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March 18, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-18

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Fifty-Fifth Year


_ _




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon.
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

Managing Editor
# . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor


Business Manager
Associate Business Mgr.
Associate Business Mgr.

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for ie-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $450, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The .Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Hirohito's Palace
INCE General Doolittle's first raid on Tokyo in
the spring of 1942, Emporer Hirohito's palace
grounds have been out-of-bounds for Allied
bombs. Because of the prevailing opinion that
the "peace-loving" Emperor will be an invalu-
able asset as possible security against the chaos
and revolution which may follow Japan's defeat,
this conciliatory policy has been followed and
the royal grounds have been left intact.
History has shown, on the other hand, that
Japan's emperors are not peace-loving but
that they have instilled in their people an
allegiance to the Emperor for the purpose of
meeting militaristic and political ends. In
recent years those who opposed the militarists
and the economic reformers were assassinated
or charged with high treason. "The Japanese
nation has been made exceedingly vulnerable,"
writes Jesse F. Steiner, "by deliberately per-
petuating out-moded feudal practices and be-
liefs and building upon them the loyalty of
the people."
While the illiteracy of her people formerly
aided the Japanese government in constructing
a superstitious reverence to the Emperor's di-
vinity, recent decades show that through the
advancement of science and a compulsory system
of elementary education, the Japanese people are
no longer easily fooled by superficial obedience
and the dogma of divine right of the Emperor.
While many Japanese soldiers may be willing to
meet death for Hirohito, many more are becom-
ing interested in gaining a larger voice in the
In order to destroy the institution of Em-
peror-worship, which for centuries has dic-
tated the lives of the Japanese people, we must
direct our air attacks not only at the indus-
trial and military centers of Tokyo but also
at the shine of imperial ancestors. Objections
that such a procedure is sacrilegious and
violates the laws of international warfare are
groundless because the Japanese government
does not classify the official shrine as religious.
In fact, the national symbols of imperial
power may well be called the fountainhead
of Japanese militarism.
-Pat Houser
Brazilan Elections
PREDICTIONS of good things to come are to
be found in recent action taken by Brazilian
President Betulio Vargas announcing the return
of his nation to democratic procedure. State-
ments issued by Vargas during the course of the
past week revealed that legislative and executive
offices throughout Brazil as well as the presi-
dency will be returned to an elective basis.
As though in answer to skeptics, the "benevo-
lent dictator" made it clear that he would not
run for the office he has held since he abolished
democracy in Brazil. Long suppressed political
parties are forming plans for the national elec-
tion now in the offing.
Since 1932 one of the Latin American "re-
publics" most friendly to the United States,
Brazil has been an active supporter of the

Pan-American Union and, according to Sumner
Welles' "Time for Decision," played a leading
role in the conferences of foreign ministers
which established hemispheric unity in 1941.

EDITORS NOTE: Students and faculty members
areturged. tosexpress their views in Letters to the
Editor. Letters should be limited to 300 words, how-
ever, and must be signed with the name and address
of the writer. Anonymous letters cannot be pub-
Student Town Hall
ACTIVE discussion groups have always been
a tradition at the University of Michigan. So
the Student Town Hall in a series of open forums
is really no innovation on the Michigan campus.
But there is an acute demand at this particular
time to reembark on these discussions which
have always been so characteristic of this Uni-
In the first place, there has been an alarm-
ing lull in open student discussion in the past
few years. While certain smaller groups have
sponsored discussions from time to time, there
has been no one single sounding board for the
entire campus. At least it is evident that the
war has cut into the number and quality of dis-
cussions. The Student Town Hall will be an
early sign of Michigan students awakening to
their postwar responsibilities.
In the second place, there has never been a
dearth of lectures and faculty-led discussions
while there has been a lack of student-insti-
gated, student-led, student-dominated discussion
groups. It is clear that faculty members are
a help with their specialized information and
tempering experience. Recognizing this, faculty
members are cordially welcomed to join their
student associates in the approaching discussion
series. But the emphasis, in the past on faculty
presentations, will here be on student participa-
tion. This shift in emphasis is especially appro-
priate in view of the topics to be discussed. The
first question that will be examined is "Post War
Military Conscription."
There is no doubt, then, that the Student
Town Hall will be accomplishing several ob-
jectives. First, it will continue an old Michi-
gan tradition. Second, it will accentuate a
vital part of that tradition-Student initiative.
-Martin M. Shapero
-M. John Condylis
* * * *
Canadian Army
BILL MULLENDORE'S editorial entitled "Can-
adian Army" was evidently motivated by a
commendable desire to defend the reputation of
the Canadian Army. However, two of his points
are debatable. The first concerns the "several
odd thousand deserters, most of them of French
Canadian extraction." I believe that Mr. Mullen-
dore is mistaken as to the second part of this
statement. From what I have been able to gather
from Candadian and American newspapers, as
well as from Canadian correspondents, it appears
that, in this particular situation, opposition in
the army itself to the recent draft for overseas
service has been proportionately distributed
among all the provinces of the Dominion. I would
be interested to know where Mr. Mullendore
secured his statistics in support of his extraordin-
ary statement.
The second point inviting inquiry is this
statement: "The result of all this adverse pub-
licity has been a general attitude of contempt
for the fighting qualities of the Canadian
soldier." Now, how could anyone, save a hope-
less idiot, assume such an attitude toward
soldiers who were fighting by the side of the
British when we were almost defeating in Con-
gress the Bill for the Extension of Military
Service (a few months before Pearl Harbor)
and President Roosevelt was meeting with the
opposition of almost one half of the Congress
in his attempt to lift the embargo on exports
to belligerent nations? . . . Unlike Russia and
the United States, Canada did not wait to be
attacked to enter the war against the forces of
evil. So we can refrain from adopting a
"general attitude of contempt" toward her
fighting men who have done as good a job as
the American in every theatre of war and dur-
ing a longer period of time.
The war effort of the whole of Canada, includ-
ing the much maligned French Canadians, has
been proportionately as great, if not greater,
than that of the United States and certainly
greater than that of our other Allies in this
hemisphere who were also exposed to the Nazi
menace. I often wonder why the French ele-
ment in Canada must always be singled out for
any abuse or gratuitious insults that happen to

