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Fifty-Fifth Year
Cabinet Situation Is Tense
Edited and managed by students 'of the University
of Michigan under the authority of theBoard in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor
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Hank Mantho . . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy. . .Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer .. Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office atAnn Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Anti-Laborites Win
Anti-labor interests in Florida and Arkansas
are celebrating their victory in obtaining the
passage of reactionary amendments to their state
conlstitutions providing that the "right to work"
shall not be limited by the requirement of mem-
bership in a union as a condition of employment.
The closed shop is thus outlawed and closed-
shop contracts voided. The constitutionality
of the act is dubious and a test case is proba-
bly in the offing.
Collective bargaining, recognized as labor's
right, is dependent on union security. This am-
endment, destroying as it does the very basis of
union security, the closed shop, is a poorly dis-
guised attempt to deprive labor of its right to
collective bargaining.
In California, where the proposal was defeated,
not only labor, but the Chamber of Commerce
realized that the amendment would upset tl
amicable labor-management relations now es-
The immediate effects of the amendment
will not be striking, because the questionable
constitutionality of the act will limit its en-
Its passage, however, serves as a warning
that labor cannot rest on its laurels, rejoiing
at its gains, but must be continually on guard
against moves to reestablish the unlimited
dominance of management.
-Betty Roth
Problem of India
ON ALL SIDES we are hearing of the multi-
tude of problems that will face the post-war
world. All of these problems have not come di-
rectly as a result of the war, but some have been
brought to a dangerbus, ugly head because of it.
One of them is India.
Now, to begin with, I'm not attempting to
solve the problem; far from it, but perhaps a
few statistics will open a few eyes, and perhaps
a few eyes will read more on the problem-and,
perhaps, in a future that is hot impossible to
foresee, we may be able to find an answer
which is just as equitable to all concerned.
All right, here are your statistics-according
to Edgar Snow's book "People on Our Side";
There are 389,000,000 people living in an area
of 1,581,000 square miles. That means there
are three times as many people as we have in the
United States crowded into half the space.
Within the boundaries there are 11 British pro-
vinces and 562 Indian states tucked between
them--subject to British domination.
They speak eleven different languages and
225 dialects; the per capita income of a ma-
jority of the Indians is less than $20 a year
-that's not much money even though the
standards of living are much lower than ours.
Over 90% of the total population are peas-
ants, and many of these are serfs and bond
slaves; again, pops up the sad percentage;
90% of them are illiterate. Percentages may
be boring, but here is a situation that goes be-
yond mere percentages. Human beings make
up those figures, and if you ignore figures, you
are ignoring the people behind them.
- Here's something else to reflect on after your
Thanksgiving meal-or any other meal for
that matter: Twenty percent of the population
are continuously in a state of semi-starvation,
and 40% live on a level slightly higher than
As great an influence as the "rice bowl" is a
WASHINGTON, NOV. 18-A significant by-
play took place at the first Cabinet meet-
ing after the election. It may be the hand-
writing on the wall regarding the future of cer-
tain cabinet members.
Speculation is red hot as to whether FDR will
retain Jesse Jones, the man whose nephew led
the anti-Roosevelt faction in Texas; also what
he will do with Vice President Wallace, Jones'
chief Cabinet enemy, who was FDR's chief sup-
port during the campaign.
At every Cabinet meeting, the President al-
ways goes the rounds,- asks each Cabineteer
what he has to report. When he made the
rounds just after the election and came to his
Secretary of Commerce the' latter said he had
several questions he wanted to take up with
the President personally. But the President
suggested no conference, did not say he would
see Jones soon, instead brushed him off with a
wisecrack to the effect that he was glad Califor-
nia was still in the Union even if Texas wasn't.
When PDR got to Vice President Wallace, he
made a very complimentary reference to the
work he had done in the campaign, adding:
"I hold you responsible for the demise of
Ham Fish."
At this point, Foreign Economic Admini-
strator Crowley interrupted, remarking that
Wallace had also done some very effective
work in Minnesota and Wisconsin (the latter
is Crowley's home) and was in large part re-
sponsible for the big Roosevelt vote rolled up
in those state, though Wisconsin was 'carried
by Dewey.
Reward for Campaign Economyn
When hard-hitting Republican Representative
Everett Dirksen of Illinois hung out his shingle
for Vice President last spring, the folks in his
nome town of Pekin, inspired by the Pekin
Times, raised a fund of about $5,000 to help
his campaign.
