Sir i4rn
Cloudy, with Occasional
Light Snow
VOL. LV, No. 20
German Resistance
In Metz Repressed
Enemy Bastion of Eschlweiler Overrun;
Volleys of V-1 Rockets Hit Ninth Army
By The Associated Press
PARIS, NOV. 22-Saverne, 19 miles northwest of Strasbourg, was
engulfed .tonight by the Allied sweep through Alsace and Lorraine which
earlier today crushed Nazi resistance in the foreress cities of Metz and
On the bitterly-contested northern front, where the German bastion
of Eschweiler was overrun today by the U. S. First Army, the desperate
Germans were firing volleys of V-1 and V-2 rocket bombs into areas.in the
rear of the advancing American Ninth Army.
?Rocket Bomb
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Arrows indicate Allied drives along the southern section of the western
front (heavy line), where three field armies drove forward. American
Third Army took Lelling, in a push toward Saarbrucken. American
Seventh Army captured Sarrebourg. French First Army assaulted
Mulhouse and entered Belfort.
Simon Barere, RussianPianist,
To Play at Fourth Concert
Sixth War Loan
Drive Called
A Big Job'
Gallants Urged To Sell
As Quickly as Possible
As the Sixth War Loan Drive went
into the fourth day today, Warren F.
Cook, County War Bond Drive di-
rector, urged all gallants selling
bonds to realize their individual im-
portance to the success of the cam-
Cook called the current campaign a
"big job" because the drive was pre-
ceded by other fund appeals. He
urged all bond workers "to get out
and sell them as quickly as possible.
'U' Front
On the University front, Bond
Belle team 15, captained by Beverly.
Wittan, is leading the competition
for selling the most war bonds with
a total of $1200, representing 11
"This is an especially fine begin-
fling of whaV we hope will be a very
successful drive," Frances Goldberg,
JGP special events chairman, stated.
"We hope that the other teams will
really start selling bonds right after
Thanksgiving." /
Instructions on contacting faculty
members were given to 150 Bond
Belle captains and team members at
a meeting Tuesday by R. Gordon
Griffith, University representative of
the drive.
The bond selling procedure as ex-
plained by Griffith consists of con-
tacting the head of the departments
in the various schools and obtaining
from th'em a list of the faculty mem-
bers in the department. The. women
will then telephone the faculty mem-
bers for appointments and at the
time of the appointment will at-
tempt to get their bond orders.
All the bond orders will be turned
in to Miss Ethel MacCormick's office
in the League. From there the or-
ders will be taken to the cashier's
office, where the bonds will be filled
out. The bonds will be returned to
the League office where the women
who, took the orders will pick them
up and deliver them to the faculty
A frontline dispatch said that the
appearance of the rocket bombs was
taken as an indication that the Ger-
mans were hurling everything they
have in their effort to protect the in-
dustrial Ruhr from the American
First and Ninth Armies.
Heavy fighting raged along the
entire front of the ninth today, par-
ticularly on the approaches to Ju-
lich, but local gains were made by
Lt. Gen. William H. Simpson's for-
It was the French second armored
division which pushed through the
Saverne gap in two streams and then
drove into the toWn Itself from the
north and south.This French arm-
ored forcer is attached to the U. S.
Seventh Army.
Metz Surrenders
As the last German pocket in Metz
surrendered, other doughboys of Lt.
Gen. George S. Patton's Third Army
who swept past the doomed fortress
city days ago smashed to the German
Saar frontier at two new points west
of Saarbrucken in lightning 10-mile
More than 100 miles to the south,
French armored forces plunging
down the Rhine Valley behind the
Nazis' crumbling Vosges mountain
positions seized Mulhouse, an im-
portantscity of nearly 100,000 popu-
(Gen. Charles De Gaulle, in a
broadcast recorded by the Federal
Communications Commission, re-
ported French troops had sped 22
miles beyond Mulhouse to the gates
of Colmar, a big road junction 40
miles south of Strasbourg.)
70,000 Nazis Trapped
As the French and Americans
swept down the Rhine valley and
poured like acid through the passes
of the Vosges, they hourly increased
the threat of entrapment to an esti-
mated 70,000 German troops remain-
ing on the west bank of the Rhine
above Strasbourg. A front dispatch
said only three bridges still were
standing on the Rhine in Thecrpam-
ile stretch.
