+' i .M I an, ii WEATHER Cloudy, Scattered Showers VOL. LV, No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Town of Brunei Hopwood Prizes To Be Announced In Borneo Taken * * * * * * * * * * By Aussie Forces Australians Reach Within Half-Mile Of Last Air Strip in Invasion Area By The Assocate'd' Press MANILA, Friday, June 15 - Aus- tralian forces have captured the town of Brunei, capital of the Borneo protectorate of the same name, Gen. MacArthur announced today. Other Australian elements, on La- buan Island, crossed the island and reached within a half-mile of the Timbalai air strip, the only one of three in the invasion area not yet occupied. Medium and fighter bombers supporting the invasion of oil- wealthy Borneo raided Japanese bivouacs and supply areas along the coast northeastward to Jessel- ton, leaving large fires. Light naval forces shelled and SI' Bond Drive Hits Goal -for Seventh Loan Last Two Days Sales Total Over $10,000 The University climbed over its $100,000 goal in the Seventh War Loan drive yesterday. Lacking two weeks to the end of the official campaign, the campus sales now total $100,181.25 worth of war bonds, appropriately reaching their patriotic goal on Flag Day, Cash and checks amounting to $93,393.75 passed through the cash- ier's office during the drive, while $6,787.50 were bought outside the University and credited to the cam- pus total, the two' sums putting the University over the top. Total >Figures Listed Bonds worth over $10,000 were sold yesterday and Wednesday to send the campus total past the goal. Total figures represent bonds with a ma- turity value of over $133,333. "The University War Bond com- mittee is very gratified at the re- sponse of the campus to the Seventh War Loan drive," R. Gordon Griffith, committee spokesman, declared yes- terday. "Special thanks go to the JGP girls, the campus veterans, and other individuals who volunteered their time and services to solicit bond sales for the University campaign," he said. Quota Always Met The University has never failed to meet its quota in the six war loan drives previous to the seventh. -The goal in this campaign was equal to that in the Sixth War Loan drive last fall, when the quota was reached only one day before the end of the drive. As more bond orders continue to come into the cashier's office, they will be added to the University total, June 30 being the last day that bond sales may be counted in this drive. "The committee appreciates the cam- pus co-operation that enabled us to meet the quota before exams start- ed," Griffith added. Sales in the national'campaign to raise seven billion dollars through individual purchases reached five and one-half billion dollars yesterday, or 78 per cent of the quota. OceupaLion Army Post Given to Patton WASHINGTON, June 14- () - Geo. George S. Patton is going back to Europe and an occupation army assignment instead of heading forth- with for Tokyo. Secretary of War Stimson an- nounced the plan for the two-gun- toting general today in designating his Third Army, along with the Sev- enth, for the job of occupying Ger- many. CAMPUS EVENTS Today Struthers Burt will deliv- er the annual Hopwood Awards lecture on "The Unreality of Realism" at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) in Rackham Lecture Hall. Today Sarah Hanby Gordon, pi- anist, will present a reci- tal at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT) in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham started fires at Miri, oilfield district 75 miles southwest of the invasion sector around Brunei Bay. The Australians, who invaded the bay district on Sunday, marched 16 miles through jungle-grown trails in reaching Brunei. Australian infantry pressed ahead of their tanks, encountering only small-arms and machine gun fire, Natives they met outside of Bru- nei reported the independent at- tacks on the Japanese by the fierce Dyaks, who blow poison darts through reed guns. The Dyaks ambushed and killed 14 Japanese in the last two days, the natives said, 'using darts, swords, spears and crude bayonets attached to the dart guns. Australians of the famed ninth "Rats of Tobruk" division, whose capture of Brunei airstrip was an- nounced yesterday, had penetrated inland more than 15 miles since the June 10 landing at Brunei Bay. They already were in the heart of the rubber plantation area and were pressing on towards the Tutong gate- way to the Seria oilfields, 30 miles ahead. The Japanese have set the oil fields afire. On Labuna Island, at the mouth of Brunei Bay, the Japanese still fought desperately to hold Tim- balalai airfield, the last of three still in their possession in the inva- sion area. Australians occupied the Labuan field on the island a few hours after going ashore Sunday. This field already is being used by Allied