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March 18, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-18

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Fair and Cooler.
Diminishing Winds.




Third Arm y Captures Coblenz

4 ;.








Take Brandenburg, Batter Stettin Defenses

ASTRP Qualifying Test
Will Be OfferedApril 12
Eligible 17 Year-Olds Are Advised
To Register Promptly With Dean Rea
A qualifying test to select students for the Army Specialized Twaining
Reserve Program (ASTRP), for men whose seventeenth birthday falls
between October 1, 1944 and August 31, 1945, will be given at 9 a. m.,
Thursday, April 12, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Walter B. Rea, Assistant
Dean of Students announced yesterday.
Further qualifications for this examination for admittance to the
ASTRP, part of the Army's college program, state that the applicant will
have graduated from high school by July 1, 1945 or will have completed
one term or one semester of college by that time. Students who will
graduate from high school or will have completed one term or semester
of college work during July or August are also eligible providing that that
will not be older than 17 years, 9 months, on the first of the following
Register With Dean Rea
Students who meet with the above aualifications and who wish to take
the test, should register promptly with Dean Rea, at Room 2, University
The two hour test is divided into three sections. The first tests know-
ledge of arithmetic, algebra and geometry; the second tests reading com-
prehension; the third tests level of vocabulary. All questions are of the
"best-answer" type, candidates choosing one of several suggested answers as
correct or best.
Candidates will be notified by May 19 as to whether they have passed
the test. Those passing the test and who meet the age requirements, must
enlist in the Enlisted Reserve Corps (ERC) on or before June 20 for
assignment to the July term of ASTRP college training, on or before
July 20, for the August term, and on or before August 31 for the September
term. Only Unite' States citizens will be admitted to the ASTRP.
At the time of enlistment in the ERC, the applicant must present
written consent from a parent or guardian, approving his request for enlist-
ment in the ERC and assignment to the ASTRP, and a diploma or other
written statement from high school authorities, stating that he is a high
school graduate, or can graduate before the age of 17 years, 9 months.
Consult Principals
Eligible students or graduates of Ann Arbor high school, University
High School or St. Thomas High School should make arrangements with
their respective school principals. Those qualified will take the examina-
tion at the same time and place as University students.
Each candidate is required to bring two soft-lead pencils and an eraser
when he reports for the test. Candidates are urged to present themselves
for the examination at Rackham Lecture Hall not later than 8:45 a. m.
Depending upon his age when he begins training, a qualified applicant
will be enrolled for two, three or four twelve-week terms in the ASTRP
(See ASTRP, Page 2)

Attack Behind
Artillery Fire,
Dive Bombers
Wounded Germans
Thrown into Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, March 18 -
Russian forces, backed by fire from
1,000 heavy guns and hundreds of
dive bombers, yesterday knifed three
miles into the southern defenses of
Stettin, Germany's big Baltic sea-
port, while Soviet troops in East Prus-
sia captured the key coastal strong-
hold of Brandenburg, nine miles
southwest of Koenigsberg.
While the Germans threw wounded
soldiers into the blazing battle for
the strategic northern anchor of Ber-
lin's Oder River defense line, Marshal
Gregory K. Zhukov's First White
Russian army troops extended their
control of the river's east bank. bar-
rier to a point four and a half miles
south of the Pomeranian capital.
A Moscow radio front report an-
nounced that the Red Army had kill-
ed more than 20,000 Germans and
destroyed more2than 00 tanks in
repelling German counter-attacks in
a 13-day battle near Lake Balaton,
southwest of. Budapest, capital of
In the Balaton sector, Berlin re-
ported that the Russians had opened
an offensive of their own.
Petitions for
Union Offices
dace Monday
Petitions of those desiring to be-
come vice-presidents of the Michigan
Union are due in the Union Student
Offices by 5 p. in. tomorrow.
Vice-presidents will be chosen in
a campus election Friday to represent
the Law school and the combined
schools of Public Health, Music, Busi-
ness Administration, Education and
Forestry. Voting will be restricted
to men in those schools and only such
men who satisfy University eligibility
rules may pet.ition.
Petitioners should list their quali-
fications, their experience with extra-
curricular activities and their policy
in regard to future Union functions.
Those who are elected vice-presidents
will serve with the Union BoaTd of
Directors, and thereby have an in-
strumental part in forming Union
program policy.
Candidates for the offices will be
announced early in the week by the
Men's Judiciary Council and a state-
ment from each candidate will be
published shortly thereafter in The

