Directors of schools and colleges.rThe certificate is University Form No. 5805. (Do not let any ticket agent who is inexperienced or not fully informed argue you out of the right of exemption for employees of states. If he will take the trouble to look the matter up in his tariffs, he will find you are right.) Be sure to tell the ticket agent that you require a tax exempt ticket at the time you ask for your ticket. Fail- ure to do this will require the making out of new tickets and will be un- economical both in time and in pa- per. Our over-worked railway em- ployees should not be put in a posi- tion where they are required to do extra work. S. W. Smith Faculty Directory: To date com- paratively few members of the Uni- versity staff have called at in In- formation Desk in the Business Of- fice for Faculty Directories. These are for general distribution to all qualified persons for use at home and should have general circulation. Heretofore the University has de- livered them by mail, but to save postage, if you desire one will you please call at the Information Desk in the Business Office for your copy. Herbert G. Watkins Eligibility Certificates: Certificates of eligibility for extra-curricular ac- tivities can be issued at once by the Office of the Dean of Students if each student will bring with him the latest blueprint or photostat copy of his record. Social Chairmen are reminded that requests for all social events must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students on the Monday before the event. They must be accompanied by written acceptance from two sets of APPROVED chaperons and in the case of fraternities and sororities, by approval from the financial adviser. Approved chaperons may be 1) par- ents of active members or pledges, 2) professors, associate professors or assistant professors, or 3) couples already approved by the Office of the Dean of Students. A list of the third group may be seen at any time at the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Special Payroll Deduction for War Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan Drive arrangements can be made with the payroll department to make a special single deduction for the purchase of War Bonds from salary checks due on Dec. 29 only. This would be over and above the regular deductions under the payroll savings plan. Those wishing to use this method should send written instruc- tions to the Payroll Department re- garding the amount of the bond and names and addresses in which it should be registered. Deductions can be made only in the amount of $1.75 or multiples thereof. Instructions must reach the Payroll Department not later than Dec. 15. War Bond purchases made by this method will be counted in the drive.-University War Bond Committee. Choral Union Members: Members of the Chorus, in good standing, will please call for their pass tickets for the Barere concert, Monday, Nov. 27, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society., After 4 o'clock, no tickets will be issued. City of Detroit Civil Service An- nouncement for Principal Publicist, salary $5,750 to $6,230 has been re- ceived in our office. No residence requirements. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. Notice: Students are reminded that Monday is the last day to return their registration blanks without charge to the UNIVERSITY BU- REAU OF APPOINTMENTS AND OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Beginning Tuesday, a fee of one dollar will be charged. All independent War activities chairmen meet tomorrow, Nov. 27 at 4:00 in the League Kalamazoo Room. Plans and instructions for boosting dormitory and league house war work will be discussed at this time. Be sure that your house is represented. Lectures French Lecture: The series of French lectures for 1944-1945, spon- sored by the Cercle Francais will open open on Thursday, Nov. 30, at 4:10 p.m, in ;Kellogg Auditorium. A group of five short French films on the fighting French will be shown. Tickets for the series of lectures Academic Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29, in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Some Food Toxicants, Favism and Lathyrism" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. M.E. 35: Class will be held at 9 a.m. Monday as usual. This corrects the announcement made Friday. Charles B. Gordy Concerts Choral Union Concert: Simon Bar- ere, Russian pianist, will be heard in the fourth Choral Union concert, taking the place of Josef Lhevinne, Monday, Nov. 27, at 8:30. He will play the following revised program: Pastorale, Corelli; Menuett by Ram- eau; Gigue, Loeilly; Choral Preludes, Bach-Busoni; Carnaval, Op. 9, Schu- mann; Grande Polonaise Brillante, Chopin; Poeme and Etude, Scriabin; Etude Tableau and Polka, Rachman- inoff; and Rhapsody No. 12, Liszt. Events Today Sigma Nu: There will be a meeting of the fraternity at 2 o'clock today at the Michigan Union. The room number will be posted in the lobby. All members whether affiliated on this campus or not are urged to at- tend. The Lutheran Student Association will meet today at 5 p.m., in Zion Parish Hall. Please note the change in time. The program will begin at 5:15 and supper will follow at 6. The Rev. Roderick Anderson, pas- tor of Kelley Road Lutheran Mis- sion in Detroit, will be the speaker. Rev. Anderson is a former member of the Association and will have a fine message for students and ser- vicemen. Everyone is invited to attend the Mortgage Burning Ceremonies to be held at Hillel Foundation this after- noon at 5:30. The principal speaker at the ceremonies will be Dr. Abram L. Sachar, National Director of the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundations. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. The Rev. Leslie Sayre of Addison will be the speaker. Ann Arbor District Choir Festival at 7:30 p.m. The International Center Sunday program will feature movies of the United States. Time 7:30 p.m. The Ann Arbor District Choir Fes- tival will be held this evening in the First Methodist Church at 7:30 o'clock under the general direction of Hardin Van Deursen of the School of Music. Youth and adult choirs from fifteen different churches, num- bering approximately 400 singers in all, will participate. The general pub- lic is cordially invited. Post-war Council: There will be a meeting at Lane Hall Monday at four o'clock. There will -be an election of officers and the program for the semester will be announced. Please bring eligibility cards. There will be a meeting of all J.G.P. League House Representatives Mon- day, Nov. 27 at 5 o'clock in the League. Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold its first meeting of this semester on Monday, Nov. 27, at 7:45 p.m. in the League (room will be, posted). All members are urged to attend and new ones are welcomed. The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 28, at 4:15 in the West Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Hayward Keniston will speak on "Argentine Acquaintances." Ensian Art Staff: Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, Student Pub- lications building. Le Cercle Francais will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. Mrs. Sarah May- cock, President of the Club, will talk on her experiences as a student in France. French songs and a social hour. All students with one year of college French or the equivalent are eligible to membership. Sigma Xi: The first meeting of the i A vS 1 I BARNABY By Crockett Johnson -i7 I A Barnaby! Only thirty more days to Christmas!... Only thirty days to carry out my That's only 720 hours! Of course, anyone as efficient as I can do a I I I -- - I can do a lot in a minute. ... Andl1 have-let's see- 43,200 minutes!... And if rpcnriin mn.ni. ... nnd ... Nine and carry the one-2,592,000 seconds! ... Oh, well, I've loads of time haven't t? ... To do a' I