VOL. LV No. 9
r4t gcqn
qvmmRmm Air
13 zttt!j
Fair, Little Change
in Temperature
Yanks ear Frankfurt-ologne Hig
Russians Roll
Nazis Back
Four Miles
Rail Center Taken
By Ukraine Army
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Mar. 15, Thursday-
-Russian troops, speeding the clean-
up of the Baltic coast to free power-
ful Red Army formations for the
swelling assault on Berlin, rolled
the Germans back as much as four
miles yesterday on a 17-mile front in
the narrow pocket southwest of
Koenigsberg, Moscow announced last
Simultaneously, Marshal Rodion
Y. Malinovsky's Second Ukraine Ar-
my in a drive through the wooded
mountains of the Carpathian front
to the south captured the rail junc-
tion town of Zvolen, a powerful Ger-
man strongpoint on the Hron River
in Slovakia 125 miles northeast of
Vienna, and eight nearby towns.
New Positions Periled
German attacks toward the Dan-
ube River from positions northeast
and east of Lake Balaton in Hungary
were perilled by Russian units liber-
ally employing artillery and mine-
On the Baltic, in bitter village-by-
village fighting, the Third White
Russian Army came within 4/2 miles
of reaching the coast of the Frisches
Hal't (lagoon) and splitting the East
Prussian bastions of Braunsberg and
Heilingenbeil from Brandenburg, 12
miles southwest of Koenigsberg.
2,000 Prisoners Taken
The Soviet night communique said
the Itussia s advancing in the East
Prusg n pocket killed more than
4,000 Germans and took more thap
2,000 prisoners.
The Russian drives at Koenigsberg
along the bay of Danbig and at Kol-
berg were designed to free the Baltic
flank and enabled the Soviet com-
mand to throw the maximum weight
of men and material westward a-
gainst Berlin and the heart of the
Campus Red
Cross Proceeds
Reach $4,148.
Latest reports today showed that
contributions from the Army Units on
campus andaUniversity personnel
jumped the campus Red Cross War
Fund drive total by $4,148.
According to Capt. C. P. Atkin-
son, commanding officer of Co. G,
seven Army Units have contributed a
total of $1,834 to date, which already
exceeds the expected total of $1,400.
Leading units are CATs, $829; JAG,
$448; and Co. A, $333.
Donations of faculty and Univer-
sity personnel have reached a total
of $4,340. This figure includes re-
ports from approximately 70 per cent
of the departments.
Meanwhile, members of the League
and Union staffs were soliciting all
students in an effort to reach their
goal, which has been set at $5,500.
The League, under the direction of
Deborah Parry, '45, is responsible for
$4,000 of that quota, and each woman
is expected to give $1.25.
The Union staff, with Tom Don-
nelly, A/S, chairman, has been soli-
citing men's houses.
Latest figures indicate that the
Ann Arbor city fund is nearing the
70 percent mark towards its comple-
tion. City workers planned a lunch-
eon rally today in their drive to com-
plete their quota of $79,100.
FDR MEETS U. S. DELEGATES-President Roosevelt (seated) meets American delegates to the San
Francisco conference at the White House. In the group are (left to right) Rep. Sol Bloom (D.-N.Y.),
Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, Sen. Tom Connally (D.Texas), Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.,
Comdr. Harold Stassen, Sen Arthur Vandenberg (R.-Mich.), and Rep. Charles A. Eaton (R.-N.J.).
Yanks Drive
Forward on
Iwo Island
Gains EstimaLted in
TermRs of Yardage
By The Associated Press
QUARTERS, Guam, Thursday, Mar.
15-United States Marines, who have
killed an estimated 20,000 Japanese
in 24 days on Iwo Island, scored gains
of 200 to 400 yards Wednesday in
the northwestern section, the Navy
announced today.
The United States flag has been
raised formally on Iwo.
2,050 Marines Killed
The Navy communique made no
mention of American casualties-a
figure not brought up officially on
Guam since that supplied for the first
threekdays. It was 5,732 including
644 killed. Later Navy Secretary
Forrestal in Washington placed the
Marine dead at 2,050.
Today's communique disclosed that
Navy, Army and Marine planes are
operating from captured air bases on
the island.
Wednesday's gains were scored in
the sector of Maj. Gen. Keller E.
Rockney's Fifth Marine Division. At
nightfall these leathernecks still were
locked in a stiff battle.
Japs Sealed in Caves
The estimated enemy dead was re-
garded as conservative. It was reach-
ed by an approximate count of bur-
ials. Many more Japanese bodies
are known to be sealed up in bomb-
blasted caves.
In reporting the raising of the flag,
usually designating a conquest, the
communique specified "some resist-
ance still continues."
