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November 17, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-17

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M A S K-A U. S. soldier wears
a gas mask designed especially
for hospital patients with head
wounds. The mask was devel-
oped by the Army's Chemical
Warfare Service.

A L I F T F0 R R A F F L I E R S -- Three RAF fliers are given a ride in a donkey cart to their
billets in Greece. Men are Spitfire pilots of the Balkan Air Force.

C H I N E S E R E A S 5 E M B L E ! E E P-Chinese mechanics reassemble an American lend-lease
jeep on the Burma road after it was carried in sections over mountain trails.


Dean Says Child's Training
For Citizenship Is Difficult

Speaking on "Preparing Youth for
Citizenship" before the Detroit Bus-
iness Men's and Educators' Joint
Committee yesterday in Detroit,
Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the School
of Education, stressed the fact that
preparing people of, the school age
for effective citizenship is more diffi-
cult than ever before.
The problem arises from the false
assumption, he said, that the school
furnishes all of the education need-
ed. Difficulties arise from the in-
creased mobility of our population,
Turkey Will Be
Scarce in East
Westerners To Have
Thanksgiving Gobblers

NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-(P)-The
Thanksgiving turkey carving knife
will see action in the far west, south-
west and midwest but for the rest of
the country it may be gobblerless
Thursday, a survey disclosed today.
The lopsided situation in favor of
western states is because those areas
comprise America's largest turkey
producing areas, it was explained.
The citizens of those sections come
first and what is left goes to the
southeast, east and New England.
Small towns should have more
turkeys than cities because they are
closer to producing farms.
Substitutes for turkey also are
scarce. Chickens are described as
not too plentiful, geese scarce and
live ducks almost nonexistent.
The total turkey crop aggregates
about 500,000,000 pounds this year,
including those held for breeding
purposes. This is about 7 to 10 per
cent more than in 1943.
But the armed forces and lend-
lease will take ,around 80,000,000
pounds-about double of last year.
'Even in the midwest turkeys would
be worth almost their weight in gold
if it were not for ceiling prices.
Wages, Hours
Rise in State
LANSING, NOV. 16-(P)-Average
weekly earnings and the average
number of hours worked in Michigan
industry during October showed
slight increases over September, but
employment dropped generally dur-
ing the period,, the State Department
of Labor and Industry reported to-
The department said in another re-
port that food costs in five indu-
strial cities remained fairly stable
between June and September, al-
though they have increased from
29.3 per cent to 35 per cent since
Pearl Harbor.
The largest average weekly earn-
ings for October were $65.094 in dis-
trict five, including Muskegon, Me-
costa, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola,
Lake, Mason, Wexford and Manistee
counties. This was an increase of
$3.52 over the previous month.

he stated, with many adults and
children having no roots in the com-
munity where they live.
Blames Comic Books
Much of the trouble arises because
of decreased influence of the home,
the neighborhood, and the church, he
said. Another competing influence
was radio, movies, and comic books,
he added.
Dean Edmonson stated that there
are hundreds of self-interest or pres-
sure groups concerned with securing
selfish advantages at the expense of
the rest of society.
Longer School Period
It is encouraging, he said, that
citizens in all walks of life are
becoming greatly concerned about
the safeguarding of our democratic
way of living together. Dean Edmon-
son said that citizenship could be
strengthened in youth if a provision
were made for a longer period of
schooling for an increased number
of boys and girls; if a free and frank
discussion of present day social and
economic problems were encouraged
in the school; and if a greater will-
ingness on the part of competent
persons to serve the public in govern-
mental and non-governmental agen-
cies were put forward.
P'rof. Huntley
To Speak on
Japan Sunday
Prof. Frank Huntley, who taught
for six years in Japanese universities,
will discuss "Japan and Its People"
at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Inter-
national Center.
The son of medical missionary par-
ents, Prof. Huntley was born in
China. He received his college train-
ing in the United States at Oberlin
College and the University of Chi-
From 1929 until his return to the
United States in 1935, he was con-
nected with faculties of Japanese
universities. Since his return to this
country he has lectured on Japanese
culture at the University of Chicago
and is at present with the Civil
Affairs Training School.
The program, to be followed by a
snack hour, is the first of the Cen-
ter's regular Sunday evening pro-
grams. All foreign students and their
American friexids are urged to attend.
Sheriff Requests
Dogs Be Penned
A report that three ewes and two
lambs were killed yesterday by a mad
dog brought a request from Wash-
tenaw's sheriff John L. Osborn to
countyresidents asking them to keep
all dogs penned.
Although the quarantine on dogs
was removed over two months ago,
there are still complaints coming in
to the sheriff's office describing dam-
age to crops and livestock, he added.
New Restrictions
On Fishing Urged

