THDE MICHIGA DAILY Plans for New 'U'Service Building Drafted School of PubI *.. Hears Penicilli ic Health n Pioneer Y *=*' * * * Center To Be Erected Opposite Angell Hall, Facing South State Administration, Extension, Radio, Public Service, Student Offices Will Be Located in Building Final arrangements were made today with the architects for drafting the plans of the University's new $1,500,000 General Service building which will be erected on the site opposite Angell Hall on South State, centering on Jefferson. Housing administrative offices, the extension service, the University radio department, and other student and public service offices, the new administrative center is expected to result in greater convenience for the -- student body and efficiency for the Penicillin goes after germs witiout injuring the white blood cells. as ordinary germicides do, Sir Alexander Fleming, pioneer in the develop- ment of penicillin, said in an address delivered yesterday at the School of Public Health. Speaking before students and faculty of the Medical School and the School of Public Health as a part of a three-day tour of the Detroit area, Sir Alexander, professor of bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital, London, told how he stumbled upon a discov- Stranded Yanks In Shangri-La To Be Rescued By The Associated Press IHIOLLANDIA, Dutch New Guinea, June 11 -(Delayed) -Repor tig by radio today from New Guinea's prim- itive Shangri-La Valley, an Ameri- can paratroop officer said the .three Yank survivors of a plane crash. including a WAC, would take their first step toward rescue not later than Thursday. Meanwhile the WAC, Cpl. Margar- et Hastings, of Owego, N.Y., was en- joying a' box of candy dropped by parachute. Her strianded companions are Lt. John B. McCollom of Trenton. Mo., and Sgt. Kenneth W. Decker, of Kelso, Wash. Capt. Cecil Walters, directing rescue operations, said they were in excellent spirits. On the valley floor Filipino para- troopers are constructing an airstrip from which it is planned to bring out the party aboard a glider. Walters said the natives, fearful of the trio. who invaded their valley, "treat us like white gods dropped out of the sky." He gave the first com- alete report on the inhabitants of the mountain-bound valley. BUY MORE BONDS University staff. It will also make possible the removal of University Hall, condemned as a fire hazard for 25 years. Construction of the new building will necessitate the razing of the Colonade restaurant, Staebler-Kempf service station, Morris Hall, Army headquarters, and residences back of the service station, and MorrisHall. Newberry Hall will remain stand- ing. Eventual plans call for a 120 car parking lot which will mean re- moval of the old Mimes theatre and the residence in front of it. Construction Planned Specifications for the structure stipulate that it will be 272 by 117 feet, U-shaped, with the long side facing State. The exterior will prob- ably be brick and stone, with almost continuous bands of windows on each floor. The central part will be five stories high, the end sections, four. Construction will begin when all plans are completed and approved and when the necessary priorities have been obtained. Student Services Storage space, photostat rooms, mail section, vaults, and a lounge and lunch room for employees will be included in the basement. The first floor will be devoted entirely to stu- dent services. To the left of the central lobby will be the offices of the Dean of Students and of the Registrar. The offices of the Dean of Women, the Cashier and residence halls will be to the right. University administrative offices will occupy the entire second floor. while the President's offices will be in the south wing. Also in the left wing will be the offices of Provost, Vice President in charge of Univer- sity Relations, Assistant to the Pres- ident, Regents' rooms and two con- ference rooms. Offices in North Wing The north or right wing will house business offices including the Vice- president for Business, Secretary, Controller, and the investment, pur- chasing, accounting, payroll and rec- ords offices. SThe Bureau of Appointments, Personnel, Religious Counseling, News Service, Secretarial Service, Summer Session, Bureau of Cooperation, Alumni Relations and University Publications offices will be situated on the third floor. Extension Service Most of the fourth floor will be taken by the Extension Service, in- cluding the correspondence course division, radio music, visual educa- tion, state forensic league and ad- ministrative offices of the service. The tabulating machine section of the Registrar's office will be in the south wing of the fourth floor. The fifth floor will house the Uni- versity radio department. It will in- clude four studios, waiting and ob- serving rooms, control and sound rooms, and a radio laboratory. Prof. Lewis Gram, director of plant extension, is in charge of the build- ing plans. UNIVERSITY SERVICE BUILDING-An architect's sketch shows the front view of the projected general service building, which will be erected on South Stat e Street, across from Angell Hall and centering on Jefferson Street, as soon as plans are completed and approved