PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDpNESDA:I, NOV. 22, 1944 -PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1944 Gjft Bairpjwgatty Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Wilson Sticks to His Guns Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips . . Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg . . Mavis Kennedy Business Lee Ater Barbara Chadwick June Pomering . Telephone . Managing Editor City Editor . Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * . Women's .Editor Staff AsBusiness Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. 23-24-I Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REpRESENTEO FOR NATIOAL AVERTISNG Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Reresentative 420 MADiSON AVE. 'NEw YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Conscription? "In our judgment, it is unwise to commit the nation at this time to a year of universal mili- tary service." This statement was recently issued by the Educational Policies Commission of the Na- tional Education Association and the American Association of School Administrators, and the Problems and Plans Committee of the American Council on Education. In addition the statement reads "No one is in a position now, however, to forecast fully the international responsibilities of the nation after the war, and certainly not the responsibilities that relate to the occupation of foreign territories. "Until the post-war national situation is clari- fied, it seems to us extremely unwise and even dangerous to commit the nation to such a revo- lutionary change in fundamental national policy as would the establishment of compulsory mili- tary service." It is true that we do not know what the post- war situation will be. Nevertheless what the writers of the above statement failed to realize is that in the light of the post-war period fol- lowing World War I it appears that the only way to establish a permanent peace is by the maintainence of a large standing army to police the world. The Japanese and Germans have hatred for the Allies now, when, although it seems improbable, there is still a possibility of their winning the war. If they are defeated one can be certain that the frictions and hatreds which have produced this war will not be removed by the defeat of the enemy, but in- stead will become intensified. In addition industries of all nations have been destroyed or converted by the war. For a number of years after the war, until the war plants can be reconverted, and those that have been damaged can be repaired, production will be at a low level, and the standard of living will be lowered. This will inevitably lead to discontent and perhaps mass uprisings. A strong international police force will be needed to check any uprisings leading out of discontent. Such an organization to enforce peace, if it were established, could not succeed, unless a large and peaceloving nation as the United States were willing to cooperate. The aid of the United States would be needed to help supply men to the international organ- ization. The United States itself, whether or not an international police force is established, will not be able to protect itself and help preserve the peace, if it does not have adequate military power. It can never again depend on a hastily organized army in a crisis. It must have an army, well trained and prepared, so that it will be able to act before, not after a crisis has 4developed. A year of compulsory military training for every man in this country between the ages of 18 and 24, would not only enable the United States to help preserve the peace, but would serve other functions besides. Compulsory military service would improve the health of the nation, an improvement which is By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, NOV. 22-It hasn't leaked into print, but General Electric President Char- les E. Wilson, ex-vice chairman of the War Pro- duction Board, has a lot of Big Business moguls boiling mad at him. "I thought being in the government was hell," the big Irish production wizard remarked a lit- tle whimsically to a friend, "but this is worse." However, Charlie Wilson is sticking to his guns. He made a speech in Atlanta, recently, I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: St. Paul Looks Ahead By SAMUEL GRAFTON ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, NOV. 22-St. Paul thinks it will be busy on war work long after some Eastern cities are finished with their war contracts. This town expects the war in the Pacific to continue after the war in Europe is over. It believes the armed services will want to have their ammunition made, and their planes outfitted, as close to the Pacific battle ground as possible. There can be a saving of above a. thousand miles of rail transport by having such work 'concentrated here, as against the