FOu THE MWIHIGAN DAILY FRIDlAY, JUN15. ~19. 45' - i i ityit g ai# Fifty-Fifth Yea I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: U.S.-Russian Relations 'Quiet' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Editedand managed by students of the Universit of Michigan uinder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon .. Paul Sislin . Hank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay MoFee S . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . .City Editor * . . Associate Editor R . . . Sports Editor E . . . Women's Editor * . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . , . Associate Business Mgr, . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23.24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Micigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car tier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: EVELYN PHILLIPS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers onl y.C WE'D LIKE to pay tribute to the Class of 4 Not only the 1,400 odd of them who il' graduate a week from tomorrow. But the hundreds who quit school after bare- ly getting started to fight and die in a war that was not of their making. It was September, 1941 that the Class of '45 first entered the University. War clouds were on the horizon, but very few of the fresh- men were worrying about them at the tim, The University was still operating in a peace- time atmosphere. East and West Quads were full-of civilians. There were many more fellows than girls on campus. Fraternities and co-ops were going full blast. The WoI verine cooperative eating restaurant was cat- ering to a lot of students. Christmas vacation was a full two weeks long. Then came Pearl Harbor. It took a little while for it to affect the Class of '45. Then gradually students began to drop out of school to enlist. Pretty soon almost everyone was in some sort bf a reserve program. Quite a few were granted deferments for the semester or two or three. But gradually a large percentage drifted away into the Armed Forces. A few 4-F's were left and a whole lot of girls. Many of these decided to go through school on the accelerated program and were granted as much as a full year before they ordinarily would have. Stories began drifting back of' the feats of the men in service from the Class of '45 who were overseas. Some got desk jobs. Many were in the thick of battle. Not a few died. (We can think of three reporters on The Daily who would probably have been senior editors this semester.) Now veterans from the Class of '45 have begun to return to school after serving their time in the Army, Navy or Marines. They are older and have a greater appreciation of the value of a college education, Many of them are sopho- mores and freshmen and yet have had their twenty-first birthday. More will be returning in the terms to come. The members of the Class of '45 who are graduating a week from tomorrow have a big job ahead-the job of helping to shape a peaceful world. It is for that reason they have been permitted to remain in the quiet atmo- sphere of a university town while the rest of the world is in turmoil. Yes, the Class of '45 is an exceptional one. We pay tribute to it. -Ray Dixon. Norwegian Relief THE NORWEGIAN RELIEF is begging for clothes, any size, shape or style, men's, women's, or children's. Shoes, hats, sweaters, scarves, mittens, suits-any type of wearing ap- parel you have which you wish to give to the drive-should be taken to the archeological museum in Newberry Hall (located on State Street). Blankets, even worn ones, are requested by the Norwegian Relief. In some parts of Norway, mothers have been forced to wraptheir new- born babies in paper fgrdlack ofrblankets, ac- cording to Mrs. Charles E. Koella, local chair- man of the American Relief for Norway. Because sewing machines, needles and thread aracna~nainNnr,v all11 r1Ahing b raimoh+ I-n By SAMUEL GRAFTON OUR RELATION with Russia is in a quiet phase now, The New York Herald Tribune reports with satisfaction that Russian delegates, oil close view, appear very much like human be- ings. The New York Times lists ten conces- sions made by Russia to her allies in the first 45 days of the Conference; one every 4.5 days, not bad. The veto compromise has made the passing moment an amiable one; but, of course, by the time these words appear we may have struck a new snag. The line on the chart which records the state of our fears about Russia may shoot up to a high, from its present low. It is the hope of mankind that the gyrations on that chart will in time cease to be big waves, and become little waves, and then wavelets, and will finally settle down as a more or less straight line, called peace. It would help if we would objectively realize that we are passing through an immense and stormy time of the choosing of alternatives. We are a nation making up its mind about the only other nation of comparable power in the world. That is not easy. The emergence of Rus- sia as a great European power is bound to have a shock impact around the world; Amer- icans cannot be blamed for sensing it, feeling it, wondering about the future. They would be curiously numb if they