PAGE FOUR T"E MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDlAY, J UNE 12, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon. Paul Sislin hank Mantho Mavis Kennedy Ann Schutz Dick Strickland Martha Schmitt Kay McFee . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . '. . City Editor Associate Editor . .. . Sports Editor Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff . .Business Manager . . . Associate Business Mgr. . . . Associate Business Mr. Telephone 23.24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mali matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50f, by mail, $5.25. * EPRESENTED POR.. NATIONAL AV6031*ING By National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420MAisoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. . C.HICAGO 009706 - LOS ANGELIS - SAN rhANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate. Press, 1944-45 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Aims 'Coincide "RUSSIAN collectivism and American indi- vidualism simply won't work," and "Red hardheadedness will get us into another war be- fore we're finished with this one" are common remarks today. Those who believe Russian and American in- terests are irreconcilable point to Russia's in- sistence on full veto power for the Big Five and say that she, was using that issue as an ex- cuse to quit the world security conference. They point to Soviet action in regard to Poland as very high-handed. .They overlook the fact that with the back- ing of Argentine admission into the San Francisco conference, the United States set the precedent for freedom of action for one power in a region, and forget that Russia may fear complete over-ruling by the other pow- ers. They also disregard news of the amiabil- ity which marks actual contact between Rus- sian and American troops. Henry Wallace argued in an article in the June 11 New Republic that those who proclaim that Russia is working for her own gain ex- Olusively are "wittingly or unwittingly looking for war, and that, in my opinion, is criminal." Other statesmen and war analysts, among theem Assistant Secretary of State Archibald MacLeish, Raymond Swing, and David Law- rence, have spoken out recently in favor of more tolerance in viewing Russian demands and ac lion. Although compromises with the ideals of democracy must not be allowed, concessions must be made to differing conceptions of means to perfect a world organization. . Russia's aim is the same as that of the United States or she would not have put up with some of the developments at the confer- ence. The words of Henry Wallace might well be remembered: "Both the Russians and the Americans in their different ways are groping for a way of life which will enable the com- mon man everywhere to get the most good out of modern technology." -Pat Cameron Tr Tiff Rates IT APPEARS that the Senate Finance Com- mittee is dominated by a group of "high tariff" advocates. That committee voted 10 to 9 last week to knock out the power sought by President Tru- man to cut existing tariff rates in half. This provision was part of the reciprocal trade law extension bill now under Congressional con- sideration. Senators Lafollette and George supported the tariff cut while Senators Tom Connolly and Arthur H. Vandenberg opposed the meas- ure. It was almost a complete turnabout for Michigan's Vandenberg, who almost overnight "saw the light" and began thinking in inter- nationalist terms. The worst feature of the matter involves that old, but undying argument-"high tariffs will protect American industry and business from the competition of foreign producers who pay lalor little more than slave wages." the By BERNARD ROSENBERG A COLLEGE EDUCATION should nvolveeth disinterested pursuit of knowledge. Whatever detracts from that goal diminishes by so much the value of higher education. Fraternity men and sorority women demur violently from this point of view-which would almost be reason enough for me to adopt it. Te Greek letter societies, in their exciusivisin and anti-intellectuality, have done much too much to trivialize learning in America. They have successfully de-empha- sized scholarship and enshrined Em- ily Post. They have stratified cam- pus life and segregated the student body according to class, religious and racial lines. But, worst of all, they think their mystic abracadabra and secret handshake, their provincial idea of fellowship to be more vital than, and really the virtual raison d'etre of a university. The fact that the membership of these organiza- tions is made up of men and women who regularly do poorer work in school than "independents" is just as significant as it seems. Such people, ' for the most part, conic here to enjoy themselves in pleas- ant company with the least possi- ble amount of cerebration for four relatively unperturbed years, COLLEGE students have an exag- gerated sense ofi re nmnercal importance. Actually, we are only a tiny part of the total population- something less than two per cent. Of these, dnly a fraction take B. A. degrees in the liberal arts. Now, in this last group, small as it is, a pow- erful element