eastern seaboard. I had heard, in other western cities of the same expectation that the tide of war contracts is going to roll across the country from east to west like the sun. Most midwestern and western.manufactur- ers greet this prospect with mixed feelings. They are torn between their desire to keep the war business and their desire to get back to normal civilian production before some east- ern competitor, happily released from war work, cuts in ahead. There is some talk in Washington of reducing war contracts evenly, all over the country on a pro rata basis, so as to "keep it fair," and give each manufacturer an even break on post-war civilian business; something like lining them for a new Oklahoma rush. But military necessity will probably be a determining factor, and many westerly cities have a feeling that the day of post-war adjustment is a little further off for them than for the cities of the east. On the question of post-war planning, St. Paul' will give you the usual, slightly hollow answer, public works. This is now the standard reply all over the country and it means a- bridge or a road or a jail or a lighting system or a courthouse or any three out of five. Only in a few places, like Missouri, which is catching fire with the idea of a power-and-wealth-producing Missouri Valley Authority, is there any creative planning for prosperity; most of it is negative planning to tide over unemployment. But St. Paul is enjoying one delicious quiver of anticipation. This is based on the hope that this city will become a chief American airport in the China-India trade. The thought is that St. Paul is one of the logical points within the United States from which to take off, via air, on a northern great-circle route to Asia, via the Arctic. I used to hear that the way to go to China was to dig straight down; the idea of going to St. Paul in order to get to China seems only a little less bizarre, but it is prob- ably much sounder. Chicago, only a little .More than 400 miles from here, is also think- ing of a great-circle air route, but to Europe; it is curious how of these two American cities, so relatively close, one thinks of itself as fac- ing east, the other west. A new invisible national divide lies between them. There was one famous citizen of St. Paul, who used to think much about the China trade, James J. Hill, the "Empire builder." James J. Hill and his railroad built up much of the north- west. I stopped in on his grandson. Mr. Louis Hill. Mr. Hill is youngish, enthusiastic, and a lib- eral, though he doesn't care much for the word., He thnks most liberals are too vague and im- precise. He is much concerned with govern- ment, and represents a labor constituency in Minnesota's non-partisan state legislature. I asked him whether business could be expected to pull out of the post-war thing by itself, or whether the country would need government help. "I think," said the grandson of the empire builder, "that we are getting into a mature kind of economy, and it will take sophistication and wisdom to pull out. It can't be done by natural processes alone." But St. Paul does have high hopes, based on that new air route to China. The cities of the northwest stare into the spaces of ,the north- ern night, from which the cold winds come, and they sense them suddenly to be doors to the world. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) Hitler's Picture A FLOOR OF $18 has been established as the price of Hitler's picture in Breslau. The Nazi military authorities, however, still are searching for some way to keep it from looking like 30 cents. -St. Louis Post Dispatch BARNABY proposing low prices after the war and high wages. The reception from Big Business was , the chilliest he has ever received. The auto- mobile people were especially irate. Word from inside the industry is that they planned' to ask OPA for a 30 per cent price rise over 1942, perhaps settle for 20 per cent. So they have been calling Charlie Wilson all sorts of1 names, beginning with "traitor" and going on up. Wilson spoke in Atlanta before a group of General Electric distributors, plus other busi- nessmen. His two chief points were: 1 Industry must have the full co-operation of Labor after the war. Wages must be higher. "The take-home pay on a 40-hour week basis1 after the war must eventually represent the higher level of earnings that now prevail." (In other words, Industry workin 40 hours shouldf get what it now makes in 48 hours.) But Labor, in return must give Industry more output. It must do some thinking to help Industry, in- stead of promoting the slowdown. That's the only way we can make the system work. 2 Pricps must be low, within the range of Labor to buy. "This world's got to be built around the boys+ who have been fighting this war." Wilson said+ in conclusion. "We've got to give them jobs. This is the day of the common