THE MICHIGAN DAILY .e Atr4tgan 743at1y Alp 4*ThePendulm A*4*1 Fifty-Fifth Year DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . * . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director , City Editor . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff . . Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3INO NY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 480 mADisoN Av. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON " LOSANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by inebers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 18-Year-Old Vote ENFRANCHISEMENT of persons between the ages of 18 and 21 should be one of the steps in the advancement of our political life. For many practical and realistic reasons the 18-year- old vote is necessary for the full realization of the traditional democratic principles of our country. Universal suffrage, though it has been thwarted and denied many times in the history of the United States, is based upon the idea that voting is not a privilege but a right. This is explicitly stated in amendments to the con- stitution. If voting is a right, then those who are capable of voting intelligently, regard- less of their race, color or age, should be al- lowed to exercise this right. When the states were first delegated the power to fix the voting age they arbitrarily set it, in most cases, at 21. Since that time, the op- portunity to acquire an education has been extended to a much greater proportion of the youth. Secondary education is now compulsory and problems of citizenslip are taught in the high schools. The percentage of those attend- ing colleges and universities is larger than ever before. There is no reason to believe that those between 18 and 21 are now less informed about or less interested in political affairs than those' over 21. Those who argue that the idealism of youth makes it careless and indiscriminate in the choice of public officials should recognize that that idealism, if based on sound knowledge and understanding, can be a valuable barometer of change in political thought and practice. Ideal- ism may counteract conservative views which are often characteristic of age, effecting a balance in the expression of diverging trends of opinion. If suffrage abuses are prevalent, it is the methods and circumstances of voting, not the voters, that warrant condemnation and reform. More voters will add to democratic procedure rather than detract if these reforms are made. The states should not ignore this proposal for enlargement of the electorate. -Carol Zack New Party Formed IN ORDER for any element of security to exist in the post war world, subversive activities, which can do more to our traditions of freedom than some people may think, must be attacked. The men and women overseas are fighting valiantly, enduring hardships, making sacrifices for democracy. They are fighting for equality and against racial discrimination. At the same time a new political party is being formed in the state of Georgia. It is the Commoner Party, organized to "combat the Jew and Negro" and to repeal the Fifteenth Amendment which gives Negroes the franchise. IN FACT, weekly publication whose purpose is to serve as an "antidote for falsehood in the daily press," presented the outline of the' new party in its Feb. 26 issue. The originators of the Commoner Party claim that there has been a definite feeling in the South that a second By BERNARD ROSENBERG "THIS IS MY BELOVED"-a diary of exotic poems by Walter Benton-was the campus craze last semester and it is still stacked high in local book shops. Louis Untermeyer found the collection graphic but not pornographic, and said so to the delight of unnumbeed enthusi- asts who formed a sort of post graduate bobby- sox brigade. Now, it is a pretty safe rule-tinctured with something of the snobbish perhaps but unfor- tunately true-that there exists no relation- ship between the quality of a book and its popularity. Wherefore, I shied away from this one while the sophisticates rhapsodized about it. But, so fatuous. were the defenses they put up in the name of poetic license for Benton's work, that one could not refrain from attacking it. One interesting fact to be noted is that there has been an enormous reaction against so- called obscurantism. The people who just love Benton seem to hate Eliot (if they know him). Thus, one night in the Little Shop, while being. regaled with copious quotations from "This Is My Beloved" by one young lady, another was telling me why she liked the stuff. "It is all so simple," she gasped. Simplicity is surely a vir- tue, as the great Greek poets and the Hebrew Psalmists knew. But, it is not all that matters. "What about depth, sublimity, and perception- are these of no consequence?" I naively queried. Their first impulse was to say, "No." Then they thought awhile, hedged, and dropped the sub- ject. It is picked up here because this discrep- ancy has deeper implications than are at first discernable. In fact, the critical world is bi-. furcated into opposing camps over it. During the '20's when American literature enjoyed a slight Renaissance, there arose the now famed cult of unintelligibility. A cross-fertilization of European cultures with our own had not a Federal Tax Power WITH VERY LITTLE fanfare and even less publicity the legislature of Michigan and 15 additional states have quietly approved the pro- posed 22nd constitutional amendment which seeks to limit the federal taxing power. Under the amendment the individual income would be subject to a maximum rate of 25 per cent. Such a measure would prove not only inequit- able but altogether unsound. The Treasury esti- mates that this limitation would reduce federal revenue by six billion dollars. The effects of such a reduction in revenue would be disas- trous. First, the public credit would be endangered. The federal revenue would be inadequate to the task of servicing the nation's war