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March 16, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-16

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Partly Cloudy,
Slightly !Cooler





Tighten Hold on Rhine Bridgehead











* *


Slice Nazi Stronghold in
Prussia, Head For Berlin
Reds Reach Hevde-Waldburg, Take
Village Southwest of Koenigsburg

First Army Pushes
Six Miles Deeper
Nazis Report Five American Armies
Strike Along 235-Mile Western Front
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Friday, March 16-The U. S. First Army deepened its Rhine
bridgehead to six miles yesterday, seizing command of more than a mile
of the great six-lane military highway to the Ruhr, and the Germans said
five American armies were striking along 235 miles of the blazing Western


By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 15-Russian
shock troops sliced the German east
Prussian pocket into two vulnerable
segments tpday by smashing to the
coast of the Frisches Haff (lagoon)
in a bitter mop-up prelude to the
coming central offensive toward Ber-
The Russians reached the coast
at Hevde-Waldburg, and captured
that village five miles southwest of
Koenigsberg after it had changed
hands repeatedly in the bitter
fighting since late January when
the Soviets first took it.
Six other localities were seized on
a 27-mile front opposite Branden-
burg, Heiligenbeil, and Braunsberg,
last big German strongholds besides
Koenigsberg still in enemy hands.
Hevde-Waldburg is five miles
northeast of Brandenburg. The Rus-
sians also captured Kobbelbude, five
miles southeast of Brandenburg.
Threatening to divide the Nazi
pocket yet again, the Russians also
captured the four-way junction
town of Bladiau, six miles north-
east of Heiligenbeil and only about
three miles from the coast, and at
the lower end of the front took
Eisenberg, six miles southeast of
Heiligenbell, and Vogelsang, four
miles southeast of Braunsbrg.
More than 1,000 Germans were cap-
tured, the bulletin said, in this fierce
struggle east of the besieged Gdynia-
Danzig pocket.
The Soviet clean-up of East Prus-
sia and the combined smashes at
the ports of Gycnia and Danzig
to the west were regarded as the
preludes to the coming great offen-
Duke of Windsor
Resigns Post in
Bahama Islands
NASSAU, Bahamas, March 15-(P
-The Duke of Windsor announced
today that he has resigned after
serving for longer than four and one-
half years as governor of the Bahama
Islands, a tiny colonial outpost of
the mighty empire of which he once
was king.
He said he had made no immedi-
ate plans for the future after he re-
linquishes his post inApril.
He added, that he and his Ameri-
can-born Duchess, for whose love he
relinquished the crown will remain at
Nassau for at least another month.
W. L. Murphy, 58-year-old Colo-
nial Secretary to Bermuda, will suc-
ceed the Duke.
The news of the Duke's resignation
caught Nassau by complete surprise.
The Duke had kept his plans a se-
cret even from his household staff,
it was explained, and a government
house spokesman reported that an
announcement of the resignation
from the British Colonial Office in
London surprised the duke.
Today Prof. Roy W Sellars
speaks at 8:30 p. m. at
Hillel Foundation on
"Pressing Problems of To-
Today Dr. Kenneth Colegrove,
Northwestern University
professor, speaks on "Am-
erican Collaboration in
Dumbarton Oaks Char-
ter," 4:15 p. m. at the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Today Coffee Hour, 4 p. m. at
Lane Hall.
Today Michigan Geological So-
ciety meets at 10 a. m. and
1 p. m. in Rm. 3506, Na-
tural Science Building.
March 17 First Saturday Lunch-
eon at Lane Hall 12:15

