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November 17, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-17

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FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1944



Fifty-Fifth Year

President Meets Cabinet




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Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Evelyn Phillips . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . City Editor
Ray Dixon ... Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . Sports Editor
Dave Loewenberg . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . . Women's Editor
Business Staff

Lee Amer
Barbara Chadwick
June Pomering

. . Business Manager
. Associate Business Mgr.
. Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions duringthe regular school year by car-
ier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
onscription Needed
HOSE who maintain that post war military
conscription would inevitably lead to a third
world war, fail to realize that existant differ-
ences in the basic philosophies of government
and economics cannot be reconciled in a day
or a week. Without a world army to enforce
peace, nations harboring these conflicting dif-
ferences would grasp at each other with renewed
vigor, setting the stage for more armed con-
Factors which are necessary to maintain
peace include agreement on world trade and
the issues of imperialism, equality of races and
the extension of opportunity to the masses.
How can these issues be settled, once and for
all, if we allow jealousy and greed to inter-
fere, as we have in the past, with the free
interplay of ideas?
In preparing ;for and fighting a war we are
diverting our energies toward the attainment
of victory, not of international cooperation. A
world army could conserve time and effort by
crushing fascist agression wherever it may
occur while the rest of the world is working out
a sturdy basis for peace.
True, agreement on the meaning of genuine
freedom may be reached before the termina-
tion of the war. But this is highly improbable.
We cannot risk future peace under the illu-
sion that the causes of war have vanished We
must have a police force ready to protect the
world against outlaws who seek material ad-
vantage at the expense of society.
Until the people of every nation have the
great ends of life in common; until agree-
ment is reached on the conduct of world
affairs, some method of force must be in-
stituted, at least temporarily, to insure peace.
-Carol Zack
Fine Experiment.
CIVIL RIGHTS were given a boost last week
when Negro physicians were admitted on n
equal basis with white doctors to the staff of a
U. S. voluntary hospital, setting a precedent
that has met with unexpected success.
Only white patients at .Harlem's (NYC) Syd-
enham Hospital, a modern, 200 bed building, up
to last week were permitted to occupy private
and semi-private rooms, Negro patients being
relegated to wards. The only Negroes to enter
the comparative sanctity of private rooms were
members of the utility staff and a handful of
Negro nurses. Colored patients could not be
treatedbytheir ownrdoctors and had to accept
any white doctor assigned to their cases.
But more important was the discouraging
effect that discrimination has had upon color-
ed medical students. For a long time there
existed and still does exist a shortage of
Negro doctors and this, coupled with un-
healthy housing facilities, is responsible for
Harlem's tremendously large death rate as
compared with the rest of New York City.
The reaction among other staff members of
Sydenham has been mild. Two nurses and
three other workers have quit but the rest of
Sydenham's white staff . members, 277, have
stayed on. White bed patients in semi-private
rooms have not objected to mixing with Negr

Negro doctors practicing at the hospital
numbey 23; interns, two; and nurses number
60 percent of the total. Negro patients num-
ber roughly about 25 percent.
The precedent has been set but can lead to
failure if other hospitals do not follow Syden-
ham's example. There is always the danger that