So swift was the French armored
envelopment of Mulhouse that mem-
bers of the German 19th army gen-
eral staff were captured, along with
more than 1,000 other prisoners.
Eschweiler Taken
One of the biggest stumbling
blocks in the path of the Allied pow-
er drive toward Cologne and the
great industrial Rhineland was re-
moved with the crushing of last-ditch
Nazi resistance in Eschweiler, an im-
portant communications center
through which house-to-house fight-
ing had raged for several days.
General Hodges' troops opened a
final irresistable smash right through
the center of the Siegfried line town
at 3 a. m. today,
Union Will Hold
Dance Saturday
A record dance will be hield from 3
to 5 p.m. Saturday afternoon in the
Union Ballroom, Paul John, member
of the Union Executive Council,
announced today. .
The dance will be a stag affair, and
Naval trainees and all men on cam-
pus are especially invited to attend.
The Conference Championship
Game will be the theme of the dance,
and Bill Reed will handle the "Grid
Graph." The game will be broad-
cast at 3 p. m.
New records have been purchased
Simon Barere, Russian pianist, will
be heard in the fourth Choral Un-
ion concert at 8:30 p. m. Monday in
Hill Auditorium.
Barere will replace Josef Lhevinne,
who was previously scheduled to ap-
pear. Barere was born in Odessa,
and at the age of eleven began to
study piano. He entered the Con-
servatory < at Petrograd, where he
studied under the guidance of Ma-
dame Essipoff. It was she who laid
the foundation for the structure of
Barere's technique.
Rubenstein Award
His training was interrupted by the
first World War, but he entertained
soldiers in drill halls, barracks, and
restaurants, and in 1919 he was
awarded the Rubenstein prize. He
subsequently played in Berlin and
other German cities.
The first ten years after the war
were an unbroken series of disap-
pointments and struggles. Even his
first appearance in London was can-
celled by the Ministry of Labour be-
cause of Barere's Russian origin. The
English concert manager, Lionel
Powell, died suddenly just before he
was to bring Barere to England.
He finally reached England in 1934,
and won his way to new triumphs.
He has made two trips to South Am-
erica, selling out seven houses in the
"Opera" in sixteen days in Rio de
Trile Cuts To
Be. Assessed
Students cutting classes tomorrow
will be assessed triple cuts, Dean
Erich A. Walter, chairman of the
Literary College Administrative
Board, said yesterday.
The triple cut ruling reverses an
earlier policy in which honor points
were deducted from the student's
total in the event of holiday cuts.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford, of the
Engineering College, announced the
attendance rules of the last year
would be applicable again.
Janiero. He also went to Argentina,
where he met with equal success.
American Debut
He made his American debut in a
Carnegie Hall recitalhon November
9, 1936, and since then has given
concerts throughout the United
States, appearing as soloist with the
major symphony orchestras.
Barere's program will include sel-
ections by Corelli, Rameau, Loeilly,
Bach, Schumann, Chopin, Rachman_
inoff, and Liszt.
Hillel Directors
Will Meet HereI
Over Week-End
A district conference of 20 B'nai
Brith Hillel Foundation directors and
counselors from Midwestern colleges
will be held Friday and Saturday at
the Hillel Foundation, Haven and
Hill, it has been announced by Dr.
A. L. Sachar, national director of the
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundations.
The conference has been arranged
in order to perfect plans for the con-
tinuance of the Foundations' War
Service programs as well as to antici-
pate program revisions during the
post-war period. During the confer-
ence, of which the Saturday morning
(10 a.m. to noon) session is open to
the public, special attention will be
devoted to the needs of returning
veterans, many of whom have al-
ready entered universities according
to the provisions of the G.I. Bill of
Hillel directors who will attend the
conference and the universities they
represent include : Rabbi Theodore
Gordon, Wisconsin; Dr. Alfred Jospe,
Indiana; Rabbi Harry Kaplan, Ohio
State; Rabbi Gilbert Klaperman,
Iowa;, Rabbi Abraham Millgram,
Minnesota; Rabbi Melford Spiro,
Northwestern; Rabbi Amram Prero,
Winnipeg (Can.); Rabbi Joseph
Renov, Queens (Can.); Rabbi Albert
Silverman, Illinois; and Rabbi Meyer
Simon, Purdue.