prefers to nake of learning a secondary consideration. Perhaps, this attitude can eventually be changed from within. But, as to the segregationalist policy, it is inde- fensible and institutional and can be altered by no measure short of abol- ishing the whole system. I doubt whether there is any- thing more pathetic than the exist- ence of Jewish; Negro and Chinese fraternities. Having been humili- ated and excluded themselves, these minorities band together to humili- ate or exclude others. Thus, the master whips his slave who kicks the dog which doubtless finds some other animal to harass. It has been suggested that we need only get rid of these undesirable features and let the system itself re- main. But, this is like saying Amer - ica should retain capitalism minus private ownership of property and without exploitation of labor. With these slight modifications, capitalism ceases to exist, and (dare I say it? we get socialism. Co-op Results . REMOVE all the obnoxious charac- teristics from a :fraternity or a sorority. Make it really democratic --and what have you? A co-op, of course. If anything at all is to be done, the system itself must go, though naturally it will not, root and branch. I recognize fully that this argu- ment merely hits at one symptom- atic aspect of a much broader and more portentous situation - one which cuts across our entire cul- ture. But, so low is the acumen of Michigan students that this sub- ject will arouse them to a right- eous wrath one way or another while the broader issue goes un- heeded. Great joy has been ex- pressed over the turn out for a re- cent United Nations youth gather- ing. This movement certainly has my best wishes, but it is hard to forget that Town Hall gave rise to an even larger audience the night it debated the subject uinder dis- cussion in this column. At that time, one of my opponents pointed out, by way of proving how hoary and venerable fraternities were, which was proof positive for him of their intrinsic worth, that Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776. I thank- ed him. for contributing this historical tid-bit. All I had hitherto known of great importance to us concerning 1776 was that a group of men had gathered together in Philadelphia to draw up a document which was the complete negation of everything fra- ternities represent. 'Ah, these are the times that would try our souls-if we had not already sold them for a mess of racist porridge. Post Script: My predecessor, Mr. Kehoe, was wont to observe that whenever he reviewed a play favor- ably, Play Production considered him an excellent critic, the opposite when he did not. One member of that group told me the other week that last summer The Daily had a good reviewer, but this year, heavens. In- teresting, because 1 am both people. BARNABY c That doa! ..11! ul By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The black market in eggs and poultry is so bad that the War Food Ad- ministration is seriously considering the freez- ing of all eggs in storage. Meanwhile J. Edgar Hoover's G-men had been quietly probing the pou try black market in the Delaware-Maryland area with startling results. Their findings will reach high into Delaware state politics and per- hap into the Washington headquarters of the War Food Administration and OPA. Already Clifford Shedd, Delaware WFA of- ficial, has lost the authority to release poultry for civilian consumption from the Army's set- aside, but his chief in Washington, Gordo, Sprague, says he is taking full authority for anything that might be found wrong with Shedd's administration. Sprague has taken over direct charge of all poultry releases, but claims that. he knows of no irregular action by Shedd Meanwhile, black market operations along both the West and the East Coast are so serious that legitimate poultry and egg dealers are be- ing forced out of business. The situation in New England, New Jersey and North Carolina is especially bad. Last week Tim Stitts of the War Food Ad- ininistration told Congressman Anderson's food committee that OPA should suspend all price ceilings on eggs in an effort to channel eggs back into the legitimate market. This immediately caused dealers to hold on to their eggs for a price rise. But what they did not know is that Stitts has not requested OPA to suspend or even raise the price ceiling on eggs. OPA, uner the Price Control Act, cannot raise these ceil- ings without formal request from the War Food Administration, and this request has never been made, Finally, the WFA may be forced to freeze all eggs in storage, permitting the Army to take what it wants of them and release the rest for civilian market. Hundreds of thousands of cases of eggs are in private storage this year while their owners play for an eventual price rise. The black market on those eggs which do not go into storage is so bad that while cream- eries in Minnesota cannot get eggs, eggs from Minnesota farms are going via illegal channels as far as New York City. U.S. Prestige Abrowi.. . J fARDBOILED Republican Congressman Ev- erett Dirksen of Illinois had a secret meeting with his GOP colleagues in a House