artillery spotter planes. Associated Press correspondent James Hutcheson, with the invasion force, reported the Dyak guerilla ac- tivities and also said inspection of the Brunei airfield disclosed it had long fallen into disuse. The Japanese had studded it with posts to prevent Allied planes from landing. The overland advance on Brunei town was coordinated with an am- phibious push up the Brunei River. Appeasement Must Be Fought Flynn Says "Conscious of the need to stamp out Nazism and fascism and inspired by the heritage President Roosevelt left us, the people must fight against appeasement and reactior in Amer- ica," Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, national vice president of the Com- munist Political Association and trade union leader, declared at a rnaeting of the Ralph Niefus club here last night. Guest speaker at the Ann Arbor communist political association meet- ing, Miss Flynn said that the people must become a vocal pressure group behind President Truman and againt reaction and the predatory interes- s of the few. She lsted such Yalta proposals as the punishment of war c iminals, settlement f the Polish question and rehabilitation of all devastated nations, democratic or communist, as essential points in the Yalta agreement which must be car- ied out in order to insure a military victory. In relation to United States co. operation with Russia, Miss Flynn pointed out that we mustn't "rock 0he boat," for without tnis coalition, any prospects for a long time peaee are improbable. Preceding the guest speaker, dem- ocratic alderman Frank Seymour (UAW-CIO) of Ypsilanti declared that if we don't unite to insure 60 million post-war jobs and prevent mass unemployment such as at Wil low Run, the possibility of agree.- ment with Russia and Great Britain will be lost. Prof. John F. Shephard of the University psy6hology department, introductory speaker, warned that mass unemployment in the United States would lead to the fascistic dil- Emma which confronted Nazi Ger- many in the '30s. Peace Charter Will Be Rushed to Senate WASHINGTON, June 14-P)- Over Graduation Exercises Set For June 23 Approximately 1042 seniors will take part in the University's 101st commencement program scheduled for the Hill Auditorium at 10:30 a.m. EWT (9:30 a.m. CWT) Saturday, June 23. The program will begin with a pa- rade of graduates starting on the diagonal and following along State St. to N. University and then to Hill Auditorium. The annual commence- ment address will be given by E. Blythe Stason, Dean of the Law School. Parade To Form The parade of seniors will form at 9:30 a.m. EWT on the diagonal. Should weather prevent, the march will not be held. However, the honor section composed of the deans, re- gents, President Alexander G. Ruth- ven and special guests, will parade to the platform in the Hill Auditorium. After Dean Stason has given his address, the dean of each department will present his candidates to receive degrees. The degrees, this year, will be only tokens, as the final grades for seniors will not have been com- piled. The actual diplomas will be mailed to the graduates at a later date. Procession Order Listed The general assembly of seniors will be called at 9:30 by a bugle call. The procession will form by schools according to the following order: Literature, Science and Arts, on main diagonal between library and engi- neering building. Education on walk in front of Physiology and Pharma- cology Building, Engineering on the main diagonal walk in the Engineer- ing court, Architecture on the main diagonal walk in Engineering Arch (behind the engineers), Nurses on the diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and library. The School of Pharmacy on east and west walk, west of the intersec- tion in front of the library, Dental Surgery on north and south walk be- tween library and Natural Science Building, Forestry and Conservation on the walk north of Pharmacology Building, Music on the main diago- nal walk from library to Natural Sci- ence Building, north of the library, Public Health on the main diagonal walk from library Science Building behind music), Graduate on the main diagonal walk near Natural Science Building. The schedule of assembling will appear on bulletin boards and mark- ers will be placed at the assembling places on Commencement Day. Baird Memorial Recital Planned;1l A carillon recital in memory of Charles Baird, University graduate of '95, L.L.B., A.B., who donated the funds for the construction of the Baird Carillon, will bs presented by Prof. Percival Price, University car- illonneur, at 7:30 p. in. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) Friday, June 22. Baird, who died November 30, 1944,; as his home in Kansas City, Mo., was "one of the outstanding alumni of the University," according to Dr. Charles Sink, president of the Uni- versity Musical Society. Baird was known for his interest in Michigan athletics and contributions toward University structures. The Death March from "Saul" by G. F. Handel and Louis Spohr's "Blest Are the Departed" will be the memoriam numbers on Prof. Price's program. WHITE HOUSE HUDDLE - With Russian relations d oubtless the topic of conversation, President Truman huddles at his White House desk with (left to right, standing) Joseph E. Davies, former ambassador to Mos- cow; Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, presidential Chief of Staff, and Harry Hopkins who returned from Moscow recently. - ousand Seniors To Parade TenthArmy%/ Tr oops Gain On Okinawa By The Associated Press GUAM, Friday, June 15-Dough-j boys of the American Tenth Army captured the highest point on Oki- nawa's Yaeju escarpment yesterday, Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said today. . Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar, Jr.'s Tenth. Army troops continued their heavy pressure throughout the entire Yae- ju defense lines despite strong Japa- nese resistance. More than 100 Japanese surrend- ered on Oroku peninsula and many others committed Hara Kiri on Or- oku peninsula as the Sixth Marine Division smashed the remains of the enemy pocket there, Nimitz also said. Elements of the Third Marine Am- phibious Corps, meantime, made un- opposed landings on Senaga island, off the southwest coast of Oroku peninsula. They captured five Japa- nese naval guns. Under heavy mortars, artillery and machinegun fire, Maj. Gen. James L. Bradley's 96th Infantry Division, in the center of the Yaeju line, cap- tured Yaeju-Dake hill, 600 yards southwest of Tomui town, and moved up to the, southea, t of Ozato town. (Yaeju hill presumably was the h§;hest in the escarpment, whose highest plateau is a little more than 500 feet,) On the southeastern coast, the Seventh Infantry Division gained 300 to 700 yards to reach the center of Mazaka town. Resistance there was moderate to heavy., On the southern coast, the First Marine Division attacked before dawn and gained 600 to 800 yards to widen its front on Kunishi ridge. Last Daily Issued The Daily ceases publication for the spring semester with this issue. Publication will be resumed Tues- day, July 3. Russians Announce 16 Polish Leaders To Be, Tried at Once By The Associated Press LONDON, June 14-Russia an- nounced tonight that 16 Polish lead- ers would be tried within the next few days for "terroristic acts of di- version" behind Red Army lines. The announcement came on the eve of a conference scheduled to open in the Russian capital tomorrow among representatives of the Big Three and various Polish factions for the purpose of organizing a broader- based Polish provisional government.1 At least one of the Poles invited to Petitions Due In Union Today1 Judiciary interviews To Be Held Monday Petitions for the offices of presi- dent and secretary of the Men's Judiciary Council for the fall term must be in the Student Offices of the Union before 5 p. m. EWT (4 p. m. CWT) today. Any man in any school who can satisfy University eligibility qualifi- cations for this term and for the term next fall may petition for the offices. Formal petition forms may be picked up in the Student Offices this afternoon. Candidates will be interviewed by the CouU cil Monday in respect to their qua ifications, their reasons for seeking the offices, and the program they would follow if appointed Coun- cil heads for the fall term. The new officers will be chosen by the Council and Dean Joseph Bursley. In addition to the appointed offic- ers, regular members of the Council each semester include the managing editor of The Daily, the president of the Interfraternity Council, the pres- ident of the Union and the head of the Engineering Council. the meeting, former premier Stanis- law Mikolajczyk, a leader of the peasant party, had been reported by the British press to be prepared to demand the release of the 16 accused Poles as a condition to participating in the parley. Arrests Protested Earlier Russia announced- on May 6 that she had arrested the Polish leaders, creating a storm in international relations and leading to a break- down in Big Three negotiations on broadening the Polish government. Earlier this week the Paris radio re- ported that Harry Hopkins, Presi- dent Truman's special emissary to Moscow, had effected the release of the group. Moscow for the first time identified four of the arrested group in to- night's broadcast announcement: They were Jan Jankowski, Vice- Premier of the London Polish gov- ernment-in-exile; Gen. Bronislaw Okulicki, former Polish underground army leader; Stanislaw Jasiukowicz, former parliament National Party representative, and Adam Bien, Peas- ant Party member and