Dirksen, however, is a very economical person.
He handled his campaign so carefully that he
spent only about $1,000. So after the Chicago
"Republican convention was over, he wrote a
letter to F. F. McNaughton, editor of the Pekin
Times, saying he had about $3,900 left over
and wanted to return it to those who had been
so generous.
Whereupon editor McNaughton suggested
that it might be difficult to parcel the money
out in the right proportions among those who
had given it. Instead he proposed publicly
that the town of Pekin send its Congressman
on a trip abroad to enlarge his background
and help him in his duties in Congress.
'Colonel McCormick' T. Reynolds
On election morning, when Roosevelt was to
vote in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a delegation of lady
journalism students arrived from nearby Vas-
sar College to "cover" the voting event. Pencils
poised over notebooks, they mingled among
seasoned White House correspondents who have
been covering the President for years.
"And who is that big man standing over
there?" One of them pointed to Tom Reynolds
of the Chicago Sun, whose publisher, Marshall
Field, is probably Roosevelt's most ardent news-
paper admirer.
"That," whispered Fred Pasley of the New
York Daily News, "is Colonel McCormick of the
Chicago Tribune."
"You want to be a little careful," Pasley con-
tinued, staring hard at Reynolds. He's got a
knife and he's planning to attack the President."
"Oh, my goodness!" exclaimed the Vassar
girl. "Isn't the Secret Service going to do some-
thing about it?"
"You don't know Colonel McCormick." ex-
plained Pasley, not mentioning the fact that he
works for the Colonel's cousin, Publisher Joe Pat-
terson. "McCormick's got lots of money. He's
taken care of the Secret Service."
"But can't you do something about it?" The
Vassar lady was almost hysterical.
Whereupon the President himself spoiled
the good story. He arrived to vote, and the
Chicago Sun's Tom Reynolds, 'alias "Colonel
McCormick," greeted him rmost cordially.
x(0 Doctor of Philosophy * *
"Alleged" Democratic Congressman Gath-
ings of Arkansas received the shock of his life
when questioning George Mitchell, Atlanta
On Second T'hou gut .
Hitler is variously reported as dead, insane,
suffering from tumors and working like mad
to beat the decadent democracies. Of these,
we like the tumors rumors best. Seems to fit
in with his malignant attitude.
* * *
Anyhow, he's in an awful Metz.
German subs are said to be preparing to
hurl robot bombs on the U. S. from their
decks. UUndoubtedly the Nazis will hang a
sign on their sil ) iwI to the effect that they
are "out to launch."
Gen. DeGaulle is currently trying to resolve
the differences between his pro-British sup-
porters and the anti-British French Commu-
nists. A case of all DeGaulle being divided into
two parts.
--By Ray Dixon
regional director of the CIO Political Action
Committee, during hearings of the House cam-
paign investigating committee. He discovered
that Dr. Mitchell had degrees from Richmond
University, Johns Hopkins, and Oxford Univer-
sity, England.
"How does a man with all your degrees come
to be tied up with the CIO?" Gathings demanded
of the PAC Atlanta chief.
"Because the CIO is an organization fighting
for a program of full employment, world peace
and over-all education of the American people
to the responsibilities and benefits of democ-
racy," replied Dr. Mitchell.
Gathings then asked if Mitchell believed in
price control, extension of social security and
unemployment compensation. When Mitchell
replied that he did, the Arkansas Congress-
man shook his head dolefully.
"With all the degrees you hold," he moaned,
"that is how you are educating the peole!"
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
Air Compromise
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, NOV. 17-Some sort of
compromise plan about the air routes of the
world will be worked out here, at the Interna-
tional Civil Aviation Conference. An interna-
tional conference always ends with a plan. No
conference ends in a deadlock. It would be too
embarrassing. It is the history of diplomacy
that all conferences succeed. The world may
fail, but all conferences succeed.
Meanwhile, there is something desolate in the
atmosphere at the Stevens Hotel, where the con-
ferees are sitting. The small nations seem be-
wildered. They do not understand why the
American delegation, headed by Mr. A. A. Berle,
is so strong against an international organization
to control the airways. This is the first interna-
tional conference since Dumbarton Oaks, where
the big nations agreed on some kind of strong
international organization to keep the peace.