Iwo-based Army planes and Army
Liberators from more distant bases
pounded Chichi in the Bonin islands
on successive da , Tuesday and
Yanks Invade Two
Philippine Islands
MANILA, Thursday, March 15-(R)
-Twenty-fourth Division Yanks of
the Eighth Army landed and seized
control of Bomblon and Simara
Islands in the Sibuyan Sea east of
American-held Mindoro in the central
Philippines, Gen. Douglas MacArthur
lannounced today.
The landings were made at night,
and "thereby attained complete tac-
tical surprise," the communique said.
American losses were described as
Singapore , oe'
Fisher To End
Lecture Series
Technicolor Filhs To
Be Presented Tonight
"Singapore Joe" Fisher, concluding
speaker in the current Oratorical As-
sociation series, will present a seies
of technicolor films on "The Land of
the Maharajahs" at 8:30 p. m. today
in'Hill Auditorium.
Owned Movie Theaters
Before the war, Fisher owned a
chain of movie theatres throughout
the East. Some, like the famous Cap-
itol Theatre in Singapore, were la-
vishly furnished with silk hangings
and plush seats while others were
housed in tents with mud floors and
wooden benches. Fourteen trips
around the world have made him
countless friends and his guest book
reads like a "Who's Who." Back-
grounded by tropical foliage, Fisher's
home was a huge structure set in a
garden in which fifty varieties of
orchids grew. Amelia Earhart spent
the last night before her ill-fated
flight there and it was there that
Paulette Goddard and Charles Chap-
lin spent their honeymoon and Noel
Coward wrote his "Private Lives."
World-Spread Fame
The fame of the "master showman
of Malaya" spread to the four cor-
ners of the globe and was acknow-
ledged by the Sultan of Johore who
christened him "Singapore Joe" at a
huge reception.
The films which Joe Fisher will
present tonight are part of a ,series
of pictures through which he record-
ed, as a hobby, every interesting
place of unusual event which came
his way.
600- Pounad Patie t
Dieshin ' U'Hos pital
Two Union Vice-Presidents
Will Be Selected March 23
1New Gains in Rhineland
Hills Made by First Army
Supplies Pour Over Ludendorff Bridge;
Reconnaissance Attacks Are Launched
(See MAP, Page 2)
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Thursday, March 15-Infantry and armor of the U. S. First
Army expanded the Remagen-Erpel bridgehead today to within a mile and
a quarter of the Frankfurt-Cologne super-highway, and other American
forces extended the fighting along the far-flung Western Front.
In the bridgehead, now 10 % miles long and 5/2 miles deep, Lt. Gen.
Courtney H. Hodges' doughboys punched north, south and east for gains
of up to a mile through the rugged hills that border the Rhine.
Supplies Pour In
Reinforcements and supplies con-
tinued to pour into the American-
held area east of the river over the
great Ludendorff bridge and the pon-
toon structure erected by U. S. Engi-
The German radio claimed Nazi
bombers destroyed the big double-
tracked rail bridge during the day,
but the latest information available
tonight at both SHAEF and 12th
Army group headquarters was that
the huge steel structure not only was
standing, but was in better condition
than when it was captured.
A German broadcastralso said Al-
lied reconnaissance thrusts had been
launched across the Rhine "north of
Duisburg and north of Leverkusen."
The enemy report said "all thrusts
were unsuccessful."
There was no confirmation here of.
any Allied activity north of the First
Army front, other than recent reports
of the U. S. Ninth Army shelling the
Ruhr across the river, but such recon-
naissance would be a normal proced-
Seventh Opens Attack
To the south, however, the Ameri-
can Seventh Army opened a new at-
tack against the last enemy-held
salient west of the Rhine in Germany
and gained four miles on a seven-
mile front.
First Army doughboys pushed up
to a mile through the hilly, wooded
country that rises east of the Rhine
as they strove tenaciously to knock
,the Nazis back out of artillery range
of the two bridges across the river in
the Remagen area.
A week after the Remagen trestle
was captured the enemy had yet
mounted no full-scale counterblow at
the bridgehead, but air reconnais-
sance late today disclosed a large
concentration of German forces east
of Cologne and north of the Ameri-
can holding.
Governor Kelly
Supports U'
Budget Request
Dr. Ruthven Asks for
Funds To Help Vets
Governor Kelly yesterday support-
ed University requests for an $1,363,-
451 increase in next year's appropria-
tions "largely to take care of in-
creased enrollment of World War II
veterans," according to an Associated
Press report,
The Governor pointed out that the
request looked very "basic" and "con-
servative" and should have high pri-
Ruthven Confers with Kelly
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Univer-
sity President, conferred with Kelly
yesterday and explained that costs of
educating veterans are greater than
of educating other students.
