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November 22, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-22

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N6V. 22i i944


War Has Become Fight to Death for Nazis

Canda, IU.S. Committee Plans
To Stidy School Teit iooks
neetin hei Satuirda ai t:O f nlit r.iiv of Tor.rito of the
Executive committee of the Canada-Unied Sttes CoIluee on iMdu-
cation attended by Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education.
plans were made for the study of --

Ike' Says Battle.
Should Have
Ended *in1France
Gun-in-Back Control
Against Reich Is Used
By The Associated Press
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme
Commander of the Allied Forces in
Western Europe, declared today that
there had been some reason to be-
lieve Germany might have cried quits
after the battle of France, but that
Adolf Hitler and his Gestapo had,
managed to maintain their pistol-in-
the-back control of the Reich and
that the war had become a fight to
the death for the German people.
"To get peace we've got to fight
like hell for it," Eisenhower told a
press conference. "Now let's do it."
Returning from a tour that took
him to all sectors of the front, Eis-
enhower said with quiet determina-
tion that the great power of Allied
armies had been thrown into the
present campaign to force Germany
to surrender or be destroyed. His
plan, he said, was to hammer the
Germans with increasing force until
the highest pressure was reached on
the day they finally surrendered.
"Unless everyone all the way
through the nation-those at the
front and those at home-keeps on
the job everlastingly and with
mounting intensity, we are only post-
poning the day of victory," he as-
Russian Pianist
(Instead of Josef Lhevinne)

Home Nursing Course Offered
It has been announced by Virginia Councell, chairman of Soph Pio-
ject, that a Red Cross Home Nursing course, limited to ten coeds, will be
held from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. every Monday night for eleven consecutive
The class, sponsored and taught by nurses, will acquaint those partici-
pating with the practice of home nursing. Coeds will learn to make beds,
take temperatures, give "hypos," and to care for various other needs of
sick patients.
Meetings will be held in the hest Medical Building and upon
completion of the course, students will be awarded Red Cross Home
Nursing certificates.
The first session will be held Monday at 7:30 p. m. in the West Medi-
cal Building. A list will be posted in the Undergraduate office of the
League today, and the first ten coeds to register will be accepted.

Ald. Doll Quits
To Take Position
In Government
Ald. Maurice F. Doll, a member of
the city council since 1942, resigned
last night to accept a position with
the federal government which pre-
vents his holding an elective or1
appointive public office.
His resignation was accepted byj
the city council with "extreme re-
grets" by his fellow alderman. The
resignation will become effective
Doll has served as chairman of the,
traffic committee and has been em-
ployed as a process engineer in a
local firm. He was formerly a stu-
dent in the University and has also
been a member of the Ann Arbor
office of the Michigan Unemploy-
ment Compensation Commission.
Before submitting his resignation
to the ciy council, Doll presented six
traffic committee recommendations,
which included permitting only one-
way traffic on Arbor St. and Iroquois
It was further agreed that there
be no parking from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m.
in the space 70 feet west of State St.
from the south side of Packard St.
Class To Tour
Willow Run
Sociology Students To
Make Graphic Survey
Surveys of the Willow Run area
will be conducted by members of So-
ciology 51 classes under the guidance
of James E. Stermer, director of the
project and Professor Lowell J. Carr
of the sociology department.
Students will canvas the area in
pairs, interviewing the occupants of
each dwelling to ascertain their ec-
onomic background, the structural
conditions of their homes, religious
ties, opportunities for recreation and
guidance of children, distance from
homes to movies, stores, and work,
and the families' plans following the
war emergency.
Results wll be compiled into gra-
phic survey form so that comparison
with previous findings can be made.
Nutrition Group
To See Films
Washtenaw's Nutrition Committee,
a group designed to inform county
schoolchildren of the value of proper
dietary habits, will meet at 8 p. m.,
Tuesday, November 28, in the county
court house, Miss Edith M. Bader, di-
rector of the local OCD's Civilian
War Services said yesterday.
Main purpose of the meeting is to
discuss the committee's instructional
program for the school year. Films,
pointing out fundamental nutrition
hints, will be shown at the meeting
to which all interested persons are in-

