FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOV. 19, 1944 Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Dolly Gann Social War Needed 11 " 'V 4 ' . f Ii z -. . __ v e ts arr wwwaneac Edited and managed by students of the University )f Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control f Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Managing Editor tan Wallace . . . City Editor lay Dixon Associate Editor lank Mantho . . . . Sports Editor )ave Loewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor Viavis Kennedy . . . Women's Editor Business Staff ,ee Amer arbaraChadwi une Pomring ck Business Manager Associate Business Mgr, Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of' re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONA. ADVERTIING RY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHIAGO EBostON *Los ANGELES " SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITORS: DIXON AND KRAFT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daiy staff and represent the views of the writers only. Post-War Education ONE of the best plans to come out of this war has been the opportunity for education of re- turning veterans, both men and women, of the Army and Navy. Extensive plans have already been made throughout the country and it has been called the largest adult education program ever con- ceived and effected in our country. These plans have been divided into four phases: The Unit School, Army Technical School, Army Univercity Study Centers, and the utilization of certain foreign universities formerly frequented by American students in peace-time study pursuits. here before, surveys have shown that only 4.6 per cent of people in the United States were college graduates but with the plans now being conceived everyone returning from the war will have a chance for higher education. This has been mainly brought about through the passage of G.I. Bill of Rights and various preparations of state administrations. New testing plans are under way in colleges and schools for crediting entering veteran-stu- dents based on new special examinations worked out in cooperation with the University of Chi- cago, the examinations evaluating achievement in both specific subject and technical fields. The coordination of all these G.I. plans will provide a stop-gap to the manpower demands for men and women n the upper educational levels and simultaneously will give continuity to our na- tional educational pattern. Even for those men and women now in the service self-teaching texts have been worked out with the American Council on Education, and 110 colleges and universities. Realizing that veterans will return to school under the handicap of having been away a long time and being out of the reg- ular routine of study, flexibility, rather than softness in administration of admission standards and individualized curriculum after entering, is being planned. An individualized curriculum stimulating alertness, vigor and a capacity toevaluate evi- dence will serve to get the veterans back into the swing of studying and along with this side a plan of unobtrusive supervision and develop- ment of initiative in handling veteran education is being developed. The success of the G. I. Bill has already been in evidence throughout the country in schools where veterans are entered. More than 600 vet- erans have already been registered in courses offered by The New York City Board of Educa- tion and at this University more than 100 vet- erans have taken advantage of their new op- portunity. Let us hope that when the war is over every schooi will offer educational ad- vancement to the veterans and that there will be no opportunity for demagogic groups to exert undue influence over the fate of returning veterans. -Liz Knapp. Segregation? A CORDING to an official announcement By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 - If Vice President Thomas Marshall were alive today, he would reaffirm what he said in Woodrow Wilson's day -that "what this country needs is a good five- cent cigar." Looking over the aftermaths of the late cam- paign, its rancor and its political wounds, this columnist suggests that what this country needs is a good Dolly Gann social war-something to take our minds off politics. Now if Mrs. Henry Wallace could just be per- suaded to get into a row with Mrs. Harry Tru- man as to who should sit where at dinner, we would all have something to talk about. If only Senator Truman could be persuaded to issue a statement that, as Vice-President-elect, he con- siders it the prerogative of his wife to enter the dining room ahead of Mrs. Henry Wallace! Then we could begin to forget our troubles. Things weren't so tense in the Hoover Ad- ministration, and folks weren't thinking so hard about war and politics. But even so, Vice President Charlie Curtis patriotically came'forward with an official announcement that his half-sister Dolly Gann, was entitled to sit ahead of the wife of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth. And Mrs. Longworth patrioticaly did her bit by boiling over with resentment. The country had a marvelous time and nobody worried about anything else for weeks. Hair-Pulling Contest .,. Mrs. Truman and Mrs. Wallace also are patri- otic people, and they might give this idea serious consideration. They ought to consider seriously the fact that we have had too much rowing among quarrelsome old men. Governor Dewey has emphasized it, the columnists have written about it. It's an old, old story. So what we really need is a good hair-pulling contest between two lovely ladies. It is true that Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Tru- man are good friends. But they can put friendship in the background for the good of the country. It is true also that Vice Presi- dent Wallace, despite what must have been bitter disappointment for him at Chicago, swallowed his personal feelings and went down the line for Roosevelt and Truman like the good sport and real gentleman that he is. But despite that, we think the Truman and Wallace families might well put patriotism be- fore personal