sive toward Berlin and Dresden,
Saxon 'capital, but the Germans
and Russians alike reported savage
fighting in Hungary and Slovakia
and the Nazis told of fierce Rus-
sian assaults near Stettin, at the
mouthsof the Oder River, and at
Kolberg, surrounded Baltic port
in overrun Pomerania.
Colegrove To
Lecture Today
At Rackham
Political Scientist Will
Discuss Peace Plan
Dr. Kenneth Colegrove, head of the
political science department, North-
western University, will discuss Unit-
ed States peace policies in a lecture,
"American Collaboration in the Dum-
barton Oaks Charter," at 4:15 p. m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Colegrove, emminent author
and authority on international rela-
tions and Far Eastern government,
will speak under the auspices of the
Departments of Political Science and
A graduate of Harvard University,
Dr. Colegrove has written several
books and articles on Far Eastern
government. In 1929 and 1930 he
was editor of the "European Eco-
nomic and Political Survey," pub-
lished in Paris. He is now a member
of the editorial boards of the maga-
zines, "Amerasia," "The Far Eastern
Quarterly" and the "American Poli-
tical Science Review."
Dr. Colegrove is a member of both
the Central Committee of the Univer-
sities Committee on Post War Inter-
national Problems and the Commis-
sion to Study the Organization of
Peace. Since 1942 he had served as a
consultant of the Office of Strategic
Deadline Set
For Positions
On Union Board
Petitions for vice-presidential posi-
tions with the Board of Directors of
the Michigan Union should be turned
in to the Union Student-Offices be-
fore 5 p. in. Monday.
New vice-presidents, to be chosen in
a limited campus election Friday,
March 23, will represent the Law
school and the combined schools of
Business Administration, Forestry,
Music, Public Healt hand Education.
Any man in the above schools who
satisfiesmUniversity eligibility rules
may submit a petition. Voters in
the election will be restricted to men
in those schools.
Candidates will be named Tuesday
by the Men's Judiciary Council, in
charge of the election, from the peti-
tions submitted. Two men will be

'U' Fresh Air
Camp To pen
Students May Elect
Counsellor Courses
Graduates and advanced students
may elect a course or courses this
summer as counsellors at the Fresh
Air Camp, now owned by the Univer-
sity, Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director
of the Summer Session, announced
Camp Belongs To University
"The camp, formerly controlled by
a board of trustees, of which Presi-
dent Ruthven was a member, now be-
longs to the University and is as much
a part of the University as the Bio-
logical Station or Camp Davis," Prof.
Hopkins stated.
"Graduates and advanced students
interested in the work of social agen-
cies or in advising in public schools
may pursue their study by becoming
counsellors in this 'workshop' pro-
ject in the fields of education, psy-
chology, and sociology. A limited
number of men and women will be
taken, and those who wish to obtain
more information'should see Prof. F.
N. Menefee, director of the camp."
Administration Board Named
The administration board is head-
ed by Dr. James B. Edmonson, dean
of the School of Education, and com-
prises Prof. Robert Angell, head of
the Department of Sociology; Prof.
Theodore M. Newcombe, also of the
sociology department; Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss; and Herbert P.
Wagner, chief accountant of the Uni-
"The camp, located near Pinckney,
Michigan, was usually conducted in-
formally by a group of faculty men in
the 25 years of its existence, but
this is its first year as a definite part
of the University," Prof. Hopkins
Sources of Income
"Its three sources of income are
gifts from people interested in the
problems of boys in cities; from social
agencies, primarily in Detroit; and
from the teaching functions of the
University," he explained,

Student Town Hall Organized
To Discuss Current Problems

Organization of Student Town Hall,
an all-campus discussion group spon-
sored by Lane Hall, was announced
yesterday by John Condylis and
Martin Shapero, co-chairmen.
The series of three informal dis-
cussions will open at 7:45 p.m. Thurs-
day at Lane Hall lecture hall, when
compulsory post-war military train-
ing will be the topic.
Beginning with apresentation of
the background and basic issues in-
volved in compulsory military train-
ing after the war, the Stump Speak-
ers of Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, have planned four
ten-minute speeches which will put
forth arguments both for and against
the issue. They will be followed by
an open informal discussion for all
students. Although faculty members
are welcome to attend the meetings,
the discussions, which will be held
every other Thursday, are primarily
for student opinions.
The co-chairmen have announced
that the second student affairs topic
will be the eighteen-year-old vote
question. The subject of the third
meeting will be named later.
In summing up the aim of these
meetings, John Condylis said: "Here
is the long-awaited chance for stu-
dents to talk instead of being lec-
Local Version
Of Sprmi-Ram
The Ann Arbor version of spring
settled prematurely on town and cam-
pus yesterday as the first of vernal
rains drenched the countryside.
From today until June 21, first of-
ficial day of summer, occasional pat-
ches of sunny sky may appear but
yesterday rains have set the pattern.
for the typical spring weather of this
corner of Michigan.
Meanwhile, springlike breezes
blanketted a good portion of the na-
tion and temperatures soared to 80
degrees in Arkansas.