and the necessary priorities obtained. TenmPr Cent o UNRA A Dive Clothes Spoiled By The Associated Press DETROIT, June 13--Eighty per cent of the several million pounds of clothing collected during the United Nations' relief drive in April will have been shipped out of Detroit by July 1, Prentiss M. Brown, collection committee chairman, said tonight. Approximately 10 per cent of the clothing collected. Brown said, was spoiled or was unusable. A small amount was spoiled when trucks hauled collections during rainy weather. Near Completion Sorting and baling of the clothing. delayed because of a shortage of man- power and equipment, was nearing completion, Brown stated. Two eight- hour shifts are operating at the ware- house, he added. Brown said, "we are aware that there has been some petty thievery. But to our knowledge it has been just that--petty." lie added that the warehouse is now guarded 24. hours a day. No Shipping Shortage The chairman said he erred in a previous statement in which he said there was a shortage of freight cars for shipping the clothing. "There has been no such shortage," Brown said. Detroit and Michigan led the na- tion in collection of clothing in the United Nations Relief and Rehabili- tation Association drive. JACK DUMOND RELEASED: RCAF Gunner Returns After ree Years as Nazi Prisoiier RCAF pilot officer Jack DumWond, son of Prof. Dwight Dumond of the history department, arrived home at midnight Monday after three years in Nazi prison camps and "feels fine!" , Flight Sergeant Dumond was Ann Arbor's first, and one of the first Americans to be taken prisoner. The 22-year-old flier ente'red the RCAF in June, 1941, and was among the first airmen to reach England. A tail gunner. Dumond was the only survivor of a seven-man crew of a Hallis Bomber which was knocked out by a German fighter plane. Dumond's sixth and last mis- sion was a night flight over enemy territory. 0V4 Corrects Tank W a o,n Allowtance By The Associated Pressr WASHINGTON, June 13 -Correc - ing itself, OPA today announced that the three tenths of a cent a gallon allowance granted tank wagon sell- ers of petroleum products in Michi- gan may be added to prices only on sales of fuel and heating oils. OPA said its earlier announcement on tank wagon pricing inadvertently listed gasoline as one of the products on which the additional charge could be made. The next three years were spent in twelve German prison camps. The greater part of his internment was at the Muhlberg prison camp where he remained 20 months. "We were allowed one loaf of black bread for ten men, a plate of thin# soup, five potatoes, one pat' of mar- garine, and a spoonful of .f:ugar.", Dunnond related. "But, of course, we did get Red Cross boxes, and conse- quently most of us only lost 20 to, 25 pounds. "It made us angry when we heard wihat the German prisoners were be- ing fed in the States," Dumond add- er1. "Although they starved us, we saw plenty of food outside of the cities." F/O Dumond is to report to Tor- onto on July 24 where he hopes to receive his medical discharge. He glans to take a vacation during the surnirier.and enroll in the University in the fall. ~ - ~ ~ ~ Newberry Dorm ( hoose8 Ofcers Pat Gordon was elected president of Helen Newberry dormitory for 1945-46 at a recent housemeeting. Other officers chosen include Mar- ilyn Whaite, vice president; Harriet Jackson, treasurer; Marvel Rathbun, secretary; Janice Stuck, social chair- man; Shirley Loeblich, war activities chairman; Marjorie Van Eenam, ath- letic chairman; Elizabeth Grismer, music chairman; Frances Trestrail, librarian; and Janice Westcott, fire warden. cry of the 'wonder drug' in 1928 while working on germ cultures. "Opening one of the sterile dishes I was working with," he said, "I no- ticed that the bacteria in it were dy- ing. I immediately dropped my other work and began to investigate." He described in detail the tests that the penicillin was put through. Cautioning against the misuse that comes when the drug is on market for everyone's use, Sir Alexander said that cases should be diagnosed to de- termine the value of penicillin treat- ment so that it will not be wasted on bacteria insensitive to it. He credited the United States with developing its mass production. In Great Britain and Russia the drug has not been produced in sufficient quantity for general use, he said, al- though it has gone with medical units into every country where Allied ar- mies have been. NWood Institute To--- Set Up By The Assoiated Press HOUGHTON. Mich., June 13-The beard of control of Michigan Col- lege of Mining and Technology has decided to set up a timber products and forest industries institute to rerve the woods industries of north- ern Michigan. Dr . Grover C. Dillman, college president, said a new division to be established at once would engage in extension work, hold schools or in- struction and demonstration at the college and elsewhere, provide a Scenter of information and conduct 'research. The institute will organize and di- rect a practical woods industries school designed to meet the demands of the industry for semi-technically trained men. The school will include three 12-week terms of intensive training beginning about Oct. 