affection, and do something for their country. Entertainment for Nation .. . Furthermore, t has never been decided yet where a Vice President and a Vice-President- elect should sit at dinner in relation to each other. Hitherto, one of them was usually out in the sticks and didn't come to Washington until Inauguration Day. They never came to grips at the dinner table. But now, we are faced with the fact that, in the Senate, Henry Wallace will sit on the dais and preside, while Senator Tru- man will be down on the Senate floor looking up at him. That doesn't seem right. Here is the Vice- President-elect who has been chosen by the peo- Reciprocal Trade OUR trade with foreign countries shows some evidence of becoming a two-way street again, a consummation devoutly to be wished if the years ahead are to bring real plenty for America and the world. This means more than lend-lease in reverse, which is essentially an anomaly of war supply; foreign countries need to ship us goods for civilian use, the proceeds of which can be used for goods or services for them, if there is to be a real stimulation to that multi- lateral interchange which benefits all. Imports recently received from Italy may be a harbinger of this implementation of an econ- omy of plenty. The Foreign Economic Admin- istration reported the other day that these ship- ments, worth about $1,500,000, included wine, perfume, oils, briarwood, red squill (a powerful rat poison) and argol. FEA says these will be followed by "increasingly larger shipments." That even Italy, whose economy was gutted by the retreating Nazis to the point that each month we ship her tens of thou- sands of tons of food and clothing for her distressed eviian population, can resume ex- porting, speaks well for the recovery ca- pacity of a prostrate people. The Combined Chiefs of Staff and the Theater Command have not yet deemed it opportune to permit private trade with Italy, so the Allied Commission bought the goods on the spot and shipped' them to the U. S. Commercial Co., a former RFC subsidiary now under FEA, as its agent. Private trade channels will be employed "to the fullest extent that is possible and prac- ticable" in distributing the merchandise. This should prove a useful step. The words Secretary of the Treasury John Sherman used some six decades ago, in quite another connection, apply to international trade: "The way to resume is-to resume." -St. Louis Post Dispatch. ple-with the help of Hannegan, Kelly and Flynn-and he should not have to sit on the Senate floor looking up at the man he has edged out of the Vice Presidency. Of course, Henry Wallace always gets tired presiding over the Senate after the first hour and usually turns the gavel over to somebody else, frequently to Harry Tru- man. But this isn't good showmanship. It isn't right. It doesn't help entertain the American people. After all, the American people have something coming to them. They have really taken it on the chin. They have argued, yelled, listened to the radio, read the columnists, and finally voted in the toughest election since Abraham Lincoln. This campaign actually was much harder on them than on the candidates. The candidates only had to make the speeches. The American people had to listen. So they deserve reward. And we think it is up to the Vice President and Vice-President-elect to oblige. It used to be said that the Vice President was the diner-out of every Administration. But in these war days, when manpower is short and everyone is doubling up on work, the Vice President should take on the extra job of being the chief diverter of the nation. We hope the Truman and Wallace fam- ilies' patriotism will be equal to it. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) D nic s COMMUNTY is a prime condition of human freedom. Without community, personality stagnates, virtues sicken, interests shrivel and action dies. Because of this, the studied accept- ance of obligation is basic to life. Hence the train, the club, the chapter, the home, the church. He only can really live who takes on responsibility, sets about serving others and im- merses himself in that stream of attainment which we call society. So extreme are certain modern philosophers in the realization of this fact that they declare God to be interdepend- ence. He is not primarily creator nor sustainer nor the configuration of man's ideals nor the power which gives unity to the whole, including persons, groups and movement, but God is mu- tual support. Such is the extreme theory. (Read Whitehead, Wieman or Meland.) Regardless of the truth or falseness of that philosophy of religion, it tends to bring the transcendent Deity in from His abode beyond time and outside history. In thus making us sensitive to the familiar phase of life itself, one becomes aware of the binding necessity of community. We may well ask about four spheres of loyalty? For example, two men trust each other, and friendship re- sults. In the glow of it, personality deepens. However, this community which two or more by great care finally created just by loyalty, one can destroy. Then both personalities suffer. Again, where a family is created by the shared affection of a man and a woman, community has its chance to flower and to complete personality. But it is a very sensitive affair. It is not neces- sary that both persons abdicate. But one per- son needs to desert or despoil the relation and it becomes instantly as dead as if never born. One can destroy what two persons through delicate prolonged behavior brought into being. The same is true in the community called com- merce. The money owner and a banker agree. While each contributes that function perculi- arly his to offer, all is well and personal commer- cial living goes on with ease, even beauty. How- ever one can default. It is not necessary for both the bank and the depositor to fail. One can kill what two make alive. A similar example is seen in the nation. When a political plan becomes my civic home and I become a citizen, two of us have obligated our- selves, the state and the citizen. In that trans- action, a type of freedom is made