didn't. What has hap- pened is that ever since May 12, V-E Day, we have been testing out alternative policies toward Russia in our public discussion. This has been .a time of the testing of ideas. ilostile Policy Rejected * . . THE FIRST IDEA, quickly advanced in small sections of the press and Congress, was that of war, or something very like war, against Rus- sia, It has not sold well. Mrs. Clare Luce's position of bitter and unredeemed hostility toward the Russian government has not made her a heroine; she has had her moment on the platform, but the bucks of the town have not offered to pull her carriage through the streets. She has spoken, and she has sat down. Our month of debate may already be said to have tested out this approach, and to have rejected it. A second approach has taken the form of a kind of inward-turning; it has shown up as bitterness against Americans who entertain more or less friendly sentiments toward Rus- sia. A sneer has been created; those who advocate friendship are said to belong to the "Russia is always right" school. Actually, the "Russia is always wrong" school is so much bigger and more important than the "Russia is always right" school, that the lat- ter can hardly be said to be a menace, or indeed more than a mild corrective influence. I mention this only to show that one of the products of our effort to make up our minds about Russia has been an increase of domestic tension. War Once Removed s - ATHIRD approach has been to suggest that we draw a line; thus far may Russia go, and no farther. This sounds a little easier to do than, perhaps, it would prove to be, in practice. The ability to draw a line is also' the ability to otterjt. the,( 21t0or Fraternities Defended 1 0 THE EDITOR: In Mr. Rosenberg's editorial of June 12, he made an unmerited attack on the fraternity sys- tem. For a less biased viewpoint on the college fraternity it would be well to point out some of the more glaring aberations from fact and logic in Mr. Rosenberg's article. In the opening paragraphs Mr. Rosenberg makes the statement the fraternities do not sup- port the organized pursuit of knowledge and recites for proof "the fact that the membership of these organizations is made up of men and women who regularly do poorer work in school than independents is just as significant as it seems." Very true, Mr. Rosenberg, if the state- ment has any basis in fact. Which, we might add in a quiet whisper, it hasn't. Might I sug- gest to you, Mr. Rosenberg, that you refer to the Interfraternity Councils' figures from 1938 to 1942, the last year for which these figures were published. This table will prove that fraternities have a higher average than independents, The figures are 2.495 for all fraternities and 2.490 for all men. The second point in Mr. Rosenberg's article is that fraternities segregate students into class, religious, and racial lines. Allow me to point out that the policies of fraternities are determined by the membership thereof, and not by that nonexistant entity, the frater- nity. Any organization reflects the views of its constituents, who would have the same views regardless of the organization. The root of. the whole business goes much deeper than its manifestation, Mr. Rosenberg. The individual, not the fraternity is at fault. You will have to change the thinking of the whole nation; not the organization which manifests these views. The condition is certainly regrettable, but the seat of the evil is much deeper than the frater- nity. -William Penoyar V_ 7'/ie pendulum G -- - By BERNARD ROSENBERG THlE TIME has come for the summing up. How does the world of today look to this jaundiced eye? Truthfully, not very pretty. Realpolitik has been re-enthroned. Rival im- perial interests have already begun to clash and slash at one another with Nazism hardly cold in its German grave. The affair in Damascus demonstrates that aggressiveness has suffered no diminution in the European psyche and armed conflict can occur at any time between England and France, France and Russia, Russia and the United States. San Francisco, overblown to begin with, has given us no succor or hope for a just and dur- able peace. Edmund Wilson reports from Lon- don that British dislike for America is greater than ever. Isolationism continues to corrode this country and the U.S.S.R., whose amicable relations have withstood one shock after an- other albeit amidst continual misunderstand- ing. Whatever revolutionary content the war may seem to have had by the gratuitous investment of the left, has now certainly dis- appeared. THE ALLIES are part way through a war of self-defense fought for the preservation of their boundaries against a military threat.. The war is on those grounds justifiable. That it would have been immensely more than this is a fact some people have not as yet fully realized. Arthur Koestler, who is right about most things except his insanely prejudiced assessment of Soviet Russia, is especially sagacious when he observes that we have been fighting a whole lie with a half truth. Fascism, still so viable in our society whether or no Hitler, its symbol, is alive, has always stood for evil. We, on the other