THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA PoliS I Movie To Be Shown Here Saturday Films To Be Sponsored By Post-War Council Films on Poland will be presented by the Post-War Council at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. "Land of My Mother," a techni- color movie of Polish scenery will be narrated by Eve Curie, well-known Polish authoress. It will show scenes of the Polish Tatra mountains and monuments in Lwow, Krakow, Poz- nan, Gydnia and Vilno. Peasants at work in the fields and Polish moun- taineers will be depicted. Music ac- companiment will be by Chopin. "Scottish Mazurka," featuring a chorus of Polish soldiers singing the songs of Poland and Scotland, will show how the Polish Army trained in Scotland after the fall of France. Mareuvers of tanks in the moor country and artillery drill will be de- picted. Another film will show Pol- ish refugee children in Iran and the camps of Africa. No admission to the movies will by charged. * i * Post-War Council To Plan Term Activities Thursday All students who are interested in joining the Post-War Council are re- quested to attend the first meeting of the term' to be held at 4:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Michigan Union. Activities for the semester, which will include a series of panels on current topics, movies, lectures and seminars, will be discussed at the meeting. Officers for the term will be elected.. The post-War Council, instituted in 1941, has, as its main function, the encouragement of thought and discussion on current problems. Last semester the Council conducted a program on the issues of the Dumbar- ton Oaks Conference. This term the council is planning to center its at- tention on the proposals to be dis- cussed at the forthcoming United Na- tions Conference in San Francisco. . .. .__ .. ----- _ .__ _ Koella Speaks On Courteline, French Author "Georges Courteline, considered the greatest French humorist of the lat- ter 19th and early 20th centuries, is convinced of the utter stupidity of mankind and the absolute useless- ness of any attempt to reform it," Prof. Charles E. Koella of the Ro- mance Languages departments said yesterday in a lecture. The lecture, entitled "Georges Cour- teline, the Great French Humorist" given .in the Alumni Memorial Hall, was the fifth in the Cercle Francais series. Courteline, author of novels, short stories, monologues, essays and com- edies, has satirized with the greatest art (especially in his comedies) the stupidity that leads men in their relations with each other, explained Prof. Koella. He went on to say that this author has given us the most comic and satirical pictures of the way in which discipline is applied to soldiers in the barracks or justicej administered in the hands of judges and lawyers. The French humorist, in his farces dealing with married life, has shown the utter impossibility for men and women to live in harmony, and seems to believe that an individual is com- plete in himself and any association with another individual or society brings clash. "And so we have one of the most pessimistic of French writers using his great gift of comic to depict the humanity which is led by stupidity." Veteran's Transpo I. Will Be Furnished LANSING, Mar. 13.-(/P)-Trans- portation committees to provide em- crgency transportation for discharg- ed servicemen are being organized in most Michigan cities by the Auto- mobile Club of Michigan, the State Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) reported today. Col. Philip C. Pack, OVA director, said the committees would be func- tioning generally in about two weeks to transport veterans to a hospital, counseling center or other agency in time of need. Dr. Colegrove To Speak on Peace Plans Ii~e ii lie Will Discus U.S. facilities, a swimming pool, a library, IEditor's Note: This article wasb written cftra n onan tsol Collaboration Friday IEoet t a cafeterias and a fountain. It should tollboraioi Fi'day expressly for Thie Vaily by a mnember' of the Union Executive Council. be looked upon not only as an or- "American Collaboration in the ganization that promotes campus so- Dumbarton Oaks Charter" will be When the Michigan Union came cial activities, but rather it should the topic of a speech by Dr. Kenneth into existence in 1907, its founders also be considered a body dedicated .eo were undoubtedly little aware of the to uphold the spirit of Michigan, and Colegrove, chairman of the political place their organization would come if possible to spread that spirit into science departmient at Northwestern to have in the life of the University. as yet untouched fields. University at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the Perhaps they could see to some ex- With the latter end in view, the Ex- Rackham Afinphitheater. tent the outward changes which the ecutive Council of the Union is em- Dr. Colegrove, who is a well-known passing years might bring; but it is barking on another term of activi- authority on international relations, seriously to be doubted that in 1907 ties. Participation is open to any will speak under the auspi;es of the any man could have foretold the man of the student body except first Departments of Political Science and growth of the Union in Michigan semester freshmen. As a member of History. He will discuss the role of tradition, until now wherever Michi- the associate staff, the student can the United States in the formulation gan alumni meet, the Union ranks take an active part in shaping cam- of peace. with the Maize and Blue as symbols pus affairs through this key activity. Prominent Author of the University. All eligible men students are urged A graduate of Harvard University, The reason for the growth can be to sign up at the Student Offices in Dr. Colegrove has written several found in the history of the organ- the Union for the staff banquet March books and articles on international ization. Always a student-managed 17, and learn what the Union has to and Far Eastern government. Among club, the Union has sought