YANKS LOOK OVER STATUE OF FREDERICK I-Ninth Army soldiers pause in their reconnaissance car
and jeep to examine the statue of Frederick I, eightee nth century Prussian militarist, which they pass in
the town of Moers, Germany.

Cramer Reveals JAG Office
Collectiiig War Crimes Data

Heavier Draft
Over 30 Seen
In 18-29 Age Group
Board Defers Men
Heavier drafting of men 30 and older
from essential jobs was foreseen by
selective service tonight as it author-
ized deferment of some 145,000
younger men in five vital war indu-
The government broke its rule that
not more than 30 per cent of workers
in the 18-29 age group could retain
deferments, for the benefit of the
steel, coal mining, transportation,
synthetic rubber, and non-ferrous
mining industries, including copper,
lead and zinc.
"It is obvious that if we don't get
them under 30, we'll have to take the
older men," said a selective service
headquarters spokesman. "The draft
calls are not being reduced."
It is reasonable to expect, he stated
also, that the older men drafted as
combat replacements will not be
drawn from the five preferred indu-
stries but from others rated less
The new selective service instruc-
tions to state draft directors mean
that the five industries named will
get more than half as many defer-
ments of young men as all essential
industries previously were scheduled
to receive. About 870,000 men aged
18-29, it is estimated, now are in the
deferred 2-A and 2-B classes in in-
March 19 Deadline for petitions
Union vice - presidential
positions. Open to men
in Schools of Law, Music,
Forestry, Education, Bus-
iness Administration and
Public Health.

"Uncle Harry'
Cast Annouiiced
Members of the cast of "Uncle
Harry," Thomas Job's mystery, to
be presented April 11-14 by Play Pro-
duction under the direction of Prof.
Valentine Windt of speech depart-
ment, have been announced.
Byron Mitchell will play "Uncle
Harry," the part portrayed by Joseph
Schildkraut in the New York pro-
duction, and Betty Blomquist is cast
as "Lettie," Eve Le Gallienne's role
in the original cast.
Featured parts go to Babette Blum
and Dorothy Murzek.. Other mem-
bers of the cast include: Janine Rob-
inson, Orris Mills, Harp McGuire,
James Land, and Onnolee Anderson.
Henry Mantho, Sanford Max, Arthur
Shef, Margaret Becton, William Cook
and Don Shapiro complete the list.

Collecting and sifting evidence of!
war crimes against our servicemen
and nationals and making arrange-
ments for the trial and punishment
of those found guilty, was revealed
as one of the newest duties of the
Judge Advocate General Department
yesterday by Maj.-Gen. Myron C.
First Statement Made
This first public release of the
activities of the War Crimes Office
was made at yesterday morning's
graduation exercises by Gen. Cramer,
Judge Advocate General of the Army.
Since its institution last fall, the
War Crimes Office has "been active-
ly engaged in the gathering and
assembling of every scrap of evidence
and testimony obtainable, on the
subject of atrocities and cruelties
imposed upon American servicemen
and Arerican nationals by our ene-
'No Stone Will Be Left Unturned'
"No stone wili be pert unturned,"
Gen. Cramer said, "in our effort to
establish the truth or falsity of these
charges of inhuman conduct and vio-
lations of accepted rules of warfare,
and to bring to justice all offenders
against whom prima facie (on the
face of it) cases of guilt are estab-
lished. The perpetrators will be held
to strict accountability for their
crimes and made to pay just penal-
Already the War Crimes Office,
directed by Brig.-Gen. John M. Weir,
Assistant Judge Advocate General of
the Army, has amassed a large vol-
ume of evidence and affidavits based
upon accusations of cruelty commit-
ted against the members of our
armed forces, United States nation-
als, and the populations of the Philip-
pines and other U.S. dependencies,
Gen. Cramer reported.
Functioning as a central agency in
Two Sociology
Awards Made
To0 U' Students
Prizes for outstanding work in
sociology have been awarded to
Peggy Louise Goodin and Marian
Elizabeth Dunlap, it was announced
by the University today.
Miss Goodin is the winner of the
Chi Omega Prize of $25, which is
awarded for the best class essay turn-
oc' in fr Soeioioav 51 e, none

