THE MICHIGAN DAIJLY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Wallace's Hands Still Free, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Ray Dixon . Margaret Farmer Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . Editorial Staff , . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . City Editor . . . . Editorial Director Associate Editor . . . - Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor S . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Mgr. Associate Business Mgr. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Secretary of Commerce Hen- ry Wallace will make no changes around his new department for sixty days, until he gets the feel of the place. After that he will do some real reorganizing and rebuild a new, streamlined Commerce Department from the ground up. Wallace refused to make any deals in advance of his confirmation and is now absolutely free to wield the ax. One backstage deal was offered to win the vote of Admiral-Senator Tommy Hart of Connecticut. Miss Margaret Conners, who nearly defeated Clare Luce last November, re- ported that the Admiral was ready to vote for Wallace if Wayne Chatfield Taylor would be retained as under secretary. Wallace, how- ever, refused to promise and in the end, Ad- miral Hart voted for Wallace anyway. Not many people knew it, but Democratic chairman Bob Hannegan, the man who led the fight against Henry Wallace for vice-presi- dent at Chicago, had a private dinner with Henry in the latter's apartment shortly be- fore the Senate voted his confirmation. The dinner climaxed a new friendship be- tween the two, which began at the start of the Wallace confirmation battle. At first, friends had a hard time getting the two men together. Wallace still remembered how Hannegan fought him at Chicago. Hanne- gan also was aloof about butting in. A news- paperman who knew both men was largely instrumental in patching things up. "Did Wallace ask you whether you wanted help when he pitched in during the campaign last summer and made all those speeches for Roosevelt and Truman?" he asked Hannegan. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do for Wallace," countered Hannegan, "But I don't know what his strategy is. And I'm liable to get his wires crossed if I start working with- out any direction.from him." However, Hannegan, then in New York, was finally persuaded to telephone Wallace, also in New York, with the result that they had lunch, and Hannegan has been working hard fof Wallace ever since. At dinner last week they exchanged ideas on various things: How to keep the Democratic party liberal; how to make 60,000,000 jobs; how to streamline government agencies. Ex-Repub- lican Wallace will consult staunch Democrat Hannegan on appointments to the Commerce Department though he won't be bound by Hanne- gan's advice. Jesse Jones and Alcoa . S. REYNOLDS, vigorous organizer of the Reynolds Metal Company which did such a good job of enabling the nation to produce wartime aluminum, told the Senate small busi- ness committee last week the story of his difficulties in getting aid from Jesse Jones' RFC. Apparently anxious to protect the monopoly of the Aluminum Company of America, Jones put every possible obstacle in front of Rey- nolds when it came to financing his alumi- nuni project. After telling the Senate Committee most of the story, Reynolds remarked that he had a confidential talk with Jones after the Reynolds Metal Company had gone into operation and shown its stability. "You know, Reynolds," Jones had said, "Ev- erybody thought you were going to go broke. I did, too. Why didn't you?" Reynolds replied, "Because you are dealing with a very unusual person." "Jones thought I was going to do a little brag- ging at that point," Reynolds told the senators. "All I said was that I had God Almighty on my side."' Following which Connecticut's hard-working senator Brien McMahon remarked: "What it adds up to is-God Almighty and you versus Alcoa and RFC." Note--The Aluminum Corporation, hitherto enjoying an outright monopoly in this coun- try, also drew up estimates for Ed Stettinius, then in charge of National Defense raw ma- terials, claiming that no new aluminum plants were needed. Ed believed them. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $525. REPRSENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3EN4G BY National Advertising Service, Inc. Colege PbdishersRepresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.,Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELS * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by mnembers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Semester Aims IT IS perhaps unnecessary to say that The Michigan Daily is beginning another semester of war-time publication for a war-time campus. There have been so many such semesters that we have achieved some sort of war-time normal- cy. But the existence of this normalcy does not diminish the responsibilities which are entailed in publishing a college newspaper during war. We, the senior editors of The Daily for the spring semester, pledge ourselves to the highest ideals possible for this coming semes- ter. We aim to give as complete and accu- rate coverage as nossible of international, na- tional, and University news. We should like The Daily to accurately reflect campus opinion. This means that not only mem- bers of the staff should take advantage of The Daily's editorial columns but also that the student body and faculty should feel free to express their views in Letters to the Editor. We should like to emphasize that the editor- ials written by members of the staff represent the beliefs of the writers only and are not an indication of staff "policy." We shall endeavor to present both sides of any issue. We invite letters to the editor which are written from an interested, enlightened viewpoint, no mat- ter what stand is taken. We should like The Daily to be a vital in- strument in awakening and energizing our camus and in fostering student interest and initiative. For these things we shall work throughout this semester, -Evelyn Phillips Ray Dixon Margaret Farmer Paul Sisiin REEDOM of the press to be exercised as an effective tool for democratic ideals was bol- stered recently by a decision handed down- by the Supreme Court of the State of New York which affirmed the right of a newspaper to re- ject any advertising it considered discriminatory. State Supreme Court Justice William H. Murray ruled that the press had "a right to edit or reject in good faith advertising copy submitted for publication," the Associated Press reported. Attorneys for the advertisers were denied an injunction to restrain the New York Times from deleting words "selected clientele" from an ad vertisemen t submitted by a summer reot. The attorneys sought to force the newLSP4 C to print the advertisement as submitted. Justice Murray ruled that the words were a "cloak" and an "indirect means to hide discrimi- nation," the A. P. revealed. A decision favorable to the advertisers would have hamstring any attempts by the news- paper to control advertising and would have implied that purchase of news-space in any publication carried with it an inviolable right to print anything governed only by the laws of libel. The newspaper would have been unable to bar copy contrary to public welfare or to its edit- orial policy. Allegations of any nature, respon- sible only to the particular self-interest of the 18-Year-Old Vote Discussed i Ai Pro. THE State House Committee on Constitutional Amendments will meet tonight in Lansing to consider the question of whether or not Michi- gan 18-year-olds should have the right to vote. Looking at the 18-year--old vote question from an objective point of view, it seems that the proposal amending the state constitution should be passed. The value of casting a ballot can be measured, in a sense, on how well-informed the voter is on current political issues. It is not a well- enough known fact, but nevertheless a fact, that there are more well-informed people, rela- tively, between the ages of 18 and 21 than be- tween 1 and 60. That estimate is made on a per capita basis considering the total number in each age group. Behind every legislative and judicial move, there can -be found a direct effect on the youth of the nation. Yet the youth, that is the real youth, those persons between the ages of 18 and 21, have comparatively little voice in the government. This nation's lack of interest in channeliz- ing the efforts of youth into productive pro- gressive causes is one of the underlying reasons for U.'S. political and social mediocrity. Between the high school graduation and at- taining 21 years of age there is a gap in which youth can play little part in the voting and elec- toral scene. As far as the electorate is con- cerned, youths between 18 and 21 are political non-entities who are in the process of being tutored - by established political and economic forces which display glaring shortcomings. Thus, we have failed, to a large degree, to ri ake America's youth "government conscious." Of course, the entire nation, at one time or another, makes or attempts to make a conscious effort to forget the government. It would be a wise move on the part of the state legislators to listen to the testimony presented tonight and vote in the affirmative for any state measure which would open the way to Michigan's youth for a voice in the government of this state. -Bob Goldman Con...0 SINCE the 18-year-old-vote