WASHINGTON, NOV. 17-President Roose-
velt's first Cabinet meeting after Election
Day found him fighting mad. Cabinet members
Who have sat in these semi-weekly meetings
for twelve long years said they ha never seen
"the:Boss" so grim.%
"In thirty years of political life," he said, "I
have never seen such a dirty,unfair, below-the-
belt campaign.
"During the last two weeks," the President
continued, "I got mad. And I stayed mad. I
could bite some of those so-and-sos."
He said he had not even received the tradi-
tional telegram or letter of congratulation from
Gov. Dewey which a defeated candidate always
sends to the victor.
Aside from this, Cabinet members remarked
among themselves that the President had
never looked better, that it had done him good
to get out and do some campaigning instead of
being surrounded with generals and admirals
in Washington. . He himself indicated that he
had enjoyed getting the feel of the people.
More Social Security .. .
During the first Cabinet session, the Presi-
dent gave his okay to two important projects
which will come before the next Congress.
(1) Change in the minimum wage from 40
to 60 cents an hour; and (2) revision of the
Social Security Act.
This came up when Secretary of Labor Per-
kins asked about certain revisions in the Wage-
Hour Act, and the President, not quite catching
what she said, remarked that he was in favoi
of giving farm hands and domestic servants the
Slum Areas
AT A RECENT post-war conference sponsored
by the National Association of Manufac-
turers, the Michigan Manufacturers Association,
the Detroit Board of Commerce, and the Em-
ployers' Association of Detroit, the following
question was asked of John W. Scoville, econ-
omist of the Chrysler Corporation:
"Under free economy, how do you propose
to take care of the slum areas?"
Scoville answered, "You are worrying about
something that doesn't need to be worried
about. If the people living in slums don't like
them, ret them move out. Some people like
to live in one-room shacks. There is no
solution to this problem. Certainly industry
doesn't intend to attempt the impossible."
While people starve in the filth and cold of
slum areas, Scoville can sit back calmly and
maintain that there is no problem.
"Let them move out if they don't like it,"
he says. Where does he propose they moye,
to the streets or another 'one-room shack
that has cross ventilation, because there is only
wrapping paper to cover the doorways and
There is a problem when slum areas is con-
sidered, and there are also .solutions.
If everyone had a job, with decent pay, then
there would be. no slum areas, because every-
one would have the money to pay for rent in
better' homes. If those living in the slums
now knew where their next meal was coming
from, and that the family pay checks were
sufficient to pay for a better home, they would
follow Scoville's advice and move out.
Most people who live in slum areas now,
did not pick their broken down homes because
they liked the surrounding scenery of polutted
river banks, garbage in the halls, filth, dirt,
corruption, and an unhealthy atmosphere in.
general. They have been forced to live in these
"holes," or find a park bench instead.
One must admit that a park bench is not big
enough or comfortable enough for a family,
nor is it private.
It is industry's job to see that these germ-
infested areas are whipped out. The only way
for them to do it, is to devise systems by which
everyone can find employment, and in addition
to full employment, maintain a decent living
wage for its employees.
No problem can be solved when the smug
and arrogant, but powerful people of this
country, turn their backs on reality, and
choose to ignore the issues.

-Aggie Miller
Kampus Kaper's
KAMPUS KAPERS, the all campus variety
show points the way to a new spirit of student
cooperation in activities.- Sponsored by the
Daily, Michigan League and Union, the show
attracted a crowd of 4,000, jamming the audi-
torium and balcony.
The enthusiasm which. greeted Bill Layton
and his orchestra as they opened the program
showed how ready all the students were to en-
joy one of the best campus shows ever pro-
duced. And the fact that the rest-Judy
Chayes, Judy Ward, the trio, Bill Beck, Varsity
Glee Club and especially "Doc Fielding-were
all recruited from the students show the versa-
tility here. There is no doubt that many more
programs can be made up from Wolverine tal-
The crowd really appreciated this show; let's
hope it sets an example for more to come.
-Mary Brush


benefit of unemployment and old-age


This comes under the Social Security Act.
and' Federal Security Administrator Paul Mc-
Nutt spoke rii' to ask whether the President
was in favor of presenting new social security
legislation at the next session of Congress in
January or at the present closing session.
Soial Security chairman Arthur Altmeyer has
drafted some detailed revisions of the law,
broadening it 'to include farm workers and
servants, also including new health insurance
and other benefits.,
The President made it clear that these revi-
sions of the act were to be introduced at the
January session. He also indicated that he
favored changing the minimum wage from 40
cents -to 6 cents an hour, which will give an
automatic boost to wages all along the line.
The Carleton Hotel's Hamlet . .
The Scene: Washington's swank Carleton
Hotel, main dining room.
The Tine: Almost any lunch hour.
Soft music plays while the nation's top-notch
"thinkers" and lobbyists digest their mid-day
meal. The music stops. The waiting crowd at.
the door parts. Eyes turn toward the center
aisle. In walks a hulking, black-bedecked bushy-
browed, greying man. He struts ponderously,
loking neither left nor right. John L. Lewis has
come to lunch.
Lewis eats alone. He takes the same table
every day at the extreme rear of the dining
room, knows that many a newcomer to Washing-
ton is as excited at seeing him as at seeing FDR.
His menu is the same every day, if he can get it
-rare roast beef-preceded by a wee snifter of
sherry. When his coffee is served, Lewis reaches
into a pocket, takes out a long black cigar.
Out of another pocket he takes a detective story
magazine. He relaxes for fifteen minutes, then
struts out the way he came. Shakespeare's
Hamlet, invisible robe over his shoulders, dagger
at his side.
Parachute Tragedy in Normnandy
On March 9, the Washington Merry-Go-Round
.revealed an army parachute scandal. It stated
that the Amy had failed to supply U. S. airmen
and paratroopers with the quick-release para-
chute harness despite the fact that, nine months
earlier, General Newton Longfellow of the U. S.
Eighth Air Force in England had warned Wash-
ington that "anything but the quick-release
harness is murderous."
The Army, on that same day, issued a series
of denials, but one week later ordered 100,000
of the single-point quick-release parachute har-
ness. About three weeks later, it ordered 300,000,
and orders have increased since .then.
Unfortunate inside fact, however, is that these
orders did not come soon enough to save hund-
reds of lives in the Normandy invasion.
General Longfellow had written his report
to the War Department on June 1, 1943. This
column published the above excerpt from his
report on March 9, 1944. Between June 1 and
March 9, the War Department had ordered
only a scanty handful of 2,500 quick-release
harnesses for experimental purposes-and
none of them had been delivered.
So, despite the heavy orders placed in March,
a very large proportion of the U. S. paratroopers
who came down over Normandy had to use the
old, slow-release harness which tediously un-
buckles in three different places.
Trapped by Harness .. .
Detailed reports of what happened as a result
were hushed up at the time, but it is now possible
to reveal that 'many U. S. paratroopers were
shot down by German snipers before they were
able to get out of their harnesses. Brig. Gen.
'Anthony C. McAuliffe, artillery commander of
the 101st Airborne Division, later awarded the
Silver Star for gallantry in parachuting over
Normandy, had to cut his harness off with a
knife. A Time Magazine correspondent got
hung up in a tree head down, nearly choked
to death on his parachute harness before some-
one"climbed up and cut him free.
It was especially bad when men landed in
trees. There they had little chance to unsnap
the three cumbersome buckles before German
snipers shot them down. Dead bodies in the
trees of Normandy gave mute, gruesome testi-

