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November 26, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-26

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I ,

Mid mx


Cloudy with light rain and
sleet. Fresh to moderate winds

VOL. LV, No. 22



Michigan Loses Conference Crown to Ohio




* *



* *







Yanks Swarm Across Canalin Great Rhine




Seventh Army
Within 26
Miles of Goal
Troops Near the Roer;
Third Army Takes Ten
Towns, Invades Saar
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Nov. 26.- U.S. infantry
swarmed along both sides of the
Marne-Rhine Canal 13 miles north-
west of Strasbourg today in a drive
toward the Rhine crossings into Ger-
many's Karlsruhe country, but the
enemy still fought on from bridge-
head positions inside Strasbourg
In the giant battle on the edge of
the Cologne plain, the U. S. Ninth
Army fought to within less than a
mile of the Roer River, last big na-
tural barrier before the Rhine.
Veterans Go Forward
On its right flank, the battle-tried
veterans of the U. S. First Army edged
almost entirely through the dense
Hurtgen Forest, southeast of Aachen,
one of the bloodiest battlegrounds of
this war.
The U. S. Third Army, pushing out
two to four miles at a half dozen
points along a 60-mile front, overran
ten towns and broke into the ,Saar
Basin for half a mile at a new point
capturing Biringen, 20 miles west and
slightly north of Saarbrucken
Civilians Evacuate Saarburg
Mopping up Butzdorf, two miles
inside Germany just west of the Saar
Basin, the Third seized prisoners who
said civilians had been ordered to
evacuate Saaburg, seven miles north-
east of advanced American positions
thrust four miles into the Reich.
The terrain which the Seventh was
forced to yield northwest of Saverne
Gap was mostly rewon, and farther
south other elements striking through
the Vosges were within 26 miles of
the Rhine at two points.
In eastern Holland, the British
Second Army reached the Maas 15
miles north of the enemy's river
stronghold at Venlo, and was attack-
ing the defenses of Venlo.
Lillian Gish To
Relate Stage,
Screen Stories
Lillian Gish, veteran star of stage
and screen, will tell her own story of
"From Hollywood to Broadway" at
8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditor-
Third speaker on the Oratorical
series schedule, Miss Gish, who ap-
peared recently in the movie "Com-
mandos Strike at Dawn," and played
the part of Vinnie Day in the Broad-
way production of "Life with Fa-
ther," will give her impressions of
some of the great personalities of the
stage and screen.
At the age ofsix Miss Gish made
her stage debut appearing in the
melodrama "In Convict's Stripe."
During her childhood she appeared
in silent films and on the legitimate
stage, one season appearing with
Sarah Bernhardt.
In the twenties she confined her
activities to Hollywood, returning to
Broadway in 1930 to appear in Chek-
hov's "Uncle Vanya." She was later
seen in "Camille," "9 Pine Street,"
"Joyous Season" and "Within the
She made her debut on the English
stage in 1936 as Charlotte Ophelia in
Her most recent stage appearance
was in the Theatre Guild production
of "Mr. Sycamore."

Today Mortgage-Burning Cere-
monies at Hillel Foun-
dation, 5:30 p.m.
Nov. 27 Choral Union Concert by
Simon Barere, pianist,
8:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
Nov. 27 MYDA meeting, 7:45 p.
m. at the League.
Nov. 28 Le Cercle Francais




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League ReportsV
Men Rush Union
"End of the line, bud!"
"You mean way back by the che
"That's right."
That's the League lobby at lur
more crowded this term than ever,t
long lines at meal hours noticeable.
Where perhaps 2,000 meals were
served each day last year, today some
3,000 people take their meals at the
League each day.
"The many freshman women who
have no eating facilities in their own
residences and therefore must eat
out make up a big part of our line,"
Miss Betty Jameson, League dietician,
declared yesterday. She was refer-
ring in part to the freshman women
who are living in converted fraternity
houses, and who are not allowed to
eat in those houses.
"Many university officials and
townspeople who would ordinarily
eat at home are watching their ra-
tion points carefully these days, and
find it more economical to eat out. A
lot of them come to the League cafe-
teria and dining room," Miss Jame-
son affirmed. She also pointed out
that there was an increased number
of diners at the League directly after
the Willow Run Bomber plant began
full operations.
Union Packed at Noon
"There are more men on campus
this year, and all of them, except the
few left in fraternity houses, must
eat out," declared Mr. Frank Kuen-
zel, manager of the Union, comment-
ing on the many more men who pat-
ronize the Union Tap Room for their
meals. "And a good share of the
civilian men in the reopened Allen
Rumsey and Wenley houses of the
West Quad eat at the Union since it
is so close to their rooms," he went
"It seems, too," he added, "that
many more men have 11 o'clock clas-
ses this year, because our biggest rush
at lunchtime comes just after noon
when everyone wants to eat.