lobby the other day following his 30,000-mile trip around the world. He gave them plenty of food for thought. Among other things, Dirksen said: "Here's something you fellows may not agree with, but I want to tell you that the OWE (Office of War Information) is doing a great job for us abroad. "I went into Turkey where 83 per cent of the pictures in the Turkish newspapers and 40 per cent of the lineage is supplied them by the OWI. In other words, they are telling the Turks what this country is like - selling the United States to Turkey. "They're doing a great job and if it wasn'+, for OWl, American prestige wouldn't be half as high as it is today. "In India, for instance, I met with a group of political leaders who began asking me about the Tennessee Valley Authority. I was surprised that they would know anything about it, and asked them how it happened, they replied that they had seen an OWI film showing TVA. "I 'ame to the conclusion," Dirksen said, "that OWT is something we've got to keep after the war." Olt So Secret1. .. Arrest of two State Department and one Navy official for allegedly giving out secret documents has brought to a head long-smoulderig back- stage discussion regarding the question: "When is a document secret?" The Commerce Department and Foreign Eco- nomic Administration long have disliked the State Department's policy of marking everything Lar.or Education r IE UNIVERSITY'S Workers Educational Service, which got underway last fall with a state grant to operate a labor education pro- gram, has been working for seven months on the basis of talking, not lecturing, to wage earn- ers on subjects chosen by the workers themselves. The Service has sent out over 70 special- ized instructors who have talked to wage- earner groups in many cities throughout Michigan. The success of this program has been attributed to its enthusiastic reception by the workers and its endorsement by big labor outfits. Its success is also due to the Service's aim of telling the workers informally what they request to hear and discuss rather than of delivering a stiff lecture program in a preconceived notion of 'what's good for labor.' This new approach to labor education can bear watching. Its results are already proving it to be of value. -Binna tullman WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Storage Eggs May Be Frozen DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN "secret." Even enemy radio broadcasts, which can be picked up by any radio station, are stamped "secret." Common wise-crack is that one diplomat even stamped his inter-office tele- phone directory "confidential." Just as bad as the State Department is the Office of Stategic Services, nicknamed the "Oh So Secret." The young military men working in Europe and Asia for the OSS have done one of the truly great Jobs of the war, and some day their whole story can be written. No praise is too great for them. But seated in Washington swivel chairs or balancing teacups in capital drawing-rooms are a group of ex-diplomats and Wall Street brokers who get a great kick out of playing amateur detective. The efficient FBI could have done their job with half their operators. These Hairbreadth Harry's delight in sending telegrams at the taxpayers' expense frequently about nothing more important than hotel reser- vations and dinner parties-all marked "secret." For instance, here is a telegram, from one of the OSS amateur dicks at the San Francisco conference, relating who he dined with, what his travel reservations were, and how he hoped to get the files of a retired Spanish-American War' veteran, Gen. Ralph Van Deeman; yet the tele- gram, sent to a member of the OSS here, has "secret" stamped all over it. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE KNOW that it is curiously hard to punish war criminals; a strange bafflement afflicts those who go to work in this field. Manifest- ations of kittenishness are common. It is said that we ought to apply the principles of our Bill of Rights to suspected war criminals; though there is certainly no legal requirement for giving the Gestapo the protection of that portion of our Constitution, any more than there would be for letting it vote in our elections. We are tentative about the bloody business, and we are full of doubts. One periodical murmurs editorially that it is more important to set up respect for correct legal procedure in Germany, than to punish the guilty. But not punishing the guilty means leaving triumph- antly at large those Germans who have no respect for correct legal procedure at all, which is an odd way to score one for our side. We are told that our concept of justice is on trial, in Germany, that the fate of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence is involved in whatever decision we make about war criminals, that we may seriously damage our own democratic legal structure if we go too far. This kind of nervous defensiveness seems uncalled for; it rather blurs the question of who won the war. We are not on trial. Nazism is. DOWN DEEP, buried miles beneath these argu- ments, is a fact which no one really wants to face, and that