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November 21, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-21

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r, Fit-ga aly
Fifty-Fifth Year

What Has Happened to Hitler?




Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace.. City Editor
Ray Dixona . . . . .Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy s . Women's Editor
Business Stafff

Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwick
June Pomering

. . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Mgr.
. . Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication- of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all.other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail'matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publihers Representative ,
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
War Bond Drive
IT WOULD BE redundant at this point to ap-
peal for contributions for the Sixth War
Loan Drive which started yesterday and con-
tinues through December 16.
Most of the people who read this editorial are
tired of hearing requests for money to support
the war effort. Nevertheless, we doubt whether
any of these people would minimize the import-
ance of war bond drives.
We doubt' whether any of these people would
deny that every day there E're American men
and women overseas making our little worlds
secure-that we here at home, safely at home,
have the right to neglect our duty to our men,
to ourselves, and to the world.
Although it seems to us that every week is
war bond week, the government has deemed it
necessary to designate a certain period of each
war" year for a concentrated campaign to sell
war bonds.
The least we can do is exert a little more
effort for the next few weeks to help carry out
the job of 130,000,000 now being executed by a
small proportion of that number.
-Bob Goldman

WASHINGTON, NOV. 20-Allied Intelligence
has done its best to solve the mystery of
what has happened to Hitler, but his fate and
whereabouts remain one of the most carefully
kept secrets of the Reich.
Here are the only reliable facts that have been
pieced together. It has been established that
Hitler did go to Vienna for a throat operation
about two months ago. He suffers from a
chronic throat ailment, somewhat like Secre-
tary Hull's, and he has had several of these
Prior to this Vienna operation, it was known
that Hitler had become more and mnore dom-
ineering, more unbalanced, more inclined to
shout down anyone who tried to talk to him. He
was always inclined to be this way, but word
leaking 'out to neutral countries is that he
was much more so this past summer.
The supposition is, therefore, that -Hitler has
been quietly put away by Himmler and the
party leaders, probably confined to a sanitarium.
It has been noticeable to Allied military men
for som time that Hitler was not at the helm.
German military operations have been too well
directed. There have been no eccentric moves
such as when Hitler was muddling up the
As far as more skillful military operations are
concerned, Hitler's absence will help the Nazis.
Otherwise, it will be a more serious blow to
Germany than most people here realize, for
the lower ranks of the German Army worship-
ped Hitler. Prisoners interviewed after cap-
ture have indicated that they were fighting for
Hitler, not so much for Germany.
FDR as Commander in Chief.
One of the most controversial issues during the
late lamented campaign was whether F. D.
Roosevelt really exercised much influence as
Commander in Chief, or whether the war was
run solely by the military. An interesting letter
in this connection, in which Roosevelt in effect
overruled the military regarding food supplies
in Italy, has just leaked out.
His letter, dated Oct.' 31, 1944-the very
climax of the campaign-was addressed to Sec-
retary of War Stimson, and read:
"I have had before me the shipping difficul-
ties in getting supplies to the civilian population
of Italy and I note that we have been building
up some reserves for use when Northern Italy
"In the meantime, it seems to me that the
situation is so acute, from the point of view
particularly of food in Southern Italy, that
some risks must be taken regarding supplies at
the time of the collapse in Northern Italy.
That collapse may well not come until Ger-
many itself collapses, in which case the ship-
ping situation will be much less acute.
"Under the circumstances, I have determined
to assume the responsibility for asking General
Wilson to increase the ration to 300 grams
throughout all of Italy that our forces occupy."
GOP Plans for '48..
Despite discouragement over Dewey's defeat,
GOP leaders already are laying plans for 1948.
First step will be further revitalization of Repub-
lican headquarters, enlistment of a cracker-jack
staff to pep up party machinery.
Republican Chairman Herbert Brownell, who
has been resting in Arizona, wants to resign,
will call a National Committee meeting shortly
after the first of the year which promises to be
turbulent. Several factions will be gunning for
Dewey, may try to seize control of the party
machinery, set the stage for "Stassen in '48."
One key man in the post-election GOP
set-up is shrewd, popular publicist Lee Ches-
ley, who joined the campaign late, is now in
charge of National Committee publicity. Ches-
Facts and Figures
ALTHOUGH most Americans now feel that theY
war in Europe is almost over, those same
Americans must not forget that the end of the
war in Europe does not mean the end of the
war in gene'al.
Estimates are that Japan has an army of
4,000,000 men, less than a third of them south
of China; and that she has 2,000,000 men avail-
able and fit for military service who haven't