50% Increase,
Taproomn at Noon
eck room?"
nchtime. Campus eating places are
but especially at the League are the
Miss Jameson observed that the
more people in the line, the slower
the line seems to move. In fact many
persons have to wait over half an
hour just to get into the serving room.
"This is especially difficult for those
who have only an hour for lunch,"


she declared.
Ballroom Will Reopent
To relieve some of the waiting for
those students who do have both 11
and one o'clock classes, the League "
will reopen its Ballroom cafeteria on
the second fioor Friday, Dec. 1 This ".: ..:
will be reserved primarily for stu-
dents, who must make classes on <>:::=:: x
time. . .. ......
"As yet we do not have enough
help to manage the Ballroom cafe-
teria successfully, and we would ap-
preciate having as many students as
possible work for us there during ~
meal hours," Miss Jameson said.
The problem of sufficient help. is a
major handicap in all eating places.
Mr. Kuenzel pointed out, If even
those students who do not have to
work would help out for perhaps an
hour and a half each day, it would.
greatly help the situation, and make
it easier to serve the increased num-
ber of diners." Both Miss Jame-
son and Mr. Kuenzel commented on
the assistance they have received
from Japanese-Americans. Both the Daily Photo by Pvt. Bob Crampton Co. B, 3651 S. U.
League and the Union employ a IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY TO LUNCH-Part of th e throng of students and faculty people who each day
dozen Nisei. crowd into a seemingly endless queue before the League cafeteria. Most noon and dinner hours the line
"It would do little good to keep is a block long and some wait almost 30 minutes. Opening of the Ballroom Friday should help to re-
the League cafeteria open for longer lieve this pressing student problem.
hours, since practically every day the - ----
line is almost over shortly after 7 and 6:30 p. m.," Miss Jameson de- does not seriously affect the problem(points on the basis of the number of
p. m. Our biggest rushes come be- clared, of getting adequate foodstuffs, since meals served. These numbers are
tween noon and 12:30 p. m. and 6 The increased number of eaters eating places are allowed ration I revised every two months.

Overcome in
Final Minutes
Buckeyes Regain Big
Ten Title in Thrilling
Game Before 72,O00
Associate Sports Editor
Special to Thes aily
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 25.-Regain-
ing the Big Ten title which they lost
last year to Michigan and Purdue,
Ohio State came from behind in the
closing minutes of play to whip a
gallant Michigan team, 18-14, before
a throng of 72,000 suspense-ridden
Several bad breaks caused the
Wolverines' downfall. At the outset
of the second half with Michigan
ahead, 7-6, the Wolverines drove
deep into Ohio territory only to have
their attack bog down as the result
of a costly fumble. The Bucks failed
to capitalize on this break and were
forced to punt.
Fumble Proves Costly
Two running plays netted four
yards and then another Wolverine
fumble was recovered on the Michi-
gan 23 yard stripe. Seven plays later,
Les Horvath scored from the one
yard line. Gordon Appleby, Buckeye
captain and center, made both of
Ohio's recoveries.
Lady Luck pointed another evil
finger at Michigan in the fourth
quarter. After an 83-yard drive had
put the Wolverines on top, 14-12, a
poor kickoff gave Ohio a first down
on their 49 yard line. The Buckeyes
covered 52 yards in 14 plays, with
Horvath going over for his second
score from' the three yard line.
Bucks Stalled Momentarily
After Ohio's Bob Brugge had re-
turned the opening kickoff to the
34 yard line, Horvath and Brugge in
six rushes carried the pigskin to
Michigan's 41. The Buckeyes were
stalled momentarily and they punted
to Chubb who was downed on the
eight. Gene Derricotte made it a first
down on the 18 but the Wolverine
See FOOTBALL, Page 6
Rift Threatens
Peace Program
quarrel between Russia, and Pol-
and's exile government in London
has reached an extremely danger-
ous stage, authorities here say.
It is threatening to become a can-
cerous growth in the future peace of
Europe and thus a source of poison
to the security of the whole postwar
Such is the grave view taken of
possibilities stemming from the res-
ignation of Stanislaw Mikolajczyk
as Premier of the Exile Government.
Mikolajcyk bore the hopes of both
Washington and London for a
friendly, workable settlement be-
tween the London Poles and Moscow.
The British and American Govern-
ments now will try to close the breach
again. Conferences of State Depart-
ment experts today indicated the
whole question is being subjected to
most intense study. President Roose-
velt, who knows Mikolajczyk as a
result of his visit here early this
year, evidently was being kept cloely
informed of developments.