occure to an American journalist . . . Have
Brazil and the others contributed as much to
the war effort as French Canada alone? They
have not.
Conscription in Canada is a purely domestic
affair, such as the Negro and Jewish questions
Britons are rugged individualists, which is
why the London Daily Mail says, "There it politi-
cal dynamite in the proposal that pedestrians
should be compelled to cross city streets at cer-
tain points." A Briton will stand for only so
much. He'll stand for strict rationing, and high
taxes, and a total draft of men and women.
But deprive him of the right to walk in traffic
lanes and it becomes, in the words of the Daily
Mail, "regimentation in a form which cannot be
mistaken." Push a British pedestrian just so
far, and he'll jaywalk.
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch

are purely American problems. I note the
French Canadian newspapers do not discuss
these questions, nor that of the "several odd
thousand", American soldiers who are AWOL
in Europe. I should think, though, that they
might express wonder to our intense interest
in conscription in Canada when we do not
manifest the same interest in conscription in
Australia, South Africa, India and our group
of Latin-American Allies. The conscription
question in Canada involves political, soci-
ological and economic ramifications which have
nothing to do with personal courage and re-
quire extensive study of Canadian history. Un-
fortunately, very few of our publicists are ac-
quainted with Canadian history or the Cana-
dians themselves, for that matter.
-Antoine J. Jobin
-Assistant Professor of French
Iloiinie Says
THE relation of religion to the peace has be-
come a subject of fresh importance. This an-
cient issue has ,put on modern dress. (1) Jewish
minority and persecution, while an initial demo-
cratic problem, now resolves itself into a Nation-
alism of resettlement in Palestine versus Inter-
nationalism; (2) the Orthodox Christians try-
ing to function anew among vast populations in
the devastated countries are smothered by the
dominance of non-religious Soviets; (3) the war
over those ideologies which constitute a quasi-
religious threat to all legitimate religions is
about to be settled by laymen; (4) many demo-
cratic Christian groups both Catholic and Pro-
testant, acting separately and jointly have stated
the basic principles of a lasting peace as they
understand government, with a grace, a forceful-
ness and a vision which was never attained at
other critical periods of Christian history; (5)
Anglicans, beginning with the Malvern Confer-
ence which in 1942 selected five non-theological
issues basic to world order, have conferred in
various countries, including the U.S.S.R., and
are prepared to make a distinctive social contri-
bution but will have no voice.
They said in part: "The extreme inequalities
in wealth and possessions should be abolished.
,Every child should have equal opportunities for
education. The family as a social unit must be
safeguarded. Man's daily work must be restored
to that of a Divine vocation. The resources of
the earth should be used as God's gifts to the
whole human race and used with due considera-
tion for the needs notably of the present genera-
tion and future generations."
Yet there are good reasons for having ec-
clesiastic bodies as such excluded from the San
Francisco Conference. A few questions will
bring the major reasons to mind: If the Jews,
as a people, are seated, how can other minor-
ities scattered in many countries be excluded
and what basis could be established if a Jewish
delegation should be admitted with the right
to vote? If the Vatican should be seated be-
cause a Vatican State exists, by what method
could we offer a seat to Lutherans or Baptists
who renounce the temporal aspects of religious
control? In case the American and British
Friends should be allowed a delegation be-
cause of their constructive charity, what would
you reply to the Catholics and the Presby-
terians? By such an approach to the problems
of "organized" religion we arrive at approval of
the exclusion of all from the World Order Con-
ference April 26th. We are forced to ask,
"Because of these considerations must the
peace be merely political and in no sense ac-
cepted as a spiritual enterprise?"
Various replies throng the mind, many of them
coming out of the long and varied history of re-
ligions. One reply may suffice. If one can agree
to accept that expression of human experience
called religion as something different than eccle-
siastical bodies and entirely distinct from any
sectarian statement of belief, we then can permit
the delegates to assemble according to a political
pattern or on the basis of a geographic repre-
sentation. In such a case we would find assur-
ance that the Orthodox faith will have its ex-
ponents in the men from Greece and Russia,-
the Anglicans in men from England and other
parts of the British Commonwealth,-Catholic-