been called up; and another 1,500,000 men be-
tween the ages of 17 and 20 not yet subject
to draft.
Japan also has a normal replacement of be-
tween 200,000 and 250,000 men a year as fresh
drafts come of age, and according to the OWI
reports, the destruction of Japan's armies has
not yet reached this annual rate.
In light of the above facts, the American
people must realize that the most expensive and
gigantic campaign of the war will be launched
in the Pacific after the war in Europe is over.
More B-29 Superfortresses at $600,000 each,
more P-J7 Thunderbolts that cost $50,000 each;
more M-4 tanks with bulldozer blades that cost
$67,417 each, more amphibious tanks, more air-
craft carriers, more supply ships, more gasoline
and oil than it took for the irgvasion of Europe,
will be needed.
In addition more battalion aid stations, clear-
ing stations, evacuation hospitals, convalescent
hospitals, and hospital ships will also be needed.
These are some of the reasons why Americans
must continue to buy War Bonds, during the
Sixth War Loan drive and afterwards.
-Aggie Miller

Iley, one of the brightest press agents on the
Washington scene, is anxious to slug it out
toe to toe with Democratic publicist Paul
Porter. Chesley's Washington predecessor,
Carlisle Bargeron, handled publicity for the
powerful Pennsylvania GOP machine during
the campaign, and plans to continue working
for Boss Pew now that the balloting is over.
Overseas Merry-G-Round ...
Britons are now organizing "Fan Clubs." Bing
Crosby, Glenn Miller and Dinah Shore clubs
are sprouting all over England . . . The presence
of American troops has brought a Western-
story boom to England. "Daniel Boone" is
now a big seller . . . Americans can expect some
nex slang expressions when the boys come home.
One new one is, "Now he's scrubbed," which
means "He's all washed up!" . . . One explana-
tion for Governor Dewey's low soldier vote was
Senator Bob Taft's ridiculous ban on political
propaganda to soldiers. The bill provided for
equal publicity for both candidates, which gave
a big break to Roosevelt. Many G. I. Joe's had
never heard of Dewey, couldn't find out much
about him from the skimpy news the Army was
permitted to send out under Taft's soldier-
vote bill . . . All knew about Roosevelt, had been
hearing about him for years.
(Copyright, 1944, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Maas Ousted
Senator Ball's home town. When the young
Republican senator came out for President
Roosevelt during the campaign, St. Paul opinion
split into two schools, a "Joe the Hero" party
and a "Joe the Rat" party. But local people
report that tempers subsided fast after election
day. Joe isn't considered so much a traitor to
his party now, but more as a man who rose
above partisan considerations.
The Republicans say Ball didn't change
many votes in Minnesota. The Democra have
a better story. The Democrats say whit hap.
pened was that after Joe Ball came out for
Roosevelt, the Republican organization here
got hot. It began to kick and scream, it began
to holler and shout, to overcome what Ball
had done. This touched off a good deal of
Democratic activity, because the parties natur-
ally take heat from each other. Joe Ball didn't
change votes, but he broke the shell of apathy,
and he made a cold election into a hot elec-
tion. Jokes went around St. Paul, like this:
"Pop, what is a Republican who supports the
"A traitor."
"But Pop, what is a Democrat who supports
the Republicans?"
"A convert."
Joe Ball made people think about how im-
portant party labels are or aren't, and about
how important the war is, or isn't and whether
peace has wings. He also helped make people
lose their tempers, and this affected the election
in a wonderful way.
For this pleasant town, where you can look
down from the Bluffs and terraces into the
Mississippi, and where you can see hunters car-
rying deer home in their cars through the busi-
ness district, is also the town in which Melvin J.
Maas, Republican member of Congress for six-
teen years, a colonel of Marines, and a Pacific
Firster went down to defeat. He licked himself.
Maas came in originally on the repeal wave,
using visiting cards made in the shape of a
picture of a Brown Beer keg. He was strong
in St. Paul, in spite of his curious political
position as a kind of 50 percent isolationist,
inclined to sneer at Europe, and to demand a
concentration of our effort against Japan.
The first three or four men whom the Demo-
crats asked to run against him responded with
low, hollow laughs.
Then the Democrats dug up Frank T. Star-
key, one of Tobin's men in the Teamster's
Union. He had made a bit of a reputation for
himself in the state legislature about ten years
ago, but had dropped into a kind of political
obscurity. The campaign began dolefully; Star-
key said this, and Maas said that, and nobody
paid much attention. Then it happened.
That strange, final phase of the campaign