A factor in this, Dr. Ruthven stat-
ed, is that classes for veterans must
be smaller, generally with 10 to a
dozen students instead of around 40
as in other classes. This necessitates
staff additions he added
Kelly Threatens Veto
In addition, Governor Kelly an-
nounced that he had cautioned the
legislature he would veto the entire
1945-46 state budget if the legis-
lature allows it to exceed the $.162,-
000,000 state revenues he estimates
will be available to finance it.
"If the budget for operational ex-
penses goes over $162,000,000," the
Governor said, "I'll veto the whole
thing. I'll say like a judge to the
jury. 'Disagreement'."
Two new vice-presidents to the
Board of Directors of the Michigan
Union will be chosen in a special
campus election from 8:45 a. m. to
2:45 p. m., March 23, it was announc-
ed yesterday by the Men's Judiciary
Council, in charge of the election.
The vice-presidents will be chosen
by schools, one to represent the Law
school and the other to represent the
combined schools of Business Ad-
ministration, Music, Forestry, Educa-
tion and Public Health. Only men
students in the above schools will be
eligible to vote in this election,
Monday Deadline
Petitions for the vice-presidentialj
offices should be turned in to the
Intangible Tax
Proposals Are
Heard in Capital
LANSING, March 14-(P)---A pro-
posed stiffening of the state intan-
gible tax law drew alternate rounds
of applause and condemnation to-
night at a public hearing before the
Senate Taxation Committee.
Representatives of large business
and industry raised a score of negal
objections to phases of the bill while
spokesmen for banks declared a pro-
vision to tax bank deposits was un-
Representatives of municipal offi-
cials seeking greater state financial
aid and sponsors of previous tighter
tax laws defeated in the legislature
declared the present, law if a "farce."
One committee member, Senator
George N. Higgins, Ferndale Repub-
iin c "iJ 'inU ytr ,n " Ila ",n iu, wu
Student Offices of the Union not later
than Monday afternoon.- Any man in
the aforementioned schools who sat-
isfies the University eligibility stand-
ards may petition for office.' Peti-
tions should state the candidate's
qualifications, his experience in extra-
curricular activities and the platform
he would uphold if elected to the
The Union Board of Directors is a
student-faculty-alumni body which
acts as an overall co-ordinator of
Union activities. Working in con-
junction with the student Union Ex-
ecutive Council, it is instrumental in
forming the policy and determining
the program of the Union.
Two Vacancies
There are normally six vice-presi-
dents, one each representing the
schools of Literature, Engineering,
Medicine, Dentistry, Law and the
combined schools. The two vacan-
cies on the Board which will be filled
in the coming election are caused
by the retirement of vice-presidents
G. R. Keene of the Law school and
R. O. Beatty, USMC, of the Forestry
school, representing the combined
The election will be carried out
according to the new campus elec-
tion rules adopted by the Men's Judi-
ciary Council last term. A statement
of the qualifications and program of
each of the candidates will be print-
ed in The Daily next week.
Gordon Leaves
Large Fortune
Uiversity ay Gain
ront lerrs of Will
DETROIT. March 1 4--(1P)-Terms
of the will of James C. Gordon, found-
er and president of the Gordon Bak-
ing Co., provide for creation of a
charitable foundation worth between
$5,000,000 and $10,000,000 probate
judge Joseph A. Murphy announcec
Gordon, who died March 5, left
$500,000 to his widow and another
$750,000 in trust for her. The re-
niainder of the estate is to become the
Josephine E. Gordon Foundatior
which the will directs is to be organ.
ized and operated exclusively foi
charitable or educational purposes.
If Mrs. Gordon does not wish to
establish the foundation, the will pro-
vides she cat) give it to any or all o:
the following organizations; Chil-
dren's Hospital of Michigan, Michi-
gan Children's Aid Society, Univer-
sity of Michigan, or to any other cor-
poration which is organized for reli-
gious, charitable, or scientific pur-
Wagner Addresses
Rev. Loucks To Open Series;
Inter-Guild Sponsors Program
lican saict -maybe," he said', -we
Medause Langevin, 600-pound Uni- would be smart to repeal this law and
4 ersity Hospital patient died of an open the department's records to lout
acute cardiac condition today. Lange- cal assessing officials. Then we
vin, 39 years old, had been confined probably would get the amount of
to 'U' Hospital since March 1. money we are supposed to get."
Old Glo ryFormallyRalised on
Iwo Jima by Adinral N hnutz
Post-War Council
Will Meet Today
Students who are interested in
affiliating with the Post-War
Council are asked to attend the
first meeting of the term to be held
at 4:30 p. m. today at the Michi-
gam Union.