is that the question of punish- ing German war criminals includes the question of the future social organization of the German people. A really thorough job of eliminating the war criminals in Germany might well mean the elimination of entire groups and classes, Junk- ers, the General Staff, many industrialists who financed Hitler and were paid off with war con- tracts; it might mean that we would find our- selves conducting a revolution for the Germans, and inventing a new German society. But to invent a new society is exactly what we don't care to do at the moment. All our agita- tions about whither society is drifting, is it left, is it right, are set vibrating by the problem Ger- many presents to us. It is a perfectly natural tendency, I think, to view what happens to German society in terms of the same things happening here. The spec- tacle of large numbers of the established and the powerful being deposed, in a moment, and forever, would set nerve-ends wobbling if it happened anywhere, even in Ecuador; and in Germany there is the added complication that we ourselves would be the stage-managers of social upheaval. Here may be found, at least in part, the reason for the curious tremor which seems to go through our public discus- sions when the question of what to do with Germany is raised, and why everybody shows a certain tenseness in the premises. IT IS GOOD, I think, to get these matters up into the light, where the sun may play on them. Only thus can we realistically examine the problem. And when we do so, we realize at once that, if thorough-going punishment of war criminals may be said to put our way of life on trial, not to punish them also puts our way of life on trial. It says about us that we're the kind of people who don't punish fascist war criminals. It says about us that we're a little frightened of the future, that we don't have much faith in the goodwill of ordinary men and women, or in their desire for decent democracy, and that we'd rath- er like to protect ourselves by leaving things, even rather bad things, much as they are. In the contest now going on to capture the imaginations of men, it may be worse for our system to acquire that reputation, than to be accused of having denied habeas corpus to Hermann Goering. (Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate) By Crockett Johnson And very seldom does any harm come of it. Se. The Witch's ctf is safe. in the free- Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers or the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Dal, by 2.30) p. in. of the day preceding publication (10:30 a. in. Sat- urdays). CENTRAL WAR TIME USED IN THE DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN. WED iNESDAY, JUJNE 13, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 171 Notices President and Mrs. Rutliven will be at home to alumni, members of the graduating classes and their friends, on Friday afternoon, Juie 22, from 3:00 to 5:00 CWT. The University Commencement will be held in Hill Auditorium, Sat- urday morning, June 23. The doors open at 8:45 a.m. (CWT) Audience should be seated by 9:20 a.m. when procession enters the Auditorium. n case of rain the power house whistle will be blown at 8:30 a.m. to notify all concerned that the Commence- ment Procession has been abandoned. Automobile Regulation. The Uni- versity Automobile Regulation will b - -____---- ___ ReVeWsS . . ro THE EDITOR: All year I have been puzzled by your Mr. Rosenberg's views of the Play Production dramas and although I have been willing to admit that he was smarter than I and that he might be right about what he said, I have never been at all sure as to just what he was saying. This has been extremely frustrating for me (as it must also have been for the Play Production actors who have never been sure as to whether theywere being praised or damned) and since I (like the aforesaid actors) am a devoted reader of the Daily, I think it is only fair of you to give me the chance to submit the following review. (I go Mr. Rosenberg one better; I have not even seen the plays!) I trust that you will print it so that Mr. Rosenberg will know what it has been like for me to eat my breakfast with a drama review in one hand, a dictionary in the other, Bulfinch's Mythology balanced on my chin, a road map in my lap, and an interpreter sitting on my left foot. LAST NIGHT the Melpomene o! the Lydia Mendelssohn perform- ed another prestodigital piece o leger-de-main in culling a tripod o' morsels from the ennead of Noe Howard's crystalline farce-saga, call- ed, simply, "To-Night at 8:15," leav- ing as dross or perhaps as raw ma- teriel for less Promethean directeurs the remaining heptology of rich unimaginative one-acts. The quality of acting varie& throughout, not only from play tC play, but from actor to actor. Thf luster of much of Miss Murzeks' pr- jection in the first play "Ways anc Means" was corroded slightly by hem unfortunate habit of kicking back- ward every time she delivered a line This negligible fault (if fault it be) was amply compensated for by he aquiline grace of carriage and hei plethora of movement. Toby, her husband, cast