THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Italy Wants To Fight Japan a..::: .:W_. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay ?4cFee Editorial Staff . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor e . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . , Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mar. . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by oar- tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. EP'R9ESENTO FOR NATIONAL AVF1A1ING By National Advertising Service, Inc College Paublisers Representative 420 MADSON AVE, aNEW YonK.-N. Y CHICAGO - BOSTON -Los ANOELus - SAN FRANcIcaO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITORS: BRUSH & FARMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Book-BuyingCluib THE SUCCESS of the Michigan Book-Buying Club, organized by a handful of enterpris- ing students who are trying to give the students a square deal in the sale of books and supplies, depends on the willing participation of all stu- dents. The club has no large reserve of capital pro- vided by interested persons outside the student body. Its entire operation must be financed by student members. With this in view, the temporary executive board and other solicitors are willingly giving their time during this week before finals to sign up sufficient membership to get the Book Club started by next week. No one has to be told what an urgent need exists on tis campus for a cooperative book club, where students can purchase books and supplies with the knowledge that no unreas- onable profits are being made at their expense. The Michigan Book-Buying Club is a non-profit organization, all money accruing from the sale of books being returned at the end of the term to the club's members or else reinvested in more books and supplies. Furthermore, the Michigan Book-Buying Club is a democratically run organization with its own constitution. The members decide on all policies and the club is administered by an executive board popularly elected at regular intervals by the minbership. At present, the. club is run by the students whose work has put it into operation, and who have con- stituted themselves as a temporary execu- tive board which will remain in office until a general election to be held the first month of the summer term. -Arthur J. Kraft FEPC Killed THE REFUSAL of the House Rules Committee to send the bill for a permanent Fair Em- ployment Practices to the floor for a vote marks a serious retreat from the program to eliminate discrimination in employment because of race, creed or color. Such discrimination has been thoroughly dis- credited by our victorious war over German fascism but six of our Southern senators, Slaugh- ter and Smith of Virginia, Cox of Georgia, Bates of Kentucky,' Colmer of Mississippi and Clark of North Carolina still are clinging to the super race doctrines so ably enunciated in "Mein Kampf." That the request for a permanent FEPC should be turned down at the same time that the House passed the anti-Poll Tax Bill by a sizeable majority is particularly significant. It indicates that this nation as a whole is op- posed to discrimination and is ready to wipe out the poll tax, a major obstacle to true democracy. That six of the 12 members of the House Rules. Committee should be 'white supremacy' reactionaries is a partictllrly unfortunate cir- cumstance. This instance serves to emphasize the ability of these six to block progressive measures which the nation wants. Betty Roth By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The State Department isn't ahnouncing it, but Ambassador Tarchiani has made an unusual move by proposing that Italy declare war against Japan and help supply troops for the Pacific war. The State Department took the matter under advisement, and after some deliberation with the British, both governments agreed to approve an Italian declaration of war against Mussolini's old Axis partner, Japan. However, here is the catch. . Both the Brit- ish and American governments refuse to make any commitments to supply shipping or to Piermit Italian troops to participate in the fighting. What the Italian government will decide to do under the circumstances remains to be seen. Maritime Scandals . . SENATOR George Aiken, liberal Vermont Re- publican, is preparing a hot blast against one of the weak spots in the old Roosevelt ad- ministration-the Maritime Commission. The blast isn't going to help Chairman Emory Land's ambition to be a full admiral. Senator Aiken will point out that four separ- ate reports by Comptroller-General Lindsay Warren, describing Maritime Commission's mis- use of public funds, have been nonchalantly pigeon-holed in the Senate Commerce Commit- tee. Sanctimonious Senator Josiah Bailey of that committee was named chairman of a special committee to investigate the Maritime Com- mission as long ago as 1938. He