Child Labor Bill
Still Disputed
In Committee
Revised Proposal.
Debated at Lansing
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Nov. 16.-The contro-
versial sections of a revised child
labor bill appeared as far from settle-
ment today following a meeting of
representatives of labor, industry,
business and social agencies with the
child labor subconmittee of Governor
Kelly's Youth Guidance Committee,
as they were last January, when the
special session of the legislature
defeated a similar bill.
The meeting was called by the
subcommittee chairman, George
W. Dean, Commissioner of Labor,
for the guidance of the committee
in its revision of the bill which will
be presented to the 1945 session of
the legislature.
Principal controversy was over a
section limiting the work week for
minors under 18 to 48 hours, with a
maximum of ten hours a day. The
bill which failed to pass the special
session called for an eight hour day.
Under the present law, the work
week is 54 hours, but administrative
regulations limit it to 48 hours.
Otis F. Cook, representing the
Retail Merchants Association, said
the merchants felt it was impos-
sible to arrange schedules for
eight-hour work days "unless the
public changes its shopping hab-
its." His association, Cook said,
would "violently oppose an eight-
hour work day because we can't
do the distribution job the public
wants, although we want to co-
operate in writing a good child
labor law."
Arthur Eldred, representing the
Michigan Federation of Teachers,
Mrs. Florence Sweeney, of the Detroit
Federation of Teachers, and Mrs.
James Parker of Grand Rapids, Pres-
ident of the Michigan Congress of.
Parents and Teachers, said they fav-
ored a- 40-hour work,or school-and-
work maximum, and felt sponsors
should "agree on a standard and
thei try to push it through."
State Officials
Criticize ODT
LANSING, NOV. 16-(A)-The Of-
fice of Defense Transportation was
criticized today by two officials of
the State Department of Agriculture
for reportedly crippling enforcement
of state weights and measures laws.
Asserting one of the department's
nine-year-old trucks used for haul-
ing equipment for testing heavy-
duty scales was abandoned after tra-
veling 100,000 miles and a second
was out of commission half the time,
Clarence Bolander, deputy commis-
sioner, and Miles A. Nelson, chief of
foods and standards, said the ODT
had refused permission for 18 months
to buy a new truck.
Nelson said state law requires the
department to test scales on request
and that at least two tests a year

Hirado - Tosu
Shisa - Ochi
Ush zu*--
s j SASEBO- *Sedaka =
Haii= " Kshia \ . YUSHU
OMUTA > Yamaga .
.Tara - - W e
- . -
, . , ....,u
= 'Takase-
Seto Omura e.=.='K. ._--Ueki
JA - - r
Yagami -
Sea of NAGASAKI -'- ' -..
Japan - Obama, , JAPAN ==
Mogi .KOREA .oky
o 10 Iomo Kuchinotsu .
S U P E R F 0 R T S' T A R C E T - This map of a section of Japan's Kyushu Island shows several
cities bombed by U. S. airmen. Inset shows area in relation to rest of Japan.

L I C H T--Worker at New Ken-
sington, Ia., Alcoa plant holds
21-pound aluminum gas drum
developed for the ATC on CBI
run. Average drum weighs 30
pounds more.


F U R L I N C T H E j I B S-Crewmen of Chilean training ship
Lautaro clamber up bowsprit to furl the -jibs of the four masted
baraue during' its first visit to San Diego. Calif.

t-, I

B A B E S H 0 L D B A B E -- Motion picture actresses Chada
Larona (left) and Barbara Penland steady a "babe", a spotlight
in Hollywood terminology, between the scenes of a new musical
comedy now in production.

skim .. .......

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