debt. Sec- ondly, the degree of progression in our tax system would necessarily be reduced. The funds needed must be obtained, if not by high surtax rates in the upper income brackets, by increasing the burden on the lower income groups through higher rates on small incomes or increased excise taxes, possibly a federal sales tax. Not only would such a tax be in- equitable, but, the Treasury estimates, even a five per cent federal sales tax would yield only three billion of the necessary six billion. Moreover, any cut in public revenue would call for a corresponding reduction in public expenditure, which would be a major obstacle to any program for full employment. Backing the measure are organizations of the most reactionary character, among them Frank Gannett's Committee for Constitutional Gov- ernment and the Christian American Associa- tion. Gannett's major argument, which he states in no uncertain terms in voluminous liter- ature, is simply that progressive taxation is unAmerican. Sixteen additional states are needed to force a national constitutional convention to propose the amendment, which must then be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Fourteen states have rejected the proposal. In Lansing last week, Rep. Peter J. Kelly of Detroit denounced the proposed amend- ment and asked that the legislature 'memor- ialize Congress in opposition to the 25 per cent limit' and rescind the legislatures ap- proval of the limitation at its 1941 session. His proposals should receive wide support and serve as models for Mississippi, Rhode Island, Wyoming, Iowa, Maine, Massachuetts, Michi- gan, Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Penn- sylvania, Wisconsin, Kansas and New Jersey, which have also approved the amendment. -Betty Roth little to do with emergent Imagism and Sym- bolism-those poetic schools whose subject- ivity cut them off from a large part of the reading public. Vhether it was the purpose of art to express an emotion or to communi- cate it became the central aesthetic issue, re- stated philosophically by the formalist and the functionalist. These lines of opposition have sharpened in the past twenty years to such a point that college students who revel in Walter Benton leave W. H. Auden and T. S. Eliot unread. Of course, it re- quires some digging and a suitable background to understand these two, but effort in this direc- tion is never without reward. Then again, if the greatest poets writing in English are to be disregarded there still remain some important craftsmen several notches above Benton and that other contemporary phenomenon, Russell Davenport. Marrianne Moore, Karl Shapiro, Muriel Rukeyser, John Malcolm Brinin. Robert Penn Warren; here are poets who have some- thing to say and, for the most part, say it beautifully-even if their books are well-nigh unmarketable. These are artists who have not departed far from the main stream of present- day society. They may not be as simple as Baby LeRoy, but all of them are at least com- prehensible. Moreover, I know of nothing more nonsensical than the assumption that a poem is good because it is easy to read. Cultivation is required before one can ap- preciate poetry. The lamebrain who says "I don't know what's good, but I know what I like," has been caricature for all time by Max Beerbohm. But his Zuleika Dobsons are still around, repeating the same old saw. These reflections finally incited me in an hour of weakness to read the book under question. It left me cold. There are a few stray images here that may some day become incorporated in a new edition of Poetica Erotica. But the theme itself has been handled exquisitely before. Benton is a dull echo of Sappho and Anachreon. He only looks good to someone unacquainted with Baudelaire or Swinburne (of whom it was said that he never degraded lust by re- garding it as mere love.) My objections, you see, are not puritanical. They are strictly artistic. It is a shame not easily effaced that while masterpieces moulder in the Ann Arbor libraries, messy md'iority is apotheosized. Liberal Education NEGATIVE CRITICISM leveled against univer- sity courses in such fields as philosophy, psychology, history, journalism and many others as being "impractical" and "too theoretical" by many is unjustified, especially in view of the trend of the times. As the war comes nearer to an end, the need for studies in these fields becomes more acute. In a peaceful and productive postwar world, understanding and application of "im- practical studies" serve multifold purposes: 1) To develop citizenry inculcated with an active interest in maintaining a lasting peace. 2) To off-set selfishly materialistic and cyni- cal philosophies that follow in the wake of war. 3) To develop a sound and constructive blueprint of ideals based on understanding of socio-economic and political theory to serve as a groundwork for concrete action. Despite the criticism of college education by such a group as the Detroit Business Men's Com- mittee on Co-operation with Education which condemned college as a "time wasting fraud" in a recent poll, many of the "practical" think- ers in the business world are coming to recognize the significance of the "impractical" courses. In the field of journalism, for example, a recent survey indicated that over fifty per cent of the American paper publishers prefer to employ college graduates with a good background in the humanities. Industrial establishments now employ trained psychologists to cope with in- creasingly complex personnel problems here- tofore handled by untrained, and often untact- ful, "bosses" and employment managers. Many plants have even used standard psychology tests developed by "visionary professors." Citizens should not forget that these "im- practical" courses formulate the ideals of the leaders of tomorrow. Should the mission of the humanities fail, unscrupulously greedy minority interests might enicroach upon the hard won democratic institutions. And the increasing complexity and tempo of modern life makes it imperative that the "imprac- tical studies" play a greater role in our civiliza- tion. --Sylvan M. Berman WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 94 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of tie University. Notices for the Bulletin should be Sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. American Red Cross War Fund: If you have not been solicited in regard to your contribution toward the American Red Cross and wish to make your pledge, please call at the Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing, and receive your membership card and pin. Apparatus Exchange: The Regents authorize the sale of scientific appar- atus by one department to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of the depart- ment from which the apparatus is transferred, under following condi- tions. Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Professor R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Rm. 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus to other departments MERRY-GO-ROUND: Putsch Story By DREW PEASON WTASHINGTON-Those whose bus- iness it is to study the intricate problem of German politics have now come to the conclusion that if it hadn't been for the July 20 putsch against Hitler, we might have been saved six months or so of fighting. The attempt on Hitler's life gave him the excuse to clean out, every military man not in sympathy with the war, and his military leaders since then have lacked the courage to suggest an armistice - even though they knew the war was hopeless. Here is the inside story of what happened. The Hitler plot had been cleverly arranged by the British. They had been working for months with a small secret segment of anti-Hitler officers inside the German army. Actually, their pipelines into Ger- many had been laid even before the war started. Weeks and weeks of the most minute planning had gone into the plot. However, as in anything as dan- gerous as an attempt to assassinate the world's chief madman, some- ng went wrong at the last mn- ute. A high-up German officer onj the general staff had agreed to place a briefcase containing a time-bomb alongside Hitler's chair during a meeting of the general staff. He did so. But either Hitler mved away or else did not sit where ex- pected. At any rate when the bomb went off, it killed several officers, but Hitler was only wounded in the hand by a bomb fragment. That incident, however, touched off the bloodiest blood purge in his- tory. Neutral sources estimate that 100,000 German officers and other high-up officials suspected of anti- Hitler bias were killed. Any German leader who had grown cool regarding the war or was slightly critical of Hitler was included. In the last war, it was the Ger- iran general staff who demanded of the Kaiser that he sue for peace as early as Sept. 29,. 1918. The German civilian government resis- ted. In this war it was expected that the professional military caste would ,see the futility of further rfighting and also sue for peace after the Normandysinvasion last June. But as a result of the July purge the military leaders who sur- vived dared not brave Hitler's wrath. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) By Crockett Johnson, which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry Store on consignment and if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote econ- omy by reducing the amount of un- used apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to them- selves and to the University in avail- ing themselves of this opportunity. Shirley W. Smith German Departmental Library Hours, Spring Term 1944-45: 1:30- 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8-12 Wednesday and Saturday, 204 University Hall. University Women: All University women on campus. married or single, who are not affiliated with a sorority on this campus and who are not rush- ing, are requested to attend a meet- ing to be held in Barbour Gymnas- ium, Dean's office, tonight at 8. Engineering and Chemistry Seniors and Graduates: Mi. E. W. Oldham. of Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, will interview for prospective posi- tions with that organization this morning in Rm. 218 West Engineer- ing Bldg. Schedule of interviews is posted on the Bulletin Board at Rm. 221 West Engineering Bldg., where application forms are also available. City of Dearborn Civil Service An- nouncement for Laboratory Techni- cian, salary $2,130 with annual in- crements up to $2,790, has been re- ceived in our office. For further in- formation stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bu'eau of Appointments. United States Civil Service An-j nouneements for Brick mason, Car- penter, Electrician, Painter, Pipe- fitter, Plasterer, Plumber, Sheet- Metal Worker, Steamfitter, Stone mason, and Tile Setter, Salary $2,- 260, have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appoint- ments. All students wanting to register for summer jobs, such as camp coun- seling, playground work, summer re- sort work, etc. may obtain registra- tion material at the office, 201 Mason Hall, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day between 9 a.m. to 12, and 2 p.m.' to 4 p.m. Many requests are already on file, and registration should be taken care of immediately. This applies to both undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in summer employment. Anyone interested in a teaching position in Newark, N.J., may receive further information regarding va- cancies by calling at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation, 201 Mason Hall. Exami- nations in the fields of English, Gen- eral Science, Home Economics, and Vocal Music, will be held at the Cen- tral High School, Thursday, April 5. Anyone interested in a .teaching position in Toledo, O., may receive further information regarding va- cancies and examinations by calling at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall. the following courses in Ann Arbor beginning this week. You may enroll at the first class session. Appreciation of Painting. A study of the technical processes and basic principles of painting, with the pur- pose of establishing the standards of judgment necessary in the apprecia- tion of painting as a fine art. A be- ginning course for adults who are interested in learning how to look at pictures. Noncredit course, eight weeks. $5 Adams, Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall, Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m. Ceramics. Basic work in modeling, throwing on the potter's wheel, glaz- ing and firing. 