came along, when tempers grew hot. And there
was Maas, shouting wild charges from the
platform, accusing the President of having
known aboilt Pearl Harbor six hours before
the attack, and of having done nothing to
prevent it, because he "wanted war." A gasp
went up from St. Paul's Democrats and Re-
publicans alike. But Maas couldn't stop.
Buoyed up by that peculiar isolationist arro-
gance, which cannot believe that it is not the
majority opinion, he plunged ahead, glaring
down at a League of Women Voters meeting,
telling the ladies that lie would repeat every
one of his votes in Congress if he had to do it
again. It was a clear test of the all-out isola-
tionist case, and before it was over, St. Paul
had remembered about the war, and what it
meant. They say Maas knew he was going to
lose, before the end, but the thing pursued him,
and lie couldn't stop doing it.
He came in with repeal, and he went out with
internationalism spanning two eras in the drama
of an America considering its futu're and making
up its mind.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

People still are in the habit of
calling this column "negativistic."
I negate nothing essentially except
what strikes me as smacking of the
fascist tendencies that have threat-
ened to engulf our world for the past
decade. In so doing I passionately
affirm the democratic principles that
can underly a better, braver, more
abundant life tomorrow. Satisfac-
tion with things as they are now is.
.stupidity or madness: stupidity if it
does not see the horror of a self-
imposed death toll higher than that
of any other period in human his-
tory; madness if it thinks that fact
a godsend.
Curious to see whether my al-
leged defeatism was something new
or merely a °maturation of past
ideas, I rummaged through some
old papers of mine and ran across
a rather rhapsodic speech I had
delivered four years ago. If you
can overlook the juvenile phrase-
ology, I think it says something:
The story of how the United States
of America was fashioned by multi-
tudes of people from all over the
universe will never cease to be glori-
ous. Out of those unrelated groups
was formed a symphony of nations.
Its inspirational cadences might be
heard the length and breadth of the
world. For all could live here to-
gether as one.
But in this symphony-with a
rising crescendo-there are audible
discordant notes and inharmonious
chords. They are the deep and reso-
nant echoes of a cacophony com-
posed by Maestro Adolph Hitler and
his minions in whose satanic hands
the baton of desolation, of greed, and
of death is being waved.
Not for nothing have our states-
men told us this is the most trying
of times, ours the most tumultous of
eras. The amoral force let loose
upon our unthinking generation is sc
momentous that we have not yet
fully sensed the magnitude of its
evil. Still that force can radiate a
healthy, chastising influence.Fo
today, America stands not only as
the material arsenal of democracy
but as the spiritual sanctuary of
freedom. It is the sun around which'
the solar system of man's aspirations
is revolving. (Defeatist did someone
say?) In it are to be found at least
the seeds of true equality and hap-
piness and opportunity. These are
the things by which free men live
and for which free men die.
Even the present all-consuming1
abomination will some day soon be
terminated. Some day soon, too,
we will no longer be afraid to face
the present with words of "tomor-
row and iomorrow and tomorrow;"
but rather, "The time is now. The
need is pressing." America must
have its long awaited rendezvous
with destiny.
Let it be shouted from the house-
tops, "Americans! You cannot cabin
you cannot efface your souls. We are
in a position to shake to its decadent
roots the pillars of perverted civiliza-
But upon such a solemn task we
can never embark unless America
has cleansed itself of the practition-
ers of slaveyy who spread every-
where their anti-democratic viruses.
By the same token, we must deal a
death blow to Jim Crowism, to anti-
Semitism, to racial prejudice in all
its vile forms.
Since the writing of the Constitu-
tion, for one hundred and fifty years
and before that, we have taken from
the slaughterhouse that is Europe to
our bosoms and nurtured the down-
trodden, the exploited, the driven
and the harried. The time now ap-
proaches when we can send back

from these same beneficent shores
the dictum which actuated Jefferson
and Madison and Lincoln, indeed
Moses and Christ and every great
or noble soul who ever breathed.
That is the dictum of brotherhood.
If our illustrious ancestors wrote
and proclaimed the Declaration of
Independence, it is our duty unmis-
takably to write and meaningfully
to proclaim-if need be in letters of
blood-the Declaration of Interde-
pendence. It is well to dedicate our-
selves to Pan-Americanism; it is
better to dedicate ourselves to pan-
humanism-to the good of all for the.
good of each.
From the podium of peace, we
will herald the dawn of a new
epoch. America, the symphony of
nations can give birth to the world
-a symphony of people. Therein
lies the transcendant hope of man-
kind. By means of it alone can we
re-kindle that divinity whose spark
burns eternal in all men, whose
cause is justice and banner dem-
And the motif of that symphony
will be the unbreakable spirit of man
synchronized to the end that we
establish, here on earth, the King-
dom of Heaven ...
Youth, ah! callow youth.
By Crockett Johnson