to offer offer. his books are "Militarism in Japan," students an opportunity to partici- "International Control of Aviation," pate in campus affairs, in addition r. . and "American Government." to providing the many desirable ser- !d 4 0WSKl .O1 GIVe In 1C29 and 1930 he was editor of vices of its facilities and staff. the "European Economics and Politi- The Union is more than a build- Leture on Franklin cal Survey." published in Paris. He ing. It contains billiard rooms, hotel is now a member of the editorial --------- - Prof. F. W. Pawlowski will talk on boards of the magazines, "Amer F"Bcnjamin Franklin-Father of Am- asia," "The Far Eastern Quarterly" Foreign Students, F dlC I crican Aeronautics" at the regular and the "American Political Science To Organize Club Today monthly meeting of the campus Review." | chapter of the Institute of Aeronau- Committee Member An organization meeting for for-|tical Sciences at 7:15 p.m. tonight, Since 1936 Dr. Colegrove has been eign students and American friends Rm. 318, the Union. secretary of the American Political interested in fforming an Interna- Following the talk by Prof. Paw- Science Association. He is a member tional Club will be held at 8 p.m. lowski, who is Guggenheim Professor of both the Central Committee of the today in the International Center. of Aeronautical Engineering, plans universities Committee on Post-War George Hall, assistant director, will will be made for the I.Ae.S. party to International Problems and the Com- preside at the meeting. b held in the near future. ieion P Study the Organization- p The Oratorical Association Presents Give To The U Red Cross jA 1 AO A. HITLER VISITS ODER RIVER FRONT-Adolph Hitler (right) returns a salute from his Nazi soldiers during a visit to a division headquarters on the Oder River front east of Berlin, says the German caption ac- companying photo distributed by the Swedish Picture Agency Pres- sens Bild. RECEIVED PH.D. HERE: Dr. Kalaw Receives New Post' Dr. Maximo Kalaw of the Philip-. pines, who received his Ph.D n C n Res- iiclSinehrin1925, was re- dent Commissioner, was securing pas- cently appointed by President Os- sage of the Jones Law. KalawUfirst mena as Minister of Public Instruc- studied Political Science at the Uni- tion and Information in the new versity of Wisconsin. He has writ- Philippine cabinet, ten several books on political sub- Ph Kln whin 1923.nd1924jects, among them, "Development of Dr. Kalaw, who in 1923 and 1924 Philippine Politics, 1870-1921." exchanged seats in the Political Sci- __o s-epnf. ence department with Prof. J. R Hayden, left here to become Dean of the College of Arts of the Univer- JUST R E sity of the Philippines. In 1935 he resigned his position in the Univer- sity to become a member of the Phil- ippine National Assembly, the unica- meral legislature of the Philippine Commonwealth, and chairman of the . . . L IM I T E D Committee on Appropriations. In 1916 he served President Man- ual Quezon as a private secretary Ann Arbor's [ CLASSIFIED DIECTOIY I Master Showman of Malaya CE IVED - SUPPLY. CH'S 3usy Bookstore Color Motion Picture Lecture HERE'S THE aLand44' "The Land of the Moharajahs" TOMORROW NIGHT, 8:30 P.M. TICKETS $1.20, 90c, 60c (incl. Federal tax) Box Office Open Today 10-1, 2-5; Tomorrow 10-1, 2-8:30 HILL AUDITORIUM'. I 1 WAY TO PLACE A ................ ..... LONG DISTANCE CALL: HERE'S THEW LOSTAND FOUND LOST: Black and white Schaeffer pen with name written in gold. Call 24471, 5516 Stockwell. LOST: Ladies Hamilton white gold, diamond set wrist watch. Call Mrs. Wilson, 8869. FOUND: Fountain pen. Call Twila Hendrickson, 2-1513. LOST: Whoever left me a black vel- vet cape and took my evening coat V-Ball nite, please call 2-3225, Eve- lyn Luhrs. REWARD! For return of black ring with Pi Phi crest. Lost last semes- ter between Natural Science build- ing and Hill St. Call Jane Springer 6 6 7 5 .- - LOST: Black wallet, papers and ident. \ card._Call 2-1419. Reward. LOST: Mexican filigreed silver brace- let Saturday evening. Phone 4759. Reward. FOUND: Ladies' Longines wrist watch Feb. 23, Angell Hall. Call Elaine 2-2541. HELP WANTED WANTED DISHWASHER and port- er. Apply 407 N. Ingalls or call 7100. HELP WANTED: Two boys to wash dishes. Call Mrs. Miles, Alpha Xi Delta house, 24527. KITCHEN HELPERS: 70 cents per hour, board or cash. 12:15 to 2:15 or 6:15 to 8:15. Phone 6737 after 8 p. in. or call at Pinafore. Restau- rant one black east of Rackham building on Huron. WANTED: Waiters and kitcheni help. Good food. Fraternity. Call Buld Lipson, Phi Sigma Delta - FOR SALE DRESSING TABLE for draping with glass top. Almost new, $6.00. WhiteI rocking chair, $3.00. Blue bedside table, $2.00. Call 9590. WANTEDj DO YOU WANT to sell a set of ladies' golf clubs? Phone 9533 or stopit ADaADfour's. ROOM AND BOARD 1Rff'TAT.. T WI P. (-TT1 j. , Frniry d, cinner, Serve America NO t: I GIVE BLOOD -- to save a fighter's life If you can't wear a fighter's uniform, then there's no greater thrill than giving blood that will save a fighter's life. It comes straight from your heart to his heart - a return ticket to ife and the land he loves. The little button that says "I Gave" is your decoration for gallantry! Make an appointment today, -through the nearest Red Cross Blood Donor Headquarters. ,r" {,: ยข y ".. ' y ' } F 1 1 M1 N . S _ " r - t x, # " r N " ' r i +" See Ae'c ae i" t -' i4? \ I/ 7III y/ Placing long distance eaW# ihe quick way (giving at. once the city and state, then the telephOne n umber) saves time on the busy tele- speed youj-r connections. '{ & F Y. f : :: ,. ~ ' - , '' ! . . .c ; . .. : , F }},, a { Ci '+ t _, _a WH EN HIGHWAYS will. be Happy Wys Again Millions of Americans who have given up pleasure travel for the duration are going to enjoy highway trips doubly, when victory opens the door to a thou- sand national playgrounds and beauty spots. Greyhound is going to help these millions enjoy the land they've fought for -with new luxury coaches, faster and more frequent service, new care- free tours all over the map. I '~>