man." Give 'Em Money To Spend. .. Afterward, a friend jokingly remarked, "What have you been doing-talking to Henry Wal- lace?" Wilson's reply to this and the criticism of his business friends is: "How am I going to sell my refrigerators if we don't give 'em wages to buy with?" General Electric sold $500,000,000 worth of goods in 1940, expects to sell $800,000,000 by paying high wages and keeping prices down after the war. NOTE-After his Allanta speech, Wilson got a frantic wire from Under Secretary of War Patterson and Secretary of the Navy Forrestal urging that he make no more. Patterson was afraid Wilson would get people's minds distract- ed from war work, cause people to leave for private industry. Forrestal didn't feel as strong- ly as Patterson, but was persuaded by Pat- terson to sign anyway. Byrnes Forestalls Baruch . . It was largely the persistent, persuasive charm of Barney Baruch that caused ex- Justice Jimmiy Byrnes to change his mind and remain as War Mobilizer. The President very much wanted Byrnes to stay and several times told him so. But Baruch, who has been able to wield a powerful, hidden hand in the government through his fellow South Caro- linian, pulled skillful, energetic wires to that purpose. One wire was Harry Hopkins. A few weeks ago Baruch had told a friend that he considered Hopkins one of the most sinister influences in government. But that didn't prevent the charm- ing Wall-Streeter from calling on Harry andI having him use his influence to keep Byrnes on as War Mobilizer. Baruch also talked to Byrnes himself at great length. Finally he climaxed it all with a call on FDR. As Baruch was leaving the President's office, a call came through to Byrnes' office, at the ex- treme opposite end of the White House, saying that Bernie was on his way. Whereupon Byrnes picked up the phone, calling the President and told him he had decided to remain on the job until the war with Germany was over. "Why did you do that?" asked a friend, puzzled over the fact that Byrnes had called while Baruch was enroute to his office. "I just didn't want Baruch to be able to say that he persuaded me to stay," said the War Mobilizer, with a broad grin. NOTE-Baruch's master-stroke accomplish- ments through Byrnes have been the Han- cock report on reconversion, which took care of Big Business but not Little; the appoint- ment of General Hines for veterans' re-em- ployment; appointment of Will Clayton for surplus war property; ousting of Donald Nel-, son. Merry-Go-Round . . This is the first time since the Civil War thatI Pennsylvania has two Democratic Senators. The new Senator, Representative Francis J. Myers of Philadelphia, is another case of- a strong internationalist. replacing a semi-iso- lationist-"Puddler Jim Davis, Republican Sec-. retary of Labor under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. Myers' record on preparedness and international cooperation while in the House of Representatives has been 100 percent . . . Biggest crowds in the halls of the Pentagon Building these days are officers hanging around vending machines, waiting for them to be filled with cigarettes . .. Newly elected Senator "Cow- boy" Glen Taylor of Idaho is first cousin to sphinxlike Harold Dixon Young, who steers Vice President Wallace's political fortunes . , . One of the best jobs of keeping the nation informed about its servicemen is quietly being done by Col. Al Warner and Col. Ed Kirby at the War Department, both doing a bang-up job with the popular "Army Hour." (Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndi2ate, Inc.) etiteri 54aiii he 6dit- (Editor's Note: All letters submitted to the editor for publication must be sign- ed by the writer. Servicemen must have letters approved by their commanding officer). IT IS heartening to note that there are members in this student body who are keenly alive to the promlem of India. Miss Bettyann Larsen, whose editorial on India appeared Saturday, deserves all the praise one can give for her interest in the prob- lem and her courage in making her interest known. The real problem of India, how- ever, is not her famine, but her strug- gle for political emancipation. It is a problem which concerns every Am- erican and non-American who be- lieves in the "inherent and inalien- able rights of man"; and until India is freed from foreign rule, her slav- ery is the slavery of civilized men ev- erywhere. And for those who appre- ciate the right to be self-respecting and self-determining, who can ima- gine and understand the shame and anguish of living under foreign mast- ers, the denial to India of her free- dom and independence must remain a personal wrong and disgrace. We have heard enough talks of late about "postponing" Indian in- dependence on the ground of her internal dissension or diversity of races and religions; but I fear that behind these talks.there is a