Hillel Foundation Will Burn
Mortgage at Ceremony Today

When its mortgage is burned at
ceremonies scheduled to begin at 5:30
p. m. today, the Michigan B'nai Brith
Hillel Foundation will lay claim to
being the first of 126 Foundations to
have purchased and completely paid
for its own building.
More than 600 guests from a dozen
midwestern states, plus a large cam-
pus and town group, are epected to
assemble before the Foundation
building, at Haven and Hill, to hear
brief addresses by Rabbi Jehudah M.
Cohen, Foundation director; Stan-
ford Wallace, '44, president of the
Hillel student council; Louis Shostak,
chairman of the Michigan B'nai Brith
council; Osias Zwerdling, chairman
of the committee which raised funds
to retire the mortgage; and E. Blythe
Stason, dean of the Law School, who
will deliver the University's greetings.j
Dr. Abram L. Sachar, national di-
rector of B'nai Brith Hillel Founda-
tions, author, historian and radio
news analyst, will follow Dr. James
K. Pollock, professor of political
science, as th8 main speakers at a
dinner, following the mortgage burn-
ing ceremonies, and beginning at 8
p. m. at the Allenel Hotel.
Canada To Vote
On Draft .issue
OTTAWA, NOV. 25-(o)-Canada's
red-hot overseat conscription issue
is due to come to a new crisis Mon-
day when the House of Commons de-
bates a motion to "aid the govern-
ment in its policy of maintaining a
vigorous war effort."
The question was not settled by
this week's order-in-council permit-

Others at the speakers table at theI
dinner will be Rabbi Morton Apple-
baum, who will deliver the invoca-
tion; Harvey Steadman, president of
the Michigan B'nai Brith Council

Campus 'Belles'
Sell $5,839 of
Bonds in Week
At the close of the first week of
the Sixth War Loan Drive, faculty,j
administrative and maintenance per-
sonnel and students of the Univer-
sity had subscribed $5,839 in bonds
towards the University's $100,000
The University sales were made
through the Bond Belles, sponsored
by the Junior Girls Project.
Residents of Washtenaw County
ave purcased $527,000 in bonds of all
denominations. The county-wide
quota is $8,164,000.
We Have . .
University .............$ 5,839
County ...............$527,153
We Need ...
University ..... . ....$ 94,161
County .............$7,636,847
Warren F. Cook, chairman of the
county campaign, urged Gallants, in
charge of selling the bonds, to clean
up their jobs as rapidly as possible.
Cook said sales efforts to date are
concentrated on Series E bonds,
which range in price from $18.75 to
$75. Bonds series larger than B will
be sold next week.

Sigma Rho Tau To Hear Talk
On Jet Propulsion, Tuesday

"Self-propelled Projectiles" will be!
the subject of the special guest
speaker, Col. Henry W. Miller, at a
general meeting of the engineering
speech fraternity at Sigma Rho Tau,
to be held at 8 p. m., Tuesday in
Rms. 318-320 of the Union.
Col. Miller, head of the University
department of mechanism and en-
gineering drawing, and a specialist
on artillery, served as chief engineer
for AEF heavy artillery in World War
Author of numerous books on rail-
way, seacoast and mobile artillery,
Belgians Riot
BRUSSELS, NOV. 25-(P)-Gunfire
broke out and hand grenades were
thrown today during a street dem-
onstration against the government of
Premier Hubert Pierlot.
F. Demany, Belgian resistance lead-
er, said four civilians were killed and
38 wounded in the clash with state
The police, however, said six gen-
darmes were injured with fists and
sticks-not by gunfire-and that 20-
odd demonstrators were wounded.

Col. Miller will stress two points in
his address: cost of transporting self-
propelled projectiles, in terms of
damage inflicted upon the enemy and
efficiency in operation of the rocket,
from the engineering standpoint.
"The job of the Army is obvious-
ly to destroy the opposing army,"
Col. Miller said. "Air bombs are
designed to destroy the enemy's
power to resist whether it be hu-
man or productive power."
Stating that jet-propelled bombs
are spectacular from the public
standpoint, Col. Miller explained that
transportation and engineering prob-
lems of self-propelled projectiles, es-
pecially air-borne projectiles, have
always been a puzzle to the Army.
"We Americans are an accuracy-
minded people who cannot affQrd
to be influenced by the emotional
value of self-propelled rockets and
robots, Col. Miller pointed out.
"Therefore the practical side of the
problem as well as the engineer-
ing potential, must be investigat-
ed." ,
"We know what to expect from
cannon, Col. Miller said, "but the
importance of air-borne cannon in
modern stepped-up warfare cannot be

Pole Peasant Party
Ignores Coalition

. . . speaks today.


who will officially welcome the
guests, Robert C. Lappen, member of
the National Hillel Committee and
Rabbi Arthur Lebowitz, who will de-
liver the benediction.
Slosson To Discuss
Dumbarton Meeting
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-

Simon Barere, Russian Pianist, Will Play

By The Associated Press
LONDON, NOV. 25-Poland's peas-
ant party brushed off today a plea
for its participation in a new coali-
tion cabinet, raising' acute doubts
that the tenacious but troubled exil-
ed government could survive the
gravest of its many crises.
Plain-spoken, peasant-born Stan-
islaw Mikolajcyk-long the hope and
link for fraternal peace in Poland
and for accord between his country
and Soviet Russia-led his peasant

Simon Barere, Russian born pian-
ist, who will appear in the fourth
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p.m.'
tomorrow at Hill Auditorium, will!
replace Joseph Lhevinne, who was

Conservatory at Petrograd, where
he had the famous Madame Essi-
poff as his teacher.
The first ten years after the first
World War consisted of an unbroken

an unpromising land for musical
After repeated attempts he fin-
ally reached England in 1934. Since
then he has made two triug to

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