mony to U. S. Army bungling on the home front.
It was after this that Army paratroop chiefs
really were galvanized into action. An American
parachute rigger was immediately rushed back
to England with a crew to convert U. S. para-
chutes to the quick-release harness.
Not even by this time had any of the new har-
nesses, ordered after this column's March ex-
pose, arrived in England, so British harnesses
were purchased. The British, incidentally, re-
fused to sell their quick-release box alone, in-
sisted on selling their entire harness at a very
high prace, charged up on the books as reverse
American parachute riggers worked day and
night converting our parachutes to this har-
ness. Finally, by the time of the spectacular
paratroop landing at Arnhem, about fifty
percent had been converted. Arnhem, unfor-
tunately, was not a success. But at least,
there were many fewer casualties from men
being fouled in their harnesses at Arnhem.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

Chicago Meet
There is something fiat about the
International Civil Aviation Confer-'
ence, meeting here at the Stevens
Hotel. There is something morally
flat about it. To begin with, you
have the neutral nations all over the
place, Sweden, Spain, Ireland, Swit-
zerland, Turkey; and for years we
have been saying oh, boy, those neu-
trals aren't going to have a seat at
the Peace Conference. But here they
are, and this is a branch of the Peace
Conference, and don't you forget it;
it is the part of the Peace Conference
that you can make some money out
of, too, the setting up of Interna-
tional Air routes; and here they are,
those neutrals, whacking up a world
they wouldn't save.
So you have the representatives
of fifty-two nations milling around
the Stevens Hotel. But Russia isn't
here. And that too makes the con-
ference seem fiat., It makes it
seem like a pre-war conference.
T)he fact that Russia isn't in it
disconnects the conference from
the war.
The State Department announces
that it is time for an International
Civil Aviation Conference, and every-
body says meekly, my, my, I see it is
time for an international civil avia-
tion conference.
But is it time? Who made it time?
Why couldn't it have been just as
good a year from now? And those
who have arranged this conference
have made several fundamental de-
cisions for us, while most of us were-
n't looking. We have been debating
the place of the neutrals in the post-
war world, but here it has all been
decided. The neutrals, including the
pro-fascist neutrals, have been for-
given. When you invite somebody to'
your house, you forgive him.
Can we exclude these neutrals
from some future conference, on
the ground that we have, suddenly
recalled they didn't help us in the
war? No, that question has been
decided at this conference, though
it wasn't even on the agenda.
The spirit of the war is not pres-
ent in this conference. That is why
it is a flat conference, and even
though it reaches some tortured com-
promise plan on air routes, it will re-
main a flat conference. There is not
a comrades-at-arms feeling about it.
We are comrades-at-arms with some
countries, and not with some other
countries, but this conference is pro-
ceeding as if that were not so. It is
operating in a world of its own, which
is not the world that is fighting.
If you look at the world that is fight-
ing, there are America and Britain
at loggerheads, and the neutrals in,
and Russia outside. The Stevens
shelters a world that is gone, and the
world as it really exists must be stop-
ping at some other hotel.
There are good little reasons for
everything that has been done. We
don't need Russian airports for a
round-the-world service, so we
don't mind much that Russia has
belatedly walked out in a huff, re-
fusing to sit with her opponent,
Spain. More Americans than Brit-
ons will travel the air routes, so
we have a good little reason for re-
jecting Britain's request for a fixed
quota of the air business, and for
wrangling with Britain. But in act-
ing upon our little reasons we may
be risking something big-world
unity; we may be making deci-
sions about things we don't even
know we're deciding about, like the
decision about neutrals.
I want my country to extend its in-
terest. But just because you want
something doesn't make it your real