the hunt for war criminals, the War
Crimes Offices works in cooperation
with Naval legal officers and, the
State Department. The War Crimes
Office, in turn, Gen. Cramer said,
cooperates with the United Nations
War Crimes Commission in London.
Nazis Report
'First Phase
Of Offensive'
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Mar. 17.-The Germans
said tonight the first phase of the
Allied spring offensive had begun
with massive American attacks in
the west and Moscow broadcast a
report the Nazis were turning an
area in south Germany into a "small
but super-strong" defense region for
their last stand.
At the same time, a Russian mili-
tary commentator declared that high
commands of the Red Army and the
western Allies had agreed on a co-
ordinated win - the - war strategy
which soon would result in a "simul-
taneous blow of stupendous force
which will effect the juncture of our
armies somewhere in central Ger-
'Decisive Phase' Nears
The German radio, beaming a-
broad an article that will appear in
tomorrow's papers, said that the war
was "about to enter its decisive
phase" on both the eastern and west-
ern fronts. It said the Allied spring
push began with the heavy American
attack between Coblenz and Hague-
nau, and that troops were concen-
trating on the Rhine north of Co-
blenz and Bonn for other drives.
Allied Cooperation Noted
But Robert Ley, Nazi labor chief-
tain who has been touring the Rhine
front, said any decisions there would
not decide the Germans' fate.
Colonel Kolomeitsev, a Russian
commentator, wrote in an article
later broadcast that "operational
contact had been established be-
tween the Allies and is becoming

Enemy Jslands
Attached, Jap
Radio Reports
Say Southern Mainland
Hit by Vast Task Force
By The Associated Press
The enemy radio reported that
carrier planes, presumably from
Vice-Adm. Marc A. Mitscher's world
largest task force, began attacking
the two southern Japanese islands
of Kyushu and Shikoku this morn-
ing (Sunday).
The broadcast was 'made from
Tokyo more than five hours after the
5 a.m. hour (Japanese time) given as
the time the attack opened. Tokyo
said it was still going on.
Third Assault in Month
Report of the carrier assault, which
would be the third such in a little
over a month, came at a time when
forces of 300 B-29s are waging an
incendiary campaign which already
has wiped out more than 30 square
miles of industrial areas in four of
Japan's principal cities.
American invasion of Basiland Is-
land. northernmost of the Sulu Ar-
chipelago, and warship bombardment
of Matsuwa Island in northern Kur-
iles were announced today (Sunday)
as great fires still raged in Kobe,
Japan's leading shipbuilding city..
Gen. Douglas MacArthur reported,
meanwhile, that Japan has lost 282,-
000 troops thus far in the five-month
American campaign in the Philip-
pines, 145,000 of these in the first
nine weeks of the Luzon Island fight-
Planes in Operation
Basiland is across a 12-mile strait
from captured Zamboanga on Min-
danao, where American warplanes
already are operating off airdromes
only 215 miles northeast of Borneo.
On congered Iwo, 150 Japanese at-
tempted to organize, presumably for
a Banzai charge, but were dispersed
with mortar fire.
Striking a few hours after the mass
American Superfortress incendiary
raid on Japan's city of:Kobe, a size-
able mission of B-29s roared from
bases in India Saturday to hit Nip-
pon on the southwestern flank of her
war-stolen empire. The big bombers
blasted Rangoon, main Japanese base
in embattled Burma.

