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November 25, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-25

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SATURDAY, NOV. 25; 1944


00" 4w

Fifty-Fifth Year.

Democratic Sparks Fly Again

Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
at Student Publications.

Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Stan Wallace
Ray Dixon
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy


S . . Managing Editor
. . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
* . Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor.
ess Staff

Lee Amer .
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Tele photte

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Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled'to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Chnese Cabinet
rT -E REORGANIZATION of the Chinese cabi-
net, ostensibly a move to facilitate the war
effort and establish national unity, proves to 'be,
on closer analysis, simply a reshuffle preserving
'the same elements.
China faces a crisis. China is losing the war.
The Japanese are taking advantage 'of the ad-
ministrative chaos and conflict with the Com-
Chungking, the Kuomintang capitol, itslf, is
threatened by the imminent possibility of inva-
In this crisis Chiang Kai-shek's answer is a
token reorganization of his cabinet-as Smed-
Iey puts it in PM on Nov. 21, 'a new hand
dealt with the old deck.'
Let's look at members of the new cabinet:
Dr. H. H. Kung, ousted as Minister -of Finance,
still holds the position of Vice Premier. Kung
has been the, object -of student demonstra-
tions produced by his reactionary policies.
Replacing Kung is 0. K. Yui, a Kung stooge
from way back, who will undoubtedly maintain
the Kungestablished status quo.
There is Gen. Ho Ying-Cheng, replaced by
Gen. Chen Cheng as War Minister, who remains
Chief-of-Staff. He has been the major -ob-
struction to compromise with the Communists-
essential to national unity-turning thumbs
down on moves to break the blockade against the
Communist forces. This is, perhaps, an out-
growth of his former connections with the late
Wang-Ching-Wei, China's own quisling, leader
of the puppet Nanking government.
Ur. Chu Chia-hua, new Minister of Educa-
tion, may well use the educational theories he
supported as leader of the pro-Nazi faction.
Dr. Chu was Tresponsilile for the importation
of German military advisors to China and in-
strumental in the program under which young
Chinese studied in the Nazi army and German
universities during the Hitler regime.
New head of the organization department is
Chen Li-fu, former director of the secret political
police, the body which stymies all attempts at
formation of a democratic government by en-
forcing the no free speech, no free press, no free
assembly that dictatorship requires. He is hated
and feared by every liberal in China.
The remainder of the changes are of little
What is important is that we recognize that
there has been no effective change made.
Will China, like France, fall because the gov-
ernment was more concerned with dominating
the people than with fighting the enemy?
-Betty Roth
PAC Continues
THE C. I. O. Political Action Committee which
played a key role in the re-election of
Franklin D. Roosevelt will continue as a potent
factor in the American Political scene. This
was assured when on Wednesday the C. I. O.

convention voted to continue its existence.
In actively participating in the last election
the P. A. C. departed radically from the historic
non-partisan role of American Labor. Its suc-