tured to. Student Town Hall will be
an all-campus student affair and
students will be the main partici-
The Town Hall's faculty adviser is
Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech
department. A student moderator
will direct discussion.
Union Dance To
Fete St. Patrick
Irish Songs, Dances
To Be on Program
Wearin' of the Green and trillin'
of "The Rose of Tralee" and "The
Irish Washerwoman," songs yere auld
mither taught ye when ye was but a
lad, will be in, the proper style to cele-
brate the anniversary of that fine
auld Irishman, St. Patrick, as ye
dance away the evenin' at the Union,
come tomorrow night.
Faith and begorrah, 'tis the St.
Patrick's Day dance ye'll be attend-
in' if 'tis Irish blood ye have in yere
veins, and a' the lads and their pret-
ty colleens will be awantin' to jig
a fine Irish reel when they peep upon
the green decorations and the fancy
souvenier programs the Union social
committee has got up for this dancin'
Suie, and if its no green shirt or
dress ye be havin', fix yereself up
with a tiny shamrock leaf to be wor-
thy of the birthday of Ireland's pat-
ron saint. 'Twill be a fine night for
the Irish, by faith, as the blarney
comes aripplin' from the. silver
tongues of a' the lassies, who might
have come from Dublin itself for the
way they'll be traipsin' and cavortin'
for the Irish party tomorrow night.
And the cool lakes of auld Killarney
will be asparklin' in their eyes as
they celebrate the riddin' of a' the
snakes from the Emerald Isle. Sure,
and tickets for the merrymakin' are
now on sale at the Union desk.

USS MIDWAY TO BE LAUNCHED MAR. 20-Workmen put finishing touches on the hull of the new
45,000-ton aircraft carrier, the USS Midway, which will be launched at Newport News, Va., March 20.
The giant flattop will carry more than 80 planes, which may be twin-engined.

Contest resultsz
Announced at
Nine Freshmen Get
Awards Totaling $320
Nine freshmen were awarded prizes1
totaling $320 yesterday when the re-7
sults of the annual freshman Hop-l
wood contests were announced at a'
tea in the Hopwood Room.
Elizabeth Erbaugh, Detroit, won
first prize of $50 in the essay division
for her essay, "My Father." Kather-
ine Stasewich, Hazel Park, received
second prize of $30 for "Grains of
Sand,".and Lorraine Ura, Ham-
tramck, third prize of $20 for "De-
troit's Belle Isle."7
In the division of prose fiction Bet-
ty Nancarrow, Detroit, won the $50
first prize for her "Two Stories."
Gloria Ann Masterson, Wayne, re-
ceived second prize of $30 for her
story, "No Pickets, No Mobs, No
Nothing," and Roberts Evans, Ypsi-
lanti, tied for third place with Marie.
Neumeister, River Forest, Ill., each
winning $20. Evans' stories were
"Joe" and "Crisis" and "Today Will
Be Different," was the title of Miss
Neumeister's story.
Nancy MacKaye, Ann Arbor, won
first prize of $50 in the poetry divi-
sion for her entry, "Thoughts," and
Renee E. Schneider, Forest Hills, N.
Y. and Robert Evans each received
$25 for "Ten Poems" and "Poetry"
Profs. Louis 1. Bredvold and Arno
L. Bader of the English department,
and Dr. Frank E. Robbins were jud-
Yank Planes
Hit Nazi Staff
LONDON, Friday, March 16-(i')-
The German Army's General Staff
Headquarters near Berlin was smash-
ed yesterday in one phase of a 2,100-
plane American raid which was fol-
lowed last night by the twenty-fourth
consecutiveRAP night bombingof
the enemy capital. The attacks con-
cluded one of the biggest and most
successful days of the war for the
Allied air force.
The American bombers sowed 3,500
tons of high explosives and incen-
diaries in the vicinity of Berlin, in-
cluding the German army's nerve
center at Zossen, 20 miles south.