has now spent $17,000 of the $20,000 allowed for expenses, but has reported exactly nothing to Congress. Senator Aiken will point out that since Jan- uary of this year, some-but not all-Maritime Commission contracts have carried these two amazing provisions, certainly not aimed to save money for the taxpayer: "The contractor shall have no obligation to make any statements or returns of costs to the commission or to make available to the commission any of its books, records or ac- counts pertaining to the performance of work under the vessels contracts. "The contractor shall have no further or other obligations under the vessels contract or on account of the performance of work thereunder, including any obligation to repair, remedy, re- place or make good any defects, breakdown or deterioration occurring in any vessel delivered under the vessels contract." In addition, Aiken will point out that the commission has insured hundreds of vessels for many times their actual value. The Ne- braskan, for instance, was built in 1912 at a cost of $713,000, and was estimated five years ago by Admiral Land to be worth $110,199. On its owners' books it is listed as worth $5,276, but the Maritime Commission ha in- sured it for the amazing total of $1,019,320. The Nevadan, built in 1912 for $616,000 and listed by its owners at $3,457, has been in- sured for $806,800. Brazen Tariff Lobbying ... BRASSY ex-Senator Danaher of Connecticut is doing his best to. carry out the traditions of his state when it comes to backstage lobbying. He has one of the most unique lobbying rackets Washington has seen since the days of his prede- cessor, Hiram Bingham. Dannaher, as an ex-senator, has access to the Senate floor. He can walk in, sit down in a Senate seat, and whisper with his former col- leagues about legislation on which they are vot- ing. This gives him a unique opportunity for lobbying. He also occupies a unique psition otherwise. He is the office manager of the Republican national committee in Washington, in fact the most important member of the GOP organiz- ation there, due to the fact that Herbert Brownell is usually in New York. In addition, Danaher operates a Washington law office. Thus he can go on the Senate floor and put across the ideas of either the Republican national committee or his law clients or both. And he does. During recent debates on the reciprocal trade agreements act, he has been especially active. Not only has he been on the Senate floor, but i~O N SE C ON D By Ray Dixon T0Ges0a T HE CAMPUS organization for the promotion of world peace which got such a swell start last week has finally received a temporary name -Student Organization for International Co- operation. * * * * If this name is approved by the University, it will undoubtedly be shortened to SOIC, which will at least fit in a headline even if it is not especially phonetic. Let's hope that it doesn't go the way of so many other past student organizations and be- come a soic circle. he has been holding consultations with Con- gressman Knutsen of Minnesota GOP leader who led the fight against the Trade Agreements Act in the house, The two have stood in a Senate corridor and operated a little lobby bur eau of their own. / Some years ago, the Senate passed a reso- lution severely censuring another Connecticut Republican senator, Hiram Bingham, for tak- ing advantage of his office to do some tariff lobbying. Brazenly he brought the represent- ative of the Connecticut Manufacturers As- sociation, C. L. Eyanson, into a closed commit- tee meeting which was considering the Smoot- Hawley tariff. Senators in those days didn't let Bingham get away with it. (copyright. 1945, Bell Syndicate) I'D RA4THER RE RIGHT:* O WI App roprviations By SAMUEL GRAFTON J'HE HOUSE of Representatives has cut the annual appropriation for the Office of War Information from a recommended $35.000,000 to $17,500,000; and a great many conservatively- minded Americans are delighted. They feel that a great victory has been won. They are not quite sure what sort of victory it is, or over what, but, anyway, a victory. I have with sinking heart read the Congressional Record's account of the debate which preceded this slash in the House. It is one of the most absurd debates in the history of the national legislature; important only for the light it throws on our crossed pur- poses at the moment, our fears, our agitations. our wild stabs, and our petrified attitudes. Mr. Taber, of New York, led off with the amendment proposing the slash. It was obvious that he had taken a hacksaw and cut the pro- posed $35,000,000 appropriation neatly in half to get his figure of $17,500,000: no more com- plicated mental process than this had gone on in him. That is a pretty vague way in which to cut appropriations. But Mr. Taber immediately found himself some vague support, in the person of Mr. Vorys, of Ohio, who rose to point out that the entire Associated Press operates on a budget of only $12,000,000. Well, and what of it? The Associated Press operates no radio sta- tions; it is not engaged in dropping leaflets on Tokyo; it does not have the job of getting Ital- ians and Germans (and Turks and Portuguese and Russians) to understand what America is all about. The Associated Press and the Office of War Information are not in the same business. But no matter, it was a comparison, neat, if not to the point. 