fun- damental lack of sincerity and ab- sence of moral conviction. For, if one were convinced that it is ab- solutely wrong, morally wrong, for a certain people to rule another, one would not waste one's breath in arguments but would seek or create possible ways to remove what one sees to be an evil, even as Abra- ham Lincoln had fought to remove slavery in this country. -Celia aHwaguen Chao To Smgapore IF THE B-29's can cover such tre- mendous distances as from Indi bases to Singapore, the day may no be far off when systematic attac with heavy bombs can be unlease on Japanese home industry. In- deed, if Jap reports of Americar scout flights over Honshu are to b credited, this may be already pre- paring, waiting only , on sufficieni progress in the Philippines to estab- lish adequate bases there. The Cen- tral and Northern Philippines ar no farther from Tokyo than Singa- pore is from India. Our strategists have somewha "spoiled" us by leadit us to expec new invasions after these long-dis- tance exploits. If that does not hap- pen in the present instance we may still be happy that it bring nearer the day when Japanese maril time power shall cease to be, fo when that day comes, the home islands will be vulnerable to every- thing we can throw at them-which as the recent record says, is plenty. -St. Louis Post Dispatch On Second "Thought ... MOST OF US do not like to b kidded, but Monday we took a ribbin' (with war stamps attached: and smiled. Ann Arbor experienced its first snow of the season Monday, but we won't believe that winter is really here until those ugly wooden steps are erected in front of Angell Hall. Or at least until someone paints a .half moon on the wooden box pro. tecting the fountain in front of the League. The Japs are pouring more troops into the Limon sector on Leyte in an attempt to keep their campaign from becoming a Lemon. A telephone strike in Ohio is grow- ing day by day. Indications are that the strike is not a phoney. The lights go on again in Lon- don. People all over the world are hoping that the black is out for' good. B-29's bomb Kyushu for the seconc time this month. Suppose we really should say gesundheit. The air conferees in Chicago are about to announce results of their meeting. But the most important question of free air transit is to be left up in the air. -Ray Dixon Back to Normal Our trade with foreign countries shows some evidence of becoming a two-way street again, a consumma- tion devoutly to be wished if the years ahead are to bring real plenty for America and the world. This means more than lend-lease in re- verse, whch is essentially an anom- aly of war supply; foreign countries need to ship us goods for civilian use, the proceeds of which can be used for goods or services for them, if there is to be a real stimulation to that multilateral interchange which benefits all. Imports recently receved from Italy may be a harbinger of this im- plementation of an economy of plen- ty. The Foreign Economic Admini- stration reported the other day that these shipments, worth about $1,200,- 000. included wine, perfume, oils, briarwood, red squill (powerful rat poison) and argol. FEA says these will be followed by "increasingly larger shipments." That even Italy, whose economy was gutted by the retreating Nazis to the point that each month we ship her tens of thousands of tons of food and clothing for her distressed civil- ian population, can resume export, ing speaks well for the recovery ca- pacity of a prostrate people. The Combined Chiefs of Staff and the Theater Commander have not yet deemed it opportune to permit private trade with Italy. so the Al- lied Commission bought the goods on the spot and shipped them to the U. S. Commercial Co., a former RFC subsidiary now under FEA, as its agent. Private trade channels will be employed "to the fullest extent that is posible and practicable" in distrib- uting the merchandise. This should prove a useful step. The words Secretary of the Treasury Pohn Sherman used some six de- eades ago, in quite another connec- tion, apply to international trade : "The way to resume is-to resume.' -St. Louis Post Dispatch DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN versity of Pennsylvania, will give a lecture on "A Definition of Sense on Closed Curves with Applications" to- day in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m. Edgar Ansel Mowrer, noted foreign correspondent, will speak this eve- ning at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium on the subject "The War and the Road to Peace." Mr. Mowrer will replace Carl Hambro as the second number on the current Lecture Course and Hambro tickets will admit patrons. Single admissions are on sale today at the auditorium box office. Academic Notices WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 19 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov. 23, is a