To the Editor:
Several articles have appeared in
The Daily concerning the organiza-
tion of a provisional committee in-
terested in bringing the World Stu-
dent Service Fund to the attention
of organizations on campus. So far
the activities of this committee have
been unofficial, since formal appli-
cation to the Dean of Students has
not yet been approved.
This committee has devoted itself
so far to contacting officers andl
members of organizations which
might be interested in supporting a
WSSF drive when official permission
is obtained.
In its statement to The Daily,
which appeared Saturday, the com-
mittee gave the impressions that
organizations which had been invited
to send interested members to a
larger meeting had officially en-

dorsed the WSSF and its future
activities. The committee wishes to
state that no organization has yet
been invited to officially support the
drive; nor will the sending of repre-
sentatives to the meeting of Tuesday
evening, Nov. 21, constitute official
endorsement of committee activities.
Moreover, the use of the word
"officially" in the article appearing
Sunday was an unfortunate choice
of word, and was not intended to
indicate that official approval had
been given.
Finally, the committee recognizes
that The Daily and its representa-
tives are in no way responsible for
the misstatements described; and
wishes to thank the editors for their
cooperation in allowing this correc-
tion to be made.
George Herman, Chairman
Provisional Committee on the WSSF



Letters to the Editor





(Continued from Page 2)
parts of the University. You will re-
°eive an official receipt from these
canvassers for the order and pay-
ment. If requested, arrangement
can be made to deliver the bonds
o your offee.
2. You can call for a "Bond Belle"
o take your order by phoning 2-3251,
extension 7. Bonds will be on sale
at the cashier's office, University
Hall. Orders by campus mail can be
sent to Investment Office, 100 S.
Wing, University Hall. This latter
>ffice will be glad to answer ques-
tions about the various bonds avail-
able during the drive or the proced-
ure for purchasing them (University
Extension 81).
3. Checks should be made payable
to the University of Michigan. Please
rint or type names and addreases
-University War Bond Committee.
The University ruling restricting
She use of motor vehicles applies to
rirplanes as well as to motorcycles
ind automobiles. Students who are
Taking flying instruction or who an-
icipate operating airplanes are
therefore requested to apply for per-
nission to do so by calling in per-
;on at the office of the Dean of Stu-
ilents, Room 2, University Hall. A
'etter of approval from parents will
oe required, unless the student s
elf-supporting and entirely mde-
)endent of his family.
Notice to All Sophomore and Sec-
ond Term Freshman Engineers: En-
gineering Council elections will be
held within three weeks. Those in-
terested must hand in petitions to the
Secretary's Office, Rm. 259, West
Engineering Building, by noon of
Wednesday, Nov. 29.
Petitions must include the candi-
dates qualifications, suggestions for
Engineering Council activities, grade
point average, and fifteen signatures
of members of the same class as the
candidate's. In addition4 Frshmen
should include a complete list of
their first term grades.
The General Library and all of its
branches will be closed on Thanks-
giving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23, which
is a University holiday.
University Lecture: Dr. J. R. Kline,
hrofessor and Chairman of the De-
oartment of Mathematics at Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, will give a
lecture on 'A Definition of Sense on
Closed Curves with Applications" on
Wednesday, Nov. 22, in Rm. 3011
Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m.
Edgar Ansel Movrer, noted foreign
correspondent, will speak tomorrow
evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium
on the subject "The War and the
Road to Peace." Mr. Mowrer will
replace Carl Hambro as the second
number on the current Lecture
Course and Hambro tickets will ad-
mit patrons. Single admissions are
on sale today and tomorrow at the
auditorium box office.
Academic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit
after Saturday, Nov. 25. Students
must report all changes of elections.
at the Registrar's Office, Rm. 4,
University Hall. Membership in a
class does not cease nor begin until
all changes have been thus officially
registered. Arrangements made with
the instructor are not official chan-
Make-up Examinations in Eco-
nemics 51, 52, 53 and 54 will be given
Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 3:00 p.m. in
Rm. 207 Economics. Any student ex-
pecting to take these examinations
should receive permission in advance
from his instructor..