hand, have not sufficiently purified our democracy to the point where it can do battle with this bestial foe and win a total moral vic- tory. Over 750,000,000 colored human beings are still enslaved in colonial stys. One young Negro, upen being inducted into the American service, is reported to have said, "Just carve on my tombstone: Here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of the white man." Carey McWilliams, who tells us about this episode, has elsewhere point- ed out that we have two American traditions: the one generous, liberal and democratic, the other bigoted and authoritarian. Which will prevail? Can the voice of Walt Whitman be heard, "Oh America, because I build for man- kind, I build for you"? The race problem is international in scope. The Eastern people have smarted under our heel for too long. They are now aroused and mili- tant, But, some of the wisest prophets who see the inexorability of this war between races unless we turn our ideas of white supremacy inside out are engaged in the fomentation of war with Russia, If we of the West lose Russia, that mighty nation with all of its resources and manpower will be committed to our downfall- and when one billion and a half people are matched against the remaining quarter of the human race it is not difficult to guess who will win. This generation, with its legacy of death, ethically debauched, bloody, its senses blunted, faces the lovely and beatific prospect of rais- ing still another generation to fight a bigger war. Call it pessimism if you like. To me, no other stand is admissable. WE LIVE in an era during which there has been -to use the words of Cyril Connely-"A general deterioration of humanity and (one that has) seen the whole world move noisily into the Dehydra-headed epoch of utility" The arts are in decline, science has sold its soul- and neither is the particular concern of Ameri- can universities whose chief interests grow more commercial and vocational by the day. Sexual immorality exists as never before-and what with seven or eight million spinsters ex- pected in post-war America. it will probably get worse. The '50's should resemble the '20's in many ways except that there is less reason to expect a recrudescence of art. In parting let me express the hope that all this is a fantasy, a long unreal journey into the night lay down the law; and those who have the power to draw a line would also have the power to move the line; and such assertions do not tend toward an increase of friendship. As generally stated, the policy of "drawing a line" is a policy of hostility and warning, a policy of war once removed. The better approach would seem to be not to draw the line, but to find the line. This is where the wrangle and muddle of San Fran- cisco have turned out to be more useful than all our attempts to pluck a formula out of the air. After seven weeks of great noises, back and forth, we have a lull, an amiable moment. We will cling to the hope that time has a logic no single moment ever has; and that the wild vibrations in the curve of our feelings about Russia will settle down to that barely perceptible quiver which passes for stability in human affairs. (Copyright,, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) (Continued from Page 3) have been received in our office. For further information stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments. The closing date for acceptance of applications for Student Psychiatric Social Worker A, has been extended to June 25, 1945. Applications must be postmarked or turned in at the State Civil Service Commission office no later than June 25, 1945, in order to be accepted. Bureau of Appoint- ments. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for Public Health Nurse II, and III, Salary $230 to $270, and Liquor Store Clerk C, $140 to $155 per month, have been received in our office. For further information re- garding these examinations stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Ap- pointments. Admission: School of Business Ad- ministration: Applications for ad- mission to the School of Business Administration for the Summer Term or Summer Session should be filed at 108 Tappan Hall prior to June 15. Fall Term, enrollees should also apply now if they are not to be in residence during the summer. Housemothers of undergraduate women's residences are notified that beginning with the end of this term, it will no longer be necessary for them to send notices of students' ill- nesses to the Office of the Dean of Women for the purpose of securing class excuses. Class excuses for min- or or temporary illnesses will no longer be handled by this office as has been the case this year. The Health Service will give statements only in cases where students have first been seen. 