ism in delegates from Italy, France and Brazil,-
the Jews in delegates from Holland, England and
the United States, Islam in delegates from Tur-
key and Irac, and Confusianism in Chinese dele-
In any case, that religious issue was well
stated by Pius X11 at Christmas time, 1941.
Humanitarian issues must find champions
"within the limits of a new order founded on
moral principles," said the Holy Father. There
is no place for that cold and calculating ego-
ism which tends to hoard the economic re-
sources and materials destined for use of all
to such an extent that the nations less favored
by nature are not permitted access to them."
(See "Approaches To World Peace," Byson pg.
808). And the words of Edgar Brightman will ap-
peal to us as crucial-"some few truths at least
remain unaffected by victory or defeat-the
validity of the scientific method, the truth of
mathematics and the respect of personality."
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 981
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the1
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. mn. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. ,t. Sat-
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
this afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 4 and
6:30 p.m.
School of Education Faculty: The
March meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, March 19, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: It is planned to hold the
April meeting of the University Coun-
cil on Monday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
American Red Cross War Fund:
If youthaveunot been solicited in
regard to your contribution toward
the American Red Cross and wish to
make your pledge, please call at the
Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing,
and receive your membership card
and pin.-r
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention is called
to the Lost and Found Department
of the Business Office, Rm. 1, Uni-
versity Hall. Inquiry concerning lost
articles should be made promptly at
the above mentioned office. Articles
found on the campus and in Univer-
sity buildings should be turned over
immediately. Those articles not call-
ed for within 60 days will be surren-
dered to the finder.
Identification Cards which have
been validated for the Spring Term
are now available in the booth out-
side Rm. 2, University Hall.
New identification cards will NOT
be ready for several days. Notice will
be given as soon as they may be
picked up.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union whose atten-
dance records are clear, will please
call for their courtesy passes admit-
ting to' the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra concert, Monday, March 19,
between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30

and 1 and 4 o'clock. After 4
no passes will be issued.

Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
of groups which maintain houses onc
the campus, or which formerly main-<
tained houses, should apply to the1
Office of the Dean of Students ati
once for a blank for listing currenti
May Festival Circulars and Tick-
ets: Announcements containing de-
tailed programs, biographical sketch-1
es of performers, etc., concerning the
Festival, are now available at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.
Season tickets are now on sale over
the counter. Beginning Monday,
March 26, the sale of tickets for in-
dividual concerts will begin. Season
tickets are available at $8.40, and
$7.20; and tickets for individual con-
certs will be $1.20, $1.80 and $2.40,
and possibly a limited number at
$3.00; all including tax.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, Elec-
trical, and Mechanical Engineering:
Mr. Perry Gage of the Lockheed Air-
craft Corporation will interview sen-
iors who will graduate in June and
October, 1945, on Monday, March 19,
in Rm. B-47 East Engineering Build-
ing. Interested students will please
sign the interview schedule posted on
the Aeronautical Engineering Bulle-
tin Board. Application blanks, which
must be filled out prior to the inter-
view, may be obtained in the Aero-
nautical Engineering office.
Social Chairmen and House Direc-
tors are reminded that requests for
social events must be filed in the
Office of the Dean of Students not
later than the Monday before the
event for which approval is request-
ed. It should be accompanied by
written acceptance from two sets of
APPROVED chaperons and, in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval from the financial adviser.
1) parents of active members or
pledges, 2) professors, associate pro-
fessors or assistant professors, or 3)
couples already approved by the
Committee on Student Affairs. A
list of the third group is available
Bronson-Thomas Annual German
Language Award offered juniors and
seniors in German. The contest will
be held from 2 to 5 p. m. Friday,
March 23, in Rm. 204 University
Hall. The award, in the amount of
$28, will be presented to the student
writing the best essay dealing with
some phase in, the development of
German literature from 1750-1900.
Students 'who wish to compete and
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediate-
ly in Rm. 204 University Hall
Kothe-Hildner Annual German
Language Award offered students in
Courses 31, 32, 35, and 36. The con-
test, a translation test (German-
English and English-German), car-
ries two stipends of $30 and $20, and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thurs-
day, March 22, in Rm. 301 University
Hall. Students who wish to compete
and who have not yet handed in
their applications should do so im-
mediately in 204 University Hall.
Rules governing participation in
Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a pub-
lic performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office in a class or other
student organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely
is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility: At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligi-
ble for any public activity until his
eligibility is affirmatively established