'Noncredit course. Twelve 214 hour periods in the cera- mic studio. $15. Moore. 125 Architec- ture Bldg., ground floor, Tappan Street entrance. Wednesday, March 14, 7:00 p. m,. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Associate Dean Walter. English 31: My section will not meet today. W. R. Humphreys The next meeting of PH.P. 220. Introduction to Mental Health, will take place at 7:30 Wednesday, March 21, in Rm. 35 Angell Hall. Concerts Benjamin Owen, panist, will pre- sent a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Mr. Owen will play compositions by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Ravel and Franck. The public is cordially invited. Choral Union Concert: The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Desire Defauw, Conductor, will give the 10th Choral Union Concert, Monday, March 19, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are available and may be purchased at the Office of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower. Faculty Recital: Mabel Ross Rhead, Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will be heard in the second of a series of Sunday evening piano recitals at 8:30 Sunday, March 18, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her program will include compositions by Bach, Corelli, Rameau, Mozart and Schumann, and will be open to the general public without charge. Events Today Botanical Seminar: Today at 4 p.m., Rm. 1139 N.S. Mr. Jose V. Santos will give an illustrated talk on the subject, "Ob- servations concerning the Hevea rub- ber research program in Mexico. Anyone interested in this subject is cordially invited to attend. Mortar Board will. meet tonight at 7:15. All members must be present. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: First meeting of the current term will be held tonight at 7:15 in Rm. 318 of the Michigan Union. Pro- fessor F. W. Pawlowski of the Aero- nautical Engineering Department will speak on "Benjamin Franklin as the Father of American Aeronau- tics." After the talk plans for a group party will be .discussed. All aeronautical Engineering students, members and non-members, are urg- e and invited to attend. Fraternities:House Presidents' meeting at 7:15 p.m. Please send the name and address of your house president to the I.F.C., 306 Mich. Union. Comling Events Tea at the International Center, every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty, foreign students, and their American friends are cordially invited. Geometry Seminar: There will be a meeting to discuss the time of .uture meetings, Thursday, March 15, at 4:15 in 3001 Angell Hall. Tea at 4. The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet on Thursday after- noon, March 15, at 4:15 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Alphonse R. Favreau will speak on "The Sources of Tartarin de Tar- ascon" and Dr. Hirsch Hootkins will give a talk entitled "A Few Remarks on La Biblia Romanceada." Graduate students and all inter- ested are cordially invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held on Friday, March 16, at 4:30 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Buil- ding. "Ascorbic Acid" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. *i x'; i Lectures 7 BARNABY Joe Fisher, famous impresario ofE India and the Far East, will be pre- sented tomorrow night at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the concluding number of the current Lecture Course series. Mr. Fisher will show color motion pictures to illustrate his lec- ture "The Land of the Maharajahs." Tickets are on sale today from 10-1, 2-5 and tomorrow from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the auditorium box office. Spanish Lecture: La Sociedad His- panica will present the fifth lecture in the annual series tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Profes- sor Charles Wagner will speak on "Cante Jondo." Tickets for the indi- vidual lecture will be on sale at the door for those who do not have tick- ets for the series. IAcqdemic Notices To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students of this College, ex-, cept veterans of World War II, must elect Physical Education for Men. This action has been effective since ,Tune, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Ar - thur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall) : by all other students to Asso- 9: +i Rodney! How exciting! Luncheon with J. J. O'Malley, himself! He's probably watched your fine work as vice president of the bank- CItmay mean a ~ big fob, So at lunch tomorrow at the Bankers Club, O'Malley might ask me to quit my brokerage business and go in with him! TeCFiCI 9 c' C J Of course, I jumped at the invitation. I may land some of J. J. O'Malley's legal work, An immense opportunity, counselor. . I My prospective employees will EXPECT their-affluent host to make a few gracious gestures at the luncheon tomorrow, rn'boy. I'll HAVE to loss a nickel into the club's jukebox... G 2 Cey 9 t 4 The N-. apsr PM, 1- The meeting at the club can't start until get there, can it? ...And'mleaving righnow. As soon as I finish this little i Can we start our talk without J. J. O'Malley? Too bad O'Malley's detained- You must know w te asoi n i I'll be glad to take notes of any decisions we reach, if- /[Certainly, Grey. I'm sure I