best interest as of the moment. I
find myself curious about what tum-
bling, rushing pressures made us
pick this way and this moment.
(Copyright, 1944, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
On Second Thought
1ERE'S hoping no one goes to the
concert tonight in Hill Auditor-
ium expecting to see a football coach
play the violin.
A local restaurant is currently
featuring Fried Ocean Perch on its
menu. What we can't figure out is
where Fried Ocean is located.
Headline: "Filipino Bow and Arrow
Fighters Kill 5,000 Japs in Jungle."
It's all the same war-they do it with
arrows and we do it with arrow-
Anyway, the Japs are running
amuk on Ormok.
The cigarette shortage is getting
so bad that people are being forced
to go downtown to get lit up.
And nowadays, if you do find. a
cigarette, it's a lucky strike.
-Ray Dixon

To the Editor:
I have come across a situation
which-if true-ought to arouse the
ire of every student on campus. I
am- referring to the Bomber Schol-
arship Fund and the money in it.
The fund is a worthwhile project
and deserves the support of every
student, but now with veterans en-
rolled in school it seems the idea
ought to be implemented by action.
I have had the pleasure of meet-
ing some former Michigan men who
have come back to campus as veter-
ans- and some of them are finding it
no easy job financially. Yet, I have-


FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1944
VOL. LV, No. 153
All notices for The Daily Official Bul-
Ietin are to be sent to the Office of thet
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angelle
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.d
of the day preceding its publication,T
except on Saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
School of Education Faculty: Thea
November meeting of the facultya
will be held on Monday, Nov. 20, ing
the University Elementary SchoQlp
Library. The meeting will convene f
at 4:15 p.m.v
To Users of The Daily Officialh
Bulletin: The attention of users off
The Daily Official Bulletin is re-
spectfully called to the following:
(1) Notice submitted for publication'h
must be typewritten and accompan-e
ied by name and telephone number.t
(2) Ordinarily notices are published B
but once. Repetition,is at the Edi-b
tor's discretiorj (3) Notices must be f
handed to the Assistant to the Presi- h
dent, as Editor of The Daily Official i
Bulletin, Rm. 1021 A.H., before 3:30 t
p.m. (11:30 a.m. on Saturdays.) a
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov.
23, is a University holiday. All Uni-
versity activities will be resumed on
Friday, Nov. 24. Nov. 30 will not bew
celebrated. 9
To All Staff Members and Employ-1
ees: All those who find it necessaryr
to file requests for supplementaryw
gasoline ration for passenger cars
("B" or "C" Book) for either driving
to and from .work, driving personalB
car on University business, or to
carry on other occupations, should
mail their original applications or
renewals to H. S. Anderson at theP
Buildings and Grounds Department,
University Ext. 317, and not directlyn
to the Local , Gasoline Rationing
Board. These applications must be
approved by the Committee in.charge
of the Organized Transportation
Plan in the University and trans-8
mitted by it to the rationing board.f
Any information concerning sup- t
plementary gasoline rationing shouldF
be obtained by calling Universityr
Ext. 317.r
Organized Transportation Planc
L. 14. Gram, Chairman
Choral Union Members in goodY
standing (those with no unexcused
absences on their records) will please
call for their pass tickets for thet
Kreisler concert, Friday, Nov. 17,
between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30s
and 1 and 4 o'clock, at the offices oft
the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower. After 4
o'clock no tickets will be issued.'r
The University of Michigan Sym-
phony Orchestra rehearsal will be!
held in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
at 4 o'clock today instead of Hilll
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-l
port cards are being distributed
through the department offices. In-i
structors are requested to report ab-
sences of freshmen on green cards,
directly to the Office of the Aca-
demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Buff cards should be used in report-
ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 46 of the 1944-45 ANNOUNCE-!
MENT of our College.
S- I
All-University Women's Swimming
Hour: The Michigan Union Pool will
be opened to women students for
recreational swimming on Saturday
mornings from 9:15 to 10:15. Any
woman student may swim during

this hour provided she. has a medical
permit. This may be obtained at the
Health Service. A fee of 25c per
swim is charged. Instruction will be
provided for anyone interested. The
Women's Swimming Club will use
the pool from 10:15 to 11:15 on
Saturday mornings.