Notice: Students who took reg is-
frn~a1-in nhlpvtnk,, fnv rp. istping wxith

Race Discrimiation

per month, Stores Clerk C, Salary
$110 to $125 per month, Farmhand
C, Salary $110 to. $125 per month,
and Janitor C, Salary from $120 to
$135 per month, have been received
in our office. For further details
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau
of Appointments.
The United States Civil Service
Announcements for Technologist,
Salary $2,433 to $6,228, and Geolo-
gist $2,433 a year, have been received
in our office. For further details stop
in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of
Doctoral Examination for Alice
Aileen Traver, English and Educa-
tion; thesis: "The Modificational
Patterns of the Substantive Head
Construction in Present-Day Ameri-
can English," tonight, 7:30, West
Council Room, Rackham. Chairman,
C. C. Fries.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Speeded Reading Course: A special
short course in speeded reading will
be given for students wishing to
improve -their reading ability. The
course will meet Monday and Wed-
nesday at 5 for eight weeks, starting
Monday, Nov. 27. There is no charge
for this non-credit course. Rm. 4009
University High School Building,
School of Education. For further
information call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682.
Events Today
Sigma Eta Chi: The first meeting
is to be held this evening at 7:30 at
Pilgrim Hall and will those who can-
not come please call Carol lacha at
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold an
organization meeting tonight at 8:30
in the Michigan League. A short
program of Mexican popular music
has been planned and officers for the
year will be chosen. All students and
servicemen interested in participat-
ing in the activities of the club this
year are urged to be present.
Assembly Board - Meetings:' The
Assembly Board Meetings, consisting
of all Independent House Presidents,
which was formerly scheduled for
Wednesday, has been changed to
today at 5 p.m. Dormitory presidents
will meet in the Kalamazoo Room
with Jane Richardson. League House
presidents will meet with Florine
Wilkins and should consult the
League Bulletin Board for room.
This meeting is not to be confused
with the All-House Presidents' meet-
ing scheduled for the evening.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will hold its weekly tea on Tuesday
afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock at
the Guild House, 438 Maynard St.
The earlier half hour is added to
permit the attendance of students
who have five o'clock classes and
Coming vent-
The Association Music Hour, led
by Robert Taylor, will present "Da
Lied von der Erde" by Gustav Maher
on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the
Lane Hall Library. "Das Lied" was
presented by the University Musical
Society in its annual May Festival
last year. On Wednesday evening,
the texts of the six songs will be
furnished to those who would like to
use them during the seminar. All
students, servicemen, and faculty
members are cordially invited,
Michigan on the March, a record of
of the University's war program and
its post-war planning. There will be
a public showing of the newly made
moving picture "Michigan on the

March" at the Rackham Amphi-






HE PEOPLE are learning the tactics of dem-
ocracy. They are beginning to petition, to
vote, to make their voices felt This is a pro-
gressive, positive step toward greater partici-
pation in this, people's government.
But the mayor of Dearborn is unfortunately
urging the residents to send postcards of pro-
test to their congressmen regarding the pro-
posed federal housing project for Negro citi-
zens of Dearborn.
Such flouting of the announced principles
of this country is a danger, not only to the
Negroes of Dearborn, but to University stu-
dents; Union members, churchmen--embers
of any minority group which may someday
be persecuted by such a majority.
This is not the sort of thing at which you can
shrug your shoulders. And it is your business.
Dearborn - is only 30 miles from here. Right
in Ann Arbor discrimination exists: in the
University, in manufacturing establishments and
stores. If you come from Chicago, New York$
Los Angeles, or any of Michigan's "quiet, re-
fined communities" you will find the same pat-
terns of segregation.
We all worked hard before November 7th,
ringing doorbells and cooperating with the un i
ions and acting more like responsible citizens
than some of our elders and betters.



The fact that the elections are over does
not, however, mean that we have nothing to
do. We can write letters to the mayor of
Dearborn, the women's clubs, churches and
unions there, telling them we do not intend
to let a fascist, race-hating America develop'
under our feet without putting up a good
stiff long hard fight.



If we students, along with the people of Dear-
born, studied a 'little history, We would discover
that no group of people have willingly remained
slaves for long. And no group have stood for
second-class treatment when they could see
all around them another way of 'living. If stu-
dents and citizens would read a little sociology,
we would know that men's attitudes and actions
are partially determined by their environment.

Pop. Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy
Godfather, is going to win

You see, his Cousin Myles is a
Pilgrim Father-Listen. ..Pop,

CopY 3 'r 1945 field Fvhlicvtjcns
(:nc 1_

- Iq



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