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June 13, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-06-13

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' 6'EPIKESDAY, JLTNTE 13, 19 5


Stru(hers Burt To Give
Twelfth Hopwood Talk
",.nireality of Rcaeki& 'Ill 13cAu Ior>s opic
More Than $7,000T lo Bc Given to Winners

Struthers Burt, who will give the
annual Hopwood Awards presentation
lecture at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
Friday in the lecture hall of the
Rackham Building on the "Unreal-
ity of Realism," is the twelfth auth-
or to appear since the lectures were
instituted in 1932.
Some of Burt's predecessors have

Crosby Speaks
To Phi Sigma
Annual Banquet
Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, professor
of anatomy, addressed the annual
initiation banquet of Phi Sigma,
honorary biological fraternity, yes-
terday on the subject, "New Develop-
ments in Neurological Therapy from
War Injuries."
Initiated last night were : Richard
James Anderson, Margery Stuart An-
thony, Maria Esther Belaval, Kurt
Benjamin, Barbara Lapham Bowen,
Gertrude E. Clubb, Patricia F. Coul-
ter, Carlos Mario Flinta, Helena
Laura Foster, Harriet Grace Fulk.
Other initiates were : Aline Isabel
Halstead, Cleo Mary Kummel, Leona
Vivian Iob, Allan Katcher, Bei-tsung
Li, Betty Louise Linthicum, Mrs.
Amelia Needle, Hazen Edward Price,
Edna Ruth Stern, Virginia Poindex-
ter Thomas, H. Mac Vandiviere, Ruth
Mary Whittlesey, and Charles H.
The Michigan Phi Sigma group,
Beta chapter of the national society,
is the oldest chapter at present in
existence. Membership, is limited to
persons showing promise in the field
of biological research.
Rutiven Will
Give Address
President Alexander G Ruthven is
L:cheduled to speak at two out-of-
town occasions this week. He will
speak at the Grand Ledge Rotary
Club today and will give the com-
Mencement address at Fordson High
School, Dearborn, Friday.
Tapping To Accompany
Buffalo Alumni on Outing
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of Alumni Association, will join
the University of Michigan Club of
Buffalo on its annual outing today.

been Max Eastman, Zona Gale, Hen-
ry Hazlitt, Christopher Morley, Rob-
ert Morss Lovett, Carl Van Doren,
Henry Seidel Canby, and Louise Bo-
gan who gave the 1944 lecture. Even-
tually these lectures will be col-
lected and published in book form
as a memorialization of creative work
at the University.
More than $7,000 will be awarded
to students in this year's contest, and
their names will be announced at the
conclusion of the lecture, which is
open to the public.
Winners of past Hopwood"contests
have included Mildred Walker, Iola
Fuller, Maritta Wolff, John Malcolm
Brinnin. Jay McCormick, and Rose-
mary Obcrmcycr as well as Rene
Kuhn, Florence Maple, and Marianne
Roane whose novels were published
this year.
Com--munist Clu
To Hold Forum
'Roosevelt's Heritage'
Is Discussion Topic
The Ralph Niefus Club of the Ann
Arbor Communist Political Associa-
tion will hold a forum on "Roose-
velt's Heritage and the Road Ahead,"
at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CVT) to-
morrow in Unity Hall at State and
Those participating in the forum
are : Dr. John F. Shepard, Professor
of Psychology at the University; Hon.
Frank Seymour, Alderman in Ypsi-
lanti, and former member of execu-
tive board of Local 50; John Gallo,
executive board member, Local 600,
U.A.W., Recreational Director of Lo-
cal 600 U.A.W.-C.I.O.
The guest speaker is Miss Eliza-
beth Gurley Flynn, national vice-
president of the Communist Political
Association and noted trade union
leader: The forum is open to the
Bond Sales Pass
Five Billion Mark
WASHINGTON, June 12-(/P)-
Sales to individuals in the Seventh
War Loan Drive have reached $5,280,-
000,000 or 75.4 per cent of the quota
in that classification, the Treasury
announced today.
Of these sales, $2,377,000,000 are
E. Bonds. This is 59.4 per cent of
the $4,000,000,000 goal for these

JAMES PLATE (left), recently re-elected Union president for the
Sump-rer Term, is a senior in the School of Engineering and vice-presi-
dent of his class. Sanford Perlis (right), new Union secretary, is a
.jmior in the Navy pre-medical program and has served two semesters
as co-chairman with Plate of the Union War Activities Committee.