possible on conditions which the state must sustain and I must honor. However, it all goes to pieces either when that civic unit fails me or when I weaken in the performance of my civil obligations, how- ever humble. One always has the freedom to destroy that community in which alone he can really fully develop. Here is the pathos of a demo- cratic system. Freedom of this civic type being germane to security is germane to per- sonality. Therefore, every language dramat- ically has put a premium on loyalty and as dramatically has affixed invidious titles to each transaction which prevents commu- nity. In the repudiation of mutual obliga- tion, the friend becomes and ingrate, the mate descends to deserter, the client be- comes a thief and the citizen turns traitor. Community creation is not a luxury but a necessity. In that creativity alone can per- sons find the freedom essential to spiritual growth and domestic tranquility. Edward W. Blakeman University of Michigan. Counselor in Religious Education (Editor's Note: All letters submitted tou the editor for publication must be signedd by the writer. Servicemen must havep letters approved by their commandingn officer.)t I read the article by Malcolm Bin-9 gay to which you refer in your Nov- ember 16 Daily. My impression wasb that Mr. Bingay contends that the radio is not shackled and that the.r New Republic contends it is.r Unless Mr. Bingay's article differedr in the Free Press delivered to Mr. Rosenberg, author of the Pendulum which contained the headlines, "Bin- gay Considers U. S. Radio Shackled," Mr. Rosenberg is all wet. Let us quote: The New Republic- "No one can doubt that the ownersa of most of the radio chains and in-t dependent stations would have fav-t ored Dewey in this campaign if they t had dared." "Luckily for the people1 however, they exist by sufference of the Federal Government which allo- cates wave lengths and they are1 therefore compelled to maintain neu-l trality." In other words, they are shackled.I Now let us quote Mr. Bingay in his article: "There is not one instance wherein the Roosevelt administra- tion has ever attempted in any way, shape or form to coerce, intimidate or even influence any radio station to give it an advantage on the air." "Never at any time in our history was there more complete freedom of speech and freedom of press." Where are the shackles? -Joseph Little On Second Thought . . HITLER, Himmler and Co. are reported to be using sailors on the battlefield. This is an admiral situation. The way the new offensive is going, we can just hear the Nazis giving the command, "To the aft, march!" This is a stern situation. Reichsmarshal Goering is said to be playing Nero as the Allies get nearer and nearer. There's no place to roam so he Romes. A judge rules that horse racing in Michigan is unconstitutional. It seems that horses are for gamboling, not gambling. Sixth war bond drive starts to- morrow. Campus Bond Belles will attempt to pilot the campus over the target yelling, "Bonds Away!" -Ray Dixon DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, NOV. 19, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 17 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. in. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. in. Notices, School of Education Faculty: The Novemberdmeeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, Nov. 20, inI the University Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov. 23, is a University holiday. All Uni- versity activities will be resumed on Friday, Nov. 24. Nov. 30 will not be celebrated. Sixth War Loan Drive: 1. During this Drive, War Bonds may be purchased from students of the Junior Girls' Project, called "Bond Belles," who will canvass all parts of the University. You will re- ceive an official receipt from these canvassers for the order and pay- ment. If requested, arrangements can be made to deliver the bonds to your offee. 2. You can tall for a "Bond Belle" to take your order by phoning 2-3251, extension 7. Bonds will be on sale at the cashier's office, University Hall. Orders by campus mail can be sent to Investment Office, 1,00 S. Wing, University Hall. This latter office will be glad to answer ques- tions about the various bonds avail- able during the drive or the proced- ure for purchasing them (University Extension 81). 3. Checks should be made payable to the University of Michigan. Please print or type names and addresses U -University War Bond Committee. o Special Payroll Deduction for War Bonds: For the Sixth War Loan Drive arrangements can be madet with the payroll department to maker a special single deduction for the purchase of -War Bonds from salary t checks due on Dec. 29 only. This1 would be over and above the regulart deductions under the payroll savings1 plan. Those wishing to use this method should send written instruc- tions to the Payroll Department re- garding the amount of the bond and names and addresses in whicn itf should be registered. Deductions can be made only in the amount of $8.75E or multiples thereof. Instructions must reach the Payroll Department not later than Dec. 15. War Bond purchases made by this method will be counted in the drive.-UniversityE War Bond Committee. The University ruling restricting the use of motor vehicles applies to airplanes as well as to motorcycles and automobiles. Students who are taking flying instruction or who an- ticipate operating airplanes are therefore requested to apply for per- mission to do so by calling in per-; son at the office of the Dean of Stu- dents, Room 2, University Hall. A letter of approval from parents will be required, unless the student is self-supporting and entirely inde- pendent of his family. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- port cards are being distributed through the department offices. In- structors are requested to report ab- sences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Aca- demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards should be used in report- ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to absen- ces are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on page 46 of the 1944-45 ANNOUNCE- MENT of our College. Student Organizations which wish to be reapproved for the current school year should report their offi- cers at once to the Dean of Students, Rm. 2, University Hall. Fraternity and Sorority Presidents of groups which maintain houses on the campus, or which formerly main- tained houses, should apply to the Office of the Dean of Students at once for a blank for listing current membership. Social Chairmen are reminded that requests for all social events must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students on the Monday before the event. They must be accompanied by writtenacceptance from two sets of APPROVED chaperons and in the case of fraternities and sororities, by approval from the financial adviser. Approved chaperons may be 1) par- ents of active members or pledges, 2) professors, associate professors or assistant professors, or 3) couples already approved by the Office of the Dean of Students. A list of the third group may be seen at any time at the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Eligibility Certiflcates' Certificates of eligibility for extra-curricular ac- tivities can be isued at once by the Office of the Dean of Students if each student will bring with him the latest blueprint or photostat copy of his record. Notice to All Sophomore and Sec- ond Term Freshman Engineers: En- gineering Council elections will be held within three weeks. Those in- terested must hand in petitions to the Secretary's Office, Rm. 259, West Engineering Building, by noon of Wednesday, Nov. 29. Petitions must include the candi- dates qualifications, suggestions for Engineering Council activities, grade point average, and fifteen signatures of members of the same class as the candidate's. In addition, Freshmen should include a complete list of their first term grades. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. J. R. Kline, Professor and Chairman of the De- partment of Mathematics at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, will give a lecure on "A Definition of Sense on Closed Curves with Applications" on Wednesday, Nov. 22, in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m. Academic Notices Make-up Examinations in Eco- nomics 51, 52, 53 and 54 will be given Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 3:00 p.m. in Rm. 207 Economics. Any student ex- pecting to take these examinations should receive permission in advance from his instructor. A Make-up Examination in History has been scheduled for Nov. 24, 1944, at 4 p.m., in Rm. C of Haven Hall. Students who plan to take a make- up examination should consult their instructor in advance as it is neces- unofficially will forfeit their privilege Af continuing in the College. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may bq elected for credit after the end of the third week of the Fall Term. Nov. 25 is therefore the last date on which new elections may be ap- proved. The willingness of. an indi- vidual instructor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Willow Run Survey: Sociology students interested in surveying the Willow Run Area during the two weeks immediately after Thanksgiv- ing will meet in Rm. D, Haven Hall on Monday, Nov. 20 at 4:00 p.m. for preliminary organization. To All Male Students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from taking the course by (1) The Uni- versity Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representa- tive, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Masoh Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Fall Term. Events Today Alpha Kappa Alpha women will hold a meeting at the Michigan League this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. All sorors are invited. Avukah, Student Zionist Federa- tion, will hold its annual freshman- transfer tea, this afternpn from three o'clock to five o'clock p.m. at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation, 730 Haven. All students, faculty members, and servicemen are invited. USO Junior Hostesses': There will be a required meeting of Junior Hostesses in the Auditorium of the Ann Arbor High School on the cor- ner of State and Huron Streets, today at 4 p.m. UNLESS YOU AT- TEND THIS MEETING WE WILL ASSUME THAT YOU ARE NO LONGER INTERESTED IN CON- TINUING YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE CLUB. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Prof. George E. Carrothers will speak on the subject "Becoming Christian and Staying That Way." Supper and fellowship hour following the meet- ing. Prof. Frank Huntley will speak on "Japan and Its People" at the Inter- national Center this evening at, 7:30 Inter-Racial Associateon will spon- sor a buffet supper at Aillel Founda- tion, tonight at 7:30. Faculty and students are cordially invited. Coming Events Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Woman's Club will meet 7:45 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 20, at the library of the Unitarian Church, located at the corner of State and Huron. Streets. Senior Society. There will be a meeting of Senior Society on Tues- day, Nov. 21 at 5 o'clock. Any mem- ber unable to attend please call Cor- nelia Groefsema at 2-2591. Sigma Eta Chi: The first meeting is to be held on Nov. 21 at 7:30 p.m., at Pilgrim Hall and will those who cannot come please call Carol Macha at 2-2541. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold an organization meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 8:30 in the Michigan League. A short program of Mexican popular music has been planned and officers for the year will be chosen. All students and servicemen inter- ested in participating in the activi- ties of the club this year are urged to be present. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Nov. 22, in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "The f; { r, I A ,- ( BARNABY. Those Loyal Order of Knights of the Nebular Hvoothesis Turkey Roffe I Gambling. Don't tell the Pilgrim Fathers how you got the turkey... Besides this is I By Crockett Johnson Then let's be off. Paddy ii