former War- saw judge. Leading Polish Figures Soon after announcement of the arrests early last month Foreign Secretary Eden of Britain character- ized the group as "nearly all the leading figures of the Polish under- ground movement." Many of the 16 seized, he said, were persons the British thought should be included in a new, democratic Polish govern- ment. Only a few hours before the Mos- cow broadcast, Prime Minister Chur- chill had brought cheers in the House of Commons with the assertion that "our relations with Russia have undergone marked improvement in the past week or so, because one difficult matter connected with Pol- and has already been settled." Chur- chill was referring to the invitation Io Polish leaders to visit Moscow. Winners Will Share $7,000 Cash Awards Struthers Burt, well-known Ameri- can author, will give the annual Hop- wood Awards Presentation lecture at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m. CWT) today, in Rackham Lecture Hall, after which winners of the spring contest will be announced. Approximately $7,000 will be awarded in the major and minor di- visions in fiction, essay, drama, and poetry from the fund set up in the will of Avery Hopwood, a member of the class of 1905 and a prominent American dramatist. Author of Best-Seller Burt, author of the recent best- seller, "Philadelphia: Holy Experi- ment," was selected as speaker, ac- cording to Prof. Roy W. Cowden, di- rector of the Hopwood Awards, be- cause "he is very American and very much alive." Beginning his literary career at the age of 15, Burt worked as a city-desk reporter on the Philadelphia Times. He then attended Princeton, Merton College, Oxford, and the University of Munich. After teaching English at Princeton for three years, Burt went to Wyoming where he managed a ranch and did much of his writing. He now makes Jackson Hole, Wyo., his summer home. Students To Meet Burt Students, who submitted 59 manu- scripts in the contest, have been in- vited to meet Burt from 10 a.m. to noon EWT (9 to 11 a.m. CWT) in the Hopwood Room. In connection with the lecture, display of the nine books published by Hopwood winners in the past -12 months has been placed in the win- dow of a State Street bookstore. Fall Housing Shortage Acute Urge Coeds To Secure Accommodations Now Coeds are urged by the Dean of Women's office to secure living ac- commodations for the fall semester at once, as an increase in the number of women eligible for admission to the University has caused g. shortage of suitable housing facilities. Blaming the situation on a "dormi- tory shortage," the Dean's office has advised all those who have not as yet made living arrangements for the fall term to do so before they leave Ann Arbor. Housing conditions for the summer are adequate, but vir- tually all league houses are filled for the fall term and no rooms will be available in the dormitories. Students who intend to apply for rooms in league houses must contact the house mothers personally even though rates and inspection are con- trolled by the Dean of Women's of- fice. Women students who are unable to obtain housing for the fall semester at present may leave their names at the Dean's office, and will be noti- field by Aug. 15 if any vacancies have occurred during that time. UAW-CIO Requests NLRB Strike Vote DETROIT, June 14-(P)-Rank and file leaders of the United Auto- mobile Workers (CIO) petitioned the National Labor Relations Board to- day for an industry-wide strike Vote. Unionists representing more than 400,000 UAW-CIO workers voted by a 5 to 1 margin in favor of the peti- tion, which would call for a strike vote "in all UAW-CIO plants." Considered tantamount to a threat of an automobile industry-wide strike, the vote was taken at a con- ference of more than 600 officers of local unions in this area. Unionists said the purpose of the strike vote was to force recognition of union demands they include a 30- hour work week without loss of take- DRAMATICS, TELEVISION INSTRUCTORS LISTED: Summer Speech, Faculty Announeed Several visiting faculty members from educational institutions in all parts of the country and from other departments of the University will augment the summer staff of the ne ch dipnartment. acenrcing to Prof. and Ivard Strauss, technical direc- tor of the Try-Out Theatre, Seattle. G. Emerson Markham, manager of Television station WRGB, Schenec- tady, N.Y., Helen T. Rhodes, pro- Ai.a '. h cm ~ainaniPn head of the speech department at College and a teaching fellow in the University's speech department from 1935 to 1937, has done sum- mer teaching and directing at the University of Texas and Mount Southwest Texas State Teachers Conservatory of Music, New England Chamber Opera, the Duluth Summer School of Theatre, the University of Washington, and Roosevelt High School, Seattle.