Plans for the term, to include a
series of panels, movies alid lec-
tures will be discussed at the meet-
ing and officers will be elected.
Past Proves To
Be Profitable
(P)-For Pfc. David Lawler of Rud-
yard, Mich., civilian hunting experi-
ence came in handy when it came
to hunting Japs in the jungles of
the Netherlands East Indies.
Pfc. Lawler, who is with a rifle
company that is part of a veteran
infantry division, got his share of the
Japs before one of the opposing bul-
lets got him.
For his combat efforts, the Michi-
gan soldier was awarded the Purple
Heart by the commanding general
of the division, with which he has
been serving overseas for 19 months.
Pfc. Lawler was with an attacking
force driving the Japs from a Pacific
island. In the first push the rangy
soldier said he managed to get sev-
eral of the Japs as he emptied sev-
eral elips from his M1 rifle.
The first of a series of discussions'
on Protestant action, sponsored by
the Inter-Guild of the Student Reli-
gious Association, will be held at 4
p. m. today in the library of Lane
Hall when Rev. Chester Loucks will
present "The Baptist Approach to
Protestant Action."
Rev. Loucks, who will represent
the Roger Williams Guild, ispastor
of the B~aptist Church, and will be
the initial speaker in this program
which is based on the issues affect-
ing inter-denominational cooperation.
Discussions of this sort will con-
tin ue throughout the spring seme-
ster. Each week one denominational
group is responsible for a session, and
the religious leader of that group
wilt present his approach to Protest-
ant cooperation.
"Congregationalists, Disciples, and
Protestant Action" will be the sub-
ject of the next session to be con-
ducted March 22 by Rev. H. L. Pick-
erill of the Congregational Disciples
Future meetings will be lead by Rev.
E. H. Redman of the Unitarian Guild,
Rev. W. P. Lemon of the Westmin-
_vies o Be
Shown Today
"Michigan on the March," a novie
chronicle of campus war activities
and "To the Ladies," a film showing
the part of women in the war will be
shown continuously from noon to
In r rn nr a - of -.bo vli 1rTa P~
ster Guild, Rev. H. O. Yoder of the
Lutheran Student Association, Rev.
A. T. Scheips of Gamma Delta, Rev.
J. B. Kenna of the Wesleyan Guild,
Rev. T. R. Schmale of the Evangeli-
cal and Reformed Guild, and Rev.
Henry Lewis of the Canterbury Club.
State Lumber
Industry Aided
War Prisoners
Labor Shortage
Today Interviewing for seven As-
semnbly Central Commit-
tee positions for Assem-
bly-anhel Ball, 3 to 5 p.m.
in the Kalamazoo Roon
of the League.
Today Film, "Michigan on the
March" shown continu-
ously from noon to 10
p.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre,
Today Joe Fisher speaks on the
"Land of the Mahara-
jahs" at 8:30 p.m. in Hill
A ..Aif'nrit i n-w . r l.. -1 aall -
By The Associated Press
United States forces captured two
more islands in the Philippines and
formally raised their flag on little
Two Jima Wednesday (east longitude
date) signalling.the conquest of that
bloody volcano island.
Fleet Adm.nChester W. Nimitz pro-
claimed the end of Japanese author-
ity there.
Nimitz also reported that conser-
vative estimates place at 20,000 the
number of Japanese killed on Iwo
through March 14. His last previous
figure, issued about 10 days ago, was
ed capture of the 22nd and 23rd
islands of the Philippines-Romblin
and Simara, in the Sibuyan sea. This
gives the Yanks a firmer grip on the
main ocean shipping lane to Manila.
Meanwhile these other develop-
ments marked progress of the war in
the vast Pacific-Asiatic. theater:
The Marines on Iwo Jima were
pressing the final phase of the bloody
campaign there.
Bayonet Practice for Children
The invasion-jittery Japanese, with
three of their industrial centers hard
hit by mass B-29 incendiary attacks,
DETROIT, March 14--()-A spe-
cial War Labor Board panel was told
today that production schedules in
the northern Michigan lumber indu-
stry could not have been maintained
without the help of German prison-
ers of war.
Albert J. Gazvoda of Marquette,
area director of the War Manpower
Commission, told the WLB panel that
1,000 Nazi prisoners are now working
in the area and said Selective Service
has made extremely heavy inroads
on the district's manpower reserves.
Gazvoda, testifying at the heading
on union demands for general wage
increases in the lumber industry, said,
"the Upper Peninsula has the highest
percentage of induction per capita of
any area in the United States." He
said there had been a six per cent
"evaporation" of manpower since
Company spokesmen said the en-