WASHINGTON, NOV. 24-For at least three
months, during the campaign, all Roosevelt
factions-liberals, conservatives, New Dealers-
stuck together. None criticized another publicly.
Hatchets were buried to promote the common
But last week, sparks flew again when liberal
Attorney General Francis Biddle called in even
more liberal Assistant Attorney General Norman
Littell and asked for his resignation. The ses-
sion culminated a .bitter long-smouldering per-
sonal feud between them.
"You realize," said Biddle, "that you and I
cannot part as friends."
"We certainly can never part as friends,"
snapped back Littell.
Real fact is that Littell has been the Justice
Department's most hard-hitting crusader for
New Deal policies, has crusaded so hard that he
was fretuently far ahead of his more cautious
Cabinet chief. It was Littel who threw an
unceremonious monkey-wrench into the Navy's
plan to lease its precious Elk Hills oil reserve
to Standard Oil of California. H stopped the
It was Littell who tangled with the Army over
its plan to turn Palm Beach's swank Breakers
Hotel back to the Florida East Coast Railway
at great cost to the taxpayers after spending
millions converting it to a hospital.
It was Littell who fought the title companies
in order to get the titles to Government-pur-
chased land cleared more quickly, thus speed
up payments to thousands of farmers forced to
give up their land to Army caips.
Littell was in the thick of almost every Justice
Department fight involving liberal causes, and
each fight got him more in the Attorney Gen-
eral's thinning hair. What especially nettled
Biddle was the way in which some Senators
and Congressmen got hold of Littell's inter-
departmental reports, used them to fire back
at Biddle. This week Littell's Senatorial friends
plan to light more bonfires under Biddle regard-
ing the resignation of his tempestuous, hard-
hitting, liberal assistant.
Government Versus Private Power
Most Congressional committee meetings just
before Thanksgiving were sparsely attended.
With the lame-duck Congress about to bow out,
the Senate has been meeting haphazardly. Many
seats have been vacant, many Senators have
been resting from the recent campaign.
But when the Senate Commerce Committee
met this week, an unusually large number of
Senators showed up. Those on the inside knew
the reason. Those not on the inside soon dis-
covered the reason.
North Carolina's ponderous Senator Josiah
Bailey began talking. Long supported by the
Duke power and tobacco interests, Bailey with
no apologies brazenly plunged into a eulogy of
the Duke Power Company and talked of the
danger of power competition from the Govern-
Then he introduced an amendment to the
flood-control bill, up for final approval by his
committee-an amendment which would pre-
vent the Government from building transmis-
sion power lines and 'distributing electric power
Academic Freedom
WHEN Dr. Homer P. Rainey was ousted as
president of the University of Texas two
weeks ago, the Board of Regents explained mere-
ly that "the interests of the university" required
that action.
Developments since that time make it prti-
nent to inquire, what interests? Not the facul-
ty's interests, for it has given Dr. Rainey a unan-
imous vote of confidence and asked for his rein-
statement. Not the students' interests, for
they have carried on a widespread agitation in
Dr. Rainey's behalf, including parades, a strike,
petitions and meetings, in addition to raising a
$4,000 fund to spread the facts about his dis-
missal. Not the interests of alumni, for their
association is also backing Dr. Rainey, and has
called for the resignation of the regents who
oppose him.
What this all comes down to is a fight for
academic freedom, similar to those -waged in

Georgia. Louisiana and other states in recent
years. The regents have dismissed teachers
who spoke their minds in public on issues of the
day. They have dismissed others without stated
cause and without a hearing. They raised a
storm because John Dos Passos' book, "U.S.A.,"
was found on the reading list of an English
class. They weakened faculty tenure rules,
and interfered with school -dministration. They
refused to sanction employment of Japanese-
American students by the university. They as-
sailed Dr. Rainey for "racial" speeches when
he urged making modern techonology provide
plenty for all.
Freedom of speech, freedom of thought and
freedom of inquiry-which add up to make
academic freedom--are at stake in this Texas
fight. If the benighted, reactionary ideas of
the regents prevail, the University of Texas,
with a faculty of pliant yes-men, will slide
far down the educational scale. More power
to the many Texans who are vigorously op-
posing this attack on an able educator and a
high principle.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

from the big flood-control projects authorized
in the bill.
Vote on Amendment,. ..
The flood-control bill before Bailey's Com-
merce Committee called for a continuation of
this practice. But Bailey's amendment would
put a complete stop to it. When the amend-
ment came to a vote, only three Senators op-
posed:--Bilbo of Mississippi, where cheap TVA
power as been a boon to the State; Pepper of
Florida, a strong advocate of public power-
Voting for the amendment and the private
power industry were three Republicans and a
longer list of Democrats:-Burton of Ohio, Wi-.
ley of Wisconsin, Brewster ofkMaine, all Rei
publicans; and Bennett Clark of Missouri,
Bailey of North Carolina, Radcliffe of Mary-
land (who usually supports FDR), Mrs. Cara-
way of Arkansas (also usually behind the Presi-
dent). Arthur Walsh of New Jersey, Maloney of
Connecticut, all Democrats.
Three of them, Caraway, Clark and Walsh,
are lame ducks who will leave Congress in a
few weeks. But they were careful to be on
deck for this vote.
(Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
G.O.P. Iowa
DES MOINES, IOWA, NOV. 24-Iowa is a
traditionally Republican state. When it
votes Democratic, that is a sign it isn't feeling
well. Iowa voted for Roosevelt in 1932 and in
1936. By 1940 the rising level of farm income
had brought a flush back to its cheek, and it
voted happily for Willkie. In 1944, it voted, a
little less happily, for Dewey.
But the city of Des Moines has voted for
Roosevelt four times running. That makes it a
Democratic city in terms of national politics.
Even in the heart of Iowa there is demonstrated
the diminishing Republican grip on the city vote
everywhere. Des Moines is not huge, about
160000; and it isn't much of a labor town in the
!strict industrial sense; many of the jobs here
are in insurance. But Des Moines went Demo-
cratic anyway. The fact that the G. O. P. can't
seem to carry the cities has become a biggerj
handicap to it than the fact that it can't carry
the Solid South.
Iasked a P. A. C. representative why Roosevelt
was defeated in Iowa.
"It's geographical," he said. "The county
seat town of five to ten thousand is your real
Republican territory. That's the base of Re-
publican strength. Iowa is studded with towns
of that size. The Democrats can carry the big
ger places. And you'd be surprised how well the
Democrats do in some of the really tiny places,
too; how many of the dirt farmers vote Demo-
cratic. But the prosperous county seat is the
real Republican center."
I yield to no man in my admiration for the
county seat town. But it makes a small base
for a truly national party. So even in Iowa
there is documentation for the thesis that the
G. O. P. can hardly hope to go anywhere un-
less it modernizes its attitude toward labor.
It is in danger of becoming, permanently, a
narrow party of limited and special appeal.
As such it undoubtedly affords a lot of satis-
faction to the more noisy type of smoking-
car argufier. But it just has to become, some-
how, a longer cross-section of America if it
hopes to have a future.
For only a fifth of America is engaged in
farming today. "If we're a really successful
country," said Allan Kline, President of the'
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, "that percent-
age will become even smaller. If 19 percent of
the people, instead of 20, can raise all the food
and fiber needed, that's fine. That frees more
people to manufacture goods and provide ser-
vices to make life better for all. If 18 percent
can do it instead of 19, that's real progress, too.
And the war has shown us how to produce more
food with less people.''
So the long-term trends, as well as shorter-
range considerations, such as the war, might be
called, in essence, anti-Republican.
I found Republican newspapermen in Des
Moines quite articulately concerned about their
party's narrow-gauge appeal.
"Harrison Spangler, former national chair-