1. Yanks Leave Le Havre PARIS, June 13-UP)-The U. S. 97th Division, the second complete division to leave the European thea- tre, is now boarding an American bound ship at Le Havre, communica- tions zone headquarters said today. Dr. Gaimnitz Gives Advice To Rural Schools By The Associated Press MT. PLEASANT, Mich., June 13- Rural schools must improve their public relations if they intend to prevent all their competent teach- ers from being lured into higher paying city jobs, in the opinion of Dr. Walter H. Gaumnitz, senior spe- cialist in charge of rural education for the Federal Office of Education. Dr. Gaumnitz will head a confer- ence of rural educators selected from all parts of the nation who will meet' in Detroit June 14-16 to complete 4 book on public relations for rural schools. He is visiting here with Dr. M. L. Smith, head of the rural edu- cation department of Central Michi- gan College. "The real faults of rural educa- tion," he said, "lie in the fact that we never encourage the four-year students to accept rural school jobs, but ship them off to the cities where they can get more money." I' i .i I TRULY BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS PARK LANE STU1DIOS I .e.._ _ - - - - ---- --- -- - - - - - a, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,r LOST: Yellow (an ol developed neg- AlR-LUU D GLAkUU For free Summer Bulletin, For er Flier, B-24 write, phone or call today. Bomber Meet Again DAY AND EVENING SCHOOL LANSING, June 13-UP)--Gordonj Culham, former first lieutenant inI H am m onthe air force missed the sight of air- planes so badly he journeyed to the BUSINESS COLLEGE local airport on his first day as a William at State Street civilian. There he saw a B-24 Liberator! PHONE 7831 parked on a runway with the insignia of his old group and squadron. WFYAR.ESND ISSUED HERE DAY OR NIGHT WANTED WANTED: Ride to Lansing June 21st or 22nd--moving. Have consider- able baggage and am willing to pay reasonable sum. Call R. Stev- ens, 8617 or Univ. Ext. 766. WANTED-Second cook, for private boys' camp in northern Michigan. June 22-Aug. 25. Call 7265. WANTED: 4 waiters for eight week summer session and boys for work in kitchen. Please call Mrs. Rowles, Sorosis, 2-3279. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Glasses in brown leather case. Please call C. Little, 3726. , LOST: Small package containing wallet. Lost on Liberty. Please re-. turn to Daily. Reward. LOST: Man's wristwatch in Michi- gan Union, Cyma make, jeweler's name, Joyeria La- Perla, Caracas. Reward. Call Victor Ponte, 2-2218. LOST: Half-rimmed glasses in blu- ish-black case. Ferry Field. May 26.1 Reward. Alex Mich, 318 Wenley House. Phone 2-4401. LOST: Ornithology notebook mistak- enly put in bike basket Mondayj noon by Kroger's. Urgently needed. Reward. 2-3159. LOST-Black wallet in or near State theatre. Please return identifica- tion. Call Ruth. 6922. LOST-Silver bracelet with brilliants, Lost on State or Liberty. Please call M. Whaite, 2-2591. Reward. LOST: Green striped Weaver pen between Daily and Stockwell; call Mary Lu, 4554 Stockwell. LOST: ChiOmega pin engraved with R. Schlaack lost Sunday on State Street. Reward. Pat Reid, 22591. LOST: Yellow can of developed neg- atives of 35 millimeter. Call 5066. FOR RENT FOR RENT - Large single or double room with six windows. Very neat. Shower bath. Breakfasts. Good home. Southeast section. Ph. 7796. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Lady's rink roller skates, wooden wheels, size 5%1, skate case also. Call Jean Porter, 24471. FOR SALE: Two-trouser white suit, pre-war, slightly used. Size 3212. Write Box 28, Michigan Daily. FOR SALE - Home in Paw Paw, Mich. (U.S. 12) 316 St. Joseph St. J. A. Burke. 7 rms., 2 baths, large, bright living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, furnace heat, screened porch, full 2 stories, lairge lot. MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING to Denver, Colorado about June 20. Call Dee at 6061, ROOMS ROOM: There is still time to reserve a room at the Alpha Xi Delta House. Open 16 weeks. Inquire 715 Hill or 25570. For the Marine, Soldier, Sailor Our hair styles are blended and shaped to your individual needs and personality. Do you need a hair cut to- day? Six barbers, no waiting. THE DASCOLA BARBERS Between Michigan & State Theaters Legislative Bill Signed Appropriation by Truman ~% WASHINGTON, June 13 - (P) -1 President Truman's signature made law today a $50,994,481 legislative appropriation bill carrying a $2,500 expense allotment for each member of the House. The funds finance operations of the legislative establishment for the fis- cal year starting July 1. AT THE RADIO & RECORD SHOP 715 N. UNIVERSITY t .I r I .1 E E I 7 MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING Cor. W. Huron & N. Main Ca 116608 I 01ST1 TI Continuous Daily from 1lp.m. morp, ANrYAABOi4#NBWor 77AF Weekdays 30c to 5 p.m. BY AlL ---NOW - STARTS TODAY! - Great Musical Extravaganza!. RANDOLPH GYPSY ROSE SCOTT LEE DINAH SHORE BOB BURNS U.. I mhRomomm; III I GELD OVER 1"(11W.AN Pre Were Extel THEME E e 0hea Lady Wolff- U(C Leave your address at the STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING I TOAY and FRIDAY -, IF I : 11 11Eli 1