Dean E. Stasen,
Attends Hearing
On, Iron Mining
Dean E. Blythe Stasen of the Law:
School, serving as the chairman of a
sub-committee on the Michigan tax
study advisory committee attended
three hearings on iron ore mining
and relations to assessed valuations
for taxation in the Upper Peninsula
last week it was revealed yesterday.
Also present at the hearings were
George McCallum, Ann Arbor attor-
ney and member of the state senate
and George S. Bear, engineer and
Escanaba city manager.
The Gogebic county hearing at
Bessemer on November 15, states an
article in the Ironwood Times, gave
the local tax payer a chance to be
(Continued from Page 1)
the University in the war, he is, at
present, receiving copies of news-
papers and propaganda leaflets and
other documents from overseas which
will be filed in the various University
libraries. A report of this material
was recently published by the Cle-
ments library in a report to the alum-
The material which Peckham has
received from overseas also includes
a booklet and cartoon in Arabic, cop-
ies of which were distributed in North
Africa when we landed there in
1942, and a photograph of the food
fed each day to overseas troops, cop-
ies of which were used as propaganda
in our campaign in Sicily.
A copy of Gen. Eisenhower's final
message to Allied troops before the
invasion of Normandy, several issues
of "Stars and Stripes," a war daily
published in many cities in and near
the battle area are also in Peckham's
possession. Copies of other service
papers, "The Persian Gulf Dispatch"
published in Teheran. "Guinea Gold"
an Australian Army paper, "TNT"
(Trinidad News Tips), "Kodiak Bear"
published in Alaska, "Last Outpost"
published in the Aleutians and "The
Fugitive" published by an overseas
hospital, have been received by Peck-
Phi Gam Announces
Election of Officers
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity an-
nounces the recent election of offic-
ers for the forthcoming year: Phil
Holcombe, NROTC, president; Paul
Ehinger, MCR, Treasurer; Jim Mac-
Isaac, USNR, Recording Secretary;
Chuck English, '47L, Corresponding
Secretary; and Nick Petrick, NROTC,

S. Patton (right), commanding general of the U. S. tank at an ordnance
maintenance shop near the 3rd Army fighting front in Europe. Capt.
John R. Wyant of 1204 Druid Place, Atlanta, Ga., (center) is com-
manding officer of the shop. Others in photo are unidentified.
Christian Education Is Topic
Of Religious Institute Classes

text books used by the two countries
in the schools.
The group is sponsored in this
country by the American Council on
Education and in Canada by three
professional educational groups.
Dean Edmonson is chairman of the
delegation from the United States.
Favor Text Book Survey
The committee studied plans and
favored strongly the proposed survey
of text books and other teaching ma-
terials in history, geography, and the
social studies. Through this study
of material used in school the group
plans to make constructive suggest-
ions for improved treatment of mat-
ters of mutual concern to the two
countries involved.
Through summer schools, work-
shops and travel a plan has been
evolved whereby teachers will be-
come more familiar with the country
they are teaching.
The program has been devised for
the main purpose of providing op-
portunity for consultation among ed-
ucational leaders and associations of
the two countries and to aid in de-
veloping educational programs tcr
strengthening the respect and under-
standing which citizens of each coun-
try now have for one another.
Committee Is Pioneer
The committee is a pioncs'1ing
group, not sponsored by the govern-
ment, for co-operation among edu-
cational groups in two friendly' coun-
tries which are alike interested with
adjustments in education needed to
meet the urgent international prob-
'Turkey trot'
Will Be First
Center Dance
The first fall dance of the Inter-
national Center, the "Turkey Trot,'
will be held from 8 p.m. to midnight
Saturday at the Rackham assembly
All foreign \ students and their
1 friends are invited to the dance
. which will be informal. The Inter-
national Ball is planned for later in
the semester.
Movies about the United States
will be featured on the program of
the International Center at 7:30 p.m
Sunday. The series will show th
. northeastern, middle west and north-
. western states of this country.