man, is still functioning in Cedar Rapids,"
said one. "Sparig isn't a bad fellow. He con-
siders himself a good, Christian man, who
serves the traditional virtues. But he doesn't"
know what the score is. He ran Hickenlooper
for Senator. Hick is a standard Iowa politi-
cian, a farm boy who went to State U. Spang
brought Hick along through the years, up the"
rigid, traditional ladder of Iowa politics,
through the lieutenant-governorship and the
governorship, and now the Senate. But it
was a narrow squeeze in this election. We
expected Hick to win by 150,000. He got in
by 30,000. Things are changing, and the old
boys are still depending on organization and
tradition, instead of on an understanding of
what the people want and are thinking about."
I've just come from Minnesota. where the
politicians were startled by a Democratic swing
among farmers in the northern, poorer part of
the state. If the poorer farmer and labor get
together, the G. O. P. is really going to have to
consult with its soul, and pray, and think things
(Copyright. 1944. New York Post Syndicate)

The I
Pen duluin
THE Autobiography of Lincoln Stef-
fens is in many ways an out-
standing American document. For
incisive self-analysis "The Education
of Henry Adams" probably surpasses
it. But, just as that classic has an
added dimension, historical dyna-.
mism, so Steffens' book extends be-
yond its author to the field of poli-
tical science.
There is a proneness to believe that1
maturity and experience bring con-
servatism with them. This process]
of intellectual dehydration which
does often take place, is usually and
mistakenly called "wisdom." The old
codger who long since has stopped
thinking about any subject other
than money looks with benevolent
condescension upon youthful zeal-
ots who will, in middle age, come to!
see the error of their ways. This is
an all too prevalent folk-way. Lincoln
Steffens was the living contradiction
of it-and it is for that reason, chief-
ly, that I am interested in him here.
Steffens began his adult life in
a Wall Street broker's office; he
ended it in the fold of radicalism.
His sympathies swung in a life-
time of growth from riches to rags.
Born with a silver spoon in his
mouth, he used it to eat proletar-
ian food.. Young people with un-
stable minds attracted to progres-
sive ideas, are sometimes overcome}
by premature senility. Others are
not-and Lincoln Steffens is a
shining example of it.
His autobiography is instructive in
other ways. He studied .philosophy
in college, philosophy at the Univer-
sity of California, Heidelberg, Mu-
nich, Berlin, Leipzig, Berlin, and
Paris. Despite that abstract academ-
ic background, Steffens returned to
America and eventually became the
keenest social "critic of his time. Re-
spected and consulted by presidents,
he was the leading muck-racker in
an era of the expose. His intelli-
gence irradiated the most earthy and
practical essay on civic corruption
as much so as it doubtless had when
he wrote papers as a student on
Hegelian metaphysics.
The common belief has it that a
true liberal arts schooling is poor
preparation for future life. Lincoln
Steffens' experiences conclusively
disprove this view. "A cultivated
intellect, because it is a good in
itself, brings with it a power and a
grace to every occupation which it
undertakes." So spoke Cardinal
Newman, and he-not the educa-
tional pragmatists-was right.
What relation has Hegel to boss-
ism? Exactly none. However rigor-
ous training in the first makes for
clearer comprehension not only of
the second but any other interest.
The man who has studied and un-
derstood Aristotle will have a more
luminous mind than the man who
has not had that or some compar-
able experience. A more luminous
mind enables such individuals to be
more effecient in whatever job they
undertake. With it and the mental
discipline behind it, they can be so
much more effective as steam-fitters
or as hod-carriers, as salesmen, or as
journalists covering the police beat
in New York city.
Schools are institutions, and in-