11R. WOODRUM of Virginia, himself a strong economy advocate, tried valiantly to stem the arm-waving. He explained that the Euro- pean countries we have conquered are in a state of chaos, and need our information services more than ever; he tried to tell something of OWI's technical functions of explaining Army regulations to liberated peoples, etc. But the interlude was a short one; Mr. Wood- rum was followed by Mr. Case of South Dakota, who demanded hotly to be told at once why we need 895 OWI employees in San Francisco, when we have "our own news services" such as AP and UP. The answer of course, is that OWI sends news out of the country, while AP and UP bring it into the country; their functions couldn't be more different. Mr. Harness of Arizona then defended OWI but was followed by Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, who did an interesting little speech, pert, gay, sizzling, and quite wrong as to facts. She said she had checked into the OWI office in San Francisco, and had found that its total output fer a day was 13 radio scripts. She made quite a- .thingabout .895 workers producing .13 scripts; she was funny as she could be, in her characteristic manner. Later i the afternoon it developed that Mrs. Luce had had reference only to OWI scripts in the Japanese language. It turns out, incredibly enough, that other languages are spoken in the Pacific, and that, the San iFrancisco office of OW gets out 200 scripts a day, in more than twenty tongues and dialects. HAVE SPACE now only to mention Mr. Rich of Pennsylvania, whom I must quote. Mr. Rich said: "Yesterday the ma.iority of the Men- bers of the House voted to increase their sal- aries $2500 -- $2500. That will require about $1,500,000. If you cut this one item out here you will save $35,000,000, or you will save 20 times more than you increased your salaries on yesterday . . Is that not good business? I say it is." It was an off-the-beam afternoon; a field day for violent prejudices, having almost nothing to do with the matter in hand. It told us little about the OWl, but a great deal about ourselves. And as a final, almost unbelievable comment on the slovenliness of the occasion, it must be put down that the Republican side was able to force the slash through by the nar- row margin of 138 to 128 because only 266 members were present, out of 433. More than 160 were absent, for it was Friday afternoon, beginning of the weekend. (Copyright. 1945. New York Post Syndicate) P'ublication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. THURSDAY. JUNE 14, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 172 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to alumni, members of the graduating classes and their friends, on Friday afternoon, June 22, from 3:00 to 5:00 CWT. PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT Commencement: Saturday, June 23, 1945, 9:30 a. m. CWT. WEATHER FAIR Time of Assembly: 8:30 a. in. CWT (except noted). PLACES OF ASSEMBLY Members of the Faculties at 8:45 a. m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223, Rhetoric Library, where they may robe. Regents, Ex-Regents, and Deans at 8:45 a. m. in Angell Hall, Room 1011, the Regents' Room. Students of the various schools and colleges, as follows: Literature, Science and the Arts on Main Diagonal walk between Li- brary and Engineering Buildings. Education on walk in front of Physiology and Pharmacology Build- ing. Engineering on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Court. Architecture on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Arch (behind Engineers). , Nurses on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library. Law on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front of Li- brary. Pharmacy on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front of Library (behind Law). Dental Surgery on North and South walk between Library and Natural Science Building. Business Administration on walk north side of Physiology and Phar- macology Building. Forestry and Conservation on walk north side of Physiology and Phar - macology Building (behind Bus.Ad.) Music on main diagonal walk from Library to Natural Science Building, North of Library. Public Health on main diagonal walk from Library to Natural Science Building. (behind Music). Graduate on main diagonal walk near Natural Science Building. Color Guard and Honor Guard and Band in