as Byron Mitchell, hi the high note of the evening in hi portrayal and one was truly sorry to see him apprehended and led off as i common criminal at the close of the second scene. The music was ade- quate. The second play, "Fumed Album," although rather astigmatic. provided a pleasant enough interlude between cigarettes in the lobby. Mit- chell, with all due respect for the weeks he must have devoted to this characterization, failedtutterly to de- velop the prophet without a home. His impressionistic young daughter played by Annetee Chaikin, though a source of much raucous amusement to the undergraduate element which haunts opening nights, could only cover up her lack of knowledge of the arts of Thespius by a Jeckyll and Hyde mixture of ham and corn. Her lamentable failure at playing the simplest of piano pieces may serve to gauge her ability. Eileen Blum and the mother-in-law were able support- ers. In the third play, which was also the last, a false note was struck at camouflage techniques. Against the restrained background, the uniform- ly mud-colored dresses of the cast stood out like chameleons, giving a strangely Vicoesque effect, like a colorless Turner. Lucille Janiat, however, gave her best performance nf the evening a the hinedal maid-of- lifted at 12:00 noon EWT 11:00a.m. CWT) on Saturday, June 23, 1945. The Ruling will be resumed for the Summer' Term at 8:00 a.m. EWT 7:00 am. CWT) n July 2, 1945. The Summer Session of the Grad- uate Curriculum in Social Work, which is given at the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit, will open for registration Friday and Satur- day, June 15 and 16, classes begin- ning Monday, June 18. The session will close Friday, Aug. 10. This is a change fro moriginal dates set. Identification Cards which were issued for the Summer, Fall and Spring of 1944-45 will be revalidated for the Summer Term 1945 and must be turned in at the time of registra- Lion. The 1944-45 cards will be used for an additional term because of the shortage of film and paper, Lectures Hlopwood Lecture: Mr. Struthers Burt, American novelist, wil deliver the annual Hopwood lecture on the subject "The Unreality of Realism" at 3:00 p.m. CWT Friday, June 15, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. An- nouncement of the Hopwood Awards for the year 1944-45 will be made at the conclusion of the lecture. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule: English I Abel ...................... NS Aud Bader .... . ... . ...........'NS Aud Bromage.................NS Aud Davis ...... ...... . . NS Aud Oeterson ...... ...... NS Aud English 2 Bertram................C Haven 3oys ............ .......C Haven 'alver. .. G Haven 'isinger ................ C Haven Engel .................... 229 AH e verett .....................18 AH 7letchey ................ B Haven --ogle-.-.....--..............231 AH Ireenhut ................ 2231 AH P'awkins ..................231 AH layden.................B Haven Ueln .....................1.I8 AH --o-i--s-..................2235 AH Nelson..................2203 AH )gden ........ ........2203-AH ?earl .................... 2003 AH layment ................ 2029 AH (owe .............. .......2225 AH Iaylor ..................... 35 AH Vanderbilt ..................6 AlH Walker .................. 2003 AH Weaver ................... 2225 AH Wells .... . .............B Haven Wilhiams ................. 2003 AH German Department Room As- ignments for final examinations, :00-3:00 p.m. (CWT) Monday, June 8, 1945: German 1-All sections: 25 Angell 4all. German 2---Gaiss, Willey, Eaton, md Philippson; 101 Economics 3uilding; Reichart, Nordmeyer, triedieck, Pott, Meisel: C Haven Mall. German 31---All sections: 2231 An- ;ell Hall. German 32---All sections: 2003 An- tell Hall. English 45, Section 1 (Rowe) The inal examination will be held in toom 2231 Angell Hall. Mr. Landecker will not meet his rhursday, 9 o'clock (CWT) class, Sociology 54, nor his Thursday 10 o'clock (CWT) class, Sociology 165. Dgctoral Examination for Clarence Thomas DeGraaf, English Language 'nd Literature; thesis: "The Intro- luctory Course in Literature in the iberal Arts Colleges," today, 2:15 ).m. (CWT), in the East Council 'oom, Rackham Building. Chair- nan, C. . Thorpe. By action of the Executive Board he Chairman may invite members of he faculties and advanced doctoral ;andidates to attend this exainin- ition, and he may grant permission ;o those who for sufficient reason night wish to be present. Students who have competed in ,he Hopwood contests may obtain their manuscripts at the Hopwood Room on Monday or Tuesday after- noon of next week. Students who have won Hopwood prizes will be notified by special de- livery letter before Friday morning. Concerts The student recital by bey Rathbun, pianist, scheduled for tonight in delssohn Theatre, has poned. Elaine Ash- previously Lydia Men- been post- Student Recital: Sarah Hanby Gordon, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 7:00 p.m. (CWT), Friday, June 15, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. A pupil of Jos- Gosh, Mr. O'Molley, why does Gorgon h-. evi to tanAmin no efc-u Ii v