stitutions cannot be separated from
the society that rears them. Our
society has tragically decreed that
the intellectual is in one sphere and
the man of action is in another
sphere. It has seldom occurred to
us that the two may be integrated.
And the result has been one group
using its brains exclusively for econ-
omic gain and shunning public office,
while the other takes shelter in class-
rooms and studies.
The community can go to pot for
all they care or do. Hill-Billy bigots
need only pass biscuits to enough
pappies and they find themselves in
the governor's chair of our largest
state before advancing to, or on, the
Senate of the United States. But,
what from the university of the same.
state? Much frivolity, deep silence,
and now, the forced resigiation of
its liberal president.
Lincoln Steffens applied the cul-
tivation of learning to worldly af-
fairs. This must be done on a
larger scale in the U. S. A. (no
allusion to the book of the same
name which Texas U. has just
banned) or we will continue to
sink even below Senator W. Lee
O'Daniel into the abysmal depths
of governmental ignorance.



SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 21
All notices for The Daily 'Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
Sixth War Loan Drive:
1. During this Drive. War Bonds
may be purchased from students of
the Junior Girls' Project, called
"Bond Belles." who will canvass all
parts of the University. You will re-j
ceive an official receipt from these
canvassers for the order and pay-I
ment. If requested, arrangements
can be made to deliver the bonds
,o your office.
2. You can call for a "Bond Belle"
to take your order by phoning 2-325.1,
extension 7. Bonds will be on sale
at the cashier's office, Uiver ity
Hall. Orders by campus mail can be
sent to Investment Office, 100 S.
Wing, University Hall. This latter
office will be glad to answer ques-
tions about the various bonds avail-
able during the drive or the proced-
ure for purchasing them (University
Extension 81).
3. Checks should be made payable
to the University of Michigan. Please
print or type names and addresses
--University War Bond Committee.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Chorus, in good standing, will
please call for their pass tickets for
the Barere concert, Monday, Nov. 27,
between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30
and 1 and" 4, at the offices of the
University Musical Society. After 4
o'clock, no tickets will be issued.
Student Admission to Basketball
Game: Students will be admitted to
the basketball game with Central
Michigan College of Education today,
upon presentation of their student
receipts for fees.
Found: Slide Rule in East Engi-
neering Building. Call in Metal Pro-
cessing office to identify.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncement for Principal Publicist,
salary $5,750 to $6,230 has been re-
ceived in our office. No residence
requirements. For further details
stop in at 201 Mason Hal,. Bureau of
Academic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
today. Students must report all
changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Rm. 4.sUniversity Hall.
Membership in a class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered.
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity HeaNh Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, '(3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-
tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extraordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Fall Term.
Speeded Reading Course: A special
short course in speeed reading will

'be given for students wishing to
improve their reading ability. The
course will meet Monday and Wed-
nesday at 5 for eight weeks, starting
Monday, Nov. 27. There is no charge
for this non-credit course. Rm. 4009
University High School Building,
School of Education. For further
information call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682.
M.E. 35: Class will be held at 9 a.m
Monday as usual. This corrects the
announcement made Friday.
Charles B. Gordy
Choral Union Concert: Simon Bar-
ere, Russian pianist, will be heard in
the fourth Choral Union concert
taking the place of Josef Lhevinne
Monday, Nov. 27, at 8:30. He will
play the following revised program:
Pastorale, Corelli; Menuett by Ram-
eau; Gigue, Loeilly; Choral Preludes,
Bach-Busoni; Carnaval, Op. 9, Schu-
mann; Grande Polonaise Brillante
Chopin; Poeme and Etude, Scriabin;
Etude Tableau and Polka, Rachman-
inoff; and Rhapsody No. 12, Liszt
Epents Today