Seventh Gains
On South End
Of Saar Front
German Civilians
Warned of Bombing
Associated Press Correspondent
PARIS, Sunday, March 18
(AP)-Historic Coblenz-the big-
gest prize since Bonn-fell swiftly to
the Third U. S. Army today as
American armor and infantry
plunged forward against German
forces which appeared in collapse
through all of the Palatinate.
As Coblenz toppled before the
flying columns of Lt. Gen. George
S. Patton's army, the Seventh U.
S. Army, operating on the south-
ern end of the flaming Saar front,
smashed into Siegfried line de-
fenses for gains of six to eight
Go Through Hornbach
With the 45th and Third Infantry
divisions pacing this assault, the
Seventh's momentum carried Ameri-
cans through Hornbach, only 3/2
miles south of Zweibruecken.
This placed the farthest elements
of the Seventh Army only about 55
miles by shortest overland routes
from Third Army forces in Rhein-
boelle and Ellern and created the
threat of a great pincers around all
of the rich Saar industrial area and
its defenders.
Tanks Near Mainz
Meanwhile, fast traveling Third
Army tanks 30 miles to the south
of Coblenz ripped 15 more miles
across the rear lines of two fleeing
German armies and were possibly
only 21 miles from the great Rhine
escape city of Mainz.
First army troops, simultaneously,
expanded the important Remagen-
Erpel bridgehead east of the Rhine,
seizing control of a 4%-mile stretch
of the Autobahn leading to the Ruhr
and capturing several more towns.
Reach Nahe River
Flying tank columns reached the
Nahe river-last barrier before Mainz
-with immense ground-eating strides
that were fast cutting off all north-
ward routes of escape out of the
flaming Saar and Palatinate.
Gen. Eisenhower warned civilians
in Frankfort, Mannheim and Lud-
wigshafen, in the Third Army's path,
that these big Rhineland cities would
be subjected to merciless bombard-
ment and the Germans themselves
reported major breakthroughs in the
starkest terms ever used in the war.
Sphinx hitiates
New Members
Sphinx, junior honor society for
men in the Literary College, initiated
yesterday eight new members and
elected officers for the spring term.
Bliss Bowman, chairian of the
Interfraternity Council, was elected
secretary-treasurer. The officers
succeeded Henry Mantho and Dave
Included in the initiates were Bill
Lambert, Paul Sislin and Dick Strick-
land, all of The Daily, Paul John,
Michigan Union, Bob Hamilton and
Bill Theunisse nof the basketball
team, B6b Lilienfield, of the hockey
team, and Dick Fritz.
At a meeting following the initia-
tion tentative plans were framed for
a Sphinx dance. Next meeting of
the honor society will be 12:30 p. m.
Saturday at the Michigan Union.

Desire Defauw To Conduct
Berlioz's 'Damnation of Faust'


:_,: ;:

Selections from Berlioz's "Damna-
tion of Faust" will highlight the
final Choral Union concert, featur-
ing the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, Desire Defauw, conductor, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
The third oldest orchestra of this
kind in the country, the Chicago
Symphony was organized in 1891 by
Theodore Thomas, one of the earliest
proponents of symphonies in the
United States. Dr. Desire Defauw,
who succeeded the late Frederick
Steck in 1943, was the leading musi-
cal personality in Belgium before the
invasion of his country.
As director of the Brussels Royal
Conservatory Orchestra and director
and general musical advisor of the
Belgian radio, he established Brus-
sels as one of the most advanced
musical centers of the continent and


Maize and Blue Fly in Pacific Area

Carrying Maize and Blue tradition
to the Jap emperor's door, the Uni-
versity of Michigan West of Tokyo
Club recently sent word of its exist-

ed Japanese yen, and membership
"cards" are printed on small rem-
nants of the sail of a beached Nip-
ponese lugger.
Lt. Russell F. Anderson, '36, presi-

we'll probably come around and seek
registered membership," Lt. Ander-
son wrote.
The oldest member of the organ-
ization is Lt. L. L. "Steve" Trum-


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