Drive Sweeps Four More Towns
The drive beyond the Rhine gained
more than a mile during the day,
swept up four more German towns
and stabbed into five others. The
Germans said the new U. S. 15th
Army had sprung into action on the
bridgehead, where 100,000 American
soldiers were massed.
The U. S. Seventh Army broke a
long lull with a general assault on a
50-mile front from the Saar to the
Rhine in a synchronized attack with
the U. S. Third Army, and gained
three miles or more, driving the Ger-
mans into retreat to the Siegfried
Third Smashes Six Miles South
The U. S. Third Army smashed six
miles south from its newly-won Mo-
selle River bridgehead near Coblenz
in an offensive that was cutting in 80
miles or so behind the Siegfried Line
facing the Seventh Army front.
Already the push had sealed off the
Rhine transit city of Coblenz, was
nearing the Rhine south of the city,
was pinching off the enemy's "Little
Ruhr"-the Saar basin-and was
challenging the Nazis' last 150-mile
grip on the Rhine's west bank.
Deepest Thrust Made by Third
The Third Army was by far the
deepest into Germany of any Allied
army in the west. As it closed on
Boppard, an ancient Rhine center six
miles south of Coblenz, it was 80 miles
north of the Saar border, and nearly
70 miles west of the enemy frontier.
Japs Repulsed
On Mindanao
Yanks Seize 28 Miles
Of Coast, 15 Towns
By The Associated Press
United States 41st Division troops
pushing the ihcreasingly resisting
Japanese into the hills of Zamboanga
peninsula on Mindanao Island, Phil-
ippines, have seized control of 28
miles of the peninsula seacoast and
captured 15 more villages.
Marines continued to mop up Japa-
nese diehard remnants still clinging
to the sandstone northern fringe of
Iwo Jima, where the American flag
has been officially raised, signifying
possession of the island.
The conquest of Iwo Jima for an
advanced airbase only 750 miles
from Tokyo cost the lives of around
4,000 Marines, Vice Adm. Richmond
K. Turner indicated by his estimate
that the Leatherneck dead was less
than one-fifth that of the enemy.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's commu-
nique today (Friday) announcing the
Mindanao successes also said the
Sixth and 43rd Divisions made fur-
ther advances against the Japanese
Shimbu Line in the hills east of Man-
ila on Luzon Island.

'Singapore Joe' Fisher Concludes
Oratorical Association Lectures

Generals Cramer, Reynolds To Attend JAG Graduation

Major General Myron C. Cramer,
Judge Advocate of the Army, and
Major General Russel B. Reynolds,
Commanding General, Sixth Service
Command, will be guests of the JAG
School at graduation exercises to be
held at 4:30 p. m. today in the Law
Other guests making the trip to
Ann Arbor, to observe the gradua-
tion of the School's 21st Officer class
and 10th Officer Candidate class, are
Colonel William H. McCarthy, Com-

ficer Candidate class and the 29 mem-
hers of the 21st Officer class, with
their guests will banquet in the eve-
ning at the Allenel Hotel. Graduates
range in rank from second lieutenant
to colonel.
Gen. Cramer will deliver the grad-
uation address at formal commence-
ment exercises to be held tomorrow
morning in Hutchins Hall. Gen. Rey-
nolds and E. Blythe Stason, Dean of
the Law School, will also address the

Beginning with Bombay and going
through the country to Calcutta,
"Singapore Joe" Fisher pictured the
"Land of the Maharajahs" yesterday
in the concluding number of the cur-
rent Oratorical Association series in
Hill Auditorium.
"India, now seventh among the
chief manufacturing nations of the
world, will be the principal industrial
country in the East immediately fol-
lowing the war," Fisher declared
"The opportunity to find a solution tc
the problem of India was missed when
Sir Stafford Cripps visited India," he
continued. It was a bad time, Pearl
Harbor, the tragedy at Dunkirk, and
the fall of Singapore preceded his
visit and therefore, he explained the
opposition felt that this was the time
to demand all or nothing.

pictorial review were the picturiza-
tions of the religious ceremonies
found not in the cities but in the
isolated country regions. In one day
300 came to walk over the burning
coals in order to purify their souls.
In the ceremony of Tharpussum, de-
votees were shown walking through
the streets from nearly morning until
?venng with as many as 150 arrows
iercing their flesh, some jumping as
;hey walk in order to intensify the
Coffee Hour To
Be in Lane Hall
The first Coffee Hour of the semes-
.er at Lane Hall will be held from

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