front of main Library. Line of March: Library to South University to State Street to North University to Hill Auditorium. WEATHER RAINY The sounding of the University Power House Siren at 8:30 a. m. will indicate that the march to Hill Audi- torium has been abandoned. Students will proceed directly to Hill Auditorium and enter through one of the three main center doors. (Doors open at 9:00 a. m. CWT). Members of the Faculties will as- semble in the second floor dressing rooms and take their places on the platform, in the Auditorium. Regents, Ex-Rl{gents, Deans and other participating officials will as- semble in the first floor dressing rooms of Hill Auditorium. Library Hours, June 23-July 1: The General Library and the Divi- sional Libraries will be closed Sat- urday, June 23, Commencement Day, From June 25-30 the General Li- brary will be closed while repairs are in progress. Divisional Libraries will also be closed during this period with the exception of Engineering, East Engineering, Mathematics-Econom- lcs, and Physics, which will be open on a shortened schedule. Hours will be posted on tihe doors, Sunday service will be discontinued after June 17 until the beginning of the Fall Term. Automobile Regulation. The Uni- versity Automobile Regulation will be lifted at 12:00 noon EWT (11:00 a.m. CWT) on Saturday, June 23, 1945, The Ruling will be resumed for the Summer Term at 8:00 a.m. EWT (7:00 a.m. CWT) on July 2, 1945. Housemothers of undergraduate women's residences are notified that beginning with the end of this term, it will no longer be necessary for them to send notices of students' ill- nesses to the Office of the Dean of Women for the purpose of securing class excuses. Class excuses for min- or or temporary illnesses will no longer be handled by this office as has been the case this year. The Health Service will give statements only in cases where students have first been seen. Attention June Graduates: Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make up grade not later than 4:00 p. in., June 27th. Grades received after that time may defer the stu- dent's graduation until a later date. Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- ments wishing to recommend tenta- tive June graduates from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the School of Education for de- partmental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, by noon of June 25th. Identification Cards which were issued for the Summer, Fall and Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated for the Summer Term 1945 and must be turned in at the time of registra- tion. The 1944-45 cards will be used for an additional term because of the shortage of film and paper. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of February 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of busi- ness on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University and "a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semes- ter or summer session just completed will not be released, and no tran- script of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to regis- ter in any subsequent semester or' summer session until payment has been made." Admission: School of Business Ad- ministration: Applications for ad- mission to the School of Business Administration for the Summer Term or Summer Session should be filed at 108 Tappan Hall piior to June 15. Fall Term enrollees should also apply now if they are not to be in residence during the summer. 'Ensian Subscribers are requested to leave their addresses at the Student Publications Building thistweek if they would like to receive their copy of the book during the summer. The Summer Session of the Grad- uate Curriculum in Social Work, which is given at the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit, will open for registration Friday and Satur- day, June 15 and 16, classes begin- ning Monday, June 18. The session will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a change from original dates set. Students who have competed In the Hlopwood contests may obtain their- manuciipts at the 1opwood Room on Monday or Tuesday after- noon of next week. Students who have won Hopwood prizes will be notified by special de- livery letter before Friday morning. Regiment V of the USO: All women of this regiment who plan to be here this summer should turn in their preference of work hours. List your first three choices. This infor- mation is to be given to the director. Don't forget to turn in your mem- bership cards if you plan to be away this summer, together with leave of absence slips. This is compulsory. Lectures Hopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burt. American novelist, will deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the subject "The Unreality of Realism" at 3:00 p.m. CWT Friday, June 15, in' the Rackham Lecture Hall, An- nouncement of the Hopwood Awards for the year 1944-45 will be made at the conclusion of the lecture. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; College of Pharmacy; School of Business Administration; School of Education; School of For- estry and Conservation; School of Music; School of Public Health: Spring Term, Schedule of Examina- tions: June 16 to June 23, 1945. Note: For courses having both lec- tures and quizzes, the time of exer- cise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses hav- ing quizzes only, the time of exer- cises is -the time of the first quiz nation Committee. All hours lstd are CWT. Time of Exercise Examination Monday at 7 ...... Sat., June 16, 1-3 Monday at 8 ... .Tues., June 19, 1-3 Monday, 9: Mon., June 18, 9:30-11:30 Mon., 10: Thurs., June 21, 9:30-11:30 Monday at 12 ....Fri., June 22, 7-9 Monday, 1: Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30 Monday, 2: Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30 Tuesday at 7 ....Mon., June 18, 7-9 Tuesday at 8 ...;.Fri., June 22, 1-3 Tuesday at 9 . . . . Thurs., June 21, 1-3 Tuesday at 10 ....Wed., June 20, 7-9 Tuesday at 12 .... Tues., June 19, 7-9 Tuesday at 1 ....Sat., June 16, 7-9 Tuesday at 2 .. Thurs.. June 21, 7-9 Conflicts, Make, Irregular: Sat., June 23, 7-9 Special Periods, College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: Zoology 42 ........Sat., June 16, 7-9 Soc. 51, 54 ..Sat., June 16, 9:30-11:30 Span. 1, 2, 31, 32 . .Mon., June 18, 1-3 Ger. 1, 2, 31, 32 . .Mon., June 18, 1-3 Pol. Sci. 1, 2, 51, 52: Tues., June 19, 9:30-11:30 Speech 31, 32 .Wed., June 20, 1-3 French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91,92, 153 .......... Wed., June 20, 1-3 Chem. 55 ..Wed., June 20, 9:30-11:30 English 1, 2 ....Thurs., June 21, 7-9 Ec 51 52, 53, 54: Thurs., June 21, 7-9 Botany 1. .Fri., June 22, 9:30-11:30 Zoology 1 ..Fri., June 22, 9:30-11:30 School of Business Administration: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary- changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Forestry: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indi- cated on the School bulletin board. School of Music: Individual In- struction in Applied Music: Individ- ual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elec- ted for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the School of Music. School of Public Health: Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. Final Examination Schedule, June 21, Thursday, 7:30-9:30 CWT: English 1 Abel................. NS And Bader .................... NS Aud Bromage .................. NS Aud Davis ......... . .........NS Ad Peterson .................. NS Aud English 2 Bertram C Haven Boys... .............C Haven Calver.................. G H aven Eisinger ................ C Haven Engel .................... 229 AH Everett...Al................1 H Fletcher................B aven Fogle.................... 231 All Greenhut................ 2231 AH Hawkins .................. 231 AH Hayden.................B Haven Helm ......................I18 AH Morris..................2235 AH Nelson..................2203 AH Ogden ................... 2203 A Pearl. .2003 AH Rayment................2029 AH Rowe ................ ...2225 AH Stevenson ................NS Aud Taylor....................35 AH Vanderbilt.................6 AH Walker.2003 AH Weaver.................2225 AH Wells..................B Haven Williams ................. 2003 AH German Department Room As- signments for final examinations, 1:00-3:00 p.m. (CWT) Monday, June 18, 1945: German 1--All 'sections: 25 Angell Hall. German 2-Gaiss, Willey, Eaton, and Philippson; 101 Economics Building; Reichart, Nordmeyer, Striedieck, Pott, Meisel: C Haven Hall. German 31-All sections: 2231 An- gell Hall. German 32--All sections: 2003 An- gell Hall. English 45, Section 1 (Rowe) The final examination will be held in Room 2231 Angell Hall. Mr. Landecker will not meet his Thursday, 9 o'clock (CWT) class, Sociology 54, nor his Thursday 10 o'clock (CWT) class, Sociology 165. Anthropology 32 will meet as usual on Friday. Doctoral Examination for Frances Louise Campbell, Mathematics; the- sis: "A Study of Truncated .Bivariate Normal Distributions," Friday, June 15, 1:00 p. m. CWT, in the Board Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Louis Augustus Krumholz, Zoology; thesis: "The Biology of the Western Mos- quito-fish, Gambusia affinis affinis r~s;,3 r~r..'i nril n -nrh + Ti t BARNABY It's good he happens to be a talking dog, Mr. O'Malley, because maybe the Witch won't put the evil eye on him for chasing her cat if Gorgon apologizes to her- Thaf's irrefutable, m'boy. be Gorgon He ran MTER the catfg There could have been info tworm no chase, obviously, if- orm or somethina By Crockett Johnson Nonsense. The evil eye is mere superstition. Its only ill-effect is a psychological one on those who beleve in so illogical a power-