Ott Campus . .
Penicillin Pioneer
Sir Alexander Fleming, pioneer in
the development of penicillin, will ad-
dress public health and senior medi-
cal students, and the staffs of the
public health and medical schools at
1:30 p. m. EWT (12:30 CWT) today
in the Public Health auditorium.
The talk will be preceded by a
luncheon to be given in the School
of Public Health at which Sir Alex-
ander will be guest of honor.
Sir Alexander and Dr. John Camer-
on, also of England, accompanied by
Dr. Charles F. McKhann, of Parke-
Davis, are visiting drug centers and
medical schools throughout the coun-
Math Club Te
Members and their wives are invit-
ed to attend the Mathematics Club
Tea from 4 to 6 p. m. EWT (3 to 5
p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Assem-
bly Room of the Rackham Building.
Solar Syste t
The Ann Arbor Theosophical So-
ciety will begin classes of theosophy
at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) Thurs-
day in the Michigan League.
Study and discussion will be held
each succeeding Thursday, the sub-
jects including the formation of the
solar system, the evolution of man,
the constitution of man, re-incarna-
tion, the purpose of life, after-death,
the planetary chains, and similar

lia the iaheCls
Club Presents
Annual Awards
The annual awards from the Ed-
win Wilkerson Miller Fund, estab-
lished by alumni and friends of the
late Prof. Miller, were made at a
meeting of the Mathematics Club last
Jesse B. Wright, Grad, received
the award for outstanding work in
pure mathematics, and Antranig V.
Gafarian, '45E Navy, and George K.
Hess, '45E Navy, received the awards
for outstanding work in engineering
math courses. The awards, which
consist of advanced mathematical
treatises, are selected to suit the
individual interests of the recipient.
Prof. Miller received his Ph.D. de-
gree from the University in 1930
Service Club
Initiates Spring
Term Pledgres
Alpha Phi Omega, University ser-
vice fraternity, held its initiation for
the pledges of the Spring term of
'45 yesterday.
Dean Joseph Bursley spoke to the
fraternity and Mr. Walter MacPeek,
city scout official, also gave a talk
to the initiates. Those initiated were
Sidney Zilber, Bruce Morrison, Fred
Leslie, William Fritze and Phil El-
kus. The pledge project for the term
was the presentation of the V-E
Dance which sold almost $400 worth
of War Bonds and Stamps.

Town Civie
Orchestra To
Give Concert
Girls' Glee Club Will
Be Featured Today
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
under the direction of Prof. Clyde
Vroman of the School of Music, the'
Ann Arbor High School girls' glee
club and a special trumpet trio will
be featured in a concert at 8 p.m.
EWT (7 p.m. CWT) today in the
West Park shell.
Pregram selections include Percy
Grainger's "Country Gardens,'
Tschaikowsky melodies, "Straussi-
ana" arranged by Seredy, Anderson';
"Jazz Pizzicato" (for strings), selec-
tion from Victor Herbert's "The For-
tune Teller" and a march. "King Cot-
ton," by Sousa.
The trumpet trio, including Patri -
cia Fisk, Margaret Paton and Roge'
Buslee, has been under the tutclag(
of Prof. Vroman, in charge of instru-
mental instruction at University High;
School. The trio will perform "Echoes
from Old Vienna" by Ledizen.
Directed by Rose Marie Grentzer
the girls' chorus will be heard in se-
lections from Schubert's "Rosa-
munde Overture." This will be the
final Civic Orchestra concert of the
season. An all-city summer band,
to be organized under Charles Yates
of the city high school music staff,
will include some orchestra members.
The West Park shell can be reached
from Huron, Chapin, or N. Seventh
Teacher Discovers Toy
Is Live Hand Grenade
DETROIT, June 12-(/P)-A grade
school teacher, observing a group of
children playing with a "gadget"
that looked like a hand grenade, sum-
moned police.
After confiscating the weapon, po-
lice found it was a "live" grenade.

Yanks Make Germans
Produce Leather Goods
3v IiErNNET1II I, DIXON ment other than their sewing ma-
Assocated Pres Staff Correspix)eai$ chines, since their products were
IN OCCUPIED GERMANY--Just hand-made except for stitching.
southeast of Frankfurt lies the Ger- Industry Was Dead
man town of Offenbach where a group However, the leather industry was
of economic-minded doughboys have dead in Offenbach for two reasons:
been experimenting successfully for no raw materials and no way of dis-
i month with the old law of supply tributing the article.
and demand. So the Military Government; went
The supply was German skilled into action. Tanneries throughout
labor., the area were ransacked for workable
The demand was that of the Allied leather until a small stockpile was
soldiers for worthwhile souvenirs. assembled. Then the German crafts-
Produce Leather Articles men were called in-after the leading
The eventual product was some of Nazis in their midst had been screen-
the world's finest leather articles. ed out by the Army G-2 and Counter
When the U. S. 19th Corps dough- Intelligence Corps-and told, "Here's
boys moved into Offenbach they your leather. Get to work."
found much of the town destroyed. Business hours are from 9 a. m. to
The local leather industry, which had 4 p. m., but the line of customers
peen converted to full contracts for inevitably starts forming about an
the German army, was paralyzed, hour before opening time. The line
Offenbach Leather Famed consists of British Tommies, Ameri-
Some of the boys remembered that can WACS, nurses and even full colo-
before the war the high quality of nels as well as buck privates and
Offenbach leather goods had been moves slowly in and out of the build-
recognized all over the world. A few ing all day long, rain or shine.
of them recalled they had paid fancy
prices for such craftsmanship on
Fifth Avenue and elsewhere in Amer- Hung ry?
Many small Offenbach plantsstill CHATTERBOX
were usable when the Military Gov- CHAl EK
ernment took over. Craftsmen still 800 SOUTH STATE
were there and needed little equip-





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