Peace Plan
By Speaker
Mowrer Sees Unity
As Post-War Hope
If we are to establish world secur-
ity, we must put international af-
fairs first in our national conscious-
ness, recognizing that the only hope
for sustained peace is world organ-
ization, Edgar Ansel Mowrer, column-,
ist and foreign correspondent, told
an Oratorical Association audience
yesterday at Hill Auditorium.
"No alliance of sovereign powers
will be able to keep the peace," he
asserted, "for any alliance of the
Big Three must be deeply embed-
ded in an encompassing interna-
tional organization."
Dumbarton Oaks is a good start,
Mowrer maintained, forming as it'
does, an international vigilance com-
mittee, which may or may not work
depending on the extent to which
the cooperating nations adhere to it.
He listed four basic issues of world
peace, the first two of which have
been elucidated in the Dumbarton
Oaks agreement: (1) National war
is out-all nations agree to make war
only at the request of the interna-
tional organization to put down an
aggressor. (2) No member shall
standaside and refuse to give aid;
(3) the suggestion that the five pow-
ers, permanently representedvon the
Board, have veto power where they
are involved as the aggressor; (4) the
question of reaction to aggression in
the United States, should it be auto-
matic or require congressional ap-
Mowrer supported the first and
second point, but objected to the
See MOWRER, Page 2
+Council Petit ionts
Due Saturday
Officers for Men's
Judiciary To Be Named
Petitions for the offices of presi-
dent and secretary of Men's Judi-
ciary Council must be filed in the
Dean of Student's Office, Rm. 2,
University Hall by noon Saturday.
All undergraduates of second sem-
ester junior standing are eligible to
petition. Selection of officers will
be made by present members of the
Council and Dean of Students Joseph
A. Bursley.
The Council controls student elec-
tions, and assists in making regula-
tions regarding student discipline
and rules for honor societies and
campus functions. Council members
include presidents of the Union, IFC,
Men's Congress, and the Engineering
The President supervises elections
serves as an ex-officio member of
the Committee on Student Affairs
and the Board of Directors of the
Union, and represents the Council at
meetings of the University Subcom-
mittee on discipline. The secretary
performs usual secretarial work and
assists the president.
Detroit Workers
ators, her union had grievances of
its own.
The Ohio union's complaint was
that the company brought outside
workers into Dayton and paid them
$18.25 a week more thanlocal opera-
tors, as living cost bonuses. Mrs.
Gannon said girls had also been
transferred to Washington from out
of town and paid much of their
living expenses.
New York?
In New York, union officials went
into a conference. with officials of
the long lines department of the
American Telephone & Telegraph
Company. Whether New York would
be affected by the spreading dispute'
was not immediately apparent.
The War Labor Board prepared to
take the Ohio case to the White
House, for possible Army intervention
Reject Offer
Rejecting a WLB demand that
they order 5,000 idle Ohio workers
back to work, officials of the Ohio
Telephone Workers Union appealed
for "active support" from 41 affili-
ated unions throughout the country.
The Ohio walkout threatened to
extend tomorrow to neighboring
Michigan. Mrs. Frances Smith, pres-
ident of the Michigan Telephone
Employees Federation, said 2,000
operators in war-vital Detroit would
leave their jobs at 6 a.m. unless "the
government takes over the Ohio
strike situation" meanwhile.
The WLB addressed its warning to
the Washington Telephone Traffic'
Union after hearing of the Ohio
union's efforts to make the tie-up
planes burn or damage 17 Jap
freighters. Americans maintain
pressure against Japs on Leyte.
nounce capture of Hungarian com-
munities near Budapest.
Services Will
Be Held Today
"The Art of Being Thankful" will
be heard as the sermon at interde-
nominational Thanksgiving services
at 10:30 a. m. today at the First
Presbyterian Church on Washtenaw.
Rev. Chester H., Loucks of the First
Baptist Church will give the sermon
while religious leaders from many
of Ann Arbor's churches will parti-
cipate in other parts of the service.