But how are we going to keep the peace, if we
don't keep the peace on the airways? Aren't
the airways part of the peace? Can you break
the peace up into bits, and have a strong inter-
national organization to keep watch over some
parts of the peace, but let other parts of the
peace go unwatched and untended?
The small nations, judging from talk among
newsmen, seem confused by the American pro-
posal that, from now on, all international quar-
rels are to be settled by a strong international
organization, except quarrels having to do with
aviation. Such quarrels, under the American
view, would go into a special category of quar-
rels, not subject to action by an international
organization, But aviation is an activity pecu-
liarly likely to produce quarrels. It is not like
the ocean trade, in which the nations merely
touch at the water's edge of each other's sover-
eignty. The airliners fly right into the house.
There are several possible explanations as
to why the American delegation started off
with so "tough" an attitude. Mr. Berle, and
the State Department, too, may be worried
about Congress. Some Congressmen might
make a big thing about the "loss of sover-
eignty," if an international organization were
allowed to grant licenses to foreign airlines
to enter America. Of course, the same organ-
ization would also grant licenses to us, to
enter foreign countries; but in this field,
some of us are inclined to use only one eye.
If that is the explanation, it might be said
that the American delegation is not only over-
looking the principle of Dumbarton Oaks; it is
also overlooking the mandate of the last elec-
tion, in which the American people recorded a
will toward more international action.
It is part of the mystery of this conference
that it was called for a few days before the
Presidential election, and allowed to bridge the
election; though if the election had gone the
other way, it would have shattered the con-
ference by leaving us with a lame-duck delega-
tion. There seems to be a big hurry-up feeling
on our part about getting this thing settled.
That's a mystery, too; for we don't really want
a settlement. We want unlimited competition
and a free-for-all; and there is something of a
logical boner at the bottom of the idea of calling
a big international conference to agree on no
international supervision.
We have a hungry, yearning, burning feel-
ing about the need to get started in this field,
and that urge is pushing us, pell-mell, into
disregard of several practical considerations.
It has made us welcome Spain to Chicago,
offend Russia, and quarrel with our Allies. It
makes us subject to deadly fear 'lest some in-
ternational agency cripple the beautiful, glam-
orous air trade by drearily assigning quotas of
it to the several nations. Our fear is a proper
one. Yet in the end we are going to have to
make a number of practical concessions, and
reach a compromise. The air trade .just isn't
a field in which one side can hope to have its
way. That is because of the immortal princi-
ple that whatever goes up must come down.
If what goes up is an international airliner,
it must come down in a foreign country, with
its own airports, sovereignty and bargaining
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)
NOTE with some interest that Leo'
Cherne's book, "The Rest of Your
Life," has fallen under army censor-
ship. It thus joins such objection-'
able pre-election works as "The Re-
public" by Charles A. Beard, a best
selling biography of Chief Justice
Holmes, and "One Man's Meat"-
that delightful collection of humor-
Those books were interdicted for
fear that they would influence the
soldier vote. In banning them the
army scrupulously adhered to a
law fathered by Senator Taft of
Ohio. The Senator had aided Con-
gress in doing all it could to keep
G. I. Joe as close to the comic
magazines he habitually reads and
as far from enlightenment as pos-
Mr. Cherne, who is Executive Sec-
retary of the Research Institute of
America, has some mighty grim
things to say, you see. Reading his
book would probably not boost, the-
morale of our boys in service. So,
it has been kept. for civilian con-
sumption-because of the "pessi-
mism" it expresses. The grounds are
unique so far as I know-but all the
more striking in a country that likes
to kid itself about reality.
However, wishing will not make
it so. When Mr. Cherne cooly drops
a blockbuster in the midst of Amer-
ican complacency, the wise quiver
and quake. It is a fact, he tells us,
that due to technological develop-
ments since the war began, America
can produce the same quantity of
godds it did in 1940 with twenty per-
cent less labor. Do you remember
1940? That was the year when from
eight and a half to ten million men
were unemployed. If the free enter-
prise system could not utilize every
man jack of us then, how can it be
accepted to accomplish such a feat
in the post-war world.