University holiday. All Uni- versity activities will be resumed on Friday, Nov. 24. Nov. 30 will not be celebrated. The General Iibrary and all of its bianches will be closed on2Thanks- giving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23, which is a University holiday. The Women's Glee Club will not hold a rehearsal this evening. Notice: Students who took regis- tration blanks for registering with the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information are reminded that these blanks should be returned one week from the date they were taken out. A late registration fee of one dollar is charged for blanks returned later than Friday of this week. The United States Civil Service Announcements for Technologist, Salary $2,433 to $6,228, and Geolo- gist $2,433 a year, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. State of Michigan Civil Service Announcements for Graduate Nurse A, Salary Range from $1P0 to $170 per month, Stores Clerk C. Salary $110 to $125 per month, Farmhand C, Salary $110 to $125 per month, and Janitor C, Salary from $120 to $135 per month, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. International Center: There will not be a tea this coming Thursday because of Thanksgiving Day. Speeded Reading Course: A special short course in speeded reading will be given for students wishing to improve their reading ability. The course will meet Monday and Wed- nesday at 5 for eight weeks, starting Monday, Nov. 27. There is no charge for this non-credit course. Rm. 4009 University High School Building, School of Education. For further information call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682. Notice to Returned Veterans: Vet- erans who feel the need of review and refresher work in Mathematics are asked to meet today at 4 o'clock in Rm. 3010 Angell Hall. The Regular Thursday Evening School of Education Students: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, Nov. 25. Students nust report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Arrangements made with the instructor are not official chan- ges. Social Ethics Seminar: Owing to the holiday, there will be no meeting at Lane Hall this week. However, it wvill resume the following week as usual, and on Nov. 30, Mr. John Muehl will lead the seminar in a summation of its discussion of Ber- trand Russell's "What I Believe" and will present an introduction to Rein- hold Niebuhr's Neo-orthodoxy. Geology 65 and 12 Make-Up Finals Will Be Given Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 2 p.m. in 2051 Natural Science Bldg. Please notify Secretary by Saturday noon if you expect to take it then. L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for Concentration should call at Rm. 4, University Hall for Concentration blanks, immediately.\ These slips must be properly signed by the Ad- viser and the original copy returned to Rm. 4, University Hall, at once." To All Male Students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action bf the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representa- tive, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall) ; by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Fall Term. Make-up Examinations in 0co- nomics 51, 52, 53 and 54 will be given Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 3:00 p.m. in Rm. 207 Economics. Any student ex- pecting to take these examinations should receive permission in advance.. from his instructor. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "The Bio- chemistry and Pharmacology' of Gold" will be discussed. All inter- ested are invited. Events Today Botanical Journal Club: Rm. 1139, N.S. at 4. Reports by Margery An- thony, "Studies on Polystictus cir- cinatus and its relation to butt-rot of spruce;" Helen Simpson and Roger Gosselin, "Studies on lily virus dis- eases;" Betty Raymond, "Segrega- tion in Ascomycetes." Chairman: L. E. Wehmeyer. The Association Music Hour, led by Robert Taylor, will present "Das Lied von der Erde" by Gustav Mahler this evening at 7:30 in the Lane Hall Library. 'Das Lied" was presented by the University Musical Society in its annual May Festival last year. The texts of the six songs will be furnished tp those who would like to use them during the seminar. All students, servicemen, and faculty members are cordially invited. Coming Events University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, will have a Thanksgiv- ing Day Service Thursday at 11, with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Ovr God, We Thank Thee." The Student Religious Association will hold its weekly Coffee Hour in the Lane Hall Library on Friday afternoon from 4 to 5:30. Students, servicemen, and faculty members are invited. Michigan on the March, a record of . I I-; -, 4 f4 K, 4 t a By Crockett Johnson Copy ,gt1944,,,,,Pubio,, If. , ,. *11.LL....A...... A.,4JL......U U I, _. ., . "1