was made a na- tional issue in 1942 by the Affiliated Young Democrats of New York City, (most of whose members, by the way, are well over 18 years of age), it has met wide disapproval and a notable lack of success in the legislatures of 30 of the 31 states in which it has been introduced. Only, Georgia has adopted the 18 year voting age, and it is now a recognized fact that the 18-year-olds in Georgia received the suffrage privilege as political payment for the election of Gov. Ar- nall. It was the conspicuous campaigning of the 18-21 year old group that was chiefly responsi- ble for Arnall's success over the incumbent, Eugene Talmadge. Before advancing some of the arguments against extending suffrage to 18-to-21-year-old boys and girls, it would be profitable to note the instances in which those under 21 have been given the vote. Of 20 major European natiogs three, the U.S.S.R., Germany and Italy, allow youths to vote before reaching the age of 21. Idealism, the boast of youth, has .had disastrous effects on the political philosophy of modern Germany and Italy. In the case of the Soviet Union, on the other hand, can we truthfully regard voting in a one-party nation as a demo- cratic privilege? The eagerness and idealism of young people make them "quick to grasp at panaceas," Emanuel Celler, Representative to Congress from New York City, said in advising against lowering the suffrage age. It, is this eagerness to grasp at panaceas that gained so many loyal young Nazis for Hitler and Fascists for Mussolini. It has been wisely pointed out by Rep. Celler that the years 18 to 21 are "three formative, impressionistic, highly absortive years" which' "make a great difference" in judging political and economic issues. Not only Rep. Celler, but such authorities as Dr. Arthur Graham Glasgow, the N.Y.C. Bar As- sociation, the Governor of Virginia, Colgate W. Darden, Jr. and Prof. Carl Garrison have characterized the 18-21 year old group as too "immature" to make wise political deci- sions. . -Arthur J. Kraft TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1945 VOL LV, No. 87 Automobile Regulations: All stu- dents who possess automobile per- mits are requested to report the 1945 license numbers of their cars to the Dean of Students Office at their earliest convenience. Students who have received exemption cards or who are entitled to exemption priv- ileges should likewise report their rnew license numbers to the Dean of Students Office. Identification Cards: All Identi- fication Cards which were given out during the Summer or Fall Terms must be validated by the Dean of Students for the Spring Term. Cards which were not turned in at regis- tration in Waterman Gymnasium should be left at Rm. 2, University Hall, at once. Cards which are not validated will not be honored for the Spring Term by University officials. Eligibility Certificates: for the Spring Term may be secured imme- diately if the report of Fall grades is brought to the Office of the Dean of Students. To the Members of the University Senate: At the meeting of the Uni- versity Council held Jan. 15 the fol- lowing two recommendations of the Standing Committee on Public Rela- tions were approved: 1. That the individual members of the Faculties of the University of Michigan cooperate to the fullest extent with the University News Ser- vice by informing the Director promp- tly of honors received, contributions published, and discoveries made. 2. That greater use be made of the facilities of the Extension Service in taking to the people of the state pro- grams dealing with little-known Uni- versity activities. Two examples of such activities, which can be drama- tized readily, are the Speech Clinic and the Fresh Air Camp. To the Members ofrthe University Council: The University Council Meeting for March has been can- celled. Rules governing participation in Public Activities: I . Participation in Public Activities: Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a pub- lic performance or a rehearsal, or in holding office in a class or other student organization. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but merely is indicative of the character and scope of the activities included. II. Certificate of Eligibility: At the beginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be; conclusively presumed to be ineligi- ble for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established' by. obtaining from the Chairman of; the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity (see definition of Participation 'above), the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each appli- cant to present a certificate of eli- gibility (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all other from participa- tion. Blanks for the chairman's lists may be obtainednin the Office of the Dean of Students. Certificates of Eligibility for the first semester shall be effective until March 1. III. Probation and Waring: Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to participate in any pub- lic activity. IV. Eligibility, First Year: No fresh- man in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eli- gibility. A freshman, during his second sem- ester of residence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more By Crockett Johnson of work with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 2/2 times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1, E-0). Any student in his first semester of residence holding rank above that of freshman may be granted a Cer- tificate of Eligibility if he was admit- ted to the University in good stand- ing. V. Eligibility General: In order to ireceive a Certificate of Eligibility a student must have earned at least 11 hours of academic credit in the pre- ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca- demic credit in the preceding sum- mer session, with an average of at least C, and have at least a C average for his entire academic career. Unreported grades and grades of X and I are to be interpreted as E until removed in accordance with Univer- sity regulations. If in the opinion of the Committee on Student Affairs the X or I cannot )fe removed promp- tly, the parenthetically reported grade may be used in place of the X or I in computing the average. Students who are inelgible under Rule V may participate only after having ireceived special permission of the Committee on Student Affairs. American Red Cross War Fund: 'If you have not been solicited in regard to your contribution toward the American Red Cross and wish to make your pledge, please call at the Cashier's Office, 104 South Wing, and receive your membership card and pin. Social Chairmen and House Direc- tors are reminded that requests for social events must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students not later than the Monday before the event for which approval is request- ed. It should be accompanied by written acceptance from two sets of APPROVED chaperons and, in the case of fraternities and sororities, by approval from the financial adviser. APPROVED CHAPERONS may be 1) parents of active members or pledges, 2) professors, associate pro- fessors or assistant professors, or 3) couples already approved by the Committee on Student Affairs. A list of the third group is available at the OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS. Registrants: Second semester elec- tions should be added to your record1 in the Bureau, both Business and Teaching divisions. Also any change of address and telephone. University Bureau of Appointments1 The United States Civil Service Announcement for Junior Prof es- sional Assistant has been received in cur office. Salary $2,433 a year. Only requirement is a Bachelor's degree. Examination is open to SENIOR, STUDENTS. For further informa-, tion and applications, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. Detroit Civil Service Announce- ments for WATER SYSTEM HELP- ER, Salary, $1.05 an hour, SECOND OPERATING ENGINEER (STEAM ENGINE) $2,829 to $3,174, nd DIET KITCHEN COOK, Salary $1,820 to $1,952 have been received in our office. For further information stop in at Mason Hall, Bureau of Ap- pointments. State of Michigan Civil Service An- touncements for the following have been received in our office. For fur- ther information, stop in at 201 Ma- son Hall, Bureau of Appointments. HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE ENGI- NEER IV, Salary $360 to $420 a month, LIQUOR WAREHOUSEMAN, A, B, and C, $140 to $185 a month, BOYS' SHOE REPAIR OCCUPA- TIONAL SUPERVISOR A, $150 to $170 a month. COBBLER A2, $143.75 to $166.75 a month, ELEVATOR OP- ERATOR C, $110 to $125 per month, FINGERPRINT CLERK B, $125 to $145 a month, SCHOOL CHILD AC- COUNTING SUPERVISOR III, $280 to $340 per month, PLUMBING IN- SPECTOR I, $180 to $220 per month, PARKS AND RECREATION EXEC- UTIVE VI, $577.50 to $687.50 per month, SEAMSTRESS CI, $120.75 to $143.75, ACTUARY IV, $360 to $420 per month, INSTITUTION PORTER D, $115 to $132.25, INSTITUTION BUTCHER B, $155.25 to $178.25, CI- VIL ENGINEER II, and III, $230 to $340, and INSTITUTION BUSINESS EXECUTIVE I, $180 to $224.25. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Wyndham Lewis, English author and artist, will' lecture on the subject "Hemingway, Tolstoy, and War," at 4:15 p. m., Wednesday, March 7, in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Department of English. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture. Mr. Carey Mc- Williams, formerly Commissioner of Immigration and Housing of the State of California, will lecture on the subject "Minority Groups in the United States" at 8 p. m., Tuesday, March 13. in the Rackham Amphi- lectures in personal and community health and to pass an examination on the content of these lectures. Trans- fer students with freshman standing are required to take the course unless they have had a similar course elsewhere. These - lectures for men will be given in Room 231, Angell Hall at 5:00 p. m. and repeated at 7:30 p. m. as per the following schedule. Lecture Day Date 1 Monday March 5 2 Tuesday March 6 3 Wednesday March 7 4 Thursday March 8 5 Monday March 12 6 Tuesday March 13 Please note that attendance is re- quired and roll will be taken. Upper-classmen who have not ful- filled the requirements are requested to do so during this series. This lecture requirement does not apply to Veterans. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer sessionl of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 5. Students wishing an extensio nof time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in theii school with Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri- day, March 9, from 4 to 6 p. m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English will be given according to the following schedule: American Literature May 9, 9-12 a. mn. English Literature 1700-1900, May 12, 9-12 a. m. English Literature 1550-1700, May 16, 9-12 a. m. English Literature Beginning to 1550, May 19, 9-12 a. M. All those expecting to take the ex- amination should notify Professor Nelson. Latin American Studies 194. There will be an organization meeting of this course on Thursday, March 8, at 3:00 p. m. in Room 303 Library, English 31, Section 7: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 11:00. This section was originally scheduled to meet in 302 SW but will meet in 2225 Angell Hall. I .4 ,, \ I English 293: Members of the will meet for organization in A. H. on Thursday, March 8, o'clock. class 3223 at 4 Mathematics 182: Will meet as an- nounced, (M W F at 8:00, 3201 A.H.). Assignment for Wed.: Buy Birkhoff & Beatley, Basic Geometry. Read pages 12 to 25. Extension Division: Opening dates of courses in Ann Arbor are sched- uled to coincide with the campus cal- endar of classes. Persons who would like to have other courses added to the program are asked to list their speci- fic interests with the Extension office. The following classes will be of- fered by the Extension Service begin- ning this week. Spanish lb. This course is a con- tinuation of Spanish la. Two hours credit. $12. Del Toro. 106 Romance Language Building. Tuesday, March 6, 7 p.m. Spanish 2b. This course is a continuation of Spanish 2a. Two hours credit. $12. Del Toro. 106 Romance Language Building. Thursday, March 8, 7 p. in. Music 1142. Masterpieces in Musi- cal Literature. This course deals with the history and analysis of selected compositions, instrumental and vo- cal, by the outstanding composers from Bach to the present day. Part of the course will be devoted to study of the 1945 May Festival program. No previous knowledge of music is necessary, Auditors are permitted, $10. Two hours credit. McGeoch. Burton Memorial Tow- cr. Wednesday, March 7, 7 p. .n, Painting and Composition. This course is open to those who are inter- ested in doing creative work in paint- ing and composition and is designed for the beginner as well as the mature student. Lectures, group discussions, and studio activities. Noncredit course, fifteen weeks. $10. Weddige. 407 Architecture Build- ing, Wednesday, March 7, 7:30 p.m. - --- Y' .: <,,:, BA RNABY F_ 2 So that there'll be no hitc , I'll buy up 51 percent of the company's stock . . . But first, I'll solicit the opinion of a repuloble broker . . Let's see' I'll pick a wel-known one- (- 1. This firm's name has a good familiar ring to it. "Burke & Hare" Il query both of then, Not that I necessarily shall follow their advice. Me, with my vast banking experience- W ere you a an er i banker?P . It's a division of the Abler- Satz Corporation?... Then I'll buy .51 percent of the parent company . .. O, 1 see. THAT's Some years ago your old Fairy Godfather cut quite a swath in the investment world. With the aid of an earnest young disciple of mine, poor fellow-- Poor felow? Yes. A very promising lad he was, foo, that Ponzi... But now, hush, mrboy. This is an important phone call=-- ------ - -I- I e> 0 Q JONSO(\ !"9 Listen, Barnaby, to how we big businessmen do things- Hello? This is J. J. O'Maley, Well, then I'll-What's that? .. Vittles, Inc, is controlled by the Polysarcia Trust? Which is part of Hunos-Wattall, Ltd.? l Cpy';igh1 445, TheNewsppor PM,I nc CROCK E-r JOHNSO See, m'boy? What we small businessmen find I I