Under the sponsorship of the city
Ministerial Association, this annual
service represents the cooperation of
22 church organizations.
The offering will be given to the
American Society for Norwegian Re-
lief. A combined church choir will
sing Kremser's "A Prayer of Thanks-
giving" and will also join in other
musical selections.
The Daily will not be published
tomorrow because of Thanksgiving
Day. Publication will resume Sat-
May Follow Suit
Capital Operators Strike Inspired by
Ohio Telephone Workers Walkout
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-A national communications crisis
developed tonight as Washington telephone operators walked out in
sympathywith Ohio's "thello girls" and Detroit workers prepared to
follow suit.
Despite x War Labor Board warning that interference with vital
communications "eat this critical perod of the war cannot be tolerated,"
operators in the capital voted to strike and throw picket lines around
exchanges. The walkout was already under way, curtailing service.
2,700 Strike
Mrs. Mary E. Gannon, union presi-
dent, said 2,700 operators in Wash- WAR AT A GLANCE
ington and vicinity would be idle,
except for an "emergency force to By The Associated Press
handle only priority calls of top WESTERN FRONT -- Savernie
emergenyShe aidrthat, in add- engulfed by Allied sweep through
emergency." She,said that, imadds-Alsace Lorraine. Resistance in
tion to-sympathizing with Ohio oper- Metz and Mulhouse also crushed.
Turkey To Be Missing from
Many Thanksgiving Dinners
Although the traditional Thanks-
giving turkey will not be adorning
every dinner table today, the house-
wives of Ann Arbor did not halt any
of their dinner shopping yesterday
because of a lack of turkey.
Many of the heavily-laden tables
Today Thanksgiving Day; no
Nov. 24 "Michigan on the Mar-
ch," U. War record film
at the Rackham Amphi-
Nov. 25 Western Conference
Game. Michigan vs.
Ohio. State. Broadcast
at 2 p.m.
Nov. 25 Deadline for'Men's Ju-
diciary Council Petitions
Nov. 25 Deadline for Union Post
Nov. 25 Basketball game with
Central Michigan.
Nov. 27 Choral Union Concert by
Simon Barere, pianist,
8:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
Nov. 27 MYDA meeting, 7:45 p.
m. at the League.
Health Service Statistics To Be Published
today will be heaped high with an
abundance of fresh fruits and vege-
tables, chickens, and meat cuts. The
other traditional fixings, squash,
mince meat, pumpkins, have not fol-
lowed the lead of their partner, the
Cranberries, however, were notice-
ably absent. Some stores had canned
cranberry sauce, but a very small
supply. of fresh cranberries was to
be had.
Geese, too were rare, and house-
wives found it hard to substitute
them for turkey. Chickens are the
most plentiful, and far surpassed the
duck in supply and demand.
No Sage for Dressing
Storekeepers were kept busy yes-
terday informing frantic last minute
shoppers that there was no sage for
the dressing, and that canned fruits
were very, very scarce.
Those products that weer on the
plentiful list were raisins, prunes,
Plans to publish a statistical re-
port of operations of the University
Health Service, documenting 30 years
of medical aid to the student body,
were announced yesterday by the
Health Service.
A unique experiment in prepaid
health security, the Health Service
was established in 1913 in response
to recommendations by students
and the faculty. In its 31st year of
existence, the Service has had only
The original headquarters of the
site of the Burton Tower. Health Ser-
vice subsequently moved to what is
now the Museum Annex and finally,
in 1940, to its new building on Flet-
cher Avenue.
As the Service has grown in size,
the scope of its activities has also
expanded. Since 1919 complete me-
dical examinations have been requir-
provided in the Health Service. At
first an annual fee of $2 was charg-
ed and later abandoned in favor
of a $7.50 allowance per term for
each student which was included
in the student fees.
In addition to consultation privi-
leges, each student is entitled without
further charge to emergency surgical
operations and 30 days hospitaliza-
tion a year.
students has decreased from 19.9
years in 1919 to 18.1 at present.
Statistics also show that present
University students have fewer
brothers and sisters than their pre-
decessors. An upward trend in both
height and weight is shown for
both sexes. There is less diph-
theria, goiter and pulmonary tub-
erculosis, but some increase in dia-
betes, pneumonia and acute ap-