'Ensian Subscribers are requested to leave their addresses at the Student Publications Building this week if they would like to receive their copy of the book during the summer. Regiment V of the USO: All women of this regiment who plan to be here this summer should turn in their preference of work hours. List your first three choices. This infor- mation is to be given to the director. Don't forget to turn in your mem- bership cards if you plan to be away this summer, together with leave of absence slips. This is compulsory. Swimming, Women Students: The Union Pool will not be open for swim- ming on Saturday mornings for the remainder of the spring term. All students of sophomore standing in the School of Music, or who expect to transfer to the School of Music and wish to enroll in the Vocal or General programs in Music Educa- tion, must file formal applications for candidacy and arrange for interviews on departmental entrance require- ments. Interviews will be held by appointment Friday and Monday eve- nings, June 15 and }8th on the sixth floor of Burton Toer Appointments may be made in the School of Music office. Lectures Hopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burt, American novelist, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the subject "The Unreality of Realism" at 3:00 p.m. CWT today, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Announcement of the Hopwood Awards for the year 1944-45 will be made at the conclu- sion of the lecture. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; College of Pharmacy;' School of Business Administration; School of Education; School of For- estry and Conservation; School of Music; School of Public Health: Spring Term, Schedule of Examina- tions: June 16 to June 23, 1945. Note: For courses having both lec- tures and quizzes, the time of exer- cise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses hav- ing quizzes only, the time of exer- cises is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be ex- amined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his examination. Instruc- tors in the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts are not permitted to change the time of examination without the approval of the Exami- nation Committee. All hours listed are CWT. Time of Exercise Examination Monday at 7 ..... .Sat., June 16, 1-3 Monday at 8 ....Tues., June 19, 1-3 Monday, 9: Mon., June 18, 9:30-11:30 Mon., 10: Thurs., June 21, 9:30-11:30 Monday at 12 . . . .Fri., June 22, 7-9 Monday, 1: Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30 Monday, 2: Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30 Tuesday at 7 ....Mon., June 18, 7-9 Tuesday at 8 ....Fri., June 22, 1-3 Tuesday at 9 . . . . Thurs., June 21, 1-3 Tuesday at 10 .....Wed., June 20, 7-9 Tuesday at 12 .... Tues., June 19, 7-9 Tuesday at 1 ....Sat., June 16, 7-9 Tuesday at 2 ..Thurs., June 21, 7-9 Conflicts, Make, Irregular: Sat,, June 23, 7-9 Special Periods, College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: Zoology 42 ........Sat., June 16, 7-9 Soc. 51, 54 ..Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30 Span. 1, 2, 31,332 ..Mon., June 18, 1-3 Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 ..Mon., June 18, 1-3 Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51, 52: Tues.,nJune 19, 9:30-11:30 Speech 31, 32 .. Wed., June 20, 1-3 French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91, 92, 153 .......... Wed., June 20, 1-3 Chem. 55 ..Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30 English 1, 2 .. . .Thurs., June 21, 7-9 Ec. 51, 52, 53, 54: Thurs., June 21, 7-9 Botany 1. .Fri., June 22, 9:30-11:30 Zoology 1 . .Fri., June 22, 9:30-11:30 School of Business Administration: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Forestry: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indi- cated on the School bulletin board. School of Music: Individual In- struction in Applied Music: Individ- ual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elec- ted for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the School of Music.. School of Public Health: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. Final Examination Schedule, June 21,, Thursday, 7:00-9:00 CWT: English 1 Abel ...................... NS Aud Bader .................... NS Aud Bromage ........ . ......... NS Aud Davis ....... ............ . NS Aud Peterson . ................. NS Aud Stevenson English 2 Bertram ................ Boys.................. Calver ................. Eisinger ............... . Engel. Everett................ Fletcher . . . . .. . . . ..NS Aud C Haven C Haven G Haven C Haven 229 AH 18 AH B Haven letters A-F will take the examination in Room 101, Economics. G- will take the examination in the Natural Science Auditorium. German Department Room As- signments for final examinations, 1:00-3:00 p.m. (CWT) Monday, June 18, 1945: German 1--All sections: 25 Angell Hall, German 2-Gaiss, Willey, Eaton, and Philippson; 101 Economics Building; Reichart, Nordmeyer, Striedieck, Pott, Meisel: C Haven Hall. German 31-All sections: 2231 An- gell Hall. German= 32-All sections: 2003 An- gell Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Sarah Hanby Gordon, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments, for the degree of Master of Musichat 7:00 p.m. (CWT) today in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. A pupil of Jos- eph Brinkman, Mrs. Gordon will be heard in compositions by Mozart, Brahms, Bach, and Hindemith. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Audrey Unger, violinist, will be heard in composi- tions by Corelli, Bruch, Ravel and Milhaud, at 7:30 CWT, Sunday,.June 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Unger is a pupil of Gilbert Ross, and presents the program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Phi Delta Kappa membership meeting will be held today at 3:30 p.m. in room 3203 University High School. (CWT). There will be a meeting of the Central Committee for the 1946 Soph Cabaret, today at 4:00 in the League. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. Pot-Luck Supper at 5:15 p.m. CWT. First Unitarian Church. Dis- cussion program 6:15 p. m. on Fried- erich Hayek's book, The Road to Serfdom. Prof. Wesley Maurer, dis- cussion leader. Prof. David Owen, presenting Hayek's views. Prof. John Shepard, criticism of Hayek. Discus- sion from the group. Everyone is in- vited to participate in theDiscussion Program. Coming Events The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 2:30 (CWT) on Sunday afternoon in front of the Michigan Union and from there will walk to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vine, 1407 Iroquois Ave., who will be hosts to the group for the afternoon ahd evening. Armenian Students Association: The first meeting this summer will be held on Friday, July 6, from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. (CWT), at the Internation- al Center. All students of Armenian parentage are urged to attend. Churches First Church of Christ, Scientist: 109 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject "God the Preserver of Man." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. A special read- ing room is maintained by this church at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Healthwith Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holidays. from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. First Congregational Church, State and William Sts. 9:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "How To Live Beyond Your Means." 5:30 p.m. Tea and open house at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. for the students. First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation. Morning Worship. Serv- ice at 9:40 o'clock. The Rev. Ralph G. Dunlop will preach on "We Have This Treasure." Wesleyan Guild Meeting will begin at 3:30 p.m. when we meet to leave for the Island for a Vesper service and picnic supper. In case of rain, we will meet in the Lounge. First Presbyterian Church: 9:45 a.m., Morning Worship Service with sermon by Dr. Lemon on "The Shape of Things To Be." At 4:00 p.m., To- night is the last Westminster Guild meeting of this semester. Students and young people who have attended Guild are invited to come to the Chancel at 5:00 p.m. for the celebra- tion of the Lord's Supper. Next year's officers will'be installed at this meet- ing. Following the Communion Serv- ice supper will be served. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 I Fogle....................231 AH Greenhut ................ 2231 AH Hawkins ............ .....231 AH Hayden ................... B Haven Helm ...................... 18 AH Morris ................... 2235 AH Nelson .................. 2203 AH Ogden ................... 2203 AH Pearl ........ ........... . 2003 AH Rayment ................ 2029 AH Rowe . .................. 2225 AH Taylor .................... 35 AH Vanderbilt .................. 6 AH Walker .................. 2003 AH Weaver .................. 2225 AH Wells................... B Haven Williams ................. 2003 AH English 45, Section 1 final examination will Room 2231 Angell Hall. (Rowe) The be held in Anthropology 32 will meet as usual today. Doctoral Examination for Frances Louise Campbell, Mathematics; the- sis: "A Study of Truncated Bivariate Normal Distributions," Friday, June 15, 1:00 p. m. CWT, in the Board Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer. Doctoral Examination for Louis Augustus Krumholz, Zoology; thesis: "The Biology of the Western Mos- quito-fish, Gambusia affinis affinis (Baird and Girard), in Northern Il- linois and Southern Michigan," Sat- urday, June 16, 7:15 a. m. CWT, 3091 Natural Science. Chairman, G. R. LaRue. Doctoral Examination for Webster Earl Britton, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Educative Purpose of Smollett's Fiction," Mon- day, June 18, 1:00 p.m. CWT, in room 3217 Angell Hall. Chairman, L. I. Bredvold. Doctoral 'Examination for Orlo E. Childs, Geology; thesis: "Geomor- phology of the Valley of the Little Colorado River, Arizona," Saturday, June 16, 8:00 a.m. CWT, 4063 Natural Science. Chairman, A. J. Eardley. Doctoral Examination for Alexan- der Peter Ruthven, Fine Arts; thesis: "Islamic Textiles," Saturday, June 16, 8:00 a.m. CWT, room 2009 Angell Hall. Chairman, J. G. Winter. Doctoral Examination for William Schrier, Speech; thesis: "A Rhetori- cal Study of the Political and Occa- sional Addresses of Gerrit J. Dieke- ma," Monday, June 18, 1:00 p.m. CWT, in the East Council Room, BARNABY W.. This telescope raises my evil eye 1 Magn!ica!ion Jo the sixth power. According to P p e --Im- Gorgon' Hurry tp! Apologize' By Crockett Johnson Are you all right, Gorgon? ©O N 0I ' m en - II