Even pre-supposing peak produc-
tion, one fifth (and perhaps more)
of the men employed today will be
quite dispensable tomorrow, when
they will need jobs more sorely than
Mr. Cherne provides two clues
for a study of the future: 1) war
solves nothing. "To expect other-
wise is like expecting that pneu-.
monia will have cured the physical
debility that brought it on."; 2)
there is a growing gap between
attitude and action. "We wanted
peace and got war . . . We wanted
jobs and shut the factories that
made them. We wanted food, so
we paid people not to grow any,
Men talk earnestly about avoid-
ing inflation, but labor economists
figure that the cost of living has
leaped forty five percent since Jan-
uary, 1941. The truth is an infla-
tionary condition already exists. Had
O. P. A. administration been less dili-
gent, had price and wage ceilings
been discarded as the Republican
platform suggested, we'd have been
in much worse shape. But, America
is no economic bed of roses at this
For, the aftermath of inflation
is deflation. Then come boom and
bust, for a few years, expansion
and contraction, and finally in-
evitable unemployment.
Economically speaking, in our day
the chief cause of war is unemploy-
ment. Hitler would have been little
more than a comic character to the
German people if they had not been
suffei'ng the privation and poverty
that follow in the train of jobless-
ness. A hungry America will be lit-
tle different from a hungry Ger-
many. It may not turn outward in
military mien; but it could well turn
inward in civil war.
Even if jobs are provided, an era
of banditry and gangsterism can be
anticipated after the next armistice.
Of the unemployed many will lie vet-
erans inured to the death they have
seen for years on end. They will not
hesitate to pillagenand riot in the
most savage manner if their alto-
gether just demands for security are
not met with something more than
It is significant that although
both candidates in the recent pres-
idential election sensed the prim-
acy of this issue and made extrava-
gant promises for the employment
of 60,000,000 men, neither explain-
ed how that miracle would be
So, complications we never
dreamed of are beginning to set in
while inertia hangs like a pall over
Washington. Our old problems will
soon come home to roost. 1950
will see the props knocked from
under us if we do nothing until
then, if we focus our eyes only on
the present and forget the "rest
of our lives."
By Crockett Johnson
1I 1
THE VENERABLE Fritz Kreisler
appeared upon the stage of Hill
Auditorium followed by a tremen-
dous ovation from an audience pre-.
pared for an evening of unexcelled
violin' virtuosity. At least this Ann
Arbor populace was rewarded despite
the dissension of this reviewer. How-
ever one should not run down an idol
who has been the king of violinists
for so many decades and who still is
capable of such resonant tone pro-
duction and finger dexterity.
Instead of a program consisting of
a number of trite transcriptions, Mr.
Kreisler presented one which con-
tained more tasteful representations
in the limited field of violin composi-
Unfortunately the Kruetzer Sona-
ta was an unhappy experience. Both
Mr. Kreisler 'and his accompanist,
Carl Lamson gave an over-romanti-
cized reading that was manifested
by an overflow of rubato and dis-
torted tempi.
The question of piano transcrip-
tions of orchestral works presents
itself again and again. In referring
to Mr. Lamson's accompaniment to
the Mozart Concerto one may give
him the benefit of the doubt by
mentioning the difficulty in attempt-
ing to condense the orchestral voices
in a form fitting for solo piano. Yet
Mr. Kreisler's sublime tones in the
second movement and vigorous inter-
pretation of the third movement
made up for all that may have been
lacking in the concerto as a whole.
Moreover, this beloved musician is
still equipped with a supple tech-
nique such as was displayed in the
The second half of the program
consisted of a collection of virtuoso
numbers which satisfied an already
enthusiastic audience. Strangely
Enough, the selection enjoyed most
by the writer was the simple and
nostalgic Londonderry Air arranged
by Mr. Kreisler. It was one of a
group of three encores which brought
the'program to a close. In it one was
reassured of Mr. Kreisler's skill in
producing pure and profoundly rich
tones. -Kay Engel
SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1944
VOL LV, No. 16
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
School of Education Faculty: The
November meeting of the faculty
will be held on Monday, Nov. 20, in
the University Elementary School
Library. The meeting will convene
at 4:15 p.m.
To All Heads of epartments:
Please notify the switchboard opera-
tor in the Business Office of- the
number of directories needed in your
department. Delivery will be made
by campus mail.
Staff members may have a copy of
the Directory by applying at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice, Rm. 1, University Hall.
diht Directory will be ready for
disribution Nov. 20. To save postage
and labor the practice of mailing
directories, is discontinued.