n't heard of one of them who has
received any money from the Bomber
Scholarship Fund.
The GI Bill is an advanced step
forward but by itself is not sufficient
to see a veteran through school. Liv-
ing costs in Ann Arbor eat up his
monthly allotment before he even
gets it.
We who have contributed our
little bit to make the fund grow
would sincerely like to know when
the money will be put to some good
use. I know that among the vet-
erans here now there must be some
who need the money.
-Joy Altman

Storehouse office, University Ext.
The rates now in effect are as
follows: Sedans, $.05 per mile; Sta-
tion Wagons, .07 per mile; Minimum
charge, $1.00. Trucks, 2 Ton & un-
der, with driver, $1.75 per hour;
Trucks, 2Y2 Ton & over, with driver.
$2.25 per hour; Minimum charge for
trucks, $3.00.
Women students will have 12:30
a.m."permission Wednesday, Nov. 22,
and 11 permissioi Thursday Thanks-
giving Day. House heads may give
permission to residents to leave town
for the Thanksgiving Holiday pro-
vided such students return in time
for their first class on Friday. House
heads may not grant late permission
for Thanksgiving Day.
Registration: Registration is being
held this week at the University Bur-
eau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, 201 Mason Hall.
Blanks for registration may, be had
by calling at the office-of the Bureau
from 9 to 12,a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.
from Tuesday through Friday. There
s no registration fee. This registra-
tion is for students who will be
available in February, June, August
r October.
University Women Students: A
Nurse's Aide Class, beginning the
week of Nov. 27, will be held Tuesday,
Wednesdayvand Thursday from 7 to
9 p.m. for five weeks. All practice
hours must be confined to 9 a.m.-
12 noon, or 3-6 p.m. Students are
reminded 'that credit for the course
will be withheld until the (150) vol-
unteer hours have been fulfilled. All
tudents must register inrthe Nurse's
Aide Office, Rm. 203 North Hall.
Hours 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
Urgent Call for Dailies: Mrs.
Buchanan at the Museum would like
more Dailies for the boys in service.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students Who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College.
A Make-up Examination in History
has been scheduled for Nov. 24, 1944,
at 4 p.m., in Rm. C of Haven Ball.
Students who plan to take a make-
up examination should consult their
instructor in advance as it is neces-
sary to have written permission from
the instructor.
Psychology 31: Make-up exam will
be given Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 4:35 in
Rm. 1121 Natural Science Building.
Choral Union Concert: Fritz Kreis-
1cr, eminent violinist, will be heard
in the third concert in the Choral
Union Series in Hill Auditorium,
this evening, at 8:30 o'clock. Mr.
IKreisler will be accompanied on the
piano by Carl Lamson, and will pre-
sent the following program: Beetho-
ven's Sonata in A major; Concerto
No. 3 by Mozart; Rondo Brilliante,
Schubert; Hungarian Rondo, Haydn-
Kreisler; La Zambra, Arbos; and
deFalla's La Jota.
Tickets may be purchased at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower
daily until 5 p.m., and at the Hill
Auditorium box office beginning at
7 p.m. this evening.
Events Today
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation: Re-
ligious services will be conducted
tonight by Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen,
Sam Krohn, '44D, and A/S Eugene
Malitz. Because of the Kreisler con-

cert services will begin promptly at
7:30 p.m. and there will not be a
Fireside Discussion.
There will be a meeting of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority tonight at the
Women's League at 7 o'clock.
International Center: There will
be a tea dance from 4 to 6 p.m. at
the Center.


Letters to the Editor







( ---


fere's a nutty news item, Ellen.
tih cops picked up a hunter in

They kept him af the station
house to sober up. But he still
. L- . .A .

So, m'boy, I flew up over
the bushes and pointed
Mvp'u.,,et ruight a

By Crockett Johnson
And, exactly as I pulled
the trigger, the turkey
f~prn h hrirk; rit Mna w


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