by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation 'above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eli-
gibility (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with theChairman of the Committee
~on Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certificates
of eligibility and a signed statement
to exclude all other from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairman's lists
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of 'Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning: Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any pub-
lic activity.

o'clock I

many honor points as hours and
with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence'holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was admit-
ted to the University in good stand-
Eligibility General: In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C average
for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of X
and I are to be interpreted as E until
removed in accordance with Univer-
sity regulations. If in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs
the X or I cannot be removed promp-
tly, the parenthetically reported
grade may be used in place of the X
or I in computing the average.
Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after
having received special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
A.A.U.P. Postponement: It has be-
come necessary to postpone the meet-
ing scheduled for Thursday, March
22, to Thursday, April 5. All other
arrangements remain unchanged.
University Lecture: Dr. Feliks
Gross, Managing Editor of "New
Europe," will lecture on the subject,
"The Small States in Post-war
Europe," Friday, March 23, at 8:00
p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Political Science. The public
is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
To all male students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students of this College, ex-
cept veterans of World War II, must
elect Physical Education for Men.
This action has been effective since
Tune, 1943, and will continue for the
duration of the war.
Students may be excused from tak-
ing the course by (1) The University
Health Service, (2) The Dean of the
College or by his representative, (3)
The Director of Physical Education
and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this College should be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor Ar-
thur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Asso-
ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell
Except under very extrordinary
circumstances no petitions will be
considered after the end of the third
week of the Spring Term.
The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by April 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the Spring Term.
March 24 is therefore the last date
on which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student

later does not affect the operation of
this rule.
E. A. Walter
Registration for Graduate Record
Examination: The Graduate Record
Examination will be given on the eve-
nings of April 16 and April 17 in the
Rackham Bldg. This examination,
required of all degree candidates in
the Graduate School, is open to
Seniors in the undergraduate units
and to students in the professional
schools. The University will pay the
fee for this April examination. Any-
one wishing to take the examination
must register at the Information
Desk of the Graduate School Office
in the Rackham Bldg. before March
Make-up examination in History:
Students who plan to take the exam-
ination which is to be given March
23 from 4 to 6 in Rm. C, Haven Hall,
should consult their instructors in
advance and bring written permis-
sionwith them at the time of the
make -up.
Biological Chemistry 111 Refund
Slips may be called for in Rm. 230
West Medical Building on Tuesday
and Wednesday, March 20 and 21,

tion was

poor Schubert Produc-
offered at the Michigan

Theatre yesterday afternoon. Thisl
time Franz Lehar's operetta of thel
Gay Nineties, The Merry Widow, was
the object of distortion.
However, no matter how stren-
uously the company tried, it could
not mar the sparkling melodies of
Vienna's favorite musical come-
dist. Even the ill taste of pres-
enting the work in modern dress
combined with an odd fusion of
dated and present day slapstick
could have been excused if thej
musical talent had compensated
for it.
Needless to say, the first act was a
complete fiasco. It took a while be-
fore this confused member of the'
audience was cognizant of what was
going on and why; whether the or-j
chestra was still tuning up amid thej
obscure small talk (not singing) of
the vocalists or whether theregwas
utter chaos on the stage.
Fortunately, the second and third
acts picked up tremendously. This
does not indicate, though, that any
improvement was sensed in vocal
technique. The one exception to this'
was Toby Durst, a tenor with a very
promising voice. The two bright
spots in the entire show opened the
second and third acts. Both were
colorful ballet scenes with a group of
rather graceful dancers. Especially
dazzling was the Can-Can group
which includes a very vivacious young
lady, Flower Hujer, who is worthy
of commendation.
hn the whole, the members of
the ballet and comedians such as
George Lipton as Count Mazzi,
Leroi Operti as Baron Nikoff and
Sally Arnett as Mme. Nikoff did
their bit to raise the caliber of this
-Kay Engel





The three men we suggested to
O'Malley for his consideration
were hired as officers at once!'

Why yes, Grey. A Dormant and
Company check for that issue
of O'Malley Debenture Bonds

See? O'Malley won't allow
himself to become involved
in details. His success lies

B Crockett Johnson
!'!l call Dormant and Company
and have the $100,000,000 we
took in on my debenture bonds




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