lems which will be brought about
during the postwar area.
The committee is made up of 18
men from the United States and Can-
ada who are historians, public
school representatives and college ad-
ministrators. Its next meeting will
be held in January at Harvard
Sigma Nit To Hold First
Meeting i Union Sunday
All men affiliated with Sigma Nu
fraternity are invited to attend the
first meeting of the year to be held
at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Union, the
room number to be posted.
The group will elect officers and
discuss plans for further meeting.
rTONIGHT at 8:30
Foreign Correspondent
Tickets: $1.20, 90c, 60c
(tax incl.)
s (Hambro Tickets Admit)
L. 1944-45 Lecture Course


First in a series of three classes in
the Religious Leadership Training
Institute was held yesterday at the
Ann Arbor Senior High School on
the topic of "How To Build an Effec-
tive Program in Christian Educa-
Next sessions ate scheduled for
Tuesdays, Nov. 28 and Dec. 5 from
7:30 .to 9:30 p.m. Under the sponsor-
ship of the city Council of Churches
and the Adult Education Program
of the public schools, the Institute
is for interested University students,
church school workers, parents and
others concerned.
Future topics will be "What Is
Good Sunday School Teaching?" and
Music Hour To
Present Mahler
German Composition
To Be Third in Series
Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erde"
(The Song of the Earth) will be
presented at the Association Mu-
sic Hour at 7:30 p. m. today in the
Lane Hall library.
The third in a series of record con-
certs devoted to the music of Wag-
ner and post-Wagnerian composers,
the program is open to students and
general public. Robert Taylor, chair-
man of the SRA Music Hour. will
comment on the music.
"Das Lied von der Erde," gener-
ally recognized as the Austrian coi-
poser's greatest work, is a cycle of six'
songs for tenor and contralto with
orchestral accompaniment. On the
recording, the orchestra is conducted
by Bruno Walter who studied with
Mahler and who is now regarded as
the world's foremost exponent of his
I music.
The singers are Charles Kullman
and Kerstin Thorborg who sang the
work during the 1944 May Festival4
with the Philadelphia Symphony.
They also performed it over the radio
last Sunday with the New York Phil-
harmonic Orchestra.

"How To Prepare To Teach." The
program is under the leadership of
the Rev. Robert M. Frehse, director
of religious education at the West-
minster Presbyterian Chur ch in
"This course will deal with the
purpose, organization and adminis-
tration of the church school as well
as teaching methods that will aid
parents and teachers who are seeking
to give guidance in developing Chris-
tian personalities," he stated.
After a general discussion each
time, the class will divide into several
workshop groups to show practical
methods by demonstration and talks.
Workshop topics are worship, lesson
materials and creative teaching
There will also be workshop leaders
in pre-school and kindergarten, pri-
mary, junior and youth groups.
Chairman of the leadership train-
ing committee is Mrs. Peter Stair
Others are Mrs. Clifford Woody, Mrs
Howard McCluskey, Miss Mary-Jear
Sanford, Rev. Ralph Dunlop, C. C
Crawford and R. A. Silverstone.
Murphy To Be
New President
The resignation of Stuart Gould,
president-elect of the Ann Arbor
Civic orchestra; was accepted yester-
day at a meeting and rehearsal of
the orchestra.
Dr. Gould stated that his profes-
sional work requires his absence fron
the city throughout the week and
prevents his participation in the
groups activities.
Melbourne Murphy was appointec
as new president. Murphy is a san-
itarian and house manager of the
University Health Service and in-
structor in public health. ie is
is the first violinist in the orchestra,
and has previously served on th(
group's executive board.
Glen Winters Is Editor
Of Judicature Magazine
Glen R. Winters, '38L, who is assis
tant secretary of the American Judi
cature Society was recently elected
editor of the Journal of the American
Judicature, a national magazine, i
was announced by Herbert Harley
executive secretary of the society

NOV. 27, 8:30 P.M.
Choral Union Concerts:
Carroll Glenn . . . Dec. 5
Boston Symphony . Dec. 11
Vladimir Morowitz . Jan. 15
Dorothy Maynor. .. Feb. 3
Westminster Choir. Feb. 11
Chicago Symphony Mar. 19
SUN., DEC. 17, 3 P.M.
Tickets On Sale at
University Musical Society
Charles A. Sink, President
Burton Memorial Tower


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