Herbert G. Watkins
Assistant Secretary
To Users of The Daily Official
Bulletin: The attention of users of
The- Daily Official Bulletin is re-
spectfully called to the following:
(1) Notice submitted for publication
must be typewritten and accompan-
ied by name and telephone number.
(2) Ordinarily notices are published
but once. Repetition is at the Edi-
tor's discretion. (3) Notices must be
handed to the Assistant to the Presi-
dent, as Editor of The Daily Official
Bulletin, Rm. 1021 A.H., before 3:30
p.m. (11:30 a.m. on Saturdays.)
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards rare being distributed
through the department offices. In-
structors are requested to report ab-
sences of freshmen on green cards,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning'three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 46 of the 1944-45 ANNOUNCE-
MENT of our College.
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov.
23, is a University holiday. All Uni-
versity activities will be resumed on
Friday, Nov. 24. Nov. 30 will not be
All-University Women's Swimming
Hour: The Michigan Union Pool will
be opened to women students for
recreational swimming on Saturday
mornings from 9:15 to 10:15. Any
woman student may swim during
this hour provided she has a medical
permit. This may be obtained at the
Health Service. A fee of 25c per
swim is charged. Instruction will be
provided for anyone interested. The
Women's Swimming Club will use
the pool from 10:15 to 11:15 on
Saturday mornings.
USO Junior Hostesses: There will
be a required meeting of Junior
Hostesses in the Auditorium of the
Ann Arbor High School on the cor-
ner of State and Huron Streets,
Sunday, Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. UNLESS
Notice to All Sophomore and Sec-
ond Term Freshman Engineers: En-
gineering Council elections will be
held within three weeks. Those in-
terested must hand in petitions to the
Secretary's Office, Rm.. 259, West
Engineering Building, by noon of
Wednesday, Nov. 29.
Petitions must include the candi-
dates qualifications, suggestions for
Engineering Council activities, grade
point average, and fifteen signatures
of members of the same class as the
candidate's. In addition, Freshmen
should include a complete list of
their first term grades.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially willforfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Fall Term.
Nov. 25 is therefore the last date on
which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later does not affect the operation
of this rule.
Psychology 31: Make-up exam will
be given Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 4:35 in
Rm. 1121 Natural Science Building.
A Make-up Examination in History
has been scheduled for Nov. 24, 1944,
at 4 p.m., in Rm. C of Haven Hall.
Students who plan to take a make-
up examination should consult their
instructor in advance as it is neces-
sary to have written permission from
the instructor.
L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for
Concentration should call at Rm. 4,
University Hall for Concentration
blanks, immediately. These slips
must be properly signed by the Ad-
viser and the original copy returned
to Rm. 4, University Hall, at once."
Events Today
The Lutheran Student Center, 1511
Washtenaw, will have open house
from 4:30-6 after today's game.*
Congregational students and stu-
dents of the Christian Church (Dis-
ciples) and their friends are invited
to a party given by the Guild in the
Assembly rooms of the Congrega-
tional Church at 8:30 p.m. Games,
square dancing, refreshments, and
"just foolin' around."
Coming Events
Alpha Kappa Alpha women will
hold a meeting at the Michigan
League Sunday afternoon at 3 o'-
clock. Room will be posted on the
bulletin board. All sorors are invited.
Avukah, Student Zionist Federa-
tion, will hold its annual freshman-
transfer tea, tomorrow afternoon
from three o'clock to five o'clock
p.m. at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foun-
dation, 730 Haven. All students,- fac-
ulty members, and servicemen are
Inter-Racial Association will spon-
sor a buffet supper at Hillel Founda-
tion, Sunday night at 7:30. Faculty
and students are cordially invited.
Monday Evening Drama Section of
the Faculty Woman's Club will meet
7:45 pm. on Monday, Nov. 20, at the
library of the Unita'ian Church,
located at the corner of State and
Huron Streets.
La Sociedad Iiispanica will hold an
organization meeting on Tuesday,
Nov. 21, at 8 in the Michigan League.
A short program of Mexican popular
music has been planned and officers
for the year will be chosen. All stu-
dents and servicemen interested in
participating in the activities of the
club this year are urged'to be present.
Prof. Frank Huntley will speak on
"Japan and Its People" at the Inter-
national Center on Sunday, Nov. 19,
at 7:30 p.m.
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