ginning at 9 o'clock. The party will
begin in the Student Lounge of the
Methodist Church.
Coming Events
Sigma Nu: There will be a meeting
of the fraternity at 2 o'clock tomor-
row, Nov. 26 at the Michigan Union.
The room number will be posted in
the lobby. All members whether
affiliated on this campus or not are
urged to attend.
The International Center Sunday
program will feature movies of the
United States. Time 7:30 p.m.
The Ann Arbor District Choir Fes-
tival will be held Sunday evening
Nov. 26 in the First Methodist
Church at 7:30 o'clock under the
general direction of Hardin Van
Deursen of the School of Music.
Youth and adult choirs from fiften
different churches, numbering ap-
proximately 400 singers in all, will
participate. The' general public is
cordially invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday, Nov. 26, at 5 ptm.
in Zion Parish Hall. Please note the
change in time. The program will
begin at 5:15 and supper will follow
at 6. The Rev. Roderick Anderson,
pastor of Kelley Road Lutheran Mis-
sion in Detroit, will be the speaker.
Rev. Anderson is a former member
of the Association and will have a
fine message for students and ser-
Everyone is invited to attend the
Mortgage Burning Ceremonies to be
held at Hillel Foundation tomorrow
at 5:30 p.m. The principal speaker
at the ceremonies will be Dr. Abram
L Sachar, National Director of the
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundations.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. Dr: E. W. Blakeman will
continue the discussion on the sub-
ject "Understainding Ourselves."
Morning worship service at 10:40
o'clock. Dr. James Brett Kenna Will
preach on "He Went a Little Far-
ther." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
5 p.m. The Rev. Leslie Sayre of
Addison will be the speaker. Ann
Arbor District Choir Festival at 7:30
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, will have its regular
schedule Sunday morning, Student
Class at 10:15, and the Morning Ser-
vice at 11. Gamma Delta, Lutheran
Student Club, will have a party at-
urday from 8:30 to 12 at the Luth-
eran Student Center. Sunday at 5
the regular supper meeting' will be
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject
"Ancient andModern Necromancy
SAlias Mesmerism and Hypnotism,
Denounced." Sunday School at 11:45
a.m. A convenient reading room is
maintained by this church at 106 E.
Washington St. where the Bible, also
the Christian Science Textbook, "Sci-
ence and Health with Key to the
Scriptures" and other writings by
Mary Baker Eddy may be read, bor-
rowed or purchased. Open daily ex-
cept Sundays and holidays from
11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until
9 p.m.
First Baptist Church: 512 E. Huron.
C. H. Loucks, Minister. Saturday,
7:10, Choir rehearsal in the church;
8:30, Treasure hunt for Roger Wil-
liams' Guild. Meet at the Guild
House at 502 E. Huron. Sunday, 10.
Study classes. The University stu-
dent's class will have a discussion on
the progress of "The Idea of God."
11, Morning worship. Sermon: "Re-
building the World," Drs. LeRoy

Allen and- P. B. Sullivan. 5, Roger
Williams Guild presents a Forum on
Labor Relations by four students who
have worked in industrial plants.
6, Cost supper at the Guild House.
First Presbyterian Church: 9:30
a.m., Bible Class for University Stu-
dents at the First Presbyterian
Church. Morning Worship at 10:45
a.m. Dr. Lemon's topic will be "Right
Is Might." 4:30 p.m., Vesper Com-
munion Service at which there will
be a Reception of New Members
including those students who desire
to affiliate with the church during
their Ann Arbor residence. Follow-
ing the Communion Service at 5:45
p.m. there will be supper and an
informal reception for the new Affil-
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue.
Harold J. DeVries, pastor. 10 a.m.,
University Bible Class. Ted Groes-
beck, leader. 11 a.m., Morning wor-
ship. Message by the pastor, Psftlm
T-"Bessed Is the Man." 6:30 p.m.,
Youth forum. 7:30 p.m., Evening
service. Studies in the Gospel of
John- "The Presentation of the





1 You're all set with that can opener.H
No fuss or feathers. Easy to carve- oL h...--as't

And a Happy Thanksgiving, Myles-

By Crockett Johnson
Thanksgiving, Barnaby, can H050
never be all over... It's with us

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